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come on one more time get the lighter shine if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet one more time put those together is [Applause] hallelujah [Music] i have what god says [Music] is [Music] but jesus is my salvation is my righteousness jesus is my peaceful the spirit everybody it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava [Applause] come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor give the lord i would never ever the same with the holy ghost [Music] man that will hold to the truth of the gospel defend the gospel proclaim the gospel manifest the gospel and demonstrate the glorious gospel of jesus christ lego rotoscope father we give you praise and glory tonight in the name of jesus heavenly father we rejoice that we have access into the deep things of god by the holy ghost we come humbly and respectfully before your word tonight and we rejoice that your word is a light onto our feet and a lamp lamp onto our feet and a light onto our path and the entrance of your word give it light it give it understanding to the simple so tonight we come before your word simply and we expect to receive revelation like never before your people built up equipped edified jesus glorified with the great tonight that whatever is not planted by god is rooted out we rebuilt sickness disease and every oppression of the enemy thank you lord that your word comes in clarity and by the end of this service will all be the better for it in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerfully amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together to say this word i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees it powerfully man we want to welcome everybody connected to this service tonight by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram we're so glad to have all of you the social media community com connected to the service and everybody in acquire bomb state we're glad to have all of you connected by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb you know ufm heritage fm inspiration fm what a joy to have everybody here today i'd like you to call a friend a family member somebody around your neighborhood ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves our social media community family and friends on social media like you've always done let's do it again tonight help us share the video help us tag some people create watch parties drop them on all the groups on your page drop them on monogram telegram and whatsapp groups let's float the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus's grace what a joy to have everybody here tonight all our bible study centers in the states and all our campuses around the world we're excited to have everybody in this and everybody in the building tonight is a judge of all of you are you excited tonight for the world can we celebrate the world with a shout in this building glory amen grab your pen notebook and your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the word of his grace all right we've been examining being filled with the spirit being filled with the spirit ephesians chapter 5 verse 17 ephesians chapter 5 verse number 17 wherefore be not unwise but understanding what the will of the lord is next verse and be not drunk with wine wearing his excess but be being filled with the spirit be being filled with the spirit of be filled with the spirit next verse speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your hearts to the lord verse 20. giving thanks always for all things unto god and the father in the name of our lord jesus christ now in the course of this teaching we said be filled with the spirit is an instruction is an instruction be filled with the spirit and if he said be filled with the spirit it means you can be filled with the spirit so he gives an instruction to show us that we can be filled with the spirit the very first time in the church age the very first time in the church age where that word was used in the is is i didn't say the very first time in the bible but in the church age is in acts chapter two verse one to four acts put it up chapter two from verse one to four and when the day of pentecost was fully calm they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and he filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them clothing tongues like as a fire and he sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them other ones so we left off there yesterday we began to examine the day of pentecost pentecost is 50 that's actually what pentecost is 50 50 days after the past over pentecost is a feast that happens after passover and you know jesus died on the passover and the holy spirit was given 49 days afterwards and that is what we call the day of pentecost a feast of the jews that was done annually and the bible tells us they appeared unto them clothing tongues like ass of fire now when you see the word like as of fire he didn't mean fire it's just a figure of speech a metaphor or a simile you know and whenever you see that use in the bible it's just a figure of speech to help communicate a thought all right so we kid in on that word they began to speak they began to speak that is key they began to speak and if you begin to speak something that means you can continue it if you begin to speak something that means you can continue it notice two words in verse four put it up again verse four of acts chapter two two words in verse four and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance two things number one they began to speak number two as the spirit gave them other runs two key things they spoke the spirit gave them otherwise you will have to speak in tongues you will have to speak the holy ghost is not going to speak for you you will have to speak in tongues that's key and if you are giving something you receive what is given you are the one to receive it is not forced on you it is not forced on you because some people are waiting for the holy spirit to force them open their mouth no no no no you will have to receive what has been given in other words if the spirit gives utterance you ought to receive the utterance all trans means the ability to speak the ability to speak i was getting somebody filled with the holy ghost few years ago and he just kept his mouth mute he wouldn't open his mouth he wouldn't say anything and after a while asking why are you quiet he said he's waiting for the holy spirit to open his mouth for him so i said no no no sit down it means you have not understood anything let's go back again to what we taught i took him through the scripture and i said to him who began to speak he said they okay so if they began to speak who is supposed to speak now he said i i said can you speak he said but i don't know what to speak i say no no you're not answering the question can you speak are you dumb he said no can you speak he said yes i said say something he said hallelujah i said good so when we begin now you have to open your mouth and say something it is when you begin to say something that the ultras of the spirit flows through your mouth the holy ghost doesn't speak for you that's why many people don't speak in tongues because they have not been properly guided and taught please pay attention so the holy spirit will give the utterance and you will receive the utterance if you don't receive the utterance it doesn't mean the holy spirit has not given you the utterance it's left for you to receive for example john chapter 3 verse 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life god gave his son to the world but the world must receive first john chapter two verse two first john chapter two verse number two and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world the sins of the whole world romans chapter 5 verse 8 but god commended his love toward us in that while we were yet seen as christ died for all ii corinthians chapter 5 verse 18 ii corinthians chapter 5 verse 18 and all things are of god who has reconciled us to himself by jesus christ and had given to us the ministry of reconciliation next verse next verse 19 to with that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and had committed unto us the world of reconciliation he's not imputing the sins of the world on the world because jesus is the lamb of god that has taken away the sins of the world so god gave jesus but you have to receive jesus john 1 12 as many as receive him you see that so it's one thing for him to be given is another thing for you to receive is one thing for the holy spirit to give you utterance it's another thing for you to receive the ultrons and begin to speak in tongues so you've got to receive if the holy spirit gives utterance you have to receive the ultras now let's get some background information on the giving of the holy spirit you know people often say please pay attention that the holy spirit came on the day of pentecost that's not correct the day of pentecost was not when the holy spirit came that's not correct because we have diverse examples in the scripture about the holy spirit in fact in genesis chapter 1 verse 2 and 3 the spirit of god moved upon the face of the deep the spirit of god moved upon the face of the deep the spirit of the lord hovered okay then in exodus chapter 31 you hear about a man called basalil basale who was filled with the holy spirit and wisdom and understanding and he had knowledge basalil filled with the holy spirit in the book of exodus 31 in numbers chapter 11 moses did say he couldn't bear the body of israel alone so god said i will take the spirit that is upon you and put it on the 70 elders and they will prophesy with you so the spirit of god came upon them in the old testament in first samuel chapter 10 you read of saul being anointed by somewhere and he says the spirit of the lord came upon saul from that day forward okay he saw in fact he began to prophesy with them and they said is saul also among the prophets all right so in first samuel chapter 16 verse 13 put that one up for me first samuel chapter 16 verse 13 then samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren and the spirit of the lord came upon david from that day forward so david rose up and went to rama the spirit of god came upon david from that day forward so the spirit of god was there in the old testament david in psalm 51 said take not away the holy spirit from me why will he ask the holy spirit not to be taken because the holy spirit was on him he had the holy spirit the holy spirit was upon david to function as a king if you are going to function as a prophet in the old covenant those who minister for god the spirit of god will come on them and they will be able to minister they will be able to minister so you cannot say that the day of pentecost was when the holy spirit came you cannot say that the day of pentecost was the first introduction of the holy spirit that will be wrong interpretation of the scripture also we know that the holy spirit was on all the prophets of the old testament all of them are the holy spirit on them second peter chapter 1 verse 20 second peter chapter 1 verse number 20 knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation next verse for the prophecy came in all time but came not in all time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost as they were moved holy men of god in the old testament speak as they were moved by the holy ghost in first peter chapter 1 verse 10 peter talks about the spirit of god was upon them first peter wanted of which salvation the prophets have inquired and such diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you next verse searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify so the spirit of god was on them when he testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that should follow so he says the spirit of god was on the prophet of the old testament we also have the account of john the baptist who was a prophet of god the bible says he was filled with the spirit from his mother's womb he was filled with the spirit from his mother's room i will explain that in a bit we also know that jesus when he ministered on earth as the christ the anointed one he had the holy spirit on him the holy spirit came on him as john baptized him in river jordan john saw the spirit descending on him like a dove so don't be dropping dooves the spirit didn't come dovi the spirit came like metaphor a figure of speech so if you are drawing dope to show holy spirit you are in idol worship the spirit didn't come dovi he came like using the mana the character of a dove gentle the spirit came on him in a gentle way all right so john now goes further to tell us in john 3 34 john chapter 3 verse number 34 john 3 34 for he whom god has sent speaker the words of god for god given not the spirit by measure unto him the lord gave the spirit to jesus in luke chapter 4 verse 18 jesus said the spirit of the lord god is upon me for he has anointed me to preach quoting from isaiah 61 verse 1 to 3 a lot of scriptures good for your health all right also peter said in acts 10 38 how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him and all this happened before the day of pentecost all of these spirit encounters all of this outpouring of the spirit all happened having all of this spirit coming upon and enabling men to do things for god all happened before the day of pentecost with that at the back of your mind we need to know what exactly is the significance of the day of pentecost what makes the day of pentecost significant the day of pentecost has significance let's examine what it is matthew 3 11 matthew chapter 3 verse 11 i indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than i whose shoes i'm not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire where john spoke about the ministry of jesus to be accomplished in the future that's the scripture we just read now pay attention he didn't say he will baptize you in the holy ghost he said he will baptize you with with all right with the holy ghost with the holy ghost to baptize in means to immerse into but he said he will baptize you with the holy ghost with the holy ghost so he says jesus will baptize you with the holy ghost let's look at other writers of the same account mark chapter one verse number eight mark chapter one verse number eight i indeed have baptized you with water but he shall baptize you with the holy ghost he shall baptize you with the holy ghost same thing recorded so we have double mention now let's look at triple mention luke chapter 3 verse 16 luke chapter 3 verse 16 john answered saying unto him unto them all i indeed baptize you with water but one mightier than i cometh the largest of whose shoes i'm not worried or lose he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire triple mentioned look at john 1 33 john chapter 1 verse 33 talking about jesus and i knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water the same said unto me upon whom thou shall see the spirit descending and remaining on him the same is he which baptized it with the holy ghost which baptized it with the holy ghost are you still in the building so we have record that jesus will baptize with the holy ghost jesus will baptize with the holy ghost please pay attention he didn't say jesus will baptize in the holy ghost he said jesus will baptize with the holy ghost baptized means to immerse into to immerse into baptized with means to immerse into in other words it means to identify with baptized with the holy ghost identify with this was said by john before jesus died and rose again but what we know is that jesus is the one who received the holy ghost because the holy spirit came on him and he having received the holy spirit will now baptize with the holy ghost look at acts chapter one verse number five acts chapter one verse number five for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hands you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days and so jesus confirms those statements and says it will happen not many days from now all right jesus confirms in other words john was referring to what jesus was going to do after his resurrection jesus confirms it by saying this is going to happen not many days from now and he said that after he rose from the dead and jesus confirmed it because he had already risen from the dead let's see what jesus himself says about the holy spirit of course you know that john chapter 14 chapter 15 chapter 16 gives us detailed explanation detailed explanation of what jesus means we will see the unique thing about pentecost now please pay attention john chapter 14 verse 16 john chapter 14 verse number 16 and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comfort that he may abide with you forever i will pray the father so only jesus can pray and ask for the holy spirit you don't pray and ask for the holy spirit only jesus pray and i will pray the father so only jesus can ask for the holy spirit to be given now if you observe from what we have taught already today we have all agreed that the holy spirit did not come to earth for the first time on the day of pentecost and we had a plethora of scriptures he was there in genesis he was there in exodus he was there in numbers he was there in first samuel he was there in georges he was there all through and jesus said he will give you another comforter in bible interpretation when you see the word give or any word always examine that word within context within context the chapters and verses were not put there by the holy spirit they were put there by men who translated you know they were chapterized if there's any english like that for easy reason for easy reading and and i will pray the father and he will give if your bible is mine i will underline the word gift and he will give so the question now is he will give seems to imply that the spirit was not there but from what we have read the spirit has been there so he will give will have to be explained in context what does he mean by he will give he will give you another comforter now the next statement will explain what he was saying that he may what abide with you forever so the word gift here is qualified by the word abide he will give that he may abide with you forever so the giving he is referring to is the abiding with you forever that giving he's referring to here never happened at any time in the old testament nobody had the spirit in him forever so this another give abide with you forever is a new testament reality the giving of the holy spirit done by jesus here is that the holy spirit will abide with you forever look at the next statement next statement of that john chapter 14 verse 17 john 14 17. even the spirit of truth the world cannot receive the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither know with him but you know him hallelujah say with me i know the holy spirit but you know him all right now hold here are your thoughts he he will dwell with you and shall be in you for how long now look at that verse 17 let me finish where i ask you to hold your thoughts john 14 17 but you know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in in in you notice so the giving of the holy spirit by jesus is characterized by two things number one he will be permanent number two he will be in you number one he will be permanent number two he will be in you remember there were two prophecies we examined yesterday the first prophecy from ezekiel 36 and the second prophecy from joel chapter 2 verse 28 ezekiel 36 says i will put my spirit i will put my spirit where in you in you that's new to the jews because the spirit has never been in them it's always been on them and they only came on them to function in ministry he's never been in this is a new reality okay all right now um now he says i will put my spirit in you and he calls that spirit that he will put in them a new heart a new heart a new nature i will put my spirit in you i will give you a new heart that means the holy spirit the spirit of god is the nature of the believer have you ever seen anybody travel without his nature you say i'm traveling but i will leave my nature at home then when i come back i will take my nature back no your nature is you okay so if the spirit will be in you the spirit will be your nature you and the spirit cannot be separated you are one he will be in you so the holy ghost is the nature of the believer fundamentally the holy spirit is given to us as a nature because we are born of god we are born of god the dna of the believer or the dna of god resides in the believer john chapter 3 verse 3 to 5. jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god next verse nicodemus said on him how can a man be born when he's old can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born next verse jesus answered verily verily i say unto a thee be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god born of water which is the spirit look at verse 6 that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit because you're born of the holy spirit your nature is holy spirit born of spirit is spirit you don't have spirit you and spirit are one you and the spirit are one say with me i am born of the spirit give me verse 8 verse 8 of the scripture the wind bloweth where it listed and now here is the sound thereof but counts not tell when's it comet and with that it goes so is everyone that is born of the spirit now so john 14 john 15 john 16 jesus took time to explain this reality that is to say that the uniqueness of the new covenant is two things the uniqueness of the new covenant is two things number one the holy spirit will be permanent the holy spirit will be permanent number two he will be in the believer forever he will be in the believer forever so the holy spirit given by jesus is forever in us that is the uniqueness here he is forever in us john 7. now before i read john 7 jesus lets us know except you know except he leaves the comforter will not come now the coming of the spirit there is unique with two things what are those two things number one permanence number two residence number one permanence number two residents and those two are the uniqueness of the holy spirit being given by jesus but of course that will only happen when jesus lives okay when he leaves look at john 7 37 now john chapter 7 verse 37 in the last day that great day of the feast jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink next verse he that delivered to me as a scripture said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water how do you know he's talking about jesus because jesus is the one that gives the water for you to drink so out of jesus's belly shall flow rivers of living water for you to drink so the rivers of living water comes out of jesus belly all right now verse 39 john 7 39 but this package of the spirit which that i believe on him shall receive for the holy ghost was not yet given why because that jesus was not yet glorified so this the significance the uniqueness of the day of pentecost was permanence permanence a residence which was not there in the old testament was not there in the old testament an understanding of this automatically debunks losing salvation see that again was the holy ghost given before jesus died huh was the holy ghost giving before jesus died okay was the holy ghost upon men before jesus died exactly so that means he was around the day of pentecost was not the first day he arrived the earth he was here okay before jesus died right very good now but the holy ghost was never given to dwell in anybody forever before jesus died is that true so neither was he given to live in anybody did he live in elijah moses none of them okay why because that will only happen after jesus is glorified are we together here so what do we mean by jesus being glorified when jesus the incarnate in john chapter 1 verse 14 the word became flesh and dwelt among us the holy spirit was given to him but when he was glorified he will be the one to give the spirit before his glorification he too had to receive but when he was glorified he was the one now giving the spirit giving the spirit to those who believe the gospel the father handed the authority to jesus so jesus is the one who baptizes with the spirit he is the one who gives a spirit that means he is glorified he is not the one that receives but the one who gives what do you mean by glorified to exalt to make bigger better more powerful more authority so jesus got more authority when he died and rose from the dead when jesus rose from the dead there were four accounts four accounts something happened that confuses some people because i have had people say you can be born again but you don't have the holy spirit have you had people say that before yeah i've had people say that many times even pastors preach that and they give three scriptures that seem to say it one of the scriptures they use is john 20 22 that you can be born again but you don't have holy spirit why because and when he had said this he breathed on them and saith unto them receive ye the holy ghost so those preachers will tell you that they received the holy ghost but they never spoke in tongues okay but here they have not received the spirit and i'm going to show you there are two others in acts 8 and acts 19. so let's examine john 20. we all agree that jesus will give the spirit when he's glorified do we all agree on that so let's examine what jesus said jesus said he goes the spirit will not be given except he goes the going is his glorification when he will be exalted to the right hand of majesty on high and have the authority to give the spirit already he said the spirit is with you the spirit is already with you so what is he saying he is saying to fulfill the redemptive work to fulfill the promise of the father i need to go to the right hand of majesty where i will have all authority and i will give you of the spirit and i'm not going to give you of the spirit to visit you i'm gonna give you of the spirit to live on your inside forever in other words i will have to pay for your sins then when i pay for your sins there will be a legal right for the spirit to own you i need to go and pay for your sins so jesus went paid for our sins because without the remission of sins the holy spirit cannot dwell in anybody he only dwells in you because there is remission of sins look at john 20 again where we read jesus died rose the first thing he met was mary magdalene oh i miss you rabboni and he says hold me not back i'm not yet gone to my father your father my god your god tell my brethren everything and he went to heaven and settled the matter as a priest came back the same day and entered the room without a window and a door now so john 20 22 observe what he says now and when he had said this that is after he came back he breathed on them and saith unto them receive ye the holy ghost so they now say when you are born again you are born of the spirit but you need baptism in the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues it's like you have the spirit but you don't have the spirit you know that kind of thing they say it's like a cop you have a cop with a little measure of the spirit then when you are not baptized the measure will rise then when you are speaking more the measure will be rising on it will overflow you simply just use cup of water as illustration right all right it's from this scripture that is not well explained that they come up with such conclusions you know um then the baptism of the holy spirit say the spirit is more than salvation after you are saved you're not going to be looking for the baptism of the spirit so you see people on the pulpit crying oh father give me the holy spirit that's a prayer non-belief that's a prayer normally because this guy is already of the holy spirit it's like asking for what you already have except you don't have it of course and if you don't have it get born again fill my cup load i lift it up lord get born again get born again once you're born again you never touched again you know glory to god so they create two experiences for you where the spirit comes twice jesus doesn't teach that it's our ignorance that teaches that so pay attention don't forget the baptism of the holy spirit what it is so the question here is did the disciples receive the holy spirit in this context in john chapter 20 if i say receive my pen did i say you have my pen if i say receive my pen you don't have it but i have made you an offer so if i say receive the holy spirit you don't have it but i have made you an offer it is where you collect it that you have it are we together here so receive the holy spirit doesn't automatically mean you have the holy spirit that would receive that word receive okay so the question here is that statement does not conclude that you have my pen i only made you an offer secondly this happened and four accounts of jesus instructed them when he rose from the dead receive receive how many of you agree with the scripture that we read that john chapter 20 that it was an instruction an admonition and not a conclusion receive receive receive doesn't mean you have but an offer has been made receive the holy ghost i win the building here receive the holy ghost and if he said jesus breathed on them and said you have my spirit to be a different thing but he breathed on them and said receive he didn't preach on them and say you now have my spirit so the breathing doesn't mean you have the holy spirit the breathing is actually the word i cannot speak without breathing if i say take along with take comes my breath so when jesus said receive was the breathing but didn't mean automatically they had no it didn't mean they had the spirit so that means the breathing is not the spirit so again what does the breathing mean in another service you look at that you know but when whenever a reference is not clear to you you go to other references of that same account so there were four renditions of the same account when we put them together we will understand what jesus said the first one is john 20 21 pay attention john chapter 20 verse 21 then say jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father has sent me even so send are you as my father has sent me even so something is identified here he was sending them out to preach as my father has sent me so send are you out to preach did they go anywhere to preach at that instance no they didn't go anywhere to preach instead they went fishing because after john 20 21 they went fishing they didn't go to not fishing for souls they went fishing for fish they went fishing for fish fishing they went fishing peter told them i go official they say we go with you man what are we waiting for here there's hunger in the land jesus was with them 40 days after he made that statement receive the holy ghost after that he spent 40 days with them after the fishing jesus appeared to them see that now look at matthew 28 the same account matthew 28 27 glory to god and behold there was a great ed matthew 28 27. matthew 28 17 sorry and when they saw him they worshipping but some doubted 18. and jesus came and speak unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth next verse go ye therefore and teach as my father sent me so send are you all power is given to me go ahead therefore until so this same scripture in matthew is what john was talking about in john chapter 20. john chapter 20. do we agree they are disabled okay look at the third one but before the third one remember the instruction was to go on global evangelism okay so matthew's account and john's account they didn't go anywhere after that statement we have no evidence that they preached anywhere mark 16 14. mark chapter 16 verse 14 afterward they appeared on 2011 and as they sat admit and operated them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen next verse and he said unto them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth next verse and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned and this sign shall follow those that believe and on and on and on so after jesus said that you will see that they went and the lord walked with them but that is a summation of the entire account it doesn't mean they went at that same instance all right all right now verse 20 refers to the book of acts and the lord was walking with them confirming his word with signs and wonders following so let's look at the detailed guy because there's a detailed guy who actually took all these their bits and pieces and gave us the detailed account that quickly explains the whole matter and that is brother luke and you know that brother luke was the one who wrote the book of acts look wrote look and asked okay and that clears john chapter 20 for us luke 24 45 luke 24 45 he then opened the understanding that they might understand the scripture 46 and said unto them thus it is written and those who behoove christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the toddy 47 and that repentance and remission of sin shall be preached in his name so the same thing he was telling them in matthew and mark to go and preach that they should go and preach repentance and remission of sins in his name among all nations beginning at jerusalem 48 and your witnesses of these things 49 and behold i send the promise of my father upon your boat tarry ye in the city of jerusalem until you be endured with power from on high until he be endued so it didn't happen at that point there was an appointed time for this endeavor or for the fulfillment of this promise and we know that that fulfillment was going to happen in jerusalem but they had to wait are you still in the building luke didn't tell us they went to preach because he had another book where he explained the progression of that instruction so acts chapter one verse one glory to god the former treatise have i made oto philos of all that jesus began both to do and to teach verse until the day in which he was taken up after he had through the holy ghost after that he threw the holy ghost and giving commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen next verse to come also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proof being seen of them how many days 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom 40 days so the 40th day was when jesus left he left them from that 40th day which was the passover they counted 10 days of waiting then the holy ghost came on the 10th day which is 50. pentacles is 50. i was in the building here so jesus left after 40 days of teaching and then they tarried until pentecost acts 1 4 acts chapter 1 verse 4 i'm already rounding up are you blessed tonight and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father which saith he you have heard of me how many times did jesus speak of the promise of the father well he spoke about the promise of the father in john 14 15 16 in john 7 so what is the promise of the father the baptism of the holy ghost or the baptism which the holy ghost which will happen not many days it's john 20 clear now so when he breathed on them it was still the promise of that which was to come on the day of pentecost look at verse 7 and 8 of acts chapter 1 acts 1 7 and 8. and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons with the father have put in his own power but you shall receive power you shall receive you shall receive you shall receive not i will force it on you not i will compel you to have you shall receive i will offer the receiving is yours so if you come to the altar to receive and you close your mouth you will go back the same way you came because the opening of your mouth is involved because there is altrums and all trumps must found him find a mouth or found him out ultras must find a mouth to express itself so receive the holy ghost you'll be there you'll be there and you will see visions you'll see those that are drinking those that are falling those that are prophesying only you will be the only one that you are martyrs but when you open your mouth and then some people they will be looking around hallelujah thank you jesus you are a joker we are dealing with eternal matters and you are supervising some people will insist to pray in english thank you father hallelujah hallelujah what a wonder you are you will be doing wonders with hope and some people insist to pray in their language oh abbas simba oh chinese oh you'll be telling them say something and say oh about you oh my god they're begging you think it's tongues it's not dogs it's a bigger bigger bigger baby you have to be wise to know that the guy's just trying to trick you you've got to open your mouth glory to god you've got to open your mouth so that the holy ghost are trans giving to you flows out glory to god say with me i speak in tongues can i shout it very loud i speak in tongues so john 20 22 was an instruction concerning ministry because i say whoever seems to forgive they are forgiven and whoever since you return are retained how do you retain a man's sin by not preaching how do you forgive a man's sin by preaching to him because the gospel is called the gospel of the forgiveness of sins and when we preach it your sins are forgiven and you hear it faith comes alive and once faith comes alive you receive the holy ghost at that point you're born of god kaya is a miracle that happens instead it cannot be explained that says like the wind boom boom boom you can't explain it it just happens as i'm speaking right now things are already happening everywhere but in this house on tv on radio in the atmosphere god's power moving all over the world and the glory of the lord as the water covers the sea hallelujah so jesus gave gave them an instruction to receive the holy ghost receive the holy ghost an event of the future he spoke about did they receive in acts chapter 2 they received the day of pentecost they began to speak in tongues as the spirit gave them authorance and before that nobody had it until that day jesus did not baptize the holy ghost until the day of pentecost the holy spirit was on earth but was not yet given to remain forever in man until the new covenant which brought about the new creation what do you mean by baptized baptized which simply means the holy spirit will immerse you baptize with the holy spirit will carry you and immerse you into christ immerse you into christ sutter is going to be the work of the holy spirit he's the one that will do the emotion he's the one that will do the immersion not some some some preacher that will carry you to a river by auron and just put you inside and bring you out no that's not what we're talking about we are talking about supernatural we are talking about the spirit of god carrying you and immersing you into christ a miracle that cannot be explained with english it's called regeneration regeneration by the holy ghost we're not talking about what i hear now that which is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit so baptism is the immersion of the spirit carrying a man into christ baptize with baptized into so the holy spirit baptizes you into christ or into the body of christ look at first corinthians 12 13 as a close are you blessed first corinthians 12 13 watch this watch this for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body yeah whether we be jews or gentiles whether we be born or free and have all been all made to drink to do what drink into one spirit subtle belated one spirit all of us that are born again it is the same spirit we drank off same spirit uh and when we drank of that spirit that spirit became our nature so i don't try to operate in the spirit i operate in the spirit naturally naturally i don't try to prophesy i prophesy naturally why because it is already in me i speak in tongues when i want to speak and i stop when i want to stop that's not like why are you still talking i can't control it that's an evil spirit the spirit of god does not disobey others it's a spirit of order so once your own is disobedient you will know where it is coming from so we are baptized into christ that means you are now in christ that is the work of the holy spirit so when you hear baptized you are baptized into christ not into the somewhere look at look at look look galatians 3 27 let me close the service galatians 3 27 for as many of you as have been baptized into christ have put on word christ as many of you as have been baptized into christ are we are in christ ya to be little nato balata what cannot stop christ cannot stop you what cannot fight christ cannot fight you why you and christ are one one ruler stand up let's pray in tongues that's all i've got for you in this service we fire from here tomorrow night may to rotosecure let's pray steer up yourself steer up yourself stay up yourself rise up like an editing higher and higher and higher margin believe just begin to pray together with that person minister to one another let's minister to the body everybody minister to everybody lacoshoka le corotosa maraca de que le guerregeda la gordo roto seculinema membranda go ahead go ahead go ahead pray pray thank you lord i like you to lift up your two hands and tell the lord use me lord use me to change my world use me to change my nation use me to change my community use me to touch lives use me to proclaim your word use me to manifest your kingdom use me to demonstrate your glory in these last days agave colonel brother so caleb use my voice use my hands use my leg use my body i yield myself i yield myself i give myself into the cause of the ministry i give myself for the work of the ministry as i stretch for my hand to heal that signs and wonders will be done i give you my voice use my voice to preach your word use my voice to manifest your glory and give in the name of jesus in the name of jesus one more prayer father let the zeal of your kingdom consume me my soul on fire my mind on fire for ministry that i will not rest until souls are saved i will not rest until nations are taken i will not rest until communities are overturned i will not rest until men that sit in darkness secret light open your mouth and pray father let the zeal the seal for your kingdom the zeal for ministry the zeal for your work let it consume me engaged [Applause] thank you father thank you father thank you father where's the young man that came from accuracy here bozaba is in the service oh my goodness it's not here tonight let go so borrow kotoska talabha membra dasam anybody else who wants us to lay hands on you just come and stand here quickly quickly you want you you desire you're hungry you want god to use you i'd like you to stand i'd like you to stand i give a joke dr gabriel please come pastor pastor please please come pastor kokomba stand stand we want to lay hands on you let go to sir open your hands and just begin to pray tell god let your power flow through me like never before pastor kufrikum let's lay hands on everybody just begin to lay hands on there legos opera katana let the seal of god consume everybody standing here let the zeal let the zeal let the fire fire for ministry fire for soul winning fire to advance the kingdom let go corrupt osaka let the passion let the zeal we impart upon you we deposit upon you we lay upon you let go so collage about we steer you up we steer up your spirits use me lord to change my community use me to change my nation use me to change my continent i got back go ahead go ahead steer yourself up tonight zokoto sapayata foreign thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus zebra nanos zebra nanos oh glory glory mandolo thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus go ahead open your mouth and begin to pray father with you to all boldness lord i receive boldness i receive boldness boldness to declare your word boldness to manifest your word boldness to operating the miraculous boldness to manifest your glory opinion thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus in the name of jesus father we decree and declare everyone under the sound of my voice on radio on tv online wherever your people are guarded boldness to preach the world boldness to cast out demons boldness to heal the sick boldness to manifest the glory receive it in the name of jesus tolerable sick bodies be healed be healed two must disappear cancers disappear high blood pressure crush sick bodies be healed message all over the world the army of men and women that will preach the gospel without fear rising all over the place boldness boldness boldness to manifest god's glory is released right now in the name of jesus thank you father thank you for glory and grace thank you for glory and grace thank you for glory and grace father we give you praise see souls come into the kingdom men that sit in darkness embracing great light father we see communities taking over nations taking over by the gospel of christ in the name of jesus father we give you praise for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer in this building shout that amen on a note of finality can we celebrate the manifestation of god glory go ahead and go ahead and go ahead and glory glory glory [Applause] i tell you it's happening all over this place oh you're about to be letting by nagaya not just here all over the world the glory is all over the place the glory is all over the place you walk into sick places and sick people get healed even without saying anything shut up you're walking to places where darkness had covered before now your entrance dismisses darkness thank you lord jesus you are the light of the world a city set on a hill that can never be healed and with great power give the apostles witness of the resurrection and great grace was upon them all as you live here today you are living with great grace great power great grace great power jato balaka thank you father hallelujah it is dawn i didn't hear your email listen carefully just before we join mr michael bush to answer questions respond to phone calls and read your emails i want to take up offerings everybody you're listening on radio television wherever you are grab your offerings i want to pray right now as we give in faith and give a joy our offerings becomes a catalyst for the advancement of the gospel through prosperity shall my cities get spread abroad i want to thank all of you that are giving to us our acquisition of a new platform for kingdom life network so we can reach many many more millions tens of millions all over the world i want to thank those of you that have redeemed your commitments and those of you that are still redeeming yours and those of you that plan to redeem yours i want to thank you for your sacrifices and your selflessness towards the advancement of god's kingdom together we will see the harvest of souls and together we will see the manifestation of god's glory like never before i didn't hear a good amen father we pray for everybody giving tonight our offense i sweet smell and i decree that my god supplies all your needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus thank you father for answered prayer in jesus name and every believer says a powerful amen in a few seconds i'll be joining mr michael bush don't go away get more people to hook up to all of the various platforms and we're going to have an adventure together and until i see you in a few seconds enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this great service tonight glory amen oh i tell you i'm excited tonight i tell you that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel damina please call plus 234-806-800-9939 or email abell domino ministries international presents righteous invasion of truth riot live with dr abel daminer in your career in your marriage in your business on your jobs receive miracles and michael bush time monday to saturday 6 p.m to 8 p.m sunday 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus one join the program live on comfort fm 95.1 uyo sunday 11am to 1pm and monday to saturday 6 pm to 8 pm radio aquaboom 90.5 event uyo 11 a.m to 1 p.m daily xlfm106.9 uyo 1pm to 3 p.m daily you know your fm 100.7 3 p.m to 5 p.m daily inspiration fm 105.9 yo 9 pm to 10 pm daily and on heritage fm 104.9 10 p.m to midnight you can also watch this programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel damina's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time welcome to riot live and ask the counselor host doctors abel and rachel [Music] daminer [Music] [Music] [Music] okay thank you very much and thank you for staying tuned it's the second part of riot life and on this edition what we always do to set the tone okay so the bank details right now account name is power city international there are three banks there's uba there is fcmb and of course there is the net so i start right at the top zenith on this edition of the program 10 12 36 5 9 12. i'll take that again 10 12 36 5 9 12 that's the account number for zenith and the account name remains power city international is the same account name for fcmb 29 82 68 2028 29 82 68 2028 fcmb power city international just the same for uba 139 26 465 139 26 4 6 5 next on excuse me next i need to just give you the the phone number you know as we progress perhaps in the next five ten minutes max we should be throwing open the phone line you have the a huge opportunity of joining us and um as we did yesterday we'll do that on this edition of the program running from start to finish with your phone call so the number plus two three four if you're calling from outside the country otherwise it's oh 806 800 993 900 806 800 9939 plus 234 if you're doing that from outside the country or you can just send us a quick email or two ask the counselor now at sms the same the sms should go to plus two three four if it's coming from outside the the country otherwise it's all 703 691-8642 all right um the final announcement i have is you know something riyaku in what global baba has been at for a couple of days now um just setting the stage to announce a massive platform yet again for kingdom life network and this program that that network is just waiting for you a little contribution whatever that can be just call up plus two three four if you're doing from outside the country otherwise it's 4803 275 6104 for sponsorship any sponsorship talk you want to have concerning this program just call that number you email directly to dr ebelldamina i'm sure that's about it i don't know i don't trust some network let me just sleep while still waiting for global to join me any moment now let me see whether i can catch some of our some of our friends on facebook live let me just see can i get them can i get them network has been quite tricky out here and i don't know it's not possible to do that okay so i'm going back to omb who is back there and i'll just take a minute with him not more than one minute in 60 seconds we should come back and by that time hopefully and by the special grace of god global by the sex man the man without whom this program cannot hold would be seated right by my side stay [Music] tuned [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] abel domino ministries international presents righteous invasion of truth riot live with dr abel daminer in your career in your marriage in your business on your job receive miracles michael bush time monday to saturday 6 p.m to 8 p.m sunday 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus one join the program live on comfort fm 95.1 uyo sunday 11am to 1pm and monday to saturday 6 p.m to 8 p.m radio aquaboom 90.5 a.m uyo 11 a.m to 1 p.m daily xlfm106.9 uyo 1pm to 3 p.m daily you know your fm 100.7 3 p.m to 5 p.m daily inspiration fm 105.9 we owe 9 p.m to 10 p.m daily and on heritage fm 104.9 10 pm to midnight you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abell domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time welcome to riot live and ask the counselor host doctors abel and rachel daminer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay welcome back obama just has the mind of his own he decides to do what he wants to do and i just needed the world to know about that we've been waiting global and i've been waiting ever since i said 60 minutes he took 180 seconds well i said 60 seconds it took 180. okay but welcome back it's good to be back than never and i just go to join our friends on facebook live fatina lady is there i can also see antonio oliveira i can see live my life hi bangaribe i can see louise elijah can see and goddess love to audrey i can also see mike fury thank you abbas ridge and cece bell thank you johnson and aguero thank you raymond rugby thank you dixon marusa thank you k who's in germany it's a cameroonian i know him thank you johnson and aguero again thank you hope adorable thank you evelyn motoni very nice to see you thank you mcdonald yeah i'd like to thank you chris uh i'd like to also thank you and nominate he's in florida i remember mcdonald's again and the names go on jose uzo god's will god's will thank you for being here precious arima thank you too hey ma chala thank you tt emma many thanks simon mccarthy many thanks patina lydia again i can see you i can see you i can see you and that's um so forward lydia frederick akbar and who is there now adal conqueror many many things at alconqua very nice to see you my name is michael bush my producer is here he's pastor ige aquarius um i'm standing right opposite here and gesticulating like never before we continue to do that together okay all the cameramen are here complete with the technical team everyone working in sync to make sure we have a great program the said man as i told you it's already been seated i said 60 seconds he was here in i think 35 40 and i'm super excited to have this international televangelist global prolific arthur doctor abel dominar so nice to see you we spoke earlier in the day yes we did yesterday and by the way this edition of the program is uh dedicated to pastor ray he's a man of demons pastor raised the man of the moon this book is dedicated to him okay and it's so good to see him in such high spirit okay global we go straight to the program where we always start this segment of the program with a quick prayer for our states our government our people our country and then the continent and our world all right let's pray father we thank you for grace mercy and jesus thank you for the gift of your son the gift of your love to the world you love the world so much you give us your best we ask that man in high places men in authority in acquirable in nigeria in the nations of the world will embrace the good news of the gospel of christ that the eyes of men's understanding be enlightened we decree that the gospel will reach them in their places of influence and authority we also pray for men in our society and women we pray for everyone young people we ask that the gospel penetrates every man's world believers are raised disciples are multiplied ministers of the gospel are increasing every day as we keep teaching and we also pray that our governments will give us enabling environment for potentials in the society to thrive and that above all the devil does not have a hold in our society that jesus continues to rule and reign as lord over our world and we give you praise for answered prayer in jesus name amen amen okay global will just take one long minute and make a few more acknowledgements the resident pastor is here it's not every day we get to see him so nice to see him that's pastor president please put your hands together for our resident pastor and doctor i didn't know he's a district bishop okay but yes i didn't know doctor godwin moran i didn't know it's so nice to see him please put your hands together for the district bishop i've made my bishop because i now understand that bishop is just in control of three people or more that's what global taught us yes he's an overseer okay bishop that's what it is okay so okay so a pastor can have bishops under him oh a pastor can ordain bishops and oversee them what about archbishop archbishop is just like bishop okay that is the bishop over all of the bishops in a denomination can now understand why uh is an administrative office yes still remains a pastor yes and then he has made so many bishops and exactly exactly it's just an administrative position that's some profound teaching yeah okay so pastor oku is also here from our back word wow dr gabriel is still with us yep looks like dr grebel is a changing address he's always here he comes here every year for years now to be laid hands on until you need to drink a lot that's why the man is bubbling with regulation and then of course from manchester okay you just stepped out yes then you couldn't take the other um is also here from southampton where is he right there oh pastor kufred from southampton yeah he was supposed to come in yesterday yesterday did he come in yesterday i'm sure okay i'm sure okay okay about now something is even playing with arsenal yeah and i hope that doesn't defeat them you know oh really yeah i hope so about now yeah yeah but that's why i'm you know i understand okay global let's go we spent the night on the last edition of the program in your aquaboom state where we are reaching you from so i'll start here hello global baba mr bush blah blah blah based on your teaching on worship it's like muslims no worship more than christians because muslims bow down to their god in worship but why is it that muslims know what worship is more than christians do in fact they marry for wives and live with them peace peacefully peaceably but most christians are hypocrites they cannot live peace peacefully with one wife in contentment please sir why do most christians lack wisdom in spiritual things and even cannot things like marriage you know you it's because they've not been taught a lot of christians are not taught it just gathered them in church every time and they are seeking for miracles that's all in some churches and in other churches the only reason why they gather people is teaching how to make pro how to prosper how to make money and when that's all people go to church for there's no way they will understand worship there's no way they will understand the relationship with god because it's a selfish it's a selfish relationship and it's a transaction where you come to god to give god something so god can multiply and give you back relationship with god must go beyond all of that brother paul says when i came among you i determined to know nothing save christ and him crucified when people are seeking after christ and all they want to learn is christ their relationship with god is defined differently and that relationship also goes down to the people they live with people yes it will reflect because vertica will affect horizontal absolutely yeah hello global about your explanation or did your explanation on speaking in tongues from the book of arts in any way implied that field with the spirit is utterance sir did you also imply that the gifts of the spirit is already in a believer at new beth please global bob i need to get this clear i want to know whether the gift of utterance is in any way inside the believer at new birth or it comes when it's filled by the spirit thank you global baba for the explanation of a funny man it's in the believer's new birth because okay what about the old testament people that even have the holy spirit in them but operated in miracles they operated in prophecy and all of that so the gifts of the spirit are in the believer the moment the believer is born again because he's born of the spirit and the spirit owns those gifts and stuff so here it's in the believer okay still from you i'm hello global emmanuel from you please help me understand matthew 11 12. thank you matthew 11 12 the kingdom of god suffered violence i hope put it up matthew 11 12. and from the days of john the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffered violence and the violent ticket by force what is simply saying is that from the days of john the baptist until now people are pressing into the kingdom of god people are pressing in to know christ people are pressing in to experience the life of god he's not talking about the violence that people use you know um in the name of other things he's just talking about people pressing in to have an experience of god okay blah blah blah let's move out of uh and let's go to another part of the street say hello global i'm ud i'm right from eckerd please i need your counsel i'm suffering from fibroids and i don't want to go for surgery i need god to heal me completely thank you but global why is it a sin to go for surgery no it's not a sin at all i mean so people have gone for surgery and they are you know free from it so sometimes you know when you have peace you pray about it you have peace just go for the surgery it's not a sin and it's not wrong but are we going to be praying for him for her oh sure father we decree right now that that fabric supernatural is terminated receive a miracle of healing in jesus name amen amen i made a promise that early days on the program will start receiving calls that time starts now even as we head out of aqua boom to next door cross river hello dr damina did jesus really die on the cross or he was only tortured on the stake this is what jehovah's witnesses have been teaching us i'm king slocunben from ikarapora in crossroads state first corinthians chapter 15 verse 3 how that jesus died and that he was buried according to the scriptures and that he rose again the third day according to the scripture it was not a figment of an imagination brother peter in second peter chapter one says we have not followed corningly devised fables when we made known to you the parusia the coming of our lord jesus christ but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty we saw it happen it's not it's not over 500 people saw it happen when he rose from the dead he appeared to over 500 witnesses and you know brother peter says but we have a martial word of prophecy so the prophecy tells us he died he was buried on the third day he rose again that is the profound truth of the gospel anybody else teaching anything contrary to that bible says you should cut him off you should stay away from him 28.5 small minutes to the end of this relationship program our first caller hello hello many thanks for joining us where you calling from all right and in the name of jesus there's no distance in the realm of the spirit wherever you are right now receive your healing from every affliction from every pain from every injury be healed in jesus name amen okay staying on in cross river state hello global baba my global mentor and mr michael bush thank you global baba my global mentor for yielding yourself to be used of god and to be blessed into the body of christ thank you for opening our world to the revelational truth and knowledge of jesus christ global i pray that god should keep you and reveal more of himself to you so that through you and your team a generation indeed our world will come to the true knowledge of christ and come out of the bondage of religion which has kept us hostage all these years because of ignorance finally i want to request for the link to kingdom life network margaret my dear pastor god bless you all amen favor in calabar across the state nigeria all right favor we'll give you the link and then you can also have the decoder in your home it's a free-to-air decoder or my tv decoder or strong decoder any of those you know you can have it but we will email the link to you so you can watch it on your phone a second caller is on the line hello let's go ahead guys just kill strangle the volume on your radio set or your tv set or move away from me hello yes go ahead you still this is what do you mean go ahead buddy so i want thank god for the love of baba for such kind of teachings that will be receiving from him in fact it changed me completely and i'm asking for prayers for me to have a kind of bondage that i have very good thank you amen amen father we pray for boldness for your son that you'll be filled with boldness to speak the word of god in jesus name amen from acquiring went to cross river from cross river we're going to river state what are god my name is brother gilbert opera today is the first time i've watched the teaching of the man of god live on facebook it's awesome i'm based in protagon i want to find out if this ministry is here in protagon if yes what is the address secondly please i want to know all the books authored by dr ebel damina with their prices so that i can order as i can order as soon as possible thank you all right yes we have power city in port harcourt what we'll do is the producer will make sure that you know our office send you the details for port harcourt and then yes you can order for the books from our office and it will be delivered to you in porter court bless you caller number three is here welcome to our program yeah my name is stelzne from josh i want global barber to respond to this question and i want uh this is the question what do you have to say about the coverage 19 the vaccine the last days and antichrist and is there any correlationship between the government 19 version and the last day is there anything specifically the body of christ should do think that the world is accepting report things like homosexual etc and for today a particular doctor in the u.s she said that a particular pharmaceutical company is producing a particular vaccine that is capable of sending a cold message of dna something like that and then the second question i have is that i want global barber to respond to this scripture first john chapter 2 verse 19 in regards to internal internal salvation thank you all right let's start with the more serious one first john chapter 2 verse 19. put it up for us first john 2 19. they went out from us but they were not of us for had they been of course they were not out they they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be manifest that they were not all of us give me the previous verse and the verse after the previous verse little children it is the last time as you have heard that antichrist shall come so antichrist is what he was talking about they are the ones that went out from us because they are not part of us because antichrist is already here so again that scripture you asked me to explain to you is connected to the first question you asked and it is more serious because it has a doctrinal position again you must remember that antichrist is not a human being antichrist is not a person antichrist is a teaching that denies the deity of christ or the humanity of christ any doctrine that denies christ being a man or christ being god that doctrine is anti-christ and he said people that have that doctrine are among us they went away from us because they are not of us the bible says any teaching that denies that jesus came in the flesh is antichrist so there's nothing like antichrist of a man that will conquer the whole world now back to your question which has to do with theories all kinds of you know theories that are going on around the world you've got to stay with the word of god because what you ask me to explain to you is a one-year bible seminar i can't even do it here right now but i have books that you can get because sometimes you see we must avoid the we must avoid looking for the cheap way out there's no way out of bible doctrine other than intensive study and learning so i'll advise you to order for my book the last days is a book on eschatology i also have audio teachings on bible truth about antichrist that will help you a lot with all those theories to keep your mind guided and not to stay in fear and allow the devil to seduce you with all the things that people are talking about around the world one thing is sure a born again believer is sealed with the holy ghost of promise and the devil cannot break that seal you are secured and kept in christ now if there are vaccines and those vaccines are approved by the ministry of health in nigeria go and take the vaccines by all means were you there when up when when when all the different vaccines that you took as a baby were formed all the vaccines for polio vaccines for measles vaccines for all the different things as a baby you went and collected them and you're okay so if there are vaccines coming out because it's a disease don't let the devil just mess you up you know if your ministry of health in your country the authority responsible for the health of your country are proofs of it it means they have checked it and it is okay and if they approve of it their relatives will take it their children will take it they themselves will take it so there's no point to be afraid above all god has not given you the spirit of fear but of love of power and of his sound mind be of peace i can tell you it's a fantastic answer thank you this caller hello welcome to the program you know where you're calling from well you have to move away from your sets regarding some noise here you're calling from where i didn't hear that we need to get it you're calling from where i want you okay i hope that is it's able to come okay i think we'll just try that again okay global baba from rivers let's make progress now to delta i'm sending this message from worry goes to the states blah blah blah i want to thank you and intercontinental mr michael bush i pray to god to fill you both with more wisdom as you dig into the word of god please i want to know if there are blessings in tithing in relation to tithing can you please throw more light on hebrews 6 20 if jesus is a priest in the other of mercedes and the same took tithes if the way you're asking the question so if blessing is only intact my brother then jesus died in vain then jesus wasted his time dying you can as well just be pain tight and get the blessing without jesus jesus is our blessing ephesians chapter one verse three he had blessed us with all spiritual blessings you don't pay tight you give and tight means tent just ten doesn't mean enough tight if you pay nine percent it's not tight eleven percent is not it has to be tenth and in the old testament they paid tithe in the new testament we don't pay tithe we give generously we give willingly to support the work of god and to be a blessing however i recommend for you my book money with a mission it's a book that will help you understand everything about the tithe and about giving in the new testament another caller hello good with me many thanks for joining us your name where you calling from my name hey the man of the 100 christians fame go ahead brother thank you very much i want to hear from jamaica michael bush thank you a contact with the holy ghost the way we pray they are you know my people my son is teaching me one of the things but now [Music] amen [Music] [Music] us amen one or two questions okay what does the bible mean in the book of isaiah we have to let go and let his parents be scattered [Music] is not so good if we kill that some people don't need to call for prayer requests if we make i think i'm feeling prayer and i will i am going to invite you to pray for me i shall call out in your past i've been saying that why are some people call me and request people to have requests thank you sir you gonna continue to know what's happening amen amen first question let god arise and let his enemies be scattered so you have to look at the holistic idea of god's enemy in the bible the new testament explains the old testament the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death so the enemy of god is sin and death because it is the enemy of man that's what it means god arising is the death burial and resurrection of christ which put an end to sin and death let's pray father i pray for your son wherever he is right now that in the name of jesus grace are bound towards you the lord keep you strengthen you you have boldness to preach the world in jesus name amen amen so let god arise and his enemies be put to death be scattered it's jesus being born so that sin and death no more that's what it means you know when you gave that response some um audience members made to club they started praying so they stopped so let me now create 30 seconds for them to have the applause oh my god that's some revelation i didn't know that oh i thought it meant that all those people have been looking for my trouble just get them together and scatter them and kill them oh no do you have another caller okay caller come on hello okay so let's go back um global baba somewhere in the south western part of the country more grace to you intercontinentally worded baba and to you the prelate of the media mr michael bush please global baba i need your prayers on my fresh farm project ordain you the bishop of the airwaves [Laughter] it's my dream and plan to start the first ever fresh farm-produced supermarket online and real time too the second phase is to package palm wine or palm oil excuse me in small sachet and export it it's been years now that i've been seeking financial partner or a grant from the federal government loan scheme and i've not succeeded global by by standing faith that i will find this come to pass in jesus name amen please blah blah blah i need your prayers of faith thank you from a day in collin md fresh farm foods and supermarkets limited but i also need your advice too but i will make out time to come and see you in the office my phone number is that's a big vision absolutely it's a great one making food available that's the future it will come and sponsor us agriculture is the future a word is enough for the wise we ask that supernaturally favor ideas concepts relationships and opportunities for this business to thrive amen in jesus name amen amen our next caller hello hello many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from hello my name is jimmy and i'm calling from texas yeah fire on all right i just wanna well i've been listening to papa for a while and i just want to commend the work god has been doing through in life he really opened our eyes to the person of jesus and i pray that god will always continue to strengthen me and to do his work now this is my question i um i want you to paper like couple of days back and you mentioned something about coming down sometimes traveling to programs to get your head laid hands upon so now my question is if like we have read the bible so that class is inside of us what is the the serious importance of sometimes having to travel down and get your answer your ability and support and pray for you so that you can enter into new dimensions of the spiritual thing is it really composing or would you be with the knowledge of christ and the words can we can that is composed of just enter this dimension without being made upon well again it shows your seriousness that's what it is the bible says covet converts spiritual gifts bible says desire brother paul says i long to see you that i may impart spiritual gifts unto you to the end that you may be established so it's a demonstration of your level of seriousness and there are people that carry certain ministerial deposits that just have to end you have to encounter them they have to lay their hands on you and a lot happens when such importations happen what will have taken you like 10 15 20 years 30 years to get at an impartation can simply throw you in there immediately so again it has to be with your level it shows your level of seriousness and commitment remember the impartation is not for your spiritual life it is for your effectiveness in ministry that's what the impartition does okay so let's move outside nigeria now straight to somewhere else on the african continent south africa here we come hello global baba and mr intercontinental michael busch i'm musu la misu from optington in south africa i'm grateful for coming across kln now it's the only program that is watched in my house my please that you please play more of your semens and teachings on kln labor baba please please please currently i can't afford your books and believe there must be items there that i have to catch up on please assist me and many like me to learn more and also spread the gospel effectively thanks god's territory increasing your hand shallow amen it's noted and we're working on you know doing a new schedule for 2021 so look out for more of the teachings zambia is next i'm asking for prayers i was suspended at work and now dismissed i'm told to appeal within five days i've done that i want god to intervene melanie banda in zambia father we ask for mercy and favor for your son in jesus name amen blah blah blah for your son melanie would that be a son if it is a woman god still understands right okay there's nothing the last caller on this edition of the program hello many thanks for joining us yes my producer is standing in your way ma'am just go ahead yes man you can your name where you calling from all right my question is please [Music] [Music] is okay fasting in the new testament fasting you won't find a scripture on fasting brother paul just mentioned it in passing in fasting's often when he was talking about ministry so in the new testament fasting is just a self-help device to help you maintain focus to help you put some discipline so you can be able to pray and study the word that's all fasting doesn't get the prayer answered fast fasting doesn't get god to listen to you it just helps you god listens to you because of christ god answers your prayer because of christ god gives to you the things he has given to you because of christ so in jesus name you receive what is yours not fasting fasting just helps you to maintain discipline well i said that was the last call-up but my producer says the last of the last is on the line now so we just take this one for the road hello okay i must complain ever since i started hearing your program only 11 o'clock to 1 p.m my life i've never remembered them anymore amen i was confronted you are killing a tomb and man of god man do i want to say for me because i had a lot of challenges in life amen father we pray for your son we ask that you will supernaturally help him through these situations by your favor by your wisdom and above all that the word of god grows big in his heart the light of the gospel shines bright around him we rebuke every wind every storm we speak peace over your life in jesus name amen baba we have just a little over six minutes to round off this edition effectively i have three minutes in my hands and there's still one two other continents to touch but before we get the global baba let's start some let's round off at all in africa kenya please be to our lord jesus my name is isaac wanayna from kenya i'm born again ever since i got saved 20 years ago global barbarous taught everything else except christ i was overburdened by demands through law and none ever preached the surprise liberties of god that are found in his grace through the cross of our lord jesus christ until five years ago when i found the message of grace by a certain pastor and eventually deeper revelations by you you have been used by god to set the captive free and today i feel well fed although in the fellowship i attend this seems to bring rebellion and division among brethren like paul i'm ready to soldier on i pray that god would open their eyes to see the riches and love that is in his grace it's also my humble prayer baba that soon i'll be able to coordinate fellowship that will teach and preach jesus and him crucified thank you so much for the new creation message that is revolutionizing the world revolutionizing the world any spiritual and administrative support concerning this endeavor will be highly appreciated thank you and advanced after all dominic upon you shalom amen shalom will try to reach out to you or you know try to reach out i think isaac will try to reach out to you from our office and get a global coordinator to work with you and help with you know all of that okay blah blah blah quickly to the continent of europe we just take one for the road there and fly out to the americas italy here we come casey cole has been on this program a number of times with blah blah blah daddy thank you for this opportunity for me to ask my question the correct man my my mr bush i agree to serve now my questions are in dwell 2 28 says you are old that that that that portion says your old man shall dream dreams explain to me which of the dreams or the meaning of dream dreams and why is it the old man thank you well keep following we have not reached there don't make me jump before my schedule in the teaching we will soon get there in the course of the week just stay with us okay to the americas now canada here we come global this is your boy fabrice iran from winnipeg in canada robert bass i was following the live broadcast today a question popped up from within me john 20 22 when he had said this he breathed on them and said receive the holy spirit please what does that mean that's exactly what i explained this night so if you followed you must have gotten the explanation it was an offer he made to them that will be fulfilled on the day of pentecost fantastic it's our last touch um and i'm excited i'm able to do this straight to barbados barbados is west indies and that is in on the continent called northern america hello dr damina i'm miss sis lana carter right from barbados west indies please sir pray for my husband mr sean carter his severe stomach pain he take off seriously and sneezes badly please pray for god's healing upon him father there's no distance so we speak to your son in west indie in barbados we decree right now that everything that is responsible for that discomfort loses his grips off you will command your body be healed the cough stops in jesus name amen amen okay so we'll be staying over in the barbados reminds me of the former governor of our state uh obama victor his wife you know came from there yes it was from there so in some sense we're in lost so we are comfortable there yes yes get some fantastic places yeah okay so we've come to the end of this edition of the program and i'd just like to say thank you to all of you and continue to support us because there's a massive announcement coming probably towards the weekend or next week when we tell you about the new platform that's engaging the biggest massive big one so we're done and producer pastor iguod i'd like to thank you everyone here the production team this is michael bush your uncle thank you for having stay tuned let's do this tomorrow global baba is here now to take us home the intercontinental mr bush it's been a wonderful evening and everybody thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god remember tonight eight to nine i mean nine to ten we are on inspiration ten to twelve heritage fm tomorrow morning eleven to one radio aqua bomb one two three xlf m3 to five you know ufm and we're back here tomorrow evening according to mr bush in grand style by 6 p.m uncomfortably on comfort fm it's going to be an exciting time tell more people to follow what we're doing and we want you to know we love you and expect to get more announcements as the week winds down it's going to be exciting but we're happy and we want to thank every one of you and until we see you tomorrow enjoy the grace of jesus and be blessed goodbye from you nigeria amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is kingdom life 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Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,563
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 10sec (7690 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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