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[Music] I'm not doing it well I haven't done it in like a long time I did it last week uh yeah yeah what's up guys it's uh steak and eggs we're back at it again how you doing back at it again with obviously tecton and emerald how you guys doing doing good you're doing great a little bit worse after I heard about the Kirby blanket situation yeah oh has been jerking off yesterday yeah probably the last episode that was uh like because I like usually whenever people make jokes like that I assume it's like some kind of like abstract reference nah bro like this was a big pink like I don't even know how that happened like and it's even like the worst part about it is yeah it's like you've even got like the ball sack there it's like the Kirby's eyes yeah how does that even happen I don't know yeah it really looks because I was thinking like I like could I recreate it you know what I mean it does look like the ball sack yeah I know I thought it was just Kirby with a huge dick yeah but here's the question is that natural Kirby or is that Kirby after he's absorbed somebody else's power dude uh I would say after he absorbed oh yeah you think so yeah because Kirby's broken his [ __ ] dude the power scaling of Kirby isn't saying I don't know I saw that one picture of him trying to suck up a car and then like people started turning it into like some kind of a Vore thing and I just stopped paying attention to Kirby yeah uh dude well let's not do that again or let's do that again uh do you think once in a lifetime do you think they cut out the beginning parts of the shows like where do you think this episode starts probably not here you think do you think it starts when it says welcome to steak next podcast Jesus Christ they probably leave in the talking I mean that was the last big big that was a big game did you play that game I I did yeah was it good it was pretty good due to the slavery part yeah I was saving them or trying to I left a lot of them behind to die because it's like what am I meant to do wow so you just let him die it's like I don't remember they they got kidnapped I have no idea they got kidnapped and put in these like bird cages and the whole game that the plot is like you're you're freeing them but sometimes they're really hard to get and you're like well I'm not playing that again on to the next level so it's like I mean you can free them but it's a pain in the ass so you just might as well let them be slaves yeah is that right Emmy is that what you think [ __ ] them wait are they flaves I don't know I don't remember here's a good way to look it's like the uh the toads in uh the the Mushroom Kingdom and Mario oh that was our actual slime I've never seen Princess Peach give one of them a paycheck well did you watch a movie yeah yeah look at their clothes they're wearing a little vest they've been wearing that shirt for 30 years oh yeah but so that's for just Peach you know she wears the same dress yeah exactly I mean you were the same Mario does wear a same outfit why do you think Peach ends up in bounces it feels like a cartoon character yeah you have like you like Naruto Uzumaki with like 90 pairs of the same damn clothes you got the same way you have like four different like skins like depending on the season yeah or like the occasion I do it's either this shirt or the the white T-shirt and the RV one well yeah well no it's either I I'm wearing shorts like basketball shorts or sweatpants and that's it the pants don't matter because the viewers don't see that nobody cares yeah and then there's three shirts and then there's the hair down there's nothing the ponytail and the bun which is really rare yeah I don't really do a bun no you've done the clippy haven't you I do I'm doing the clippy right now oh I like the hair down yeah you think so yeah why don't you do that anymore um because I looked at a picture of myself and if you go back and you look at the original original World of Warcraft cinematic trailer there's an undead warlock is it the one that goes like this the green flame comes out uh well that was actually from burning that was from burning Crusade but I mean the original vanilla wow and there was an undead and it looked like me does he kill a murloc no that was in Bernie do you think they made it look like really good I mean like I think that the worst thing is that whenever I watched it for the first time I never could have imagined that it ever would yeah that's yeah and now a word from our sponsors my good people our sponsor sponsor Tokyo treat and sakurako are back they've got sick new box names if you don't know what I mean allow me to explain Tokyo tree and soccer are monthly Japanese deep snack boxes that allow you to experience the taste of Japan from the comfort of your very own home however each of them are different depending on your taste Tokyo treat focuses on a limited edition popular snacks from Japan like Chestnut kitkats mint chocolate moon Pebbles and full moon rice crackers Tokyo treats I got this bad boy you got all this cool festivities and it the aforementioned KitKat hazelnut let me try one Aspen try one there you go Oh no I got you yeah yeah you got it yeah another one yeah you got it oh these look amazing those are nice those those are nice but if you want something a bit more unique Sakura Co partners with local Japanese snack makers to write authentic and traditional snacks and teas from Japan like check this out this is the hot dog monkey tea for sure and that's like kind of coffee-ish that's kind of nice look at this they have an emeru bunny real quick let me get on it oh yeah what do you think looking good Emoji gub plus the cool thing is each soccer coat Box come with these Japanese tableware out of every month you know they're giving the let me get the plate all right go okay all right yo check this out look look and oh wow yo hey hey yeah that's cool wrap each of them comes with a booklet with details but all of The Delectable scrumptious snacks that you can experience this look at all these Nifty little guides isn't this very fun to get your own box of tasty treats from Japan click the links below and use our code state for five dollars off your first box and thank you to Tokyo tree the soccerco for sponsoring our podcast for like the million of time dude we love these thank you so much enjoy the rest of steak and eggs I've been awake since yesterday damn dog and yesterday I had been awake since the day before you haven't slept in two days yeah yeah I'm slept a little bit right but like that's about it and I've been just kind of chilling I ate Whataburger and I passed out on the floor and you seemed fine yeah um I'm a great actor wouldn't you describe he's fine no he's not nobody's he's fine lately he's literally fine oh well I uh I I he's there I went into my kitchen and I found I was like I smelled another dead rat and I smelled them out and I got another one and so that's pretty much how my day's been going and then I went to lay down at like 9 00 p.m or 9 A.M excuse me it's not 9pm um and uh I lay in bed for like five hours and I gave up sleeping and I just ran the simulated universe and Hong Kai star rail like seven times would you get anything good uh I did the Swarm thing so I complete the event did you do offline uh yeah well I'm not up to level five yet well I am now and so I can do it but I'm like getting all the powers and everything oh so you haven't done five yet not yet I did it one time and then like my main guy died and then they Auto played for like 10 minutes and they finally killed them and I was like all right we can keep going and then the next one came out they killed my guy again and so I've gotta you know get a few more of the the passives I I have uh I have the best Bourgeois of any free to play streamer on the platform oh free to play though wait why your relics I my first one is probably better than both of y'alls it's 96. well mine's easier the relics you say you're just e-zero for bass right yeah yeah dude I have a I have a 149 speed on my fuschwan without speed boots 149 without speed boost why do you need that okay I'll explain why after I sneeze holy [ __ ] Jesus Christ sorry that one hurts so 149 speeds the reason why you need to speed on bushwan is because you need to turn cycle very very quickly by using your skill one or to generate more skill points that way you can have two separate roles she's a Healer she's a tank as well as a skill point generator to unlock her extra roll once you get to a certain amount of speed I mean isn't that just relative to everybody else on the team though yeah well I mean wouldn't it just be better to have like your main guy that does damage being getting all the extra turns no because you're using that to get you the exact opposite you want to remember illuminate to be slow as [ __ ] I never got that guy I just don't care man I haven't I only have the first one yeah you win the game when you get them I started adding people in that game and uh I put in biblio is like my guy so like Tech tone I can add you and you can use them and uh that way you can do you have him on E6 of course dude I just don't care like I only roll for characters now if I like them because everyone's like oh ambibitor Looney is like the new SS tier like there's gonna be a new SST or DPS in like three months man I don't care I don't want to go broke on this game I I agree and the reason why I do okay so jingling who's coming out pretty sure she's gonna be worse than the mid Luna the problem is his Auto AI is so terrible who cares about how the games played like who gives a [ __ ] like I I agree yeah I mean I I've I've streamed the game for probably like 40 hours I've played it for like three yeah and that's about it like I was I started adding people how many people do you have added on your friends list really you're like 60. I think it's like 100 100. that's what they said I only have three yeah you guys are two of them I remove anybody who's been offline for more than 24 hours do you want an ad and they say yes okay okay until it's full again I I add people and I'll um do like a uh an audit of like their character and I'll like I'll basically determine like if they deserve to like use my character and it's gonna be based off of how much of a loser they are so if they're like a huge loser I add them because they need the help yeah that's kind of nice obviously you're a man of the people yeah I sure am we're trying to help everybody out man what's wrong with that just because my Hawkeye Star War brain doesn't drive me nuts just yeah he's making slow you want to be slow as possible really yep and you want everybody else to be really fast why do you want them to be slow uh because he uses so much skill points you want to make sure every time he can go he has a three-scope able to use is if you make all of your other team at least 134 speed then they'll be generating like two skill points every single time you generate one so every single time he goes you drive like a nuke on him with Max skill points you'll never over you never undercap oh you're such a nerd sorry dude I don't know I can't do that because that would require me not to use autoplay you can use autoplay no because then they'll use the skill points randomly so and you'll probably still win yeah if you use Lu Ocha and if you use fuschwan they have Smart AI so they won't do it and you have both of those they don't have all they don't they're not the AI is not as smart as you think it is smart I I have used fooswan every day since release I've never seen her do something have you guys gotten the ads on YouTube for an AI girlfriend yeah yeah I get those a lot for some reason I do too and uh I'm kind of wondering so like this yeah this guy his name it sounds as the dumbest looking name I've ever seen it's it's actually on our thing here kwebbelkop right so he is a he's a Minecraft uh individual and uh he's like what the [ __ ] does that mean well it means he does Minecraft videos oh okay and so uh anyway does Minecraft videos and you know he kind of just like basically he had like a cartoon version of himself and everybody hated it and now he's making a real-life version of himself but it's not actually him it's Ai and he made a video of him announcing it and then the video of him of him announcing it is he's Ai and it made me wonder like because like at the beginning of the video nobody thought that it was AI nobody had any idea boy that's freaky uh-huh I had a similar experience the other day where I went to the steak and eggs patreon and I subscribed to it because there's really cool episodes that come out every week we're gonna do one of those today yeah and we're gonna record one of those days it's gonna be sick there it is would you imagine that's AI I don't think I wouldn't imagine that's AI that's usually how he looks so I realized I don't know anymore yeah once you kind of know it does look like a little bit off but if you weren't thinking about it you wouldn't really know because you know what happens you only think that because you thought that it was AI yeah because I watched my buddy cry Kim strim great dude great streamer and in his top right corner it said that his AI was going to be taking over while kriken was AFK but I thought that meant that his I thought that meant that the AI already took over and this was Ai kriken and so I was like oh yeah there's AI I see it it's obvious so I wonder if twitch should ban that like you know you have like view botting and stuff yeah like isn't this like stream botting I don't think so well I mean you think about it right it's like it's not a real person so it's not interactive in the same way that like is sleeping stream isn't interactive sure but like a person made it and like they'd let people do sleeping streams streams with no no no humans on it's just like animals or whatever well it's still interacting with the animals you look at the animals you can interact with the robot well I mean a robot's not an animal though wait have you seen them no but it's still like what the Monday left me broken AI cat no yo Jay pull up Monday left me broken AI cat sorry go ahead of course I wonder did you start this because the first thing he said was he was talking about these like AI girlfriend ads yeah you're saying this because you think people are gonna get like I mean people already date like AI they're getting into what is this is that real or the AI that's not that's neither that's like that annoying orange from you that's like a 2009 yes it's real that's what's crazy uh bro that's not a real cat I can tell dude I got I got this Tick Tock ad that was like it was this guy that was like so I found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me and I just knew I had to do something about it and I thought it was gonna be like one of those videos where like someone tells a story that's super interesting he's like so I downloaded replica and it's like it's starting to date this AI girl cartoon is that cheating you're in a relationship and you download replica and you're talking to that I don't think so is it cheating no I don't think so yeah I feel like it's one of those things where like it's masturbating yeah yeah like it's one of those things where like someone can watch porn while in a relationship it's only a problem if it like takes precedent over the relationship I feel like it's like that like I don't think I don't think it's cheating like is it cheating to read like romance novels I feel like AI is like the same yeah I think to some people they would say yes I think there's a lot of people looking at other women as cheating oh yeah like if you look at them it's like what the [ __ ] right well you wouldn't be doing that if you loved me you know what I think they got a point man you know no you're right there are people who would consider that cheating or just be like I'm not comfortable with it I'd prefer you didn't but I think most people wouldn't think it was cheating they're gonna have to get used to it because it's the future [Music] I would I would date an AI really you think so yep what absolutely so would you date an AI over a real person though yep dude hey I actually go crazy yeah imagine that now that's where they got to get the 3D printers caught up oh my God that's so gross did you see that uh you see that racist dreamer get knocked the [ __ ] out Johnny we talked about that last week didn't we we did yeah well so he um okay so as always uh as any type of d-list internet celebrity that's acting up I of course know the full story yep so here's pretty much what happened is uh Johnny Somali was going around Japan and he was calling himself instead of Monkey D Luffy Monkey D monkey very cute very clever oh what a good joke right and so this guy was going around harassing Japanese people and the only person who punched him in the face ironically wasn't Japanese everybody else would just put up with it so eventually Johnny Somali um you know he he had to get with like the Yakuza we're trying to like get him and it was like all this stuff yeah yeah and it's like nothing ultimately happened to him and then he decides to step over like the there's like you know like these like saw horses that have like um uh like I do not enter signs or like you know icons on them and uh he walks over them into an active construction site and uh the guys there like it was really funny because the [ __ ] Foreman there literally just like grabbed them he's like ah nope you get the [ __ ] out of here right it's like in Japanese right and so the guy now is arrested because that they had wanted to arrest the guy nobody likes him in Japan people have been pissed off about this for like over a month because like obviously he's running around with TTS which is for anybody doesn't know it's like you can have like a speaker on you whenever you're IRL screaming and it plays out sounds and it plays out words so whenever he's going around Japan obviously the two sounds and words you hear a lot are Hiroshima Nagasaki and so they love to say those and uh the moment that this kid actually [ __ ] up you know the Japanese guys at the police station were [ __ ] so happy they're like we finally got you you little piece of [ __ ] and so now he's in jail and um I think you know what I think that the best part of this story is is the fact that he tried to push the Japanese people and try to like make them like break and you know like hit him or attack him or get mad or whatever right and it goes to show how strong Japanese culture is that nobody ever beat the [ __ ] out of him like he tried to bring them down to his level and he couldn't do it what do you think his viewership was for that 800 that's it yeah I mean who would who would want to watch that for an extended period of time that's like the kind of thing that you tune in for like three minutes you're like holy [ __ ] I hate this guy when you close it well if you're 11 you might watch it until your mom grounds you for watching it wait but wasn't didn't I just decided to do like the same thing but he had really high viewership or my nuts ice Poseidon did that back in the day and also like I think that I I really hate to say this but the eyes Poseidon stuff was way more interesting and way better than running around with Hiroshima Nagasaki I've never seen his content this guy is a um uh a big idiot okay yeah he's a big idiot like in every single sense of the word I know ice Poseidon that Sam Hyde they uh yeah got a dude and they hired a prostitute to be with them and they were like groping each other and then the prostitute was very uncomfortable it was like recent right yeah it was a couple days ago oh yeah yeah everybody is like you know I I love how everybody is so angry at kick for this it's like the website is built off of being a loss leader for a crypto gambling website you have Aiden Ross calling the kill transsexuals but somehow whenever ice Poseidon does this now it's over the line oh come on this is crazy like I saw that even the founder wasn't in chat during that while that was going on is that crazy I mean like well the thing is like they're in a weird position I thought about this right so it's like what do they do because like if you ban ice Poseidon then well the only reason to go one of the only one of the only reasons to go to kick is gone because like people go to kick because they want to watch a circus like that's what they want to see so it's like if you ban people that are that are they're ring leaders then why would anybody go to the website I think that they did kind of want to like Branch out to like more like uh average viewer friendly content like they they signed that Minecraft you're right that that didn't work out that was really funny his name was sapnap yeah what happened to Sat Nav uh he he signed to kick and his first well first of all his fans were really upset because Kik is obviously like considered by a lot of people to be like a very uh a website that's very unfriendly for like women and LGBT people and stuff like that because of the moderations so they were like hey like [ __ ] you this is sellout we don't like this and I actually like checked his first stream there just because I was curious I thought that you know because a lot of times when it happens like a bunch of people will like tune in just to [ __ ] on them of course he did his first stream on Kick with with dream with him so like the big guy there he had like 2K viewers that's it I'm proud of you you actually know about stupid internet drama this time this is impressive there's some stuff I look at but like a lot of the stuff I'm like yeah like you know I respect him but I'm like dude I do not want to look at these crazy weird [ __ ] people yeah Sat Nav had a bad time and like I think that's the best thing that could have happened to him because now his stream isn't that popular they paid him a bunch of money and all he has to do is sit around and advertise and you know hang out with a handful of people yeah I mean it was shrouded ninja do that with mixer yeah they sure did yeah all those creators I think that's like the reason that they take those deals is because it's like they're burnt out for whatever different reason and it's like their their retirement pretty much I think that you're right I mean I think everybody that takes the deal does it for the money you're right that's something yeah absolutely I mean you know what's crazy is back in the day when everybody started taking the the the mixer deals other people would regret it I don't think anybody who took the mixture deal regretted it at all I don't think oh yeah but mixer shut down in like six months doesn't it well I mean I don't think anybody is gonna regret it because the truth is that like live streaming isn't a very big place it's just not so like even people like Kai who are very popular live streaming or xqc they also have tons of viewers on places like Tick Tock or Instagram or uh YouTube so it's like it doesn't really matter where where it is it's weird like even for for me yeah I don't make content specific for YouTube at all but most of the people that come up to me they're like oh I I watch your Clips on YouTube which probably aren't even posted by me so like that's where a lot of the audience for live streaming is they don't even watch the streams I mean I'm underneath the firm belief that everybody who is popular now in live streaming bar like maybe the top 100. in 20 25 years are most likely going to be working at a grocery store you think so yep I don't think so because at that point grocery stores will be automated and people will be slaves to big companies and to uh rich olgarks and we're going to bring back feudalism although I I see a lot of people who used to stream a lot who don't anymore they actually moved into like uh they do like uh Media stuff like promo stuff or social media or they might even work at like game development companies because like no they're gonna be homeless okay never mind no 100 there's just no way because when people don't get us about streaming oh and people I made it take about uh when I said that uh streamers should be paying millions of dollars because they take care of a bunch of stupid babies like yeah were people mad about that oh yeah of course I don't care I knew it was coming that's what I was saying but I know you don't care oh yeah uh I'm also earning the the mentality that if streamers don't make like absurd amount of money within like the three to four years I believe it's four years that someone can say relevant is the average four years I'd say two is average okay most people I remember what's weird for me is whenever my stream first started popping off and I was like in the top the top row of twitch regularly we still are no that's the thing like nobody is still there like I I you have some people that are occasionally getting up to there uh every once in a while but like I think back it's like Tim doc ninja what the [ __ ] happened people are still huge they just kind of like yeah I think they all went to YouTube yeah they all come they shifted that's sad bro yeah it is I I still can't tell you how depressed I am that doc isn't on Twitch really yep because I can't I just can't watch people on different streams I just I don't know why I just literally can't I but I guess I can't I can't find this room on YouTube why doesn't YouTube have a streaming page like they they have a separate page for shorts why don't they have a tab that shows all the streams that are live yeah I I don't I don't get it like I genuinely don't get it I don't either I think YouTube is uh like they have like this weird thing where YouTube's policy for every single situation except for like every once in a while they'll respond to something their policy is do nothing anything that happens the policy is do nothing like oh this part of the website's broken do nothing you know this person's an [ __ ] do nothing fake copyright strikes do nothing no that's crazy is I feel like it has made things better for them because I feel like a couple like maybe like four years ago it was they did try to always listen to Creator feedback and it was just too much to keep up with and so I think that they were like hey you're on your own yeah and then people stopped complaining because they know it won't do anything you want to give them on YouTube the old uh YouTube rewinds really how [ __ ] bad those were those first came out I never watched them you received that's hot that's awesome oh man of course I watched the new ones yeah pot take I agreed that they were cringe but I I liked watching them I thought that they were so entertaining I didn't think they were that big of a deal yeah they're [ __ ] terrible man they're obviously super funny to make fun of but they were just like it was like horrendous how much YouTube was not listening to anything any creators actually gave a [ __ ] about my opinion oh also kind of a random side note okay this [ __ ] drives me nuts because this happens this reminds me from the YouTube uh rewinds where they put all these [ __ ] creators I've never heard of before in my entire life and they exclude all these girls that I have heard of like I remember like PewDiePie wasn't in the YouTube Rewind neither was Tobuscus so that was the [Music] yeah that makes sense yeah yeah that wasn't a good time PewDiePie fans were uh he's been posting bad Vlogs yeah isn't that crazy that actually is nuts how old is he now or mid-30s yeah he's an old man no he's not you know yeah he is how how old is PewDiePie I think he's I actually don't know 33. that's not all right that's not all it's not old husband it's not old I promise you it's not old I don't think that's all okay yeah okay listen he just had a kid okay yeah now he has to take care of the kid the kid has to go to college right dude his life is barely a third of the way going right I mean yeah there's so much left a third's a big chunk no it's really not yeah no it's not it's fine it's really fun if a third wasn't a big chunk people wouldn't complain about taxes or potato chip bags yeah it's fine but the thing is you still have so much but you use so much that's true and wasn't that great yeah well I mean like I don't know I just play video games all the time and hung out with my friends it was great yeah would you change a thing no there it is no absolutely not yeah it was a good I had a good run and now it's over because now I'm old no no you're not old uh I'm turning 30 uh in December I'm actually very excited I'm very excited about it why uh because um all the things that I've been saying my entire life people will pretend mean more because now I'm older and I can oh yeah people think people take you more seriously yeah and now people make fun of me for being bald even though I like being bald but now everybody's like oh yeah he's old he just should be bald yeah that's like nobody makes fun that's what happens to old people is they bald exactly they fall down yes people are still gonna make funny for being bald because it's all they have and I'm okay with that it's just fun making fun of bald people I don't know why yeah what I mean what else are you gonna do okay back to my original Point yeah dude you you can't get mad because bald people make fun of short people everybody makes fun of short people exactly so everyone should make fun of bold people first of all yeah I don't I did not make a destroy people I don't find me one scenario where I've ever made fun of something for someone being short wait how tall are you again six foot seven six yeah did you see that that otk height chart and said you were six three yeah [ __ ] not six three dude when you were wearing that what what the [ __ ] was it the lies of P mask for that costume stream dude you were [ __ ] scary I wanted to run the other way The Mask made him like six foot like ten or something it was like uh one of the the bunny NPCs like that oh [ __ ] yeah I know what you're talking about no I'm on the last boss I stopped playing it I didn't stop I didn't like stop stop I was just I was gonna play cyberpunk today oh [ __ ] yeah it built a new Phantom Liberty is out they said that they um the game is finally ready for release amazing yeah isn't that great I bet it's gonna go great how long has it been like a year and a half uh yeah something like that all right let me get this so I don't forget I'm tired of watching these [ __ ] shows you watch y'all watch reality TV show I don't know no of course not very rarely I watched reality TV cooking shows I was actually looking at some of those last night yeah there's one called the final table I love it um I'm really tired when I watch these shows and they bring in these special guests that nobody [ __ ] knows like at all it's like just some random owner of like a [ __ ] Wendy's where it's like oh yeah and for today's special guest from Mexico we have this one [ __ ] dude and then the contestants so that's pretty much what we do in otk that's what nnp does when he says special guest and then it's [ __ ] Russell yeah a real special [Music] isn't that sad yeah man that was a lot of pain yeah he's like a gamer he has a girlfriend yeah so they're not going to be able to relate to him yep yeah there you go I just I don't know I hate that [ __ ] uh like like like when you give me a special guest from America it should be [ __ ] Barack Obama that's right and when you give me a special set from Britain it should be Gordon Ramsay I don't know who these [ __ ] people are the hyperface three people okay but maybe maybe if you're a culinary fan you would know who it was okay okay let's okay let's Okay no this makes no sense it'd be like oh yeah today's special guest today we have Jay yeah what I would [ __ ] love that okay yo Jay come on out man oh God oh he's not moving from his chair at all absolutely not yep there we go she's a smart guy dude you know what's crazy why the [ __ ] have we not had tips on yet because he's not working we also haven't had Nick or Miss one of those I'm really happy for yeah yeah yeah I really want Nick and uh Milena to come on the show really bad they actually invited me to do a show uh this morning is it the most capable streamer that we did no they wanted me to do band Council oh I've done that with them a lot the problem is is that I just I I just I just like playing honkai it's just easier the problem the problem for me with doing ban appeals is that I'm too Fair like I I understand too much context and I'm too accurate with my judgments right so it makes it not interesting my bad appeals are just like the first five it's like okay it's pretty funny and after that it's like oh god dude at least for me too but because all my bands are the same it's a bunch of people being annoying me being a dick because I ban way too quick uh you know some people type like muted when I'm not muted man yeah [ __ ] them yeah somebody will call me bad by bad them [ __ ] them right and those ones I like get and then it's like you go to like 80 of those and then it's one guy just legitimately being a pedophile and then just one guy legitimately and then it's just like I don't want to do some guys like so what we can't talk about the Holocaust in here why not dude I hate it why not I thought this was America yeah holy [ __ ] I literally have like three basic rules in my chat it's like don't be racist or sexist or whatever uh don't be a dick to anyone who comes on my stream and then don't act like my chat is like [ __ ] Tinder DMS and like that's it so when I go through my unbans it's usually people that come in or that are like I want to marry you and I'm like we don't need that in here so I'll like leave a man and then I saw this this thread it was like stressed about this is like two months ago yes I am they were like she they're like these streamers are such narcissists you can't talk at all in their streams and it's just me Banning people or being [ __ ] weirdos it's like what am I meant to do sometimes I just ban people like we I was doing this thing whenever I was doing spends in Hong Kai star rail to get a new character and every time I would do a spin and I would not get it I would ban somebody randomly dude you you guys get actually I have never banned anyone for calling me bad at a game or anything I I just leave it I actually like it like I'm like I'm glad you're having fun oh I hate it as long as I think it's the difference right you have people that are like malicious like really mean it right and they're trying to be like mean and then you have people that are just laughing around how can you tell you can feel this very obvious it's a feeling very obvious it's like other messages right you click on their name you read like four messages it's like this is just a person that [ __ ] hates me yeah I really don't need someone in my chat who type so bad Omega LOL 19 times in two minutes [Music] I think you have hate it because you know oh dude I because I'm I'm gonna do something really regrettable I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a sub-a-thon surprise surprise I'm doing it you're doing another one or at least doing this he actually has a good idea is this the Amish thing no no there's gonna be a soul-a-thon okay how does it work well I'm gonna beat Dark Souls 3 sekiro um lies of p uh armored Core because anything to get them done and I'm tired of like waiting and I also want people to know when it's happening so I'm gonna just stream until I beat them all uh and then whenever I die the timer's gonna go up and then whenever I beat a boss a big boss the timer's gonna go down okay determined by like how however long chat deems Fair I don't think that's gonna work I just I I tell me how it works because if you tell me how it works I'll just do it that way well it would work if you finish I don't know I'd have to give me give me a few days I'll think about it okay because I want to do this and I want to do it right because like I have so many games I want to be I don't feel like doing them sporadically I just want to go boom boom boom boom boom get them all done let's get out of the [ __ ] system because the problem is is that when I do Souls games it makes me want to rip the skin off my face so maybe if you did like a 30-day thing right or you have it 28 days realistically and each game that you play and if you can beat the game it takes a week off of the timer how do I make money what the [ __ ] do you mean how do you make money how do I make the money from that is it Revenue what do you mean you just run an ad what are you trying to pay off now how much was that cat it actually might be a lot how much what do you mean might why because it's 30 or what no because like it I intentionally it was like a sick cat oh so I got it knowing that it's sick what's wrong with it stupid it's so funny it looks like he has PTSD he's really looking flashbacks yeah dude he is so funny uh he has some [ __ ] wrong with his nose that he has to get fixed up well I mean like is it just like it gets fixed and that's it I don't know oh really yeah the amount that I have an idea of is very little so I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow and then he has another vet appointment immediately on Thursday oh I'm gonna get another one on Sunday oh my God but he's a really good cat how do you know you had him for like two days in these two days they've been incredible okay okay so he never stops purring it is loud as [ __ ] it's funny yeah he won't sleep unless he's sleeping on you because he runs cold so he needs heat yeah so he sleeps he sleeps on my neck it's awesome and him and Aggie dude Jay if you can pull up the photo of eggy and Bongo it's on my Twitter it's pinned in my profile bro they're like best friends they're Inseparable already naggy's the cat you already have egg is the best yeah he's the best cat in the world really by far anybody who's ever met him has fallen in love you want to know why Bunkie exists because of Aggie do you know that that's the lore funky that's the that's uh you know I never really thought like I don't know guys like so she puts the [ __ ] cat on top of the hamster cage yeah and it's just like mad like imagine if you were living in a house with a glass roof okay no somebody put a [ __ ] Velociraptor Hey listen like like what is the blood pressure change okay so when I first got hamster I was like okay I probably shouldn't want the cats in my room anymore right and then there were a couple times where the cat got in anyway it would just look at the hamster and I was like oh the poor [ __ ] hamster so first of all the hamster the hamster is nocturnal it doesn't usually come out earlier than like 8 P.M right so I would have the cat in my room the hamster would crawl out of bed to just stare at the cat no [ __ ] so like if you were almost asleep in the face and it yeah if you don't get three of them if you're three it's three or three in the morning you got a glass roof and you look up holy [ __ ] the Velociraptors back oh my God he's right there [ __ ] I can't go to bed no my hamster does I'm telling you she doesn't give a [ __ ] yeah that's right it's actually so much worse than a velociraptor that's the crazy thing that's that's an understatement the Velociraptor isn't really that big yeah you probably you could probably one be one of velociraptor exactly it's actually a T-Rex and by the way the new Godzilla trailers look insane I'm not sure if y'all saying that I mean the other Godzilla movie was great I mean like but the new graphics for Godzilla what the [ __ ] is the difference it's the same as the last one with uh King Ghidorah and radon and Mothra I think what the [ __ ] was this Alden Reagan no well you know the characters no oh man I know Mothra yeah well because it's a moth yeah it's kind of in the name yeah that's something that killed on me holy [ __ ] ways are they the same uh no uh are they based off of it no oh okay I mean it's just a moth like uh no I don't really think so as far as I know um yeah there's well there's Mothra and then there's there's Mechagodzilla and then there's rhodon which is like you know a pit uh pterodactyl well it's like a really big one of those with a pterodactyl yeah like or a pterodactyl dinosaurs pterodactyl oh he is silent see like I practice okay so here's the thing right yeah is I practiced saying it wrong on my stream for like three years just to make people mad so like yeah it [ __ ] up my head wait hold up what do you call those places with a whole bunch of books a library okay I think you're gonna say library yeah Library what the [ __ ] is that yeah you just did it just a [ __ ] with people yeah I do that all the time sometimes occasionally whenever I feel like people aren't paying attention I'll just say something stupid just remember something I'm saying um first of all that's smart second of all do that with honkai characters it's really funny really well like what calling calling uh Jin you on Mid Yuan or Jing mean or Ting mean people really don't like that but also the new honkai impact thing got announced y'all see that so they added a new uh a new engine is that right they're adding they're adding a new engine to honkai impact third and they're adding a part two I thought that game was dead oh it is so we'll gives a [ __ ] I'm gonna revive it really yep because we gotta players it's a Reviving Tower of fantasy zero there's no way you can't save that game yeah that game ever really take off no well for the first two weeks it was good yeah wait the first day of time I'll say the first day of time first I had 33 000 viewers that [ __ ] was crazy and then it fell off hard either where I was I was like I couldn't open up the box but we couldn't open up the box yeah Tower fantasy was a it was rough it was a real situation yeah very sad but Hong Kong back third I think can be saved because it's just a good story game I think he can do well on Twitch uh because fate is the same but fake is no viewership I don't know maybe I'm coping too hard eight grand order yeah those are just too [ __ ] long like as someone who was a huge fate fan it's too [ __ ] much it's just too much didn't you say you played that game and you didn't get a skeleton and you quit yeah yeah that's about right but it was a hot skeleton that's why I was really upset [Music] yeah I know I know a bunch of the fake characters I was like actually into the series I like watched the anime and stuff there's also like I think like 11 or 12 different like timelines of the anime now that's him that's him that's that's focus on first just on oh okay okay I mean he's just cool communist um not really oh God cool uh but yes I will be Reviving Hong Kong back soon also that's my cats they're very cute look at him can you zoom in on that I love that photo so much bro they're so cute Iggy act like the father yeah he's so doesn't he look like Seth from Dark Souls I gotta come meet that kitty Seth yeah the big dog from Dark Souls I kind of see that yeah the wolf look like if you were to photoshop a big sword it would just look like a cat version you could get him a cat toy that's a sword I should I got him a banana hat oh my god dude Bongo is so funny I gotta come meet Bongo please do I have I have a whole group of people coming tonight I do at my house every single night it's so it's so nice you give that cat anxiety you know what he doesn't give a [ __ ] yeah he does not care it's good to socialize cats if you have people over a lot really wow yeah okay yeah we had uh six people in one closet playing Magic the Gathering for seven hours the first time yep oh my God why were you in the closet oh so that way the other cats can't get in there oh it's a big closet to be fair okay like the size of the set okay yeah it's a big-ass closet but it was sweatiest [ __ ] in there that's a huge closet oh it was awesome it's like this it's the size of one of my rooms in my house you know what's crazy I offered someone to live in my closet and they got really offended by that it's a huge closet it's [ __ ] huge it's probably being a [ __ ] yeah for sure [ __ ] yeah yeah they were a [ __ ] it'd be like that sometimes like in my closet it's like there's not room for hardly anything there's nothing in there well there is Bond stuff in there that's why I don't make closets as big as bedrooms now and a lot of the larger houses is kind of stupid though like who who has that much stuff people that can afford a house yeah girls women oh women cosplayers okay but if if my closet was as big as this set and I kept all of my 300 costumes it still would not fill it up are you sure yes okay but that's because you're small but if you were six foot tall then they would fill up the whole thing that doesn't change like the width of fabric because you're hanging them up side to side right so if you're fat I don't think it does I don't know I mean I I probably have I'm not even kidding like 400 shirts something like that and you only wear three of them well so I don't only wear one so my dad thinks his best friend got murdered why okay so I just want to bring this out here his name's should I say his name who cares okay his name's Rick Hogan my dad was calling me but he's like hey buddy pretty sure my best friend got killed like six years ago so he has like this so apparently my Dad was supposed to like inherit all of his Goods uh but six years ago like his wife said to never contact him again right so he hasn't heard from six years super weird because they were super close why does why say that that's what we're trying to figure out so she killed him that's what he's thinking yeah his name is Rick Hogan damn and he lives in Spain sometimes he lives in America sometimes he's gone yeah he's gone he's probably like 73 74. yeah he would drink a whole box of red wine every day oh my God and he was convinced it was good for him oh because there was a study that it's good for your heart to drink red wine but then the guy later admitted that he made it up to be able to drink more red wine without getting [ __ ] dude I had another guy because everybody believes he's [ __ ] Tick-Tock crazes who was literally hospitalized for like six months because he got on board the whole apple cider vinegar being like a cure-all for like instead of going to a hospital so he had all of these issues but he would just drink apple cider vinegar and it would do nothing you should have drank Dr Pepper it would have worked there's people that do that where they have cancer and they believe like drinking bone broth will like make their cancer go away and things like that bone broth yeah maybe just because so a lot of people drink bone broth because it has collagen in it which is like supposed to like help like your skin and bones and [ __ ] but some people also think it's like medicinal you had bone bone marrow yeah it's pretty good yeah bone marrow of course it's disgusting it's a bone butterfly it's disgusting so good you put it on a piece of toast I don't need to do that it's good oh man I don't eat toast do you think you've ever killed anybody with your irresponsible lifestyle um people try to make your Dr Pepper habits think that it's like oh people that like they want to be like like I am yeah should we not no I mean like because I think everybody knows that you know I've said many times no mere mortal can live with asthm and gold right yeah I think it's true so let me ask you a question yeah if you know that nobody can sustain your lifestyle why do you have fast lifestyle well I I mean I don't know I think I'm pretty healthy I am like how many push-ups can you do uh probably like right now like I don't know probably like 25 20. I would give you a thousand dollars 25 you can do that in a minute do it now yeah I'm not getting up then then No One Believes you okay that's fine then you owe him a thousand dollars free videos of like me doing that on my screen 40 and good push-ups I mean I would say like 80 of the way there are ninety percent I mean it's not perfect right I mean I'm not a push-up expert but like I tried to do it the way it's supposed to be let me make this right okay so you played Dark Souls yeah and you're very particular about the way you play it right right well I mean not really I do whatever do you sure yeah I'm not gonna play Magic how would you feel about it why is that okay stupid okay so and you wouldn't use the summons either right well no okay would you give somebody [ __ ] if they had to use rivers of blood to beat Elden rice yeah well I mean I wouldn't really give him some blood this is a really good weapon oh uh it so I wouldn't really give them [ __ ] or whatever yeah yeah let's see these let's see this wait what's the date on this what do you mean because he's avoiding the mini fridge are you sure because it looks like no look look at his right shoulder it dips in more than the left one I think there's something wrong with your shoulders I think it's probably fine also why the [ __ ] does it look like you're in why is it so red in your room bro it's a Shader oh not Shader it's just uh it automatically white balances I don't have a white balance on my own holy [ __ ] dog it looks like you're in hell so there you go talking [ __ ] that wasn't 25. that was a four years ago I mean yeah but like I got up I kept streaming I probably do 25 I just wouldn't get up afterwards I don't know man we should do a uh we should do an obstacle course oh my god well like uh like an American Ninja Warrior what happened to that I don't know I thought it was still going I think it is it's just like I feel like maybe the novelty of it wore off and they need to have like um they need to up to Annie right it's like like they have like the water underneath you put a crocodile in there dude first of all I agree yeah okay Ninja Warrior was one of the best entertainment on television period they made a remake one uh on Netflix called uh beastmasters if you haven't seen it it's awesome it sounds like a shitty anime yep it's still really good so again knock off Pokemon dude it actually does sound exactly like that uh but they have like CM Punk commentating it uh Wade Barrett and it's just dudes trying to get through an obstacle course and I just feel like we should be doing that on Twitch really if I if I ever you remember that whole idea we oh yeah look at that that looks insane isn't it so sick like how have we not done this on Twitch yet because no one would be able to do it nobody wants to get up myth could do it Miss could definitely I would invite like 10 streamers and maybe one of them could finish it and what if no one can finish it then it's awkward it's like well guess the show's over they all suck goodbye now nope Miss could do it Miz could do it you know who would do it will mess yeah I bet he'd do it that guy should do [ __ ] anything else I bet Caroline could do it too she's actually really really fit and strong yeah well neth Caroline Miss um Miz would probably injure somebody else but he'd be he'd do pretty good uh who else isn't there some like a couple other people that are pretty athletic wafflegated would do and he would break all the bones of his body break the other elbow you know I actually got him out of the house the other day say what I got roethlitter out of the house oh really wow I know I feel so bad for him no that must have been horrible it was a great time and people even dm'd me thanking me really I'm not even kidding you I got like 13 DMs like hey man thanks for getting him out he really needed this oh my God what the [ __ ] that's kind of sad yeah like imagine like you left the house I mean I know you do all the time but like just imagine you left the house and you found out all your friends were like oh my God thank God I'm I'm so relieved I would be so embarrassed dude I can't believe who else that would happen though if they were to leave the house yeah good one thank you so much for taking care of propaganda bro oh then I invited to go out again the next week and he said oh no give me a year so oh well man I still felt proud it was good it is insane to me how the most consistent part of my life is this podcast it's nice that's probably about the only consistent thing that I've had to deal with too yep it's actually insane you know like it helps me remember what [ __ ] day of the week it is yep because then on Sunday I'm just like oh [ __ ] what's crazy is every Monday it feels like it's been a month since we last recorded oh yeah even if I didn't really do anything that week yep that's happened I mean there's like always crazy [ __ ] that's been happening recently so like it feels like it might be longer you know true yeah it always makes me sad when something happens that I happens when something happens that I can't talk about on this podcast because it's like unrelatable or just way too weird really like what like do you like the smell of cat piss no no yeah it's really gross yeah but it's like really gross and I vomited the other day and you know that's just kind of weird uh-huh but like I inhale clean it up well okay so this okay there's a long story because it brought me back full circle let's put a paper you just put a newspaper I'm gonna say something really weird and I'm gonna hope my dad doesn't watch this podcast this week usually does uh so when I inhaled the ammonia of my litter I immediately vomited like without hesitation it was like force out of my body and immediately found in the litter box which brought me back to a time it was like a suppressed memory that I forgot about where when I was a kid my dad would make me really angry I was not a good kid uh because I really don't like being told what to do at all no matter what I don't know why I'm I don't know why I'm like that uh but when my dad would make me angry I knew that he had to like clean the litter boxes so like oh no bro would you piss in the cat litter box I would piss in the cat litter boxes my dad had to pick up my bed hey [ __ ] them that's what he gets he's like oh God Spiker he just he just pisses off I'm like oh yeah I didn't stop giving him so much water yeah I know I know and even he would like have to get him like tested because he's like I don't think that's normal yeah he's just [ __ ] full blown pissed I always I always wanted this [ __ ] in it but then I realized there's just no [ __ ] way there's no way he's gonna know literally there's no way that would just be uncanny can you know I want you to buy this imagine imagine how old were you like 17. no way no way really I might have even been 19. welcome dude I think that makes it even better I'm very young actually I have a story it's kind of like that but it's even worse but just real quick imagine imagine a little box and just seeing a human size shouldn't it that's just crazy the visual wait what'd you do what'd you do because you guys can talk about piss I'm gonna go to the bathroom so she's leaving that I'll do it um so basically uh there's this nasty mean old lady who would sit out in her [ __ ] driveway smoking cigarettes right and this was about 25 years ago you know what she does now what the same [ __ ] thing yep she said and she was an old lady then now she's really [ __ ] old and so what did you do to her and so my friend who lived next door to her waited for her to go inside she was watering her lawn my friend walks in or he he leaves his driveway and he pisses all over the faucet that she's gotta turn and he [ __ ] just does it and we're all sitting there watching that he runs away she comes back out bro she turns it no what happened she had no idea that [ __ ] ever happened man wait so she's been infected this whole time the whole time oh yeah like I mean we were like [ __ ] like eight or nine something like that yeah excusable [ __ ] dude so is she still there oh yeah did you call her piss lady no you just call her a [ __ ] wait why is she such a [ __ ] I don't know I've been wondering that my whole life oh okay like uh there were many times where like my dad would be like cutting down uh you know like a tree or something and she'd come down and try to tell him what to do and it wasn't like that no he he he he he put that he put made that stop really quick but uh most other people were actually polite and so they just let her [ __ ] walk all over him no [ __ ] that yeah the crazy crazy old lady in my neighborhood so but it was a friend who pissed in the fuss it wasn't you right and I never did that yeah like I'm not about that is there a people that would piss in the sinks in the water fountains in middle and high school we have one dude [ __ ] in this thing I didn't clean it up for like two days oh like these so I was friends with some weird people in high school right and one time they were like what if we just pissed in this bottle of Mountain Dew and then hide it in the ceiling right yeah it makes sense so well no because it's like yeah right yeah I don't know so they they piss in it right and then they stand on the toilet and move the ceiling panel and put it in the ceiling right yeah and then they just leave it there and then a week later they're like we should check on the bottle of piss because like this actually makes me feel bad Pokemon yeah they were like we actually should probably throw it away cause like we feel kind of bad it was gone [Music] how did they know it was there oh my God it was in the ceiling what the [ __ ] so I really like pissing and things I wanted to make this very clear that's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard yeah that is really gross but I don't even piss in the in the shower it's disgusting oh I do yeah I don't I mean okay but it's even crazier I don't just piss in the shower when I'm taking a shower even do it before I'm gonna take a shower because it turns into a mini game where I get to shoot it at the hole from like three feet away yeah I don't do you want to do that because like no no that's a mistake you know what's crazy what I'm not gonna say who this was but I know someone who pisses in the bathtub while they're bathing yeah I mean that's that's crazy it's probably a streamer for sure they admitted this to you yes that's crazy because I told about me pissing in the shower and I was like is that weird I'm like oh no I pissed in the bathtub and then I'm like that is completely different and I'm like well that is completely that is not the same at all I was like wait hold on like okay but technically Pete is sterile but that's still disgusting okay nobody ever says that unless they're drinking it okay it's so sterile to why does nobody ever drink it some people do don't yeah some people if they're on the side of Mount Everest stranded on a desert island you don't usually a really big pheromone when I shower and I go to brush my teeth and I close my eyes and I open my mouth to get like the shower head in my mouth I always think there's like a demon pissing in my mouth look he comes out of nowhere finds my mouth and then just pisses on well if he's inside the drain system he kind of would be right yeah yeah that's what's inside it's like a drain demon what the [ __ ] I mean that's I mean it kind of fits together right it does yeah uh but yeah so shower I don't think shower pissing is bad I think it's just gross so you actually you'll you'll have to pee in the shower and you'll just hold it no just get out take a piss and uh but then the water gets all over the what do you want you want water on the floor you want piss on the floor I do not piss in the shower but I don't think it's that big of a deal of people I don't think it's a big deal either but here's the thing up so the reason why I do it is actually more disgusting than doing it oh no okay I'm ready my shower is disgusting and I never clean it so if I don't clean if I piss in the shower it's gonna smell really bad you see what I'm saying so like I don't want to mess it up because then I'm gonna have to do something I don't normally have to do I can't imagine how much us hiring Mage for you would change it wouldn't why because if I have a problem I stop looking at it and then the problem goes away I feel like it would help a lot as well yeah you think so yeah because it would just smell nicer you know I can't smell anything except for dead rats yep and you would never have to smell that again no you still would have you trust me there's some problems at the house okay but it would be better better than one now well how could it be better than now if it takes time away from me playing video games that's the thing it doesn't it doesn't because I hire someone yeah but then they're gonna show up and it's like oh I probably have to talk to them no no no you don't I literally gave my Maids a house key they come they clean the house they live we don't even talk really yep and I have a venmo auto setup well maybe that that's maybe I could do this so it's like a daily quest for them yep or weekly quest uh every two weeks okay yeah well you you've seen like uh xqc's Maids right like they'll even come only streaming and they just like don't apologies but you don't understand how bad it is no we we do no see you think you do and I understand that but in my old room there was a there are certain things that maze won't clean right but they'll still like they'll like move stuff off your floor and vacuum it they'll do your dishes like things like that well you can't do the dishes because the sink doesn't work see because you see this is the again and it's like how do I solve that problem very simple paper plates yep that's what I do too okay well then you don't have dishes but they'll come in what do you need you do have dishes but I ran out so now we have the paper plates we have plastic forks and I go to Chipotle I get like seven Forks holy [ __ ] do you do your own groceries you think this guy's groceries yeah I do my own groceries wait so you like go to like Walmart or Target I went to HEB yesterday that's the weirdest thing I've ever thought I've been the day before I don't know what day it was but uh that's insane why is that weird I don't know I just can't imagine you doing like no people will come up to me they'll be like hey we saw your stream and like you're here getting bananas like yeah that's so weird man yeah what the [ __ ] what's wrong with getting like you guys don't get your get your own groceries not order my own shoes yeah I order groceries I really want you why don't you go to the store saves me time yeah I live really far from any grocery stores so yeah it plays [ __ ] sucks yeah your place literally sucks nope [Music] I mean yeah unless you want to eat at a [ __ ] gas station yeah right which actually to be fair but that's what you do man well I mean I don't eat at the gas station I I cook food now sometimes I order you can cook food yeah what can you cook I can make chicken spaghetti I make grilled chick sandwiches that's just [ __ ] what about steaks I make steaks okay I was about to say we should do a steak competition yeah that would be a good idea if I would leave the house we do it here with an electronic Grill oh my God and then we just have somebody come in and says who makes the best steak maybe I'll consider that I consider that yeah I don't know like I've thought about um like whenever it was really hot I was thinking about just like getting some meat and putting it out in the backyard and just having it cook in the beef jerky over the the day I don't think it does it that fast no it does it does jerkies in a day uh if you put it in a thing yeah being outside of a sort of thing well I will well because it makes it even hotter right okay so like you dry the meat out then you eat it because like I usually eat about I haven't done it recently but I usually eat about half a bag of beef jerky a day are you that yeah you look like that I know I know that was crazy insult but I just I don't see why like here's this thing right it's like like I don't mind going to the grocery store because people always say don't go to the grocery store whenever you're hungry right I love going to the grocery store when I'm hungry exactly because that's whatever I'm gonna be thinking about enjoyable okay what do you mean yeah whenever I was hungry the other day I went I got you know those little uh yogurt the Trix yogurt it's not so good it's got like Elsa on it from Frozen and like Lilo and Stitch yeah people say you over buy at the grocery store when you're hungry well you do well but I for me when I'm not hungry and I go I undermine them out of food exactly yeah I get nothing what is the worst insult you can think of over the top of your head and say it to Emmy I wouldn't want to get banned yeah yeah it's the same thing I mean you gotta remember I grew up on the internet in the 2000s so okay it's a man they'll Blake it off it's too bad well no I don't think so I don't know if it's too bad or not it's too bad okay uh say what give me one that you can say that's not too bad I don't know I don't know I don't like being mean to people that I like you know what also think this reminds me remember when e-girl used to be considered like a sore yeah I don't know why I never thought that I thought Eagle was a cool thing well it started on like a in gaming communities like you know like league and CS go and stuff and it was straight up like it was the same as calling someone like a [ __ ] like like there would be Twitter polls like do you think e-girls just learned most people would say well let's let's actually get it yeah but this isn't like 2015. yeah yeah I thought he just meant cute girls like video games it does now like it's like a style I don't even agree with that I don't I I think that back then it meant [ __ ] girl now it still does let's be honest like most of the ones that are posting and they say I'm an e girl on Twitter yeah you're the thickest Eagle on only fans too yeah so what the [ __ ] like it's the same thing it's just people now have decided because now it can be used differently and also be like cute and harmless but back in like 2014 2015 if you called a girl an e-girl you were being like you're a [ __ ] okay somebody called you an e-girl in 2015 would you have been mad no but a lot of people would have been well I mean back in 2015 was pretty unhinged not really he played League there's like two clips of that that's pretty crazy I mean I feel like it's no different than now except I just use less colorful language you know what the worst thing is we will say wow if she said that on stream imagine what she says Austrian that's the biggest [ __ ] ever I don't know I'm way worse off stream I like way nicer off shrimp okay yeah let's be honest like going leading up to the show I made like three or four jokes were like really bad just today you're worse I'm nicer officer yeah it's actually funny because I'm I'm very nice to people it's just that I have a sense of humor that's not good I have a great insult to tell you about them okay this one I think I think it's got to be in the top one percent yeah let me know how good he thinks this just because you look like a pedophile doesn't mean you have to act like one I don't really think that's a good one because it's so specific when are you gonna use that whenever somebody's playing like uh like one of those weird yeah oh boy can't wait to use this on the next yeah yeah well maybe if you start playing Minecraft you'll be able to those are the jokes that we don't get right so those like yeah I could have oh man if it means that one was better than that one because that was like in the situation well no if it was in a situation it'd be about smash players I've never heard you say a joke that I thought was horrible I never thought like wow I can't really I've never thought that well I mean like what could I possibly say that would be that bad I don't think you really give a [ __ ] um I don't know I have to think of something don't worry I will it doesn't use Christian I am going live on dreaming much more unhinged lately really and there's so many things that I've said that I thought we would be very angry about and just nobody gives a [ __ ] anymore yeah it's pretty nice so your stream's dying yeah that's good it's pretty cool man yeah so it's like it's lower pressure lower expectations you just get to relax yeah I know I mean I just I don't really do anything that I don't want to do anymore it's really nice so why is it that Korean girls do the thing where they have like three of them on the on the screen oh it's really hot better yeah but like why do they do that fill up the space better yeah it fills up the space better it's like no matter where you're looking on the screen there's a woman big old boobs because like I was watching uh it was like six in the morning yeah why were you watching that well I mean because I was like well that's a crisp 8 P.M for normal people yeah that's crazy yeah well actually now it's more like four uh so yeah I was watching it and it's like they all do it it's just crazy what were they doing are you awesome balls but I mean what do you mean it was it was on stream I just watched it on screen because like I I don't mind that stuff I think it's funny I think it's cool yeah I I feel like people who shame women for being sexually attractive and trying to monetize it are miserable [ __ ] people I think it's great well they're probably 14. yep like it's like did you guys see the video of the fans of sneako coming up to him yeah you hate women yeah we hate women right they're like no we love women oh no [ __ ] but we hate transgenders right he's like oh no these kids are like 12 years old right and it's like whenever they say they hate women what they really mean is they hate Miss Williamson their English teacher wait that's all there is oh wait play that oh that's cool they have like the the body tracking what is it called thing too yeah you look like you were enjoying that man yeah that's pretty cool huh it's a really good uh it's like if you're on Twitch at like seven in the morning there's like 10 of these it's the best I mean like it's kind of crazy how many there are like what the [ __ ] it's no it's honestly the best I think so too no it's at any time of the day you can find them dancing or you can find somebody you know which crazy I never seen a dude do this I wonder why well I think it's an untapped Market I don't okay you don't think so not even like a little femboy what you would watch yeah why not I wouldn't watch that why because I'm not attracted to dudes oh really no why not it's just not my thing I mean like uh yeah I think it's cool they just put their ass up in the camera and they just sit there or they do yoga and uh they have like two three thousand viewers and then now they have their only fans in the background and I think I think it's great I think it's smart I I think just let people do whatever they want all right like I I don't I I'm I hate the hall monitor meta of like taking something that somebody does misrepresenting it and then getting mad at them it's so exhausting I think like as a bigger streamer it's not as big of a deal because you have like your own Community but like for smaller streamers it's probably like so stressful it's like you accidentally say or do something that's like outside of the expected norm and then everybody comes in to try to like [ __ ] like oh [ __ ] kill yourself you know I can't believe you have this opinion about a video okay oh dude dude I was there three years ago gungeon impact I was there uh where every streamer's chat was controlling The Narrative of every single streamer uh and the whole category except for me like what do you mean chronically online the old it's better now I will say it's better now the old genshin holds all those kids started going to high school yep like like creators like oh God so I said I'll say them there was like creators like oh [ __ ] um let's think uh you're like twana or dish and uh zionics uh the list goes on and on but like seeing how many people were in their chat saying don't do this don't do that interact with this guy we hate you interact with this guy they hate you like we'll hate you and like the amount of people were like there would be people where if you would have them on your stream I don't know like there would be like people in Mass like leave is this because if you don't do what they say they don't support you anymore and so there was like Creator it's definitely kids because you see the same things like those Minecraft communities oh yeah oh yeah and now like there is like this is crazy the [ __ ] that I was saying uh three years ago against an impact that nobody else would say now they're finally talking about like for example the holyo versus genre games they're viewbounded like [ __ ] crazy like it's insane uh and there's also people who have specific contracts that people aren't allowed to talk about where they can only play whole universe games and like the company like pays them to do this uh and it's very it's a huge issue but now it's been three years and now people are starting to give less of a [ __ ] because the viewbotting has gone down a little bit until recently but now people are talking about all the issues that I was talking about three years ago that got me so much [ __ ] the reason that it got me [ __ ] blacklisted which by the way I am still Blacklist that was very fun to hear about so you're blacklisted from who all your verse then why they send you a box of stuff that's what I'm saying right yeah makes no sense so like what do you mean you're blacklisted though didn't you guys with the new twitch Rivals for against impact uh one of my buddies reached out to me to bring me on as part of his team and then they said Tech don't specifically cannot gum and then he said why I can show you screenshots of all this by the way okay uh and he says why and they will not give him an answer another guy reached out techno not invited and they say why we will not say it's because probably it might be twitch not not hoyovers because has a track record of specific streamers being banned because other streamers there don't like them no I've done other twitch Rivals yeah no but like dead ass like it is exactly that but they did give me a phone one time in three years that was cool oh my God but it was probably because I could promote their phone that's pretty much it yeah but uh it's crazy because we've come full circle now and all the things that I was giving [ __ ] on for doing in the past now everybody's doing which is very nice like what oh like calling out the viewbotters oh really did you see that had like 90 000 concurrent viewers and there was like every single channel on there had like 150 viewers in there and there were some streamers like 9k viewers like doing [ __ ] nothing I should have gone in there well what wasn't there like an event or something like that that happened yep I should have tried to win that event you wouldn't have really why uh so event you so there was an event for honkai starrell which you should look at the hunk eye star review about actually it was like it was [ __ ] nuts uh so it would count your watch time as 0.1 percent of like activity and then your watch hours at 100 so you would have had to like it's pretty much whoever streams the longest ones it doesn't matter if you work out which you just you wouldn't have done that well no it does matter so like if you have a watch time of like uh you know you have 10 000 viewers and like five thousand ten thousand is going to get the watch time twice as fast wait say that one more time sorry so like yeah if you have 5 000 viewers it's gonna take them twice as long to get to the same watch time amount than somebody with 10 000 viewers right but like the hour streamed was 100 sorry a thousand times more potent than watch time oh so it's just about like who streamed longer yeah so there would be these people who would just put free drops here with an image of March 7th were there even any drops yes oh okay that's a surprise and there'll be no audio to do the trailer looping over and over again they return for 24 7. that's cute and then you would go under their chat and it's all the same to you about wow it was it was nuts that was fun that was fun called people were gonna do that way more I think that everybody should view about on Twitch you don't think they should you know what really first of all because it'll increase their viewership and then they'll be uh you more people will see the stream so I made this a really big deal on my stream yeah and I was talking about all the issues with viewbotters I went to every single streamer's chat and I showed people every single streamer who was view about it and then the next day none of them existed anymore and the day after that all the old Gadget streamers talked about the viewbott and controversy yeah of course right because like then it uh like I had brought it up with that F extra life person or people or group or whatever um and uh then after that people have been bringing it up a lot more yep and I'll probably make another video on it again another specialized video oh no maybe I don't know if they say something about me again that'd be nice hopefully they do yeah that'd be great if that's our Taco [ __ ] again I forgot they said what was it like Frick you asthma or something yeah but the he's a real idiot I watched another video about you this morning what about it was like legal eagle react content creators or evil oh people are going in on that like I remember hearing about like xqc like watched it and it was like some big drama I don't really watch a lot of those videos honestly like whenever I'm off stream I usually just watch like stupid [ __ ] so like I don't ever watch like thoughtful videos I don't want to watch a thoughtful video about a important topic you know if I can't comment on it on my stream it's just the waste uh first of all I won millions of gray I just watched YouTube shorts and I watch cooking videos that's it yeah legit I don't watch streams you guys watch streams absolutely not I do now but it's more like all I only watch gameplay streams and I'll have them on my other monitor and they're usually muted oh God you don't like gameplay streams what's the point I'll just have Moon Moon up playing like Super Mario makers oh that's all right yeah yeah that's Mario that's that's different yeah or I watch Magic the Gathering Magic the Gathering you can watch that I mean like is that really watchable oh yeah it's really good okay there's this guy called a talarian community college yeah I want him on the podcast so bad and I'm gonna talk about every week number number one number two guest the professor from Tulare Community College I printed out to Larry in college in in high school on a sheet of paper for proxies you did yeah are they that old so um the card is insanely it's all very old and it's also insanely good oh it's a card so it's a Mana it's a land and if you tap it it adds one blue Mana to your Mana pool for every artifact you control it's actually disgusting oh that's [ __ ] insane it's disgusting it's is it is it still like is that Rhonda is it back no it's probably probably got taken out like 15 years ago it's called delarian Community College no it's just Tulare in college I believe it could be hilarious University College MTG that is [ __ ] busted oh there it is polarian Academy Academy it's only 62 dollars what the [ __ ] that's broken as [ __ ] what do you think it's bad no doubt it's bad who the [ __ ] is gonna use that's insane well I mean there's another car that came out like three three weeks ago it's called Dockside extortionist and in Commander you fight like three people at the same time minimal and with dogs balance for Commander though like it's never been balanced for Commander that's fair yeah Dockside extortionist gives you a treasure token per artifact on the field right now so it's a two Mana card you play and you get 20 Mana minimum what does the treasure token do you use it one time it gives you a Mana oh okay that's [ __ ] insane look it's actually [ __ ] insane yeah I mean maybe but like how much does it cost like is it better like one color was one red yeah I mean that actually is really good yeah maybe you're right yeah that does sound really strong even though creature removal is a lot easier than land removal but still if you okay so there's an Unwritten rule in Commander where if you run Legend like if you run land removal people will just not play the game with you really why because that's [ __ ] cringe why what's wrong with it so people don't want to play a commander game that's gonna last three [ __ ] hours if you just blow up the land like that's terrible like you okay so you okay so let's say let's say you do this you tap all your Mana you play okay blow up land and then you play winner warm which means you can only untap one Mana a turn it just it's gonna make the game last like four hours oh that's that's something different you know that that's crazy yeah for sure but there is a three minute car where it blows up oh man on the on the field wait what the [ __ ] there's no way it blows up every land on the field and it's three Mana oh actually yeah every single one it's probably like it's a it's a black card right uh it's white land really destruction MTG uh it should be called oh God it's horrible yeah Armageddon sorry not three Mana four Mana oh that's an old one yeah yeah Armageddon for Mana destroy all lands and it has it's two colors it's too white right uh three colorless one white really wow that is [ __ ] miserable yeah like [ __ ] miserable so yes that card is awful so there's Unwritten rules in Commander where people aren't allowed to play certain things because it just like people just scoop yeah shortland scoop [ __ ] go go I haven't heard that word in 15 years yeah holy [ __ ] wow one day I'll play Magic the Gathering and you'll love it yeah you will [ __ ] love it have you ever thought about playing Magic I've thought about it but it's one of those games that like it seems so hard to get into it's not I've got no joke 30 people and doing it it's hard to get into there's a lot to it like there is there's a lot to it but it's just like it there's a lot to it for a person that has a job I don't have a job exactly okay so I mean I'm in general if I were to give you guys a deck would you play do you like zombies yeah yeah I mean like yeah sure I mean like uh I I mean yeah I'm yeah yeah I have a twelve hundred dollar Zombie Deck I don't care how much money I'll just give it to you well I don't give a [ __ ] like I mean the thing is I have like I have like 20 decks in my house really yeah probably about 20 minutes more like 15 or 10. I just want to play so bad bro yeah it would be so fun I mean would you play I'd try it I'll try anything uh dragons elves cats don't make her play dry Dragon Dexter garbage they've always been garbage they've always been bad it's Dragon decks are for people that like to flex they have a lot of money or dragons Eminence all dragons in your deck without even playing this car to cast one less when Ur dragon is on the field for each attacking Dragon draw a card draw a card and put one permanent on the play it's four colors five uh five Mana of one white one blue one red one green one black then you have another card called morophon which is while this car is in play all cards that one used to be in the game back in the day yep or Dragon yeah morphod reduces all cards by five different colors so then urge Dragon becomes four mana and then morphon makes everything five less Mana urgent makes everything one less Mana so you're playing like old gnaw bone which is a seven minute this is again it's it's a dragon decks are for people that like to show off that they have a lot of money that's it they're not good they're not competitive they're not they're never gonna win tournament they're never going to win a draft it's just a [ __ ] thing that people that have too much [ __ ] money have so they can show off he doesn't know that's all there is dude urge is so broken maybe maybe now it is but I don't know when I use my Ur Dragon deck people say are you serious yeah and then I'm like all right I'll swap that's how bad it is is that right there's this car called old now Bound for each damage your dragons do this time you get that many treasure tokens which means for every damage do you get that much Mana that you can use whenever yeah so you hit somebody for 20 you get 20 manually 10 more dragons that is a lot that is crazy okay I'm gonna stop talking about magic after this last combo or Dragon combo okay so you have Ur dragon and then you use the urge I'm going to someone Miriam and what Miriam does is whenever you play a non-token dragon creature you make a clone of them so then you play Terror of the Peaks Terror of the Peaks when he comes to play you deal extra damage according to the next dragon that you place power indefinitely right so then you play Miriam which means you get two storm Terrors which means the one storm Tower immediately does five damage from the other strong hero that's cloned then you play Earthquake Dragon which is a 15 minute card but per power of dragon you have on your field you summon a 14-14 on to play or to 1010 then both storm or both pair of the Peaks shoot somebody for 20 damage immediately well God forbid you have a laughless as well and you might be sitting here saying oh well how would you ever get all these specific dragons in your [ __ ] hand because there's another [ __ ] Dragon called Tiamat which is seven Mana two generic colors Tiamat TMs in a final fantasy yep when you play them you get to go through your deck pick any five dragons and just put them in your hand husband it's crazy I think that that is an Exodia combo and it's not realistic it's literally I think it's an EXO it's not a realistic combo well I guess we'll have to find out by playing Magic I will never play a constructed game because I think constructed is pay to win and it's boring I would play a draft though but what if I told you this for fun like it's casual for fun decks I mean sure yeah I never want to play it seriously draft as fun as fog yeah especially Commander draft uh we have to [ __ ] this Commander drive all right thank you guys very much for watching we appreciate it and uh if they didn't stop us we'd talk another hour about magic I'd be able to and uh why don't you read it once you read a review of techno oh yeah dude [ __ ] go ahead I [ __ ] love magic so much dude holy [ __ ] okay uh Fooled Again five star oh my God go ahead I don't want to read this one all right I'll say it this is by the leg chair five star Fooled Again smart idea to leave tecton out of the YouTube thumbnails every week I think it's finally an episode without them only to be disappointed again already another one yeah web stuff 1144 says Emmy holding her head in her hand for nearly five minutes while asthma and techie talk about poop is ridiculously funny well now she got to do it again whenever we talked about magic and piss I left when y'all were talking about this B says you don't need a parachute to go skydiving you either parachute to go skydiving twice and the last one which is excellent episode no matter what you all talk about it's always a good time watch time W can we just pick nicer comments it's nice yeah you know the nice ones aren't funny yeah well the last one was pretty good I would say it's a nice one so yeah thanks guys for watching we really appreciate it we're gonna do the patreon episode make sure to check out the patreon and make sure to follow us wherever you're watching us so until next time until the next one peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] my way say your house is on fire every living creature has already been saved your pets and roommates are fine you have one chance to grab something before the house goes down what do you take oh I'd get my box to my old videos I've got all my old videos in a box I would get that so the questions ultimately asking what's my most subconscious sentimental valued object I can grab for the Fire gets it right I don't know I don't know something sentimental though for sure right yeah um I don't know y'all go first I don't like I'm trying to think of like yeah I I already know my videos yeah well I have an impractical answer because it's so [ __ ] annoying getting those Step Mania X pads they're so annoying to get so I would I would I would try to get one but they weigh like 300 pounds yeah I don't know if I really could get it out if there was actually a fire I'm probably not carrying out 300 pounds of steel yeah so I'd probably bring uh my Gwen statue because it's rare oh Gwen's Gwen station from League the one that was based off you reference oh okay from me yeah they sent me like a statue and there's only like a certain amount of them in the world that's so [ __ ] sick I would probably either grab my legal documents because I don't want to lose those or my cats earn I feel like that's a cop-out because you know obviously I would take that but for third I would probably uh my magic cards bro yeah they're the coolest [ __ ] I have so many members of these [ __ ] things bro I love them
Channel: Steak and Eggs Podcast
Views: 333,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, emiru, tectone, steak & eggs podcast, steak and eggs, steak and eggs podcast
Id: O-9C_Q6r8p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 22sec (5662 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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