Wednesday Fasting Service - December 18, 2019

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Oh glory to God i decree it up on your people name and that the remainder of the service shall be tremendous for everyone those who stand in this sphere will get hope in their breasts I speak feature for one annoying the servant that will bring the Word of God refresh and revive all of us father and we give you praise and glory in Jesus name lift up your hands and give Him praise and thanks adorn the kingdom of heaven give him praise and glory hallelujah glory if I am thank you lord thank you Jesus god bless you remain standing please our speaker today sometimes I choose the speakers sometimes the prayer warriors do you don't know when I do are when I don't okay you only know when I speak so we thank the Lord for the air prayerful hearts from time to time to invite ministers and brethren to share the Word of God and this morning is it still morning well this afternoon early afternoon minister nin Thorpe will be sharing the Word of God with us I want you to put your hands together and receive him as he comes at the end of the service we'll ask you to give your offerings god bless you Alleluia I'll just lift your hands and just worship the Lord hallelujah whoa Jesus we magnify you and we glorify you Lord God because you are worthy hallelujah we bless your holy name mighty God hallelujah hallelujah we sense your presence in this place and we just want to give you all the glory all the honor all the praise because there is none like unto you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise God praise God you may be seated may be seated hallelujah this afternoon I just wanna give God praise I just wanna give him honor because of who he is and I just want to take time out to greet our Bishop Bishop dr. Dell for Davis and his wife Minister dr. Petrova Davis I want to greet all the officers all the ministers I just wanna greet you in northern aim but the name Jesus is that Amen because he is truly our Savior and our Redeemer praise God I am happy to be here this morning and I believe that I have a word from God to all of us this afternoon I just pray that we will just listen to what God has to say and once we listen to what he has to say then we will be the better for it is that a man praise God I'm going to be reading two passages of Scripture I don't mind you seated I give you the permission today to be seated we have been here from morning some of us have been standing and so forth and so on I want you to turn your Bibles the numbers numbers chapter 17 and I'll be reading a few verse from numbers and when you find numbers you can also find Saint John chapter 50 in and again I'll be reading a few verses from Saint John chapter 15 today by the grace of God I'll be very timely very timely with this word I'm going to be readings and John I'm sorry number 17 and it reads and the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel and take of every one of them arrived according to the house of their fathers of all their principles according to the house of their fathers 12:12 rod right though ever my name upon his rod and and thou shalt write Aaron's name upon the rod of Levi for one rod shall be for the head of the house of their father and thou shalt lay them in the tabernacle of the congregation before the testimony wherein I will meet with you and it shall come to pass that the manner at whom I shall choose shall blossom and I will make you cease for me in the morning of the children of Israel whereby the morn murmur against you and Moses spake unto the children of Israel and every one of their princess gave him a rod a piece a rod appears for each princess one according to their father's house even the 12 rod and the rod of Aaron was among the rods and Moses led up the rod before the Lord in the tabernacle of witnesses and it came to pass that on the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle of witnesses and behold the rod of Aaron from the house of Levi was bullied and brought forth buds and blossom and heal Amin praise God turn your Bible to st. John notes and John 15 I am The True Vine and my father is the husband every branch in me that beareth no fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he project it and it may bring forth more fruit now he are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can he accept you abide in me I am the vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without he can do nothing if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and it withered and men gather them and cast them in the fire and they are burned if he abide in me and my words abide in you he shall ask what he will and it shall be done unto you herein is my father glorified that he bear fruit much fruit so shall he be my disciples let's pray father nothing Lord God for the kingdom is done by might nor by power and so Lord God here are your people waiting Lord God and upon a word from you for their lives father I pray that you will speak to me and speak through me Lord that each and every one of us can be blessed each and every one of us Lord can find direction through your word for our life father I pray that you will bind every force of darkness that would want a hinder us in any way Lord from hearing your word I pray God that when all is said and done you will be glorified and your people will be edified and father we give you thanks for everything Jesus name Amen today I want to talk to us from a very simple theme and the theme for today is you will bloom again turn to someone and say you will bloom again turn to someone else and say it with confidence you will bloom again hallelujah brothers and sisters I believe that this time of the year for whole lot of us is testing and some for us it's a worrying time it's the end coming to the end of a new of a year you know people begin to wonder what will happen to them for the new year some might be saying boy this year has been a very bad or a challenging year for me and I do not know what is going to happen I'm here to tell you you will bloom again but before you bloom I recognize that there is something that we need to do the Bible says in st. John 15 I am The True Vine and for every one of us to bloom again we need to understand that we need to abide in Christ you know there are a whole lot of people who will tell you that they love God and they serve God and they they adore God but you see there's a difference when you abide in Christ because we see too many times we come to Christ and we come to him primarily for what God want from his people is that we need to abide in him because if Jesus is the vine and you abide in then you need to seek nothing because you will be able to produce after the kind that you are abiding in and so he says to us we need to abide in him the children of Israel they had a serious serious problem in the camp but I want to talk to them and to deal with them and they were kept murmuring to Moses and God says to Moses hear what you do let the princess bring rods and you know rod is come after three of a tree and the rod brothers and sisters is something that is dried because it is cut from the vine it's dried up and all it was used for is to for the authority of the Prince to use it we know that Shepherds use rod it's a drastic but I know it carefully that Moses took that rod and he laid it in the house of God what we need to do brothers and sisters is to make sure that we are not just attending a church but we need to make sure that our lives are pleased in the hand of God and when you place your hand your life in the hand of God God will use it you know to man it would have looked so stupid to take a dry piece of stick and bring it into the house of God but God can use anything if it is delivered in his hands you see when we deliver our life into the hand of God it will begin to fulfill it purpose in God so I say to us this afternoon there's absolutely no need to fear what will come in the new year if we abide in Christ the Bible says that Moses took those rods and he laid them as it were upon the altar of God but not the Word of God told Moses God told Moses what would have happened he says it's going to bloom again you know because God wanted to assure to his people that he is God and the Bible says that in the morning when Moses went into the temple the rod bloom again and it was able to be identified what tree it was made of because it not only bloom but it blossomed and not only blossom but appear brothers and sisters why not lay yourself at the altar of God and you don't have to focus and what you want from God because God knows of what material you are made he knows what material we are made of but you see the cooling or self on the altar is our responsibility you know how other people may have written you off some people say you are too old now you're dried up there is nothing can come out of you because you are dead dried tell them that might be true but there is a place that you're going to bloom again and tell them to just wait a while because you are going to lead for 2020 at the altar of God and when you lay your life at the altar of God God is going to come true for you you are going to bloom again and when you begin to bloom they're not all the way to see blossoms but the word that God tell me that they are going to see the fruit so you might be here and you are saying you used to do a business and the business feel it's time to bloom again just lay yourself Lea what you have at the altar of God and watch God turn it around you might be saying to yourself you used to go to school but you cannot find the money to go to school in 2020 lay yourself at the altar of God and I guarantee you today that you won't have to focus on going to school because the Bible says Jesus says I am the vine and you are the branches and if you connect to the vine you must be a fruit no devil no demon nothing from Hell can stop you from bearing fruit because you would have heard the Word of God and once you hear the word of God let no man discourage you let no man discourage you you see sometimes the enemy would want us to focus and what the world is seeing and what situation exist in the world today and because of that the world paints a picture of gloom but the Bible said that Jesus is the light of the world and if Jesus is the light of the world then that light should shine through his children because his children abides in him I've always said that God knows everything best and there is I always say there is a pie for that God has created there is an opportunity that God has created and every one of his children your name is written on a slice but if you do not lay yourself at the altar of God you will always be asking God for it you will always be searching for it because you see when you come to Christ he has already made it available to us but unless we lay our self and abide in him we will never understand what he wants of us he says in verse 6 of chapter 15 of st. John he said if any man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and his withered you see if you don't abide in Christ 20:20 will not be the year that you shine why did he say that if you abide not in him you're cast forth because he is the sustainer of the world anything that you want that is good and peace and happiness and joy it only come to Jesus Christ and you see the world would as it were try to come into the church and try to fool some of us that's why you find that so many people come to Christ and when they come to Christ they do not focus on the relationship that they need to build with him but they focus on their physical need and they are always crying to God for things they're always reaching out to God for things and not realizing that the Word of God is true and the Word of God says seek ye first the kingdom of God you see that's what the child of God need to do is to make sure that we're in the kingdom we don't need to be in the kingdom of God in words but we need to be in the kingdom of God in truth and when you're in the kingdom of God in truth all when you don't have a physical mean you have a joy on the inside you know the woman who had a little oil she said to herself that she is going to just be a kick and little mean and Annika oil she's going to just bake it and then die but she heard a word from the Prophet she heard a word from the man of God are we hearing a word from God today for this age are you hearing a word from God for your situation from my situation you know you might be sick in body but all you need is a word and might I say to us that word that we need from God is not far off you don't have to go searching for it the word that you need from God is in the house it's right in the house the word you will hear from God might not play upon your emotions the word you hear from God might not be the word that you want to hear but I guarantee you that if you take that words seriously if you let that words circle in your spirit even with the sickness in the body you will be okay because if you check the life of Paul when you check his life he had an impediment he had an impediment but he went to God about it and when he went and reasoned with God and the answer came the book check how much books of the Bible was written after he got the answer he did not worry about that again because the answer came my grace is sufficient for you and I'm saying to you this afternoon and I'm saying to myself that we are going to bloom again though they have written us off as been old and dry though they say nothing good can come out of you if you are bride in Christ everything will be cycled because guess what Jesus is still the same yesterday today and forever and he's here for his own he says if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done so there is no need to go all over the place to be finding the will of God the will of God brothers and sisters is for us to abide that's the will of God and once we accept the will of God and abide in him it is second you will bloom again you know so many people today are living without hope but sometimes you ask yourself the question how come so many people trying to find a hope outside of Christ outside of God you know the devil is a liar because he has crossed some people to seek help from other sources but those will not lapse only things from God for God's people Willa's so it doesn't matter what you have lost in this life I'm here to tell you that if you abide in Christ and you lay everything about us at the altar of God that we are going to bloom again because the Word of God says in verse 7 if you abide in me and my words abide in you he shall ask what he will and it shall be done so I say to us let us get it right you see the rod could not bloom again until it was laid on the altar some of us want to bloom before we are laid we want to see things change in our lives before we are laid we want to see God bless us but we do not have a relationship with him you see I have come to learn that for God's people to prosper and be in good health is a wish that God has but he also have a bigger wish and that is the wish that we as children of God need to begin to focus on he says I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers I'm asking the question today is your soul prospering because you see we have the answer is our soul prospering if our soul is prospering then we would learn what it is to be contented in whatever spirit we find ourself in I have come to learn that not having material things as a believer should not dampen our spirit in God if you have not material things you can rest in God because you are taking him at his word he says I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread you see in 2020 I don't matter what you have gone through this year as long as you stay righteous you will never beg bread once you are connected to God even if you cannot find the money to do the operation God says he's standing by you because God must get the glory out of his people life you see the enemy can only promise you things because when he does that he's trying to compete with God for his glory but the enemy things will not last but when God gives you something it will never bring you sorrow those who get things from the enemy even at night they can't sleep but when God bless you you lay down unsleep and you don't just sleep but the Bible say your sleep becomes sweet so it's time to lay yourself at the altar of God and watch God because God will get the glory everything that God does for his people he do it to glorify the Father but the enemy is a trickster and we need to know him by now we you know he causes us to focus so much on material things so much and mighty your salvation my salvation it's more than material things you know God have the ability to change our life in a moment he has that ability to do it check what happened in the numbers in one night a dry piece of stick that is a rod that may have been cast away a rod that may have put away in some cupboard but God says get the rod and I'm not carefully God says write your names on it you know why because God knows every one of us name and he knows where we live it will your name will not get mixed up your position your blessing will not get mixed up with anybody else blessing that's why he says write the name on it because when your name is written on the rod and the blessing start to happen no demon not ever from Hell can begin to say it's a mix of blessing just lift up the rod I'm sure them that your name was written on it while you were going through your trial while you were going Julius Preston use the rod as a testament because God is about to turn your life around hallelujah he's about to turn it around for you your name is written in the trial rod your name is written with sickness your name is read with pain your name is written with heartache but it's about to turn around your rod is about to bloom your rod is about some your rod is a boat to beer and they are going to be able to identify that is only God could have done it for you give him some praise give him some glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you know you cannot preach a message like this and not mentioned robe because job is a leg or example job had it all job did not lose it because of his fearlessness but I'm here to say that job life is an example in so many ways I don't care if what you had you lost it to your own carelessness you are now on the altar of God and because you're on the altar of God you need to stop focusing on what you had lost because what you had lost you have lost it and it is gone stop talking about it stop murmuring about it stop blaming yourself about it you have done what you need to do and that is lay yourself at the altar because the altar is about to change your life mazi job did not lose his own because of his carelessness but he lost it because the enemy grudge him for it the enemy grudge him for his relationship you see the enemy don't grudge for what you possess because the enemy know that what you and I possess is going to end right here he knows that if you have good health it's going to end right here he knows that if you have all the roles and the money it's going to end right here but job the enemy wreck nice that a relationship with God is the most important thing any man can possess because if you have a committed relationship with God things must come you didn't hear me I said if you have a relationship with God things must come how do I know that check gerbil are true job discourse when you listen to the man of God when he speak and his friend speak about him all you saw true hizmet true is talking was a relationship a relationship with God even when job says I turned to the left run I turned to the right hand and job said look here I don't know where God is right now I'm going to right now source is upon me and you don't understand job sir job sir I believe his medication was ashes so he lie in the ashes because when the fly pitch on the sewer it then made eggs and turned worm but he had to use ashes to cover it and he says he uses stone to scrape it but Allah that he was going true but he recognized that God is still the Creator and he still give God the glory can you imagine he was going to hell and he searched for God because he's a human being he searched for him and when he searched and searched I guess he just relaxed and he says guess what one thing I know he knows the way that I did so I know that God not searching for me I know that I'm not hidden from God I know that God nor the power that idea and that part is a righteous part I'm saying to you this afternoon I'm saying to myself you're going to bloom again but you have a responsibility before you can bloom again do not focus on because you see I do job I don't believe that he was praying to God to get back the things that he has lost the things that you lost is not what God wanted to give you for whatever reason you have lost it but God want to show to you shorter the enemy that you were not attached to it and you see because you and your your season you end or your sick season God will bless you with a body that this time your enemy ways see you and I'm going to say what happened to you how your body looks off because when they knew it when it was going to the sickness when they knew it when you are going to the peon and are they used to hear yourself Jesus know that when look and up buddy and then when say a body look new because God recognize that he's going to get the glory out of that new body you see a very finances you might be before you lost it you were just surviving the business was a hand-to-mouth business and you lose it may be your own carelessness but as I said lay yourself at the altar and when you do don't focus on any business do not focus and you want from God unless is you're focusing on God I want to learn how to abide in you God I want to every move a move it's your virtue I want to see floor to my vin when a speed god I want to be able to speak the said the Word of God when I lost them I see God smiling all over me when I cried a mercy anointing in my crying when I'm baring my pian they must see anointing in my pian they must never hear me complain and when I said God is good whoever's standing beside me should feel impacted by the anointing of God because I'm speaking things into being I'm saying I know that God is I'm saying that I know that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and because I know is able to do exceedingly abundantly above guess what I can trust him I can trust him and there are some of us there are some of us right the woman with the little oil you see that liquid oil you have since you heard a word from the mouth of God the woman heard a word it's important to hear a word and not any word when people abide in God than read they will know when God's weak because some of us have little oil and is not God we're hearing from and we're running with illegal oil and we're putting it in the wrong place I'm not carefully the man of God didn't tell the woman go give away the oil but the word the word was collect vessel you have a word in your spirit for business you have a word in your spirit for education it's time you act upon it the man of God says collect and collect not a few for years you've been sitting down and you know I've gotta burn something in your spirit but you're looking for the abundance to put it in place it's time to work the liquor because God is going to transform the liquor your food might be sick you might have being in your hip and you tell yourself you cannot move it it's time to move it a liquor you're sick and you're laying in bed every year it's time to roll over do something because God has spoken a word and his word is not about to return to Him void so the Prophet says to the woman woman what you have for too long you've been hiding what you have you cannot bloom if you hide what you have if the rod was hidden if the if Aaron ever brought that rod and get his name written on it you would never have read in the word that it bloom again some of us have some liquor and you keep saying you don't have anything check it when you read the text the woman did say to the Prophet I have nothing and so many people come to God and they keep altering it every day did not have anything hello what you have God needs something to work with you have a relationship with garden it's time to act upon the relationship you know we're waiting for the truck Lordan to say we have something but woman recognize that the Prophet was a serious man and I believe after the Prophet said to her what you have the woman maybe to like some of us and get quiet and start to think and she said prophet prophet because you see she expect God to just do it for her like that and the Prophet said what you have the nor did what she did she says prophet in our truth I have a liquor oil and I believe when she utter that word she still expect the Prophet to just do something and she enjoy life but the Prophet said to her Barbara some of us in the kingdom of God need to get up and go do something every year you come on you talk to God but you're not doing anything and you're watching others been blessed and you know recognizes because they're doing something it's time to get up and do something so she Anna's son Warren the village some of us want to work out that the presence of God driving the work and do something God blessed in your heart in 2019 rep 2020 become a year of action get up and do something because you are connected to the vine so when you connected virtual leave the vine and you are the branch in when coming to you and your life is going to change but if you are still here at the point he says he might cut you off you're connected to the vine get up and do something with your life and when you begin to do check jobber drew was sick but he did something the Bible says he prayed you're on your sick bed stop praying for yourself find somebody else some prayer for them job never pray for himself he turned the spotlight because he knows he's connected to heaven and he recognized that his friend need help so he turned a spotlight on his friends and he began to pray for them you know you might be seeking people saying things about you and you begin to cross them out to the point that we want to come back to your hospital bed I'll come back to your oath let them talk prove God that is in you know turn on prayer for them call them aside tell them you think me wicked you think is because the scene where I'm going true I'm going to my prom let my prayer for you because I recognize you need help and I'm not when if you leave my bedside and don't get help because I'm connected to the helper and the Bible says when he turn a prayer for his friend his situation turn around he never pray for himself it's time to pray for those who you need to pray for shift the focus in 2020 the woman went and did as the Prophet said she collected containers just picture it she come back our hosts sometimes you watch on television today and they have the program were the people who were the kind of old stuff sometime they cannot even find that bed in the house I believe that woman could be described as a hoarder of containers but she was acting upon a word and what she did she went back to the Prophet sometimes some of us see a little light at the end of the tunnel I ever go back to God you don't go back to the source from whence it's that you feel you have reached all the Prophet says collect Kranthi honor country and I need content some of you all tomorrow let me say us some of us all we have is grantee honor because it was stopped long enough at the feet of Jesus the final work must go in Cantina because when God tell you what to go in Cantina nothing can stop you so they about to you carry the Kantian arm and your head to the wrong source you start to seek advice from the wrong source you have 20 nm and you have a water container but you need advice ship out the master you run too quick from the Alta and let me say to us God knows the heart God knows our heart you see you can't we all of us can fool all of us and sometimes that give you the cantina to prove that you're not connected because if you're connected to him you would have to go to him to ask him what to do with the Kantian ah so the woman is a wise woman she went back to the source sir I've collected all again my horse is no fool of cantina but Sir still have a little oil I still have the liquor oil but guess what the word will come the word will come it will not tarry the man of God says to her go back close the door I'll begin to pour and I note even when because oil is big business when she begins to pour an all-county an affair she still go back for instruction you have illegal business and it might be blooming you still need instruction you see God's people need to understand it's not by might nor by power nothing you do is by might nor by power when you find that you'll be able to roll out the bed seek instruction do whatever seek the service who could make you start to roll out of the bed because you start to roll no you tell them carry your bourgeois sir see construction you begin to put down back little weird see construction you will see cannot tell you what to do follow these steps of God stop or no Gaston follow other people you're here start to grow back cancer is under a crime seek instruction continually seek instruction when the pots were full everything full she went back to the man of God man of God everything full have I left man of God tell her what to do and I have always said you don't have to believe it I believe that womb become the first oil well in the MacLeish and it's still running too dear because the woman followed the instruction that the Prophet said and she was him I believe she become the first oil tycoon in that area where she become a billionaire because you follow the instruction listen God desires that will bloom again your ears do a matter to God it was a wool dryer brother that everybody think could be discarded but God say right in Hamlet right Ania because you see God want to make sure you know you have magician who can change things but the handwriting that is on the rod will be able to be identified as the person who write it there need to be no trickery in God and you are going to bloom again you are in whatever your area is and when you bloom notice God it is always double it is always more so stop asking God for what you harder you know there is a popular song that we sing I am going into the enemy's camp and I'm going to tear back sometime the enemy never take anything from us is our bad management why we lose it we have to be careful because you see because is your bad management you blame the devil for taking it but management why you will lose it forget the things that you have lost and remember if you are connected to the ultra if you're connected to Jesus why is your recive life on the altar things are going to change but it's the altar that is going to change it it's the relationship with God that's where the change things you can see they're trying to work into the enemy camp because sometimes you work into the enemy camp you know how many Christians work into enemy camp I try to tell my things from enemy unto the others still in the enemy's camp because when the end when you're going the enemy camp the enemy make things shining brighter than you know it and if you don't have God inside of you your way stick with the enemy because the enemy will run you it and it way circle you and in way make sure you don't leave him camp you don't need to go into the enemy camp what you need to do is put yourself at God's altar and make sure you are binding in the word and if you are fighting in the word you begin to speak those things that are and guess what if they in the enemy camp and they belong to you know Deborah Kerr will them not that we all want your things in the enemy camp guess what the enemy we have to bring the things God put up your foot because you speak with authority you don't need to go into him camp you just need to stand up outside and come check Jericho Jericho it belong to the children of Israel and the enemy lock it up I knew I see we're got the final we are to go into the enemy camp but they hear a word and the words are much the elder words of much the enemy lock up in camp and the war the enemy high you see the pseudonym enemy make him players fortified but into a fortified more de Alta people can tear in own relationship people tear down enemy camp notice the Bible says God said to them March and when they begin to march were enemy to enemy startled us and we said what to eat them enemy go up on a wall and him brought him table and him draw him big cure and him draw him big food and him conquered him 10 and him sure the same observance and I'm sure the same of money no one then enemy does some to you I didn't think your dog work with rather to an enemy a - are you food because guess what that's not what God intended for you God will destroy enemy because God said that belong to you and notice what happened they march all they do is March because God so much and when the March guess what and they became obvious laughs don't get discouraged when you have you won anything are you target in the atmosphere say you're wanting will multiply enemy Keanu oh it multiplies because it were connected to the multiplier you are connected to the multiplier peak it in the enemies ear that is going to multiply because you're connected to the vine and it tells me that when the March seven years seven years is a long time tomorrow no city but God our years of instruction after the seventy a March gods you say showed one day and guess what there was no camp for God's people to go into the dead back because come to your own an enemy died and everything is left for its children of God so I'm saying to you don't be fearful of 2020 have absolutely no fear but begin to tell yourself that you went born again you see you have to believe it and you have admitted say a dry because if you don't admit say a dry and you pretend say your budding you care about it's a dry rod it's a dead piece of stick but guess what that stick come off of a vine that's the command of a vein and you are from a vein if you're not connected no find a vein and get connected to the vine you know Co langya try and you're right not not one guy you know connected you cannot get virtue from a vein unless you connected and if you know anything I'm closing but if you know anything about engrafting a tree you can take any tree and then graph it to a vine and if you engrave it properly it when growth and it went beer ru engrafted in god you have 2 MP you see god more what him doing when you say you must abide in the vine he wants to end grass you to the vine and you won't produce what the veil have in it you cannot produce good things on your own that's why you're so frustrated you know when you are really engrafted not even trip frightening not even the trip and the enemy frighten you because you know that the man who you will graft your life in he is your shield and buckler so get and grafted in the vine and you are going to bud again 2020 let it be the year that none of us go ringing as it were because some people when the print of God you think I'm a ring guard on him let go you don't need to do that all we need to do with God is abide in him that's all Godric you sure got good he says all you need to do is abide in me and let my word abide in you why because is that word you're going to speak if God word is in you if God word is in me we're going to speak that word when we speak the Word of God that we hear it not spirit tell me who can go against it nobody can go against that word so let us abide in him and in verse eight he says herein is my father glorified that he bear fruit that is what bring God glory so why you think God would be holding back things on you if it is that the Word of God is true and I know it is beyond a shadow of a doubt verse it can be all of us 20/20 vision let verse II because the gods let verse eight be your vision because it's God's vision for us he says again herein is my father glorified not that you're seeking body not that you have luck not that you have enemies who want to kill you not that your business feel but he says herein is my father glorified that he beer much fruit so shall he be my disciples so sickly today secondly today God has a desire for you to be a fruit what are you what am i doing about it it's not God's fault why we not things not happening for us but I guarantee you it's how we abide in him you know a closing some time when a tree isn't grafted to another three tree you'll find that the pearl who do it have to go from time to time and check it because it had on a few leaves and it should put on more leaf so they have to always go and check to see if it and grafted right and if it's not your friends that I put some money were against it again and ship it a little but the whole thing is they wanted to grow God want us to grow why not forget about things for 2020 and focus on the abiding in him just abide in him and when we abide in him it's only what comes from him will come true us and enemies can do nothing about it because you're going to burn and you are not only going to burn the Bible say you're going to blossom I don't matter how all is a no matter how bend over you are I don't matter the doctor tell you that you have a terminal illness I'm saying to you today that it's going to change you might live with that terminal illness but you're still going to be fruitful you might live with dopes in your mind about some things but because you're abiding in God it's a boat to change because God Word is truth so you're not only going to blossom stand with me you're not only going to blossom but you're going to be your fruit and your fruit is going to be able to be identified it's going to be able to identify that one this fruit is only possible because this person is abiding in God because I know you feel years and this couldn't hockey unless god I'm going to invite us all down to the altar this afternoon you notice I said I'm inviting us all down to the altar you know one sometimes we look around too much you see you have to know what you want from God the woman with the little oil knew what she wanted the man who was born blind he know what he warned the moment he heard that Jesus was passing by notice what happened to him he called out to him and the Bible says Jesus spot in the ground and a man trade the mud and put on his eyes and when God put the modern-day man blind man eye he was still blind but he heard a word from God right here at this altar you have heard everything I say and you are still in your situation but I guarantee you this afternoon like the blind man the mud is on your eyes the mud this people that got me it's on your answers you don't have to look at me right now I want everybody to disclose their eyes and focus and what they need to do to be connected to Jesus when he spit in the ground and he did the murder put on the man I it serves a great purpose God could have said to him sign eyes be open but he says to a blind man with mud in the eye he instructed the man and his instruction to the man go wash still blind still blind but God says to him Jesus says to him go wash you have heard the word the mudie's on your eyes whatever God is placing in your spirit as you talk to him just begin to talk to him read your connection and I guarantee you today that if you talk to him about your connection with him you're going to hear the words that he said to you and when he said go do it like the blind man because I recognized that after he went and washed he did come back seeing I don't know what's the situation in your life that you've been struggling with you by television by internet by whatever means you might have heard this word you've been struggling I'm saying to you that you are a rod ready to be used by God you are a rod that is ready to be used the enemy might have written you are because of hitch because of sickness because of luck whatever reason is lack of education whatever it is I'm here to tell you on this day that you are not you have not been forgotten by God and He has called for you and his instruction to us today later the altar lay it at the altar because you're going to bloom again so I want to hear this house I want to hear every one you don't have to ask God right now for nothing you don't have to ask him for nothing what I want when each and every one of us leave this altar today I want us to be connected I wanted to walk out of this place connected to the vine like you've never connected before and I guarantee you you're going to experience change hallelujah hallelujah just let us pray pray talk to God talk to him about our connection hallelujah hallelujah don't be afraid to talk to him because if you come he says in his words come let us reason together just reason with God God I might be doing two timing you got a doing what what I'm not supposed to be doing so I'm not connected as I ought to be connected God I'm blaming you for where my life is which is not true God is because I'm not connected because I recognize that if I'm connected even if I don't have what I'm to have physically God would have given me peace you'd have given me joy so I can be contented hallelujah talk to the Lord since talk to the Lord talk to him don't be afraid to talk to him hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus hallelujah yes just talk to him you alone know like you know you alone oh I alone know like I know and I need to open up my mouth it's time to up the instruction is open up your mouth open up your spirit and talk to the Lord hallelujah just talk to him just talk to him hallelujah at this time I want us to just keep talking to God as we make welcome our Bishop Bishop dr. Delfin Davis hallelujah hallelujah [Music] pray to the Almighty God pray to the Almighty God wonderful word timely word stay on the altar build a relationship rod will born again all glory everybody's free yeah we are pray to God right now it's prayer time in the house father we worship your with draw nigh to you today Lord God we recognize where we would have failed more than anywhere else we recognize how we would have failed more than anywhere else we have not been sufficiently laid on the altar we have not built and maintained the relationship with the Lord as we ought to we have not been connected to the vine or God as a branch ought to be connected so right now in the name of Jesus we repent of all of those we repent Lord God ofor neglect of the altar we repent of our negligence or God to do the work I needed to have been done so we be connected to the vine we repent o God that we keep the rod stock away in some cupboard we repent that we have been trying to do it on our own we repent that we have used our own method we repent Lord God that we think our might and our power would have gotten the job done we repent Jesus because we have not trusted you as we ought to have trusted you we repent O God Almighty for her way one way of living Oh God shred away from the parts of righteousness straight away my god we repent Lord but we have not done what you said to Jeremiah in chapter 18 Lord God the Potter and the clay we have not allowed you to break us we have not allow you to mold us we have not allow you to shape and reshape us we have not allowed you to fashion us and today God some parts of us are broken broken broken broken but we thank you that you're the god of a second chance we thank you you're the god of pigs of broken pieces we thank you that your God who stays in the repair shop you do not leave us of the repair shop you are him there 24/7 o God of heaven you do not leave the repair shop you are him there Lord God to replenish your him there to replace your in there to rebuild you are in there my God to lift up the strengthen right now you're in the repair shop here is a fika Lord here is a vehicle a min an accident-prone vehicle a vehicle crash a vehicle mangled Oh God a vehicle my God Almighty beaten up and battered amen parts are dislocated but in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you must repair her you master builder you master Potter somebody's getting some connection right here now you master Potter you master builder you master repair will you relocate us to where we belong will you reassemble us as we ought to be a in the name of Jesus and we remove every everything but ought not to be fear in the name of Jesus we look to you we can start over again Lord we can start over again and we are willing to start over again we are ready to start over again in the name of Jesus we are ready to extend our faith willing to extend our faith to see the supernatural miracle to see the supernatural breakthrough to see the supernatural restoration we are ready unweighting on the altar glory to God amen four leaves four leaves and branches a spring again for blossom and bloom to happen again in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name oh my god in the name of Jesus father just pour the manure just pour the water just do the digging around do the repenting around to the replanting do the pruning know that shriman in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus komasan da bah bah who Satya Shama honey Roma citta you mighty God you have a lasting father you Prince of Peace you wonderful counselor that's what a word that clears you to be you balm in Gilead you create physician you conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah Oh oh come by here for a plant come by here for a rod come by here for somebody my god who think they are finish with somebody would think is over and done breathe upon oh my god breathe upon them you lying devil it's not over and done you lying devil is not over and done you lying devil is not over and done the word said the rod will but again the rod will bloom again the rod will blossom again the rod will beer again just keep the rod on the alto just build a relationship and see what God will do [Music] [Music] [Music] jacquimo citta Maha Bill the Jesus builded build ability to appear where you need to appear replenish what you need to replenish rebuild what you need to rebuild remove what you need to remove but let not one live here today try not dead not discourage not a sarten not broken let them be made whole Charcot namaha Checotah maha yellow mushiya yes sir yes sir yes sir yeah let them be man Amanda Holy Ghost has descended upon somebody let them let them let them let them let us let us let us let us let us let us let us be me at all but a mighty power of God hallelujah mighty God Tom AHA somebody getting to touch that you need a low motion yo somebody getting the touch that you need from the nascar hand hey hey hey the nares garden of Jesus of Jesus the NASCAR and the wounded hand Oh glory to God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus hey Paolo Sonia my god of heaven my god somebody's root is being watered yeah somebody's root is being replenished right now right now right now right now right now right now right now right now by God Almighty Oh God if it means touching over again we're willing to start over again back to be a Sikh we are willing to start all over again [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah starting it over again you maybe don't seem like God some oh forgot sir not you are faced with circumstances you can't go through my God Almighty right now he sees you're nowhere out you are going under God's proven time and time again you do it again yes yes right where you are and where you could have been God Almighty he has always come true God Almighty you may not know you may not know live to hand and sing the chorus again for you he'll do it again thank you Jesus just take a look where where you are a dingy always come through for you you you you then I know how you may not know where he do it again water your garden again prune your tree again yeah where you are now where you would be soon do you always come through church you may not know how you may not know what he'll do it again [Music] give him praise and glory showed even before you see the physical manifestation shown before the walls come down showed before Chardon is dried up showed before the red sea is a violet showed before Goliath's head is taken off shout before you make deep number seven in your jaw done gotta be somebody gettin it showed before you take the final dip I know it's only three dips for more dips to go but because he said you and me man hall shout to the first dip showed for the second dip showed for the third dip showed for the Fort nip showed for the fifth them showed for the sixth dip and dear God when the seven dip is made the enemies will begin to barber and then you will say look what the Lord has done choco lava satya my god sister you're getting a touch take not touch shake up my setup hey somebody help her there come on my god yeah yeah take that touch it is the end of Jesus take that touch it is a NASCAR down [Applause] [Music] my god raise up your hands let me pray a pearl for you it's getting a bit warm down here I must send you about your seat but lift up your hands glory to God Lord these hands represent rod herons rod these hands Lord God at this time might not be as powerful as they ought to be there might be infirmities in them God there might be distress of different sorts but I pray in the name of Jesus Christ but as you infuse life in harens rod and as the dead piece of stick my god almighty bloom and blossom before the eyes of everybody I pray that these hands in symbolic form will become mighty hands mighty weapons of war in the name of Jesus mighty heroes mighty sword mighty bullets in the name of Jesus low and out of these hands and through reasons the power of God will be manifest I speak it for every person and I command by the authority of the Holy Spirit the Sun shall never remain dead never remain dry never man cold never be insignificant but there shall be hands of power and authority my god almighty hands of power and authority when there stretch forth things will happen when they are raised up things will happen Oh glory to God when the Olay and somebody sings with hop on in Jesus name but the clear that the anointing of God no feel these hands and like he runs rot new life is in them in Jesus name now clap those hands and shortly high praise to Almighty God go about your seat clapping your hands and shout in the high praise come on go about clapping and shouting go back up in and shorten go by clapping and shouting go back rapping and shouting hallelujah hallelujah glory to Jesus my God Almighty no hemp tea hands no try hands what hands of power tons of power tons of power thank you Jesus hallelujah [Music] well you got it you got it you got it you got it and the olden days all the days we would sing old fashioned chorus which since we would sing something like this my voice is bad what it says sweet Jesus sweet Jesus what a wonder you are right then go sweet Jesus sweet Jesus you are you were [Music] you are favored most favored by the wave you are pressure pressure you've got priests anybody got blessed here today well he forgot bless give him another priest all wonderful Jesus we thank the Lord for this wonderful service we thank him for great choice made by the prayer warriors what a wonderful word a timely word stay and are also build that relationship and whatever is there anything around it can get life again hallelujah so God be the glory thank y'all for sharing those who viewers we thank you for sharing wherever you were you're viewed from watch from listen from may God's blessings be yours amen thank you we're gonna bless the Lord at are given at this time and dismiss you so we worship God you may be seated father we thank you you and the adjust but someone just do not recognize what we thank you for your peoples
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 6,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DhBHxcC_y3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 45sec (5565 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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