We Tried An Easy-Bake Oven For The First Time

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I’ve been microdosing their streams throughout my work breaks, something about them is very relaxing

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/linwells 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello friends and welcome to this week's live stream it's tuesday we're streaming i like how we dance to that intro because we know there's music although we personally cannot hear the music it's just in our head so we could just be wildly off-beat i am not sure no i got my my hips down do it i thought i liked your moves yeah i just can't tell you if your moves lined up with the music i'm like that red velvet me right you know that it's a tick-tock thing it's a tick-tock i'm on tick-tock now tyler is 30 years old and he knows everything there is to know about tick-tock i am the target demo um hello everyone i hope everyone had a great monday is having a great tuesday had a fun weekend you're here now thank you for being here at our live stream um we are also going to be introducing now and going forward an old tradition of ours which is i like how it's hiding back here like it's a big reveal what an amazing reveal which is mug of the day yeah or stream mug of the stream we did this yeah you only see it really once a week so it's more like mug of the week we did this on our instagram and on our members only youtube live stream that happened a couple years ago and we did not have this advance of a punching look at that punching look at this is some action camera action action yeah um and it is from solving california as you just saw which is little denmark yes it is a uh small town this mug is from a small town kind of like near santa barbara about a couple hours north of l.a and it is known as little denmark it is little denmark yeah it it is little denmark it's like a really small village it's super cute they have like a lot of danish food souvenirs museums shops all of it it's right it's right there on the mug i know yeah they have the hans christian anderson museum they got it all well anyway um tyler picked this out next week will be my pick okay that's my face so you guys hate this mug you can hopefully stay in the stream harass tyler you can harass me blame tyler you can add me in the chat anywhere you'd like yeah yeah um we have had sort of a busy week to be honest because we are like filming a lot of stuff starting last wednesday so like a day after our last stream we started filming like a block of of videos for our main channel um so between what we filmed last week and what we're filming this week we should have four videos filmed for the main channel i think i put up three but i meant four four four videos filmed for the main channel i did the horns yeah no it's been it's been pretty wild my like uh butt hip like not my head the back of my hip right behind my my well my butt um has just been very sore because there's a lot of like filming just like standing like this so you guys see me tyler films like with his butt out like this i know i i feel like this i like lean back i actually can feel it when i do that right there so if you guys see me while we're messing with these easy bake ovens shine away from my right hip it's because my butt is sore yes and also for those of you who think we've like completely abandoned our main channel forever it's not the case we've actually filmed a lot this week um and there's there's stuff there's gonna be stuff to edit it's coming by next week we're gonna have like a lot to edit arguably too much stuff arguably too much stuff um yeah so yeah that's where we're at that's our update how's the chat doing carly how's everyone they're good i don't hear any buzzing this time no chatting of buzzings there we go cool that's amazing carla's like people hate your mug though tyler they hate it no i know they love them okay cool there was a pause a pregnant pause right there like wow um cool now that you mention it um henny said it's giving strong trixie mattel vibes have you seen that video mm-hmm she did like a very old trixie she did like an old easy bake oven video like from the 60s it was like expired food oh that's amazing wow that's a better idea than ours but but on that note yes on that note let's dive into what the stream is yes so today we are going to be trying to bake with easy bake ovens for the first time ever um yes as as carly and the chat mentioned this is not necessarily an original idea yes many people have had easy bake ovens before many other channels have tried easy bake ovens but i never have a child i always saw like the commercials like the 90s commercials for easy bake ovens and i always wanted one but it was one of the toys that i was not allowed to have as a child most of those commercials from that era will haunt your dreams oh yeah they were really targeted yes they were no they knew what they were doing right here yeah there it is oh yeah bringing it out punching in on that oh my god yes that is the commercial right there i like the spotlights and the backgrounds it's like a hollywood red carpet but it's just the easy bake oven dude i yeah the one that was like a square with like the pink and purple yeah that was the one that was the one i have i have a full disclosure here guys before we go further um is that i have i guess tangentially done stuff with an easy bake oven that sounded weird um i have been my sister had an easy bake oven exposing yourself i know i want to just be like it's not for the first time sophia it sounds like you've never i've never had one um but my sister had one and i wouldn't say she consciously tortured me with it but she was like hey like you want to play with this easy bake oven and as a very little toddler with like sort of limited at the time just like you know child motor skills it was very hard doing anything with the batters i had very little patience i just wanted to watch power rangers maybe sonic the hedgehog the animated series so um i have done things with the easy bake oven and i'm actually very excited today to come back and i don't want to say conquer but like with more cooking acumen i feel deceived i'm sorry i'm like ja rule i've been hoodwinked deceived in the context of the fire festival yes okay got it okay well yeah um yeah so we are gonna dive into just making a couple of different things with the easy bake oven today as you can see by our things up here we're going to be making a two layer cake which is which this is the hint yes a two layer cake and also a cheese pizza um the cheese pizza is really the wild card there because who knows what an easy bake oven cheese pizza is going to taste like i mean also the cake but like the cheese pizza is a little bit alarming i was going to do a hokie but stick around the stream to find out but that is what we're doing today we have these two i'm pretty hungry yeah i'm actually very interested in a whole meal a balanced meal i'm interested in the cheese pizza also partially because like i ate the lunchables pizza back in the day it could be similar yeah like things like that so i'm ready to dive in and i think that also because we do have the baking dynamic which are the bakes the the bakers they are preheated so we can dive in but there's gonna be the cooking thing so we have some i guess factoids that we can also use interstitially i like interstitially yeah the ovens are preheated i just put my hand over it it's not that hot but yeah they are preheated we're eight plus we so we're old enough to use these guys i promise i was not eight plus when i was doing this thing as i was trying to explain yeah um yeah and hopefully if it goes well we can dive into more toys that i was not allowed to have as a child that is a genre i'm very interested in exploring because i just want to buy myself toys from the 90s i wasn't allowed to have who doesn't this is what happens when when you deny children the toys they want that's very blank check of you yeah the movie blank check where he gets a million dollars and he like buys like a water slide and everything that's me pretty sure holly berry's in that i'm like just a little concerned we need a text from my sister at some point it's gonna be like i did not do that with you all right great so um let's do it so i think the way to do this in the stream is to essentially like alternate things so like something's always in the oven um i keep this one this one this one um this thing is like a two-layer cake so we have to make like two cakes to put on top of each other so let's start off by like making the first cake of this and then while that's baking we can dive into the cheese pizza do you want you want me to take over the cheese pizza because it's just on the right and i think we should do it together okay okay we do it together i think we should do it together okay tyler when we we took our marriage vows they said through good times and patterns what did we say in the vows i actually forget everything yeah can i have some yeah you can have some from the soul bang mug okay cool we also do have a little bit of a like a cheat sheet with some of the instructions on it just because they also have instructions inside the idea of reading instructions on the fly to me is one of my greatest fears also um i realize i just kind of dove into this with the assumption that everyone knows what an easy bake oven is what is an easy bake oven sophia an easy bake oven in case you are just very disoriented but you're still here which if that's the case thank you can i open this as we go sure yeah yeah um yeah you can open it and chris can watch you open it and i can just drone on underneath vamp for me vamp like one of your french girls i was gonna say that too um an easy bake oven is essentially like a small semi-toy oven like it's halfway between a toy oven and a real oven it is a oven that can actually bake things but it is made for kids so kids can like be beginner bakers and like make things on their own in a sort of mostly safe way but you do live safe you do cook more safe way yeah but you do actually make things like actually make food that is edible yes so whether it's good or not is a different question well we're gonna find that out if you stay in this stream you're gonna find find out oh anyway so this is the easy bake red velvet cake mix because this one is called to intro our items the red velvet and strawberry cakes refill mix i will say they look very cute they only have two layers they look adorable yeah two layers with frosting and sprinkles and everything what are the little cakes that are at tea parties what do we call those again they're like petty fours they are kind of like that except those are usually like frosted all the way those are delicious uh chris you want to see this bad boy this is look at that just plain packets it's alarmingly unmarked but if you rack focus it kind of looks like one of those things that are like fake these are you know like like a silicone packet do not consume they all those things that are in your pocket or they put in like packaging and stuff that was actually a plot point in an episode of seinfeld where they did like the graduate where he's dating the mom but it's like on speed dial and then she accidentally eats that she dies it's actually a whoa that really it's not that dark in seinfeld but that's what happens i don't know chris chuckled so i think he knows what i'm talking about he's not he's not okay tyler's reference got one in the entire chat we got one laugh all right ty so i think that what we should start the way this works is off my cheat sheet yes not the actual instructions yes is essentially to make our red velvet cake which is like the base cake of the two layer cake we need one packet yes and then we add in four teaspoons of water okay mix it together and then shape it well let's do it and then we stick it in the oven for 16 minutes i like how like the bonus instructions are sort of like a is it an oath of no faith or it's an indication of i'm not sure you we could read this on the fly so i'm going to write this very simply and it's incredibly appreciated because there should be no faith in my ability to read on the fly okay i'm going to open this thing is that cool that is i that's the next step you want the action we're all waiting on you to open it all right sorry everyone's like will you rip it um do you want to see this or it's a we can i want to see it do we want to build a snowman what okay here we go ready don't let disney in they'll take off they'll take everything they'll take everything you said a lyric in our song and now we own all of we own your channel um here you go oh wow that is alarmingly not red this is the red velvet cake mix no no but it could be like a chocolate thing right because red velvet is like a chocolate isn't it i don't even know well maybe but it's just red it is red usually it's going in here yeah just the whole thing oh it's a little pink it is it kind of looks like clay it's got a tinge to it okay so that is in and on the table hey we've mentioned this in previous strings we got this hide to be like a food network table so you know it's getting its appropriate use right it smells good actually it smells kind of like ovaltine i do think we should yeah it does smell like ovaltine hey seinfeld references going around the horn anybody remember oval team everyone remembers all the team okay good i don't know i don't know sometimes i feel like i i am so old nobody remembers anything why don't they call it round team right because the the the container is that a seinfeld that's a seinfeld yeah are you stealing jokes regurgitating seinfeld bits tyler williams steals seinfeld jokes on stream why do you keep creating controversies for us yeah this gets the people going okay all right so now we need four teaspoons of water into this bowl okay where's the okay we have water there in our oh and our secondary mug of the stream our grumpy mug coming in hot yeah tyler i'm not trying to say this because i have any lingering resentment because i don't sure but tyler did break a grumpy mug that i got a couple of years ago oh you don't remember that no i don't i think it's okay it's really not a big deal at all but this is the mug that we got to replace it because the grumpy mug that was broken did not no longer was sold this is a sexy mug i mean it's like also the biggest mug we have it's enormous yeah it is a barrel carly is not itself carly's like that mug is enormous that's why i picked it okay all right so here is one teaspoon of water okay and um easy bake expert oh my god it turned a little red okay turn a little red here wait hold on i'll give another get more in there yeah okay here wait ready here's one more easy but yeah i'm gonna try and like make it stream that way can you guys see that it's turning red oh yeah yeah look at that zoom yeah all right incoming there is three teaspoons of water easy bake expert carly said that we should add three teaspoons of water and then mix it together and then add the fourth one last i can use a spoon yeah that is what the spoon is there for me yeah because apparently it's going to clump a fair amount i like how water activated the colorant was no it's cool i mean this is and then suddenly it disappeared you can kind of see it on the side no you can this is smelling like some like nesquik deliciousness you want to smell it it smells like sugar oh it smells very good yeah like it smells like um the just the powdered like nest quick you would put into hot cocoa exactly this is the smell of my childhood it kind of smells like swiss miss with marshmallows that's the best one swiss mix with marshmallow oh yeah is it a swiss miss is it swiss miss am i getting exposed right now you're being exposed right now all right the chat's just gonna keep coming for my marking um so putting that in i like how you say that but no one's even we don't even know oh yeah this fell on the table i was like about to put it back in now yes okay so it is clumpy is anyone coming for tyler's merch and carly not yet all right good my merch is safe what are you talking about okay um so we put some in i'm gonna put one more teaspoon in here as well just kind of keep it now battery it's clumpy right now that's an interesting situation there what the clumpiness yeah i think yeah see i'm telling you man when i was a kid i just remember this just endless mixing and doing stuff and light bulbs i think it is just the truth of like any sibling duo that there is a time where the younger sibling is just the henchman well i pre-loaded a story here it's just like pinky in the brain like it is just the younger sibling is just like following you around because i'm an older sister to a younger brother and though we never had an easy bake oven there was certainly a time where my younger brother was my henchman and would do my bidding yeah that no longer happens it's been a long time since that time but like i would say when we were like eight and four that was the time take a look at this actually this batter is really starting to come together so it went from clump factor to now batter factor in my opinion it looks quite good you want to reposition it yeah look at that no it looks it looks really good wow tyler you did a great job i'm actually so i did have a pre-loaded story about the sibling dynamics because it really is similar to me like when i was growing up like we had like a rule in the house you could only watch one tv show a day um during the week and unless you watched it with the sibling right and my sister always watched gilmore girls because that was her ish and i was like can we watch something that's like a better cross section for the two of us but no she's the older sibling the answer is no so when we when i was older and we started stuff and i started dating saf was watching gilmore girls and i was like this show haunts my dreams but i've now watched it five times you have succumbed to the gilmore girls agenda and it is excellent yeah this looks great it does look great kind of like um somewhere in between like a spicy like gochujang paste or really thick ketchup interesting oh yeah okay oh yeah so this is now ready to go sofia well so what we have to do now is we have to double spray okay hey yeah you forgot about this spray lightly spray the baking pan with cooking spray ready canola is that light or is that not enough i think that's that's plenty that's probably plenty that's probably that's going to be a moist cake there's like some oil residue in the air hold on carly is pantomiming so we spread it out yeah oh spread it out yeah i'm down in our green room here all right while you're while you're down down there yeah um yes no gilmore girls i mean gilmore girls is like my favorite show of all time yeah it's good i i gilmore girls is like i put it on in the background and pretend i am part of the gilmore you are in stars hollow yeah um all right so now that we have our batter all like whipped up and we have our canola oil spread now onto our little pan i think that what we lit what we do is we take this and we dole should we do an action we're supposed to spoon the the batter into the pan yeah do you need a second do you need an assist you got it yeah look at you shimmy that spoon what am i shimmer that what am i a food network star here i mean basically check me out giada and bobby flay don't act me giada yeah no i am i'm coming for your clout gianna [Applause] [Laughter] italians in the chat don't eat me alive yeah what is it it's very funny when giada is just speaking sort of like in her normal speaking voice and then pops out with the strong italian accent yeah i think yeah no it is every time she does it you're like whoa that was well pronounced um no t no shade is that what we say no t no shade don't say that it makes us seem really old and out of touch uh talk uh is a four syllable word um okay cool all right so now i go in here and i'm gonna try to get this to spread do i spread this or is this gonna cook okay no you should um you should have to spread it evenly okay evenly this is oh i really i hate this it kind of looks like we made like very upsetting slime yeah well then we oh we're going for that slime market here people okay i don't know is it i don't know is that a thing still i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know okay anyway so coming in here is that enough do you want me to get some of the extras off the side you know i think we haven't we almost have too much i'm trying to get it in these corners why do i look so disheveled why are you so disheveled did you go out into the green room i didn't the green room being defined as just under this table it's just we have like all of our bonus goodies our props etc see this is i'm having the same flashbacks when i was a kid i just i'm not great at spreading things and i know we have a pizza one which will have pizza dough and pizza dough is a nightmare to me because it just sticks to everything what's happening here sorry if i just do you want me to try you try okay you have the expert i don't respond actually i actually don't i just feel like you know maybe you just need a break yeah you just it is possible that we over oiled this pan you think wouldn't that help it be spready no i think because it's it's sticking to the oil no it's sliding so it won't it won't stay in one spot come on batter uh while we are uh spreading carly what do people think of our easy bake ovening skills are they just mortified i like how we haven't shown any skills at all and we're like how what are people thinking what do they think yeah uh manuela said that she blames easy bake oven for her love of baking but also her laziness okay manuela has a different experience than me because it mortified me of baking but you know i what does that mean what mortified me like i mean i was just scared of being terrorists terrified you yeah is mortifying not work there mortified means you're like embarrassed okay it it it it shell shocked me it veered me traumatized traumatized i do like cooking though so i'd like to become a better baker how do we feel about this yeah that's let's try that look at that not the worst not the best that's not so bad i think we should just go with it sophia all right yeah i think we should probably move on yes all right ready okay now here's the hard part okay we have to um put that pan halfway into this oven yeah where the light bulb is right yes i think that it's now no longer a light bulb no no but we have to put this like halfway into this this warm oven right here ready yeah and then there's a little notch you'll see in a second oh it's going to come into frame so i push it yeah and you have to put it push it through until this hits the thing yeah and i think that's that's about right yeah right look at this it's got that little notch right there you can kind of see that um anyway okay so that is cooking now yes all right means you wanna no go for it okay which means we can move on to our pizza yes i have i do have a spatula of red red velvet batter should i try it wait is it have any like raw eggs i don't think it would and let's just go i feel like i feel like if it's like a kids it's it's no i actually don't think so because it's just like a pre-made mix plus water you put eggs in no no eggs went into this that's gonna taste good it has has anyone ever made like homemade play-doh you make it with like salt you know what i'm talking about oh wow you licked that thing clean i thought that's what you know a short workout that's what we were doing um it kind of tastes like halfway between play-doh and ovaltine how much childhood toys have you eaten probably all of them between we were doing a video that involved some wax i don't want to spoil which video it is but there was wax involved and sofia was like i eat candles blah blah blah i eat candles so i'm like okay so saute candles now maybe you ate play-doh too dude no i i actually was a notorious candle eater notorious to you anyone in the chat relate anyone relate to being a notorious candle eater like unsubscribe okay uh cool so that's in we kind of feel going there i believe carly is also our spotter in terms of the timing yes all right cool great so in a few minutes we'll take this thing out but in the meantime we're gonna be making a pizza yeah i like how earlier i said this was a balanced meal oh yeah but it only is in the sense where like when you you see like you know at the end of a sugary cereal commercial like part of a balanced breakfast and it's like this like the cereal offset by like five eggs and a whole thing of orange juice and a bunch of fresh fruit and it's like you can only eat this if you counteract it in every aspect i think this is friday's sleepover meal okay if you have a little cake you have a little pizza that's all good to go i mean i used to eat like a costco's box worth of food by the foot at times so i think you know it was like that's impressive shoot for 12 i think was reasonable they would have 36 in them um so why don't we keep those ones over there so we don't cross-contaminate our like packages you know what i'm saying i think they're not well marked um no shade too easy bake oven but they're they all look exactly the same okay all right ready so you can make the pizza dough yes you have the pizza dough packet pizza dough mix this just happens to be my hand right now all right so we are going to put that in here okay with one tablespoon of water tablespoon and then yeah tbs that's right this tablespoon am i wrong there's also like a broadcasting company but let's move on it is yeah okay ready you guys want to see this dump here we go and oh yeah that looks nearly identical to the the the red velvet mix you think i mean if i look up close i can see the difference but they're all sort of just like weird freeze-dried pre-mix flowers having a hard time with this no it's not actually freeze-dried but they can't be they're kind of just like that you know like ready-made food they're deep packaged there's oh my god sorry i it was not a serious drop but i did drop it in to the thing for a second okay one tablespoon of water okay here we go all right i just want to draw attention this is a little easter egg if you guys want to see it on this spoon actually there's a little bit of uh yellow and i believe this is from when we did our mixing all the lush bath bombs together there's a little bit of powder still on it which never will come out are you sure yeah it's it's there are you it looks like you're just eating that we're not going to talk about it you sure look at the oven it's going in the oven okay never mind it's a fake easter egg um anyway so it might just be the labeling system it could be but maybe a little bit more as we often say don't do anything we do ever i'm sorry for micromanaging no worries no actually i that's that's a good call yeah it wasn't like i'm gonna put a little bit of trouble okay cool and then you don't usually work in like i don't usually work at least in like tablespoons of water no i feel like it's usually like cups cups of water yeah cups is more my speed but this is an easy bake oven you never use it easy bake oven you're right so i'm the noob okay what do we do now do i just mix it and then yeah mix the batter make the pizza dough right oh wow this actually has a bit of like a garlicky scent to it maybe like a maybe it's just yeasty seriously it smells pretty good it smells vaguely like alcohol give me another sniff sniff it it's definitely not alcohol i don't know it's a child's toy you're simple no i don't think i don't think there is alcohol in there but don't a lot of alcohols have like hops and stuff you do have hops you're right which isn't that like a wheat product i feel like they're often wheat adjacent barley yeah yeah so that maybe that's what i'm smelling yeah i'm smelling whatever yeah rising agent is in there piecing it all oh yeah there is yeasty we're talking yeast here baby we're talking mountain dews baby i'm talking about mountain dews baby um okay mixing this together oh yeah that looks like literally like rice krispies you think yes oh here yeah the the challenge is to mix and not just fling all over the table we might need more you think we need more water i don't know i would say try and maybe get some like maybe like knead it i'm needed i'm needing oh it is i know what you're saying do you want to put a little bit more water in maybe you have a little bit of a watery crust in worst case scenario i don't think that there's any this is easy bake okay this is not my thought is like can we just see how much like literal rice krispie treats it looks like yeah not rice krispie treats rice crispy cereal you're going with the og look at that rice krispies there you go we've got like a half teaspoon sophia or a quarter teaspoon even just a little something a little some some i'll do half teaspoon and then i would like you want to use your hands do you want do you want me to use my hands or do you want to use your hands i'll go in hands first that's what i think we should do cool yeah yeah okay here we go is that what it says what does it say in its little thing maybe i should you know i'm not gonna go hands first off it says stir and press the mixture together until you form the dough i don't think i'm and then it says use your hands to shape the dough into a bowl you know what i was wrong i can't use my hands i'm just a little bit nervous it's gonna get stuck to my hand like crazy i put a flower down there yeah you want to grab the flower down there so i it doesn't just go crazed under my fingers yes yeah also what do we do how are we doing with the cake timing-wise it's been there for like a couple of minutes what do i do just like throw some in no no just add some to the mixture now i'm just covered in flour okay yeah yeah yeah one second here let's uh i i still can't really get it fully here i'll get in there yeah so i gotta kind of like chalk my hands like a gymnast exactly right okay you're going full simone biles here right oh my god oh actually i think i am kind of getting it right now is the chat just mortified by my ability to make dough right now are they just like you don't know what you're doing you want to go in here i'm coming yeah go in for it oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh that's actually working you got to get those like the the little the gaps in it going oh caffeinated violet said to use cooking spray on your hands oh so the opposite of flour well we've already gone in i think we're gonna just ride it i think oh stop you got it you got it um cooking spray like to make it moister right yeah and also i guess it wouldn't stick to your hands probably because tyler had dough literally stuck to every part of his hand yes so that would make sense going off of the food network star structure that would be a tip yes and uh we're not the ones issuing tips here uh we we need tips but decaffeinated violet gave us a tip it's a good tip steal that tip right right from decaffeinated violet i'll just reframe it when we if this was edited up here's a tip for you when you want to make your pizza dough you might want to put some spray on your hands because it will stick to everything otherwise right so that's me just repackaging the tip oh this looks good actually want to go to an action shot on sophia's hand because we're getting some play-doh vibes down here it's not the worst there is a pizza place in my hometown i'm going to name-drop them called bertucci's and what they do is that for kids they give them pizza dough to play with oh that sounds so fun in the place yeah and they got excellent pizza but i'm just saying bertucci's they have the the pizza dough factor they just want to see the world burn every mom exits with like pizza dough ingrained into their hair forever that could be true but i think it's the they want to distract the kid it's like the uh the drawing mat remember that do you think this is too dry can i just get like give me like a water a lot of people are saying to add more water yeah a lot of people you've smoking here we go into the hand yeah there you go let's get let's get a little more water in there oh i feel like i'm working with clay yeah give me just right onto it people are going listen i'm an easy bake of an expert i designed this packaging you need more water oh yeah oh yeah here's the thing easy bake you need more like a tablespoon and a half of water could have given us the heads up or maybe like i just didn't dull it out correctly or something i don't know all right tyler the the instructions are right here okay what is this yes this is my fear i have to read it read as it's after number two number two i mean number three all right here's the joke it's the thing after two okay split the dough into six equal equal pieces roll each piece into a small ball all right oh wow this is a small ball to split into six yeah are we ready for this oh we're going like bagel bite size here but it will spread ooh all right all right that's two did i read that right yeah that seems right okay i just wanted to make sure to make six i have to split these both into three does this have to be uh uh oiled oiled does this one have to be oiled yeah yeah okay why would you do me a favor will you oil this while i split that's chef tyler over here coming in hot with the canola spray baby canola are you wait are you waiting for me no i'm not oh cool here we go whoa are you okay it just sprayed up and almost hit me in the face just here we go come on over here i feel like that would be bad i don't know if it would really matter but it could go up my nostrils yeah spread that out listen this is an action shoot people here we go are we where are we good on the uh this guy the the the the cake i have no perception of time and space yeah you still have five minutes okay well i'm like way off christmas all right it's like we're like halfway through this for a second sorry i'm sorry i'm gonna be i have to calm down i can't be the i'm the sous chef here i'm the balance i'm the this just be the calming agent all right ready for some little guys one baby two they kind of look like this one's a little bit bigger oh no one you can arrange them like this you see what do you mean like so that you know oh oh oh i see three so like they're okay yeah like this yeah not just in one giant line that would make a lot more sense yes wait dory making oh my are these gonna all turn into little pizzas they're like little bagel bites oh my god oh we gotta push them down like into discs flatten each ball of dough like a pancake and shape it into a circle do you want to well i i can help do what do you think you have should i put flour on my hands before i do this i don't take the tip okay i promise you it doesn't matter they're not that sticky right now oh yeah this is actually this is good this is good i do feel like i'm conquering some of my fears of dough right now do you have no fears i i tried to explain that was my story in the beginning of this so incoherent i have like serious dough anxiety i don't like it stresses me out it sticks to everything i just really don't like dough i understood that you were afraid of the easy bake but i didn't understand that it was just like a general dough fear well to this day listen we baked a lot of cakes on not this channel but on the sophia nygard channel and on the tyler williams channel we baked a lot of cakes that's true we baked a franken cake which was 40 cakes yes we did a lot of cake also a ketchup and mustard cake the one nice thing about the cakes on the franken cake video is a lot of them are like pour cakes you just pour it in whatever yeah but when it comes to like taking batter and spreading it i don't like that it really freaks it just it just there's like that stick factor it's kind of like you know you're like trudging through a swamp you know i was just watching a review for a video game i've never played um it's got the guy from uh the walking dead i don't know what it's called it's but there's this thing where you start walking and like this like goo starts grabbing you and just i'm like i don't like that i can't how do you feel about the pillsbury doughboy he's fine you just touch his stomach and he goes you know okay so that's he doesn't freak you he doesn't no no i like the pillsbury i like pills uh p uh pillsbury doughboy pdb pillsbury dope pbdb he's my guy so it's specifically sticky dough yes how does this look what do we think they're really cute they are adorable they do not look great yeah but they look cute all right are you ready to insert this bad boy actually you have to do the rest of it oh oh the cheese oh i completely forgot about that all right just make really tasteless cookies let's do it okay so what's next all right so to make the sauce um take one of these smaller bowls here have how about this one have this one i feel like with how much baking i've done on my channel i think you have to do the glaze first glaze okay the glaze where's the place uh what do you need i don't know this guy this guy you want that guy okay sorry did i ruin everything no no no okay i have one two three okay incoming one two three one two three or are these supposed to be the sauce in the glaze those are just more more i think we're just we're just window dressing here we got a little bit of everything going on on this all right so let's turn we need to make sauce cheese and glaze okay so i i will to make the cheese all right cheese later here's the marinara marinara mix here's the garlic herb cheese mix okay and then this is that was more pizza dough yeah they gave a second one in okay i was like you know i know why because they know people mess it up and then this is the egg wash okay give us a little peek okay you want this uh really aesthetic unmarked bag i like how we're like trying hard to get b-roll shots of just completely like just generic bags yeah i like how one of your nails just had like dough under it sorry at least in this case you have a perfectly fine excuse what's under your nails it's dough okay cool this is i'm doing marinara mix uh where's the cheese i think it's time to take the cake out oh is it oh all right here we go do you want when you want to start doing that i'll start doing this okay you got to place it in i want to i like how we have no idea how to use these things yes okay ready okay and push it in all the way to the ending thing right like to here yeah cool i like how this thing is literally called the easy bake oven and carl's like no no you're not doing it right adults cannot figure it out on our own no yeah well hey listen it's this does we have to take it out from there it's like five minutes five i picked that much up from our pre-production meeting um cool all right now i'm going to make the cheese in this bigger one yeah okay wait like where's my marinara sauce see here i'm back over here cool all right so sorry i went over there originally to get the uh the the cheat sheet here okay one packet uh one and a half teaspoons of water now i feel like with the amount of baking and cooking on my channel on youtube everyone must be like wow they must edit that a lot have you guys idiot i was going to say have you guys smelled this cheese this is a very upsetting smell alright bring it on here this is a smell test people we had a smelly cheese candle recently so yes that smells like the kraft macaroni and cheese bag yes and where you say have you smelled it in a horrific manner i like that smell oh okay yeah i'm okay you know what you're right it does kind of smell like a sharper version of like sort of macaroni and cheese which is another powdered cheese annie's is that what it's called annie's it does kind of smell a bit like the annie's mac and cheese you know what happens though every time i make annie's mac and cheese is i'm not a good again with the mixing of the dry stuff into things i often get chunks of cheese in there and then i just have that you know wedged in my mouth and it's not that pleasant i gotta be honest i feel like it seems like you just run into so many obstacles people are like you're an idiot that's the only take from the chat and crawlers like yeah that's what they're chatting all right so now i need a teaspoon and a half for my cheese okay are you ready to see this powdered dehydrated cheese come back to life in the most miraculous way yeah this is a different take on frank and franken baking as they said in the 1994 this is reanimating dead cheese as they said in the 1994 mortal kombat live-action movie they said you must fight sub-zero with the element that brings life and in this case it's water bringing life back to this dehydrated cheese yeah okay i watched that episode of that meat this week so i don't want you to say um no sorry i'm not i'm not trying to undermine your reference i'm just very taken aback by whatever is happening here yeah this crystallized cheese in there oh i like how they included some what look like almost like garlic bits in there yeah there's some some herb some herby looking things those are upsetting uh oh no do you guys want to see this marinara go in yeah i want to first off what is dried powdered marinara it's it's is it related to tomato paste at all it could be um it does seem a little bit shocking this is like the swiss miss or swiss mix whichever one it is of marinara okay chat back me up it's definitely swiss mess swiss miss swiss miss okay got it i guess swiss maiden swiss maiden yeah milkmaid swiss switzerland i think we got it um okay is this cheese why don't i know the name of anything by the way i just okay uh one packet one and a half teaspoons of water okay cool coming back over here are we getting the action shot is it cheese or is it dancer uh it's definitely dancer um what on earth you would not be able to get away with even cheese product with that bad boy it kind of looks like um congealed cheese whiz spray cheese here we go that's one and a half it's so sharp it's so sharp it also kind of smells like maybe perhaps oh what they i looked up i saw the marinara things started happening whoa yeah what were you saying i was just saying that like my you know powdered garlic and herb cheese almost smells like perhaps what they put on like sour cream and onion pringles oh yeah but then we wet it and turned it into a paste it's just like they're just taking that factory that makes all of these things that have these flavored pastes like in this case mine can be like the pringles pizza flavor right they're like we have anything left over okay if we put some water and just put that on the pizza and tell kids that they're baking all right this is my cheese i'm done i'm gonna make the egg wash now that looks like a very sad half a spoonful of mashed potatoes that does not look like cheese that's not cheese i don't think it's cheese well as we said in the in our very astute killer's reference is it human or is it dancer i mean it is it is dancer it's dancing yeah so what can we say here all right so that is an interesting situation there as well am i yeah i i really think that i think that just based off of nothing just my own guess i would say that easy bake probably has more general success with like sweet things just because they're less upsetting in like a sort of more basic form versus like powdered marinara powdered cheese i'm not sure i'm into it i feel like you're you're judging the easy bake oven by its cover right now you think this is gonna be good actually it's not the cover it's the insides of it um no i i don't think it's gonna be good but i think we do wanna maintain some element of benefit of the doubt maybe it could be tasty this smells though just for the record exactly like any version of airplane pizza which is not good it is artificial and crazy yeah sorry here's the air wash as soon as you guys cut away from it i was ready yeah why is it so yellow it is pretty yellow right there why is it why are you the way that you are i load so many things about you easy egg wash first of all how dare you yeah um are we good on the cooling pizza too i mean the cooling cake yeah it's done okay cool like why don't we put this it can also stay in there for however long we're gonna leave it in there we're just gonna leave it in and back away there's just so many things going on right now i feel like in this stream okay here's what we should do will you take over the egg wash from me yes it just needs two tablespoons of water tablespoons i will double tbs tbs yep two tablespoons tablespoons coming in and what i'm going to do which is one of the more upsetting things i've ever had to do okay is put my cheese paste into a ziploc and cut off the tip so we can ice these pizzas like tiny cupcakes okay with cheese paste yes my cheese esque paste right because we want to keep it away from cheese adjacent yeah almost cheese we want to keep it as far away as possible from the fine word of cheese and when i say cheese i mean c-h-e-e-z-e asterisk double asterisk yeah uh 100 fresh beef asterisk asterisk if we're playing by mcdonald's rules yeah okay so the egg wash you know what i was gonna wear my gudetama shirt today and i feel like this would be a great time to have it on kinda looks like a ramen seasoning packet right now it does what's up oh here we go i'm gonna mix this guy in which one we go into here oh soft's bag probably is the more interesting of these two frankly yeah that is upset oh oh that's horrifying oh oh it's a horror movie don't you want to eat that oh it's a horror movie this started off wholesome now we're here now we're here now we're in hell um oh listen hey i don't know what mine is actually mine is i was gonna say hey we're just making things but this thing looks whoa that is not also marinara sauce it looks like baked beans to be honest with you all right i'm just a little bit yeah i'm gonna cut the tip off this thing you're piping no i'm not gonna pipe yet this goes on last okay sorry i'm just i'm just overly excited i'm just excited to be here right great this is uh do we have a little brush for our egg egg wash finger it's so it's i'm just using my finger yeah wow yeah it's a toy for kids where's my brush where's my william sonoma collab brush myra says i'm begging you to warn them that the dough is too thick oh oh all right myra says the dough is too thick myra with the assist all right shall i press it down more well here's the question is myra friend or foe maybe myra is just instigating right now well then oh a lot of other people are saying enough myra has been exonerated from our impromptu witch hunt uh no it's all good it's all all right thank you myra things are being flattened yes yeah this this pizza is really gonna be questionable no it's gonna be delicious this pizza i am questioning everything john's pizza on bleecker street we're coming for your merkin if you it's i like how coming for your wig is such an old saying that it is certainly out of fashion but because coming for your merkin was never in fashion yes we kind of just still say it i like coming for american i think that it probably is our communal mercy we have one merchant no our collective merchant i think it probably alienates 10 of our viewers they're just like these people are weird okay and the other 90 don't know what it means that's why they are not upset about no no there is some percentage that knows is both mortified but is okay with it moves on moves on pretends not to hear i just kept on living my life dear chat does that feel better or worse i think it's good i mean i guess it can't get worse right dear chat's like our live stream equivalent of dear diary dear chat dear chat how do we feel about this okay cool i feel like reginald this is as egg washed as i think we can go we've talked about this we were gonna we could call this a glaze we don't think there's any real egg in there so we think we're decently salmonella free on this bad boy um because it's an eight-plus toy it's not a 18-plus toy i don't know when they would start saying it's like allowed to let kids like play with salmonella but anyway so um i agree you know i think that we should be okay we do have sanitation wipes but i think that my hands are pretty clean but i'll do it all right anyway so i mean it's not like we've been really good about keeping anything else clean at all ever ow i'm fine i'm good that's a dangerous green room on the way back up just bumping your you know what that is the one downside of the higher table you just you're not sure where it is going to be exactly all right although if it was lower you would hit it faster all right ready i'm going to dip my finger into the wash is that what's next yeah are you sure yes yeah okay sorry i've been overruled myra come get this man all right ready and i just kind of go like this right yeah how do i feel about that it looks like it does look like a sugar cookie right yeah no that's good okay everyone's nodding right everyone's not we're all knotted all right i'm gonna do it the rest of them yeah okay cool uh so if the cheese is applied with with a ziploc bag like piped on how do we apply the marinara it just says to spoon it on i will spawn my spoon is not too big and i will come in that's sorry i always reference whenever i hear spoons i think of rejected video which is like a really og youtube video that is too big but anyway so uh it's like a salad fingers error thing um but uh i do have a spoon and i will spoon this guy in spoon this man ma'am this is a spoon um also regarding the red velvet cake sophia do we want to jump back into this at some point because you still have a second cake to make i think that we should just put this in the put this we should put this in the oven and then move on put a button on this pizza yes okay here we go just put an end to our misery and then move on listen i know what you're thinking people is this marinara sauce incredibly pasty and probably disturbing yes is it going on to our pizzas yes oh yeah it's not coming off my spoon right now do you need a second spoon i got a second spoon assist yeah here we go i went dull dull it's so pasty it's so pasty oh my god tyler that's not that's it that's like a third of the marinara oh that's not the right amount listen hey hey hey hey hey all right you're right this is all about easy baking here i'm gonna let you let you go we're all having a good time okay chad's like i'm not having a good time tyler's having a good time tyler's the only one this stream can be renamed tyler conker spheres fails miserably local man attempts to bake small pizza fails is arrested for his crimes tragedy strikes raleigh is like we know you moved here but can you leave can you please leave yeah we do not want this anymore um yeah i feel like who who makes the easy bake of oven is it like hasbro or something yeah yeah like divert your attention it's also yeah they're very unhappy they're not happy they're like oh there's these people uh use their easy baked oven it was fun okay cool they watch the video they're like take this down copyright strike everything i think you might have to go back to your first pizza and take some off you think just just because you don't have that much left in the bowl all right fine we're doing it okay it's not delivery it's digerno it's not delivery it's disaster it's not delivery hey that's got stick like this paste that's got stick um i feel like the first time i had digiorno now like this is let me this is the caveat i like digiorno now but the first time i had to journal oh my god this is so slow the first time i digiorno i was like pretty let down because i was like it doesn't taste like delivery pizza but i've come to like it for more reasons tombstone frozen pizza for instance is excellent tombstone tombstone i don't know if anyone remembers that what it's called here's the thing this is why tombstone is relevant i'm bringing this full circle what are you okay all right tombstone was actually the pizza sauce of the lunchables pizza it was tombstone pizza sauce is that good yeah tom's pizza sauce is good all right in tyler's defense this is wildly wildly pasty yeah which also is not really my defense because i am the one that prepped it yeah so it could all just be a disaster that i have created i'm making it worse aren't i let's let's let's let's let's dole out the cheese off okay right at this point i feel like with your baby skills you have the higher ground everyone's like sophia knows what she's doing she's just dragging this dude do i yeah so all right ready oh my god that is upsetting here we go it really is like one like just like molten hush puppy that you're just like squirting on right now oh wow that's rough looks good that looks good all right it's going to go in the oven though right so it'll maybe spread it should melt it looks like a demented cheese and cracker situation it does this is this is the charcuterie board from hell oh wow that feels like almost like an l mills esque video it's like i threw a big fancy gala but i served everyone easy bake oven meals ever wanted to eat cheese like toothpaste well now you can it's not a problem anymore isn't that what they say psycho yeah exactly yeah although i feel like all of troom troom slash blossom slash five-minute crafts crafting abilities slash cooking abilities are putting us massively to shame so we are in no position to talk right now okay how how do we feel about that here's what i would say this is my expert opinion okay there is dough there is glaze there is sauce and there is cheese in some order and in some just i have a little bit left should i try and no just put it away just put it away put the bag down put the bag down yeah let's just uh let's just move on we never talk about this this is the lost stream this stream will be enlisting will not be re-uploaded you will never see this stream again okay here we go should we do an action put place in you wanna please yeah just let's go let's you know just here we go here they are yeah look at this this is it no oh no i think it's the right time for us to say that this video is not sponsored the other way stop the other way the other way is is that the right way to put it in you're on the other side oh what if i just put it in the cooling tray for 12 minutes and they just came out looking exactly like they do right now that would be like top 10 10 anime betrayals of all time the chat doesn't say anything they're just like don't say anything okay we have a problem they're talking about two they're too tall what is even happening right now all right so let me just slowly squish them all right a graceful finger look at that it's like kind of like when you make uh what's it called um creme brulee and you have to smack the top of it to crack it and make the brulee right you're just delicate replacing this that's what this is like listen i think it's fair to say that we are all idiot sandwiches right now oh my god yeah i saw you know i was watching tick tock i was on tick tock the talk and uh gordon ramsay's on that thing so how do we feel about it we can do more failed cooking experiments and he can roast us digitally i know i would be so disappointed though if he didn't react to our franken cake but he did react to us terribly making an easy bake oven pizza that would be i would be as used as you would say mortified is that not the correct usage of mortified no that is that is i use it correctly oh there you go okay in coming and place this guy in wow this is so easy oh my god i'm learning so much about oh i almost pulled off my microphone sorry um and i'm gonna push it through right here we go and we're halfway there whoa oh living on a pair we're gonna eat oh i did it again no but you did a good job working in the bon jovi without the copyright yeah that was good that was good bj right there also i'm not trying to put you on the spot about the mortified thing that's okay okay i just don't want it to be like an unspoken thing i don't want to be the person who's who doesn't tell you i got it you know all right so let's go into the next round of caking all right so we're going to pretend that never happened and we're going to go back to our cake yes woohoo ray said i feel awful about this but you should bake it anyway yes thank you it was grace who said that ray gray what's that thing that's like gray you are not wrong there's no things like keep calm party on carry on carry on it's the same same energy right we're just gonna keep easy bacon on oh look at this action shot oh it's working are you bringing it out party central party actually it's really not warm at all anymore no okay no it looks baked but i mean like it's been in the cooling drawer long enough that i can just handle it easily that's good you don't want the hot cakes then we can put icing onto it look at that not the worst [Music] eat your heart out julia child julia child leave julia alone all right this is the pizza okay yeah what are we doing here not the pizza yeah here we go ready would you feel that i think that might have actually been julia child rolling over here it's just so angry sending bad energy our way just don't julian julia south watch that recently you liked it because they came on netflix i didn't see it when it actually came out there's a lot of good stuff on netflix right now legally blonde is on netflix we watch that is true sorry is my mic being crazy sorry that's just me talking as we go here you wanna use the cheat sheets off i've been this cheat sheet is wonderful it's this the cliff notes or whatever that is hello train hello no i just wanted to make sure that we didn't have to make the frosting before making the second cake okay i know so the second cake involved with our red velvet is a strawberry strawberry cake this is what we're gonna do yes why don't you focus on the mix what i'm gonna do is i'm going to remove this cake from the cake pan yeah and put it to the side we're doing things at the same time here people okay um so yeah i can use the mixing thing right next yeah i got a thumbs up from carly people okay um so we have right here the strawberry cake mix naturally and artificially flavored this unit not labeled i like how they say and artificially don't worry about it guys this is this is i guess they're trying to get any point for not being like completely artificial no yeah no no they have some natural they've got some natural in there this is a natural cake mix i'm going to move soulmate out of the way soul bang see you uh you want to give me an extra hit of coffee before we keep going you need it i need more coffee you need your go-go juice like honey boo-boo was that too much was that a bad reference no i thought it was good reference i was going to spit out my coffee i thought all right okay here we go solvang mug going away guys that's our first mug of the stream we'll have more of them don't worry about it every stream every tuesday new mugs new excitement new mortifying displays of in easy bake baking all right is like very crispy okay she's a crispy one mr grinch um but i am going to get her out anyway extra crispy just the way you like it right any uh billy madison fans out there no okay i i support you thank you i support you in the reference i don't understand no worries no worries what on earth what oh i'm figuring it out okay this could be fun okay this could be a goal oh you want to get the action the action d-panning yeah okay you know here's a here's a our here's our channel factoid when we were doing the d-panning of the franken cakes the 48 cakes that was a nightmare night that was a bizarre thing that just happened yeah look at this it's like the kool-aid man and cooked it's just like a weird like somewhere in between a cake and a pancake and like a cookie it's just all it's all of them but none of them stop we cooked it with like a light bulb okay i think that that's you know we get brownie points for that laureen says it looks like dried up ketchup it does laur lauren said that laureen laureen laureen is on the money yeah i was searching for that i thought you said chlorine and i was like that might not be their actual name no all right what am i doing here five teaspoons of water coming in here coming in hot okay here we go so we were thinking we do some teaspoons right to get it going and then i do a few more at the end to kind of bring home the bacon yeah i think as long as they add up to the right number yeah when you add them is kind of up to you yeah you know actually i do find fun about baking is when you have to be like super particular with your dries you know like in that arena of baking when you're like you have to put the right amount of baking soda in there you're going full chemistry that's kind of fun but this thing smells incredible this thing smells just oh i smell it from here yeah that smells just like strawberry milk juice no uh syrup yeah strawberry milk juice you ever heard of it um yeah no it smells like nesquik strawberry milk no i got it you know what this smells like strawberry pokeys oh it does yeah strawberry pokeys that is that's ester are they called pokeys or pockies i don't know pokey or pocky you know what i'm talking about it's like the sticks that are dipped into like chocolate p-o-c-k-y they're they're revelation if you've never had them before they're they're quite delicious how how do we feel about this i i'll allow it carly gave a thumbs up looks good yeah so we're gonna we're gonna go with it and the pantheon of human history that is one of my favorite rack focuses just a heavily oiled up cheesy baked oven whatever like cotton whatever cosmic force monitors all things created in the realm of filmmaking they're like what was that [Laughter] i think it's my fault for trying to show everyone what i just got sprayed with what i put the extra water the easy the the batter came straight out at you i'm taking issue with the word easy right now okay um i feel like i'm being taunted by this thing well i was saying i think that the the focus thing is probably more on me because i was trying to show everyone like nothing yeah like just an empty pan of nothing so chris was like wait what no no what is this the racking was excelente okay i liked that okay i'm just saying that what was being presented was interesting alarming um i feel like seriously though like if in my it the clown itch experience i really do feel like it'd be it would be an easy big oven i just i just feel like this thing really stresses me out okay anyway so okay i'm gonna put this in right yeah okay yeah yeah yeah sorry i was so behind no no you're good you're good ready oh wow that's a lot here we go gloop in there tyler you've gotten better in the few minutes we've been doing this they call that improvement people i don't know 10 000 ways not to make a light bulb but i do know two ways in which i could make an easy bake cake you like that i'll take it thomas edison i'll take it yeah that's what he said that's what thomas edison said with the light bulb right the light bulb inside the easy bake oven right yeah you got it you guys got it it's got layers like this cake this stream's got layers okay we're like a schoolhouse rock this one honestly i will say that this batter smells actually amazing you can lick the spoon once i'm done because i got the spoon last time and i obliterated that thing i went to town on that spoon that spoon didn't know it was coming it was actually a spatula but um there's a tiny spatula so what's the what's the chat singer they um are they saying that hey tyler what's with you in the easy bake oven for a while everyone was just saying it's pocky it's pocky okay i feel like yeah i'll take that i i believe them you have to count the pokey pronunciation is coming from the you know seven-year-old tyler yoked up on on sugar molina says i'm japanese americans say it wrong it's pokey oh that is that's the biggest comeback of all time biggest upset ever hundreds of chats refuted in one vicious strike 3-1 golden state warriors i think not um yeah anyway getting back to the stream here people um i'm spreading this out i actually i will say i have improved okay um i am almost ready for the great british british british the great british bake off yeah right just as long you just say it a few times faster and you'll you'll get there that's like the prerequisite to be on the show they're like we need you to be able to promote the show so you have to be able to say the name like i can't i'm sorry i speak fast but not clearly that's the story of my life i know i'm the opposite we would speak slowly slowly but clearly yeah there you go you can't have both okay i think that's decent do you want to you want to finish it off no i i honestly don't even think i think you did it pretty good i think it will bake into the pan i don't know that it will okay but i like how this is coming together though because we do have the pizza in cooking we have the the red velvet of the red velvet cake you know already finished and deep hand now we have the strawberry one going in i think we're frosting away i would promise land i would hold on saying things are going well until the pizza comes out and we can look at it i'm like the babe roof of baking okay i call my shot early i point to left field that's what i right right field he was a lefty all right ready yeah we're gonna put this cake in okay yeah the great bambino all right and then i push it tyler tell me push it real good yep no you gotta tilt it back there it is there it is all right it's in the oven i like how carly is like sort of like the flight flagged person they're like that dead yep you're good i'm standing right here and i'm watching carly are we good and i do know what carly's looking for wait okay we're good we're good okay cool um yeah i also like that these easy bake ovens are very mysterious you like that just things i kind of thought that the front would open or something like like a real oven really like you could look in you mean that's not the front this this this cartoon decal it's not the right i just thought you would see more i know it's a i feel like we did see more back in the day maybe they decided it was dangerous it's too dangerous yeah yeah all right cool so we're in a a time is it an uncanny valley right now there's cheese pizza in here there is our second cake in here how much time they've left on cheese pizza one minute oh one minute oh that's a weird amount of time oh no what about the cheat what about the frosting sophia i know we could make a frosting for the can you spread it on that one yeah all right um we are running low on containers we have one we have two left but do we have any spoons left oh we have one here we have a spoon a spoon we can double up the spoons with the frostings though that's true yeah come on all right so we have to make now vanilla frosting and pink frosting okay all right this is pink frosting vanilla frosting mix for tyler is one of them what flavor is the pink frosting i think based off of the picture that the pink frosting goes in the middle and the white frosting goes on top yeah nice look at that wow look at that shot um cool okay i'm gonna put this in here what what can i see the cheat sheet of course i'm actually boycotting the actual official instructions at this point one packet one and a half teaspoons water yeah i'm i'm actually just trying i'm glad you read it to me because i was just like looking at it and nothing was registered it just might be the like just the like the solving coffee just kicking in at the wrong time you know how that works okay got it i actually do i i i feel you yeah i think that our workspace is incredibly upsetting because it's like a mixture of like strawberry batter and like on risen from the dead egg wash re-animated egg satanic egg wash basically as as we've said sophia the tagline of this show okay is no method only madness right right while you're doing that i'm going to just taste the strawberry batter yeah you go for that oh god look at this thing do you want to get an action shot oh soft color sauce coming to it and there's that's the face that's a meme not no good time to take the pizza though oh pizza's coming inside when you get the pizza i'll get the pizza while you uh shake off that taste that was straight cough medicine that was bad what the heck sorry that was rude i was so excited it seemed so good the other side the other side of the spatula but i go through this side though right okay great all right yes i was wrong on both counts okay i was just so taken aback by the um one and a half teaspoons of water that literally tasted like cough medicine that's not good robitussin robitussin's the harshest most hardcore cough medicine in mind children's robitussin to be fair like okay that's a little lighter like something that was like like a flavored cough medicine the thing with robitussin though is it packs a punch you know like the museum x guy you know the music next guy did i do that right i just feel like yeah i just blacked back in what's happening what year is it um okay cool uh great so i put this in and i'm gonna mix here you go and then i'm gonna mix this guy and you wanna do you wanna prep and get ready with the second frosting well sure one and a half teaspoons is that is that right that is right isn't it yeah this this all right i think i think it'll work i think we're starting to get calm yeah one and one and a half teaspoons it smells pretty good i'm like really excited to eat all this stuff to be honest really after my reaction about how this strawberry yeah it's kind of like it's a cronut to me right it's a it's a rainbow baby this is your cronut this is my crona do they still make cronuts oh yeah they do oh yeah chris is a big pronunciation that's huge it's the alliteration for me this goes what are you how dare you do not do not blaspheme the name of cronus in my presence don't cite the dark magic to me i was there when it was written exactly yeah um we said that i think our most recent tick tock and that does make me i'm looking for some empty calorie viewing of movies i could watch a lion witch in the wardrobe i could go down that route the only thing that makes me sad about the lion the witch and wardrobe is that the rest of the like like they sort of i thought the one right after that was good and i never saw any more they did not progress well i think they made one more they made the dawn treader thing which was you know c.s lewis just changed up the cast of characters too much too much they have the extra cousin and he's annoying then at the end they're like susan didn't come because she's old and she likes makeup now so she is no longer pure of heart bye susan anyway yeah here's the pink frosting moving on yes pink frosting there it is okay um so once this is done where this is we're cooling the pizza we are cooking the strawberry we have the red velvet we have this vanilla frosting over here which i'm not gonna taste even though i am a notorious bowl liquor um am i um and then we have this other this pink frosting going here which smells like it smells like the other one i think it is just it's very sweet it smells like confectioners sugar do you want is it the same amount a teaspoon and half sauce no it's actually different is it yes what's with the strawberries one and one quarter teaspoon one and one quarter that's a particular measurement i can i can dull out the you want to clean off this spoons off yeah so that way you can reuse it you want you want it you don't have to no i will okay here we go i mean my other option is to clean off one that was used for the pizza but i feel like that's not the right call no we never speak of those ever again okay cool how's the uh how's the chat doing are they as excited for this meal as we are right now they're worried about the pizza the pizza is in the cooling chamber just so everyone the pizza's in the cooling chamber yes worry not of our six pizza friends well i mean there are things to be worried about but hopefully it's in the cooling chamber other things unless i really ruined it christie said they had a chucky cheese oven really yeah and they were making the notorious chuck e cheese pizza or were they making other apparently and they said the pizzas were awful oh okay so well we'll see what happens here um yeah all right i think this is the pink frosting right yes how are we doing with the um the shoot how are we doing with the strawberry cake is that that's still bacon or yeah it's about nine minutes on that okay you've forgotten everything i like how we had factoids also pre-planned for this video but it's just been such a roller coaster of emotions and of mixing that we haven't really gotten around to them but we have factoids we can get to them we can do factoids that we eat maybe we can do them you want to do now because we're getting kind of that point where i think i need more water in this to be honest but that's what do you think do you want me to while you mix give some factoids yeah why not all right ready yes some factoids that we prepared about easy bake ovens oh yeah i have them screwed a number of fatalities associated with these wait we actually there is that we had some pre-planned facts about how they were recalled at one point but we decided it was too grizzly so we're not talking about that we are not talking about casualties never mind never mind i take that back i forgot about the whole toy recall market yeah i forgot about that you forgot about that well they did it okay um all right so our first easy bake oven fun fact um in 2002 hasbro made an easy bake oven that was marketed towards boys look at that pink frosting lump um it was called the queasy bake cookerator oh yeah and baked thinks things like mud in crud cakes oh my god oh wow oh god i'm trying to see if i recognize oh i think i recognize that bugs and worms and drip and drool dog bones oh wow oh yeah that's marketing towards the little brother that was tyler wait can i eat the dog bones it's all edible these are edible oh that's great it didn't really take off and was discontinued soon after its release i think part of the reason for that is because there was like a a also like a baking thing that was marketed towards boys called like creepy crawlers yes but they weren't and it was like an oven and you would like bake things but they didn't turn into edible things they were like um they were like bugs they turned from like liquid into like jelly toys i'm pretty sure my like squishy toys that was one of those toys that i got where my dad exclusively did it and i sat like next to him while he was doing it and probably nobody had fun because it was like those things were like it was pretty challenging for like oh you had it i had it i was just really young tyler had everything yeah but it was it was like my dad had to like do it and like i i couldn't i couldn't make sense of it the kids in the commercial for creepy callers by the way we were like 13 and i was like six so yeah just to go to my my defense um in 2012 a 13 year old named mckenna pope successfully petitioned for a gender-neutral oven after receiving over 40 000 signatures as well as support from celebrity chefs at the time it was only available in pink and purple despite earlier versions being in a wider variety of colors oh look at that wow look at that that's sleek that looks like a tesla that it does that is pretty futuristic send that thing to mars baby yes so this gender neutral version was released a year later in black blue and silver that looks like a car to me honestly that was cool that one's cool if you look at that long enough and squint you're like is that the cyber truck yes or like it does look like that yeah um a little bit more about the history of the easy bake oven the first easy bake oven hit shelves in 1963 and came in pale yellow and turquoise usually resembling an actual conventional oven oh my god look how cute that is i love vintage commercials like that i do wow that looks serious i feel like that looks like a serious bit oh my god that looks like a serious oven what i love is that even to this day they rely on the hard punching look at that brother just going to town and not yours you didn't easy bake that i feel like yeah since the beginning of time little brothers have annoyed actually i've always taken this back i relate to that little brother you are that i ate something peanut butter related that i did no work baking back in the day and i just my sister i think she gave it to me because i think it was kind of like a flex she's like i made this and i had it um are we i'm smelling some strawberry by the way you think we should poke that guy through we still have four minutes oh never mind i think you're just smelling like it as it is nearing completion it smells good you could take the pizzas out if you want should we take the pizza out and stuff or um i'm almost done with our our fat our our factoids so then we can just start eating factoid meals you know just building some suspense for what monstrosity will burst forth from our pizza oven it's kind of like a xenomorph but instead of chest bursting it is a easy bake oven yes the modern one um so the original easy bake oven was originally supposed to be named the safety bake oven okay that's not fun yeah easy bake is much better yeah and apparently easy bake ovens were much more expensive back then which makes sense when you like see that ad and it looks like a serious situation um at the time it cost about 15.95 which apparently amounts to about a hundred and thirty dollars today that is a pricey whoa look at house i mean that is a serious situation what are the chances we can get the literal o.g easy bake oven and do a follow-up stream with that bad boy isn't that what um the chat was saying trixie mattel did earlier so yeah okay well as long as yeah but we i mean we could still do it this has also this has also been so we could do that i am sort of interested that's kind of cool i just want to see it um now when it when the easy bake oven was first introduced it used a pair of ordinary incandescent light bulbs as a heat source yes in the early 2000s the oven started using a true heating element similar to a conventional oven they officially stopped using light bulbs as heat sources in 2011 because they feared that newer lamp requirements would render their ovens obsolete as light bulbs were not usually included in the box got it okay so and then we're going to we're mixing the recall stuff i like how they call it real heating tools a true heating element true heating source well that's yeah that's i think that's why you and i both thought that it was a light bulb but it's not a light bulb it's not a mandela effect no it used to be a light bulb it's not sinbad as a genie yeah is that like that that's the core mandela effect yes that is i think there's a marketing campaign i don't think it's actually there was just like an ad that everyone's remembering yeah i'm pretty sure i've i've gotten to the root of it before but i don't recall any of what i'm talking about all right all right so with some fun facts out of the way and our frosting prepped shall we see what the pizzas look like shall we go for it shall we go for it yes eh incoming look at this look at this any luck ever you do oh here we go oh they're touching the top nope we're good we're good we're good pull pull oh okay why do they look the exact same why do they look like they spent no time in the oven at all no melting occurred what on earth is this no no there's a crisp it looks like a crisp okay no they're warm and the bottom looks like a cracker yes but they look otherwise unchanged literally the same 100 identical to when we first put them in paging the resident uh easy bake oven expert i.e the entire chat is is this what this is supposed to look like is anyone else tyler i'm not an easy bake oven i know it's not what it's supposed to look like look at this ready what you ordered versus what you got that is a meme in a nutshell okay well i think we still we got to eat them this is a lie hasbro you lied to me you said i am once again ja rule i have been hoodwinked deceived billy mcfarland over here this is billy mcfarlane in plastic form yeah absolutely all right well we should probably eat it yeah without further ado oh i think you can take that one out too or push it through the cooling chamber yeah all right here we go with this promising result let's continue this process over here okay why am i so afraid that it's just gonna fly out when i start pushing it through i am also nervous about it it's because we can't see into it no i thought you would be able to see more it's like all of the it's like a pizza oven one of those ones where they like really they go in you can see into them but they can see in those these ones you can't see i'm trying to say it's like that without the visual okay erica cho says red flag number one the cheese didn't melt at all that's your first red flag i think that we had an inkling that um it was not cheese a long time ago when it was a toothpaste that was being squirted onto the pizzas um but you know we'll just we're going to try them do we need the full mythbusters segment you're like no the easy bake oven cheese is not cheese is it is my mic okay carly yeah okay sorry do you want to go in soft my mic is really sort of at a jaunty angle because i don't know how to put it on this shirt so i've just been a little like fidget oh you're going what do you want you want to go oh yeah i want one too i've just been fidgeting with it i feel like honestly there is a cracker uh dynamic here i i see like a baking i i think that some easy baking occurred i'm not all down on it here we go this is going to be uh our cheers ready right this is our like i'm going to stay stay stationary tyler you cheers me it's our hors d'oeuvre yes it's like it's a new it's in a moose boosh ready should we feed each other okay ready yeah no how do i do this yeah feed each other i like it i'm going to use the whole slice is that a bad one or a good one okay i don't even know what she's gonna say it's not as bad as it looks no no i think the looks oh there's like a siren we gotta call in about an emergency here um the look is like a one out of ten oh yeah no it's 1.5 out of 10. the taste is like a four out of ten okay it is still subpar yeah it doesn't taste good but you would think it would be horrendous and it kind of tastes just like a neutral little breadstick kind of like breadstick with like a little bit of extra taste like a garlic knot with a bit of marinara sauce in it i get slight potato ball vibes a little bit from the cheese yes very starchy it is it is like a potato which i kind of like in some ways i think that if the entire airline community corporate community has no room to criticize this because this tastes exactly like every airplane pizza you've ever had i've never had pizza on an airplane you know when they really throw the tomato sauce in there the marinara sauce a pasta that's what it tastes like they're definitely using the same thing whatever easy bake is doing they're siphoning off some portion and they're giving the rest of it to the airplane industry i agree that the marinara sauce is reminiscent of some type of airplane food for sure if you don't think of this as pizza though it really doesn't taste offensive no like it's not like oh that's bad if you think you're gonna have pizza and then you have this you might be upset but for like a snack from what i remember of like kids snacks it's not the worst one that's out there this is pretty good i would say are you going to eat the rest of that because i'm no we're we're sharing this right i had one i okay i think i i'm i like it actually um i like this i like when i taste things that taste like things i ate when i was a kid you know what i'm saying like yeah when like i there's like a certain burger flavor that tastes like my elementary school burger i like it oh it's an action shot well that good yeah i'll step in here ready action i got another little is it on my nose hey pretty good very starchy i like it almost tastes like and a semi-cooked tomato ravioli okay okay you know like um the types of pasta that is are red yes like so there's no sauce on it but it has a vague tomato taste because it like is a red pasta yes a red ravioli semi-cooked maybe a fried red ravioli you mean where the pasta just the pasta oh yeah when the pasta itself is red like that and there's like a vague taste to it because it's a red pepper the tomato pasta yes yes it kind of tastes like that i will say that that third one was starting to hit its cloy point where i was like okay i don't actually want any more of this and think about how small they are they're tiny for it to be hitting that point oh yeah they're they're really small um should we take the cake out yeah it's in the in the cooling chamber right do you want to finish this off or do you want to see them next to each other here well maybe we'll leave one okay you leave one you're not that's yours by the way i just ate a little bit of free cheese samantha asked how it compares to a lunchable oh that's a good question uh i think that it's almost no comparison at the lunchable superior because the lunchable you have more free reign the lunchable also is more like actual cheese they give you an entire bag of cheese it's like shredded cheese yeah uh i'm just reaching in blind here i will say the marinara taste is about the same but the cheese of the lunchable is superior you okay yeah i got it no i i think that um the lunchable also comes with like a snickers bar it comes with other things that you definitely want wow yeah okay here we go i want you to get a little bit more onto our thing here was it hot it's no it's hot yeah i'm sorry i think we just left the other one in for longer so i was able to like handle it are you okay yeah i just i feel like i'm gonna drop it but all we can do is just to commit it actually has some nice crunch on the outside i think why do we keep making really crispy cakes why is that our thing that's our thing actually that's our brand it's crispy cakes i don't think we want our brand actually you know what's incredible is it it smells good though with our franken cake we made 48 cakes and i think we did a pretty good job with almost all of them minus maybe the angel food cake we did not really well we don't know what we're doing we're not actual bakers no i was saying in general we did a good job of the cakes i mean are you trying to contrast that to this experience where we did a bad job with everything that is what i'm saying i'm saying our brand is not to just burn the hell out of the cake we've done a decent job with some cakes but in this case less so so i feel like now this cake situation is kind of like a it's the dessert yes this is pizza yeah it's a balanced meal tyler pizza here yeah i was gonna leave oh sorry do you want it i was gonna leave it so we could see one next to each other let's do it so we get the true what you ordered yeah what you got yeah the only dynamic is with a really hot cake it's sometimes hard to ice oh i guess i'm supposed to ice this first okay i was like about to flop it right on which way should we put the red velvet goes with like the pink frosting goes in the middle okay so this is i'm like 90 sure okay here we go hold on it's okay it's too late yeah pink frosting in the middle committed to it pink frosting in the middle and then white frosting on top okay oh wait hold on the pink cake goes on the bottom oh oh that's okay that's fine yeah no worries hey i didn't understand that for a second no worries so no worries all right but anyway the lunchable did i say this lunchable marinara is similar to this pizza marinara but the cheese of the lunchable is superior because it's real cheese yeah i can't believe it's real cheese right yeah yeah is it i can't believe it's not cheese i can't believe it's not cheap that's the thing the product is i can't believe it's not butter there you go yeah that's i was wrong i think you're just kind of like iterating off of it yeah you know you were just like bouncing ideas around yeah workshop and some ideas here people oh i'm doing a terrible job spreading this thing why why is this just as upsetting as a pizza why is this also very upsetting to watch it because it's upsetting yeah it's sorry i hiccuped um sorry hiccups again it's the cheese it's it's hitting me in a weird way so it's coming from not going down well no even though it was like you know had a radius of like less than a centimeter it wasn't it was too much for me it's not the size of the disgusting pizza it's the size of the fight that it puts up yeah as it travels through your balance i know you can do a better job than me at this i'm just i don't know if that's even true no well i don't know yeah i'm just trying to cover some of the patches it looks like a deranged pop-tart right now you know what i'm saying yes i do actually know what you're saying and pop-tarts are actually kind of deranged they've done so many things with pop-tarts you know pop-tarts are kind of deranged yeah there's a little bit more icing in here you want a little bit more i mean that's okay yeah all right i'm gonna flip this guy on yeah okay ready is it hot or can you do it i can do it chris you want to get this this is this is truly the action shot of the video stick the landing should i do it like here that is crispy or you want it this way i don't care it that way it looks cuter actually no it doesn't matter okay here we go i think we should trim off the edge no matter what okay you want to trim off the edge to kind of give the nice cross section no we can also just cut it into like a few different cakes all right you want a vanilla frosting that bad boy i can do it here i can clean off the spoon and just go with it we're eating it oh yeah i guess we're getting right yeah i was like no but no one else is eating this so i guess it's fine and i've made out with you before so i guess it's fine you're not made out of me i like this i don't have a problem with this flavor i mean the frosting is probably one of the least upsetting things about this whole stream this whole shebang yeah because i mean it it although it doesn't seem awesome it's sort of close to how one might make frosting you know like wetting sugar i do think this is actually kind of a fun thing we have something that could be loosely framed as edible here you know i also have the sprinkles oh yeah yeah they came with sprinkles did you not see the box i i no i did not look at anything related to the box to be honest with you did you also just black back in what sorry i was just smelling the onion candle what's going on where have we been the last couple weeks yeah it's funny how like we've been doing because for some of the videos we've been filming for the main channel yes i would say they are moderately crafty right they have like egg oh my god just leave it yeah we're good they have like a crafting element and none of that is chip translating here it's not not not even a little none of it is translating that's good it's like a toaster strudel jesus all right all right tyler yes we're gonna cut off the edges now i'm gonna chop it and yeah what i was gonna do actually is i'm just gonna chop it into a few cakes let's do it um i think that well let's try six cakes right yeah how would i do that like this um do like okay you can do that oh it's got an interesting texture crunchy oh i'm doing eight cakes a little further over yeah no i'm doing eight cakes yeah cool because i want them to be small and cute little tinies what are they called exactly petty fours yes baby right i don't think petty fours have to maybe they do have to come in for us that would make sense it might just be a completely different word though you know all right and then just down the middle all right down broad street here here tyler you do me a favor yes i thought i just cut through the plate i didn't um just grab another one of these little plates okay okay oh these are nice plastic plates are these really these are real plates actually we're talking about there are some real ones down there and some some plastic ones grab something um these are nice plates all right here we go the frosting is good okay so where are our sprinkles do we lose them they just slip into the upside down what what they're right here okay cool sorry all right here are the cakes you want me to place them i'm gonna just show here's some cute ones okay here's a cute one oh it's not the worst it's not great it's not that bad it's not the worst all right and then here's a couple more here are the cute ones this is not going to be the most alarming as or as alarming as the pizza what you ordered what you got all right so there you go those are the key ones those are the cute ones ready these are the demented ones oh it's cute when the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie that's amore right that's the that's the sort of the narrative if we were to be on food network star and we had to tell the story first off that would never happen right we are just blacklisted yeah but we were finisher jokes then we would this would be our story right because we've been watching design star fair amount and like you have to kind of have a narrative behind the room you've designed we started baking yeah at 30 with our easy bake ovens yes and now we're here yeah but the story of this meal is that there's a delicious pizza pie oh i see when the moon hits your eye like a big i thought you were saying like our personal narratives like for us our narratives if we from here went on to food networking no no we're leading with the frankie oh i see we were saying yeah the narrative of the meal like why did we make this meal for for you the audience vision for the audience absolutely love pizza lady and the love it except they don't eat pizza they eat meatballs is that song actually though the song that you're selling bella note right oh you're right that's nice when the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie it's a mooring all right you're right so i'm completely wrong what does the chat think of our plating here because i think it's pretty good this is i mean it's probably the best thing we've done so far to be honest in life uh marum says it looks like valentine's day cakes little cute babies mara said that yeah mara you are right and imogen said to make goth ones next time okay if only they made like goth cakes for like the little goth children out there like hey are you over this valentine's day cake here's one with bats do you want to do the uh before and the after the we can do that okay here we go this one is much less upsetting yeah here we go this is what you ordered and what you got but in sort of reverse order should we uh zoom them out a little bit there yeah that's not so bad that's not the literal worst and now let's do these bad boys side by side do you want a plate for that pizza you want we have a cute little red plate oh we do have a cute little red plate let's give the little pizza a fighting chance here one single pizza the little pizza it definitely couldn't um no it's it's delicious there's a little bit of a rim on that plate so i made it ah there we go there you go that's our full meal we couldn't wait for dessert so we ate all of our all of our dinner all right so we should we should we dig in here i'll finish this bad boy off all right finish off i'll be sitting by side by side that doesn't age well that's cool it's weird when you bite into it it sounds like you're eating like a dog biscuit or something it sounds like a dog breaking a milk bone in half squeezy baked oven we certainly made a queasy bake oven worthy concoction offer the dog biscuit okay should we go in for these bad boys finishes off and you know it's just the same formula but just in a different shape too we do know that yeah alrighty here we go ready like our wedding cake we should definitely feed this one to each other right incoming face shot hello and cheers cheers everybody do that forgot to bite down no that is good i really like that that is really good it is very sweet but that is sweet joy i didn't realize you were going to feed me the whole thing sorry i thought i was going to take like a dainty bite and then you shove the rest um if we uh redo our wedding uh i would like our official flavor to be easy bake oven imagine if someone requested that of an actual baker how many of these things it would take to like feed a wedding i think you just came up with a video idea making i fed all of my wedding guests easy bake oven food and they left what flavor would you like i would like an easy bake oven ultimate oven easy bake ultimate oven red velvet and strawberry cake refill mix i will say these do taste very very very good i'm like gonna eat the rest there is something a little uncanny valley about them where i'm not sure i don't know if it tastes like cake like i don't know if it tastes like the texture of a cake no it is somewhere in between like a thick cookie a brownie and a cake it's like kind of a little flat yes little thin um but it just tastes like strawberries and i'm really digging the crunch yeah there is a crunch yeah our burning has come it's added something is that in it for sure and just indescribable quality it has added something you can see that little burnt edge right oh yeah look at that burnt edge that's a really burnt edge actually yeah oh oh the camera's dying it's okay we're gonna we're gonna be second camera people yeah we're on the second camera here hey guys all right over here ready i'm gonna eat half off we do the rest yeah right yeah mmm yum i still like it yeah it's not a lot well are we at that point we should start to wrap it up give our qualitative takes yeah i think we're done now that we've eaten everything there was to eat basically because i got some thoughts about this and i'll summarize give me your thoughts this one's also very burnt as you can see this one that is not supposed to be that well actually that is the right color i think this thing as a like thing you can do to bake stuff is pretty awesome like this is not bad this is fun it is fun we had a good time it does still have a lot of batter anxiety right they get stuck to the spoon and stuff and i don't like that but oh hey we're back what's up guys um we're we're back we're blue but we're back it's okay we'll be blue i don't know unless you can change the settings live no sweat on coming stomachache aside so i can feel it coming i had a good time doing the easy makeup and i had a really good time yeah i just went down the wrong one fight but are you okay should i take over the summer okay overall i think that we actually had a very good time making this stuff um i thought that the sa the sweet cakes turned out pretty well um i would say that the pizzas didn't turn out very well through a combination of our lack of easy baking progress and also is it prowess prowess no sense no semblance of competency um and also just because i just cheese paste is just an upsetting thing in general it's hard to it's hard to come back from cheese paste you know um but as someone who never had one of these things as a kid i am very happy to finally have two in my possession i'm very excited about them the only thing i wish is i just wish we could look in yes i would love to see the baking process that's my one like big lack minus the fact that like you know the pizza was a bizarre cracker yes excuse me you want me to take over now excuse me oh my god um but overall i really had a good time me too so before we sign off is there anything else that the live chat thought yeah alarmed by something they are happy with our baking prowess everyone left them after the pizza everyone left gina was alarmed by the way it clinked when it hit the plate oh yeah it's a it is it's just yeah the pizza's turned into biscuits like crackers like straight up crackers it's a brick house this is the brick house yeah so it is hard but the crunch factor although surprising can be welcomed yeah why should we wrap this bad boy up all right unless there's anything else coming from the chat after we like 20 seconds after we solicited no okay no they're gone they're gone all right so if you liked this stream make sure to smash that like button and if you want to see more streams like this make sure to smash that subscribe button yes thank you guys so much for sticking with us today um also thank you to chris and carly for some masterful like switching between the cameras as they were dying just now that was a situation that happened um so yeah we'll be streaming every tuesday at 5 00 pm eastern time come hang out with us um i mean it'll be a weird time every time it'll be weird i can't promise it'll be good i can't promise you'll like it but i can promise you it'll be weird the word is chaos madness madness no method only madness and don't worry we are also filming stuff for the main channel too that's not easy bake oven it's gonna be fun it's happening awesome all right tyler already said all of the things um so do we have social media graphics oh we do all right so if you're interested in seeing more of us here are our social media handles yeah do we have a tick tock graphic no no tick tock graphic but if you are interested in our tik tok content you can find it at sophia j nygaard on tick tock all right two syllables i think that we should clean up and and self-reflect all right thank you guys so much for tuning in and we will see you guys a next time
Channel: Safiya & Tyler
Views: 784,126
Rating: 4.9438806 out of 5
Keywords: Trying an easy bake oven for the first time, easy bake oven, childhood toys, childhood games, nostalgia, cooking, cakes, recipe, taste test, tasting, testing, eating, baking, safiya nygaard, safiya and tyler, tyler williams, live with safiya and tyler, live, livestream, safia, sofia, sofiya
Id: -n_nSvlHpG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 55sec (6355 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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