First Time Watching | THE LAST OF US | 1X03 "Long, Long Time"

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when do I say something about my Band-Aid so in California earthquakes [Music] got hit by a big one I cut my face [Music] so don't make fun of my Band-Aid thank you [Music] there's knuckles [Applause] I love rock files they're so cool is that a memorial for Tess oh [Applause] [Music] well let's see just make rock piles I forgot she died I'm actually sad at least they're out of the city you want your jacket back is he blaming her it's not being very nice and she shared food reluctantly look I've been thinking about I want your sorry I wasn't gonna say I'm sorry nobody made you go along with his plan so don't blame me for something that isn't my fault she's right oh okay yep Mommy oh does she get a gun yet I don't know five hour hike we can manage that oh she's so cute how'd you get that scar on your head someone shot at me and missed see that's cool oh shoot back yeah you get him no I missed two because you suck at shooting or like in general [Laughter] moving back a minute I gotta grab some stuff I stash no way hey there's just one character named Melina who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and Barks out your bones I love her she's so cute I'm gonna take a look around she's doing good trust me it's all been picked over already oh singing quiet tunnel to please be a secret tunnel no I was literally I'm gonna scream I was about to say I hope there's nothing bad down there I hate you I hate you is it really a secret tunnel there's gonna be something bad down there stop maybe it's just trash why like if you're in the middle of an apocalypse and there's zombies around why would you just go into random dark rooms by yourself I mean cool you're immune but you can still get eaten [Music] oh that's like gold dude oh my gosh yeah can you imagine [Music] it looked trapped though oh the way he's looking at her ew ew ew ew ew it's coming out of his eye so it gives me anxiety what does she do you uh ew why is she doing this it's like he's human or used to be oh my gosh a little bit of Revenge or something yeah I was just gonna say she has some sort of resentment build up Ellie Ellie picked over my ass she just acts like nothing happened dude what are you doing it's not much ammo out there for this thing makes it mostly useless oh if you're just gonna leave it there she really wants a gun you're flying one of those dude a few times sure so lucky uh that is so cool it is pretty cool if you think about it yeah so everything came crashing down in one day much how did it even start if you have to get bit to be infected then who bit the first person I thought you went to school federal school teaches how they're government failed to prevent a pandemic ouch wow someone that got into the food supply about it it's on Thursday night or Friday morning day goes on I eat so much bread I would be a zombie yeah you would Friday night September 26 2003. by Monday everything was gone 26th well 2003 so they only knew two days before dude the first episode what across the woods here what there you shouldn't see oh no I have to see I don't want you to serious Ellie oh his dad sense is kicking it I think it's gone [Music] oh my gosh about a week after outbreak day soldiers went through the countryside evacuated the small towns told you you were going to a qz and you were if there was room if there wasn't I just figured figured out what cues he meant quarantine Zone yeah sorry not the right time I kill them would it just leave him be so they bombed the cities and rounded up the rural areas and just shot them like who lived only the few oh a baby why do they have to show that so four days later are headed to their deaths oh my gosh who's this lady guy [Music] is he Doomsday prepper is he oh my gosh he's got a heck of TV wait I think you're right he's got a place below the basement that's sick not today your new world order Jack Boots oh he'd be dead if he hadn't been hiding dude oh Ellie would like it here crazy wow I want to do this is that crazy no I know you do you've always wanted to be a doomsday forever so crazy that's so sad just a completely empty town Chevron Swanson [Music] I love this character this is a perfect actor for this dude for real it's taking his boat I don't know why this is so funny to me [Music] [Applause] toilet paper we've all been through it [Music] yeah yeah big generator that is a huge generator [Music] what is this is he making booby traps [Music] dude he's set he is seriously set that looks amazing oh my gosh is that our shoe you make gravy now that's how you doomeday prep that looks amazing someone's here ew is that a zombie or a shroom dude [Music] you were oh [Music] yes it doesn't get old he said shut up yeah dude gated community incredible four years later so this is still 16 years before [Applause] he got one in a hole oh maybe they got smart no I don't think so right I'm not infected then how did he walk into a hole it's a giant hole I was trying to get to Boston alone who is that guy I don't know I don't trust him he's some undercover fedra agent are you hurt Mr Bruce I don't trust him I don't either I don't trust him is he like shoot in the woods or something I'm gonna try to take everything this guy has got Ron Swanson how'd you get that oh okay I'm really hungry I haven't eaten in two days [Music] make him stay outside the fence and just throw him over a piece of turkey or something first my name's Frank oh yeah here's the thing Frank if I feed you then every bum you talk to about it is going to show up here looking for a free lunch talk about Bill and Frank is this bill and Frank I won't talk about it to any bums or hobos or vagabonds I promise maybe you can't trust him I don't know I still don't trust him you just look at the camera did he I think so um I mean I thought he made eye contact with me that'd be pretty funny if they did that oh got him fresh clothes he's like I left some clothes here for you I love him I think he's a little bit of a soft dick can I have five more minutes sure sure he's been alone this whole time maybe he wants to do I love him well he doesn't clean [Music] oh food it's so awkward well he probably hasn't had human contact in the last four years you would be awkward too I'm awkward with humankind yeah [Music] he probably hasn't ate like that since since the breakout dude yeah [Music] oh he's been waiting for this moment I know I don't seem like the type now you do oh just do dudes being dudes this is such a cute moment oh oh thank you I love him so I guess I'll be going then but first staring at this the whole time is it antique you know how much these are worth currently nothing was he a Pianist it's my favorite um I'm starting to like him a little more thing and strive sounds it's like it's like what do I do what do I do with my hands he's not bad no no no sir no thank you sorry no thank you I'm not a professional neither am I but that was bad why do I love him so much oh my gosh choke him out oh shoot I'm scared me too actually love will abide take things and stride [Music] there's no one at my side it's unseen that's what someone told me I have the chills make you ah I think I'm gone my forehead oh whoa I have major chills clap for him okay check out he's gonna be like I love you so who's the girl oh there's no girl oh I know there's a boy are they about to there's a boy I still don't trust him because like what if he gets him naked and then steals all his guns I don't know they're both crying oh my gosh I feel like crying why go take a shower bill oh they found that fast [Music] I bet they both haven't like had a relationship in the last four years yeah or like any type of like physical touch I would die oh and no one is he not is it gone no it wasn't over there oh okay well I don't know they had that naked lady in the second episode I want you to know that I know I'm gonna stay for a few more days three years later which would you stop oh I'm sorry I forgot I live in this world you live in a psycho bunker where 911 was an inside job and the government were all Nazis the government are all nothing I am asking for some paint and some gasoline for the lawnmower that's all everything else myself it's like we need to think oh wait I will run through one of your tripwires [Laughter] this is my street too just let me love it the way I want to but we are going to have friends oh he's hopeful excuse me he is not we don't have friends because there are no friends to be had talking to a nice woman on the radio what you what uh-oh well this really is just right stop is it stop it's Joel and Tess no stop what can I just say uh gun aside which I get she's so pretty let's go inside Tess I want to show you something excellent I have been wanting to see no they're both like no uh oh he's so handsome what of all the people he could have found on the radio or actually decent people just trying to get by we can't help each other and get that gun out of my face okay I don't need you or your friend complicating our lives is that clear that fence has got a year on it tops I can get you 10 spools of high tensile aluminum last you the rest of your life lives oh all right oh uh we should use codes for the radio because he was listening oh that's a good idea the music codes on the radio sooner or later there will be Raiders they'll beat that fence and your trip wires they'll come at night quiet and armed foreshadowing I'm surprised that hasn't happened already we don't know if it has he hasn't seen him right because when they were leaving the trouble was playing on the radio you pointed it out no oh my gosh oh my gosh okay so we're still wet eight oh 20 30. still 10 years away yeah are you about to cry no I was thinking okay pick it up oh I can't what what it's okay ready yes is that strawberries created Joel and test one of your guns for a packet of seeds wanna uh-oh which gun a little one [Laughter] I wonder if it's the pistol that he uses oh yeah you know the little things that we take for granted yeah like strawberries literally [Music] oh well they cheers [Music] stop that's so cute assistant I'm sorry it almost got me for what getting older faster than you oh owner means we're still here oh that's so cute I was never afraid before you showed up no nothing better ever happened to them ever literally oh [Music] Bill dude oh no no no bullets are flying is this the night did we see a date no I don't think it changed the date oh my gosh oh getting these guys good though stop no no no no I thought it was his leg how many are there do you think no Wait For Me Hold Your Hand there I made a list for you uh-huh tell me about the list I have copies of all the keys good call Joe he'll take care of you [Music] just like is he dead I'm easy to see if it is easy to save him remember because Joel intez traded them medical supplies right okay the other one's in the wheelchair Frank is Frank's in the wheelchair what [Music] so this is it why does he look so sick did he get cancer uh I can't handle this so you've known these characters half of an episode I'm so connected to them it's not fair [Music] was he shaking I keep giving my yes but he wasn't twitching so maybe Parkinson's is that what you said Parkinson's terrible stop oh did you take your pills oh no so much he's gonna pass away in his sleep tonight why is that scary I don't know what that scared me too I don't want you falling asleep in the chair I won't you will and then your feet get blue I'm not fighting about it back in bed I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day you can just tell what what what if we find a doctor what if what if someone shows up who can help I've made up my mind oh just give me one more good day so is he gonna take his own life then I don't know we'll get married and you cook a delicious dinner then you will crush all these up put them in my wine I will drink it and I will fall asleep in your arms that's so sad I don't know if I can do that um they love me the way I want you to oh remember he said let me love the house the way I want to foreign [Music] stop [Music] is that the same dinner I think so in the same wine foreign [Music] but if he takes it too do you think he would I think he would but is he going to that's a lot no foreign I thought something was going to prevent me too me too he did it too right why are there already pills in the bottle yeah enough to kill a horse I'm satisfied I do not support this it's too late it already happened it's incredibly romantic it is your forehead okay no it hurts so bad one episode are they gonna do this every episode bring somebody in that we love and just kill them off [Music] wait so Joel and Ellie are just gonna find them turn the radio on wait no he's like the flowers never would have died yeah I really glad bill oh so it was just probably just a few days ago or maybe like a week because it's moldy I don't know is she gonna steal it and run what yep it had an envelope and a car key oh really I saw Joel at the very end of the envelope oh maybe not okay they tricked you to whomever but probably Joel who was this so they're dead everyone around him dies I'm guessing you found this Joel because anyone else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps hahaha so the way she read that because there was one person worth saving I leave you all of my weapons and equipment use them to keep oh my gosh please I literally don't know what to do with my hands because I have so many emotions running through me right now [Music] he's gonna scream or cry or something thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] that truck yes battery's gone way he probably has it in the bunker or something um [Music] he makes his own car batteries I just finished making a truck battery it's charging right now I have a brother out in Wyoming you do what I say when I say it we clear repeat it what you say goes [Music] she's gonna love this place this guy was a genius does she get a gun why is the music on reset the countdown every few weeks this playlist would run over the radio [Music] oh gotcha dude no [Laughter] they have hot water I'm taking a shower and then you're shower seriously [Music] she's so funny [Music] secret gun oh yeah when they were getting raided yeah yeah she's so cute it's your first time in a car it's like a spaceship seat belt she doesn't know what a seatbelt is oh Dad seat belt oh he's handsome put it back Ellie it's like our dad no music in the car no music oh no wait don't leave it leave it that was good this is Linda ronstad that's the name of the they were playing book that they were playing yeah wait is this that song Oh man [Music] it's better than nothing wait wait yeah [Music] what an episode I just lost that was an emotional roller coaster don't show them don't show them [Music] a picture [Music] I just uh I just can't well I don't know if I can keep watching this if it's just gonna be crying every single episode someone died in every episode that he cares about you're right so what's the next one going to be Tommy I can't go on [Music]
Channel: Haylo & Kiss
Views: 124,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TLOU, The Last Of Us, Reaction, HBO
Id: NxM5-7ulSnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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