The Last of Us Epi.3 is a masterpiece and I can't stop crying

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all right everybody we are jumping right into it watching episode three of The Last of Us everyone has told me grab tissues I have tissues right here and this is the first time that the intro has been at the beginning I have no idea what to expect I do know that Nick Offerman is in this episode and it's apparently unbelievable that's all I know oh oh Joel's hand yeah that's from beating the pulp out of that guy looks quite beautiful there is that the Canadian Rockies it's a pretty nice rock pile 10 miles out of Boston oh she probably misses Tess I feel like she really liked her but you got Joel you want your jacket back trying to make conversation with him and he's not having any of it he's giving her some food I feel stressed you guys I don't know why I've never been in the woods more bucks than I thought there's so many bugs hiking in the woods girl look I've been thinking about I want your sorry I wasn't gonna say I'm sorry I was gonna say that I've been thinking about what happened nobody made you a test take me so don't blame me for something that isn't my fault true you go girl that's so true but now he promised Tess so he kind of has to do it much longer five hour hike we can manage that hope it's not too steep of a five hour hike I am so scared for who they're gonna meet like who are they gonna come across pretty nice hike they're going on here I'm all laughs right now but I don't even I don't even know what to expect I've gone this way a lot no infected not often no what are you looking out for people yeah gotta watch over other people someone shot at me and missed you see that's cool is she back Ellie that was more often than you think because you suck at shooting or like in general in general oh no no seeing this is just the two of us I was thinking I should probably she wants a gun so bad she's probably gonna need one soon it's probably something you should think about oh it's like a power line down getting back a minute I gotta grab some stuff I stash stash just a lot of goddamn questions I mean is it smart to stash in places like this we had supplies on Roots because we find ourselves short on gear which I currently am because no way okay what a video game ever played this one Mortal Kombat come here mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and Barks out your bones you forgot what you put your stuff no I'm just zeroing in on it I'm gonna take a look around she's doing anything good well if other people stash stuff in there you might find some other stuff oh my gosh aren't you scared I'd be scared that there's the infected walking around or laying around oh oh is there going to be people down there no [Music] oh my gosh I'm gonna barf she is so brave and maybe a little bit too curious is this just underneath the building or is this like a tunnel system yeah tampons that would be a huge score [Applause] no like why would you go down there why I want to know why oh see laying around don't go bother it don't go bother it [Music] oh God oh God I need to play this game so bad I need to play it I just would be so fun no no don't go close to it oh man oh man that looks incredible it just looks so good Joel's gonna be passed what are you gonna try to do to it don't do oh oh that was like the thing that was in the mouth but it's like coming out of his eyeball ah oh I'm gonna love this oh that has to be CG but what is it oh oh man what are you trying to do like a an autopsy on it don't no no don't oh my God she she probably woke them all up what the f are you doing Ellie ew it's so gross it like looks kind of like spider Webby Ellie she's doing some crazy [ __ ] she doesn't know what she's doing Ellie oh no I mean she's not really afraid of being bit because she's been bit twice and she's fine picked over my ass tell him what you did Ellie unless that one wasn't connected to all the other underground things not much ammo out there for this thing oh you're just gonna leave it there no I feel like he's gonna give her a gun one episode she's gonna need one especially if people have been shooting at him he's gonna need backup wow it shoved into a middle C paid 12 bucks for a sandwich dude you've got to go up in the sky yeah it's pretty cool yeah well so did they looked really cool though for a crash site how did it even start you have to get bit to be in victed then who bit the first person yeah exactly teaches how they're shitty government failed to prevent a pandemic cordyceps mutated someone that got into the food supply probably a basic ingredient like flour sugar okay so that's what she was saying last episode all across the country across the world bread cereal oh okay you eat enough of it it'll get you infected and start to get sick afternoon evening it got worse okay so that's how people got infected September 26 2003. oh about Monday everything was gone it makes more sense than monkeys but then can't they get it under control now or is it still mutating everywhere what there you shouldn't see oh no I have to yeah I want to see it too ew is it just people laying around like what we saw in the city but maybe like a big ass field of it whatever it was I think it's gone oh oh the skeletons about a week after hell break day soldiers went through the countryside evacuated the small towns told you you were going to a qz and you were if there was room oh God if there wasn't oh that is bad these people aren't sick no probably not they executed people for no reason that's bad would it just leaving be dead people can't be infected that's true oh no they're gonna show it September 30th 2003. taking everybody away is he in some sort of like Panic Room is he under the basement not today you knew World Order jet boots I freaking love Nick Offerman so much this is gonna be so good holy [ __ ] he's a prepper he's a freaking prepper holy [ __ ] honestly it makes me want to be a prepper now he is stacked oh holy trap adore this is badass it's wearing a gas mask I will spat my drink out does it say bomb me whoa he has a really really nice house looking good Nick foreign he's like so happy he has the town all to himself I'm so amazed by this right now I love it oh oh my gosh look at all the gas boom oh he's at the natural gas plant get some alcohol um some cab SOB his generator wow he's gonna thrive in this little town he is just who you'd want to be with if [ __ ] hit the fan you know they need one of these guys in your corner oh my gosh she's setting stuff up all the way around the perimeter he's like see Bill oh my gosh he's building like an underground tunnel of some sort look at his garden oh he has chickens oh my gosh this is gonna cure that meat oh he's fancy he's eating well I'm worried about him though I'm really worried about him oh oh my gosh what is it it's infected okay oh oh he's laughing it doesn't get old just enjoying your dinner this is a great soundtrack four years later oh my gosh has he locked down the perimeter of his like block this is amazing there goes the alarm again holy this fence is absolutely amazing did he build a pit that they've Fallen are you armed no why did you take that long to answer yes that's what that's what he built I thought he's building like a tunnel I'm just trying to get to Boston alone we started with 10 for more Baltimore qz it's gone it's gone are you hurt I just just a bruise what's he gonna do is he gonna take him in isn't this what they did in Walking Dead didn't they build like pits for the zombies to walk into I can't remember because I think I stopped at season seven stop there how'd you get that oh he has one of the testing things yeah how did he get that oh he's good that's the handiest thing you could probably have wow I just love them so much Boston is that way you can make it by Nightfall I'm really hungry well this isn't a Hospitality Center buddy here's the thing Frank if I feed you then every bum you talk to about it is going to show up here looking for a free lunch ain't that the truth [Laughter] free lunch was a restaurant give them a slice of ham piece of meat come on you can do it it would be nice to have an extra set of hands for some help he probably doesn't need help though oh he's thinking about it he let him in didn't he he did oh he let him have a shower I'm giving him some clothes like your house is massive but I know you're not looking to start like a commune or anything it seemed like you've been doing pretty well the last four years so can I have five more minutes sure sure probably feels so nice to have a shower in like a normal nice house compared to like wherever he's been living the last bit oh he has a dinner guest this guy must be be so amazed chewing in my house I'm about to feed you the best meal you've ever had in your life foreign little traits about him doesn't he he's very particular [Laughter] so amazing what the [ __ ] everything tastes good when you're starving no you look like you're a professional chef look at his fancy poor technique pear rabbit with a Beaujolais a Beaujolais I love Beaujolais no you do oh he's the type I actually think I've had that Beaujolais you'd probably be so full if you hadn't eaten in days thank you no oh you're welcome so I guess I'll be going oh eat and run don't even offer to help do the dishes first is he gonna play the piano you know how much these are worth currently nothing this is you oh play something oh do it is it play it what is it it's been a while probably no no no sir no thank you sorry not this song not this song well is that hard for him to hear that song foreign [Music] love will abide take things and stride oh and I think I'm gonna love her alone [Music] wow that was really beautiful oh who's the girl there's no girl I know no he has a tear what's your name so beautiful Bill Bill and Frank go take a shower bill oh he's so shy ever done this before a long time ago remember some Frank is so sweet I don't I have sex for lunches so if I do this I'm gonna stay for a few more days I'm gonna stay for a while yeah yes well how nice was that for him to fall into his trap that he had and now they're gonna fall in love oh [ __ ] you come on three years later this isn't for me this is this is for us who cares what they look like I do oh I'm sorry I forgot I live in this world you live in a psycho bunker government are all Nazis cut everything grown over because it's been so much longer paint and some gasoline for the lawnmower that's awesome you say Resource Management so help me I will run through one of your tripwires no don't do that Frank no I'm just wondering if they cut each other's hair because it's been several years this is my street too just certainly love it the way I want to I want to see what he's gonna do and I'm fixing up some of the shops yeah because everything's so run down but we are gonna have friends when excuse me you will never have friends I've actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio do you not invite people uh oh it's gonna piss them off this really is just right [Applause] foreign schizophrenic too to have a civilized meal in such a beautiful place wow that's it I want to thank you even if you don't end up working together what really needed this we are working together what is Joel gonna come meet up with Bill and Frank that's who she was talking about wasn't she no don't shoot off your gun mine brought strangers into our situation I wouldn't be happy either oh well aren't I the lucky one we can't help each other and get that gun out of my face I freaking loving this right now Joel's not as great yet you were a prepper or something survival okay I don't need you or your friend complicating our lives that that's fair that fence got a year on it tops construction worker I'm not his wire already started to corrode he knows the thing here too most pools of high tensile aluminum last you the rest of your life wow yeah you got to take that deal oh and I have this yes you should a hundred percent use codes oh my gosh this is cool so learning about the codes sooner or later there will be Raiders that's true they'll beat that fence and your trip wires they'll come at night quiet and armed I'm just warning you he's just trying to help we'll be fine will you be I don't think you will be but Joel's coming back for you so another three years later oh he put a bunch of cars in the way just one more Loop he's trying to keep him fit what is it oh my gosh I traded Joel and test one of your guns for a package one of your guns oh he's gonna be so upset are they strawberries oh yeah strawberry mmm those are probably so good so cute little cheers what's on the strawberry those look good oh nice little laugh because it's probably so good it's a small things getting older faster than you I like you older oh owner means we're still here oh my gosh that's so true oh no the emotions are welling up inside me right now I was never afraid before you showed up oh my God [Music] another strawberries they're collecting rain water oh no is someone gonna come at night oh no Joel was not freaking lying oh blow them up holy [ __ ] get your guns man get your guns this bill already down there oh get down get down get down stay down there's something in mind this is not the time for that why are you going outside don't you have cameras oh my gosh she's sniping everybody oh get inside did he just get shot why are you distracting him distracted him and he got freaking shot they're not gonna have like any medicine or anything are they or do they I don't know get the bullet freaking out leave the gas on leave the gas on here the fence the fence will kill the rest okay just listen to him I made a list for you I have copies of all the keys what what keys for what call Joel oh no does he know where he got shot is not a good place no no no no no [Music] no no well um he survived 10 years what happened to what happened to Frank they are getting old oh what wow it was a really great artist does he have like Parkinson's or something bill is definitely a Survivor yeah I mean they both are but like holy the musical Journey on this episode has been absolutely incredible what is he gonna say gonna say I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day does he want to die he wants to die he doesn't want to live like this what if we find a doctor what if what if someone shows up who can help who's coming Bill the door-to-door MRI salesman I've made up my mind oh my breaking I ain't gotta respect people's decisions I mean assisted death and stuff is controversial but gotta respect people's wishes but I've had more good days with you than with anyone else this is heartbreaking good day take me to the boutique he loves the boutique where I'll pick outfits for us be aware what I ask we'll get married oh and you cook a delicious dinner and you will crush all these up put them in my wine and I will fall asleep in their arms do you love me oh man okay yeah I love you but that's a hard thing to do man yes then love me the way I want you to no he's really soaking up his last day the PIV oh they're getting married this is the sweetest thing I've ever seen [Music] man they're a good looking couple the Beaujolais the Beaujolais oh man they're playing the strings and the music and it's really playing on the heartstrings man Oh you mean I'm the same meal as the meal that he [Laughter] [Music] side by side now [Music] is he gonna Romeo and Juliet this thing please tell me he's not gonna Romeo and Juliet this thing that is a lot of crushed meds will it be enough yeah I freaking hope so because that would really suck if it wasn't you're brave Frank you're really Brave freaking chug that thing why are there already pills in the bottom enough to kill a horse this isn't the tragic suicide at the end of the planet well that's what I thought it was I'm satisfied and you were my purpose oh I honestly I can only freaking cry right now oh [ __ ] I should be furious man it's incredibly romantic they had a good life they had a good life together that's all you really want right take me to bed they thrived is Joel gonna find him in the next episode you'll find them dead oh here they are oh does he know all the codes yes okay good well I guess they're gonna have someone that will be able to bury them he's gonna be like what is happening here I mean you could just live there now it's pretty freaking nice oh their last meal the Last Supper yeah stay there you hear anything you see anything yell oh no I wonder how long it's been is there a note [Music] the door the freaking door God that creeped me out because he knew that you guys would come back so well not with Ellie but but Tess and Joel to whomever but probably Joel so they're dead Joel does not have the capacity to read that letter I don't mean to laugh it's like a nervous laugh August 29 2023. if you find this please do not come into the bedroom we left the window open so the house wouldn't smell wow I'm guessing you found this Joel because anyone else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps pick anything you need the bunker code is the same as the gate code but in Reverse okay anyway I never liked you but still it's like we're friends almost I freaking love bill I used to hate the world and I was happy when everyone died but I was wrong oh one person worth saving that's what I did oh my gosh I saved him then I protected him that's why men like you and me are here we have a job to do and God help any [ __ ] who stand in our way oh man I leave you all of my weapons and equipment use them to keep uh oh Tess Tess safe she almost made it oh Joel he's gonna have some serious loot got a car oh he's gonna be safe on the road though show me your arm I have a brother out in Wyoming he's in some kind of trouble and I'm heading out there to find him you gotta get Tommy he used to be a firefly my guess is he knows where some of them are out there maybe they can get you to wherever this lab is give her a gun if I'm taking you with me there's some rules you gotta follow but one you don't bring up Tess ever yeah he doesn't want any of the pass getting drummed up condition your condition don't tell anybody roll three you do what I say when I say it yeah you better listen girl what you say goes don't have around with Joel I wouldn't mess around with him this guy was a genius yeah he was why was the music on because of trouble let the countdown every few weeks this playlist would run over the radio 80s dude no oh I just want her to have one there's a wall of them yeah give her one this needs to be like a secret place that nobody ever finds that about toilet paper that's seriously a score is she gonna find something cool the gun yes yes score let's take it I think this is like foreshadowings she's gonna like save Joel something's gonna happen and she's gonna go papa papa look pretty I got a gun and I'm not telling you oh no I'm so nervous for them objects and mirrors are closer than me a beer no it's like a piece of [ __ ] Chevy ass turn but it'll get us there I hope yeah that's what he didn't isn't that what he said to Sarah you'd be pretty cool riding in a car I'm just so scared of all the Raiders I'm back Ellie she doesn't listen she don't care oh wait I'll leave it leave it oh this is good this is Linda Ronstadt it's the same lady from the song and the piano it's better than nothing wait oh the window that they left open wow what a beautiful piece of art that's probably one of the most amazing episodes of TV that I think I've ever seen in there you have it episode 3 of The Last of Us what a beautiful beautiful episode that was so touching and Nick offerman's performance was unbelievable if he will be nominated for some sort of Emmy or Golden Globe because that was absolutely one it was an incredible Arc for his character and what a beautiful performance I'm so proud of him I love him in parks and rec and I I think he is absolutely so hilarious and I'm almost speechless because that episode was humbling we will have to keep continuing into episode four so I'm going straight into that [ __ ] foreign [Music]
Channel: Hold Down A
Views: 86,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cjzjqn6lI-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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