We Try Baking In An Easy Bake Oven

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(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) - Don't wake Daddy, he's baking. New selfie face. - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - Got a new selfie face. This one's called Hanky Panky Honky Tonky. - Well, I know where I can find two honkies. - All right but I don't wanna do hanky panky with you in selfie. How about let's have the face that I'm thinking about hanky panky. (laughs) - Okay, two honkies thinking about hanky panky. How many you gonna take? - I just wanted to get, oh come on. - Take the freaking-- - Why you got a freaking picture of Chase up there? - They're putting the viewfinder pictures on our screen here. We've got an easy bake oven. This is gonna take nine minutes to bake. So we're gonna shove this thing in there and taste the results while playing Don't Wake Daddy. Now the cakes have been premade for the sake of time. - Cakes? Are those cakes or cookies? - It's a cookie. Cookies. For some reason, I thought you could only bake a cake in a easy bake oven. - Well, maybe you're right. - But you can bake cookies. Why not? (laughS) I mean, I never had an easy bake oven but they didn't look like this before right? There's no opening. This is not open. You shove it in here and then you-- - I didn't have one but I thought they were smaller and more like an oven. - After a while-- - This is like a Quiznos oven. - Guys, can anybody answer our question? All right, so it's in there. I'm gonna set this timer for nine minutes. And we're gonna taste those cookies on the flip side. - Okay, here you go-- - Anybody know how an easy bake oven use to work? Nobody here had one? = [Quiet woman] They're different looking but-- - It was like a light bulb-- - [Woman] Use to work? I mean, definitely looked very, very different. But I don't know how-- - But did it open up on the front like an oven? - [Woman] Oh yeah. - [Man] Yeah. - Yeah, and then this doesn't open anymore. It's apparently much safer cause this is kind of warm but it's not gonna set you on fire or something. - Okay. - Don't wake Daddy. - So-- - This sounds like one of those spinster's dirty games. - I think it's for children. So you're the guy, you're the yellow guy, I'm the green guy. We've got these cards. Youngest player goes first. What you do is you spin. (spinner spinning) So if you if it landed on blue, - Blue! - So you would move to blue and then you see if it's, blue says baseball. So now you see if you have a baseball. If you have a baseball-- - Oh, like a deck of cards? - You don't have to, oh, you do have the baseball so you don't have to do anything. - I have a baseball. - So now I go. - I guess I discard. Do I get to draw another? - No, that's all the cards. Now I go, well, I guess red. I'll just start on red, okay. And I see if I have the roller blades. Let me know if I'm not playing it right. - I have the roller blades. - I do not have the roller blades so I have to hit this clock three times. Don't clock. - Don't wake Daddy. Whew, you made it. Now let me ask you, on like a Saturday morning. - - Oh yeah, they will. - You're trying to sleep in-- - Yeah, Daddy gets woken up all the time. - Do you tell them on Friday night? - Daddy gets woken up by Barbara. - Don't wake Daddy. - Daddy gets woken up by Shepherd. At this point, the only person who sleeps a reasonable amount of time is Lock. So now you got a red, oh which is nothing. And that just means nothing? - It means I pass. So Lock will sleep in. Shepherd is 11? Is he 10 or 11? - Oh gosh, I think I'm gonna wake Daddy cause I'm going to blue and I know you have he baseball. One, two, Daddy's getting upset. Daddy's gonna wake up. - Shepherd's how old now? - He is 11. - Okay. Lando's nine and he gets up at like 6 am every day of the week. - First Shepherd gets up too early. - Apparently, you have to reach a certain age in order to be able to override your sense of your internal clock from the week. - Oh, you know what-- - I mean, I'll wake up at 5:20, 5:40 every single morning. But then on the weekend, I'll stay up until like 2:00 a.m.. I mean, I go to bed at like 9:30 but Friday night, - You gotta do it - Saturday night-- - You gotta do it just to feel alive. - I'll stay up until, I try to stay up until 2:00 a.m. on a Friday night or a Saturday night-- - What are you doing in that time? - Then I just gotta-- - But you're by yourself right? - Watching movies. - Your wife, I know your wife doesn't stay up that late. - No, she still goes to sleep at like 10:00. Just like watching stuff. - That's what, when do you go, okay. - Lily and Lincoln stay awake on the weekends. - By the way, I gave you another card because I realized I had two more cards than you-- - All right, so I'm green. - Which is slightly unfair. So now you're going to here-- - Oh, that's five. - And do you have the flowers? No, I have the flowers! Hit it five times, wake daddy up, Neil! - Yeah, little Lincoln-- - You wake daddy up you have to go back to the beginning. - Lily and Lincoln stay up with me until about midnight. And then usually I'll go to sleep but sometimes I'll try to push it to two cause I'm a lone wolf party animal. One, two, three, four. (screams) We woke daddy! - Whoa! Daddy, why you gotta be so aggressive in waking up? - And you know, what does daddy say once he wakes up? - He cusses at the children. - (mutters) I told you not to wake me up, kids! My hat fell off and everything, I'm gonna spank you! It's not even allowed in this decade. Stop showing the footage of Chase. - It's not footage, thank, thank God, it's not footage. Okay, so then you go back to the beginning. - [Woman] Apparently, we've looked at all styles of the easy bake oven going all the way back to the original and none of them opened in the front. It was all a lie. They all came in the side. - Blue. - Really? - I suck at this. I don't have the baseball, I hit it twice. Now you go. - Well, how late do you stay up on the weekends? - Green, do you have the TV? - No-- - I have the TV, hit it six times. Oh and I moved the wrong guy. - How long, how late do you stay up? - Not 2:00 a.m., that seems a bit, like I'm very surprised. - I'm lying. - Oh. - I mean, I'll make it to mid, - I'll make it to midnight, - I always say I'm gonna stay up until 2:00 a.m. - But not 2:00 a.m.. - Yeah, one. - Midnight. - Two, three, four, five. Don't wake daddy. - Hitting the clock softer and slower doesn't not wake daddy. - Six, okay. - Blue, oh blue. - And then Monday, Sunday night, I'm back to the grind. - Oh, you got the dog. That means I gotta do four. One, two, three, four. Is it the same amount every time? Probably. - Why are daddy's eyes always open? They need to close. They could have made this like one of those dolls and when you lay it down, it's eyes close but they-- - No, no, that's advanced manufacturing. - They skimped, man. - Hold on, let's put something on daddy so he tosses something. - Oh, that's a good idea. - [Man] It use to pull down over his whole face when I was a kid. - Oh really? - Yeah, like his eyes. - Let's put a cracker on him or something. - Oh, or that. - Put that in his mouth. What's that? I think that's one of Matt Carne's teeth. - It's a peppermint. - Oh, well, put that in his mouth. Don't feed sleeping daddy. - I think we have to do something. I think we have to do this. - Put it on his forehead. Like put it on his nose like you would a golden retriever. - Think we gotta like-- - Is it my go or your go? - I'm not sure anymore. - I'm starting to smell cookies, y'all. It's so easy to bake in this oven. - Okay, that's good. Watch out over there. - Now I landed on the white, the white cookies-- - What does the star mean? - [Man] The star means you get to move ahead one space of your opponent. - Okay so you move there but then he has to do the thing that's on it? - I have the bike, so I don't have to do anything. - Okay, all right, now I spin. - I just wanna eat a cookie. I'm smelling that cookie. - Yellow, I go here. I don't have the bike so I hit this four times. - So when Lando wakes up we've told him, we've told him not to wake daddy. - Daddy's got a lot of tension right now. Daddy's got so much tension. (grunts) - So he doesn't usually wake daddy. - Daddy needs a massage. - Uh, that's creepy. Red. - (laughs) I didn't mean the children had to do the massage. Okay, do you have-- - I have that. - Oh wow, you've got everything that we're landing on. - Cause Lily, I don't know, Lily's 16. - Yellow. - What when you turn like 15-- I got the parrot. - She could sleep all day. - I use to sleep until 2:00 or 3:00 p.m.== - She could sleep until like - On a Saturday. - She wakes up and she's like what's for dinner. - I love that man but I couldn't do that if I tried. I can stay up until 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. And I would still wake up at like 7:30 and be like (moans). - See, I've gotta have my coffee. If I wake up many hours later-- Green is nothing. - If I wake up later than eight o'clock, I'll get that caffeine headache. - Yellow is nothing. Oh, oh, we might have a winner here Linc. See if somebody wakes up daddy. Yellow. - Yellow. - Oh gosh. - Ooh, spin it. Let's get-- (timer buzzes) - Is that daddy? - Somebody just woke up mama. - Oh, I get the one-- - I'm not trying to be sexist. It's not like mama's in the oven. - Oh look this was-- - She's just the only one who knows how to use it. - Hey, this was eight but I have the cake so I don't have to go. Now you go. Oh, I'm gonna win. I'm not gonna wake up daddy! - I don't wanna, I don't wanna burn the cookie. That's a different game. - Burn the cookie. - Don't burn the cookie. - [Man] Wait, wait, wait. You have to push it from that end don't you? - You push it and you pull it. (yells) - This game-- - I think this teaches kids bad habits about baking. Where can I stick things into the oven and move them around? Or they're all gonna end up working at Quiznos. I wonder how much it increases your chances of being a Quiznos employee. If you have a, use a easy bake oven. - Is that hot? - It probably is, Linc, it's been in an oven. - It's been in an easy bake oven, come on, this is child's play. Not that hot. - Can you put some frosting on those? - It's not really hot at all. - But why do you need to touch it? - Because touch it. I couldn't feel any hotness at all. There's not at all, all right. - No, that's hot. Can you put some frosting on them? - What you want, man? - Oh, spin first. I'll move the guy, you spin. - All right, cause you really want wanna beat me on this. - Yellow. - I'm on the boom box. I got it. - Okay, I'm about to win. - Somebody's about-- - Green, oh no. - You have put and pan? - I have the pot and pan. - Oh dang it! - I have the pot and pan. - All right, so as long as I don't get green, I win. - Oh, are you gonna wake daddy? Yellow. - Yellow. (claps) I win! Sorry, Daddy, I woke you up. - No hold on, you got to go first. I have a chance to tie. - Okay but don't wake daddy. - I landed on the white. - [Man] One past Linc. - Which is one past Linc! Which is to the refrigerator! - Why is that, no it's not one past Linc. - It is one past Linc. - It's one past Linc, that's what the white is. Okay, here we go. - Does that mean you won? Let's just see what happens when you wake daddy up. (both shout) - That's what makes daddy happy. If you wake him you gotta feed him. - The icing is good, the cookie is horrible. - Yeah. - What happened to your cookies? - Baking ain't easy. - [Man] Mythical wristbands in assorted colors now available at mythical.com, collect them all.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 983,000
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, We Try Baking In An Easy Bake Oven, easy bake oven, game, dont wake up daddy, board game
Id: TzMyhoKQ294
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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