Match The Animal To The Experiment (Game)

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Welcome to "Good Mythical More." It's the craziest experiments performed on animals. Don't worry, no animals were harmed. I don't think. I was told this isn't gonna be icky. But first we, if we get to do this secret handshake, finally, it's been on, it's been on the wheel. We finally get to do it, and it says, make up a super top secret handshake. Woo. That's our secret handshake, Oh yes, clap please, please clap. Please clap. I like that. Hey, that's actually, That's a good one. We used to want to, have like a Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff type thing, you know? Yeah, we wanted to have that. But like, we never committed to it. But I really like that, it looks like you're coming in for a handshake, like boom, and then, I mean, but if you, it's also good for somebody who's unawares. Be unawares. Put her there. Oh. What country am I in? You know, that's pretty good, right? Is this customary? Oh. I don't think you'd grab it. I think I would grab it, I would grab it with you. Do it to me, let me be unawares. Put her there. Why are you rubbing it like that? That's what I would do. Oh, okay. Well, I won't do it again. Studies that are weird about animals. But not sad. So don't click away. Um, we'll see. No, they're not sad. No sad. Maybe poop, though. It seems, Got a lot of poop in there. that there might be poop. Yeah. Okay. Well, in fact, the first one, Will there be poop? is one in which scientists studied how constipation, which I mean, is, is the opposite of poop, I guess, you know? Yeah. How constipation affects the mating prospects of this animal. What was the animal? Constipation affects Constipation affects the mating prospects, the mating prospects, I'll tell you, Gorillas. It affects this animal, I'll tell you right now. You know? Sometimes. Last thing I want is a lodged torpedo when I'm trying to, I don't know, listen, Sometimes it'll loosen things up. Yeah. It's kinda like trying to deliver a baby. You know, they say if you're, Get up and walk around? If you're pregnant, you wanna deliver a baby, Induce labor. you should have intimates. Yeah, get intimate if you're having trouble pooping. Gorilla, is what I said. Pooping out a baby, I mean. Gorillas. Why do I care? It's too, that's too obvious. Rabbits. It's something, really not obvious. The least possible, Does it make sense when you tell us? Praying mantis. Is it gonna be like, Okay. Oh wow. Okay, yeah. It's an insect? It's a bird. Worms. Ish. It's an ish? Spiders. It's a ish-sect? Spider sex. You're, yeah, okay. You're closer with spider. Scorpion. Hey! Scorpion constipation. Yeah. The effect of constipation on sex drive on scorpions, when scorpions shed their tails in order to escape predators, they lose nearly 25% of their body mass, and the last portion of the digestive tract, Oh. including the anus, which prevents defecation and leads to constipation. This does not affect females, but makes males much slower, thus making it more difficult to find a mate. Wow. And they can die, So they shed their anus? from constipation. Anus shedding, yeah. They shed what? Anus. Their anus. Yes. Shed their anus. They shed their anus? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's exactly how it sounded. Guys, Was that your impression of me? I didn't, listen, I didn't want to tell this story, but it feels like the table has been set for me, because something, something scarring happened to me, Oh no. last night. Come on up. Come on up to the plate. Okay. As you know, I have two dogs. Oh no. And, Stevie's like, 'Oh no, don't.'" One's named Sean and one's named Barbara. And they're always playing with each other. Like they get so aggressive when they're playing with each other, but it's playful, but then like, Barbara will get like a little bit like, agitated, and snap at him, and it's basically like, "Stop it, little guy. Like, I'm done with this." Right? Yeah. And so they were on the bed playing with each other, and getting kind of intense, actually while I was in my therapy session, which I most of the time do online. And so, I had to like stop, I was like, hold on, my dogs are completely out of control. And I'm like telling 'em to like, slow down and like chill out. I'm gonna like tell you, get 'em out of the room. Now, one of the things that Sean has picked up on, in his trips, what happens is he goes to doggy daycare, which he's like, Jesse's outta town, so like, they've been going like every other day, and he comes back with bad habits. And it's usually, and actually Barbara's the first one who brought humping back to the house. Like when Barbara was an only child, she brought humping back to the house and she started humping a little stuffed dog that looked like her. We actually got it 'cause it looked like her. And she would be humping it now, 'cause she's been like, attempted to be humped by these other dogs at doggy daycare, right? It's this learned behavior. Jasper learned that too. Yeah. And so Sean, obviously, he comes back from the thing and he's picked up this behavior. In fact, it started with like, we would be like in bed, and he would, you would realize that he was trying to hump your arm. And I'm like, Sean, dude, this, Uh-uh. This is not cool bro. Uh-uh. You know, and so we're having to stop him. Is it under the cover or is it just a arm that's out? And so the thing he started doing after he came back from doggy daycare care this week is trying to hump Barbara. And now Barbara immediately like pushes him away, not gonna have it or whatever. And again, they're both, you know, she's spayed, he's neutered, so nothing can happen. But last night, again, after I had told them to separate, yeah, I didn't think I was gonna tell this. Oh no. I turn around, and let me just go spoiler alert, they were not engaged, but Sean was engorged. Okay. And first of all, let me say, No, don't say. Little bro's got something to be proud of. I mean, good lord. I was like, this is like half his body length. I mean, and I was like, I didn't know that that could happen with a dog that didn't have balls. You know what I'm saying? I just didn't know. And it was funny, because I'm like in therapy, like working through emotions, and then I like turn around and see my little chihuahua with a, Lipstick out. It was more than lipstick, man. And I was mad at him, because like, it's his sister, you know, and that's what we call, Adopted. We call it, hey, that's your sister man, don't mess with your sister. And I'm like, Sean, this is so gross. Like, I didn't know what to do. And he was like looking at me, and you could tell that he knew that I was upset. You just use some shearers. Oh, hey, don't make me think about that. And it was just like, it's emotionally scarring. I'm sorry I shared it with y'all, but like, I just, I thought it was gonna get worse than that. Well, Yeah. No, but here's the thing, now that I know that A, he's into this idea, and B, he's capable. Boy is he capable. I'm worrying it's gonna happen, and I don't know what to do about it. Like what do I do about it? And that's gonna like change the whole dynamic in our house, if all of a sudden Sean and Barbara are like dating. Well, You know what I'm saying? I think they're just, you know, adopted siblings with benefits. Hey, come on now, man. I don't like the way you talk. I don't like the, I don't like the way you touch my elbow when I, when I shake. Dude, yeah. So, I mean, what do I do about this? What did you do in the middle of therapy? I mean, my therapist, I mean, we have a great relationship, and so I just started joking about it and I was like, I can't believe what just happened. I was like, Sean is trying to Barbara, and he just thought it was hilarious, and I was like, I can't deal with this man. Yeah, yeah. They need to be siblings. So do you think that it'll wear off? I think it's up to Barbara. Wait. What do you mean? Yeah, if it lasts more than 12 hours, call your vet. I just don't know. I'm sorry, I just felt like I gotta share it with somebody, besides my therapist. I was scared, I thought that there was like a butt thing coming. That' what I was, You thought that they actually had consummated? Well, no, I just thought something happened to a butt. 'Cause that was the connection to, Oh no, I thought something, I thought you had to like get cleaning supplies. No, no, no, no. There was no, it wasn't, I'm saying it was, it looks fully capable. And so I'm like googling, like, I didn't know this could happen. I didn't Google that, but I Googled, I'm like Googling can, You're googling also like a dog. Can a neutered dog, you know, Copulate. go with the act, or whatever. And it was like, yes, it will not be successful necessarily, but, Yeah. It's just no different than you, man. I just feel like I'm living in a new world. I'm living in a world where when I go home, I might find my two beloved dogs having sex with each other, and it just makes me feel dirty. Well, it's just, not what you had in mind. You know. It's not what I signed up for. It's not what anybody signed up for. Mm-mm, yeah. They're not siblings. Ugh, this is such a bad segue into what I have to read next. Well hold on Stevie, You've got a boy dog and a girl dog. Yeah. Well, I mean, does that happen? So do I. No. Never happens. So is Link. No. Well y'all just wait. Y'all just wait No! until you're in the middle of your therapy, and it happens in your house. Then we'll be talking. Barbara needs to put him in his place. She did. And I think that's what's gonna stop it, because she was like, uh-uh. What? And she barked at him and growled at him, and he stopped. Good, When I turned around Good. and was like, whoa, good lord. That should do it. Encourage. I'm curious, where does it go? Encourage that. You know what I'm saying? Where does it go? Encourage that. Unfortunately, this next experiment was called faces and behinds. Blank sex perception. Scientific paper successfully proved the theory that blank can positively ID their friends, and perhaps enemies, simply from pictures of their rear ends. Baboons. You mean like the ones with the red butts? Baboon gets like an inflamed booty. And that's, they love that. It's signature. It's like a personal, it's like a snowflake. Is it not that? Close. Okay, macaques. Macaques? Macaques. Is it macaques? Bonobos. Mm-mm. Chimpanzees. Yeah. Okay. Chimpanzees. I would know that butt anywhere, they say. They can recognize their friends from their butts. I feel like I can recognize my friends from their butts too. If I saw it all the time. Write that down. If it was in my face all the time. Let's hear another. Australian and U.S. scientists teamed up to publish an award-winning experiment when they studied how contact with a live blank affects a person's willingness to gamble. It turns out people are more willing to do so as gambling tendencies are intensified by blank-induced arousal. Snakes. Snake arousal? That's not a thing. I hope it's not a thing. People look at snakes and, get frisky. Blank-reduced arousal? Think of the sexiest animal. You're in the right, Starfish. area, oddly enough, with snake. What's sexy about a starfish, man? A snake is, yeah, I was just thinking something that was just like, seedy, you know, like, not sexy. Like, oh, there's a snake here, that's hot. I was thinking snake too. I thought it was like a fear response. Like a risk-taking thing. Like you wanna take a risk being next to a snake and gamble. It's something venomous, right? It's something dangerous. Dangerous. Flying. Australia and America. Spiders? Kangaroos are dangerous. Wallabies? Tarantulas. Nothing makes me wanna gamble like a kangaroo. Well, a well-hung wallaby, but yeah. Oh, well. You're closest with snake. So it's a reptile. Yeah. Monitor lizard, Komodo dragon. A turtle. A sexy turtle. Frog. Like a really big lizard. I've said the big ones. Dinosaur. Like a even bigger. Not that a dinosaur wouldn't have been it. Godzilla? Bigger than a dinosaur. The presence of Godzilla makes you want to gamble. How could any animal? An alligator? Yeah. Well close, crocodile. A gator. Crocodile. A croc. A croc makes you A crocodile makes you want to gamble. want to gamble? When faced with reptile-induced arousal, I don't even know. I think arousal is not I think it's like sexual arousal. more likely, yeah yeah yeah. It's more like, stress arousal. to gamble after contact with a live crocodile. The results suggests that high arousal can intensify gambling in at-risk players. But only if this feeling state is not perceived as a negative emotion. So basically, if you hold a crocodile and are feeling good financially, you make bigger bets. Yeah, I think it's just like, If you're holding a crocodile. it's a risk thing. It's like I'm near this crazy animal and I'm alive. I can do anything. Yeah. A hundred on black. You know, like, you just immediately start making weird choices. Yep, yep, yep. So we're gonna go with crocodile. Crocodile. An Egyptian scientist won a Nobel Prize studying the effects that polyester, cotton, and wool trousers have on the sex life of this animal. Okay, I'm seeing a pattern here, guys. The poly, so it's an animal that wears polyester, cotton, or wool trousers? They put different kinds of pants on these animals, yeah. What? And found that polyester generated electrostatic potentials, while the other textiles did not, basically making the male member shrink or deflate. What in the what? Yeah, I can relate to this. Deflate? You know, sometimes you put on pants and you're like, ah, these are sexy pants. You know? Sometimes you put on polyester and it just deflates like a balloon. Right? What, and they put it on an animal? So this is something that can wear pants and has a penis. I can see pants on a giraffe. I think it's probably a monkey of some sort. It's a macaque. Is it a macaque? No, this is an animal that you don't see wearing pants. Oh, a horse. Horse pants. I mean, what animals do we see wearing pants? This is an animal that is Seems like that's a much smaller count. classically used for testing, I would say. Rat. Oh, it's just a rat, rat pants. Yeah, rats. Rat pants. Rats with polyester pants. Rat pants. But this says, this study's finding that polyester pants decrease sexual activity. Yeah, the friction. Listen, rats really make a lot of sacrifices for all of us. You know what I'm saying? I really gotta give it up to 'em. Yeah, wearing polyester pants in front of scientists. We do all kinds of stuff to 'em, to make sure that nothing happens to us. Yeah, thank you rats. A group of scientists found that when these animals defecate and urinate, they prefer to align their body axis with earth's north-south geomagnetic field lines. Oh wow. Oh yeah, yeah. And that's because these animals are sensitive to small variations of the earth's magnetic field. Deer. What? Deer. That's crazy. What'd you say? Deer. No, this is closer to home. I like to face west when I poop. This is closer to home? Yeah. Gorillas. Mountain lion. I meant like, in the evolutionary tree. Oh, you mean like coyotes? Like they're here. Closer. Raccoons. What? In here? Oh, pythons. You mean we got one? We got one. You got one. You got, Oh dogs. Yeah, dogs. Dogs, dogs. Horny sibling dogs. Well, here's the thing, not to bring it back to Sean, but, Dogs, they orient themselves? He takes so long to take a crap or to pee in the morning. Like Barbara just goes out there and is just like, I know why I'm here. And Sean is like, I have to. My dogs are that way. I have to take all this time, to go around. Jasper won't go until Jade goes, and Jade takes forever to go. And is that why she turns around in a circle? Because she's doing that, Magnetic. She's a compass? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We need to see if she's facing true north every time. Why, did it say why they did that? They're sensitive to small variations of the earth's magnetic field. It's, to me, my new puppy, like whenever she poops, it's like a surprise to her. Like that's what her reaction is like. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, it came out, you know. Is she happy? Or just surprised? She seems indifferent. She's surprised. Well, she, you know, after we learned too that you have to, you can't tell her "good girl," like when she starts pooping, that will stop the pooping. Oh yeah, yeah. You gotta wait right when they finish. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I have to do with Sean. Well, I have to give him freaking treats. When he pees, when he poops, and then in order to get him to come back inside. But like, if I do those three things, it's like clockwork. First thing in the morning, as soon as I wake up, he says, okay, it's time. And Barbara stays in bed. He goes down, he circles for at least 90 seconds, pees, circles for another two minutes, poops. And then if you don't give him treats, he literally, he's crazy, he comes to the door, stands there, and looks at you. That's not crazy. That's smart. No, he comes to the door and he's like, I don't know if I can trust you anymore. You know, that's what it looks like. It's like, I think maybe I'm, I think this is maybe where we part ways, I stay out here forever. And then I'm like, yeah, but I'll give you a little hotdog if you come in. He's like, okay. But if you don't do that, he'll just stand at the door. Even though it's open? Oh yeah. We're like, what is wrong with you, he's been doing it ever since we got him, just coming to the door and looking at you. Get rid of him, man. Get rid of him. You don't like him. I don't like him. Nobody likes him. Oh no! I'm just gonna let you dig this little grave that you're digging for yourself. I mean, he bit me. Am I supposed to like him? You deserved it. You stepped on your dog's tail. And he still didn't bite me. But he bit my dog when that happened. Yeah, right. Yeah. And he bit you, in the process. Yeah, ow you know what? I'm just joking. Last time I saw him, he was very civil. He was nice. Oh yeah, he's a sweet dog. He's nice. He's so sweet, sometimes he tries to, you know. Yeah, he was nice. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to get too nice. Yeah, that's what you gotta watch out for. Hey, should we do like the zoom through thing in the edit? But like, put some cool music on it? Ooh, like royalty-free dubstep.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 253,476
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: NiUqTUMydyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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