Looking Up Star Party: Part One with Troy Brewer

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well hello open-door Church blessing peace on you and the mighty name of King Jesus welcome guys the third-stage ranch and friends listen tonight is gonna be such a great night you're gonna love this I promise you I promise you you're absolutely gonna love this so be sure and like this and share this and do all this stuff but welcome guys to a really cool living room out here third-stage ranch with my really cool calling center team everybody go yeah awesome awesome awesome so these are the guys who answered the phone and these are the guys that are praying for people and you guys have done such a great job we're actually here today we're gonna to in because because we're gonna have our own star party tonight and we're gonna have a hootenanny I actually found my laser pointers while ago I was real scared I wasn't gonna be able to find them and I found them I like yay and Lyanna recently cleaned up my office which is good and bad right because she tends to just throw my junk away you got too much junk and she just throws away which is cool I'm okay with that I promise you I am I'm like that oh I don't know if y'all are bad cleaning people or y'all like is anybody in here clean freak okay I'm a slob and a clean freak at the same time at exactly the same time I love making messes but I like things being clean so I'm always kind of confused and so a lot of times I just say I'm just started alway but that's what I do so I was I was afraid that lianna was gonna throw away my laser pointers and she did not so we're gonna have a great time tonight what I thought what I thought we would do to kind of make all this work throughout the day before we have a big soiree in our big o party tonight and is that I thought I'd actually go over the book looking up and share it with everybody that's watching all over the world and everybody here has their own copy everybody go whoo oh no it's a big deal it's a big deal and so you have your own copy of looking up and I want to just tell everybody man if you don't have this you can get this call call eight seven seven four one three zero eight eight eight by the way can I just talk to you about that number real quick because when I got ready to do that they let me pick a number okay they let me there was like a million numbers and I looked through all those numbers and there was the only number that had eight eight eight in it we you guys know that 888 is Tamara the numerical value for the name Jesus but I didn't think about Philippians four three four one three zero eight eight eight and I also didn't think about it being a whole new beginning for the church eight seven seven and I mean it has been a whole new beginning for the church right I mean it has been a whole new beginning for the church and so so just remember that number new beginning a church seventy seven Philippians 4:13 Jesus that's us that's our number that's pretty dadgum cool isn't it I mean that is that is cool man I like that well when I first got on this during this first one si not we're just gonna be looking at we're gonna be talking about the whole concept of God speaking through the heavens and why he would do that the taboo subject of it because up until just recently just within the past few years this was considered witchcraft this was considered very taboo in the body of Jesus for you to preach something like this or show something like this is guaranteed a huge stack of hate mail by people going you know you're leading people astray you're the devil this is witchcraft this is not witchcraft this is astronomy this is not astrology there's a big difference between astronomy and astrology and when it comes to astronomy like okay so are you all you see in this as science no what I see is Jesus in the science that's what I see and it's made so that we can see Jesus in the science as a matter of fact God has created everything around us to illustrate a kingdom principle or to show us the heart of the Father now I'm sure that the Pharisees and the Sadducees pointed out to King Jesus that he had the devil in him which they did you know he has a devil in him he's like well the devil can't cast out the devil amen but with that said he whenever he was like you know I see God speaking through that man that's plowing in that field over there or I see God speaking there's a kingdom word or the kingdom of heaven is just like that when it comes to that woman sweeping the house which by the way is about the father looking for someone to be saved so he actually used a woman to illustrate God oh my god imagine writing a book called the shack and doing something like that that's blasphemous right doesn't matter if it's on the Bible so I'm like okay which by the way I'm friends with Paul Young I'm the guy who wrote the shack and and there's biblical what I'm saying is there's nothing taboo about using anything to illustrate the heart of King Jesus the point is that you're illustrating the heart of King Jesus nothing now the verse or that is Romans chapter 1 verse 20 okay and it says the invisible things of him from the creation of the world even his eternal power and Godhead are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made that is a very fancy way of saying this all the stuff that you can't see and figure out about God you can through the things that are made around you that's the Pescatore version of that verse that God is speaking and he's through a huge volume and an incredible volume through the things that are going around on around us but that's just king that's just Kingdom living that's all about living the prophetic life that's all about living a prophetic lifestyle because when it comes to the heavens there's no guesswork involved in all he actually placed those stars and those constellations there to actually tell us something to actually be a prophetic sign to us now one of the things that I discovered when I first started studying this was that before the let me put it this way the Word of God is not just written in the Bible the Word of God is also being written within our hearts right and someday we will all stand before the Lord and the Bible says and the books were opened we are the books and everything that is within us shall be revealed everything that God did shall be revealed everything that God whispered to us and we had the audacity by faith to believe all of those things going to be broke all of those things are gonna be brought on to the light and the whole world is gonna say what a beautiful story oh my gosh right but those things are hidden right now right before the word was written in our hearts it was written in the book and we know that 66 books 40 possibly 44 different authors it took 16 hundred years to write this thirty 1171 verses from Kings to the poorest of the poor wrote this and there's a continuity that goes through it beginning at Genesis 1 and ending in Revelation 22 it is one word and it is one word to illustrate that there is one God for the Lord your God is one correct so not just not just the words of Jesus are prophetic and the words of the Prophet are prophetic but the way the words are written are also prophetic jesus said every jot and every tittle must be fulfilled right remember all that that means every crossing of the t and never dotting of the I prophesized that's what that means if the if there's a fulfillment of the prophecy of how the T's are crossed and how the I's are dotted then that means that how the T's are crossed and how the I's are dotted prophesy right on so the order of the book and the way that the book is written the numbers of things all the way through it those things are prophetic signs to us for those who have an ear and for those who have an eye to see now you could ask the question why don't why don't you just dude why don't you just tell us plainly and he's like I want to tell you why and he explains this in Matthew 13 13 does anybody know what 13 represents rebellion yay way to go man 13 original colonies right we're Abell right 13 days Alamo we rebelled right the 13th amendment right we rebel right so thirteen represents rebellion and rebellion there's only a bad thing if you rebelled against God if you rebel with God is because you have a different spirit than what the world does and we're supposed to have a difference but God loves rebellion do you guys know that that God loves her billion listen God's honor II don't think he isn't I'll tell you God loves rebellion he just hates it when people were rebelling against him listen God loves vengeance so much he says it's mine I don't know if you've ever thought about that but it's like why do you he's like because I want to exact my furious vengeance upon those who have harmed my children I that's that's for me and anytime that we take vengeance upon somebody else were robbing God we're stealing that from the Lord it was like that's mine so he actually loves rebellion he loves going tell those people know our go tell Pharaoh yes you're going to let them go and just rebound go up there and just repel just go do that even Jesus was born from a lady by the name of Mary right her authentic name is actually Miriam but that's a whole nother story but but Mary means rebel Jesus is born out of rebellion I ain't living this way I ain't doing that just because I happened when my parents doesn't mean that I have to carry that on IRA Bell amen I've always been mad I've always got to always have unforgiveness I would bail I'm not living like that anymore well so those 13s all the way through the Bible represent rebellion and in Matthew 13 13 he says this is why I speak unto you in parables because they see but they see not and they hear they hear not like what is that he says the reason I'm not just spelling it out but the reason I'm giving it to you in prophetic parables is this I don't want those guys to get it but Jesus doesn't want everybody to get it no if he does not like yes he does jesus loves everybody yes he loves everybody but him loving you does not qualify you for knowing his heart you loving him requalified is what qualifies you for Nora's heart so he's like you're not gonna keep me from being God I'm gonna show it to everybody but the only people that's going to see it are people who are looking for and so it is with the heavens so it is with the heavens so before the Bible was written in our hearts the Bible was being written in the Bible and before the Bible was written in the book it was written in the heavens before anybody had a book anybody ever had a book that you know gave us the Word of God God pre-programmed human beings first and the natural to always want to connect dots something weird if you put a bunch of dots on page you want to connect those dots it's just the way that God made our amazing brains but secondly he also programmed human beings to look up connect the dots and to know what those things were now that's an amazing thing because like if you look at Virgo it doesn't actually look like you know a virgin woman and that's like a big mess of stars is what it looks like but yet through every culture in the world when you look up at it everybody's like I know what that is that is a woman right or if you look at Leo I think actually Leo looks a lot more like a lion than eating the rest of them but dude I don't know something like like Pisces hell in the world would know what Pisces is unless you knew what Pisces is everybody knew and as a matter of fact the father himself told Abram Abraham go outside and look up at the stars if you want to know the number and if you want to know what your inheritance is all about it's like that well he wasn't just looking at the stars and I don't I don't know if you guys know this or not but but when you're looking at at a nighttime sky the most stars you think there's millions and millions because your mind imagines there's millions of millions but you can only see about two thousand two thousand stars if your eyesight is the best on on the planet Earth there's only that's a NASA study how many stars can somebody actually see with their with their naked eye you can only see about two thousand but in your mind you see millions okay and it's another way that God made things has anybody here ever been to to Israel to the Holocaust Museum all right I'm so wrong some of you guys went there with us right when you first go into the Holocaust Museum they're very is a memorial that is that was made by Steven Spielberg and it's a it's a memorial to all the children of the Holocaust okay so whenever we think of the six million Jews that died during the Holocaust we don't think that several don't we don't realize that several million of those six million human beings were children you know they were just kids that didn't understand the world why does everybody hate us what's happened why are these people mean to us where why are we on this train what's going on and I mean they'd lived in a world there's there's no way that they could understand heck I don't understand it and I'm 53 right alright so he makes this incredible memorial and they have the names of all those kids and someone as you go through this you hear the voice of somebody in the background saying you know I don't know Sarah Kant or 14 didn't mark and then they'll say Benjamin whoever nine Warsaw and they'll do this it takes several years to say those names several years and they just say it non-stop 24 hours a day then it takes several years to say those names and just just like that when you go into that room you're looking at a million million million lights however many of those people there are there's that many little flames don't they it's a trick that they do through through you know mirrors and whatnot but what's real is there's only a couple of thousands of those but in your mind you think you are seeing millions and millions of lights and that's one of the ways that God built our human brain and he built it knowing how we would view the solar system so that we would see what he wanted us to see it's it's very interesting and very very very interesting to me how that works okay so whenever Abraham went outside with Isaac he looked up and he said do you know what that is and he says no dad once you tell me and he said we'll tell you this blah blah blah and they knew and they knew what all the constellations were they knew what all the constellations were so much so that in the book of Exodus whenever they got rid to leave Egypt to go towards the Promised Land the first thing that Joshua that Joshua ordered is that you can leave but everybody has to leave in ranks of five I want everybody come out in fives everybody know what five means right grace that's exactly right she's like I wouldn't noted that this this is by God's grace that we're actually doing this right okay the second thing that happen was when they got out into the wilderness and they encamped around the presence of God he had three he had three that went north three that went east three that went south and three though and three that went west which by the way the motto of the Bible was you don't camp around a sermon you camp around the presence okay that's a really big deal for us at open door right not that we can't preach hello but but obviously we want to we don't want to camp out around a sermon we want to camp around the presence of God that's what we want to do but here's what's amazing so there's 12 tribes of Israel right well there are 12 signs in the heavens and every single one of the Israelis tribes have a sign that represents their tribe some of them are very easy to figure out for example Judah that would be Leo right you guys all track guys all tracking with me on that I I want to go through all those I know that I know that Dan is Scorpio and we could do all that we could go we could go through all that but here's what's amazing once you know what the twelve tribes represent and once you look at the camp and how they're stationed is exactly the way it is in heaven Moses actually caused them to be stationed according to the plan that is within the heavens that's how much he saw that as the Word of God and then he was the very first person that ever brought brought down the Word of God in a in a written form right so it was like the handoff was from the heavens to the stone happened through Moses now there's a verse for this and I have this in my book and it says this when they encamped they had their signs it says said they that they had their shields in front of them and their infants were on their shield what is there incense it was the sign that was within the heavens so Judah had Leo out in front of it right we could go on and on and on and it was stay it was exactly once you know the rotation just like this little rotation that I have right up here that that cycle was exactly the cycle that was camped around the presence of God not in the form of the constellations but in the form of the tribes which screamed the redemption story which is what that screams now when it comes to the signs in the heavens I can tell you that not all constellations are actually a sign what determines if a constellation is a sign or not is if the Sun goes through it there's only 12 major constellations that the Sun goes through okay and so there's there's hundreds and hundreds is actually around 360 constellations but there's only 12 that the Sun passes through and whenever we say well this is this month and it goes with a sign of whatever we're not saying that that's what you can see at nighttime we're saying the Sun isn't it right now it's exactly opposite of what people think well let's just talk about the whole thing of those signs because because you and I as godly people we don't like any kind of form of witchcraft right witchcraft is when you learn the things of God without giving God credit for anything and it's also when you make yourself God because you know those things now Romans 1:20 talks about what happens when you take this and you turn it into witchcraft oh you got you guys remember the first part of it it says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world even his eternal power and Godhead are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made so that they are without excuse and then it says but when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were they thankful but they became vain in their imaginations and professing themselves to be wise they became fools that that's witchcraft he's like look God put all this in creation and some knuckleheads choose to worship the creation professing themselves they will be wise but they become faithless or fools a fool says in his heart that there is no God that's what foolishness is it's faithlessness think I'm preaching good I'm telling you you guys are anointed you guys you guys brought it anointing so so what determines if it's a sign the sign okay well let's just let's talk about is it okay to do that okay because look we hate witchcraft and I will never ever ever consult a knucklehead that doesn't hear the voice of God to tell me my pastor my president or my future or my identity please devil will you please interpret my identity I don't think so right like right now you don't get to speak your trash into my life amen all right but here's the deal in Genesis and the book of Genesis and in the 24th verse it says that God on the fourth day that God created the Sun and the moon and the stars right if he tells us why he created the Sun Moon stars is for different reasons this is what the Sun of the Moon and stars are it's not for light so I want you guys think about he created the the Sun Moon and stars on what day okay he already had light so he didn't create it for life he said let there be light or light be so it's a decree means that's this is how it is God said it and this is how it is it's a royal decree and it has to be that way let there be light boom but he didn't create the southern moon stars until the fourth day Jesus is the light of the world and when he said I'm the light of the world it wasn't just a metaphor he actually is the light of the world I mean he is and he was and he is yet to come amen it's beautiful Whitman so he creates the Sun Moon and stars for was first one first reason first bull out of the shoot that God said I'm going to put all this together the way I'm gonna put it is for signs signs seasons days and years signs seasons days and years Jesus said in the last days that there will be signs in the Sun and the moon and the stars right okay so you'd call that witchcraft if you want to but you're leaving God's camp you're leaving the counsel of God when you put it all under the category of witchcraft so there's a strange religious thing where everybody does this and says dude that's all the devil and I don't want to look into that that is the devil I do not want to participate in any way whatsoever they also do that with numbers right oh my god that is Kabbalah that's what that is you're a caballo I'm not a Kabbalah give me a break you knucklehead right I am a drop dead so doubt Jesus Freak that wants to glorify God through everything and so like well no you know what Pastore I'm sorry but there's there's 6,000 years of human history that you have take that that human beings have taken the things of the heavens and they perverted it we can never participate in that you don't say that about sex so shut up you don't say that about money oh I'll be all about sex and money but don't look at the Stars because people have done bad things with that yeah give me a break you don't mess with me I'll just tell you I have the gift of real and I'll tell you what's real is if you're looking for Jesus you can find him if you want to pervert things you can pervert those things and that's on you but we're not gonna do that that's not what we're going to do the first reason why God created the Sun and the moon in stars is actually four prophetic signs so what is a prophetic sign it's something that declares the Word of God right it's something that actually declares it now this thing is a rotation this thing is a rotation and it begins with Virgo the virgin and it goes through all 12 steps until it ends up with Leo the line of the tribe of Judah and what it is is actually the plan of redemption it is literally the plan of redemption and it begins with Genesis chapter 3 the promise of the seed of the woman exactly where the first promise of the Messiah is the first sign in the heavens tells us the same exact thing as the first promise of the Messiah and then the last promise of the Messiah is that Jesus Christ rules and reigns forever and ever and ever in the last of the 12 signs is not Revelation chapter 22 but the constellation that represents the revelation chapter and it's Leo the Lion of the tribe of Judah so it goes through those steps now it's time for me to finish and so i we're about to get into we're about to start recording session two for everybody if they want and we'll show that next week i only have like three minutes left this this was a fast 30 minutes what now right on no this stuff is good stuff and this stuff is deep stuff this stuff is this stuff will change your life if if you're willing if you're willing to wrap your head in your heart around it so does anybody have a question before before we go any further I think I shared earlier that I was walking on my street with walking my dog and I noticed someone's address was 12 12 0 I thought wow 12 12 zero and then I remembered well my dress is 12 12 5 so I started thinking about 5s and the 12 and though I know that 5 is for grace yes I think that I could take a little more clarification on the 12 and the fact that there's two twelves and you were talking about the tribe so I that immediately came to mind okay so so whenever you saw that you knew that you knew that God was speaking something to you the importance of being and were stewards stuff like that you know the Bible says lead not to you thing not to your own understanding all right what's the next part what's the next part plate mama Virginia that's right and then all your ways acknowledge him right right on so that third part and all your ways acknowledge him so like okay well a lot of people get that I'm going to trust God part and then a lot of people go I'm not gonna lean to my own understanding but they don't learn how to acknowledge the Lord in all their ways that when they're walking down the street and see a number and they know it's God go whoa I need to search that out because the Lord is actually speaking that to me we have to learn to acknowledge him in all of our ways which means you have to invite him into every single part of your life that there is not one single part of your life that there's not something between you and God going it now if you have a big part of your life that God's not in that ain't good that's not good at all right fine so 12 12 5-12 12 5 okay we know that the number 12 represents perfect government right and I have a whole list of 12s that is actually in this book there are 12 major constellations in the heavens there's 12 hours and there's 12 hours in a day there's 12 hours at night there's 12 tribes of Israel there's 12 disciples right on what are some other swallows came by think of any other to us the 12 sir okay there's 12 months in a year that's another one there's 12 months in a year right on so even even even like 60 seconds or 60 minutes that's a 12 times right and then you oh that's just whatever God measures this is how I'm governing things and this is how this is proof that I'm governing something okay he likes his stamp the number 12 on it okay so 12 but if it's 12 12 it's like a lot of people ask me I Troy what is 11 11 because everybody see an 11 11 everywhere all over the worlds like 11 11 and 2 2 2 or that are the two big things that everybody asked me about but I can but I can tell you this when God repeats something it's like if he says Adam Adam or if he says Martha Martha or if he says Abraham Abraham it literally means stop what you're doing and get with this program okay any time that Jesus says your name twice okay and if you do a huge study all the way through the Bible when God when God gave any time that God says somebody's name or Jesus says somebody's names twice it means stop what you're doing and I'm gonna show you what the program is we know that God speakers want God speaketh once yet twice yet man perceives it not right so he's like okay if the Lord is repeating something that puts an extra emphasis on the thing that he's actually saying so I would say that by God's grace the five the Lord is beginning to govern something in your life or it's time where there's been something that has not been governed for God to say this thing is coming into perfect order and I'm gonna govern it now and I would say and didn't you say it did you say that it was an address I want I want to just tell you when it comes to an address I mean if you dream that that was an address so that has to do with a house that has to do with you know where you live right that has to do with that right and I would I would say specifically that you see in that God speaking to you but you know what again acknowledging him in all of your ways is how you do dream interpretation you live this life all day long going if that was a dream what would this mean okay so listen I'm about to pray and next week we will continue into this and we'll get an even deeper and deeper and deeper before we actually even get into the constellations this is going to be great are you guys ready okay King Jesus we love you Lord and we praise you and we thank you God that your presence is here father God sir we want to see what you want to see in God we don't want to mess it up God we don't want to mess it up and God we don't want to be afraid either a pray Lord got a mighty sir that you would indeed give us unobstructed views of your heart lord I thank you King Jesus sir that you have given us the Sun and the moon and the stars and God that you put great signs in the Sun and the moon and stars I pray God that you give us wisdom father God give us wisdom give us understanding give us your knowledge toward God and give us the joy that goes with those things and I thank you God for your amazing plan of redemption Lord God in Jesus money name we pray everybody here stay together amen amen friends listen I'm gonna let you guys go it's way too seen I don't you wish we're still gonna do more don't shy away show we're here don't you wish they were all here right now don't you don't you know they're jealous hey guys listen join us be back here next Wednesday we have a whole lot more of this we're actually gonna do this for tonight and we're gonna have four huge sessions of this guys until the next time I see you guys will love y'all and I call you the head and not the tail above and not beneath and highly favored of the Lord bye-bye everybody
Channel: OpenDoor Experience
Views: 1,085
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: OpenDoor Church, Burleson Texas, OpenDoor, Texas Church, Burleson Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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