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jesus didn't offer an animal jesus didn't offer blood he offered himself and he rose by himself and then he came by himself into you as the holy ghost to live in you forever that holy ghost in you is the seal not devil can break that seal that seal is god's eternal signature of ownership abel domino ministries international precepts righteous invasion of truth riot live with dr abel daminer and axe the councilor with dr abel daminer and michael bush time monday to saturday 6 pm to 8 pm sunday 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus one join the program live on comfort fm 95.1 leo sunday 11 a.m to 1 p.m and monday to saturday 6 p.m to 8 p.m radio aquaboom 90.5 fm 11 am to 1 pm daily xlfm106.9 uyo 1pm to 3 pm daily you know your fm 3 100.73 to 5 p.m daily inspiration fm 105.9 we owe 9 p.m to 10 p.m daily and on heritage fm 104.9 10 p.m to midnight you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time welcome to riot live and ask the counselor host doctors abel and rachel daminer [Applause] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Applause] one more time the word of god authority in my life are you excited i am what god says [Music] [Music] is is [Music] but i would never be the same [Music] is i know of the spirit i it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor abel you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom [Applause] i would never be the same [Music] father we rejoice we rejoice we rejoice with joy unspeakable tonight we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory legally [Laughter] [Laughter] in the name of jesus heavenly father we come before your word humbly tonight we come before your word respectfully tonight we come before your word with joy unspeakable in our hearts and we thank you for the privilege to learn to be equipped to be built up in the knowledge of christ as i speak your word tonight revelation knowledge is gifted every one of us but in sanjuks are destroyed whatever is not planted by god is rooted out build and equip your people by your word and nobody lives here the same way they came we give you praise glory and honor for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together to say this word i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the word i do the word naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way have kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of you on the social media community is a joy to have all of you here tonight all our radio audience in aquarium state by way of comfort fm xlfm all of you that are connected by way of inspiration fm heritage fmu fm radio aqua bomb we're so glad to have everybody connected do me a favor tonight call a friend a family member a colleague somewhere ask them to tune to this radio station life is flowing through the airwaves and all of your social media community family and friends always a joy and a delight to fellowship with all of you tonight do me a favor let's floor the earth with the truth of the gospel help me share the video share with all the groups on your page create watch parties tag some friends drop the videos on telegram monogram whatsapp groups let's flood the entire bloom above planet with the truth of the grace of christ and it's a joy to have all of you connected our campuses and bible study centers we welcome everybody to the service tonight it's going to be an exciting time as we adventure through the light of god's world i'd like you to grab a pen your bible your notebook and you can be seated with your sweet smart self night as we get into the word of his grace praise god glory to god all right we've been looking at we've been looking at being filled with the spirit being filled with the spirit the book of ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 ephesians chapter 5 verse number 18 and being a drunk with wine wearing his excess being not drunk with wine wearing his excess but be filled with the spirit that's an instruction be filled you be filled he didn't say god will fill you with the spirit he said you be filled with the spirit now remember yesterday we we did a bit of recap and we established that when we say you are baptized with the holy spirit it means salvation you are baptized into christ or you are baptized into the body of christ first corinthians chapter 12 verse 13 first corinthians chapter 12 verse number 13 for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be jews or gentiles whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit baptized into one body so we are baptized into christ that means you are now in christ that is the work of the holy spirit so when you hear the word baptized we mean you are baptized into christ it is salvation baptism is salvation galatians chapter 3 verse 27 galatians chapter 3 verse 27 for as many of you as have been baptized into christ have put on christ as many of you have been baptized into christ have put on christ so baptism into christ is salvation every time you hear that word baptism into christ or baptism with the spirit what we mean is that you're born again or you are born into christ or your salvation experience so baptism is salvation so when we read baptized or into christ just like mark 16 16 put it up mark chapter 16 verse 16 he'd have believed that he is baptized he that believeth that is baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be done the baptism there in mark 16 is no water baptism it's baptism by the spirit into christ baptism by the spirit into the body of christ baptism by the spirit into oneness with christ he's not talking about water there that walk is the work of the holy spirit so baptism of the holy spirit of baptism with the holy spirit will be salvation the new creation or identification with jesus that is what baptism of the holy spirit is he baptizes you into christ the holy spirit baptizes you into christ you are now his flesh and you are now his bones you are now his body and you are now a member of the body of christ once you're baptized into christ you are now a member of the body of christ look at acts chapter 1 verse 8 acts of the apostles chapter 1 verse 8 but you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth onto the uttermost part of the earth so what does it mean receive receive you shall receive well can we say it also means you shall take you shall receive does it also mean you shall take he didn't say i will put it on you he said you shall receive now from what we taught he said when i say you shall receive do you have it you do not have what i say you shall receive but when i say you shall receive i have made you an offer you've got to take it so you shall receive can to be said you shall take or yeah you shall take the word the word lambanu to take or to receive you shall take power you shall receive power oh we thought he said you shall receive the holy ghost power or you shall receive the holy ghost who is power well two different things he said you shall receive power after the holy ghost is come upon you which means jesus gives the holy spirit jesus gives the holy spirit and you will now receive the power jesus offers the holy spirit and is left for man to take what jesus has offered the holy spirit is the gift of christ and in the gift of christ the holy spirit are gifts the holy spirit is a gift of christ and in the gift of christ the holy spirit are gifts so the holy spirit is a gift with gifts what we call the gifts of the spirit are actually the gifts of you know the gift of christ the gift of the spirit you know there are about nine of them the gifts of the spirit so the holy spirit is the gift of christ and along with the holy spirit are other gifts that is coming with the holy spirit just like romans 8 32 he who speared not his son but gave him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely with him freely give us all things so along with christ comes righteousness along with christ comes salvation along with christ comes justification along with christ comes holiness so with him god gave us christ with everything that is in christ so the same day the same way the day you receive the holy spirit the holy spirit came with all the gifts in him so now you shall receive power get back to acts chapter 2 verse 4 acts chapter 2 verse number 4 and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them orderance as the spirit gave them utterance observed and began to speak they began to speak as the spirit gave them utterance so they had received the holy ghost and having received the holy ghost the holy ghost gave them what utterance what is utterance speaking the holy ghost gave them speaking they received and the holy ghost gave them utterance so they spoke while the spirit gave them the utterance did you get that they spoke while the spirit gave them utterance so the holy ghost gives urtrans the holy ghost gives the ability or the power to speak he gives to the recipient the ability or the power to speak that is the holy ghost gives utterance he gives utterance the question now is can a man be saved without the holy spirit huh no first corinthians 12 3 that establishes that you cannot be saved without the holy ghost we are for i give you to understand that no man speaking by the spirit of god called jesus a cost and that no man can say that jesus is the lord bought by the holy ghost bought by the holy ghost so you can be born again without the holy spirit and that born-again is called baptized into christ the more the more the man who does not speak in tongues or other gifts of the spirit stays away from the gifts of the spirit or tongues the more he thinks he needs the holy spirit but the believer does not need the holy spirit the believer already has the holy spirit whether he speaks in tongues or not if he doesn't speak in tongues it's because he didn't know so it's actually deficient in knowledge but he has the holy spirit so why does he then not speak in tongues why do some people who are born again not speak in tongues when you read baptized it refers to the baptism with the holy spirit into christ which is salvation acts chapter 8 philip went to samaria and preached christ and many people were saved acts chapter 8 look at verse 12 acts 8 12 and 13 after they were saved in samaria but when they believed fully preaching the things concerning the kingdom of god and the name of jesus christ they were baptized both men and women 13. then simon himself believed also and when he was baptized he continued with philip and wondered beholding the miracles and signs which were done next verse now when the apostle switcher at jerusalem heard that samaria had received the word of god they sent unto them peter and john they sent unto them peter and john so the people had believed and because they were that believed they sent unto them peter and john now that is where people get confused now if you read contextually you will not be confused because look at verse 15 of acts chapter 8 acts 8 15 who when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the holy ghost they were baptized into christ when the apostles came they now help them to receive the holy ghost two different experiences question who baptizes in the name of the lord jesus who does the baptism the holy spirit so when he said let me read verse 14 and 15 again for you of acts chapter 8 acts 8 14 and 15. now when the apostles which at jerusalem had that samaria had received the word of god they sent unto them peter and john next verse who when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the holy ghost so what was he referring to they were saved then when the apostles came they spoke in tongues you see because when they were saved they were baptized into christ by the holy ghost because romans chapter 8 verse 9 say he that does not have the spirit of christ is none of this we will always know what that statement is by reading everything you know the context look at that rumor i mean acts chapter 8 verse 16 and 17 acts 8 16 and 17. for us yet he was falling upon none of them only they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus that's salvation they laid day their hands on them and they received the holy ghost they so then they laid their hands on those that have received jesus and they received the holy ghost is it clear look at verse 18 of that same chapter and when simon saw that through laying on of the apostles hands the holy ghost was given he offered them money 19. saying give me also this power that on whomsoever i lay hands he may receive the holy ghost so simon saw something that means when the apostles laid hands on the folks the folks must have done something that simon noticed they must have done something look at verse 19 again of that same chapter 8 of acts saying give me also this power that on whomsoever i lay hands he may receive the holy ghost so that means there were actions identified in what they were doing and peter's response tells you exactly what they were doing look at verse 20 and 21 of acts chapter 8 but peter said unto him thy money perish would be because thou has thought that the gift of god may be purchased with money that was neither part nor lot in this matter for thy heart is not right in the sight of god did you observe the gift of god cannot be purchased the gift of god that means something was being received by the believers the believers received the gift of god and peter told him you cannot purchase the gift of god with money and he's telling me of no part in this matter the meaning of the word matter in the greek is utterance you have no part in this utterance you are not a part of mattholi catapulter you are not a part of these utterance all right now so simon saw men alter things by the spirit as hands were laid on them men altered things by the spirit as hands were laid on them see that when hands were laid on them they spoke things by the spirit that's what he saw and said give me this power he saw what they could not fake he saw what native doctors could not fake he said take money i want this power that when i learn some people they will have ultrons they will speak things that can only be revealed by the spirit another example where this happened is acts chapter 19 follow me where paul was preaching in ephesus and he made some certain disciples now it doesn't always mean when you hear disciples it's christians in islam they have al-majiri al-majjiri means disciples so they have disciples in islam so when we are where somebody said that is my disciple don't think of christianity disciple is a general word used for people that you disciple in any belief system he's declared so when paul met certain disciples does he automatically mean they are disciples who have believed in jesus are we together here okay so he met certain disciples in acts chapter 19. are you still in the building now look at verse 2 and 3 of acts 19. he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believed and they said unto him we have not so much has heard whether there be any holy ghost huh you have not heard about holy ghost next verse and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto john's baptism because they are disciples of john so they must partake of john's ministry paul was referring to what we read earlier in chapter 8 of acts okay so these guys have never heard of the holy ghost before so paul is expecting if you believe you should be baptized with the holy ghost because faith in christ is baptism with the holy spirit is it clear here faith in christ is baptism with the holy spirit receiving jesus is receiving the baptism of the holy spirit look at verse 4 acts chapter 8 i mean acts yeah where we are acts chapter 19 then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which will come after him that is on christ jesus next verse when they had these they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus so believing is that baptism believing means you are immersed into christ you are baptized you are immersed you are totally immersed into christ that is the meaning of the word baptism look at verse 6 of that same acts 19. and when paul had laid his hands upon them the holy ghost came on them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied they speak with tongues and prophesied just like they did in acts chapter 8. when the hands were laid on them they did something something significant something that everybody could observe so every time hands are laid believers ought to do something every time hands are laid not the hands are laid and you're doing nothing because every time hands were laid believers did something so the holy ghost coming on refers to utterance when we say the holy ghost is coming on you it's uterus when we say you are baptized in the holy ghost what is that when we say you are baptized with the holy ghost what is that salvation when we say the holy ghost has come on you what is that utterance so let me ask you again what how do we say salvation baptize with the spirit how do we say utterance the spirit upon very good that's important those terms can confuse if they are not well applied are we still in the building here and they will help you to understand scriptures because those are the things we are teaching which is actually scriptures all right now so we now know that these people spoke in tongues when the believer receives utterance ultra is not just tongues ultras includes prophecy word of knowledge word of wisdom but tongues are the starting point that's what happened in acts chapter 2 we know that they spoke in tongues and prophesied in acts chapter 2. i hope you know that because the bible tells us that when they were speaking in tongues and began to interpret the tongues the people heard them and remember tongues plus interpretation equals the word prophecy on the day of pentecost what the people had was the interpretation of tongues and who interpreted the tongues the people that received the spirit so they spoke in tongues and interpreted it is in the interpretation that the people around heard is it clear it's not the people that were speaking in tongues that spoke languages no they spoke in tongues tongues is not languages languages are not tongues when i was younger in the ministry you know i did a meeting for full gospel businessmen and in the midst of the conference i began to speak in tongues and i spoke in tongues and i began to interpret the tongues i didn't know i was interpreting tongues i thought i was speaking spanish language but i didn't know i was interpreting the terms in the understanding of you know spanish people and somebody who speaks spanish walk to me after the service and say you spoke in spanish do you speak spanish i said no i don't and i myself didn't know what was happening is now i know that i was actually interpreting the tongue and it is in the interpretation that somebody understood what i was saying so on the day of pentecost remember he said he didn't say the people spoke languages he said the the the audience heard them speak in their language speak in their language means they interpreted because tongues are not human language he does speak it in tongues speaking not to men for no man understanded him so there is nothing like tongues of human language tongues are not human language anywhere people speak in tongues without interpretation nobody can understand it the interpretation of tongues only happens when the tongue begins to interpret is it clear i will pray in the spirit and i will pray with my understanding let him that speaks in tongues pray that he may interpret so that the people around him will hear and be edified please remove all the religious things you had in your mind and understand the simplicity of the gospel here is it clear yes tongues are not human language the doctrinal teaching of tongues is in corinthians acts of the apostle is a an eyewitness account so if you really want to understand what happened in acts you have to come to doctrine which is the explanation first corinthians tells us he does speak it in tongue speaker to no man for no man's understanding how be it in the spirit that man is picking mysteries is it clear now please if it's clear can i hear a good amen that's very important so we know that on the day of pentecost they spoke in tongues and they prophesied which is actually tonguing and interpretation by acts chapter 10 in the house of cornelius also they spoke in tongues and interpreted because the bible tells us that they they spoke the wonderful works of god that means they spoke in tongues and interpreted for others to hear the wonderful works of god so every time they spoke in tongues in the book of acts there was interpretation in in public worship they spoke and interpreted they spoke and interpreted look at acts chapter 19 verse 6 observe something this is very common in the book of acts actually and when paul had laid his hands upon them the holy ghost came on them and they spoke with tongues and what followed and prophesied instant they spoke in tongues and prophesied ask your neighbor sitting by you have you prophesied since you believed because the other people have you received the holy ghost since you believe so since you have received the holy ghost let's go step forward let's go to the next step have you prophesied since you believe because this sign shall follow believe us i will part my spirit your sons and daughters shall prophesy it's not rocket science is your nature is within the gift of god by the holy ghost is within that gifting so that term receiving the holy ghost refers to utterance when we say receive the holy ghost we're referring to ultrons because the holy ghost gives ultrons the born-again man has the right and privilege to speak in tongues the born-again man has the right and privilege to speak in tongues please follow me to speak prophecies and to speak by the spirit of god the born-again man has the right and privileges to speak in tongues to speak prophecies and to speak by the spirit of god amen to speak by the spirit of god jesus said in mark 16 17 put it up whoa i feel like dancing here glory to god acts chapter 16 verse 17. i'm sorry mark mark 16 17 sorry this sign shall follow them that believe in my name [Music] shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues is there a believer in the building they shall speak with what who shall speak with new tongues uh the believer in what the believer in christ what is he supposed to naturally speak with tongues new creation new spirit new tongues new covenant the believer in jesus shall speak with new tongues is a sign that follows believers except you are not a believer so the holy spirit in coming upon or in receiving the holy ghost upon refers to the demonstration of the holy spirit holy spirit upon refers to demonstration of the spirit so when the holy ghost comes upon you or anyone in the book of acts we saw a demonstration kyanama live oh lord to begin again when the spirit comes upon you there will be things to see and things to hear it is called sight and sounds of the spirit when the spirit comes on you there will be things to see and things to hear the sight and the sounds of the spirit they heard them speak they heard them speak when the spirit came they saw men speaking you can't be filled with the spirit and there's nothing to see and nothing to hear that one is death and dumb spirit when you're filled with the spirit capable be filled with the spirit and when a man is filled with the spirit there will be things to see and there will be things to hear they will hear things and reveal things we have we have things to see and to hear in acts chapter 2 in acts chapter 8 in acts chapter 10 in acts chapter 19 there were things to see and things to hear so when a believer is full of the holy ghost how do we know there will be things to see and things to hear so when he said choose out man full of the holy ghost what it means is those men that you will select must be men that have things to see and things to hear in their lives we can't say you're full of the spirit and you're you're shy and deaf and dumb you're acting it no when men are full of the spirit they speak and they demonstrate that spirit shock a lot of us are you still in this building in acts chapter 2 verse 4 they were all filled with the holy ghost they were all filled with the holy ghost when i preached the gospel a man hears and believes the gospel what made him believe the gospel or who made the the sinner to believe the gospel i preached the holy ghost because when he's come he will convict the world of sin so salvation is a work of the spirit salvation is a work of the spirit what happened when a man believes he is baptized into christ so if i preach to him and he is saved if i preach to a man and the man is saved am i going to see anything if i preach and a man is saved am i going to see anything no but when the spirit comes upon that man that is saved am i going to see something yes so at salvation i see nothing but once the spirit comes upon i will see something and hear something is it clear here there's a difference there's a difference there will be something to see and something to hear there were things you see in acts chapter 2 chapter 8 chapter 10 chapter 19 because it was not salvation acts chapter 2 was not salvation chapter 8 was not salvation chapter 10 was not salvation and chapter 19 was not salvation so things that can be seen and things that can be heard is not salvation a man can be born again and he doesn't speak in tongues why because he refused to speak simple answer why am i not speaking in tongues dr damina you refuse to speak supposing i don't know first of all is because you refuse to speak supposing i don't know because you refuse to speak because if you really wanted to speak you will seek to know any believer that doesn't speak in tongues is my choice this sign shall follow it is our right and privilege in christ to speak in tongues teaching good yeah just go ahead and speak jesus said you will receive they they are you in the building they began to speak in other tongues as the spirit gave them power utterance ability so for every one of us we already have the power of utterance why we are born again every born-again believer has the power of utterance but sometimes we may need to lay hands on some people to minister what is theirs to them the holy spirit freely gives utterance to anyone who is saved when you have utterance it doesn't mean the holy ghost is given twice the holy ghost is given once at the point of salvation then when you are ready to speak he gives your trance any day you are ready if you are ready to speak the day you got saved he gives you a trance and if you are not ready you want to wait for one year he waits for you when you are ready he gives you a trust and in case you don't want to speak till you die you stay there they began to speak when the spirit came on them they opened their mouth and spoke they didn't say holy ghost fire fire follow me is it fire follow me on fire follow me is it follow or fall follow me okay whichever one i'm even glad i don't remember myself because there's nothing inside the song to remember holy ghost fire fire followed me as in the days of pentecost fire followed me on the day of pentecost it was day that spoke they didn't ask the holy ghost to speak for them they began the moment they know it has happened brando they began say i'm born of god i have the holy ghost i begin to speak see i'm the one to speak i speak in tongues the baptism of the holy ghost is salvation and there are demonstrations of the spirit which is the holy ghost coming upon and when it comes upon people will see when the holy ghost comes upon you people will see we saw it in acts chapter 2 acts chapter 8 acts chapter 10 acts chapter 19. those are the demonstration of the spirit it shows for the power and energy of the spirit ephesians chapter 5 please stay with me ephesians chapter 5 now before we read we know already that the holy spirit being given in the new covenant refers to two things spirit giving residence and permanence he is in you and will abide with you forever residents and permanent that's our reality today so now ephesians 5 18 and be not drunk with while wearing his excess but be filled with the spirit be filled with the spirit that's an instruction so you can be filled with the spirit let me tell you what it means to be filled filled means to be stimulated that's why i use this wine what does wine do to you it stimulates you be filled be stimulated by the spirit when you feel that stimulation what do you do hang about zach sometimes when i go right to be like there you two you respond because when i speak it stimulates you deep collect too deep the battle bar ricco tome negara jagada hey jakar deep calls too deep you get stimulated are you still in the building yeah not that you sit at me looking at me yeah you know there are people like that where are you they're looking at you dummy you're the one i'm talking to in the spirit hello [Laughter] hey shakira there's something to hear and something to see glory to god sight and sounds of the spirit shot allah so it stimulates to be stimulated with the spirit or to be inspired doesn't mean enough to be filled to be stimulated or to be inspired to be stimulated or to be inspired be filled with the spirit means i can be filled with the spirit which means it's my responsibility to be filled it is my responsibility to be filled in acts chapter 2 they were filled in acts chapter 4 verse 8 peter being full of the spirit in acts chapter 4 verse 31 the whole church was filled with the spirit in acts chapter 7 verse 51 stephen full of the spirit in acts chapter 13 verse 9 paul was filled with the holy ghost we saw that being filled with the holy ghost is something that can be happening to a christian it's not once and for all it's what happens all the time a believer ought to be full of the spirit all the time that means a believer ought to be talking we ought to see and hear something from the believer all the time all the time it's not a once and for all experiences no is that ongoing acts 13 52 acts 13 52 and the disciples were filled with joy and with the holy ghost filled with joy and with the holy ghost that is they were stimulated and inspired by the spirit stimulated and inspired and somebody says to me can i interpret somebody's tongues why not why not somebody speaking there we interpret from here back in the days when i used to do some crazy things crazy things i would take two preachers with me for a program and three of us will preach three of us i'll tell them get ready we're preaching today we're going to do joint preaching anywhere i go just follow i will stop blah blah blah blah blah blah blah say man of god what is god saying i give him the mic he takes over man of god what is god saying he takes over lee after we everybody's preaching then i will tongue and give him he will interpret he will tongue i will interpret he will tongue i will i will tongue he will interpret all over the issue commotion all over the building there are things to see and there are things to hear except the spirit is not in that place i just do crazy things and i will do more crazier things oh i'm just remembering those days where the better days are heard the key word there is you can be inspired by the spirit stimulated it's within your rights and privileges yeah to speak in tongues yeah it's within your capacity to be filled with the holy ghost so it's not god who fills you with the spirit is you who is inspired of the spirit and the bible teaches us how to be filled with the spirit the bible teaches you how you can be filled with the spirit remember the spirit dwells inside you so you can decide how to be filled with the spirit and when to be filled with the spirit you can decide to be stimulated and inspired by the holy spirit that is within you and the spirit who's upon you is your choice so when you have been filled with the spirit he's referring to the demonstrations of the spirit do i have the part to play in the demonstration of the spirit yes i give you scriptures you have a part tell me very loud i have a part to play in the demonstration of the spirit saying again i have a part to play in the demonstration of the spirit i didn't hear a powerful amen look at second timothy 1 6. wherefore i put in remembrance that does tear up the gift of god on the lines tear up did he say god will steer up who is to stay up down that doubts tear up the gift of god which is indeed by the putin on of my hands steer up talking about ministry steer up be filled why did he say that look at the next verse for god has not given to us the spirit of timidity that means the only thing that will stop you from staring up is timidity cowardice supposing i speak demonic tongues then you will never speak because you're afraid god has not given us the spirit of fear don't be timid fellowship is going on you sense prophetic word for somebody walk to him say brother let go your glendale while you're doing that you're listening when you finish you ex you tell him the message don't be afraid spirituals you dive into them with confidence fear will paralyze all the gifts and they'll be lying inside untapped don't be afraid don't be afraid don't be afraid sometimes fear will even make you not concentrate because of instead of concentrating you are saying supposing i make mistake now and they are laughing let me see one who is there you're already distracted fear would distract you and extract you i don't have rhymes i just said something fear god has not given us a spirit of fear but of love of power and of a sound mind in other words timidity is what hinders people from being stared up look at first timothy 4 14. firsti mori chapter 4 verse 14. neglect not the gift that is indeed which was given thee by prophecy with the layout of the hands of the presbytery neglect not don't neglect stare up stare up neglect not steer up if you're not staring up you're neglecting and if you're staring up you're not neglecting and when you steer up there'll be something to see and hear neglect not it's your responsibility you are the one to stay up you are the one to neglect and somebody says can i write in tongues there is no scripture not even in the old testament where people wrote in tongues how can you write it is it your mother language how how are you going to write it what vowels are you going to use in writing so when you say rattata you you put r-a-t-a-t-a you are a candle man comparing spiritual with spiritual natural with natural the natural man or the natural realm cannot operate spirituals we don't write tongues there's nowhere they wrote in tongues even as baby as the book of acts was they didn't write in tongues they spoke he does speak it in tongues no either write it in tongues how do you read how would you how do you read you said katakana countercut you right k-a-t-o-k-a-t-o what is that he did for no man understanded him how be it in the spirit he write it katakatta glory to god i talk in tongues what about you i talking talks what about you i talk in tongues what about you i talk in tongues lord fill me with your spirit no you be filled it's not god that feels you you you you stimulate still real no no no no still hallelujah i say hallelujah he has given you the spirit if it's the old testament you can blame them because god didn't give them the residence and permanence of the spirit but in the new covenant he has given you the spirit he abides with you forever you have a part to play stare up neglect not first corinthians 12 31 first corinthians 12 31 but covet endlessly the best gifts and yet show i unto you a more excellent way the word corvette covet you are the one to convert you are the one to desire desire endlessly you've got to want the things of the spirit you've got to want it you've got to desire it yeah desire the things of the spirit first corinthians 14 verse one first corinthians chapter 14 verse number one follow after charity and spiritual gifts desire that you may prophesy desire spiritual gift who is supposed to desire you who is supposed to want to prophesy you when i say everybody prophesy desire it and go prophesy angela collado the lord go go it's my faith it's not that you had it first then you copy it in your mind then you are not saying it no no it is on the go as you open your mouth that's why timidity will stop it i'm teaching god the moment i say let prophesy desire and take off look at first corinthians 14 12 first corinthians 14 12. even so ye for as much as your zealots of spiritual gift seek that you may excel to the edifying of the church you are zealous god didn't make you zealous you are zealous so sick you seek that you may excel as you continue to speak to the edifying of the church that is tongue and interpretation desire be zealous neglect not stay up desire want hallelujah gifts of the spirit only works with those who are desirous and zealous who desire and as healers that's why the key in the new covenant is because you have the spirit already look at first corinthians 14 39 first corinthians 14 39 wherefore brethren convert to prophesy convert it and forbid not to speak with tongues forbid not that you be preaching some churches forbid not to speak in tongues why because god gave you all the nine gifts inside you bible tongues look like the intro tongue in is a primary gift that's where you start and every other thing comes from there tongues are the intro to the gifts of the spirit in the new covenant he says be filled with the spirit sell to me very loud i can be filled with the spirit it's my choice speaking let me know you're in this building say it again in acts chapter 6 you will know those that were filled with the holy ghost because when a man is filled with the holy ghost you will see the gifts of the spirit in demonstration they will say things they will do things as stimulated by the holy spirit so we'll quickly look at the examples of people filled with the holy ghost can we look at that quickly luke chapter 1 verse 41 luke chapter 1 verse 41 and it came to pass that when elizabeth had the salutation of mary the babe lived in her womb and elizabeth was filled with the holy ghost the babe lipped an elizabeth was filled with the holy ghost what happened when she was look at the next verse 42 and she speak out she was filled with the holy ghost and she spoke out with a loud voice and said blessed are down among women and blessed is the fruit of the womb she was filled with the holy ghost so there was something to see and something to hear is it clear filled with the holy ghost what was the next thing she speak she speak anyone filled with the holy ghost is always accompanied with utterance she spoke out look at verse 67 of luke chapter one luke 167 and his father zacharias was filled with the holy ghost and what followed i'm prophesied saying filled with the holy ghost and prophesied saying in luke chapter 2 simon the holy ghost came upon him and the lord revealed things unto him filled with the holy ghost means the gifts of the spirit in oppression in acts chapter 2 verse 16 and 17 peter says you shall prophesy your young men shall see visions when the holy ghost comes upon you how can i be filled with the spirit by speaking how can i be filled with the spirit by speaking ephesians 5 18 again now we will read it without observing punctuation being a drunk with one wearing his excess but be filled with the spirit next verse speaking be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your hearts to the lord no one filled with the spirit keeps quiet no one filled with the spirit keeps quiet but be filled with the spirit speaking the spirit utterance so when we say be filled with the spirit what are we talking about ultrons inspired to speak psalms hymns we're not talking about him book when we say speak to yourselves in some you know carry one in book stand up stand up for jesus no no no there was a speaking to another hymns you carry a hymnal 1809 hymn now a shame whatever true changing you and changing me that's not the key that's not the hymn is a him which the holy ghost gave you right there in that service right there in that fellowship and to get into that tongues primary tongues are primary in first corinthians 14 18 as i close for the night are you blessed tonight first corinthians chapter 14 verse 18. i thank my god i speak with tongues more than you all this was the biggest church in bible days church at corinth and possibly all of you put together speaking tongues more than all of you something about speaking in the new covenant don't forget we got saved by speaking we get filled by speaking and we're going to maintain being filled by speaking saved by speaking filled by speaking we continue being filled by speaking speaking speaking speaking speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your hearts to the lord hallelujah serve me very loud i can be filled with the holy ghost two four seven three six five days of every year stand on your feet that's all i've got for you [Music] did i teach good tonight say i speak in tongues say i'm filled with the holy ghost i speak in tongues say i speak in tongues whenever i speak whenever i want i speak whenever i want i speak and when i speak i interpret say i interpret and i profess her i'm a son i'm a daughter i prophesy i speak in tongues and i prophesy agave jacques and when you speak in tongues what happens you are being filled so when they say be filled with the spirit what was he saying speak in tongues hallelujah can we be filled in another few seconds everybody let's be filled let's be filled let's be filled go ahead let's be filled foreign go ahead and speak zico wrote also called a babash look for one person around you speak to one another speak to one another in samsung him some spiritual songs speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs go ahead and speak to one another speak to one another and as you begin to speak to one another prophesy to one another prophesy to one another speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs speak to one another in samsung hymns steer up moshe leader baroque go ahead and speak to one another in samsung hymns and spiritual songs minister to one another foreign where's the young man from aquarius here tonight come and stay lift your two hands and let go roto suck up stir up everything that is on your inside lift your two hands up lego rod no shakira preach the word preach the word in and out of season receive boldness receive ultras go for it saturday saturday [Music] foreign and i speak over everyone under the sound of my voice in this building on facebook on television on radio wherever you are receive receive receive receive right now anger by showtime receive the gift of the spirit received every sickness and disease terminated holes of the enemy broken receive right now praise you father praise you father lift your hands and begin to praise and bless you begin to praise and bless you juto father we give you praise in the name of jesus father we rejoice that revelation is growing big in this house and the manifestation and demonstration of the glory of god like never before and i pray for everybody connected to this service grace are bound towards you and i decree that you have a constant supply of the spirit continually filled speaking in the name of jesus great grace is upon you and with mighty signs and wonders accompanying you you speak the word with boldness in the name of jesus you stretch for your hand to heal signs and wonders follow you thank you father for grace in this place tonight in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen like you believe it glory to god glory glory glory glory when people are filled with the spirit there is something to see and something to hear when you're filled with the spirit there is something to see and something to hear glory [Applause] whenever people are filled with the spirit there is something to see and something to you can be filled with the spirit and everyone is quiet like a graveyard no no no no no no ah glory glory glory glory tumors are disappearing diseases are vanishing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah glory glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god be filled with the spirit be filled with the spirit and when you're filled with the spirit there'll be something to see and something to hear amen i tell you we have exciting days ahead of us grab a good offering tonight we're giving in faith those of you watching on television on radio we're giving in faith with joy tonight and i want to thank those of you that are having given to us our project of the new platform for kingdom life network i want to thank you and those that are still in the process of making up your minds to give thank you for even considering to make up your mind to give to support the gospel is the greatest investment you can ever make in life and thank you for giving for the work of the kingdom and everybody else with an offering tonight online there are banking details on tv they're banking details wherever you are radio audience mr bush is going to read for you uh the the the banking details in another few seconds and everybody else lift up your offense let's pray father thank you for the privilege to give we're given faith we give a joy our offerings are a sweet smell before you and i pray for everybody giving your needs are met according to his riches in glory by christ jesus thank you for answered prayer tonight in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen like you believe it hey guys i'm joining mr bush in a few seconds you don't want to get go you don't want to adjust your set at all it's going to be exciting tonight we love you guys and thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god till i see you in a few seconds with mr michael bush and until then enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service tonight glory amen that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominant please call plus two three four eight zero six eight zero zero nine nine three nine or email power cityoffice jesus didn't offer an animal jesus didn't offer blood he offered himself and he rose by himself and then he came by himself into you as the holy ghost to live in you forever that holy ghost in you is the seal no devil can break that seal that seal is god's eternal signature of ownership abel domino ministries international precepts righteous invasion of truth riot live with dr abel daminer and axe the councilor with dr abel daminer and michael bush time monday to saturday 6 pm to 8 p.m sunday 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus one join the program live on comfort fm 95.1 leo sunday 11 a.m to 1 p.m and monday to saturday 6 p.m to 8 p.m radio aquaboom 90.5 a.m 11 a.m to 1 p.m daily xlfm106 uyo 1pm to 3pm daily you know your fm 100.7 3 p.m to 5 p.m daily inspiration fm 105.9 we owe 9 pm to 10 p.m daily and on heritage fm 104.9 10 p.m to midnight you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abell domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time welcome to riot live and ask the counselor host doctors abel and rachel [Music] daminer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay thank you omb for making sure this happens faster than we had expected all right so we start with the bank details as we always do on this edition of the program as always we have three banks the three of them have the same account name and that is power city international scmp is number one 29 82 68 2028 29 82 68 2028 and that is for for for fcmb selfies number 2 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12 and then finally uba 139 26 4 6 5 139 26 4 6 5 power city international is the name okay as we did um the last two days of the program last two editions of the program we're going to allow enormous uh i was going to say a space you know going to allow enormous space for for for telephone calls on this edition of the program the number for you to darling as well for that will happen in the next five minutes it's plus two three four if you're doing from outside the country otherwise it's oil six eight hundred nine nine three nine eight oh six eight hundred nine nine three if you're calling from outside the country remember plus two three four you can also use your email facility just um send us an email or two i um that is ask the counselor now at and then an sms or two plus two three four seven or three six three one eight six four two all right you want to sponsor the program remember we we've we've been saying um even global himself has joined in that announcement to tell you that something huge something massive something humongous is loading in the name of a platform so you want to sponsor you want to contribute your quota what you just need to do is call up plus two three four eight or three two seven five six one or four or you send an email uh of sponsorship to dr abelldamina at okay i'm just waiting for global bubba i'm not going to go on break let me assure you just waiting for global barbara to join me on set so that we set sail together uh but before global bubble comes let me try and see if it is possible to get our friends on facebook live i'm just waiting for about as soon as it comes here we just would launch out together but let me see our friends are they there on facebook live okay just oh no oh no the noise here is crazy okay not to worry i'm going to take charge of that and we'll see how that goes okay global pisces my name is michael bush my producer is pastor ig a query and together with the production team we're set to go uh resident pastor is also here uh pastor president uh for you was the pastor president has been many things he was director general of the state broadcasting corporation that's broadcasting corporation for a number of years rose there to become russ from there to become permanent secretary and even as he sits there quietly for all of all his life he ends as a permanent secretary i hope he likes that part of the announcement okay so right now global baba is here and help me welcome the international televangelists uh wonderful author he's written two too many books 30 at the last count and dr ebel damina in the continental mr bush good to see you today hey nice to see you yeah it's been a good day so that was you yes uh that was me no diddy you know what amazes me is that you do all of those things and then come and sit uh by my side like you didn't do anything you know how does that happen you were throwing people all over the place the spirit oh no global baba so nice to see you so nice to see you so much it's happening around the world yes um everywhere people discussing riot life and ask the counselor around the world and it's so exciting to be part of it global let's begin as we always do we've already lost 20 minutes so let's um go now to kickstart ask the council of prayer as we always do let's pray together father the effectual father and prayer of a righteous man a village much makes tremendous power available we pray for our state we pray for our nation we pray for other nations of the earth and we pray specifically that the word of the lord will have free course among the people that barriers are terminated mindsets are corrected the hearts of men are open to the gospel are fresh ministers of the gospel are raised all over the earth the church of god is becoming stronger and stronger as the message of christ is preached believers are established in knowledge established in the truth that is in christ jesus and we rejoice that disciples are multiplying and the glory of god covers the earth as the water covers the sea we deny the devil access to our cities our nations and our communities and we decree that the glorious light of the gospel continues to shine and our governmental leaders receive divine intervention to form policies and create societies that makes it easy for this gospel to keep thriving and we pray that those that are not saved among them will come to the knowledge of the truth and we thank you for answer prayer tonight in jesus name amen okay global about about time we set cell um we spent last night i don't know the day before today we spent that out there at barbados the west indies and global by you were talking about some places in babadoos yes you know so that's what we spend we've been chilling there absolutely so we just stayed at them there from jen is writing anonymously and no not not writing an anonymous they're not the most location so we claim that it's from barbados and then my progress dear mr bush and our global apostle dr ebel damina mr bushman the lord bless you more and more for the good work of the lord that you're doing global you taught us the other day that you cannot receive from what you dishonor you cannot dis um receive from who i mean that's what he would say one should have said for what you dishonor you mentioned that if you walk in this honor you will experience dryness when others are progressing my question then that's from jen is does the same apply to people who don't honor their parents it's worth noting that some people and especially men neglect their needy parents please give us your counsel yeah well as a believer you know the it is to instruct clearly honor your father and mother for this is the first commandment with a promise so there's a promise that brother paul emphasized it and there's no way you will honor christ honor the work of christ and dishonor your parents it's just as in adult you know as a believer it is very very instructive that you are a person of honor you honor people you honor the church you honor your parents you honor brethren you honor everybody around you both great and small especially people that you know people that are uh have responsibility over you either spiritual or physical even your boss in the office you honor him you honor people that you know are responsible for to pay you a salary responsible to you know helping you to to have your daily needs met you honor them honor ought to be a culture that believers practice as a lifestyle it ought to be you know so uh honor it's all through it goes cuts across every segment of life okay we make progress now we go to canada canada is still you know like barbados is in the northern american continent that is the continent called north america it says greetings enter continental mr bush and adobo baba this is fabrice from canada rumba by yesterday i asked about john 20 22. i sent it in the middle of the live broadcast before you expounded on it after the broadcast global i had understood it and i tried to delete my message so that he could not reach you but unfortunately he did i learned a precious lesson to be patient always thank you what a confession yeah what a confession and that happens all the time people throw in their questions and then suddenly your answer in the middle yes of it okay so we make progress now from canada we're going to europe yeah so from north america we'll go to europe then this one two sun uh it's right it's written by mary sent in by mary mary doesn't tell us where she's writing from so we claim europe for her dear global baba thank you for your teaching and for the word of god the word of truth god bless you however i'm still not clear on the ten commandments and the law is there a teaching i can have to get more clarity and understanding mary mary order for two kinds of righteousness in our office two kinds of righteousness other for the whole series sit down patiently and follow the teachings you will understand the difference between the ten commandments and the laws of moses okay from europe we're coming back home to africa zambia is our first port of call hello baban mr bush and moses writing from lusaka zambia i'm a believer spirit field strong speaking but i'm having lack of sexual affection for my wife my background before marriage global baba was having sex with different women but i never had sex with my wife before marriage because of my lost problem for women i thought marriage would be a solution but now it's a different case blah blah blah i've been married for three years but from the day of my honeymoon to today that they have no sexual affection whatsoever for my lovely wife she's kind she's beautiful she's a humble woman lover baba one who deserves the best from my husband robert but sometimes chatting away from home makes me happy but when i'm home i don't just enjoy it you know the idea of being home i can't really say i can spend a day with my wife and be happy like my friends and other believers do please blah blah blah i need so much counsel and prayers this is making me not enjoy my marriage i don't want to be cheating on my wife because of this problem i've never done that in any case honestly speaking in the face of the lord i don't want to lose lose this woman i once told her my situation which have been secretly fighting to overcome and make my home and marriage confirmed but it has become a reason of lack of trust and good communication blah blah blah please help me counsel me pray with me i want to save god with a clear conscience well your situation is such that you really need to you know come down and spend time with the word of god because as you begin to spend time in fellowship with god your wandering soul your walk because your soul is wandering your wandering soul will come home and once you are in tune with god it will be easy for you to be in tune with your wife and as you get in tune with your wife and you begin to fellowship with your wife intimately the attraction the desire will also grow from there so it has to begin with christ first you and christ you have to calm down and really focus on christ and you know keep your soul from wandering because if your soul is still wandering around you are still lusting and still looking at other women and comparing your wife with the other women you had before and the ones you're seeing around there's no way your mind will come down and really look at your wife because desire for sex is a mind thing is in the mind and if your mind is not stayed on the lord you'll find it difficult to even be attracted to the point of wanting to have pleasure or give your wife pleasure so again it will begin with the lord he restored my soul so your soul needs to get back and the only way to restore your soul is to begin to feed your soul with the word of god and stay focused don't be distracted anything that is distracting you keep it up away if it is pawn keep it away if you love watching illicit materials on the internet shut them down if you like watching movies that are not edifying clear them anything sexual keep it out make sure your relationship with christ grows and be focused and then from there you will find an affection for your wife and you start satisfying your life that's the way it's going to work for you in the circumstance it doesn't need prayers well if you do what you need to do what what you you know it's about like sit time and harvest if you do what you need to do it will produce for you the effects i can pray for you all day long and it will still not work because you have not done what you ought to do but once you do what you ought to do it will be automatic there is a but we can pray for you father we ask that as your son seeks to grow in his work with you so that he can be affectionate towards his wife he asks for healing of his emotions and the healing of his soul we ask that your word will grow big in his heart and we command that his soul will be restored to a place where he has total solace confidence and peace in christ in jesus name amen okay about time we launched out and threw open the windows and the gates for calls if you want to join us on telephone your time starts now but we stay on in zambia global baba hello dr damina is the branch of power city international and bookshop in shepard city of zambia where your books can be accessed and muslim away from the eastern province of zambia i'm not sure of chipata but i'm sure of of lusaka and other places so again we will ask our studio to see how to respond to your meal tonight our first caller is on the line it behooves me at this point to sign on him hello good evening many thanks for joining us when you're calling from i'm joseph i'm calling from california one joseph you give me an apostle evening bless you yeah uh i want to ask this question because by conscience i'm a prophet in this individual and i do deliverance when i had your experiences concerning the difference i was really really skeptical and i was being careful so and there was a day during your teaching you mentioned that the people don't fall around you and i was very conscious of that you know because during the process of deliverance in church people will follow all over everyone without me you know applying any prejudice but i was surprised you know during these kitchens on sunday people are falling around you there so what do you have to say concern that thank you well i think you're misquoting me because i have never said people don't fall around me so you need to check the source of your information then secondly when you listen you must listen carefully so you don't read your thoughts into what i am saying i said falling is not power then i said but there are times the power of god can be so much that your body cannot hold it and you fall that's what i said you can go back listen to the messages again they are recorded so please be careful not to force on me what i never said then secondly if you're a deliver if you're a prophet and people are falling all over your church you need to check it because when people fall too much in a church they never grow spiritually because people on the floor can be meditating on what you taught so you need to calm your church down and teach them the word of god because when people are falling too much it means there's something you are either teaching or there's a precedence of ministry you're doing that makes people think if they don't fall there is no power so every time they gather they are ready to fall when they see you they want to fall i used to be there before years ago where i would just appear and people will be falling and one day somebody just saw me and fell so i asked him to stand up he stood up and i said why did you fall he said i i sense power i say from where from where did you sense the power stand up my brother clean your body you don't have to overdo things you don't have to try to prove a point the point is this falling is not power the power of god is the spirit of god but like i said sometimes depending on what is being taught people can open up themselves and release themselves for the spirit of god in them to express himself and their body may not be able to hold so they fall but it is not supposed to be a lifestyle it's supposed to be from once in a while and then i explain that the ministry of jesus all through the time jesus was on earth nobody fell in any of his services the only time people ever felt was when they came to arrest him or people fell when he cast out demons and he didn't even allow the demons to torment them again the key point is that falling is not power falling is not power but sometimes people can fall when the power is too much for their body and again falling is not supposed to be a constant activity in the local church because there should be time to teach and help people grow and think about the word of god and mature that's very critical i hope that helps you nobody know just sitting down here i'm wondering ever since i got the honor and the privilege to come on riot life and ask the counselor yes i'm just there many things to be thankful for number one is that yes i sense the power but thankfully i don't fall i'm so grateful you know that many things to be thankful you really don't have to fall yes but i sense the power of all these things but the power is absolutely very very this next caller hello hello many thanks for joining us were you calling from um i didn't understand what you said if you can repeat it again and i think you can't return the delivery but you don't speak the right word you don't explain the rest what are you delivered now as okay for your crown to be greater than another person's crown well if that's what you're saying uh the bible says that you know we defend the gospel we preach the gospel and it is what we preach that will determine our reward so again the bible didn't tell us one crown would be greater than the other the bible only tells us that some people's works will be burned they will suffer loss and some people will be rewarded that's all the bible tells us he didn't classify crowns for us small crown big crown middle crown high crown tall crown shot no there's nothing like that but the bible teaches us that some people will lose their reward because they did not preach the truth and some people will be rewarded for preaching the truth of the gospel that's what the bible teaches okay i understand we have another caller but let me just squeeze this one in as we leave zambia and head to zimbabwe hello global baba i'm johnson watching from harare thank you sir for your good work this next caller hello many thanks for joining us where you calling from go ahead hello yes just go ahead okay okay okay thank you uh i want uh global rabbi to respond to this question i'm calling from josh i am done as me by name i want to know what happens when people die before the rapture what happened to dead people right now okay well the bible tells us clearly to be absent from the bodies to be present with the lord so if a believer dies now he's with christ and then a man who dies without christ is in outer darkness waiting for the day of judgment that's what happens okay so we make progress so from zimbabwe we stay on in zimbabwe hello great teacher of grace you prove all in all that jesus is our message all the time this comes from pastor takes shuri mumba in zimbabwe having too many commendations from zimbabwe well thank you another caller hello many thanks welcome to ashoka and then where you're calling from my name is isaiah i'm coming from thank you for the revelation of those words that he will be revealing to us enemies your question does god have enemies well god does not have enemies but because man has enemies man's enemies are god's enemies and who are the enemies sickness disease sin death and the devil so yes by the third party or by being a thought party you know have it ban having an enemy so man's enemy is god's enemy and jesus has already defeated man's enemy by death burial and resurrection okay so we stay on in zimbabwe hello global baba all your teachings and revelations are spirit filled i'm ibrahimov from zimbabwe and i'm watching kellen from here i just want to thank you sir thank you thank you wow okay so we go to from zimbabwe we should be going to malawi first though this next caller hello hello many thanks ma'am for joining us where are you calling from my name is iran good evening good evening bless you okay um he is [Music] is you don't well remember that the word honor there does not mean obey there's a difference between honor and obedience in ephesians it says honor your father and mother then he says obey your father in the lord so this are not your natural appearance but obedience is to your spiritual appearance that has to be understood because it's your spiritual parents that instruct you in doctrine your natural parents you only honor them because they brought you to this world you honor them because they took care of you or are taking care of you you order them because they played that role or played that role in your life so don't allow your father abuse you because that's emotional abuse psychological abuse don't take it from anybody let your father know that daddy i honor you but those things you are speaking don't even agree with the bible you preach and if you are disobeying the bible how do you want me to obey you because you can't be obeying god who is bigger than all of us and me i mean you can't be disobeying god who is bigger than all of us and you want me to obey you that is smaller than god so you don't abuse me the bible says let your words have grace the bible says parents don't provoke your children to anger all that is in the bible so again your honor to your father is as a person but when it comes to issues you don't close your eye in the name of honor and let your father rob you of what is your right you've got to confront him with issues but you respect him as a person that's the way to handle it another caller hello okay so um so we're supposed to be in malawi now so let's go there this one opens with doc you're doing a great job please continue i'm gladstone from malawi in first corinthians global baba chapter 12 verse 11 paul says the spirit distributes the gifts to each one as he wills in first corinthians 14 1 paul says igly desire spiritual gifts especially that you may prophesy one so does man have the choice of any spiritual gift or how enlighten me well if you follow tomorrow's and next tomorrow's teaching all that will be exegetically taken care of so be patient let's deal with tomorrow next tomorrow first then if we don't answer ask us again so global how do you see today to how do you sit today to know what's coming on tomorrow because everything i'm teaching for the next how many weeks i already know it oh because the kids are a module so you're not going to be studying anymore no i still study but i already have a frame idea of everything i'm going to cover so i just keep studying so i can enrich the things you know so global but when you stand here you have no papers you have no books how does it happen is it like a screen you read from a spiritual screen i have a book oh no i know i use that i mean i know you use notes but most often i know you're speaking offhand because you're speaking a stamper i know the things that i wrote i form the notes so i know what is in the notes okay so you don't see like a screen from whatever you say i follow the notes okay so that the teachings are sequential they're like a module i can preach you tell them but it will be scattered thoughts okay but i follow my notes so that there's you know the thoughts are organized so that at the end of the day people have rich understanding of what i'm teaching rob about my producer is trying to force me from my trend of thoughts i'm not going to i'm pretending i'm not seeing him yes so i just want to stay on this one the last one that i want to ask you blah blah blah is so when suddenly you were praying are you now called for the guy from um so was that written was that where did that come from no no because i sensed to pray for him and i started looking for him since yesterday oh yes yes this next caller hello hello good evening many thanks for joining us yes go ahead good evening mr bush yes ma'am and dr um i have a question please there are there are some denominations like there are some churches that do that they don't put on attachments they don't put on earrings and they say that if you put on attachment and you put on your ring you are not you are going to help so please i just need little explanation about those things i want to get clarity thank you well if you're around those denominations ask them to give you bible verses and scriptures to confirm that if you put on airing or you put on the class you go to there's no such scripture in the bible it's just man-made traditions and as a child of god you're not supposed to be bound by mumbai traditions put on your hearing put on your gold but your focus shouldn't be on airing and good your focus should be on the teaching of god's word that should be your focus there's another caller so glassing in malawi just hold on a little more hello hello many thanks for joining us where you calling from yeah and they really give me spiritually and i've been having some issues that i wanted to discuss with this personality it's a long issue so i don't know how to talk to him personally okay venezuela just sent the email to dr abeldamina and if possible put everything you want to talk to me in the mail so that when we call you on phone it will be you talking it will be me responding to the issues you raised in that email dr ebeldamina with your phone number bless you and that doctor ebenezer is simply the arrow please okay so we get back to malawi where glaston has been waiting so he continues if all spiritual gifts are brought about by the same spirit does it mean that once the spirit is in you then you have all the gifts oh how enlighten sir please i think all your questions were answered in tonight's teaching yes the holy ghost has all the gifts and the holy ghost is the gift of christ so when christ gave you the holy ghost you're born again along with the holy ghost came the gifts and the gifts enable you to do ministry it continues that's it from glaston in malawi hello baba in matthew 5 17-19 christ said he came to fulfill the law and encourages its practice the same lord i was faulty global baba why must he fulfill the lord i was faulty and encourage people to practice it enlighten me please well i i don't know where christ encouraged people to keep the law maybe if you email us again with the scriptures where christ told people to keep the law you know we'll be able to look at the scriptures and see them maybe i have not seen it since i've been reading my bible so help me i want to find that scripture but the scriptures i know is that jesus is the end of the lord for righteousness to everyone that believes romans chapter 10 verse 4. is that possible for you not to have seen any particular scripture well it is possible that's why i'm asking him to email maybe i will find this caller hello hello mr president many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from evening evening bless you my name is ima samuel i'm calling from i was discussing uh the bible with a friend and our topic was there basically on their salvation so you know we talked to the extent where i was like trying to explain to him that god didn't create satan so he was shocked and now asked me why did i say so so i started you know breaking it down to him say god the bible says i have god so after creating you written god saw that all he created was good and perfect so i now ask him he said i'm good so he said no he now asked me to explain i said okay god never created satan but he created an engine so the the the what are the transactions what happened between adam and satan now turn the engine to set and i got in the first place in great setup so although he understood with me very well but he now asked me question that who created hell since hell is not good as well so i was you know trying to explain to him but at the point i couldn't give him a very good answer so i said okay you should give me time it was just today now today i'm going to call on this program and also get a little explanation from you but i held know what the way the bible says hell tell hedges is like greece but the other one which is hell fire where the devil and his agents will be sent to that is the one i don't know if it is god that created it or how god created it so i would like you to explain to me a little bit well you have to check your bible well and see if there's anything like hellfire there is hell but i'm not seeing fire so maybe you're reading fire into hell hell is a place of outer darkness so there is hell there is gehenna there you know there are different names for it in the greek and i did a teaching on it in details in soteria season five five if you get that teaching you have all of that but the simple way to see it is hell is a place of outer darkness okay the bottomless pit is a place where god is not absent and anywhere god is not absent is darkness because god is light so the absence of god is what we call hell i hope that helps you okay we're just a little under 10 minutes on our hands before we say a bye bye on this edition of the program ghana here we come hello global baba my name is anthony zekunu i right from ghana from ataka in ashama i really enjoy your program kindly please tell me how to receive the gift of praying in tongues that's what we've been teaching for days so i can't tell you that because it's not something we tell it's something we teach i'll advise you to begin to listen to everything we talked from sunday first second service monday tuesday wednesday and today thursday please look for the videos they are on my facebook page go and watch them carefully and make notes in the process you will speak in tongues our next caller is on the line hello are you there hello yeah many thanks for joining us where you calling from uh mr bush yeah welcome to the show good day papa evening bless you yeah this is from abuja sure i know the voice i want to appreciate you sir i don't have any question about it this afternoon i was just meditating when i was listening to dr gabriel our journey our christian journey you would not come in contact with somebody like you i i i taught the feet i said father we want to appreciate papa for what he has done for that out johnny would have been rough if we are not making more like you so basically i am appreciating you sir and i can see that what you are doing our lives are being moved what christ has done for us i'm grateful god bless you thank you pastor isaiah thank you for calling blah blah blah the intercontinental the whole world is um talking about you gabriel and his name that he was causing it absolutely okay so from ghana we come closer home into nigeria anonymous hello baba i really enjoy your preaching always your messages they are life please sir which church did jesus mean he would build when he said i will build my church jesus was talking about the universal church the church which is the body his own body where all believers are born into he's talking about the unity of faith that is the revelation of christ that gives birth to new creation believers all over the world one of my last two calls happens now hello hello many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from yeah good evening yes i'm calling because i overheard a man of god i respect so much he was talking about that and he quoted uh hebrews he said everybody should look at hebrew chapter 6 20 to hebrews 7 and hebrews 8 that he was mentioned there like four times that in the order of making credit and that abraham gave back to mckinsey this is an order that abraham has made impeachment so blah blah blah i need to devote some explanation to that well since it says order of melchizedek that means uh what is simply talking about is that the priesthood of jesus is the reality of the shadow that melchizedek operated that's all he's talking about and all that does not mean that you two should stop paying tithe you know the only thing to learn from what abraham did is that abraham out of gratitude gave an honor nobody instructed abraham to give 10 percent that was his level of generosity as at that time that's why the word give is used there so in the new testament we don't give tithe we give generously we give to honor christ we give to support the work of god again tithing is not new testament tithing is old testament and let me also mention that you need to stay with the word of god closing so you don't allow people confuse you you know especially people that are not doctrinally sound you have to run away from them so that they don't mess you up and put you in limbo where you start beginning to be confused about very clear scriptural concepts god bless you okay my last caller hello hello welcome to the show yes and i just want to give her back and i want to acknowledge him for every thing that he's doing through the word of god and the truth is speaking [Music] god will never bless you at the same time if you don't take money for him and i think that is not how god gave to us so that we will go with you i'm afraid i'm going to cut you off we have little um less than three minutes to say bye bye i'm sure global can just react to that in 30 seconds yeah you're already speaking the right thing we don't pay tax to get we don't give to get we give because god has given to us god is not in a transaction god is a loving father who provides for his family ahead of time no baba i don't know we we need to go now there are the prayer requests from across the world and i i wanted to just take four of them but because of time of the lack of it we just must end here so we sleep on this edition of the program in ghana because that's where that caller came from tomorrow is another day global baba we need to go my producer is pastor i.j aquari complete with all the pastors here not for getting the resident pastor that is pastor president and pastory dr gabriel everyone goddess man maureen everyone doctor we just like thank you this is michael bush inviting blah blah blah to take us home the intercontinental mr bush it's been a wonderful evening and we're so glad to have had everybody part of this service tonight you don't want to miss the things we keep teaching every day make sure you're part of the conference every evening six pm gmt plus one live on all the platforms and remember to be with us tonight nine to ten on inspiration 10 to 11 on heritage tomorrow morning 11 to one on radio radio 123 and then three to five year new york emman in the evening we are back here at 6 p.m tomorrow evening and comfort fm what a joy to be able to serve you the grace of god every day we encourage you to keep following all the teachings don't just you know don't just select what to pick follow everything so that you are grounded you are established and you can enjoy everything that christ has provided we love you guys enjoy the rest of your day till we connect with all of you again tomorrow evening enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed goodbye from nigeria amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,639
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: uLo-TwiWZzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 20sec (7760 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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