WE CAN'T STOP CRYING! - The Last of Us Episode 3 Reaction

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hello and welcome back to more of The Last of Us the TV show I'm joined by the sky what do you mean you're not joined by me this is my channel as well we're here together that's correct I was like what are you talking about like no this is on my solo chat no it's not hi Susie cesio here you know the usual cakes that uh ensues on this channel we're back with the Last of Us episode three we're back at half past two in the morning on Sunday I'm struggling we would have been here right at two o'clock but I made cookies [Music] let's say it's a diet yeah I haven't had Pringles in like a week it's crazy you guys so I was like yeah I've got a bit of a sweet tooth and I didn't think that you would actually do anything the next thing I know well I thought I would make I'd make something that you could have like one off your sweet tooth and then there'd still be some extra for like tomorrow or whatever you mean after if I finish filming at half three and then I can have the other one okay sure uh I don't drink tea anymore so it's not as if I can be like I'll save the cookie for when I have my tea sure so I just need to eat them while they're warm anyway comment section what your favorite cookie is because I made I made um raisin and cinnamon cookies I don't like chocolate cookies I gotta say what like where the actual cookie itself is chocolate yeah it's just like a full filled chocolate yeah I can't I can't do chocolate cookies chocolate chip cookies where the cookies like a vanilla cookie and then it's got chocolate chips in it yeah I'm done with that if you are now hungry okay good we did our job I guess something like that so let's watch this episode you're not immune from being ripped apart you understand that was a missed opportunity when they were going through the building and they were going through the water and no one grabbed or anything like that I was maybe as too cliche I don't know but like zapping from under the water yeah something that ever happened though in the game so they could have added it well I guess yeah we love you Chris don't show it again though nobody else no one needs to say this thanks there was such a debate oh my Lord I don't even mean in my comment section I just mean on the internet such a debate about why she stood there and let the zombie kiss her there was there were so many like copium you know like I feel like there's there's like there's people that were like oh she was doing it so that they didn't they didn't attack her so she had time to light the light the lighter and there's other people it's like oh well obviously the I was going to see the metamises that's uh that's Resident Evil seven I um there's obviously the uh core decepts like the the mushrooms have taken over our brain and she's turning like half a zombie now and maybe she just wanted to kiss him do you know maybe she just wanted one last kiss maybe she did maybe she thought in her head she was like you know what like I think this guy would have been hot it feels about it all right maybe it could be my mushroom bee if I give him a kiss we can be one we can be one mushroom together sorry I was I was fixing the headphones we've had far too much sugar again we keep doing this at 2AM those are cookies that's why that intro is eight minutes long yeah yeah everyone skipped it anyway it's fine [Applause] oh my God is this the BET where the Nook comes down and murders everyone okay whoa spoilers all again oh you're setting up a weekend [Music] what game did I play recently they kept doing that what we set up again yeah there was lost in space Lost in Space that's what I'm thinking of yeah then it was just lost in space is what I was thinking day's gone I had to go around them up kicking them down for a trophy it's not very nice [Music] 10 miles west of Boston they got their effects 10 Mile yeah too long you can do that on what like five hours you want your jacket back no I want your sandwich the sandwich is like the Ultimate Weapon in this game she must have finished the sandwich more Butch than I thought that guy's just jerky she's eating nobody made you a chest take me nobody made you go along with this plan you needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice for something that isn't my fault but I mean Joel's very good at doing that in the beginning so I do feel bad for Ellie in that respect she doesn't make it easy though does she no she doesn't much longer five hour hike we can manage that God say five hours in stone cold silence not for me however five hours with Stone Cold Steve Austin oh man that's like a dream come true hello keeping your pants not like that Jesus what are you looking out for people they're building Frank nice Frank is poor Bill what is it something lame like you fell down the stairs or something I didn't fall down any stairs okay so what then someone shot at me and missed see that's cool [Laughter] no I missed two it happens more often than you think because you suck at shooting or like in general in general who's taught by the Storm Troopers hey whoa whoa that's a bit deep you know seeing this is just the two of us I was thinking I should probably nice try though I don't know though like if I was Ellie I wouldn't feel comfortable not having a weapon she's got a sandwich why do you have stuff last year yeah there's a lot of questions yes what should I wear this is actually one of my favorite parts of the game the the school I guess you would call this section you ever played this one Mortal Kombat listen honey I grew up with that game and I still couldn't be the final boss you forgot what you preached at no I'm just zeroing in on it around Houston exactly like the game do you recognize it no ah I do foreign she makes a hell of a lot of noise doesn't she for someone without a gun she's never had to survive on the outside though was she she was born inside the walls molded by them [Music] like why would you bother God curiosity man it's not good it's Pitch Black it doesn't sound too deep I I didn't hear the thing hit the floor two don't try to Spook me well I'm just being funny so there's no ladder there she's um not very smart here is she no really it's like I know you don't like Joel but you'd be like I found something say she must have thought she'll just upend that and stand on it I also the same bloody type of fake trash can that you get whacked to in WWE I feel like Americans do use those trash cans though they must do trash can it's called a bin did you see what that was yeah yeah I like I spoke about that so much in the game how do women get through the Apocalypse Christmas oh oh yeah you just kick him in the head listen you're dead mate you don't have to deal with periods every month jog on they were for when you got a nosebleed I think they work the same my dear I mean maybe they do I don't know oh I've actually been done before is he not like in contact with the rest of the the Crispies for the Mushroom Kingdom oh God Joel you've left her alone for far too long you know better than this oh God no let's say this is a bit like sadistic oh that's messed up yeah like what what your cutie is about just grab her he's gonna grab her someone's gonna grab her [Music] okay like that is quite sadistic yeah to be like cutting his head open in there yeah I think it was the face she was pulling wasn't just like cutious it was wasn't cutie you're so scared or a bit weird even being curious about something like that's just a bit foreign she's your cargo you'd be checking on her a lot more [Music] good hiding spot even Joel couldn't find it it's like the most I don't know what to make of that scene whether it's just the acting or wall but yeah she came across like a really sadistic like a psychopath you flying one of those a few times sure so lucky I don't feel like it at the time get shoved into a middle C pay 12 bucks for a sandwich dude you got to go up in the sky yeah well so did they got to come back down again in the worst possible way there's another conversation from the game yeah it was yeah how did it even start if you have to get bit to be infected then who bit the first person that was the first is it a monkey I bet it was a monkey it wasn't a monkey I thought you went to school Badger School teachers how to shitty government too to prevent a pandemic I mean clearly Julie you also don't know the answer otherwise you would tell her no one knows for sure but hey eagle cordyceps mutated someone that got into the food supply probably a basic ingredient like flour sugar it was it was a flavor bread cereal pancake mix they nearly had the pancakes in the first episode yeah we just had eggs they got worse then they started biting Friday night September 26 2003. yeah and then they started shooting kids about Monday everything was gone thing I don't get though is they say it was in the flower because that's what that full like um that scene was with the the scientist lady it was all to do with being in the floor and a flower Mill but if it wasn't a flower everything you make with flour gets baked yeah so it would have killed it off it would have killed it off no one eats flour raw unless like yeah like uh cookie door like uh cake mix or something like that like lick the spoon but that's like few and far between really yeah that's an interesting Theory but it wasn't just the flower though what else did he say it was oh he says things that it could have been but they were really angling towards it yeah which what'd you say unless you pick up the flower and just start to like a certain temperature and like uh you would kill off the bacteria well especially fungus they were talking about that like the fungus evolved to survive in human bodies which is like 36.6 degrees Celsius but you cook everything at like 180 yeah told you you were going to a qz and you were if there was room if there wasn't he just got left behind well no I think they were left behind I killed him you should even be dead people can't be infected yeah but more alive people might actually sort this bloody mess out it was a baby oh great thank you Game well done just in case you didn't know hello thanks thanks TV show just like let's just absolutely freak us out by the way that baby's gonna die I know cool thanks the image of the entire thing was bad enough is that Billy Bob because he does like a shotgun does he not I don't know who it is I've never seen any of this before well I haven't but I have played the game not today you knew World Order Jack boot [Music] it is scary because there's people in places of power who when things like this happen you always think it's fine because it's people in power you know guns if you're in the states you've got soldiers and all of that when in actual fact they would just kill you like that well I'd like to think not I think they would I really do foreign I think he's more of a stardew valley player himself I was gonna take the joke too far but I decided not to [Music] start doing donuts in the center the street you know music too loud [Music] dude right man this is exactly what I'd be doing hundred percent stock file well that's a sad thing though because he took it into his own hands he survived everyone in that trailer didn't yeah well I don't know if he survived survived they definitely lived longer than the people that got evacuated so we mentioned he was on his way to see Bill and Frank but that's just bill how should I ask Bill because it looks just like Bill well I mean yeah but [Music] I would take over the church why the church why not that'd be so cool how do I keep a church warm see this would be enjoyable for just now till everyone turns to zombies and then suddenly you ain't so free out in the streets anymore well it depends as long as you've made as long as you've gotten a decent enough uh a decent enough Homestead you've got nice and secured [Music] a pan like that on like a is it a gas stove when someone goes like that the Flames are like going everywhere just free walk okay cucumber I was gonna say it didn't look like a zombie though because it was walking quite nicely it was gonna be antenna radio waves oh nailed it well now he's like I gotta go reset that now it doesn't go nope this would be you like I know this this guy right here is so freaking intelligent that like if there was ever a zombie apocalypse you're my dude I'd still die first four years later so this is still like 16 years before where we're at yeah [Music] here we go let's see the next trap this is Pitfall you'd want help though surely but you get lonely I don't get lonely yeah you won't help just so you weren't the one that had to reset oh reset all the drops are you armed it's in the hole isn't it this is heavy met him right it hurt it's just just a bruise just my plate that's a big hole to not see well I had stuff covering it that's the thing man can't trust anyone no you can it's such a shame though the world would go this way oh he's got tester and covet I don't bloody hell that's 2007. we were 20 20 and actually stick this up you know again scratch your brain with this thing yeah you like the smell of your own saliva if I feed you then every bum you talk to about it is gonna show up here looking for a free lunch and this is not an Arby's well I always didn't have free lunch was a restaurant [Laughter] I won't talk about it to any bums or hobos or vagabonds I promise I would like to go Arby's though you already know I'm bad at lying well so you would tell everyone about it his hair would be wonderful it is wonderful come on Bill you know you want some company he's got the AJ style soccer mom here um but you could have that if you grow your hair let's have another sharing of people on them oh although can I have five more minutes sure thank you this is amazing I was gonna say that would feel so good I know as if it's been like four years and you've not managed to have a shower don't do this hair so fabulous anyway I never does anything to it oh I was meaning I was meaning because he can have a shower and be luxurious oh I meant because he probably doesn't do anything to it and they say that's the best thing for your hair [Music] he's like God man I need to move in and get this polish it's like well you don't just run your finger across things Bill like a border just sitting down well if he's got charger please save before planning the wedding I had never even heard of a charger plate well you've used charger plates mum puts them out for Christmas oh does she doesn't mean I pay any attention on Christmas day oh yes no what the everything tastes good when you're starving yeah but not like this listen I have absolutely no reason to be this hungry but I'm looking at that and I'm just like gimme right now excuse me lift up pear rabbit with a Beau Chalet I know I don't seem like the type no you do oh it's my cumbersome having a gun strapped here Bentley shoot some um you would die happy wouldn't you thank you you're welcome [Laughter] now leave don't tell anybody about a hotel how could you not tell anyone about that food though I've been staring at this the whole time is it antique 1948 wow wow you know how much these are worth nothing Tales of Hoffman yuck these aren't yours my mother this is you oh oh my God it's my favorite I feel like bill has no idea how to handle this situation at all no it's just like what is this who is this guy they're in a weird way it's like he doesn't want him to leave don't know I get that impression oh yeah he's been by himself for a year [Music] oh my God I'll be like no stop please stop no no no sir no thank you sorry no thank you professional well neither am I but listen I know good music when I hear it and that ain't it watch them just smash out chopped things don't put your back to him I swear to Frank attacks him just now I'll lose it why would he though love will abide take things and stride Goodness Me Bill but there's no one at my side and time washes clean I just love this because this is not a side of Bill that we got to see nope [Music] it's been like an hour but Frank you better stick around buddy oh so you still leaving or what so who's the girl oh there's no girl oh it's okay Bill yay good for you Bill I'm acting like he's never done that and it's like good for you Bill well he might not have done because like and I think that was kind of the point of that like who are you singing about and he's like oh there is no girl I feel like it's kind of like it couldn't be himself when the world was the way it was go take a shower bill yeah your stinky bill oh honestly like if you've played the game I feel like you'll be as shocked as we are seeing like this calm soft side ability just as energy that's like coming off of him where it's like oh bill that's the thing of all the people in the world in this situation and you find each other like that it's like a beautiful thing like it shouldn't happen you know but it did oh oh Jesus Game of Thrones go and get freaky that's gonna make us see on jokes there where it's like he takes the time no oh if you know you know you ever done this before not with anyone or the girl a long time ago I want to start with the simple things so you were right then there's never been a guy and he hated the world because he never got to be himself I don't I have sex for lunches leaving great ones Frank you better be careful with my little Bill okay it's his first time what's his Little Bill yeah yes just stay forever Frank stay forever because you never know how long forever is gonna be could just be a couple more days should just be a couple more days must be strange like haven't kissed him with like beard on beers yeah like busy beards you know busy busy beard mind you what am I talking about sometimes I've got beard and it was available do you know if there's one thing I'm gonna say that doesn't bother me at all but I know the fan base of the last of us they keep putting things in to make people feel uncomfortable and I feel like that'll be a scene that'll do it I live in this world you live in a psycho bunker where 911 was an inside job and and the government are all Nazis the government are all Nazis well yeah now but not then well then is he wrong I'm asking for some paint and some gasoline for the lawnmower that's all I'll do everything else myself you say resource management so help me I will run through one of your trip wires paying attention to things it's how we show love what's wrong with wanting to keep the house nice and fresh and the clothing boutique the boutique are we hosting formal Garden parties now no we do he's like no no no no no you were lucky to get in Frank no one else is we don't we will never have friends because there are no friends to be had I've actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio oh you want I felt that with my soul can you know please laughs I'm the same way oh you're a paranoid schizophrenic too I'm not schizophrenic it's paranoid that's so nice instead I want to thank you even if you don't end up working together I really needed this we are working together it's nice to see Tess without a black eye it is it is Tess I want to show you something excellent I have been wanting to see it not inside Frank Frank well bill I mean look how nice Joel looks like do you think he's honestly gonna shoot you well aren't I the lucky one the stuff we have in the cutesy that you don't have here books medicine machine parts we can't help each other and get that gun out of my face [Laughter] cheers Zoey yeah yeah I don't need you or your friend complicating our lives is that clear this is a simple trade Arrangement so I can get you 10 spools of high tensile aluminum last you the rest of your life oh I get it though like he finally just found someone that he can connect with and now he's scared that the world's gonna take it away from him again sooner or later there will be Raiders he'll beat that fence and your trip wires they'll come at night quiet and armed we'll be fine oh Bill he's just trying to give you a nice bit of friendly advice yeah well we don't need no advice although it's already fallen apart because Frank is sociable ah yep things definitely started to corrode just one more loop around I got something to show you now that last music I've got a stick that's like when like when worst pain I traded Joel and test one of your guns for a packet of seeds uh uh did you see his basement he's got a bajillion alone I know this silly is a gun guy oh strobs do you know I don't like strawberries but if I was in this situation and you started growing strawberries I'll probably be really happy thank you show how cool it would be to grow something though like edible okay well just because you don't eat the bloody strawberries I I don't know if I would die or not this trumpets are fine I always wanted to but it's just as that much work for the amount that you get an older faster than you I like you all that's how I feel in this relationship what I was never afraid before you showed up oh but now you've got something to lose something to live for every time I just can't stop thinking in the middle strawberries I know Jesus treated a gun for those you can't stop thinking about what the velcro oh it's too happy oh those already out there Jesus what a hell of a trap that one is better go get a gun Frank I'm gonna say you know how to get down there right get all the guns come up let's do my long rifle the males away from you um the front door it doesn't help you have to set on fire see rifle yeah but they're going to take bloody fence down oh we gotta get you inside oh my God I thought it got shot in the leg I shouldn't have been out there man well I hope they gathered some supplies over the years for me hold your hand there what do you do if that happens you just sew it if it went right through I've went very true yeah well it depends if it's nectar nothing call Joe you can't be here alone [Music] you're here no [Music] okay no you don't even know if you got rid of them all out there though well he says the fence will kill them okay okay [Music] what he's just sleeping Billy Bob are we okay it's getting cold oh God I was like he's in a wheelchair no okay okay got me there oh man um we'll get you warmed up just like it's happy and it's sad at the same time because it's like they got to live out their days together you know yeah regardless of how horrible the world is [Music] that music [Music] oh I don't ever want to get old I want us to stay young forever young who are you kidding no got 11 off scraps by that point no because they're still making their own their own veg hunt their own food pills oh no that's me now if you're taking your pills all right I'm on number 10 for the day I wonder where they get all the pills from though Scavenging probably maybe Joel helps them yeah it's horrible the way our bodies just kind of give up on us you know not mating on the robot foreign well it's like if anything happens now it'd be a very different story you know yeah interesting know how they did spend all that time oh please don't I hope you don't spend all that time Alone um they never ever like got anyone else I don't want you falling asleep in the chair I won't you will and then your feet get blue well I'm not fighting about it back in bed I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day oh do you think people really know that I think he's gonna end up Bill come here I mean how can he not be sad you know what I mean Bill and flanker relationship goals I had bad days with you until but I've had more good days with you than with anyone else just give me one more good day I wonder what's wrong with them though starting now make me some toast I'll be you yeah give me some tea and toast he'll wear what I ask oh get married oh bring me to our bed and I will fall asleep in your arms how can you ask someone to do that all right I can't do you love me the thing is if you don't do it I think he would just do it himself anyway yeah he's made that decision don't love me the way I want you to what did I tell you I never want to get old foreign [Music] wondering no this story was not explored in the game whatsoever no not at all which is why it's really nice to see actually [Music] it's just like a completely different person and I guess I can understand why his heart went so black you know what man you look dapper [Music] you really do oh it's the same meal that you made the first night the rabbit and it'll be the same wine on the same charger plates [Music] so this time he sits next to him oh man just feel my heart like breaking oh no I I just feel like you know I know what's gonna happen so I'ma just walk away no no no um imagine bill just decides now I'm drinking it instead I can't deal with this it's time though that's a lot of powder well if you want to be sure tell you what it's not gonna taste very nice it's like when you've got cystitis I wouldn't have done that in front of them or do you think bills do not intentionally as a is this really what you want I don't know it is to show him that he's actually done it always change your mind what a horrible horrible moment why are there already pills in the bottle enough to kill a horse oh I'm old I'm satisfied and you were my purpose made your choice for you then he can make his choice for him but from an objective point of view like a Romeo and Juliet kind of thing going on here foreign you know when they said that bill was in this episode here today this is not how I expected it to be no it's like we're like squeezing down here oh God I feel like millions of people are watching this right now not this video but this show and they're all just dying on the inside too there's puddles on the floor [Music] oh God it's not even the end it's gonna end she's like God well they're gonna have to go and visit in there stay there never even changed the code oh there's all these years well you don't know how often Joel's obviously gone and visited them well I just loved that they were like they could trust them enough you know yeah they had the password oh now I'm like I don't want Ali to give some crap you know obviously she um she's a feisty teenager and I'm just like after everything that's happened I'm like no just to be nice to Bill you know I don't think Bill is that anymore you hear anything you see anything yell what if they're gone he might still be in his little underground bunker you know no what if they killed him in the show like what if he is actually he says that there was enough pills in I know what if it didn't is what I mean or what if it did like you just don't know [Music] oh where the hell are you going honey takes the keys and just leaves everyone oh it's from Bill what was with the front door just then then I don't know the wind to whomever but probably Joel I figured I fell under whomever okay was this um the Dust so they're dead that's crazy I'm guessing you found this Joel because anyone else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps [Laughter] but I was wrong because there was one person worth saving that's what I did I saved him then I protected him that's why men like you and me are here it's gonna make him realize that you know what I should be doing this with Ellie all of my weapons and equipment use them to keep tests I can't believe they killed him like I literally can't believe that Bill's gone hard man bill with all the traps he fell in love and that's way to get see ya oh God do you know what it made no sense for him to go back to hating the world after the life that he had with Frank yeah that was a better story in the game yeah much better story I wonder if the door was like a symbol of like you've come in and there's Souls have like gone out because the door blew open but she was in the living room all right what was that new battery [Music] there you go [Music] everything you need show me your arm it's real Joel it's very real my guess is he knows where some of them are out there maybe they can get you to wherever this lab is all right listen about Tess still a touchy subject just now you see that by Mark they won't think it through they'll just shoot you rule three you do what I say when I say it we clear it's repeated I lost about 10 minutes I was just I'm sorry I'm like I'm in shock just with everything with Bill I'm an absolute shock and that's what makes this a good show even if you've played the game what do you think people are gonna think about that I mean if they think that is not an amazing piece of Storytelling then they're wrong they're just wrong grab some cans from over there nothing dented or swollen do you know no guns Ellie Ellie going for the absolute Essentials yes [Music] I have to say would you peek in the bedroom no no not at all they have hot water I'm taking a shower I'm in your shower seriously God she reminds me of my best friend so much is terrifying [Music] why do I feel like she's gonna find a gun um [Music] Frank God yeah hold on you look pretty shut up with his hair done and everything I can smell the links Africa from here that's ax body spray for the Americans throws their bag in the back and the gun goes off oh I told you that before okay MythBusters tried it and it doesn't do that it's your first time in a car it's like a piece of Chevy ass turn but it'll get us there I think seatbelt it's never been in a car before Joel this thing stick up on you oh cassette Daniel gemsy even know what that is such a like it's such a meme at this point but no I don't think they would oh man [Music] you've got to be a remotely do you think [Music] since it's the way that they're kind of smiling at each other just now where it's like the relationship is growing between the two of them I feel kind of speechless after that one oh I'm sad just can't believe him but you know what in the context of the story it doesn't matter if he lived or died it works either way oh yeah you for a long long are you okay what a good episode that was a very good episode yeah oh man it's ten to four in the morning and I'm not okay I am not okay oh that was such a better story than the game such a better story than the game yes I won't tell you what happens in the game you can go and play it but that was better yeah now that you couldn't do that in that game though you couldn't have that story in the game no now that I'm thinking about the game I'm like this so without again going too much into it I said I said oh this will be the school episode so what I meant by that is obviously gameplay wise you're looking for a battery and you have to like go into the school and go to all these other places and that's why there was like a nod towards the battery not being in the truck and then Joel making the battery out of the stuff that was in the fridge yeah was that there was no battery for the in the truck and then you go out with um a bill to go and find the battery for the truck yeah and he goes through the school and like there's all these like new enemies and stuff like that so I was looking forward to seeing that because I was like oh we're gonna get action-packed episode yeah like that action-packed episode in the school and all the different traps that he's laid an angry Bill whereas in this one you got emotional Bill like how crazy is that like that you still got the character of Bill that was in the games with like paranoia and the prepper and yeah yeah conspiracy theorist and I don't like anyone yeah kind of thing so that was so well done yeah seriously like basically you got a bit of a backstory on Frank and like the end and things like that it was in a note if I remember but it even the end wasn't anything like that no you know like there was a lot of hurt and anger and that's why bill was this like character in the game and then obviously him and Ellie got into it because was he was angry and she's Ellie yeah you know so there was a part of me that was like so did he die like are we coming in now and it turned out that he didn't die but he's all kind of messed up from the pills and yeah but crazy ah are you all right I'm fine chicken I'm fine what happened to all the chickens in the end I don't want to build chickens I wonder what happened to Frank though what do you mean well what illness he had that he got to the point where he's like I just can't do it anymore yeah I don't know he says I need an MRI so I don't know yeah I'm a brain tumor or something maybe but obviously it was in like a lot of pain and still takes less tablets than I do a day that's true that's true you know maybe I should just go asleep and never wake up is that what you say is that what you're saying so yeah that was an amazing episode ready for the next one it's basically they could end to see who's there yeah that that'll do just so I guess the next one's all about Tommy and that segment well if he's going to meet Tony no I didn't no idea what they're going to do now I know they're up enough to change it up you've got no bloody clue I know no I think I'm really happy I'll be very interested to see how they the audience perceived that episode because I'm in Christ uh some people in my Discord that if there's like one slight change to go crazy and if you think that that was not a better story than the game like you're an idiot like you're just done the game I'm gonna call that you're just wrong the game worked for the game what does that worked for a TV show yeah the game worked for like you're going to meet this guy you you you learn a little bit like more game mechanics and more stuff gets introduced to you you know and like he's an angry grumpy guy and then through notes and different things that you pick up you learn little things about them and then like right at the end of the section yeah you find out that him and Frank were like a thing yeah it's not until right at the end that you find out that he was actually gay yeah because I it was much it was very like I think he calls them his partner throughout the whole thing but it's more partner yeah the way it's the way it's sort of portrayed is that they're just like people who are just like surviving together yeah so yeah completely different but very very well done so okay I'm going to bed might have a cookie so I'm going to bed thank you so so much for watching our reaction and the tears to this episode and we'll see you guys next Monday for more of the last of us thank you for watching bye [Music] [Applause] thank you
Channel: Suzy & Steejo
Views: 147,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Of Us, The Last Of Us 2, The Last Of Us Trailer, The Last Of Us 2 Trailer, The Last Of Us Remastered, The Last Of Us Gameplay, The Last Of Us 2 Gameplay, The Last Of Us Soundtrack, The Last Of Us Theme, The Last Of Us 2 Reaction, The Last Of Us Reaction, The Last Of Us 2 Trailer Reaction, The Last Of Us Ending
Id: jz0gPUZJy2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 34sec (3454 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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