Asmongold Teaches Us How to Stay Clean

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[Music] [Music] well guys if maybe you didn't notice it maybe you did but during the episode we were wearing the first line of official steak and eggs merchandise I've got the hoodie right here I love steak and eggs and we have T-shirts as well that Emmy and techtone are wearing as well as a couple of other hoodies I believe and some other t-shirt variations so if you want to check it out for yourself and take a look at it head on over to Yo everybody Welcome to episode 14 of the steak and eggs podcast where I am as always joined by emeru and Asthma gold and real quick before we begin thank you to everybody who checking our patreon uh it's going great you all seem to love it so we just want to let you all know we appreciate the hell out of the support yeah thank you very much thank you guys thank you very much so yeah it's been a pretty interesting week it's been nuts yeah uh do you want to talk which do we want to talk about first I have a couple things I do want to talk about we have otk game Mexico coming up oh my God yeah I know you're nervous because you're gonna have to leave the house I'm so stressed oh my God uh otk elevated happened again where we eliminated four people and uh we didn't eliminate we executed executed I thought it was three was it only three I thought we only did two I don't know we did two felt like three it did yeah we did two yeah and then uh lakari is confirmed a absolute [ __ ] loser is he a loser yeah wow yeah because he couldn't beat miskus PB like he said last episode no but he said he would takes time but he said he would do it by Friday oh that's right he messaged me and uh he's really upset about it and I actually got this a new PB for himself at least uh yeah by five seconds uh that's still really good I mean as long as he's improving yeah five SEC a five second Improvement is a lot I I took his staff as tribute because he couldn't beat it it's here the rain staff oh my god oh wait he needs that the tribal ritual staff he lost which means it's mine oh my God okay well tone just collects [ __ ] from people like yeah there it is he has one of my uh airsoft shotguns what which I won I won that though I came on I won that wow because she told me to eat these he like he forced to bet okay keep the huge balls and not like what was it not drink not make a face no not react I thought it was if you don't drink milk I don't know something like that he could take my shotgun and he he just took it like it was like really debatable whether he actually won or not but he just took it anyway he challenged himself to a bet if he could drink something to take my [ __ ] to take your stuff okay yeah it sounds about right okay it's because things and I'm sure everybody can relate to this things are better if you take them from someone else yeah of course right because you remember like it has like that extra like that extra value like all the things yeah all the stuff in my house no Tendencies yeah yeah it's like well this blanket oh yeah that's Cody's blanket yeah that's Jeff's pillow yeah okay whose blanket is that oh that's yours to bring a second one she had to get a second one now and then yeah the final thing that we're gonna have to talk about uh OverWatch too yes the PVE or lack thereof so I was most excited to talk about we should probably talk about the events coming up first uh well I mean if the Ock games Expo on I think it's the 10th right yeah oh my God uh so we announced in uh we're gonna announce silk song or are we going to announce OverWatch three oh yeah yeah dude I don't know I I'm not sure as I said I I always get so nervous about events and everything I will be so glad whenever it's over and I'm back sitting in my house doing nothing it's gonna be great I'm I'm stoked to sell for game expert last last year that was like one of the proudest moments I've like ever been like like to be a part of that was so sick it did really well I remember like it was it went way better than what I had expected yeah because there was what there was the big crab game uh rocketbot Royale those announced that I played the [ __ ] out of uh and I still go back to or I usually go back to it like all the time it is such a fun like party game but there's actually like good games being announced oh yeah I mean there were a lot of them that people played and they've come out since then and some that are still in development but for the most part yeah I mean I think that we announced some pretty good ones and this year will probably be the same thing yes is Crow sworn out or is it still in the middle no it's not yeah because that game looked crazy it's awesome it was like uh bloodborne and Hollow Knight yep and uh it just oh it was so good but uh no it hasn't come out yet yeah oh I well are you looking forward to anything being announced I mean do you have any ideas of what could be announced yeah I've I've seen some of the stuff like I don't know exactly what's going to be announced yet but I'm okay I I would say probably about the same because like we've looked at some of the videos so far but we haven't like completely locked every single thing in but a lot of them we have you get to see sneak peeks yeah there were a lot of submissions oh my we had like literally hundreds of people submit games it was nuts I didn't get to see none of them bro the majority of them were extremely polished it was really hard to narrow down I mean I haven't really been doing it that it's been mostly like tips and soda yeah how much are you allowed to talk about it uh well there's this one game and I don't really want to describe it yeah it was like that one I mean remember with like the animals and like the building stuff yeah I thought it was like really stupid but I'm like this is actually going to be cool because it's like super simple yeah but yeah something like that I don't want to leak anything else okay uh let's talk about otk elevated well uh I mean obviously I I feel like we have executed a number of people so far yeah it was it was a bit hard to do but you know I think we did what needed to be done and I I feel like the show like it's crazy for me to see like on my recommended list some of the people from the show and see him doing actually pretty well I think that's crazy yeah no impressive um what Mr fimple killing it um yeah oofy's killing it just just not I'm just naming a few my skill shot's doing amazing that one broke my heart by the way why well because oh I don't think I was a [ __ ] by any means my episode I feel like I feel like I did I don't think you are I feel like I did the job you'd be doing but like when I when I went to Eliminator and she started tearing up oh my God yep [Music] yep there you go I actually gifted her 100 Subs as an apology because I felt yeah I'm I'm a [ __ ] bro but I at least held a face during the episode that's the nature of the show you know not everyone can win sadly yeah well I still think me personally I think we should bring back some of the promising losers that is my opinion some of the promising losers that's a good way to say it yeah yeah a bunch of the people that were in elevated entered my cosplay contest that was this weekend as well which is really cool and that was also tough I had over 700 entries I can only show 500 and it was just tough dude you were burning through those it's it's hard that's what you're supposed to do right yeah I could have dragged it out more definitely like I looked back and I was like oh well we had more time but yeah it's it's tough yeah because I I was watching that stream because like I went live and I was like oh [ __ ] I just went live at the same time Emmy was doing her show and then I was like all right well I'll just I checked in on you every now and then you were like boom boom boom boom boom boom next boom boom boom boom and there was so many yeah it's tough because it's gotten really big and there's like no like perfect way to do it right because a lot of people like oh I wish we had more time to just like sit and look at them but then also a bunch of people that are like oh I entered and mine wasn't shown because we can only pick 500 of them you know so it's it's tough but I mean I just try to do my best to give Spotlight and money to creators that's just the goal of it I think that really I mean like you can't show every single person if the show gets big enough it's just the reality of it so I mean showing 500 people is insane to begin with so I wouldn't feel bad at all about that did you see any of the uh the cosplays I only saw a few of them people tagged me on them or like they showed them to me or whatever they're like did you see the one apparently some guy cosplayed as every single thumbnail you've ever oh yeah over 400 pictures yeah that was the one people kept trying to show me 400 pictures yeah he did 400 of my thumbnails oh geez but you know what's crazy is this guy is actually like like you would think like oh this is like some like super like dedicated view or something no he actually got first place in my first contest for he built this like piranha plant that was like life-size oh my plant suit and so like he was just he was just decided to cosplay my entire YouTube channel I guess yeah super dedicated viewer that's not the term that I was gonna use yeah yeah I was gonna use them a little different yeah uh though the kite Apple was sick oh the apple cup yeah did you see that one I did not yeah there's a life-size Apple cat and then the uh the scuffed steak and eggs podcast oh yes that was a crazy one that one actually pissed me off because the guy who cosplayed me just looked like a cooler version I was like bro come on he had the same camo pants that he used to always wear to paint his toenails black oh gosh yes oh yeah I remember yeah because now you actually wear shoes on the show I literally I've only not wearing shoes well I have worn sandals I only wore shoes or didn't wear shoes one time but the nmp has talked about it so much on a stream that nobody is forgetting yeah which I don't I don't get what I don't get what's wrong with feet like what why is that weird well it's just that nobody needs to see that but it's like they're just like hands but like on your legs yeah but like I don't like looking at people's yeah I don't want to look at somebody's feet that's nasty I have no problem with it well I don't have a problem with it but it's just like if there were two worlds and I could live in the world where I don't have to that's the world I'd want to live in yeah because I'm sitting here like I just realized I've never seen your feet as one ever it's because I wear socks yeah what's up with that my socks because I got some freaky look at that mismatching socks look at that well it's not mismatching it's that I don't know where all the other socks are yeah those are the only two that I know where they are yeah I got some freaky ass toes I'll be real oh my God yo what the [ __ ] I got like they should not be on camera yeah say what I got alien toes my toes are longer than a lot of people's fingers isn't that crazy oh it's so weird I know I can like I can like pick [ __ ] up with my feet and like open doors in my feet I can do that it's just like a monkey yeah oh well then maybe I'm just insecure about my toes and they're normal size but I've been told that I have alien toes it's like Megan toes girls use their feet like that yeah have you ever heard of a mega Fox Megan Fox yeah you ever heard about it about her thumbs no yeah there was this whole thing back like 10 12 years ago about Megan Fox has toe thumbs what you've never seen that no no yo Jay is there any weight Notch well hold up just okay yo we don't have Internet yeah like short thumbs yeah apparently her thumbs look like a big toes Jesus right apparently I just remember hearing that one that's weird what the beautiful woman even if she has something no that's what I'm saying I'm gonna be real I never notice yeah neither did I but but the new Transformers movie came out way back then yeah and I was like oh dude that's something like crazy sure like Megan Fox is like oh but her thumbs are short yeah she's ugly though look at her thumbs 100 I didn't know what I usually do oh dude Megan Fox she's so [ __ ] hot yeah my brother's like yeah but uh Have You Seen Her thumbs not really uh not really the best of luck it's like okay dude she is beautiful I will say though you know no describe to her her acting is not the greatest I will say that I didn't even notice I I had no idea oh okay cool yeah why wasn't that movie like 18 times I've only seen two Megan Fox movies which is that one in uh Jennifer's Body yeah didn't even watch that other one dude I actually like unironically I love Transformers yeah when I was a kid uh you ever heard of Beast Wars yeah yes do you know peace Wars no so it's like another version of Transformers they're all like animals instead of awesome oh no I do know about that actually yeah instead of Optimus Prime versus Optimus primal it's like a gorilla which they're also making a Beast Wars movie or the have you seen it I think that bro like I feel like nowadays it must be pretty badass to be a kid to have like all these Transformers movies you've got the internet you've got good video games you've got like all these new things coming out like it's actually crazy you got like AI that does like your school work for you like [ __ ] wait what they're like [ __ ] up though like they're attention spans and [ __ ] oh yeah like yeah kids only have like an eight seconds they're like dopamine receptors are all so [ __ ] up like it's harder for them to be happy but nah everybody's depressed yeah or that's just me is there is there any benefit to that like having a short attention span like what is is there a benefit well I think it is there is as a streamer right because like you don't focus on things that are boring for that long because you just immediately move past them yeah or I guess like if you if it's a certain way maybe like you can like absorb a lot of information but if it's like useless information then I don't know I guess he's like I'm thinking like if if we as humans are becoming more used to having shorter attention spans and perhaps that's just how we need to be perhaps there is a benefit but I'm thinking of any benefit of having a shorter attention span I have no idea what that could possibly be at all there's not even a fraction of an idea well you never get focused and worried about like one stupid comment because you always think about the next one you know that's true a million comments to worry about exactly you got a lot of work to do oh my God I had one of those I had one of those talk to the butt huh they were they're a streamer uh don't want to out them at all but like they literally end a stream and they call me and they said oh my God I just had one of the worst Dreams of My Life everyone in chat was being so mean and like I had to know what I had to end stream they were like saying like they were saying they're like oh they were like calling me like ugly and like boring and dumb uh-huh right and I'm like okay so I say well [ __ ] I'm sorry to hear that I I end the Discord call I go to check their VOD yeah literally one guy and I mean that genuinely well I mean one guy one band right yeah no they got banned yeah it was like like there was like one guy's saying is that it doesn't show up in the mod if they're bad because they would have been banned for the comment so it removes it retroactively from the video yeah oh it does that yeah yeah it's crazy okay I remember there was one because I called them back after and I'm like I mean you're probably right about that it was like worse than their head yeah yeah because like because like literally the chat is just like dude great stream so funny Omega LOL like one of the happiest chats I've ever seen I'm just like I do not see what you are talking about at all like are you sure and then they re-watch it and they're like damn how my brain do that how did my brain do that I don't know if that's an attention span problem I think people just focus on the negative more than the positive right I think that's kind of like more common right that's what a lot of people do yeah I think we talked about it with Dr K didn't we yeah yeah I mean like that's it makes sense right you shake somebody's hand 100 people's hands somebody slaps you in the face which one you gonna remember right it's the dude that slapped you in the face so I think that's kind of normal yeah people have done that to famous people yeah there was like a I think it was a K-pop Star who was like doing meet and greets and they had a fan of salt them and they were like they talked to the person after they were like arrests or whatever they're like why'd you do that they're like oh it's because I wanted to make sure they remembered my face forever it was like it was some girl that was like in love with him oh my God that's so creepy what is wrong with some of those people like especially I don't know what why yeah what is wrong with them like I see all the time there's always like crazy stuff that comes out of the K-pop like fan base I don't know what it is uh bite is weebs yeah yeah stuff that's about it so I wanted to ask you guys about a pretty pretty a pretty big tangent here okay I want to know whenever I'm seeming like I'm crazy or not so I want to talk about perception being reality and how you yourself don't exist okay okay so I was thinking about this I was talking to my chat about this as I normally do and it started off and they were all calling me like bro this guy's a lunatic and then at the end they were like wait a minute he's right so I need to know if there's just an echo chamber or if you're all kind of picking up what I'm putting down okay so I don't think that I myself exist okay but versions of me exist to everyone that I've ever met okay and so knowing how you perceive me and you perceive me is the only me that needs to exist in order to further the connection between two human beings because there is no way you can know everything that I've done in my entire life you can only see what you've been presented with so understanding the versions of you that people know in order to do further Connection by understanding everything they know about you is like important for like intentions behind words and like getting to a deeper understanding of y'all's relationship is it that really that crazy to think that the more you know about somebody the more that you can contextualize why they do things I feel like that's kind of normal right I feel like that's normal too it's like this could be the plot of like Asylum voice type of anime movie yeah [Music] yeah definitely but it's like it's like what I was thinking about was is there was I was I was walking on the street this this happened forever ago but it just really spawned into me um I was walking around London Ontario uh and I was with frame and I just dyed her hair and he met me and he walked up to us and said oh my God your hair is amazing who did it and then free said oh uh techie did it yeah and this guy just said you must be the greatest human being on this whole planet right and I'm like oh my God yeah I suck and this guy thinks I'm a God and then I realize this guy's version of who I am to him it's like I am like a god when in reality it's it's true but it's also not because I know that I'm not like that but that's the only me that he knows uh-huh holy [ __ ] that's crazy to me is that not crazy is that not crazy to think about or is that like I mean I don't know I think that's normal right there's a lot of things that people don't know about you I mean there's nobody knows everything about you so it's just like there's just always you know it's like Venn diagrams with every single person and like the real self is in the middle and then each person is another Circle that's on the side and how much that Circle intersects with the real circle is like how much they would uh how much they would like really know you yeah but like there's never going to be like a one-to-one I just I just find it so beautiful like that's why I love meeting new people like I always love meeting anybody who watches my streams of cons or meeting random people like a bar or like a theme park because like they get to experience a small snippet of my life and that version of me uh-huh is like whatever I make it out to be in that short time frame I mean somebody for a minute that's the only me they ever know and that's like a version of me that exists out there which I think is really cool I think it's like beautiful well I feel like it's like Yeah the more somebody knows you like yeah I'm like okay I'm gonna be nice to this person and then they're never gonna see me again so it can never get worse yeah oh look look I'm just gonna convince more and more people that I'm a good person and then just never talk to them again and meet new people this is the way a lot of the Twitter people do right is they hardly ever post they don't post hardly anything so there's very rarely an opportunity to hate on them because they don't do anything that's what I do yep there you go not really I just only like to post like stuff that I'm proud of on my Twitter I guess you don't really post a lot on your Twitter I feel like I just like I just have never I used to tweet more but it would always be like I'd be like I feel like I should tweet something I just don't have the urge to like put out random thoughts that I'm thinking out there I usually don't do that either like I feel like the last time I tweeted was like a month ago like I'll respond to other people's tweets but whenever I'm like actually coming hanging out with a tweet probably not because usually most of the things that I'm thinking are not good and so it's like I probably shouldn't tweet this one out yeah keep this one to myself I post a letter or whatever yeah oh here's a cute here there's my cat yeah but you're very involved in like communities that are on Twitter that's true plus I mean I'll be real I think Sears Twitter is like the greatest thing on planet Earth yeah just post pictures of himself he post pictures of himself every week he tweets out that he's pregnant yeah uh he says man look at all these libtards on this platform I'm sick of this [ __ ] sleepy Joe need to wake up take care of this country man my favorite part is whenever one of those tweets goes out and then people find it and they don't realize that it's a joke you know they're actually getting mad at them and they're like I don't know who the [ __ ] you think you are you stupid ass [ __ ] yeah just going off on it yeah that's been like my experience when a lot of my stuff blows up on Twitter yeah like there's like the link thing I've talked about where people thought that I was a guy there was one of them huge did I not show you where it was like this picture it says like my taste in women and my tasting men it's like a super Jack girl and then it's me dresses yeah yeah oh it's my tasting man but it's just me and there's another one where when I posted a picture of me with my Corvette dressed as Hatsune Miku it was like after we did an episode of a podcast with schlatt and I was joking about being a um a landlord because um I still owned my house in Kansas and my brother lives there for free so I'm not really a landlord I just have one house and after that Corvette tweet got big there was like a quote retweet that had 20 000 likes I was like I can't believe y'all are supporting a uh a landlord this like disgusting behavior and I was like what the [ __ ] 20 000 likes oh yeah it was people [ __ ] on me for being a landlord and like they were like oh this is like she's causing the housing crisis and [ __ ] oh yeah I think that's it what I I mean when I saw this I thought it was a joke like I thought it was funny so I liked the tweet I like the Tweet because I thought this was a joke and then they were like oh my God like is that not is that not a joke it's not a joke they actually hate me what that's I would just if I if that was me I just thought it was funny I would respond back I would say why would I wait an extra day yeah that's what I would do like yeah [ __ ] you if you the thing is if somebody ever tries to like make me out to be an [ __ ] I'm like no this is this is not my final form I can do better like who watches my stream of Spawn they're like oh she's not a landlord she just owns a house and her brother stays there and people are like does it make it okay yeah lying [ __ ] I knew it yeah that oh is that what she tells people uh-huh owning property makes you a a bigot now oh yeah of course well I mean these are people why do they think that probably because they don't have a house probably because they live at their mom's house probably because rent is very high so it's like usually whenever somebody's mad at you for something the reason why they're mad at you is because of something that that that's happening to them not you yeah their landlord's probably an [ __ ] yeah they're landlord's a dick not a landlord and now a word from our sponsors huge shout out to Tokyo Retreat and soccerco for sponsoring today's episode These Japanese snack boxes allow you to experience Japan from the comfort of your own home and offer a unique experience depending on which box you choose Tokyo treat focuses on limited edition snacks in Japan like saw Pepsi and sake flavored kitkats while the soccer code box is a little more traditional partnering with local Japanese snack makers to provide authentic snacks and teas plus each soccer cup box comes with a special Japanese tableware item every month you said sake flavored kitkats that sounds crazy this month's themes are the Osaka snack Asian and mochi fruit marbles both which come with a limited edition box design plus each box includes a booklet with a list of ingredients and additional facts about Japanese culture okay I want to see that sake flavored KitKat but what are y'all interested in let's see Sakura Co we got this little it's a nice little cooking box I usually like oh they have little white peach mochi dude yo let me take one which one this should look good as well oh my gosh smells so good ready Abby it's like candy bro I'm not kidding you this is one of my favorite games I've ever had that's crazy dude I'm about to eat this whole damn box I'm a Mochi fiend oh they give us a little they give us a little plate that is so cute which one is that in is that in a small one yeah at the very bottom they give us a fancy little plate I'm gonna put that on myself that is so cute if you're interested in experiencing Japan from your home today click on the links in the description and use our code steak for five dollars off your first order I had a really funny experience this morning uh speaking of like like living with your parents all that stuff where my buddy was live on stream and they were talking and you know they came from like a like a rough household yeah and so they were talking about their mom and the moment they started talking about their mom they go like this and you'll never believe what my mom did because she's so used to keeping her voice down when talking with her mom in her house that it's still affecting them like and I was like bro that is the coolest thing because I've I've never noticed that like this is that cool I wouldn't say it's cool but it's you know it depends on what the what the situation is well I thought it was cool that I picked up on why they did that because like even hanging out with like Dr k for like one podcast I think I'm hanging out with him again like in a couple days which I'm really excited about um it's just so cool like understanding like perception or like the big one that I love talking about is that you are the people who you surround yourself with uh-huh because like I don't know if you all have ever experienced that but like you ever like having like a shitty friend group and then you become the fifth shitty friend or no what do you mean by that like for example there's a thing like psychology where they say you are the five people you're surround yourself with if you surround yourself with five successful people you will be the sixth if you surround yourself in five [ __ ] you will be the sixth generally true yeah yeah because like I mean who would want to surround themselves with [ __ ] except for another [ __ ] 100 yeah I think that makes sense right it's a self-fulfilling thing but also yeah I think there's you know a little bit of uh uh you know peer pressure I think so too yeah like a lot of people feel like they don't have like the capacity to like change who they are or like really get to be who they want to be in life yeah then I really think that if like you just kind of acknowledge who you are accept like your flaws and then try to move forward and find people who are like what you want to be I feel like that's like the best way to like experience true change oh I mean like I think for me I I like growing up all of my friends did drugs I never did drugs I was not a fan of it because it was expensive and it was weird and that was the two main in order by the way mainly because they were expensive yeah when my buddies did drugs I definitely did drugs I didn't I said there's no way dude yeah they they would smoke weed I tried it once and then I was like yeah I tried with as well it's not for me it was weed like two times both times were not good so it was like okay well [ __ ] this do you always get people that say like oh I bet this guy smokes so much weed because I get that all the time and it's like no I do not like why do I I don't know I I don't get that I get drug dealers coming up to me and not even introducing themselves and just saying okay what do you want that's crazy just like yeah all right so what do you like what are you good for like do you want like a bit like you want Coke mushrooms oh like whenever I'd be in college oh like they see a tall skinny white guy that doesn't take care of himself okay yep all right what do you want uh you know oh my first of all I've never had that happen to me but the way that you describe yourself you would be perfect for this show that I watch all the time uh it's pretty popular on Netflix have you heard of queer eye no so first of all I think it's one of the greatest shows ever made in history I love it it is like my it is like my my favorite thing a new season just came out and it's about these five gay dudes okay um and they find someone who's just like not taking care of themselves right they they go and they like transform every aspect of their life uh it sounds like a lot of work bro asman did I cry every episode really oh my God it's beautiful there was this episode that came out in season seven and it's about this lady who got wrongfully imprisoned for 12 years oh my God okay and yeah 12 years uh a quote unquote obstruction of justice right this is like 12 years ago okay she gets let out um on wrongful charges right that she wasn't actually that took between 12 years to do it okay okay she comes out and she tries to meet her family right but she hasn't been like touched in like 12 years so when they hug her she like freaks out because she's not used to like human touch right so these guys they comment and it's very it's very important that I say that they're gay like the whole show was like started I believe back in the 1980s for like yeah your eye for the straight guy this was like a big thing in the 90s yep it's like get people to acknowledge the existence of like gay people but now it's not about acknowledging it's about like acceptance for like the currents for the current gen literally it is I recommend everybody to watch this show it's beaut that's it's what helped me take care of myself like now I'm like moisturizing my head and like trying to clean myself all that stuff lose weight all that stuff um but yeah they go and they like they they give her like therapy to like understand why she's like upset with herself like how it's not too late to like reconnect her family she had like uh dreadlocks because in prison um they people would try to use her hair to like hurt her yeah yeah so she kept them because they're like a defense mechanism because they're very thick and they couldn't do anything to it but then they got her like to cut her dreadlocks off so that way she knows that she's like safe now yeah they taught her how to like cook they went to her house cleaned everything up wow it's actually this this seems a lot more uplifting because like I remember the 90s show I thought it was just you know some gay dudes helping a straight dude get a girlfriend you know by like hey man why don't you wear this pair of pants that's what I thought it was it it transforms uh their house their career uh their culture their cooking their style they like got her all new clothes like make her feel like you know she's free oh my God at the end of the episode she oh I'm gonna cry she meets she meets with her whole family again and they like Embrace for the first time in like 14 years and like all the kids are just like yeah I mean we've always been proud of you but you just we weren't sure if you wanted this in your life oh my God holy [ __ ] it's so beautiful that's nuts man it is no idea it was like that yeah I yeah I thought it was just some dating show or something like that dude if you ever have time to watch a episode all the episodes are good like oh oh my God I love that show dude you're going on queer eye would be crazy I I was just thinking crazy and teaching them how to cook I know the first thing they would say I wanted to teach y'all how to cook y'all [ __ ] up that steak oh my God that [ __ ] was boiled y'all just I bet that was nasty like my dad called me on the phone he was like man they put too much butter on the pan he said Ms was trying to set me up to look bad you know you cook this steak wrong on purpose I think he did I can't believe that [ __ ] I mean it didn't taste that bad but by the time we ate it it was cold so like I feel like it wasn't like a fair review of course it wasn't and and he did that on purpose yeah oh he just doesn't he for sure doesn't there's no way I would probably say not not to be a narcissist I would say I'm the best I am the best coconut JK okay I don't think it's cool too doesn't he he does yeah you don't remember you remember we had the uh the Fourth of July celebration not this Fourth of July last Fourth of July where I cooked all the burgers and I cooked all the hot dogs care for that I don't know yeah because I cooked one specifically for you you I'm pretty sure I left that one early I think you said you don't you don't like ketchup do you or do you I know I remember the burger now yeah I did eat once yeah that's a good one yeah you wanna know why I know I'm a good cook why is that that's why I got to 330 pounds because I'm a damn good okay that [ __ ] was crazy bro I would get all my homies fat I remember I would go to college and uh people would like bring me ingredients to cook for them I'll bring them back to my house I would cook them up some spaghetti to last for like a week yeah because the trick is just bro just put like a pound of butter in it how is it not gonna taste good oh my God I hardly ever put butter in anything like I don't I almost put no seasoning on anything yeah that's something else you don't in your baked potato I thought that was crazy well I put salt and pepper on it okay that wasn't that wasn't in the video so we thought you didn't season it no no yeah I I put salt and pepper on it and that's about it like I don't put butter on it because that takes too long I don't put bacon on it what that takes like two seconds exactly I get not putting bacon out well you know you can buy bacon bits in like a shot I know yeah in the bag it'll taste as good as the real [ __ ] though they don't yeah it's just I mean salt and Pepper's really good but oh butter on baked potatoes yeah that shit's crazy it's a lot of work I used to eat baked potatoes okay so I would like I would like you to explain that okay how is it a lot of work it is well because like if I can go and get the food right now and eat it right now I just do that right but like you can just keep the butter out and then you just go nasty why do I keep the butter around well I mean you can do that though like you can keep it in the fridge take your forks like take a piece off and then just put on the potatoes yeah but I already put it back in but then I gotta worry like it's too much there's no way like [Music] it's not that big of a deal to me like yeah butter is all right but like it's not a big deal you don't think butter good Butter's all right I mean sure they make this like squeezable butter it's in like it's like a ketchup bottle kind of thing yeah that [ __ ] good oh my God butter good salt good pepper good I like salt and pepper okay I like a lot of that garlic powder good I I like dry Foods I don't like really like wet and like uh gooey Foods in general you don't like sauce like you don't need like spaghetti oh I'll eat spaghetti yeah that stuff's fine maybe you do like a baked potato and then you do shredded beef jerky on top of it why not just have a baked potato because then you can have shredded beef jerky we'll want you to see people if you put shredded cheese on it on the potato breaded cheese baked potato what oh a frog he hates cheese oh wait you don't hate cheese no I get I get two types of cheese oh he just doesn't prefer cheese well cheese is okay it's just that it doesn't need to go on everything wait do you eat chips yeah what kind of chips like all of them like name a chip oh jalapeno jalapeno kettle cooked there's no [ __ ] way this man eats kettle cooked chips bro those are the best what's the cat what's a cattle cook I think this is where they um I'll just say it I think they just cook it in the kettle it tastes good I mean isn't that pretty much the same thing like what's the difference oh texturally it's like a thousand times crunchier oh like you'll Chew in it it sounds like there's a balm it's like potato chips right yeah oh my God yeah I don't know if I'd like that or not I'm gonna bring you a bag next episode okay all right that sounds good wait do you like baked chips like baked lays yeah sometimes if somebody gives them to me I'll eat them no that's it disgusting really I should think about Fritos Fritos are great I used to get Frito pie did you ever have Frito pie no oh what you never have you ever had for your pie no oh my God like back in middle school you would get Fritos and you would put chili and you would put the chili on the Fritos and then dip the Fritos into chili and then eat it and there'd be cheese on top of it that sounds incredible it was insanely [ __ ] good man it was delicious you ever heard of bugles bugles yeah bugles they're like little cone shape things very vaguely I was young and naive and now there was this girl in my class who's back in sixth grade yeah and uh we took it was either English or math together and she had a crush on me but I didn't know what that was like back then because I was I was a little kid reading anime I was reading Brave Master at the time because we would read it together uh she was also a little bit weird but yeah I was like yeah I was a pretty chunky kid I'm not gonna lie and so I love me some chips and so she would get me to uh she would put bugles on her fingers and then have have you eat them off without her fingers bro yeah because to me I was just like [ __ ] these chips are so good you have to get down on like all fours like like six no I mean oh my god dude I have like a similar story of just like not knowing what the [ __ ] was going on there was this kid that had a crush on me but I similarly like didn't really like realize what was going on but so I was an orchestra so every day after school I'd have to go pick up my violin right before I went to the bus and he'd always be waiting there at my violin case and every day after school he would give me 20 and I don't know where he was getting this money from but he gave me 20 after school for like three weeks what yeah and then eventually I was just like why are you doing this and he was like I don't know I just want to and then eventually he asked me out and I I said okay because I was like okay like I don't want to be mean but then like one period later I realized I was like wait I don't want I don't want to be I don't want this guy to be my boyfriend so I broke up with him one class period later that's damn crazy but by then he gave me 300 what'd you do with the money I don't remember I probably like spend it at Taco Bell or something smart like oh my God that's crazy like I I don't think I really had any like as a guy you probably don't have that type of experience very often I think I do also want to say I wasn't just like accepting it like I kept being like no like I don't want it I don't want it like I don't want to take them like I feel bad but he'd be like I'm not leaving until you take this and I'm like trying to go to the bus he was your first viewer yeah he was doing 20 TTS yes that's crazy I can't imagine that like just someone being like do you want to go out with me okay I remember I talked to all my friends about it I was like I I'm like scared to talk to him now because now I have a boyfriend she was like well then you should probably break up with him and keep in mind this was like 20 minutes after I said oh my God so I broke up with him on the hallway on the way to my next class what grade were you in six oh Jesus you know what's crazy that dude one million percent remembers you doing that um you feel so bad he's probably [ __ ] up I was numb I didn't I didn't know about her I totally forgot about this until now we used to have something called Slap Ass Friday and it was exactly what it sounded like and everybody participated in it like girls and guys and everybody teachers didn't it wasn't that kind of a school but it was just the girls and the guys would do this and it would run around on Friday and slap each other with its asses like I'm straight up serious and like sixth seventh and eighth grade it was like a big it was like there was that and control event yeah yeah it was a cultural thing so walk me through a typical Slap Ass Friday everybody would have to stand with their back against the lockers what the f because everybody would just do it and like the teachers like At first the teachers were like guys come on but then they were just like ah [ __ ] it like yeah just let them do what they want and uh yeah by the time it was I was in seventh grade like nobody gave a [ __ ] anymore did you just let everybody do it that's the coolest [ __ ] I've ever heard of yeah and everybody would do it to everybody it was just the [ __ ] craziest [ __ ] like looking back on it especially nowadays like oh my God I couldn't even imagine that it's all at War yeah there's anything and I want to go I want to go back to queer eye real quick yeah uh cleaning y'all sell them and taking care of yourself like don't have like any routine I'm assuming you don't but maybe you do well uh you take care of yourself let's see I had to so I was getting like uh a little bit of allergies whenever I would go to bed and it was like I wasn't like really feeling super great waking up and it's like what's really going on here and so I eventually took all the pillows and blankets off of my bed and apparently there was mold inside my pillows that's not good so yeah it was kind of a lung cancer say what lung cancer yeah I don't want that and so yeah we put all the pillows outside and uh you know I went to uh wash all of them so I've been in the process of doing that for the past couple of days that's a big step why don't you just like throw them away and buy new ones well I might have had the pillow for like 25 years that's like my pillow but like you have money like why don't you just get like new nice ones well I mean I already have nice ones those are the ones that yeah but like for the mold but there's like mold like I don't know if you can like fully get it out yeah I probably am going to get rid of like one or two of them but the rest of them we're gonna keep them but I mean like okay so you're taking a shower yeah what's the [ __ ] what do you do like in the shower uh well um let's see let me think about that I mean like I have so I am extremely greasy yeah and I've gotten to the point now where I have like I've thought about upgrading to like a wire brush yeah get all of the grease and [ __ ] off of my head okay yeah that's oh my God you can't brush grease out of your hair oh it seems to work but like do you like body wash shampoo anything do you think special yeah I mean I just washed my hair it's about no I'm telling you you can't brush grease out of your hair it just spreads seems to work for me I don't know what else to do about it though I'm gonna walk you through what I do okay so first of all I preheat my shower for a minute I turn the shower head on Max that way when I walk in it's very steamy I go in and I let the shower head run on this little Rainbow soap bar I picked up from this place called Lush which by the way is the greatest store on Earth it's all soap you walk in there you get hit with a wave of just like blush is great exotic fruits it smells so good and I let it run in this little bar don't tell them about the Exotic fruits yeah oh yeah sorry yeah but I walk in and it smells like a rainbow okay immediately I grabbed my shampoo sell some blue because I don't have hair but flaky skin on my scalp isn't good shampoo my head that's the thing I got yeah yep and then I grab my beard wash I put my beard wash in while those two are coating and soaking I brush my teeth at the same time then I get my body wash and I body wash the flock out of myself I body wash hard get my little loofah go go crazy clean myself up spit my shampoo or spit my toothpaste out rinse my beard rinse off my head good to go I get out of the shower and this is where the real the real important thing happens next thing I do is I get beard oil rub that in get me real shiny and then I grab uh Cocoa Butter Slap that [ __ ] on my head and I go from a forehead all the way back and I and I I moisturize like absolutely it work as cocoa butter is like the greatest thing on earth and now a word from our sponsors well for most of us learning a second language in high school was not exactly a high point point of our academic careers I learned sign language the only thing I know how to sign is water because that's what I needed to sign to leave the class to go get a glass of water that would take 20 minutes what about you guys y'all take anything I learned Spanish and middle school it was pretty difficult I don't remember a lot now uh the teachers attempted to teach me Spanish for five years I don't know [ __ ] well how convenient because well now thanks to Babel the language learning app that sold more than 10 million subscriptions there's an actively fun and easy way to learn a new language did you know that Babel's 15-minute lessons make it the perfect way to learn a new language on the go they're expertly crafted lessons are built around real life you can learn how to have practical conversations about travel relationships business and more other language learning apps use AI for their lesson plans but Babel lessons were created by over 100 language experts and they're learning or their teaching methods have been scientifically proven to be a 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you got dry feet or if you got dry hands here's what you do you moisturize the hell out of your hands and your feet and you like leave them like gooey and then you take a sock and you put them over your hands or your feet uh-huh and then you go to sleep with that on okay and then you'll wake up and your hands will feel like new hands really it is crazy lotion sock straight up okay that sounds weird yeah that sounds really weird I'm gonna make sure I heard right yeah but like I I like dunk my feet in Cocoa Butter slip my sock on it's gonna feel weird but when they wake up and like if you mess with cocoa butter let me know in the comments because I'm very curious how many people do this slap it on there I recommend cocoa butter to everybody oh my God it's the greatest oh no I I love taking care of myself now really after that show yes I love it I feel like okay so what else do I do besides that I mean I never wash my face because I feel like I I've always had the mindset that like so the skin that you have it's supposed to be like that right like your body has evolved for millions of years to exist with these types of chemicals on your body and so I don't ever put anything on my face I don't ever do anything different with my face at all I just have it exactly the way it is I don't have any like real blemishes I did the truth is I did used to shave the acne off my face that's crazy I get what you're saying but then by that logic we just wouldn't shower at all uh well water is natural right you're supposed to have water well here's what I'm thinking and also like if you what's the longest you've ever gone without showering like three days I mean like for real though for real though yeah like three or four days I I think I think for me probably like two weeks probably the longest I've ever gone wait what were you doing it's like playing games oh being depressed I mean I use showers as like when I'm depressed like I use showers and baths so I've never had that problem no I do the same thing but like it was like it was like it was like 10 years ago you know we're water bills were a thing yeah and I had to worry about that [ __ ] depression when it's like hard to take care of yourself sometimes so so here's the crazy thing is that after about two or three weeks you actually stop getting dirty oh bro don't tell me about the stink cycle bro no it's not wait what's this thing it's not the stink cycle okay all right so after that it's like you the time goes up and like you start getting more and dirtier deer and you know more time more dirty more time and what's crazy is that eventually it starts leveling off and you stop getting dirtier because it's like you just can't get any more dirty than you already are and then the crazy thing about it is then you start getting clean because your body your body begins cleaning itself and over time like like if you go back and you watch my video If like after I took a shower like you know a month after I didn't take a shower like if you look at my skin it is absolutely [ __ ] Flawless and like the only problems that I have with my skin are again where I shave the acne off my face whenever I was a kid I mean you're right to some degree that a lot of skin care is kind of a scam or like some skin care products that are sold are meant to fix problems caused by other skin care products but you should still clean yourself my routine is simple because like I just like cleanse moisturize well what I used to do is I would better that way I I had like a razor blade and I would just shave like all the dead skin off my face that is crap that's crazy yeah that is insane I think that no I felt great it's like a snake yeah but so here's the big difference yeah right so you're you're not a snake that's the that's the crazy part well the thing is though is like so like no but like it have I like do I have any pimples no your skin actually looks really good yeah exactly now like one like I I get a pimple or something like that on my face once every seven years okay does it Causeway stress uh no well recently like apparently like you know I was telling you about like how I didn't ever like clean my sheets or like my my pillows or anything like oh yeah that'll [ __ ] you're folding over well like my pillows were so um like they were wet why were they wet well from mold and also from like grease and like where did the where did the oil come from do you like spill something in your mouth no no well I mean yeah but like that wasn't why um that is totally why it was on the other side that was like a blanket and it wasn't a big deal and I I don't know because I had spilled like this is like a couple of months like a month ago I wanted I didn't want my eyes to adjust to the light so I walked out and I used the bathroom with my eyes closed and I came back and I knocked an entire full drink of soda on my blanket and then I didn't really clean it up I just kind of folded it over and got like the really wet Parts cleaned but like yeah and it was it was really bad and so like eventually like the pillow was uh like what what's the texture it felt like the the pillow felt like a basketball like the pillowcases it was leathery yeah kind of and I I was like okay this is like you know like I I like kind of have like my nose is a little bit itchy and so I thought okay I'm gonna clean up all my stuff and so I I've cleaned it all up now but it was like damn that [ __ ] was uh it was fine but it was like it felt weird to sleep in that you unlocked a repressed memory for me what's that remember how I told you I just told you about how I didn't shower for all that time yeah so I think about the other things that happened here uh so I stole a guy's Tempur-Pedic mattress okay full disclosure wow well because he wasn't using it was in his house so I just took my buddy right so well he was my homie right but I just because I didn't ask I just took it I don't think it was I didn't think he even had a problem with it okay but it was like the nicest mattress I ever owned and the problem was uh my brother he brings his dog over uh-huh and his dog ate a big chunk out of the mattress so there was like a crater in the bottom right corner of it who cares okay right well I'll tell you who cares my cats because my cats in a little home they sat in the hole Yeah but then they thought oh it smells like animals so they pissed in it and they shat in it now the problem was those are the only matches that I had right and I also didn't want to touch their piss and [ __ ] so what I would do was yep and the thing was and then I was like all right well it'll just dry up and it won't smell bad yeah that it happened they just kept doing it right I slept in a pissed [ __ ] mattress for like two three months yeah it's because like yeah it didn't smell too good but dude Tempur-Pedic mattresses are really nice right do you all have one uh I have like a pillow topper like a Tempur-Pedic top yeah mattress topper yes you should just get a whole mattress it is nice it's like yeah but it's like three thousand dollars okay but yeah but so here's the thing I'll just full disclosure you might call this a millionaire take I don't care I think you spend eight hours a day in this [ __ ] thing you you should invest in it I think I think dude I'm gonna be real I probably spend 12. I'd probably spend 12 because I will wake up in the morning and for the first two hours of the day all I will do is read stuff phone scroll that's it yeah I'm just on my phone the whole time I'm sitting there watching YouTube videos reading posts about myself like reading my YouTube comments and then whenever I finally get up like I've been awake for like an hour at that point two hours I do the same thing hour or two of just browsing trying to get caught up on a date everything that's happening I cannot tell you how much like if you think about it some people spend twenty thousand dollars on a car right they drive that for an hour or two to get back and forth and work why would you not spend like five maybe you can't afford it that's totally okay but in investing a decent amount and a good mattress to just get quality sleep it is life changing because I used to wake up every day in pain let's see like that's the difference is like for me recently I had like a problem with like my [ __ ] shoulder but like it's that's not a big deal yeah and uh other than that I never have any problems sleeping like I I like if I'm in my own bed this is like I've slept in this bed for 20 years it's the same bed the same bed you ever rotate it what so you're supposed to like flip your magic every six months well I have a mattress topper I don't have to do that okay no that's fair that's fair you wash that you wash the topper well because I have a sheet over it well I'll probably I'll probably wash it why well because I mean things are gonna get through the shoot yeah but like that but I mean how are they going to get through I mean it's probably not though I mean well you you just talked about spilling a whole cup of soda but that was like there's like four blankets in between that and like the topper yeah I would probably I would probably get a new mattress me personally yeah what if I were to just get you a new magic would you use it no because then like what if the thing is like I have a mattress right now and I have been sleeping on that mattress for 20 years and I am comfortable and I I feel good laying down it's very comfy it's very soft nobody has ever complained about my mattress and you know what it's gonna stay that way you ever hear like a like a like a pet like a cat or a dog I mean to be fair though I do have a futon upstairs it's a king-sized futon yeah and uh it is probably harder than than this it is like straight up like super [ __ ] hard yeah and I remember like I carried it all the way up the stairs and I still don't even know how I did that because it weighs like [ __ ] hundreds of pounds so insane so here's my take on that like cats and dogs right they eat the same kibble every day and they're like every single time I get out of bed they're like oh master master please give me my rocks to eat yeah they jump around they get all excited and then they go to their bowl I dump them their little rocks and they're like oh praise be you these rocks are delicious because it's all they know right and then first time I ever give them like a shrimp or salmon they're like holy [ __ ] what have I been missing out on good God and now my little cat eggy ever since you experienced this little kitty soup that I get them he walks me to the closet every morning and he barks at me until I get him what he wants but isn't that a service isn't that bad because if you never know the luxuries of life you can never miss them that's that is and that is so true yep exactly and it's like I I live it in you know my shitty house with my shitty car it's before I do have a nice air conditioning machine now uh but beside oh I mean well it gets [ __ ] hot in my upstairs room like I will I have ended streams I have banned people because of the temperature in my room like I get unironically mad whenever I talk I don't have a fan in there well so bad it's like it's still number one it's still bad like straight up there is like okay so this is my room right and there's like the drywall and then there's the 100 degrees like that's it no insulation nothing I have the same thing so I had to I had completely got everything redone this winter my room is so hot yeah we're sort of streaming in uh and tank tops and the problem is I know I I have a very itchy head and then I scratch my head and then my chat sees my armpits which I don't like yeah yeah and it freaks me the [ __ ] out so I got I gotta fix my [ __ ] room because it makes me so self-conscious bro I hate it dog oh my God yeah I just I could not deal with that like I mean the heat in like I can deal with cold because you just put on more blankets right you can just yeah more and more uh of like uh like you can become your own personal Igloo yeah but like the problem is that with tahit you can only take up so many clothes and like then you're just hot and you're sweaty and it's like especially if you're greasy it's got like that slime well no you know what I'm talking about Am I Wrong well I have the opposite problem my room is freezing but I have I have a space heater were you a space heater yeah I have a space heater is that new my streaming room no it's always been there yeah like it's just always running that's why the sometimes um I'll like short the power in my entire room because what brand is it it's just something like thirty dollars it's not the it's not Vornado is it Vornado I don't think so what the [ __ ] is that I'm pretty sure Vornado is French for house fire okay because I had one of these vornados and it caught fire like three times oh well mine's never caught on fire but one time I actually left a Cosplay wig in front of it and like it was getting really hot but nothing happened oh yeah dude Vornado sounds like a badass like Diablo ability yeah it is you know like like blow up a corpse summon a gornado tornado oh yeah Vornado gotcha I still can't believe that shit's coming out in like two weeks oh my God same it's like yeah a little bit under two weeks actually and now a word from our sponsors yo today's sponsor is displayed a one-of-a-kind metal poster designed to capture your unique passions you can customize collect and rearrange them at will plus it only takes 20 seconds to install with zero power tools zero damages and zero frustration trust me I know that because I've done it myself this plate has over 1.3 million designs that's crazy 40 000 artists and delivers to 56 countries uh Jay can you pull up the display website oh look at that they have guntion on it isn't that so cute wait do they do they have any Hawkeye star rail or no oh they have a oh have a little Pom-Pom dude oh I love that guy wait can you zoom in on that Pom-Pom in the top left oh my God he is so beautiful bro I love pom-poms so much he's my favorite I got y'all something what pick this up oh oh my God for a good weight asthma yeah holy [ __ ] you know the name of this character Millennia blade of Nicola you'll know her name oh dude I got Nylo Candace and Sinnoh from Genson you know why I love this because this is a this is my characters bro don't these feel crazy yeah these are cool I have like six of these in my house I love them a lot displayed is all about collecting your passions and using them to inspire yourself and with a four to five day delivery time that's really quick there's never been a better opportunity to grab one for yourself plus oh sick you can use code steak for 20 off one or two disc plates or thirty percent thirty percent damn off three or more that's code steak at checkout and thank you display it for sponsoring today's episode thank you very much I still just got to ask y'all y'all just put this on the table y'all ever want to go master shopping just let me know okay because I love I love that [ __ ] and I should probably upgrade because I've had mine for about four or five years yeah I'll probably get something new if you haven't slept on other people's mattresses and they are not as good as mine I have the I have the best mattress no I'm I'm pretty sure if you were to try my mattress you would realize that I I've tried those like five thousand dollar mattresses and like they're nice I have a mattress that's like 500 off Amazon and I'll have two layers of Toppers I have one that's like a foam layer and then one that's just like the plush layer and oh my god there it is it's like a cloud well there you go I spent like under a thousand on it that's awesome see the difference between me and you is um you're small in the world true when you're taller it's harder yeah small people the world understands me the freaks the ogres the world hates every car I'm uncomfortable in right I drove a [ __ ] Chevy Spark as a six I used to be six foot eight fun fact I am now six foot six because my spine is so [ __ ] up my Chevy Spark it was like a clown car bro I was driving I drove 32 hours straight from El Paso Texas to London Ontario did that seven times straight didn't sleep uh for each not not 280 hours like 32-hour trip I'll jump like this the whole time like a depressed old man oh my god dude the world is not built for tall people it is so frustrating I can't shop at malls no clothes fit me they don't have shoes in my size like the pants don't go down far enough dude it is so annoying like I wish I was like five ten yeah five ten six foot like that's like the sweet spot where the world understands you know like the funny thing is that if you were 5 10 you'd be giving a speech on how if you were six six or six eight it would be totally different and you know you wouldn't have to be looked down on and it's like you know you wouldn't have girls tell you no just categorically you know I'm pretty sure it's one of those grasses always greener on the other side situation I would much rather have to deal okay because here's the thing I don't even know if this is true yeah but I still fear Margaret in my brain apparently the taller you are the shorter you live I think that's generally true yeah yeah I would much rather deal with why first of all why the [ __ ] would I want to be with any girl who turned me down because I was five ten six foot well I don't know that's that's crazy I don't think that's even like as common as people online I don't think it is at all I don't know I mean like I I really don't think it is like I mean sure like to a lot of people being taller might be an attractive trait I mean for for women there's also things where it's like there's like a million different physical things that could make you like more or less attractive to someone yeah no I have definitely been told by women like I think it's really hot how tall you are obviously that's like a thing but like if if I'm sure that's a thing but like I don't think it's like as crazy like short guys can't get girls for sure I think that's another thing they don't know like oh God if only I was six one I'd be swimming it babe you know what the funny [ __ ] thing is is have y'all ever heard of those like pickup artist type guys oh my God yeah and so there was this super cheesy pickup artist guy and these dudes were asking them they're like so does dick size matter does height matter does all this stuff matter and the weirdest [ __ ] thing happened this dude actually gave the best advice I've ever heard I'm ready it doesn't matter unless you think it does I agree can you believe that I'm glad you said because oh my God some of those pickup artist guys are just so bad right so bad and so cringe and just like I feel like make these guys lives so much worse it's like the [ __ ] that they say I I don't understand like I've watched some of the stuff that they say and it's like this is like there's no way this actually works right like there's just no way and it's like meanwhile you have other people that just don't do any of that stuff and they have girlfriend and it's fine and so I don't understand how I don't get how guys get attracted to that stuff it feels very weird to me I think the problem is is that a lot of people focus on one night stands yeah I was thinking the same thing like they don't they don't actually I don't think they even want an actual relationship exactly they don't want an actual relationship way to hook up and I can't do that because I'm not like this 10 out of 10 six foot four model or whatever yeah like like when people want to meet up and like beat guts do the sideways Monster Mash yeah obviously physical traits coming to play dick size all that [ __ ] but in reality if you just get someone to like you for who you are and just think about it from your perspective if you liked who someone was you're not gonna be like like oh I love everything about this person but their tits are just a little bit too small right yes a lot of those guys that are like oh it's because I'm not six whatever that I can't get a girl they they um look at the gender they're attracted to the same way like I only want to get with a girl that's like a model or whatever which is [ __ ] ridiculous oh yeah they don't they don't even realize they're being hypocritical like they're just hurting themselves yeah I agree I I I will watch some of the pickup artist stuff because I just think it's funny to see what people say you know and like stuff people will say yeah it's like okay you've got it and it's like all the um especially I think the funniest thing is how you have like these like [ __ ] 40 year old dudes that are trying to coach 20 year old dudes on how to text a girl oh my god oh it's so funny man I love it I mean if it helps I mean I I guess it's okay to have confidence you know but it's only bad whenever you uh you know it's like the toxic stuff you know like other than that it's I don't I think it's pretty much harmless well so what did you uh I mean what did you have the questions about with OverWatch too okay questions okay first like so I did see the like Dev stream where they talked about it so first did they ever say what happened like why it was canceled and then second I wanted to ask if you think it's like The Faults of like the team that was working on it like they weren't able to like do it right or is it like a budget issue like not their fault at all because if that is the case which is what it kind of seems like I feel really bad for them that they're kind of like the face of shouldering all that blame I don't really know what it seems like to me is that they probably released the idea of OverWatch 2 too too early because so like blizzard this is actually their third time [ __ ] up an FPS game because they had an FPS game it was actually a third person shooter game in like the early 2000s called Starcraft ghost it was a playable demo and everything and it just got completely scrapped then they wanted to make another game called Titan which was kind of like Destiny well that's just you know just to be make things simple yeah I never Titan failed as well and then they merged Titan and turn Titan into OverWatch okay and then they took OverWatch too and they were saying okay well now we're going to introduce the features that I guess Titan might have originally had into OverWatch 2 over time to develop it into being a PVE or PVP MMO like an FPS and this also didn't happen so like whose fault is it really I mean I would say it's probably everybody's fault like there's no way that it's not the development team's fault at all but the odds are that it's a it was like really like it's probably the upper management that's making bad decisions and not funding things properly and like there were people at blizzard saying that like so a lot of companies now are making people return back to work instead of like working from home and this created like a massive crisis at blizzard because a lot of people were like [ __ ] I don't want to have to go back to back to the office and uh the people were leaving they had to make apparently crisis maps of like what games they could even ship at all because of this and this is like not even exclusive to to OverWatch as far as I know so is it like a time or is like is it a time thing or like it's like they're like we don't have enough money left to pay people to finish this or is like they just look at the whole thing and they're like this is like too bad to even put out like it'll just be disappointing like what I think it's probably a little bit of all the above right and it's also probably the concept just didn't really play out well in the actual game right everything was supposed to be good it was supposed to sound like this was supposed to be like this but it just didn't really play out the way that they had wanted it to and like the thing is that if you have all the different characters with all these different like talent trees and everything like that you think about like for example like a Valerian you don't have talent trees for each character each character just does these things and that's it so whenever you have so many different levels of customization you have to balance all of those things against each other and like blizzard tried that with Warcraft and like the not this expansion but like the previous two expansions and all they did was spend time micromanaging little bits of balance between and they could never actually like make the game better because they were trying to play on the back foot all the time for PVE it doesn't matter that much if one character is like way stronger than the other of course because if one character is way better well what happens is like then everybody everybody either wants to play that character or doesn't want to play with you like let's say it's a tank right and uh I'm thinking like orisa was like really good at the beginning right you remember that yeah yeah and like Arisa was really good roadhog was not really good and guess what happens whenever you're in a PVE encounter that you know this is going to be like a 25 minute investment and you have somebody who's playing roadhog well now you're mad at them because they're setting you at a disadvantage right like the same thing happens in Lost Ark and wow where it's like if a certain class does more damage like as you said s fan complained to you about classic wild for like two hours yeah you probably talked to you about like how red Paladin was bad right yeah he yeah what did he say he said I feel like every class scales but a rut Palin or something like that oh yeah yeah I know exactly what he's gonna say and so anyway uh guess what happens there you know why Sven went to raids why because he was the Guild Master that's right he was the Guild Master and he was the guy that was in charge of everything because nobody would invite a rep paladin on their own because they were garbage and that's just how it is so the meta matters a lot because if you have like massive imbalances well guess what's going to happen well then you're gonna have games that are uh you know people only want to play with that one class well here's why the same thing in league right he's right yeah yeah I don't feel bad for the devs at all they they were the dumb [ __ ] who promised to do this [ __ ] three years no because Bob apparently so this is what I heard I don't know if this is true but what I heard is that Bobby codic wanted to announce OverWatch 2 to get past the bad press from the blitz Chung incident which was the um free Hong Kong thing right because it had happened just like a couple of like a month before then well it's just like regardless of why they did it they are the ones who made the idea to announce it and I feel like they could have just not done that because when you probably it's not like it's like sure or maybe it was a spur of the moment maybe it was to get past this or that but like you can't promise something as a Corp AAA Corporation and say yeah we're gonna make this whole game but that was the whole point of OverWatch because now OverWatch 2 is just OverWatch one and the worst part about it is I spent so much time defending it I know I was mad at blizzard because Emmy got sponsored five [ __ ] times actually it was more than that but yeah and I went and I'm [ __ ] defending the game I'm saying guys PVE is coming it's gonna be fine don't worry don't get upset never [ __ ] sponsored me never sponsored me now I did call the game [ __ ] but I'm sure you probably said that too right oh not once oh the game is [ __ ] I genuinely like I was really happy playing OverWatch too when it came out like I like the New Balance stuff I was having fun but the issue that I had with it and I was I played it for like three months when it was released but it just felt like there was like nothing new I guess yeah exactly exactly it didn't feel like there was like a progression like even in games like League where like they're not always like doing like huge balance changes and stuff I mean they do way more often than OverWatch but I just didn't feel this sense of like progression that I have with other competitive games why not I I don't know like I feel like even in League when you're hard stuck it still feels like every game like I don't I don't know what it is like it might be like the length of the matches or something for OverWatch but it just like doesn't hit the same for me as other competitive games it doesn't it doesn't and I don't know man it just feels like the majority of OverWatch games are decided at like Champs like which happens a lot for League two but it's like one bad player can throw the entire game I don't think there's really that big of a way to carry every game as OverWatch like it's so hard like obviously you could maybe your Widowmaker and on spawner like bop bop bop bop bop they're all dead but it's ridiculously hard to carry the majority of games are decided by like I guess like placement by like blowing your alt at a certain time but I don't know it literally didn't feel that different from OverWatch one for me and it's I was I was one of the players because I'm pissed off because I was looking forward to that mode so much yeah I was excited for it like like for me like always like an [ __ ] because I was saying guys it's coming it's gonna be fine I was the biggest OverWatch 2 Defender yeah but and now I'm an idiot but that's not your fault at all you know like it doesn't matter doesn't matter to the YouTube commenters yeah they need to go suck a dick bro I don't know was it a common sentiment at the time for people to be like oh blizzard won't finish it because if you were saying like oh they will finish it how common was that for people to say that to you every people say that Diablo 4 is going to be paid to win people say anything bad that blizzard could do according to the internet it might as well have already happened yeah people do not like that company which uh you know there's I saw a clip this morning of s fans and he said guys why are you calling blizzard bad why are you why are you saying that guys they're not bad they're [ __ ] horrible which [ __ ] killed me but I mean let's I heard what the the battle pass for Diablo for eign everything about Diablo 4 is good everything about OverWatch 2 is bad do you remember that year that blizzard announced the mobile Diablo and people were like really pissed to them and then a week later Wyatt was like hey guys we're doing a Netflix show we're coming out with a shooter we're doing a fighting game we have a card game now yeah and it was just like 10 [ __ ] things and it was like right after blizzards I was like oh my God I would be so embarrassed yeah where they announced like the shooting game the fighting game and they announced a valorant yeah their fighting game a bunch of other stuff they announced Arcane uh-huh which so [ __ ] good I think they might have announced the MMO then I don't remember though I think that they showed it like a little bit but they like didn't want to say anything about it yeah I feel like Rod's an amazing company well Orion's doing very well and like the reason why is that they they basically do what old blizzard used to do they took an existing idea that worked really well and then they just do it better and they perfect that idea it's literally that simple you don't need to reinvent the wheel blizzard tried to do that with Heroes of the Storm but it was just too late yeah which sucks because I will say I love Heroes of the Storm that is a good game that is a good game it's a five stack only playing solo and Heroes of the Storm is like playing Smite solo holy [ __ ] it's so bad by the way the doofy Shoujo skins came out for smile yeah oh my God I haven't played that at all I've been playing with like uh I play with um uh Snuffy neanders Ethel um oh my God are any of them even in the Shoujo yeah the high-res does like a similar thing where like a lot of their games like do you guys ever play realm Royale yep that's the chicken one right the game broke my heart what why because it was so good and then they made all these changes I don't know exactly why like I think they are trying to be more like fortnite and it just I don't know like it just completely died it made me so sad do you know uh uh [ __ ] Michael Sony on Twitter yeah he was the best player in the world that came and [ __ ] died I thought that game was gonna win a hundred thousand dollar championship in the game died a month after I felt so bad for him because that game was so good that I don't know what the hell it was it was a good ass game that is the one where you kill people and they turn into the chickens right yeah okay that [ __ ] was so funny that game was so good it was just I was playing with neander's and call and then I was playing as neanders in the game that's got to be the coolest [ __ ] ever yeah like having your character model in a video game yeah that is insane because because Miz has his uh this has his little egg yeah on top of a palette on uh whatever the uh fanatos like that's one thing having your egg on it that's cool I mean I would love that if that were made but like it's legit just nanners and and and and Sylvian like they all of them it's the coolest [ __ ] crazy collabs they were like the Transformers one they did an avatar one Rocco's Modern Life yeah Ninja Turtles avatar The Last Airbender like I remember Emmy I was watching but it was like a Transformers one or something like that yes I I would play Starscream yeah yeah it was some like robot and I was like how the [ __ ] like I'm just getting a Smite was there like an otk Smite tournament yeah won that I don't know God you jackass bro that [ __ ] was crazy that was one of my favorite moments of my whole life you just went away because everybody was giving me his [ __ ] yeah they were saying we're inviting that one guy yep for that now because because he was playing it was Dave who had like 2 000 hours then he corrected he's like actually it's only 800. uh and then he was playing with three players uh some of which were Grand Master of League of Legends yeah like what's the point of view to watch the tournament we know who's gonna win and I'm like all right time to save Mrs ass once again and I grinded um I grounded myself for probably about 25 hours oh my God uh and then I did 15 games of practice scrims with my friends from VR chat I was supposed to have fun like Rob was supposed to be on my team uh rafflegator uh and um another another chick uh whose name was uh Autumn they were supposed to be on my team they dropped up uh something doesn't work out with Rob Autumn drops uh maybe like a day before because they were just not coming to practice replace them last second with just more of my buddies buff pup uh Suki Lawman and stripping we get about 15 games of practice with the majority maybe five games of practice with the whole team we sweep that [ __ ] uh-huh 7-0 zero losses bro damn that [ __ ] was crazy and the best thing was I'm not gonna say I was the best because I wasn't law man was the best but I was I was [ __ ] killing it you were doing what you needed to do yep as I always do speaking of which I think there's something else that we need to do what I think I think we need to thank everybody for watching oh yeah that's right I forgot about that yeah thank you guys very much for watching I appreciate it everybody it's been uh what episode is this why are they fighting for you know that those tactones set out at the beginning I remembered that's crazy that's crazy because I said I don't even remember yeah I don't either it sounded about right so yeah episode 14. oh my God thank you guys all so much for the support uh support's been crazy uh on YouTube videos on patreon on Twitter people are always commenting telling me how much they like the show thank you guys all so much we really appreciate it and uh we're gonna go ahead and we will see you all on the next week's episode so until next time boys peace then you turn and you look at me there's a little glimmer that I can see sparkling your eyes it makes me realize all we need is you and me and I shines from your eyes it brightens and the cloudy day [Music] my way if you ever wondered Ouija board I firmly believe that they are real and it's subconscious like the thing is that why is it that somebody from the dead never tells you where like buried treasure is because they don't want your ass to get it because they're selfish well what are they going to do with it they're dead they just won't they just don't want you to have it I don't think that's it I I think I I feel like there's all oh I could predict the future I can talk to people with spirits and stuff like that okay well then what what do the spirits say the winning lottery numbers yeah let's go ahead let's put this down to the test yeah and I don't think so man I don't so you don't believe in Spirits at all or Demons of course I I don't well okay I I am I am open to the idea that Spirits could exist I am not open to the idea that we have any sort of way to pierce the veil to contact them okay that's fair yeah I don't and I don't think anybody has even accidentally pierced that Veil I don't think it's happened I think people are just imagining it
Channel: Steak and Eggs Podcast
Views: 275,019
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Keywords: asmongold, emiru, tectone, steak & eggs podcast, steak and eggs, steak and eggs podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 20sec (5000 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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