Fans React to The Last of Us Episode 1x3: "Long, Long Time"

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[Music] okay did this one not have a intro scene oh no more flashbacks Fortes oh damn how far are we outside of Boston miles west of Boston they've made some progress look I've been thinking about once you're sorry I wasn't gonna say I'm sorry nobody made you go along with this plan you needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice so don't blame me for something that isn't my fault I don't know if those are the words that someone wants to hear when they're grieving she'd be having an attitude but points were made this time very intelligent for a girl her age sharp ass kid much longer five hour hike five hours we're building front nice Frank is Frank's nice oh Bill's not bill yeah Bill's not nice getting back a minute I gotta grab some stuff I stashed hey yo Cumberland Farms time for some looting check all the drawers check for notes some gauze yeah never played this one combat two you forgot what you put your stuff I'm just zeroing in on it this [ __ ] forgot I wouldn't be going off exploring by myself if you don't know what's in here if I've learned anything from Walking Dead clear the place first yo let's not go down there without Joe all right but of course he's gonna do it it's Ellie why are you going by yourself are you insane because she's a 14 year old Joel is being real careless with a child that's valuable in the post-apocalyptic world tampons oh I mean that's pretty helpful I guess it's hard to come by bro yeah those are luxury in this day and age that's something that apocalypse shows never talk about oh is that a clicker [ __ ] Ellie get the [ __ ] upstairs Jesus how long has bro been there I'd fight to clicker for the last box of tampons in an apocalypse yeah go closer to it girl use your knife put him out of his misery make sure you don't call no backup they got Wi-Fi built in their head what's she doing now is not the time to be playing Operation hurry up [Music] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that is disgusting whatever goes good from playing with a zombie picked over my yeah I'm gonna tell them about the zombo she just yep nope you're flying one of those whoa so lucky didn't feel like it at the time it shoved into a middle C paid 12 bucks for a sandwich dude you got to go up in the sky she never experienced that the things we take for granted never get the middle seat window will bust how did it even start I thought you went to school address school yeah teach us how their shitty government failed to prevent a pandemic that's a bit too real now best guess porticeps mutated someone that got into the food supply probably a basic ingredient like flour sugar you eat enough of it it'll get you infected it'll be over for me I love waffles I'd be safe can't eat any kind of wheat any kind of cereal bread or nothing everybody with celiac disease is like [ __ ] you flower eat some Thursday night well Monday everything was gone by Monday damn that was one hell of a weekend we'll cut across the woods here isn't the Roadie dear yeah but we're Exposed on the road you should oh I want to see is it just gonna be a river of dead bodies [Music] oh god what happened here about a week after hell break day soldiers went through the countryside evacuated the small towns told you you were going to a qz and you were if there was room if there wasn't wow lifting people in their damn house these people weren't sick no probably not and people had packed bags and stuff just like the Holocaust yeah that's how they gonna do us when the shake is real we're the real monsters Jay oh no don't do this oh y'all I mean I like the backstory [ __ ] but damn who the [ __ ] is this is that Bill yes I'd say that's him well Bill's watching this whole thing [Music] The Slaughterhouse [Music] oh that boy's strapped the man got an Arsenal yeah you ain't taking him yo oh clutch look away he's hiding look at all that wine clearly he's a prepper everybody talks crap about Preppers until something like this happens [Music] he's got the town to himself now behold your new kingdom sir are you about to raid everybody's house not you gonna get these bows this guy wastes no time I like him man took the premium [Applause] the Home Depot for all your apocalypse needs the Doomsday prepper's dream I'm just gonna go ahead and turn this back on well generated holy [ __ ] oh bill is just set oh he got chips this is my block now this dude is living better than he was previously oh he's living the [ __ ] dreaming in this apocalypse is that an infected he has this entire area rigged bro you are literally a mushroom let me see what traps he got set up it doesn't get old he need had to get up from his dinner and a show why is he Ron Swanson I think the Apocalypse he held it down four years he set up a whole electric fence I mean if he got all the time in the world oh man it's a Survivor bro I've picked my apocalypse buddy this guy foreign oh he's compassionate if this is the dude that ruins this guy's good time I'm gonna be upset I don't know that I'd trust someone this quick stop there I don't give [ __ ] with nobody say Billy Bob you're gonna have to strip naked and let me make sure you ain't bit oh he's got one of those scanners he's not playing how'd you get that how did he get that none of your business all right all right guessing you got a strip naked now Boston is that way you can make it by Nightfall I'm really hungry I don't care this is not an Orbeez Harvest didn't have free lunch was a restaurant [ __ ] nobody eats the Arby's anyway exactly what you gonna do he has kind eyes I'd let him in I feel like I would want company come on you let him in sir you shower with the door open at my house bro this is amazing I bet after not showering for so long I'd be in a shower crying I bet that [ __ ] is warm oh look at this five-star meal it's like going straight to a Gordon Ramsay restaurant fill in the right hole I'll be worried that he gonna kill my ass I wouldn't have gave him no knife a man who knows to pair rabbit with a Bob chalet oh it's a rabbit also the way he poured that bottle so perfectly I know I don't seem like the type no you do you definitely do I think they're flirting y'all he did the hair move that's okay bro could tell that he likes him you stand on me stand what are we doing so I guess I'll be going then yes bat Frank but first all right I've been staring at this the whole time you want to play the piano you know how much these are worth currently nothing already has a total read on this guy he knows what kind of music he's into and everything oh my God it's my favorite Linda Ronstadt not Linda it's like he auditioning to stay there ask you to sing too like I appreciate you trying but you are butchering my favorite song no no no sir no thank you sorry not this song not this song yeah that hurt my ears damn they're gonna bring this song Back at the end of the episode I already know that's what they're gonna do does he want to have a go I'm very excited for this love will abide he's singing oh my God he's gonna make me cry but I don't know what it means the way he looked at him not Frank's gonna cry does this seem romantic to you oh Frank's in love I'm in love God damn liar Swanson had that inside him so who's the girl I'm telling you because it was some sorrow in there there is no girl [ __ ] is y'all gay oh my oh my they're going for it hey these [ __ ] is gay I didn't see that coming at all a moment they met each other you just felt it what's your name oh they're crying oh hey well Frank's not leaving now go take a shower bill you smell like the apocalypse you smell like ball sex and after the shower you gonna smell like eyeball sex [Music] oh my god [ __ ] we about to do this why are they gonna share a bed prank sir man's moving fast he's definitely like heavy bear action right now have you ever done this before oh he don't even remember the girl I told y'all no wonder he was so nervous my heart is not my love more than an apocalyptic romance oh [ __ ] you three years not y'all arguing now was it that bad who cares what they look like I do is he trying to keep it tidy he just wants like to landscape you live in a psycho bunker where 911 was an inside job and the government were all Nazis the government are all Nazis well yeah now but not bad now it's so Ron Swanson paying attention to things how we show love are we hosting formal Garden parties now no maybe if alarm was mode we might but we are going to have friends he's like [ __ ] will come around here we're friends we don't have friends Frank We're The Last of Us I've actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio wait for real you what that's what I'm saying yo what this really is just it's amazing it does still alive in the past did he actually mow the lawn and have a garden party even if he doesn't cleaned up too Frank initiated all that okay Frank how nice it is to have a meal held at gunpoint let's go inside Tess I want to show you something excellent those two are having fun and these two just stand off staring so what you were a prepper or something survivalist I was right is what I was that fence got a year on it tops galvanized wire already started to corrode I can get you 10 spools of high tensile aluminum last you the rest of your life it seems like a good deal though sounds like a great deal he reminded him he's got to protect Frank too yep are you sure about this yeah I mean it's not a gift you come back we'll trade you should use codes for the radio I'm just anyone's listening oh the music so did he come up with that Andrew's never gonna come up here sooner or later there will be Raiders they'll come at night quiet and armed is that how Frank dies we'll be fine her luck won't last forever dude the world doesn't work that way three years later I got something to show you better be good oh I traded Joel and test one of your guns for a packet of seats you traded a gun for some strawberries so romantic here's giggle eating the leaves off that [ __ ] is so good it's probably been literally 10 years since he's had a strawberry I don't know this is too happy I'm feeling too far too invested in them is this episode gonna [ __ ] ruin me I was never afraid before you showed up now he has something to lose makes me feel like he might die even if y'all died y'all had a good seven years some people don't get that in real with a partner the Raiders just like Joel said oh my God what a dope trap dude wake up lotion's everywhere they're getting [ __ ] up on them bro where the [ __ ] is Bill is he outside shooting is Bill point latifying it there he is oh he's in the middle of the street hey cover Leo why don't you stand to the side so you don't get shot we gotta get you inside oh oh wait a minute I'll take care of you don't talk like that bill don't you [ __ ] dare wow I didn't think it was gonna be Offerman who's gonna go wait did they reverse everything oh my God [Music] oh my gosh oh bill made it yeah he made it oh thank God oh Jesus Christ I thought he [ __ ] died what happened do you have cancer or something did he have a stroke oh they're so old now I mean it's a privilege to get old especially in this world [Music] uh he's the one watering the plants and all of the stuff because he knows it's important to him I'm so happy that they find happiness with each other if either of them die I want it to be natural causes look at him taking care of his man damn did he paint that picture of Bill this is like the opening to up they're really trying to get me messed up today bro now I'm back to feeling like he's gonna die again I'm not fighting about it back in bed I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day what maybe I regret saying I wanted more backstory I've made up my mind so he's gonna kill himself is it because he doesn't want to be a burden I've had more [Music] [Applause] money then take me to the boutique you'll wear when I ask we'll get married they're not gonna give us a [ __ ] wedding just before he dies are they and you cook a delicious delicious then you will crush all these up put them in my wine I will drink it then you will take me by my hands bring me to our bed and I will fall asleep in your arms what the [ __ ] oh God I'm gonna be [ __ ] up I'm already crying and then nothing's even happened I can't do you love me yes so sad don't love me the way I want you to that's such a horrible thing to ask someone why would you do that to someone you love I could never don't ever ask me to do that [ __ ] he gets to God on his own terms absolutely no this song I'm Gonna cry hi time is the real monster Jay at least he got to have a companion for a while [Music] I got married by the piano which is where the first [ __ ] bonded and kissed breaking my freaking heart they had no right to do this what the [ __ ] I'm not even wiping the tears away no more let them come the first meal they had together yeah you know it he's turning the planting socks to Hawaii not to expect to cry this oh this is very sad you know it's making me tear up oh my God I don't know is this the wine are we really gonna do this oh okay now he's gonna do it honestly if I was Bill I'd probably be like yeah I want to do it together damn we just chugged it the deed is done wait is this thing already pills in the bottle enough to kill a horse oh [ __ ] he did take them so is that it they're just gonna die together this isn't the tragic suicide at the end of the play I'm old I'm satisfied and you were my purpose oh my God that fights with it yeah nothing else to live for he old but from an objective point of view it's incredibly romantic you know what hey God damn it is messed up but it is romantic at least they got to be old together take me to bed [Music] wait he got he kept his hat up there waiting for his hat this is a dream death situation like [Music] we are back at present day toads are still good they're just gonna find their bodies oh this is tragic oh man the flowers are all dead oh so it's been some time Joe's probably wondering what the hell happened [Music] oh for car did they leave a note for them girl can you stop touching [ __ ] I don't want to see what state they're in it's from Bill to whomever but probably Joel so they're dead dang he like lost everyone in his life almost if you find this please do not come into the bedroom we left the window open so the house wouldn't smell it would probably be a sight I'm guessing you found this Joel is anyone else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps take anything you need bunker code is the same as the gate code but in Reverse that's such a clue from a letter uh yeah I used to hate the world and I was happy when everyone died but I was wrong because there was one person worth saving that's what I did I saved him then I protected him that's why men like you and me are here we have a job to do and God help any [ __ ] who stand in our way yes all of my weapons and equipment use them to keep safe oh God Tess is now not his his person it's Ellie this has been a horrible few days for him how much more loss can one person [ __ ] take I'd be ready to retire in this community why wouldn't there be one what is that acid for is that for the car he took the battery apart so he can build it wow I have a brother out in Wyoming my guess is he knows where some of them are out there maybe they can get you to wherever this lab is all right listen about Tess if I'm taking you with me there's some rules you gotta follow rule one you don't bring up tests ever matter of fact we can just keep our histories to ourselves rule two you don't tell anyone about your condition you see that bite mark they won't think it through they'll just shoot you that's true rule three you do what I say when I say it repeat it what you say goes well I can be in my kid right now so what now let me grab what we can and y'all ain't gonna at least spend the night he got strawberries and [ __ ] why is the music on he didn't set the countdown every few weeks so that was what the 80s was that's why we heard it I know that's right girl got to wipe your ass with something oh son of a [ __ ] he should have known Bill had these just laying around hopefully she ends up using it to save Joel's life and then he's like oh well see Bill and she doesn't know what a seat belt is a car before did you imagine oh the music somebody got to get the Vibes right Joel you know we're gonna run status you know I don't know who in the wrong set is I told you don't bring this on the end it's better than nothing foreign [Music] [Music] wow oh boy waterfalls for my freaking face right now bro [ __ ] you all for this one man episode was absolutely mind-blowing that may be one of the best episodes of Television we've watched in quite some time they told a good story with that one that one touched me Nick Offerman is amazing I didn't realize it was only this sad [ __ ] my face is burning dry [Music] energy to like up off my face right now so I never watched up
Channel: J2O
Views: 466,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, reaction, johnny o'dell, the last of us, last of us, tlou, hbo, hbo max, the last of us react, last of us episode 3, last of us bill and frank, nick offerman, murray batlett, louise julie, preview'd, last of us season 1, last of us season 2, last of us nick offerman, ron swanson, zombie apocalypse
Id: ZM3TEmYrt8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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