Sunday 2nd Service | Jan. 19, 2020

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[Music] yucks are destroyed your people are equipped and built up the work comes with clarity Jesus revealed and made manifest among us and we rejoice that by the end of the service today will be the better for it in Jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful a man lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet to get us to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built on by the end of this service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen well one welcome every one of you connected to the service where we have Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube and all the various platform and our campuses around the world we're glad to have every one of you connected to the service hey you get ready the world is gonna build you up and you will never be the same again can I have a powerful amen are we excited about the opportunity to hear the word of God this morning can we celebrate the word let's celebrate the word let's celebrate award let's celebrate award glory amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self this morning let's get in the world we've been looking at the in Christ realities brought a pause revelation of identification since the new year begun and it's been a wonderful story we are still on our way into that revelation we are still taking care of side issues and building up doctrinally some foundation to get into the Pauline revelation very fully The Book of Luke chapter 24 verse 25 jesus speaking to the disciples on the way to Emmaus there is said unto them o fools and slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken take note of the word all that the prophets all that the prophets of spoken not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory remember the things what things these things expounded on to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself so that these things what things will be the things concerning himself who in the building here right don't forget that now so we be gonna deal with the fact that you know the Jesus is teaching ministry in the Gospels were parables a parable is a form of communication where you move from one platform to another from the spiritual to the natural and we established also that Jesus was restricted by the audience that's the reason why he used parables that was not what he wanted to but because of all they will handle so he communicated in parables we said the Old Testament is mystery or the Old Testament is reduce some 78 verse 2 they are called dark sayings widows all right so the Old Testament was communicated in riddles or mysteries and the Gospels were communicated in parables the book of John was communicated in figures of speech and the New Testament is communicated in revelation the book of Romans chapter 16 verse 25 to 26 Romans 16 now to him that is a power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began so mystery is that which was kept secret since the world began mystery so Genesis to Malachi is mystery because the things written there were kept secret since the world began mystery musterion right so it will be according to the revelation of the mystery the unveiling of the Old Testament but a post revelation of Jesus is according to the unveiling of the Old Testament not in eye witness at all is pure revelation from the Old Testament according it up again Romans 16:25 according to the revelation of the mystery on which was kept secret since the world begun next verse but 26 romans 16 26 but now it was kept secret since the world began but now put it up but now is made manifest and how is it made manifest by the scriptures of the prophets on the land its nammed the mystery is now made manifest by revelation by the scriptures which is the mystery of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting God made known to all nations for the obedience of faith are you still in the building now so revelation of the mystery the revelation of Jesus according to the revelation of the mystery Luke chapter 10 verse number 20 Luke chapter 10 verse number 20 Noah standing in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven 21 in that hour Jesus rejoiced in the spirit and say efendi Oh Father Lord of Heaven and Earth that I was hid these things from the wise and prudent and as we filled them unto babes even so father for so it seemed good in the sight so take note it was he from the wise and prudent heed from the wise and prudent but revealed to babes revealed to babes if your wise and prudent you can catch revelation knowledge you must function like a babe humility all right reveal unto babes give me the next verse revealed unto babes all things are delivered to me of my father and no man knoweth who the son is but the father and who the father is but the Son and he to whom the son will reveal him pay attention next verse and he turned him on to his disciples and said privately blessed are the eyes which see the things if your bag was metal underline the things the things that you see 24 24 for I tell you that many prophets and kings so did you see wise imprudent prophets and Kings have desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them and to hear those things which you hear and have not heard them so prudent wise prophet Kings from the beginning of time have desired to see those things but have not seen them all right so the things will be the revelation of Jesus that is heed in the father all right the things the things will be the revelation of Jesus that is heed in the father so it's very clear that Jesus was talking about him revealing the father please don't forget don't forget don't forget at all the father therefore is revealed in the son the father is revealed in the song jesus said he that has seen me has seen the father so Jesus is the revelation of the father Jesus is the revelation of the father in John chapter 1 verse 33 that's where we ended the first son is something instructive John 133 and I knew him not now before John 133 John chapter 1 verse 6 John chapter 1 verse 6 there was a man sent from God whose name was John the 7 the same came for a witness to be a witness of the light that all men through him I believe so John came to be a witness of the light questioned who was John huh a prophet and John was not just a prophet but he was the prefect of the prophets because among all that a born of women none is as great as John so John was the greatest of all the prophets so when all the prophets gada John will be the class prefect alright he's greater than all of them and if John the greatest of all the prophets is to be a witness to the light to be a witness to the light what will other prophets do there will be a witness to the light so all the prophets were to be a witness to the light okay now so since John was to be a witness to the light look at John chapter 1 verse 33 so what qualifies a prophet is that he appears witness to the light what qualifies a prophet is that he bears witness to the light John 133 and I knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water the same said unto me upon whom thou shalt see the spirit descending and remaining on him the same as he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost show now join the Baptist and Jesus were cousins I hope we all know that they were very close cousins because the mother of John was Elizabeth and the mother of Jesus was Mary and Marian is Isabel to assist us now so John and Jesus were cousins born around the same family grew up together but John said I knew him not what will that mean that will mean that John only knew Jesus in the physical and he knew Jesus as a cousin that's all and he treated Jesus like a causing would treat a cousin that's all but Shawn was supposed to be a witness to the light but John was with the light and John didn't know the light are you following them so John didn't know that Jesus was the light that he was here to be a witness of so of course he must have treated Jesus casually while waiting for the light that is bearing witness of you know and you know John was in the bush he was in the mountings and eaten wild honey and it will know cost and was wearing animal skin he thought that all of that was required to catch a revelation knowledge still on the mountaintop be moving from one into another wearing animal skin you know some people believe that until they fast and the amount is smelling and dry go to not answer their prayer some people believe that until they fast and their body is smelling and they are moving like some some skeletons God has not answered their prayer they give an impression of such a wicked God where you have to you have to pull yourself before God he hears you it's a character assassination of God I'm telling you the truth well John the Baptist was there on the mountains and camels and then Jesus his cousin was the passing was to bear witness of he was with Christ but didn't know Christ but don't say the one that sent me to baptize him upon whom the spirit shall be sent like a dog will be him so he started baptizing to identify the person that will be the Messiah and while baptizing Jesus came to meet him at River Jordan and I'm sure he must have Syria cause what's up man jesus said I came also to be baptized you too want to give up look at jump in the river not knowing that that is the Savior see the eye witness account of Jesus cannot be revelation the more you I would Christ physically the more confused you get look at John I'm sure he must have seen Jesus slept and snored and was upset this can never be the person God can never be the one Snorri him and Jesus must have gone out to get some sunshine Rama and as well it is a shawarma shawarma shawarma you know I used to eat it back in the 1980s forgotten the names - our Amma or Shama whatever you call it they must have been it in Chihuahua together maybe with coca-cola or zooboo they eaten just BG ste ste you know the other day I went to the village of bla bla bla those village people say I don't know how they behave and Jesus said really mm-hmm interested okay cause see you later and then now they're Justine and Justine and playing together as cousins and then they're watching he's waiting for Jesus the Messiah and then Jesus jumps in the river and John was upset never beat this one about this one let him go let's look for the light and as he's baptizing Jesus bombed the heavens open the door comes out of heaven the voice comes out of him cause are you the Messiah his eyes were open because see you cannot know Jesus by eyewitness you know Jesus by revelation that's why jesus said nobody knows the Father except the so reveals him and nobody knows the son except the father reveals him no man comes to the Father but by me so Jesus is the revelation of the father is somebody in the building Jesus is the revelation of the father so John knew who Jesus was by revelation John knew Jesus by the spirit John knew Jesus by the spirit you can't know the son except the father reveals him and you can know the father except the son reveals him John knew Jesus by revelation not by head knowledge so now that means that John the Baptist was prophesying before John 133 he said at baptized with water he that comes after me will not baptize with water he will baptize with the Holy Ghost so in other words if Moses and the prophets John being the class prefect if they were all in the four Gospels they will have acted like John they will have seen Jesus and common izing Moses and Jeremiah and Isaiah they will have seen Jesus and treated him casual because if John a big boy among them in street in Jesus as nothing that is sad they will have to attend a sermon summary says Jesus appear to me in a vision you don't need to see Jesus in a vision because even if you see Jesus in a vision it has not changed anything and vision is not revelation knowledge a vision is not revelation knowledge if a vision was revelation knowledge when Peter was in the Appa Appa chamber fasting and praying and a sheet came out of heaven with four-footed beast and God said to him rise up kill and eat he wouldn't have been telling God what you have what what he would have been telling God it is unclean revelation knowledge is exact but in a vision you can see the limitation of vision he saw the full foot four-footed animals in a vision and he was telling God that meat is unclean and God told him shut up what I have cleaned you shall not call unclean God was trying to tell PETA because of Peters limitation of understanding that the Gentiles have now been accepted so the gospel can go to them and God use metaphors to communicate because of PETA's limitation so a vision cannot be revelation knowledge the new tech note of that a vision cannot be revelation knowledge revelation knowledge cannot be vision so don't give too much relevance to visions and dreams don't give too much importance to visions and dreams they cannot substitute revelation knowledge you don't give too much relevance to eyewitness accounts when people say I see Jesus in a vision don't think they are more important than you when somebody said I was in a vision and the Lord Jesus sat by me and was telling me things and I was writing don't be feeling like oh he is privileged no no no no no that revelation that vision can even confuse him more than you who has not seen Jesus said blessed are they that have not seen but believe you're my blessed and Amanda saw a vision walking by faith you are more blessed than a man that had experience because a vision is experience so don't be placing too much premium on such things there is a higher premium on reveal knowledge from the Word of God am i communicating at all so he spoke about Jesus and John is having water baptism ministry while the guy while God he didn't know Jesus because it takes revelation knowledge so being around Jesus would have confused you more let me tell you something that was shocking when we finally dropped mortality and we enter our full reality in heaven nothing will change you will still have to know Jesus by the word you will still have to know Jesus by the world even when mortality is dropped and we move into immortality fooling we will still have to know Jesus by the word the same way you have to know him here by the word is the same way you have to know him via by the world why he doesn't change what he expects of you today is what he expects of you forever so the earlier you learned the word they shot are your classes the shot higher classes you will still have to know him by the world you will still have to walk by faith he will still have to function by revelation knowledge oh yes you will still because as a way heaven functions that's the way heavens reality functions John said I saw then a barcode that disc is the son of God revelation knowledge so it means in Luke 24 25 to 27 Jesus was also explaining to Moses and the prophets he was explaining to them yanira beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them then physical and their Moses and the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself notice this what then could the Old Testament produce since they were the ones prophesied and didn't know what they were saying since both the prophet and the audience didn't know what they were saying so what does the Old Testament produce pay attention Luke chapter 16 we're gonna do some exciting story so give me your entire attention here new chapter 16 look at this what did Jesus rebuked them about in Luke chapter 24 what was the rebuke for the rebuke was slow over heart toward belief so if your Bible was mine our underlined to believe or if I'm writing notes I would like to believe in capital letters to believe slow of heart to believe to believe so he rebuked them for not believing he didn't rebuke them for not knowing he rebuked them for not believing slow of heart to believe not slow of how to know so the issue was believing slow of heart to believe 1st Corinthians 2:9 1st Corinthians 2:9 hallelujah it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love ye eyes have not seen not heard entered the heart of man no one has known no one has known I mean in Old Testament so to believe all that the prophets have spoken to believe all that the prophets have spoken duskie have spoken now let's get to Luke chapter 16 and look at the parable of the rich man and Lazarus now we know that because of them I wouldn't go into all the details but the rich man was very arrogant as it is with rich men that don't know Christ they're full of arrogance because they think their money is everything I've ever met rich people they can be very arrogant especially when they've got good money come be very arrogant that's where the Bible says charge them that are rich in this world not to be high-minded because it is one of their characteristics they become high-minded oh you don't understand when money enters your hand I'm talking about money I'm not talking about house rent when real money where you wake up and you look left and right in your room and you see 1 million US dollars cash all over the floor in your room that is for expenses and you've got them in the account where you take a bundle of $20,000 a bundle of 20,000 10 10 and you're holding 7.7 million casually you put it in your pocket nobody will know you're carrying it where you greet somebody you remove $1,000 and you tell him good morning is three hundred and something thousand mana you just give him casually what the kind of money is flowing in your hands and somebody stands on your way you want to tell him move before I move you mommy can intoxicate that's why he says judge them not to be high-minded you have money the way some of you are looking at me I see money coming to you I'm there Sophia you will have plenty money that $20,000 as I said will be a Sunday of free you have new ideas are swimming into your understanding in the name of Jesus touch a neighbor say money is good it's important the rich man was arrogant even in hell he was arrogant the man has arrived hell and is still arrogant for lbrahim sellers arose he in hell is sit down and cross his leg further bruh sellers rose to me what I'm cool my tongue it was a cell as well Sabri water let me take em cool my tongue Lazarus you bring the water look 1627 let's look at it look 1627 then he said a treat for Miguel then he said I pray thee therefore father that thou wouldest send him to my father's house send him to my father's house see the arrogance next verse for I have five brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of torment Denine take note abraham saith unto him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them so this already shows you that this event happened in the Old Testament they have underlined Moses and the prophets that's critical they have Moses and the prophets not Moses physically as a man but the writings of Moses they have the writings of Moses beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded meaning beginning at the writings of Moses and the writings of the prophets because they came to be a witness of the light he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures so they have Moses and the prophets their writings all right now pay attention verse 29 again look 1629 let them let them hear them the word here is the word to heat a coal in the greek AKO you o use 430 times that is the same word here in Romans 10:17 so then faith by hearing hearing the message of Christ so faith is by hearing hearing Romans chapter 10 verse 14 Romans 10:14 how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed yes and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard yes and how shall they hear without the water here how shall they hear how shall they hear without a preacher how shall they hear Romans chapter five verse nine Romans 5:9 read four much more then being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him next vows for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life by his life all right now so to hear means to believe a cow to believe Oh to hear means to act upon it is the same word for to heat to hear is to heat HED to heat now read again for me vast 29 of Luke 16 please pay attention look 1629 abram saith unto Him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them let them hear them now you know Moses and the prophets never lived together so for Jesus who say they have Moses and the prophets he is saying they that Moses and the prophets are the single message Moses and the prophets have a single message that's what Jesus you know put them together they have a single message Isaiah 53 must one pay attention Isaiah 53 verse one pay attention read for me who has believed our report now watch who has believed what our hour is single man is talking here she say who has believed my report but he says our meaning their message is one who has believed our chameau who has believed our Shamu the word Shamu is a Hebrew word for report who has believed our message only one person talking but he uses our meaning but me and all that spoke were saying the same thing who has believed our report in other words all the prophets a similar message is the same thing that binds them together the same message binds the prophets together so what does it mean if you read Genesis to Malachi you will find a single message running through Genesis to Malachi a single message a single message we don't have messages we have a message did you notice something in Jesus that after Jesus spoke about the man the man died after Jesus said the man the rich man died he didn't call him rich man again after the man died Jesus in that parable didn't call the marriage in us today calling him the man because once you die you're no more rich riches classify you on earth you observed in the book of Revelation Jesus speaking through that angel said because you think you are rich and you have good but you don't know that you are poor you are wretched and you are blind so your world only has relevance here outside this physical material world you are not plus in fact the physical outside this material world they don't know you as rich they don't know your switch and if you are not born again your very pure wretchedly poor wretchedly poor pathetically poison English like that pathetically poor you are miserably poor miserably you are wretchedly poor you are stinking leap or you are pitifully poor I'm looking for adjectives I said this world is only here on earth that people think you're rich but when it really matters you know reach you're only rich when you're a recipient of God's grace it is called the riches of His grace the riches of His mercy the riches of his love so what God calls riches is not money and things riches in the sight of God is what he has offered you that you have accepted there is not an outcome of a divinity rather everything at receives is from divinity you didn't there is nothing ads can offer divinity rather everything that it has is what divinity has given so the earth cannot intimidate the earth cannot harass date it has nothing that deity is looking for the earth has nothing that deity is looking for he said if I wanted a house I will not come to you because your three-bedroom flat cannot take you on your cousin's if I want that food I will not eat your food because your food satisfies for a few minutes but I am The Living bread when you eat me you hunger normal Kabbalah are you still in the building so there is nothing deity is looking for that the ATA's even the house where he lives he built it himself the new creation you are the handiwork of God we are his workmanship created well so even his house he built it himself destroyed this temple and in three days he raised this up and he raised it up in the bona Kinema for him and the father to live inside I'm teaching good here now that's so important and that's constructive so the rich man was no more rich man after he died because Jesus stop calling him rich after the monk pay me amen he just called him the man damn aha look at verse 22 look 16 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom yes the rich man also died and was buried 23 and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and seeth Abraham afar afar off and Lazarus in his bosom 24 and he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue did you observe there was no more identity given to the rich man only Lazarus name kept appearing Lazarus Lazarus Lazarus Richmond devadasi and Anna he and he did you observe and he he had no identity he's just a he is still in a building they have Moses and the prophets send someone I have five brethren they have Moses and the prophets if they will not hear them if they were not heed even if somebody comes from the dead they were not yet just like you to you I hear because you didn't hear Moses and the prophets you to you you did this man it's not because someone did not appear to you in the dream is because you did not hear Moses and the prophets look at verse that read for me was in fact a demon I'm touching for protects 29 look 16:16 29 and 30 of look Abraham saith unto Him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said nay father Abraham but if one went unto them from the dead they will repent look at the next verse and he said unto them and he said unto him if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead so the issue was a an issue of persuasion to heat they will not heat they will not be persuaded even if somebody went from the day and that's where all of you should be wary of those people that are always died and went to heaven I'm coming back with messages they are just they are just business people looking for how to give you stories and get your money by selling their stories and just deceiving you if Jesus said that far back in look that even if someone from the dead come they will not here is another Jesus as changes mind to be sending people from the dead to come and because here say the woman died do five days in heaven she's going to be sharing her testimony I will miss it for anything those to and fro and carried about even if one no does people know who they talk to none of them must ever by mistake Richie ever by animistic none of them by chance have concluded to my parameters its from afar they escape they know those they go to they know those they would they are not the churches where they go to acts to give testimony yeah we don't even give you a chance to give us testimony that you had malaria and malaria has gone is it that you died and went to heaven I came a most a time when they deny that they are always going to where there is Gaddy there's always seen Gardens I think they have the garden problem look at the Statue of Luke 16 again look 1630 read for me and he said no father Abraham but if one went answered them from the dead they will repent they will repent the word repent they are unlike you take note of it is a Greek word Metanoia M ETA n e o you keep that somewhere because we shall look at it again in the course of this teaching which is the same word Metanoia Jesus used in Luke 24:47 Luke 24:47 read for me Luke 24:47 and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem that repentance the word repent is the what to change your mind to change your mind in other words when they read the law and the prophets they had a minds when they read the law and the prophets they have a mindset then look at the closing statement or the closing remarks of Abraham in Luke 16:31 Luke 16:31 and he said unto him if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead if they won't hear Moses and the prophets neither is another what to take note of neither is the word moreover that word is used to stress a point NIDA is stressing the point they will not believe or they will not be persuaded the Greek artists tease they will not be persuaded so notice he mentions the word repent and Abraham calls the word repent persuaded gaybraham cause that word repent persuaded so the repentance in the Old Testament is faith repentance in the Old Testament is faith is what faith o pé ith bow taking from the world beasties which is to believe to believe repentance in the Old Testament is faith neither will they be persuaded if one rose from the dead so what was come on in Moses and the prophets what was come on in Moses and the prophets that one will rise from the dead that one will rise from the dead so there will be no difference because their message is the one who rose from the dead their message is the one who rose from the dead and that's very critical because in Luke 24 25 to 27 he called the attention to how that Christ would suffer and out of his suffering glory will follow he will rise again the third day so the message of the Old Testament which binds all the law the professed together is the resurrection of Christ the message of the Old Testament which binds all the law and the prophets together is a resurrection of Christ the intricate details were not available but in the Old Testament the resurrection was a message of faith if there were no read Moses and the prophets if there were not very important so we said Jesus being physically present was not revelation seeing Jesus physically is not revelation Jesus is saying if you will not believe Moses and the prophets you will not believe any other thing that is even if you see Jesus physically if you don't believe Moses and the prophets you won't believe Jesus even if you seem physically in fact it will even be worse you know somebody just walks through your house and says I'm Jesus I'm Jesus how are you I'm Jesus bless you you will look at him and say you please if you don't know what you do don't come here they won't believe that's a problem John the Baptist heart that's the problem all I witness people had and that is where the word of faith becomes of the essence that's where the word of faith becomes of the essence that's where the gospel of salvation is in believing the gospel of salvation is in believing and this is important because Moses and the prophets had a similar message a message of faith there was faith in their message listen carefully there was faith in the message of Moses and the prophets but there was no knowledge in their message there was faith in their message but there was no knowledge in their message just the same way all of us had the gospel and believed it and got born again but we didn't have knowledge but as we kept sitting down and we're being taught the Word of God were growing in knowledge it is not because we're growing in knowledge that were born again it is because we are born again fest that's why we can grow in knowledge so it is fest a message of faith in the Old Testament than a message of knowledge in the New Testament a message of faith in the Old Testament Luke 24:44 give me Luke 24:44 read for me look 24:44 and he said unto them these are the words which I speak unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me concerning me I'm 45 now then opened he their understanding that they might understand the scripture and open here understanding the what they they not God then I kill Dana Dana Gill is a Greek word dia and og I hope it means to launch a product for the first time then open he they understand him meaning that was the first time their understanding was open not what is used when someone hears or sees for the first time or when a baby is born from a warmth for the first time the first child that opens the mother's womb the first time okay the first time you will see that or DeMott 734 Mac 734 Luke chapter read for me mark 734 I'm looking up to heaven he sighed and saith unto Him at Fatih that is be opened first time look 223 look 223 look to 223 and it is written in the law of the Lord every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord s time ox 756 ox 756 and said behold I see the heavens opened and the son of man standing on the right hand of God is the first revelation of Jesus in the book of Acts that's the first time anybody in the book of Acts you see I see the son of God so first first first first act 16 14 the woman acts 16 14 and a certain woman named Lydia a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira which worshipped God heard us whose heart the Lord opened that she attended unto the things which were spoken of whose heart the Lord opened for the first time at 17:00 three acts 17 three opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and rise again from the dead and that's this Jesus whom I preached unto you is Christ first and away here in the message so then a gill means for the first time so these guys who have been reading Moses and the prophets for many years in Luke 24:46 and 45 and 44 was the first time their eyes open to see the message of the Bible that was the first time their eyes open to see the message of the Bible in Luke 24 25 they are reasoning he engaged their reason him that they may understand he engaged their reasoning give me Luke 24 again verse 45 Luke 24 45 then opened either understand he opened up word understanding is the word reasoning he opened their reasoning that they may understand the Scriptures what did he do to bring that understanding to them he put the facts together he put the facts together and when the facts came together they understood the message of the scriptures no matter the multitude of Simmonds until the revelation of Christ is communicated to you you have not yet launched the scriptures no matter the thousands of sermons you here until the message of Christ is communicated to you you have not yet been launched into the scriptures no matter you know same word used in Luke 24 31 and 32 look 24 31 and 32 and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight dodgy Jew and they said one to another did not our hearts burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures did not our hearts open so their eyes were open for the first time to understand the scriptures to understand the scriptures look at Luke chapter 24 verse 47 look 2447 and that's repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem that repentance what will be the repentance here a change of mindset change of mindset about what about the scriptures when their eyes are open they are mindset changes about the Scriptures because before now when they read Moses and the prophets they saw David and Goliath when they read Moses and the prophets they saw Samson and Delilah when there's a David and the prophets they search Solomon and the Queen of Sheba when they read is the Queen of Sheba yes Queen of Sheba who fainted when they read Moses and the prophets they saw pigeon total Dov's and they saw all of those things but the moment their eyes were open they saw that Christ ought to have suffered and to enter his glory that was the first time they were launched into the scriptures am i communicating at all first time first time first time so they had a change of mindset about the scriptures so repentance is your mind to be opened to the scriptures it is not for a change of behavior when we say repent what we're saying is let your mind change by virtue of the revelation of scriptures change of behavior follows a change of mind change of behavior follows a change of mind a change of mind is how you see it first so the understanding of the scriptures starts with Jesus it starts with his revelation that is all you will notice scriptures where you look at the scriptures through the eyes of Jesus anything you read in the scriptures to just be historical facts and you begin to draw cultural insinuations like brethren let us have the Feast of Esther let us have the feast of esta feast of Esther is a cultural insinuation it's not the basis of the scripture where is your boys singles mingle where is your boss is a cultural insinuation and is okay I mean because there are some lessons you can learn from it but that's not the message of the Scriptures the scriptures were written because of Christ the scriptures were written because of Christ the scriptures were not written for government political officers to be to swear with it was written for that because Muslims at least read with the Bible they still brick what they saw as well to be true to the office of bla bla bla they're good and they are not true to the office they abuse the office they use the office because that book they were holding means nothing to them it's just religion so so that they would not see I hold a Bible I solemnly swear that I will uphold and defend the Constitution no Basu and then when I get into the office they start looking for the loopholes of the Constitution to me under the Constitution so that Bible means nothing to them because the Bible was not written for swearing in government officials it wasn't written for that until our understanding is Christ you are yet to launch the scriptures until your understanding is Christ you are yet to launch the scriptures when your understanding is not Christ you will hear messages like God as cross his hands Jacob I love Isaac I hate God is crossing his hand today in your office God has decided I are the one he loved he hit others in your office what kind of preaching is done until your understanding is launched you hear messages like sixty reasons why the blessings are yours sixty reasons where the blessings are yours and the way you when they give you reason one by the time they enter is in 216 commitments in number two there are sixteen one to under 216 it's called 7 izing and we can build on those sixteen sixteen for one year because when they reach number four there is ABCD and under a there are twenty on the beach there are 15 on the sea there are 45 on that day there are a hundred and fifty things before we reach number five its costs M amazing and after all of that you still don't know who Christ is you have not been opened to the scriptures you are having nice semijns until I know more I will mama when praises go our blessings comes down Paul and Silas prayed nothing happened maybe you've been praying here and not in a support there is a trigger that makes it happen and when they began to sing praises there was an earthquake somebody is about two dozen earthquake in dance you see people removed the actual suit we want to attract the place are you still in the building don't get me into those things until the scriptures are open it is like speaking in tongues no man understandeth him he himself under standard not himself not all a manga What did he say I just spoke what God understands he himself don't know his audience don't know it's a mystery he would just be saying gibberish so he opened their understanding for the first time to understand how many years they have carried the Bible yet they were reading it and didn't know it was because Christ has not been open to them until a man hears the message of Christ he has not known anything in the Bible it doesn't matter how many verses you can quote if you like cut 1000 verses per hour you don't know nothing you're just an academic student of the Bible academic student by memorization ability until your eyes are opened to Christ you don't know the Scriptures so all along they were following Moses through the desert all along they were wasting their time Joshua Moses talking nonsense and every Pharaoh in your life every Pharaoh in your life what are you ready for what are you ready for the spirit of Jezebel what are you waiting for hmm is a display of spiritual illiteracy until Christ is revealed you will be a victim of extra-biblical activities until christ is revealed you will become a Bible historian without life until now they didn't know the Scriptures they can coach it but didn't know it Christ opens the scriptures to you he is not the revealer of the scriptures Christ is not the revealer of the scriptures is the revelation of the scriptures he's not the revealer history is the embodiment of the revelation he reveals himself he reveals himself so all the parables of Jesus we are about himself remember he said if you know not this parable how will you know the other ones that means the parable of the sower was the key parable to all parables so watch what was this parable of the sower look at 11 Luke chapter 8 verse 11 read for me look at verse 11 now the parable is this the seed is the word of God the seed is what the Word of God who is the Word of God Jesus so the parable is about Jesus himself and this is the parable of all parables which will mean that all other parables will be about himself the seed is the word of God the seed is the word of God why was that parable important because that parable of the sower explains it all he said the seed is the word of God so Jesus in his parable spoke majorly about his incarnation about the parables of Jesus were majorly about how the word became flesh he was not teaching about his resurrection he was primarily teaching about his incarnation because revelation will not be taught in parables resurrection will be revelation incarnation can be taught in parables beaudelet resurrection cannot be taught in parables resurrection is revelation incarnation is iWitness we saw him we touched him we handled him we walked with him we talked to him we ate with him we saw where he was born we saw his mother we saw his father we saw him as a baby in a manger all that is incarnation we can be taught that in parables but resurrection the eyes of your understanding must be enlightened to see that Christ rose and is written on your hands you can teach that in parables you teach that not with the world which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual you can teach that in parables so all the parables of Jesus we are concerning himself so his parables will explain the Old Testament are they about conduct no but there will be some lessons of conduct involved but naturally the parables were about him so the Old Testament was about Jesus all together so if he comes and begins to teach what will be what will he be teaching if Jesus comes and begins to teach the Old Testament what will he be teaching Sarge the Scriptures for in them you think you have and they are they testify where are the scriptures where are the Scriptures the Old Testament so if Jesus came and was explaining the Old Testament who will even explain him himself so all the parables were the explanations of his incarnation is it clear here if is clear can I have a porosity powerful tone grows amen all right so very clear that the Old Testament was about Jesus so Jesus was teaching about Jesus John 16:12 please stay with me John 16:12 read for me twelve and thirteen I have yet many things to say unto you but he cannot bear them now howbeit when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come question what are the things to come he will show you things to come what are the things to come resurrection the things to come will be resurrection because when he was speaking I have many things to say to you he had no reason so the things he had to say to them we are different from the things that the Spirit will show to them the things that the Spirit will show to them will be resurrection because resurrection will have to be by the spirit call revelation knowledge so his death his burial but most especially his resurrection and the things to come so now please take note of these they will show you is the word and a jello I taught you that and agile oh that means they were things about is death and burial they could never understand there are things about his death burial and resurrection they could never understand that is why a Peter will say to Jesus don't even say you will die I don't want to hear you think this Moses Authority I've been doing bodybuilding all my life to protect you I left my fishing club to walk with you you said somebody will kill you that I am where I don't want to hear you think this knife is envy how many are we here don't be talking like that Jesus looked at him he pitied him that means even with all that he had taught them they didn't still understand the depth the do you understand with all the Moses and the prophets they were reading they didn't still understand the death of Christ at the point you got to tell him got to be handy settle down samurais not the things that be of God this guy was not comprehended they were carried away by historical stories in the Old Testament so when the stories are too much they make revelation not to settle revelation will register because you're full of stories that's what happened in these guys so you can imagine if they could understand the debt they were still arguing about it is the resurrection they will understand how they was seen anybody rise by himself guys I'm going to down rise if you were now somebody will believe oh you who died who raised you political ambition you will be President because even when I say I will die I give you stretch not parable I will die say stop don't talk like that so what what more can you handle you cannot do some more till I die what else will you handle what else can you handle better so that's why he now said to them happy it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth are you still in the building now listen even though they will see him rise from the dead and launch him there there are things about the resurrection they will never understand it has to be disclosed to you by revelation he will show you things to come remember we explained the firm spirit of truth LoZ Parakletos did you remember that ellos para can you record explanation I gave can you okay let's try something who is another comforter another comforter another comforter will be what I will send you another comforter another comforter will be what now what what will it imply and another sin but what will it imply what will be the implication of the coming of another comforter location a Lowe's is location another of the same time will be location the comforter is with you the comforter is with you another comforter will be in you another comforter will be in you the comforter is with you but another comforter whom I will send in my name shall be in you change of location John 14:16 look at it I'm around you know John 14:16 read for me and I will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter yes that's he may abide with you forever right next verse 17 even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but you know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be he shall be I lost by raclette or shall be in you now look at verse 18 now glory to God verse 18 of that scripture I will come to you I will send you another comforter then after telling them you will send him another comforter he now says I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you so that means I am with you now but in coming into you I will be another I will come in another shape like this I cannot enter you so for me to enter you I have to come as another of the same is it clear with you in you with you Jesus in you Holy Spirit which is the spirit of truth who is the truth Jesus I am the truth the way and the life so who is the truth Jesus who is the spirit of truth the spirit of Jesus is a getting clear the spirit of Jesus I lost Parakletos he shall be in you you see you right now he shall be in you so it is with you and shall be in you so if you call another comforter the spirit of truth that means he is a spirit of his son that means he is a spirit of Christ and he will guide you he will guide you into all of the truth the Spirit of Truth will guide you into all the truth in the era the spirit of truth will guide you into all of the truth this is the spirit of truth so truth has a spirit truth has a spirit and the spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth for he now if you miss this one maybe you shouldn't have come to service for he shall not speak of himself read verse 13 or 14 for me quickly as around of this class that's in a fortune of look of John and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son no John 16 John 16:13 16 of John verse 30 yes come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come King James the English King James Moore dad advice no wait look at it just use your hey use your brain that you went to school with do you understand use your brain that your logical brain that you went to school meet and listen to this kingdom were going to read now just think like an intelligent person who is in class trying to to try to pass English literature now don't try to be looking for revelation knowledge just just be literate Ozzie had English read for me from us yes howbeit when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come did you see did wait happy it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all of the truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever I hear that shall he speak here here from whom júlio put it now whatever Isaiah - Ali speak and he will show you things to come look at the next verse this wait Gastonia he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it on to you 15 now is a receive of mine all things that the father has are mine therefore said I they shall take of mine and he will show it to you did you see that English is King James o so who will hear from who is teaching him if somebody is teaching him then he is not the Spirit of Truth because if he is the Spirit of Truth it means all the truth is with him so nobody should be teaching him so he shouldn't be hearing from anybody rather everybody should be hearing him why are you looking at me later remember the who he is a pronoun so who is the heat [Music] is the Spirit of Truth right so who will hear him whatsoever he shall hear why is he hearing it from he is the Spirit of Truth who is Jesus hearing from so who is the Holy Spirit here in front so he said as a construction issue so put up description unless constructed all things know go back to verse 13 quickly habit when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you on into all the truth for he shall not speak of himself for he shall not speak of himself whatsoever ye shall hear what is sure it is for you shall not speak of yourself whatsoever you shall hear from the Spirit of Truth whatsoever you that he is guided into all the truth whatever you shall hear put it up one evolution here that shall you speak for he will show you this is a time to look at your Bible Oh for he will show you things to come now he will not give it an excess he will not speak of himself he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you he shall not speak away from himself away from himself he will show you things to come now so the pronouns were wrongly put so whatever you shall hear because the Spirit of Truth is a spirit of Revelation so whatever you you you you you shall hear because the spirit of truth will reveal all truth to you and he will show you things to come so it is whatever you shall hear of him not whatever he shall hear whatever you whom he is revealing to shall hear because truth is a pressing and the spirit of truth is a spirit of Christ it's not the one hearing you are the one hearing because you are the one he is guiding is it getting clear you are the one he is guiding so he shall not speak away from himself he shall not speak away from himself what you shall hear you and he will show you things to come so you are the recipient and the Spirit gives to you the spirit is not a recipient it is you that is the recipient so the Spirit reveals to you the spirit shows you the spirit guides you and whatever you shall hear for he will show you is it clear yeah he will show you things to come so when Jesus said I will give you another comforter it means a change of location he is with you but shall be in you can somebody shout hallelujah now let me ask you a very simple question who reveals the father who reveals the song who revealed the song who explains the scriptures to us no no who explains the scriptures to us whoo I didn't say which books I say who explains the scriptures to us Christ because until you see Christ the Scriptures cannot be explained so who explains the scriptures to us so if you want somebody to understand the scriptures what do you reveal to the person exactly so the revelation of Christ is the revelation of the scriptures until Christ is revealed the scriptures are concealed Christ opens the scriptures so the Spirit of Truth who is the Holy Spirit when he comes he will teach you he will show you you will hear from him you will hear and whatsoever he will teach you whatever he will show you will be things to come what are the things to come that the Holy Spirit will show you the resurrection the Ascension and the glorification which becomes your reality your reality is a resurrection your reality is the Ascension your reality is a glorification are you still here because the believer begins from resurrection when he rose a rose that's where my life began my life is the resurrection of Jesus so I began alive at the resurrection I have no past it you beam is an insult for anybody to tell me to come for him to pray for me to be free from family enemies I don't have such I don't have such a relationship I began from resurrection my life started with resurrection death has no power over me I passed from death to life because I rose when he rose I I was I I was I was I was sitted when he sat a man what he has I have his resurrection is my reality his ascension is my reality his glorification is my reality I am in him he is in me I thought somebody wish our hallelujah so the spirit the Spirit of God is in you and the Spirit of God is a spirit of Christ the Spirit of Christ is a spirit of truth Jesus is the truth he lives in you amen you cannot be deceived say with me I cannot be deceived said very loud Saint louder say loudest say I have the spirit of truth showed me I have the witness of the Holy Spirit I know when somebody is lying and I no one is telling me the truth because I have the witness of the Spirit the Spirit of God in me guides me into all the truth I cannot be deceived I thought our hear loud that I cannot be deceived say in the name of Jesus I am far from deception I know truth I know the truth say so may I have discernment said very loud I have discernment say now that I have discernment loudest I have discernment tell me I am able to pick signals in the realm of the Spirit concerning things concerning things I know better than anybody will think I know so I cannot be deceived I thought I have powerful amen so from hence what you find out that when people are talking to you you are listening to your insight and if they are lying inside you something would you like this you will see something will shift you understand something we do like this you know that this guy has blown a fuse and if they are telling you the truth inside you something will do like this you listen see I am an inside-out person say I don't depend on outside for my convictions I depend on inside for my convictions say outside may make sense but sense is not enough I listen to inside where there is revelation I am an inside-out passive I'm led by the spirit I walk in the spirit and I follow the plan and the purpose of God for my life I didn't hear powerfully serve me in the name of Jesus I will never be misled I refuse to give heed to seducing spirits I refuse to give heed to seducing spirits I am deal sound doctrine by the knowledge of God's Word my discernment is sharper than ever I know exactly what to do I know we are to do it and I know what not to do by the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost lives inside me if God cannot be deceived I cannot be deceived by the Spirit of God I access knowledge discernment deep things by the Holy Ghost I know what God's plan is by the Spirit of God I know I know I know I know I know I know all things I have solutions kebaya Donna gasps Canada bah bah bahs Calendar Bonilla listen to me this year you will have victory on every side stand on your feet say with me my steps are ordered by the Lord my going-out is blessed my coming in is blessed in the name of Jesus by the Spirit of God by the Spirit of God by the Spirit of God I can never be confused I am far from confusion I have clarity I have clarity I have clarity I have clarity I didn't have a good Amen are you bless this afternoon when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide into all the truth how will he do that he will show you is called revelation knowledge all the truth is in revelation knowledge drawn from the EP stones he will guide you into all the truth he will guide you into all the truth hallelujah hacer hallelujah I said hallelujah I declare over you within the next few days news that will give you a reason to rejoice is coming your house yeah yeah get ready to rejoice hallelujah it's any Mary let him sing you're going to be singing the next few days good news is on his way to your house I saw it arriving as so it arrived I saw it arrival I saw it arriving I saw it arriving I saw it arriving I saw it arriving there are people watching me outside this country whose papers are going to be approved the next few days it's going to be good news all over the place Zeca to pilot a big against favor is at work on your behalf and people that have forgotten you are remembering you right now something is shifting around them and working in your favor receive answers manifested I'm not telling that a man at all receive answers manifested I sense in my heart gladness a sense in my heart gladness I sense in my heart gladness I sense in my heart gladness I sense in my heart gladness 7 me I am an inside-out person said the ruler I am an inside-out person said again I am an inside-out person say I hear from the Holy Ghost more than I hear from any man I hear from the Holy Ghost morning I hear from any man I have discernment I didn't have a powerful [Applause] Zubrin Engel Zubrin anger hey Bobo Giada babe Erica tunic a linen member aanda zukul arabia there are some of you here in the son of my voice few hours from now a few things in your life will be redefined there are redefining moments coming your way in the next few hours from now changes changes changes major changes are about to occur in your life for the better and for the best aha your name below 2 billion who am I talking to here listen carefully the angel of the Lord said to Mary held on Mary Thou are highly favored you will carry a baby he shall be called the son of the Holy Ghost Mary shouted beard unto me according to thy world Mary didn't say well the angel has spoken it is ok no no no no no no no as I speak right now your response will determine how you receive it I say redefining moments are about to occur in some people's lives here better things better things better things better things better things better things unfolding better things unfolding better things unfolding Mitch I mean met meats are being met needs are being met needs are being met needs are being met needs are being met in the name of Jesus hey Gabe I totally bad idea we are you being forgotten people are waking up to remember you for good hey hey hey hey hey hey hey there are some people took advantage of you suddenly their conscience is talking to them and they are thinking of pay you back if you're the one I'm talking to here you're a menace to me with the difference you're a man is coming with the difference you're a man is coming with a difference there is a repositioning taking place there is a repositioning taking place some of you are be repositioned as you hear the sound of my voice they babble at a tire I reach out in the supernatural and our common natural changes to occur in your favor we sit it right now we sit it right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Beata member of the secular Ababa every embarrassing situation around your life that has been molested you right now it is denied access any father wherever you're hearing a sound of my voice appear to us receive it and let your joy be food receive receive receive receive receive receive we see [Music] I say receded say he tato you have ax not him as he shall receive that your joy may be full negative a lotta papaya de whatever you ask the Father he will do it he will do it sabatello baja mandala devotion whatever you ask the Father in my name he will do it that the father may be glorified in the song Ayatollah Bharata every situation where you need a miracle receive that miracle now listen carefully listen carefully everybody this beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee this beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of color in Cana of Galilee and manifested forth his glory Sabbath ability bar as well name is camila Tunde that area where you need a miracle receive that miracle now receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive Jesus I command the glory of God manifested over you and in your spirit which are gods separability I command your body receive healing now for the glory of God they asked Jesus this man that was born blind who's seen is it his father or his mother he seen none of them but that the father may be glorified that condition that came to molest you I reverse it for the glory of your father be here in your body be healed in your mind be healed on your job without Jesus Mottola Bionicles katana nada kappa new motto motto motto motto motto motto I speak to you by the God whose I am on whom I saw there are major changes taking place in your life right now [Music] things will no more be the way they used to be things will no more be the way they used to be things will no more be the way they used to be thank you Father Zeca lotawana Mangareva Sakai Dvorak Ayane mentally Baba there are people that have have that capacity that have concluded on you negatively but as I'm speaking right now because of what they mean to your life we are changing their mind right now they are changing their mind right now they are changing their mind right now they are changing their mind right now they are changing their mind right now they are changing their mind right now in the name of Jesus they waited for poor to swell up and fall they waited for Paul to swell off and fall and die after the venomous beast beating and when they waited for a long time and Paul did not die they changed their mind and they said this man is a God there are some of you they have waited for a long time they have been working for you they have been working under moderate in the stronger you are getting a sure a man is coming like thunder today they are changing them they set traps for you they plant things against you but they just discovered it was not catching up something has just shifted they are changing their mind right now if you're receiving letter a man come like thunder [Music] this light is giving way to favor thank you Father great grace is upon you your joy is full your joy is full your joy is full your joy is full i want to descend my joy is full I'm gonna say your joy is full and I wanted to shout my joy is for your joy is full your joy is full your joy is full and when you're having full joy you don't stand like that alright when you have a future and you don't stand like that [Music] thank you my father thank you my father I hear celebration in your houses I am music you your offices I am musically your families are your music your houses [Music] thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father that I will do that the father may be glorified in the son get an offering this morning get a good offering those of you watching online everywhere our campuses grab your own offerings let's honor the Word of God let's honor what God has spoken to us let's honor the things we have received in faith and let's rejoice as we offer those of you watching online today is going to be the introduction to a partnership for 2020 partnership enables you to support me so to get our can get the gospel to the ends of the earth so to get our can arrange conferences and training meetings so together we can organize the things we do around the world through partnership you're able to help me pay for trips and tickets and hotels and things that enables us to get conferences and things going through partnership we're able to help us pay for TV and radio broadcasts all over the world it's so important the more partners we have the more impact we're able to make as a responsible citizen of the kingdom it is your responsibility to take off your resources a chunk of your resources and commit it to partnership it is an investment that will last you forever lay up your treasures in heaven this is how you lay treasures in heaven by giving into the advancement of the gospel the good thing about our ministry is our accountability is very transparent whatever you send your monies for is what they are used for that's how transparent it is so you should be confident to send in whatever material support on monthly basis for the next 12 months the next 12 months is today we're beginning you want to email me if you want to be a partner online those of your online you send the email to dr. Abel domina at in our campuses of a campus coordinators who talk about partnership next Sunday at campus levels is very critical all of you encompasses you cooperate with your campus coordinators going to partner together the more we are the more we can do more in the advancement of the kingdom and thank you for responding to partnership in a few minutes we'll be doing ours in-house were giving the opportunity online and we're announcing it to campuses so campus coordinators will prepare for it for next Sunday when campuses will do their own partnership commitments for all of you in the campuses and all of you online can study hasta bay by shooting email to dr. Abel damina at we have so much to do for the kingdom a group of Bush was a group of Beulah's came together when Jesus rose from the dead and took bags of money the Bible parted much money plenty money and give to the soldiers to announce that Jesus has no reason from the dead they use that money to close the mouth of the gospel til today in Israel Jewish people are still waiting for Jesus to come because money was used to close the mouth of his resurrection today we will need much more money to open the mouth of the gospel and get the gospel in there we need much more money that's why this year were committed to training evangelism and discipleship I'm crazy giving for the work of the kingdom this year we're going to demonstrate our craziness in the love of God given without inhibition give him intentionally so this gospel can break forth into every frontier thank you for responding and thank you for being a part of this lift up your offerings let's pray together father thank you for everyone giving out of the generosity of their spirit and thank you that the Holy Ghost bears witness in our hearts as we give our offerings rise a sweet smell and we thank you for the privilege of learning every need is met today and we're excited for testimonies of the manifestation of God's glory we deman our circumstances and we give you praise in Jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen that amen is more powerful now hey guys were signing you off you don't want to miss all the teaching on Wednesday and teaching next time we invite more people at the platform this is our year of enlarging the influence of God's Word online unlike online viewers we have a huge restaurant to bring us many people to the online broadcast every service and every time and thank you for those that are working so so so so much online to see to it that the world continues to spread thank you thank you on behalf of Christ thank you for watching do we love you guys our campuses we live in the Ebro hands of our coordinators enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed let's celebrate viewers around the world he pledged to meet us remember [Music] this [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,727
Rating: 4.7938147 out of 5
Id: vbPG5SqazYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 18sec (6318 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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