Asmongold Responds to Comments About His House Tour

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[Music] guys uh I'd like to kind of start off the steak and eggs and say that over the last week uh we have unfortunately lost Emy and tectone uh they contracted AIDS disent uh you know cancer a headache Bubonic plague if you don't believe it uh I didn't either coid 20 it's already out so um yeah uh you guys weren't supposed to laugh you know like it kind of [ __ ] it up huh oh yeah you're right this is very serious yeah yeah all right well we had a we had a good time last week huh yeah I actually had a really good time yeah it was good I did unironically get myself checked out the day after really just to make sure just in case just it'll take a couple more days for it to really take effect yeah it'll kick in I don't I don't know if like this is from visiting the house it could have been unrelated but I have been coughing and sneezing more and I have a giant pimple on my face that's like very very painful mhm and I don't I don't usually get pimples so like maybe like I got some kind of like disease skin disease no mere mortal can live with asthma yeah it's just the way it is I had a pretty pretty serious tummy ache for at least two hours oh no tummy ache I know it was pretty serious I only cried for 30 minutes and uh that steak I will admit the steak was good I told you man that [ __ ] delicious it was worth it was worth the paint afterwards yeah but you also ate two of them oh yeah you ate Jay steak yeah yep you were going in on them yep no that [ __ ] was stupid you wonder why cuz it was unironically unlike any steak I've ever had in my whole life really Y what was good about it what would you like the insane amount of flavor yeah exactly it like punches you in the face that lemon pepper M that [ __ ] elbows you so good like actually so good J just typed my steak sad face hey hey I made a St for him it's not my fault hey it is what it is no he was too afraid to eat it I don't blame him right so I ate the [ __ ] and it was good and I also some of that potato to that [ __ ] was fire now that was actually such a fun time you liked it yeah I mean I'm not GNA lie I want to clean your house or a room so bad so yeah the thing is like you think that and then you will realize that there are levels of non- cleanliness that you don't even know exist I know but like just your bedroom yeah you know clean the sheets clean the walls o replace the mattress why why would I replace the mattress like okay so yeah I I don't even understand why would I do that oh at least flip it at least flip the mattress why would I flip the mattress what's the what is the best case scenario it feels nicer and it's cleaner how could it possibly feel nicer if the bed already feels nice well I mean okay okay with that logic all right what's your favorite thing in the whole world beef jerky beef jerky what if they came out with oh [ __ ] beef jerky too beef jery to imagine that be crazy huh that would blow your mind but I think also uh going to the convenience store afterwards is also really that was a that's a good we didn't do that on camera after we walked to the gas station and we all got drinks and snacks then we walked back back it it was very calm and peaceful the sun was going down I got the uh the blue uh there's like the you know like that the like sour [ __ ] that's like a wrapped up the blue thing I ate the whole [ __ ] thing on the way back to the house it was great then I ordered Chipotle after everybody left and I passed the [ __ ] out yeah it was a really great day for me just a high quality day and um yeah I still was kind of worried like I I didn't clean it up at all like I actually did clean up the bathroom a bit because like y'all no there is no soul on Earth that needs to see that I still didn't use the bathroom what could have the possibly looked like like what were you doing I mean what do you what do you think I was sh no no it was not like that no it was just like different random like gross stuff like I remember uh it let's not talk about it okay no let's no let's talk about it okay so before we came and you cleaned the bathroom how many years had it been since you cleaned that bathroom um it was the last time I cleaned it was in 2018 in no no maybe 2019 and yeah okay so I have in the past visited another streamer house where the bathroom hadn't been cleaned in a year and I cleaned that bathroom it was not a good time and it it was a year and it was like 10% as bad as that bathroom yeah your your toilet bow was like stained red like you like had like fetuses in there like why was it that color like what were you doing it look you know what's crazy you know what's [ __ ] crazy I was playing Resident Evil 4 and I go into like this possessed mutant villager house it was cleaner than you well there was like the mirror like I remember I had stabbed my uh I I just I I wanted to you stabbed your what I okay um well I still had the pliers on the well anyway so the pliers were from whenever I had to break a tooth off but that was like a long time ago that wasn't recent and uh then I had like stabbed like my gum or something like that and then I had put the blood on the mirror and I cleaned all that off and so that's not on the mirror any cuz I wanted to see like what color it would turn yeah and uh and then I had that but that's gone and that's I mean I don't know there other stuff right I mean like the bathroom the bathtub was really it was like there was like dirt in the bathtub a lot of dirt in the bathtub a lot of bugs in the bathtub I got rid of them and uh they were clean bugs what but they were clean bugs well yeah I mean that's true yeah they actually kind of were clean bug that's a good point yeah um and that was pretty much the main thing and then there was the sink was like um just pretty much like just random stuff in the sink I I watched a video about you this morning oh no one the most repulsive things I've ever seen in my whole life yeah I don't believe this I'm oh my God if you haven't seen the it's on your Cliffs Channel and you go yeah guys I mean maybe I shouldn't be saying this but uh I have stopped using soap entirely and then it shows you going to Nick's house and Everything You Touch the coid 19 symbol goes on it then you eat a waffle and K goes on and then Nick eats the waffle that you touched bro it is oh yeah didn't you say you were done with shampoo or something I'm done with any any sort of stuff like that because I feel like it hasn't done me any good it hasn't helped me and like now you've got the when was the last time you show or probably today right uh last night and how's the pimple doing okay but that's that's different that has nothing to do with the pimple well there it is there's no pimples on my face what if it does oh my God what if it does you think the soap gave me the pimple that was your house no I mean that's just a coincidence that's just the way it is and also your house gave me a pimple you're welcome that is crazy I've never seen you have a pimple yeah two wait what was that look at it she's there for two hours yeah look at it I know look at it look at it it's just normal and and no I I think that it's a uh it's a higher form of living right yeah uh yeah and it's like I never get cold anymore I don't even really get overheated either okay but the it's also been a nice temperature outside so you you wouldn't but in my house you know it's very cold in my house it was fine in the house yeah there you go I mean I I would say it is cold but yeah I mean I I feel good all the time I'm chilling I mean this genuinely yeah is there anything in your house where you where when you look at it you think man I wish I didn't have to see that anymore or I wish this was different it's I mean legitimately it can be so small like one thing well yeah there's tons of [ __ ] in the house it's [ __ ] annoying like what AB like all of it I'll much oh I don't want to I don't want to get rid of it I don't want to deal with it like it's it's not that it's a so it's like if I could blink my eyes and things would be fixed then maybe I would blink my eyes but maybe that would be too much what if like someone came in while you were streaming so you didn't even know they were there and then when you go downstairs out of your streaming room it's just all gone yep so um there was one time uh an ex-girlfriend cleaned one of the parts of my room and I don't know where like three of my shirts went and oh no three shirts yes three shirts you know I have I have like 300 shirts and I know every single one of them what and they're all the same no that's only like probably this is actually like a hoarder problem I and I got this you have to you you have to admit that right what do you mean how's it a hoorde problem cuz you don't need 300 shirts and if you're missing three shirts it doesn't really matter no but it it's the principle of it no I okay I know what you're saying cuz you know how I said I got rid of like 171 cosplays that's a lot it was very very [ __ ] difficult because I was I was like I have all these cosplays I know all of them I have memories of all of them I spent money on them I want to keep them why would I get rid of them and it was really hard to like choose which ones to get rid of but then once they were gone you're getting emotional about this aren't you no I'm not I'm explaining this so that you understand and then once they were gone I've not thought about them since like it it doesn't matter but clearly you're still thinking about those three shirts which is why it's a problem of course I'm thinking about them in the same way you're thinking about the cosplays because it got brought up yeah think about that what I'm saying what I'm saying is my life is better my stuff's more organized I don't feel stressed when understand the way that I get stuff I never buy anything do you know why this is it is inflicted upon me all right okay I understand that I also have had to get rid of or move things that were given to me but you just don't need a lot of those things or if it's like Collectibles like say someone gave you like a figure or something you want to keep it you find a place for it that's not like on this is what I thought right and like this is a consideration I put into it is that what do you do in video games whenever you run out of space in your inventory you start deleting things no you go to the store and you buy more inventory in the store but you you and so what I can't buy more rooms in your house and that's the funny thing is you're wrong so uh sh there's number one I could do a shed no number no we can build him a shed and then and then we move things into the shed like what like okayu the game machine move stuff into the shed Y no the game machine can stay in the house the game machine's not going in the [ __ ] shed yeah that's a that's un thing to display so he he would probably be moving like useless furniture and like clothes right but once it's in the shed are you ever going to take it out and use it so then why do you need it in the shed uh I don't know maybe I would you know you never know what's going to happen that's the hoarder mentality well no I mean like if you've seen my inventory in any video game it's the exact same and it's not a hoarder mentality it's a preparedness mentality okay what about this and I'm offering this I won't do it on stream I won't even do it for a video I don't but just just for this I just go into your kitchen and I get rid of the expired food oh that would take too long no that would take take like an hour 20 minutes no that's an hour max that's like fridge above the fridge cabinets y counter top so one thing you have to understand about me is that there is no expired food I was joking there's almost no expired food in my house uh I usually mem meme about that the reason why is because I don't like eating expired food yep and so I don't eat expired food like if something is one day off of the [ __ ] it says it expires yesterday and it's today and it's something that I know isn't expired the [ __ ] goes into garbage because I don't deal with it I never eat anything that is expired in any capacity whatsoever okay yep absolutely not because I don't want to get sick because see like that's the logic right is that if I eat something that makes me sick then I can't stream and if I can't stream I can't play video games if I can't play video games why am I alive you know what's crazy I played two video games off stream yesterday and it was miserable really what did you play I played dark tide uhhuh and then I played League of Legends oh that's why and both of them I was just like bro I am [ __ ] miserable really and then I played another game off stream and I still had fun with it what was it Monster Hunter rise oh yeah I've heard about that it's still good I don't know man still good I put 200 hours into valheim totally off stream y best 200 hours not the best 200 hours but very good 200 hours very very good 200 hours I have more fun playing video games usually off stream than on stream but on stream it's a different kind of fun right so like on stream I can enjoy bad games off stream I can enjoy good games yeah that's the way I look at it like my Diablo Immortal streams were [ __ ] amazing oh yeah oh absolutely yeah I mean I spent like a$ thousand dollar on the first day yeah I think I think valheim is like a streamer would be a lot of fun it doesn't work there's a lot of reasons it's part it still doesn't work uh it will it's it's a very long story oh okay cuz I suffered through that multiplayer with like like eight players and it was like fine it was oh really even that yeah was I thought that was garbage too yeah no for me it was fine it was like obviously not optional but I still prefer it you ever play valheim M no what kind of game is that it's like a survival game where it's like you're set as like a spirit that's died in battle and you're being sent into a afterlife in like the nor my maybe I did play that like the third person hit the tree and the tree falls down and kills you yeah yeah okay you know what I'm talking about yeah really really really [ __ ] good oh yeah I went so hard on that game I beat the entire game twice what if we were to do this uh and I'll stop asking this let's say in some arbitrary amount in the future let's say three months okay me and Emmy will go clean up your kitchen while you're streaming and then we'll leave you guys don't understand what is in that kitchen I think I do I think I do no you don't I guarantee you okay what is this genuinely I feel like I've seen it all that's right and here's the thing if I haven't I'm glad because then there's more to experience more experience more more fun yeah what was one of the most putrid things You' ever think that I wouldn't be able to deal with well there was one time there was a dead psum that died behind my refrigerator and it had decomposed so much that whenever I picked it up half of the cor half of the corpse and the intestines fell out and I had to sweep it up and like kind of uh scoop it up and put it in a garbage that is pretty bad but I mean that's just something you got to deal with sometimes when you're an adult when I lived in El Paso there was this stray cat that used to live in with the previous tenants that they would tell me about the cat comes in every now and then yeah and I didn't know about this right I was like okay stray cat you know three months after I move in the cat's appearing in my bathtub and I'm like what the [ __ ] this is n my cats and then it runs away okay two months later all of a sudden it smells like absolute [ __ ] in my house yeah and I go inside my garage and the cat is like underneath all of the previous tenant stuff that they didn't take out of the garage and it's dead and it's melted into the ground and I had to get it out by getting a shovel and scraping its corpse off the ground yeah that's the way it is so you know I've been there well I had I had a cat that did that um recently actually in my yard and I took pictures of of it yeah uh I I don't have them to show uh but it's just a dead decomposed cat with maggots in it I'm like what the [ __ ] yeah but yeah the guy was mowing my lawn he was complaining about it and I had to go put it in a garbage bag so he'd finish it but now you know like we won't be grossed out we'll just get it done I think that you always think that and then there will be that one thing that for whatever reason it might be too much but it would be funny uh we'll see what happens and if it's and if it's too much then we just stop yeah I don't know and apparently the house tour video just hit a million views my God in days that is so funny the way it is so funny remember I was saying I thought that would be our biggest video and you were like it's not going to pass our first episode yeah well I I mean I didn't think it was really a big deal I know that's why it's so good you don't think it I like those kinds of videos where it's it's like us just like hanging out like just doing something yeah it's very relaxing I'm not I'm never stressed out anything like that doing videos like that it's totally [ __ ] fine y yeah I like it I like the part where we were playing [ __ ] in the backyard really yeah that was fun I like that too dude your swordsmanship is actually like insane how did that start like how did you get so good at it um because I started with a stick right and then my friend had a stick and then I would hit my friend and he'd hit me and then I was like well that hurt maybe I'll try to make sure I hit him more and he hits me less that's it and uh oh yeah I used to do it all the time and uh my dad taught me like other stuff he was like a fighter in like the in the Army and [ __ ] yeah and so uh yeah he was like insanely [ __ ] good at it whenever he wasn't 76 yeah so yeah and uh that's kind of how it was and I just did it all the time back in the day CU When you do the when you're holding a Vanda and you oneand it and you flip it backwards and then you chop it yeah that shit's nuts it was oh I I told my stream this too cuz I wasn't sure if people knew cuz of the cuts when he hit the the volleyball those were like one one take he he never missed yeah it wasn't just putting in the best Clips he never missed with it no why would I miss yeah now imagine that if that's a human do you think you could slice somebody in half uh could I cut somebody in half you slice them in half uh well like what do you mean by that could I cut somebody's head off no like I mean like like their their uh from their skull down to their testicles no I don't think I um I don't think I could I've thought about that um I really yeah I just I just don't now maybe it would be maybe possible but I don't really think that it would happen okay it's just hard to do that because of the bones and there's so many bones because you're going to be going through every vertebrae like you could probably cut somebody in half from like their side pretty easily you could cut off somebody's arm super easily that think about well I wasn't until I watched omn man's trailer from Mortal Kombat one uhhuh which my God he animations grabs somebody's brain and like squeezes their head until their eyeballs pop out of their sko and their face Game of Thrones or Star Trek yeah and he grabs the Mortal Kombat character and just flies them through a bunch of civilians so you see their corpses exploding on his body in the show yep and then you know one where he's like think Mark and then like knocks him the [ __ ] out nose exploding bro it looks so good man I actually love Mortal Kombat so much if I wasn't [ __ ] I would play the [ __ ] out of that game and now a word from our sponsors hey guys one of our favorite sponsors is back Tokyo treat and sakurako and they have new box themes Tokyo treat and sakurako are monthly Japanese themed snack boxes that allow you to experience the taste of Japan from the comfort of your very own home however each of them are different depending on your taste Tokyo treat focuses on limited edition popular snacks from Japan like this month's Mount Fuji sandwich cookie the sweet potato potato pie and some blueberry marshmallows oo all right what do you want techie here give me the Box all right all right you pick what you want and give me the rest all right Ramen nice these swirly potato things I really like these oh it's like a little Burger I was going to say it looks like a burger is that the Mount Fuji cookie is there like a guide I don't speak Japanese there is there's uh each of the boxes comes with a little guide so you know exactly what you're eating so that is the Mount Fuji Green Tea cake oh yeah I like that would you like to try the decavita vitamin C drink BR I've been dreaming about that oh my God I think I just found my favorite drink in the entire planet I think this one different though Tech made a Finn specifically get me a can of this to that is that is dumb good good right sakurako partners with local Japanese snack makers to provide authentic and traditional snacks and teas from Japan so a guide of course wonders of saitama so there's a sweet potato pie in here that looks good oh that look good oh there's some some Mochi here for you looks like it's got red bean in it oh yeah let me get that one there you go oh it's got some Chopsticks white chocolate fruits so what you're eating is a a d fuku it's a traditional beloved Japanese treat with isuki beans and sugar cane from Hokkaido M if i r rip you off a piece of this potato pie would you eat it yeah I love pastries like this each sakurako box comes with one special Japanese tableware item every month this month's item is the wasaka crane Chopsticks yep and their mind the current themes are Mount Fuji snack Venture from Tokyo treat and wonders of saitama from sakuro to get your very own box of tasty treats from Japan click the links below and use our code stake for $5 off your first box thank you to Tokyo treat and sakuro for sponsoring our podcast I never got into fighting games except for Soul Caliber I [ __ ] loved soul caliber and I mean if you want to call it a fighting game Smash Brothers yeah but besides that I never liked fighting games because I just thought they were boring really I don't know why yeah I just think they and I I the thing is like I like watching people play fighting games but like do I really want to get good at making a guy go like that like give a [ __ ] right it's just the time investment I guess yeah and it's like I and I know like I can appreciate an extremely good player but not enough to want to do it myself yeah I feel like that's fair yeah I mean yeah I mean they're fun for like a day or two smash is different though smash is the best of all time also I'm assuming the Soul Caliber the one that you're talking about is probably the one where you could play as spawn or link uh yes Spawn from the Xbox and Link was from yeah and then there was um one other character for PS2 yeah I don't remember who it was I think it was a Tekken character yeah probably Yos mitsu probably yeah I think it was Yos mitsu I think Yoshi mitsu was base model I'm actually not sure really Yoshi meu was nasty though I love you would bounce on a sword bro that game was so goddamn good oh did you see twitch stories yeah so I was talking to them a little bit about this earlier and apparently twitch has added stories I think it's awesome I cannot wait for nobody to [ __ ] use this I use it immediately yes and and like it's gonna be techone and a bunch of other 20 viewer streamers hey check out my stream I'm live I you know what I just like being able to send my offline chat some stuff you know when they're sitting there yeah cuz my offline chat is very active uhhuh you know I just like being like Oh hey this is the reason why I'm not live I feel like if you have an active online chat that's like um you know how if you're trying to grow mushrooms you like create a certain environment yeah like the offline chat is like that environment and the mushrooms are PA of social viewers yeah I love that and there's a lot of mushrooms man there really are like I think there's a direct correlation with people that have a more active online offline chat and the people that have individuals that want to show up at their house that's just how it is you know I've never had a bad experience oh yeah with your offline chat yeah all good oh wait that's not true okay there was one time yeah I forgot about those guys it's always one time yeah I've had a couple yeah one guy came to my house oh yeah but it was fine it was harmless yeah it is what it is yeah I mean for over four years I feel like that's pretty good to be honest it's decent enough yeah and then he said don't worry I'm the only guy who could have found this okay I'm like good for him I I doubt but like okay man that's why I told everybody else so they don't have to work as hard as I did yeah I haven't seen that guy in a long time wonder what happened to him I don't know maybe he did it to somebody else yeah who knows yeah I'm not sure but like I don't know I just I feel like the offline chat Community like my viewers once I'm offline they [ __ ] leave they're they're like okay thanks for the stream baly see you tomorrow Tom now I'm going to go do something else yeah like who just sits in an offline chat what is this it's like an AOL chat room you gonna type ASL oh my God no holy [ __ ] it's just like hey man just pulled cofa people like sick wow [ __ ] idiot you spend your money too I [ __ ] hate you I hate games like that that'd be my or they [ __ ] talk me and they say yeah let's see Teo and try to play a variety again today I'm not going to type [ __ ] and I'm like all right yeah thanks man uh anyways uh did you see the October Fest stream uh so I saw Nick thumbnail of it oh me too yeah well it was it was Nick anden Nick has taken a lot of advice from my editors on how to farm if there's a female yeah um on the screen then they're in the thumbnail that's just the rule that's smart and so uh yeah ni so he put all the females in the thumbnail yeah and like and also the best part about it is that video is insanely popular that is 135,000 views in a day yeah there you go on a 54 minute video I just noticed that yeah that is really really good that's insanely great Z yeah yeah that was a um that was a unironically that was a wild stream to be part of think about how many guys see that thumbnail and they're like I wish it was me God that's so sad y it should have been me that was one of my favorite I've ever done and I'm pissed because I drank the most and it said I was the most sober really and I felt like I was so drunk oh did you guys do like a alcohol test or something we did a breath to end it oh and I was like L I'm not you like I was shitfaced I could barely even keep my eyes open like I maybe or sure maybe I was just tired I don't [ __ ] know but they breath alized me and I was like 02 so like almost like I could still drive did I drive [ __ ] no there is no way because dude let me tell I would be in jail if I drove him after that stream no [ __ ] shot I was pissed out of my mind and then C was pressuring me to drink more alcohol Jesus even then yeah I was sitting there like in a chair like this she's like oh Dey another Oney uh you probably want to drink a little bit more and I'm like no I'm okay s cuz what who is s's what s got mizick Nick sick know apparently she she didn't she told me that she's she was never sick in the first place oh she told you that yeah but why would she lie about that she's an evil person well I mean there's some people that could be Astic true yep I feel like it's unrelated though because Miz and Nick didn't even have the same symptoms themselves yeah well things manifest in different ways well yeah it's probably still her fault it is yep it's still her fault guar so good obliterating her and yodelling because I feel like sinna is one of the most evil people on this whole planet is she that bad yep wait so how did was it just who was the loudest CU like of course you won okay let me let me break it down for you so we all get there I'll paint you a picture uh we all get there we all get into our little uh Venus nits a little Garb uh for October Fest it was awesome uh we all suit up and there's a competition men versus women the moment I knew it was men versus women I have never knew you were going to win because you know I mean it's just I me it's nature really yeah I have never locked in harder in my entire life uh so the first challenge is we oh we go on the paper and we write who's the best at what right okay they put I was the best at singing uh they put SE was the best at movement uh they put Nick was the smartest which I don't know yeah I don't know about that uh I'm so shitfaced I actually don't remember who else else was there on my team I don't remember w Wait no Russell Russell was there for the best at swallowing uh that was an actual thing wow okay swallowing what I don't know bro okay I Rob was the best at drinking oh no rafle Gator was the best at drinking and then ROV was um I don't know I can't even imagine a single thing that guy's good at um yeah no idea uh yeah you know many do you guys get sent clips of E Rob like every day yes not really really I get he doesn't have those I get like six a day yeah I don't have loser viewers oh okay well I don't think they I don't think they're my viewers I think there's somebody else's viewers who come in and they send me streamable links of like I Rob like [ __ ] himself next to a girl is the weirdest [ __ ] my God I haven't seen that one oh you haven't he's like sitting next to a girl and he's like ripping ass and sounds like a bomb's coming out of his butthole okay yeah I don't get sent that one God I mean I'm sure I'll see it now but I'm hoping I don't yeah you will it's disgusting uh so we go up for yodling uh I actually do a yodel s tried to farm chat by calling Nick a predator good one the amount of time every girl in that stream was pointing at Nick and screaming Predator so funny yeah that was sick and then uh we go up and we do a knowledge check and uh we cheated to win because we just told Nick how to spell a word he didn't know how to spell so we got the win for that too uh and um how to spell uh Germany and uh German oh there's no way anybody knows that yeah how do you how would you spell it Germany yeah in German is it's deut right yeah how do you how would you spell it so I don't [ __ ] know who cares oh okay cool yeah I don't [ __ ] know either I I would have just spelled g r m a n y I did not know it was called deut at all I didn't know that [ __ ] um it's the same thing with Bavarian I have no idea what Bavarian was uh then we do the best at swallowing contest uhuh and uh it was was uh it was oh it was Brit it was Brit versus oh yeah of course so wasn't that like you guys were swallowing whole like hot dogs so we had to eat I would have puked we had to eat what the [ __ ] so so Brit before the competition says that she has a a fear of sausages and so she couldn't comp do Nick I don't get that because they taste what are they going to do like what what is the sausage like what's the worst case scenario Nick said it's it's like a TT thing like he doesn't like when you bite into the sack and explodes in your mouth it does yeah it does it's like yeah oh I mean I love Vienna sausages so it uh Brit had a sub out so it was me and Rafal Gator as a tag team he ate the first dog I yeah it's like if you bite into a sausage it's kind of like a leprechaun's busting a nut in your mouth yeah no I mean like I no cuz like I'm just thinking of now I'm starting now I'm starting to think about it right and it's like actually yeah and now I don't know if I like sausages anymore well these were big ones that's even worse oh okay so it's like a really hung leprechaun uh and then it was yeah Carolyn and uh peach Carolyn finishes her first dog 45 seconds before Rob finishes his dog so I have to clutch up okay those look disgusting I like sausages but those look disgusting nasty bro I even Peach is getting disgusted dud dude when you how quick I slop this dog down look like a throw up oh my it's nasty who the [ __ ] does this they were delicious I love them I just feel like look at look how look at his face his face is so red well it's cuz he's weak man he crying look like she's tearing up she should be haven't he eat a sausage like that what the [ __ ] I'm just saying bro okay Robert's Robert's Glass is made of paper and his bones are made of glass bro Caroline's loving it such a good time yeah oh dude this stream was such a fun time okay but look at how much faster she's done okay she's done right now Peach begins I haven't even started yet okay get ready for for the competitor okay Rob's done here I go he slapped that [ __ ] down Jesus and then I make nothing but sheer unadulterated eye contact to throw off her game okay she already had half her dog finished by the time that I started watch this okay this is how I got to 330 lbs boys one thing I can do I can eat baby disappear before she she does she's not even trying she can't bro she knows she can't I'm a freak I was born to do that easy don't look at that at me God that was my second win Jesus Christ yeah then there was a rock paper scissor competition which I went up against Molen and I won on that too which I was really happy about you you know I did the ultimate five head move when you go up to somebody in rock paper scissors and you say I'm going to play rock yeah okay and so she played paper oh no no no she she said I was GNA play Rock so she picked scissors right and so I just I beat it with rock yeah it was disgusting oh my God it was so sick and then we had this Six B race but the alcohol the friends the wake did an amazing job hosting I [ __ ] love that guy it was very good seeing him uh but that was just such a good stream like I mean I wish we would do more of those really yeah like I mean the US going to your house drinking streams well no just like getting getting getting together and just [ __ ] around yeah yeah like us going to your house me going to Nick and mean like those are like my favorite streams like probably like in the past like six months for sure they're just so good I did the band council with Nick for the first time this week it was actually yesterday was it fun it was you don't ban a lot of people do you what oh no you do ban a lot of people I ban anybody that I want for any reason like there's there are so many people I will just somebody says something like [ __ ] you I said [ __ ] you you're banned I don't want to deal with you no yeah uhuh not today somebody asked the same question twice and it's a question that kind of pisses me off no you're banned that's it to bad quit asking do you uh do you have anybody who complains about you like being like Oh as been such a coward he bans people on Twitch or he like hides comments on YouTube ban them yep that's what I do too yeah you just ban them [ __ ] them immediately immed absolutely well it's like I I have no problem with people that are like meeing around but there's like there's a certain difference between like people that are meming and people that are like Angry you know and like I was actually disappointed that Nick didn't have more degenerate ban appeals like I was hoping that we could really do some investigation so I hope if I ever do it again I can really get down into weeds and figure out what somebody was actually trying to say oh you can bring some of your own they don't mind oh I they did some of the ones I've had were were pretty bad really from mine just like people with mental illness I don't know dude speaking of mental illness narrow down I have a quick story to tell about one of the most mentally ill things I've ever experienced this [ __ ] was so cringe I mean Super cringe so I'm streaming and I get sent this guy's video uh from over a year ago and it was called uh genin Court techtone the king of misinform here we go again okay so I get in that so this is a year ago this happened uh the video was made about more than a year ago okay I got s it and so you didn't even know about it until now no I did remember it I first saw it back during my subathon uhuh but I was just so angry back in my subathon I didn't want to watch it on stream I watched it off stream and I was like this is the most irritating video I've ever seen okay so why was it irritating what was it what was that because it's just another person being like Oh techto said this teot said that look he look Jong Le was good when or Jong Le was bad when he said he was good maybe you should stop saying things nope if he stops saying things then how can he get content for the future exactly EXA okay think about think about every stupid opinion is a seed and you plant the seed and then everybody else gets angry about it and then you harvest the crop yep 100% yeah I love that bro so funny so I reacted the video on stream right uh and it was still a pretty dumb video I mean obviously there's a thing in there that I was wrong about Jeong Lee wasn't good when he first came out but I don't like admitting that publicly because it's so crazy to me still that most of the time you talk about like people from these communities not liking you it's because you had like an opinion on like a tier list or something oh yeah I I have not seen another community care about that oh yeah like in in the league Community if you said like a character was good that wasn't like or like vice versa people would be like you're dumb and then they would just move on yep in wow it's the same way it's been three years okay it's been three years since I said that Jang Le was good when he was bad dude and he's like such an old character now is that the one two times yep yeah okay and uh so she made a video a couple things I was right about couple things he was wrong about is what it is okay brought him on my stream and uh I'm not going to lie I I daddy up on him a little bit okay because uh I thought it was really funny because he wanted to argue all these things about me he thought I'd be dumb and I wasn't dumb I lay down the opinion like what oh like he thought I wouldn't be able to explain like why a certain element was bad back then or why I think this thing called C6 Bennett is good but I did okay um and I also you know I clown on him a little bit because I mean that's what you do when you're streaming uh and then at the end of the thing uh he apologizes to me for him making the video on me smart and then me and him talk about anime I invite him to come to my podcast we hash things out we're good we're done well that's boring what happened after that so this other guy okay thank god oh thank God this other guy thinks he's like the Batman of the genin community and he's gonna say all he's GNA take you to task exactly he's gonna hold you accountable yep he he came to defend defend flip uhuh a guy who didn't even want to be defendant right okay and he makes this whole video and he calls me the king of cyber bullying okay and then he no that's me what do you mean I'm way worse dude dude so then he takes me talking with flip takes it completely out of context and makes like a 32-minute video essay on me really yeah like one of these things because flip at one point said um that me and mtashed said that physical DPS fish was good I didn't say that andash said that and then I told him I didn't say that Mt did and then flip said that's what I mean you and Mt said that and I'm like no that's not how this works because if that's how it works let me tell you what you and Hitler said yeah that's not how it [ __ ] works so he thinks it's like oh how dare he say that how dare he make that joke bro it's a joke okay anyways he makes this whole video essay that he even brings up things like oh man he he tries to make it personal really weird and he says oh man you deserve for your wife to leave you I'm like man that's so he's really going in he's really mad he's really mad and like he's telling me like like shut the [ __ ] up like leave the [ __ ] Community all this stuff and the funniest thing is watching he sounds like kerit the Frog that's It's the funniest thing so me as I do I say okay you want to talk about on Stream So I invite him on stream when I talk to flip I take him seriously when I'm talking to this guy this genjin Batman I don't take him seriously right because I'm not going to take a guy trying to whight a guy doesn't want to be defended seriously why would I do that yeah I clown on him for 2 and 1 half hours straight Jesus he doesn't know that I'm being that I'm trolling until the last 50 minutes he's bringing up all these points and I'm pretty much acting like I'm drunk the whole time and you're like oh it's not really true for like I'm you for two and a half hours if you were here I beat your ass yeah so just be be the worst version of yourself possible he just feels his Vindicated oh no absolutely if you watch this it is it is like painful maybe I'll upload the whole VOD to YouTube it's funny as [ __ ] and then the last 50 minutes he starts getting it and he's starting to get really mad yeah I mean really mad did you get him on camera yeah oh good yeah no absolutely yeah um and then he just starts screaming at me yeah uh he starts screaming at me saying yeah you're yeah your wife deserved better glad she left you blah and I'm like do you think she left me is my gench and medit takes for bad yeah and then he did this other thing where he said do you want to die on that hill so I said bro are you threatening me and he's like how could you possibly think that's a threat and I said you said do you want to die and he's like what do you mean so I'm taking like everything he said like the worst dumbest way possible um and the worst thing was this and he's getting [ __ ] on relentlessly for this quote he was giving me [ __ ] for talking to flip because he was a former minor he said how dare you talk I was too wait wait how old is this person now he's 18 and he said you were talking to a former minor and I said that's everybody on Earth as in like you were speaking to him when he was I think what he's trying to say is you're trying to hold him accountable for something he did whenever he was a kid like that's the implication but because he's bad at communicating he looks like an idiot yes a former minor a former minor wow wait that's so [ __ ] F I saw you making tweets with that former minor thing I was I thought that was just like a Twitter thing I didn't know because he literally said it like this you were talking to a former minor and then I say I was a former Min too he just look like an idiot that sounds so fun bringing people on stream like that oh I do to everybody i' I've never like reacted to a video like that like about myself but I usually they're just like too weird the ones I get like there was one that was kind of similar that I got a long time ago that I watched it was someone from the uh rhythm game Community m talking about my DDR streams and they were saying basic like oh like she's good but she's not that good don't know why she has so many viewers but like it's kind of cool but the reason I never reacted to it is for some reason at the beginning of the video he cooks a stack of pancakes prints out a picture of me puts the picture on the pancakes and then eats the picture of me wa wait okay so so wait hold up so like was it a printed on a sheet of paper yeah and he ate okay so he ate the paper that was on the pancakes so like was well no no no no no I I don't I don't know why no no I no no no no let let give me a second here all right let me make sure I get to the bottom of this so did he eat a sheet of paper yes with my face on it but there was Pancakes there but there was paper it's not like it was printed onto the pancake no it was of it was a piece of paper on a stack of pancakes he poured syrup over the paper onto like that was on top that's good soften it up that's smart yeah well it's like and so did he okay so did he draw the picture or was it printed out no it was printed out it was so he had to have had a printer it was my Twitter profile picture Mika's playing Gwen from League sure it was on the pancakes and he ate it okay and I I don't know why I think there was some kind of joke there but I don't remember what it was well I mean like you know it's like I'm going to like I'm going to destroy you and then it's like him eating a rest of the video was like she's good but this guy at the mall in 2003 is better DDR I was like a [ __ ] yeah so we're we're almost done with this so then he really brings up the fact that I shouldn't have talked to this guy that I bullied him into talking to him uhuh and so because I'm so scarred from what the genc accused me of do you know what I DM flot before we talked I asked him does he consent to the call I gave him a safe word so that way if he was ever uncomfortable he could say it and I would get him out of the stream dude you're such a dick like no because I knew they were going to say it I knew was like he bullied him into the call and I'm like okay do you consent uh here's your safe word when he came on the call the guy even admitted he was the one who wanted to talk first and that was the guy this guy defended so I did all of that to make sure because I because I know if they can say anything they're going to say anything it gets worse so then the conversation's over and then his own twin brother comes into his live stream and is talking about like bro you look like a [ __ ] idiot so he so the guy that made the video he's the stupid twin yeah yes okay and so then his brother then makes an eight minute video about why like I pretty much did nothing wrong and how his brother was an idiot who's impossible to talk which brother has more subscribers okay so the other brother had 700 and the other guy who I talk to had 11,000 the other brother's still wrong cuz he has less Subs but since I reacted to his video he's about to hit 4,000 Subs oh wow you're tearing a family apart I know he made an 8 minute video about our whole conversation that I reacted to for an hour and a half there you go oh my god I've never had a drama where somebody else's family member felt the need to have my back over their brothers that's bad it was insane and the crazy thing is the guy still thinks he's in the right really yep so where did this why do you think he's mad oh he's always mad that's his whole thing so like that's all he does he just gets he just gets mad at other people is this his first time getting mad at you no he's been mad at me for like years oh really he even sent me a DM like like like a a year and a half ago did you show it no I would have I should have yeah it was like some like uh teone I still can't tell how I feel about you but sometimes the things you do on stream I don't really approve of acting like he's like the the moral standard I like that I like the that's good yeah and uh it was probably one of the most cringe but really funny dramas ever camera like was he like physically on camera were you able to see him no he hides behind a oh [ __ ] cuz like you could have called him fat I could have yeah oh but I've seen his twin brother and how he looks okay so I probably know how he looks so it's pretty much about the same thing yeah unless he's like the fat twin who knows okay yeah I would always have something stupid like that to say I'm gonna be honest like I always have something rude to say like to me I feel like if somebody like I hate these absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] that post things publicly and then they say don't talk about them what the [ __ ] do you mean they're like you didn't blur out the Twitter name [ __ ] Twitter is public too bad yep that's the way it goes you put that there yourself but you can't make a video on somebody yeah and then expect them to not react and not say anything to me if somebody does something publicly yep and it's stupid there's going to be an asmin gold TV video about it absolutely and if they want to come on my stream they're not getting a [ __ ] safe word that's right yeah they're they're going to just they're going to get farmed out for content for hopefully two videos no but I I did that just to prove that there is absolutely nothing they can fault me for there's nothing no doesn't matter because then it's like cuz you you can never win with people who don't like you if people don't like you they will never like you and if you try to make them like you they'll like you less and if people that don't like you you try and don't care if they if if they don't like you then they will like you more because they will at least respect you that you're not looking for their approval that's true but I just wanted the way to be like there's absolutely nothing they can say because there's this there's this whole mentality of I don't I I like kind of being the villain I I I sometimes I will do things that are kind of villain archetype things yeah and it just to keep things exciting what was the last villainous thing you did last villainous thing I did yeah um let's see uh that pimple oh true yeah um you've ruined me bro yeah well what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do now it's first of many yeah it's going to happen there going be way more probably tomorrow oh God especially if we do go back yeah that's we will we're going to clean it up it's it's not going to be good I'm telling you like I have a lot there are a lot of villain Arc stories I'm trying to think of one um well like what I will do is like anytime there's a controversy I will pull up stupid people's tweets and then will make fun of them publicly on my videos and I would just call them stupid that's not that villainous well yeah someone consider it but they get people tweet at them they say did you see that you got featured on asmon TV you really got roasted rip BOS so [ __ ] you you suck why why do people call you asmond because they're stupid but like what does it mean it's means that uh means that they don't know how to spell they don't know how to read they can't read Oh I thought it was like I thought it something no they probably think it's asmond gold asmon gold yeah yeah yeah no I've gotten that for about my whole life ASL better ass mongler yeah that's what my friend's dad called me yep yeah ass mongler what his name ass mongler what's this gay [ __ ] look at what he call himself assm he called me that for six years [ __ ] years ass mongler man oh my God but yeah no I I think that having occasional villain things make things interesting right I think so too because like I I look at everything that I do on the internet as entertainment right and I think the moment that you start taking things serious that's whenever things get over the line that's whenever people absolutely I think people definitely appreciate that too because it's like you just do what you want to do and a lot of creators are very like sterile now they are pussified like losers that are boring that nobody wants to watch because the only thing they care about is not making sponsors unhappy yep I said it you didn't have to so but I mean you but it is what it is right and so that's the truth people are so [ __ ] boring nowadays and it drives me crazy everybody's always trying to apologize for something that they didn't do I haven't seen as much of that lately but like two to three years ago there was a lot it's so bad it was so bad well besides extra texting and driving say what besides Emily texting and driving are there things that people have apologized for that were stupid oh I think that people want to like apologize to sponsors but I mean I don't know I mean people always worry like cuz I'll talk about super controversial stuff like it's like oh we're just talking about the weather and like there'll be people in chat and we have a a [ __ ] command where it just automatically deletes paragraphs they sit yeah we just delete that [ __ ] nobody wants to read your [ __ ] and so anyway so I just they'll sit there and they'll type out a paragraph they're like you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you don't know anything about the Israel Palestine situation oh yeah absolutely I can't believe you're not talking about it and you you so you like blowing up people like that have you got people like that too they're like so what do you think like when you going to say your opinion I'm like I don't [ __ ] know yeah no exactly and they're like well you're doing a disservice you should educate yourself it's like okay my God and then what yeah well all right yeah I'm going to go over there yeah why you go over there about it dude exactly I had such a long talk with my dad about that [ __ ] really y cuz he served for 54 years oh yeah oh wow so the opinions he had are crazy he thinks he thinks the US military is the weakest it's ever been really yeah most people think that or not most people but a lot of people yep they he says that it's when you know why women in the military he had a different reason really he said uh man all these generals more worried about uh gender identity than actually helping out the boys and the line of duty I've seen that same [ __ ] that's what he was saying man exactly oh my God but apparently you know nobody fears sleepy jail but they you know who they did Fe they Trump trump well I mean to be fair the dude was nuts you know so I don't know I mean I I I have to say that if they do if he actually if we get a season two of that I will stream the debates I will 100 [ __ ] per stream to debates and the worst thing about it and I want everybody to realize this is that every single liberal commentator who's talking about how much they don't like Trump is lying because if he [ __ ] wins that is the biggest content that you can ever imagine oh yeah because like you've got to think about it this is going to be round two and like he at this point he won't need to worry about reelection because he won't need to get reelected ever again because that'll be it so he will be even more unhinged y there will be even more Twitter rants like I don't know he could threaten to bomb somebody on Twitter and would just be like yeah for sure that's just the normal that's Tuesday dude if Trump runs yeah he wins I think I think it could happen I don't even think it's I don't think it's a can I think it's a it will you think it'll happen who who who could beat him I think that it was unironically the most five head play for him to say that he's not going to go to the debates because so like yeah I know you guys probably don't give a [ __ ] about this because it's you know like who cares right but like there were all the other Republicans and they all went to debates Trump said why would I go to the debate the only thing they're debating for is who's going to be my vice president that's so crazy he just put his dick on the table and the fact is that he was right yeah because like the thing is people it during the debates people can make him look like a [ __ ] jackass because he messed up a lot of stuff but if nobody can say that to him you can never get the clip of him looking stupid yep it was so [ __ ] smart oh yeah I think that it's going to be a really really really good show when is that happening again when when are they going up for real I don't know I have no idea I think it's like this year damn sleepy Joe's been in office for the past three years yeah what the [ __ ] has he done well you know what's really funny you know what's really funny is that we have there's a guy who's the game director of Diablo 4 and his name is Joe Shelly yeah and the last [ __ ] thing he was barely awake event like every time that he would talk everybody in chat would just be spamming question marks what the [ __ ] what are you saying what is this PO spum sleepy Joe and it was so bad that he wasn't at the next one and then I had a question it wasn't answered and he responded to it on Twitter to me oh and I see it I'm like guys he woke up he thought he was asleep oh my God it was a good time man there's actually a new Diablo 4 season coming I was going to ask you about that how do you feel about it uh it's going to probably be better than the first one which is like so you know if you can imagine it's going to be like I don't know maybe a little bit better it's probably still going to suck but you know see what happens yeah yeah it's another good thing for me to farm content with yeah I've seen I've seen absolutely zero good things really yep zero um well they added in a skin to OverWatch it's a Diablo skin and it's $40 $40 that's right oh that's oh yeah I saw that on Twitter and then someone quoted it was like here's a bunch of full ass games you can buy for 40 bucks that's crazy oper GX said that I mean a lot of games have skins that are that expensive but they're they're free games to begin with OverWatch 2 to be fair is a free game but like it's just it's still oh OverWatch you're talking about Diablo oh no Diablo the Skins are only $25 that's still a l that is insane yeah no I'm good bro the I mean I don't know I I'm the firm Advocate that free to-play games should be played free to play really yeah I think those are skins but yeah yeah 100% I don't know about that I mean I I I have no problem spending money in a game for Content but you would never catch me like I don't play any of that [ __ ] like there's not like a free-to-play game that I play off stream or anything like that you play hun star off I'm playing I'm playing it on stream too right that's what I'm saying he's just farming IA you're level 70 there it is yeah I just hit 69 I'm almost 66 I think huge Jesus the new event's really good by the way really it's Pokemon oh yeah I saw that actually so fun I'm about to beat it today so goddamn good oh and also my jingly is insane not as insane as mine yours is better yeah I know but I had the L cone and Jing Leo got it for free I got him his first copy yeah you did I was so happy that you did not get it at the the himo yeah when when you got the himo and then you was happy to honestly he could drag it out longer on stream dude I reacted can't tell them that it ruins it dude I'll cut that out yeah I reacted to asmin Gold pulling uhhuh two five stars it took you an hour and a half I was watching the whole thing for an hour and a half it was a you and Emy stalling for an hour and a half well I was dressed like Ronald McDonald that some dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I I love that [ __ ] just so [ __ ] you know that video has over half a million views now really oh yeah of what you em PA playing Star real yeah oh that's sick dude that gave me such good positive PR because people always called me a staller but then they saw you and they're like okay well maybe Tech is not that bad I wasn't even no like what do you mean you're I'm not you're doing one puls no I don't do those anymore I oh wow now you stopped I no that was like that was like in gensin wasn't it yeah that was forever I don't remember the last time I saw him do a one pull y it's been a long time man wait that is crazy you do one p yep Jesus that is like it's like feeding somebody one thing of rice at a time like does that does that affect the pity at all uh yeah it does does it make it better or worse the same then how does it affect oh well like I thought you me like if you do a poll will it still add to pity oh yeah one at the time yeah yeah I also never noticed that blanket is just a bunch of your animals yeah someone gave us in my PO box it's a bunch of pictures of all the the pets that I've had uh since I started posting statistics oh these are from a a video that I did where I I put all my rabbits in there and then it was like a little description of their personality uh no but it it was like tag tag yourself which rabbit are you like um if you were to make a tier list of all of your pets which one would be the best one um in terms of my rabbit Bean cuz she's Immortal okay is that like combat ability or is it just like your enjoyment of having the animal uh both okay so you think she she's like actually Immortal because um my rabbit Bean so let me tell you about Bean so um another one of my rabbits gave birth to her I didn't know that her mother was pregnant so this was a surprise I go to feed her and there's this squirmy little chicken nugget looking thing in there it scares the [ __ ] out of me I thought it was a giant bug it was like this big and it was a little baby rabbit and uh so she grew up and when she was about this big um one day she just like started screaming and like passing out like I I thought that she [ __ ] died and then she would like get up and like act like nothing was wrong so I took her to a vet that was [ __ ] 3 hours away and they're like so what's going on here is one of her heart nodes did not develop so like it wasn't pumping blood properly it would like stop sometimes so she was literally dying over and over again and then her heart would restart and they were like yeah so what's going to happen is either she's going to die or we can try to replace her heart with a pacemaker which they do for like humans and dogs but it's never really successfully been done on a rabbit so you could pay like $5,000 for this but there's a high chance it won't work so I was like I was like I'm just not going to do it because even if it works I don't want her to like have a life like that you know and then two weeks later they're like she's fine what new patch yeah V insane so how many years ago was that four years ago wow she's she's still alive and fine but uh I never like was able to get her like fixed or anything cuz the doctor was like we can't put her on anesthesia because of her her heart problems oh my God but yeah she's a high tier rat I I [ __ ] love her wait so she's a rat or a rabbit she's a rabbit oh I was about to say yeah she's she's a rabbit is she on the blanket um oh yeah she's right here um being uh does not fear God nor death survive multiple heart conditions good job Bean plot armor is a rat she right here oh my God that's so cool saying damn yeah that's me feeding her uh her medicine after one of her first trips to the vet holy [ __ ] what's more toxic raing all of your friends on a tier list for who you actually like the most or ranking all of you and your friends pets on a tier list for who's the best pet what would hurt your feelings more you mean like which human friend is the best pet no is the best friend I feel like for friends it's like every it's like kind of funny you know you could rate someone low and like it's like a stupid reason like everyone knows is not that serious I hope but for pets people would take it more personally I feel like yeah they would be more serious about it like how would you feel if I put bony in like d tier that would suck oh yeah this is this is Bean's brother uh chicken um he killed three people prefers fingers to carrots that's him really he killed three people oh you know what the crazy thing is I think that's the same rabbit maybe they might as well just be the same rabbit to me there's two kinds of rabbits there's well there's three there's the gray ones the white ones and the black ones okay there's like three versions grandfather right now I I also raised chicken from birth but I don't have chicken anymore cuz when he was born I told my friend Rose she could have chicken but I had to get rid of chicken anyway because he started doing this thing where he would run circles around my legs grunting and like excreting this smell and I asked the that why and they were like it's because the rabbit is attracted to you oh really so I had I gave chicken to my my friend and I didn't go visit for like a month and then when I went there it was still doing it and she was like yeah it only does that to you oh really he didn't do it to them too I I don't know that's amazing I was like that is disgusting get away from me you that actually is so gross yeah I wonder like would that so did that change the dynamic with the pet yeah like I would still like petted and stuff but I didn't want to like be around it like you know at Arms Reach like over there yeah I remember whenever I saw my cats like like when you have a cat before they get neutered like when you see their dick that's weird bro I really don't look at the cat's dick like that's the thing I just don't spend a lot of time thinking about that well you got to cuz like so what would happen was is they would [ __ ] on themselves yeah and then I would have to clean this [ __ ] why are they going to [ __ ] on themselves well because they're stupid kitties well what are they G what's the I mean like like a little kitten yeah like like a kitten oh yeah yeah sure yeah and they would like diarrhea all over themselves and then I'd have to clean it and then me cleaning their [ __ ] off them felt good then we get a boner and then I'm like oh my [ __ ] I don't know if that's the way it works man I'm pretty sure it's not that's so gross no way dude because like I had kittens and like we never did any of that [ __ ] we just pretty much let him sit there you ever have long hair kittens yeah I have one kitties oh well a long a floofy one and uh I don't know whatever the [ __ ] happened to him I [ __ ] love it oh here's a picture of chicken dressed as a cannon minion I made this I made I made this costume first oh my God that's so cute isn't he look at looks like a wizard yeah wait oh that's a tank holy [ __ ] yeah it's a Canon Minion from League I made him a a red Canon minion oh yeah he's got like a little hood and he's in the the cannon cart oh my God yeah so I want to know honestly what what is y'all's opinion on Mr Beast I like him do you like his content I really hope that I hope Mr Beast does something like you know uh I put a hundred people that were starving and it's like the person who can jump through the most Hoops like we're going to buy them a million dooll house in LA or something like that and just like some video that's gonna like make people maed like every single time that Mr Beast makes a video and it's not something that like people can use as a platform to get mad I get disappointed bro the so he uploaded two videos recently which was uh we built the world's most dangerous trap yeah uh so it's like going on to VR chat and then there's another one where it's uh a $1 million house versus a $100 million do house right the trap video actually [ __ ] me up really cuz it was this one dude and every trap he would beat he got 100 ,000 but if he wanted to go to the next trap he would have to gamble all of the winnings that he had he gets to the second to the last one and he loses everything that's what you get bro how much money was it $900,000 wow yep wow I Beast is great I I I don't really watch his content it's not really for me but I think he's an amazing content creator I I would I I wish that he was slightly more sadistic yeah because that would make the videos more interesting you know like I I just think it' be just way more interesting I think he has to be incredibly brand friendly though really yeah I Me a Channel of that size like getting a sponsor has to be so hard so I think I don't think so because I feel like so many sponsors would want to be his I guarantee you PornHub would probably just pay just the same amount it'd be fine when was the last time you saw someone with a PornHub sponsor I don't know why would why would PornHub need to sponsor anyone I don't know I mean it's maybe people forget I mean there's like x videos there's Twitter now there's twitch I mean there's a lot of other places I see fley sponsoring like every event yeah exactly it's crazy that's because people think about it yeah yeah I'm telling you it works like everybody talks like advertising doesn't work but if it didn't work people wouldn't be using it here's my problem with Mr Beast okay because I think he's an incredible content creator if not the greatest content creator ever because I don't think he got lucky with anything I think everything he did was premeditated I think he understood everything he was doing I think he knew the means to an end he just hit 200 million subscribers on YouTube that's that's a lot of [ __ ] Subs that's a lot of Subs um my problem is is that he keeps shoving down this lie every stream and every video that he does because his Feasta bles bar tastes like [ __ ] you think so yep is this Mr Beast drama no I mean I feel like it's pretty common occurrence I don't know a single person who likes these bars in real life really yep they're not good I have never had a Mr Beast feasable bar I've never had any of that stuff um I had some I I think that like you know like we have there's a very famous 4chan copy pasta that alludes to the fact that we're under the same agency and so I think they sent me some but I never actually ate it I like one with the rice in it the rice yeah it's like you know like a it's like a Crunch bar like the the crispy rice oh those are the worst ones I like those I think I gave all of his bars a two out of 10 I think I gave that one a four of 10 because I too like the little Rice Krispies like the Crunch bars delicious nasty you want Rice Krispies what's your problem with this chocolate like you think it's too sweet or just doesn't taste good it just okay um it just does not taste good really straight up yep it just it's not enjoyable well one one thing to think about with those kinds of Brands is they're marketed and designed for kids so it could just be like our taste buds like cuz like Prime is super successful right but every adult that's tasted Prime is like it's gross it's syrupy it's too sweet but kids [ __ ] love it that's so it's probably designed for a child's palette rather than an adult's palette like kids like Hershey's right but adults don't like Hershey's I love Hershey's I don't like Hershey's I like Hershey's too delicious I like hershe too yeah yeah like adult chocolate is like the good [ __ ] right which is more expensive to make and kids like aren't really eating that kind of chocolate so it's definitely marketed for kids and designed for kids well I think you're I actually think you're anybody who thinks they're too good for Hershey's chocolate bro like are you kidding me like you really think you're too good for Hershey's chocolate I'm too good for it but I'm saying if I have the option to have anything else really yeah I mean Hershey's is good on a s'more you know true gr cracker marshow you know what I've seen the Mr Beast uh S'mores Kit boxes are they good I I haven't had ones I don't know well maybe Mr Beast will see this and he'll sh it out yeah send me one I'll do it he probably would dude he was you know who he was hanging out with on his latest video who's that uh Miranda Cosgrove and Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake and um oh God what's his name from Shark Tank Mark Mark Cuban Mark Cuban yeah bro what the [ __ ] yeah and I learned something from that video because if you should go watch it if you guys haven't seen the one million vers 100 million video on Cuban's house the $0000 million house pretty much pretty much his house uh a a $3 million house in the country is nicer than a $100 million House in La M I don't know who the [ __ ] on this planet is actually consenting to living in La that is the worst area I've ever been to in my life for career and that's it or like if they're retired it's because all their friends are there and so like they just trap each other like I can't leave cuz my friends are here I hear that all the time like oh I want to leave but all my friends are here tell them to [ __ ] move bro this guy paid $100 million for a view of LA to see what bro I'm I'm real I like La I think it's really nice I like la too but I wouldn't want to live there like for a super long period of time all what do you think's nice about it I like the temperature I think that the people there are pretty nice whenever the people are nice I mean like cuz it's like you have the same crackheads like here in Austin and so it's like I can go to La and it's like I didn't really leave Austin it's not that much different they're the same crackheads they're the same [ __ ] for some reason when you said crackhead I thought you just meant like the streamers that we hang out around well well I mean but that's that's also true yeah it is and it's like but then there's the actual crackheads and it's like there's this one crackhead and he sits outside my uh what do you call it my convenience store and he always tries to solve a Rubik's Cube and he can never figure it out he's been doing it for like two years now and I see him and he ask me for money every [ __ ] day it's nuts and it's like I go to La and there's another crackhead with another Rubik's Cube or maybe he's got something else and it's totally normal I don't know I feel like I feel very at home there the only thing that's upsetting about California is the gas prices um that is true8 that is disgusting I just Googled it okay go ahead the air quality of La is better than my house so I don't care it is your air quality is actually pretty good Asin it's five times worse than Austin Air five times that's [ __ ] bad I don't know I felt was fine to me when I go there I get asthma really yep I feel great I feel dis I can only stay there for about 48 hours before my life becomes constant anxiety because I can't [ __ ] breathe that's horrible my God and the traffic's terrible the Uber drivers are great they're very nice uh but I mean I'm not even kidding you a a a six minute drive at 400 a.m. becomes a hour and a half drive at 2 p.m. it is well what are you driving around at 2 p.m. just why would you be awake then like like bro like stop who you trying to impress dude shut up you've been streaming at like 10:00 a.m. yeah what the [ __ ] going on get the [ __ ] dude fix your schedule man yeah fix it yeah I will don't worry about it he going to make the the full loop you said that two weeks and you've only gone back an hour and a half actually I started earlier today bro I had a sponsor today what are you what are you doingit what sponsor wayfinder sponsor to play wayfinder that's right and I had 50 hours in the game so they basically just paid me to play a game I already played I love when that happens uh yeah and so I feel like they like it too honestly cuz I feel like they'd rather the game and I'm like I mean to be fair I called the game dog [ __ ] multiple times and then I also was like they were sponsoring me and I'm exploiting in the game y I'm exploiting the game they're paying for it that's Tower fantasy sponsored me all the time and I sh on that game constantly oh yeah did you like the game or no Tower fantasy no wayf fire oh um yeah I that's played it a lot I mean like there's dog [ __ ] with the game but there are good things with it too I feel like some of those devs are okay with it though like I also get sponsored I was really upset that you got sponsored for uh I was very upset about this and you know why I was even more upset this was like so it made me mad within me but I was like ah you know like let's be real girls don't play these kinds of games so maybe they're trying to get girls to play the game I get it oh yeah yeah but then what got even worse is the fact that they paid [ __ ] Miz can you believe that I can't believe I can't even [ __ ] well the point is to reach audiences that don't but I do play Souls game but the only other Souls no actually there's two other girls I know of who play law of Souls game uh miss Ma and sna yeah my God don't call what sinna does playing Souls streams the games but she's not playing it she's bro gatekeeper te no let me tell you summons then she's not really playing the game she using that weapon then she's not really playing it it took her three three weeks to beat the fat guy and the skinny guy yeah that's oh that sounds like extra Emily bro I'm saying bro she had like a 17 hour stream I love that [ __ ] I don't care what you say I love it I was I watched you on the first boss of Wars of the fall and that was a disaster I was how dude I started playing letting my YouTube auto play random songs it was playing like September gang style and then Megalania came on and I beat it to that song when the song ended it actually was sick dude that fight I I don't know I think Lords the fall on was fun I've had a very good experience the one thing that I don't like is um I don't like the thing where you use the lantern to shift to the dead world oh neither do I I feel like they were just trying to add like a unique mechanic but it feels so like forced me yes there are a lot of things about the game that could be a lot better yeah but I think tell you that I think the combat is really good that's pretty much the Jud I love it I think how much did you play oh sorry uh just the first like two three bosses oh you'll get there oh is is it bad uh it is there are it there's just certain things about the game like I I don't want to get into it too much right but the game is [ __ ] up in a lot of ways like it is [ __ ] up the way that like the eye frames work in Lords of the fall in for me I think the eye frames are fine exactly I think they're very satisfying I think they feel very good and I don't think they take the piss with it like they just you do the Dodge if you do it right yeah the dodging feels really good now the only thing I don't like is that for the angel fight I don't like when bosses do this it didn't have any hit delays which I love I love that there's no hit delays I think hit delays are cringe I don't like when they go oh yeah [ __ ] me up too so cringe but um you know she literally does that though right well she does but it's not that long oh yeah it's not bad she goes like not not what's his name Godfrey and the first fight of enen ring God r the second fight of Elden ring and you're wrong about the name too it's marget what there so you're wrong about everything but yeah true thanks man yeah uh but I don't like when a boss swings in a way to where if you dodge the end of your Dodge will also be in frame for the attack where they go like yeah and if you dodge it once you actually have to dodge spef it's fine once you learn it I just find it super cringe oh but the thing that it does have that I don't like is the same attack but it's different where it looks the same but sometimes it'll be different to where they'll go like this chop chop chop chop oh yeah those are annoying Chop Chop but then chop chop chop and it's like how the [ __ ] was I supposed to know you're gonna do that it's the same thing I hate I hate those mechanics I agree I think those are very annoying I will uh I might try it again I've already quit the game twice what the [ __ ] really hated that game it was awful I piss me off so much well now I know why you're not sponsored oh yeah but they didn't know that at the time I think maybe they they had like Divine foresight I feel like they could have fixed the like annoying shift thing if when you're supposed to use the lantern instead of being like oh now I got to switch to my Lantern hand and I got to put the lantern up and then I have to hold down X when there's like a thing you know how like when you open a door it's like a open door if it was just like there's like the butterflies x shift like it's just one button and it prompts you I feel like that would have fixed like 90% of the Anno they would artificially waste your time and make the game harder oh my God it's like why is it that it's a 3 second animation to loot your souls that is so that that is this [ __ ] was really long really long you can't run in and pick them up you have to like kill everything first and then do it you go but y it makes sense if you think about it how would you possibly pick up Souls that quickly to be honest it should be longer um no okay well no you can't how do you know how long it takes to pick up a soul how many Souls have you picked up at least a couple I don't know I would assume oh yeah that guy this is the guy who said he saw Spirits oh yeah I'm not saying it yeah I did way different uh speaking of lost souls why don't you read some [ __ ] uh some comments did you think the uh the boss fight with the chick with the con her head was hot which one the one where you have to move her up the stairs because she's invulnerable and Lord of the Fallen oh that [ __ ] was easy no but was she hot though I don't no you can really tell bro that [ __ ] was so hot that [ __ ] was insane to me all right YouTube comments All right we got a message here that says I fear not the man who cooks a thousand different steaks I fear the man who cooked one steak a thousand times that's a good comment I saw that yeah I like that a lot uh get checked says I saw this one they have a whole otk event just cleaning asan's house damster says the amount of times emu stared and silent disbelief was amazing now I can see why no mere mortal can live with asthma gold oh God finally I have all the information I need to build admin's house in Minecraft and literally fishy says tectone is my favorite human being on this whole planet wow look at that that is so those are actually pretty nice what the [ __ ] what happened I love the comments on our last video I I read a lot of them I usually don't really scroll past like the first page but there were a bunch of really interesting and good comments W okay that's good I'm glad yeah I'm actually kind of surprised the video's done so well it's done great so yeah guys those of you all watched and everything we all very much appreciate it thank you we'll do more stuff like that in the future we also have a patreon true make sure to support the patreon one of the things that you can get on the patreon is the postcards we have these things right here we are going to sign these I guess right now what do youall think yeah that's good holy [ __ ] I look like an idiot what oh my God this is bad this is really bad Jesus what's wrong with them bro were they drawn by Scott or something I think so yeah yeah okay um I guess I'll do it on the back I think the back's probably better while you're still son I'm G read a couple more comments there were more uh the reason this episode is only 22 minutes long is because that's how long Emmy and techie could last before need to fell on breathable air not true we were there for like 2 hours at least oh here's a really sweet one the whole experience was otherworldly that when they started eating together and doing crazy [ __ ] in the garden that was wholesome as [ __ ] no matter how much asmin tries to warn people of his Goblin nature no one can ever truly be prepared I I told people I said all the stories are real dude dude yeah I can't tell you how many times I said bro this shit's crazy and actually mean that it's [ __ ] crazy we started all three that's what I would do yeah okay cool all right oh man you know what I think this is beautiful yeah these look goodart yeah yeah well I mean I guess it's the end of the episode huh something like that yeah I would say so it's been a it's been a bit of time something like that I don't even know what time it is oh I don't have my phone with me I'm just chilling it's weird I don't have my phone man [ __ ] 612 uh it was it wasn't charged 612 okay yeah there you go yeah there's you're able to drive here without Google Maps uh well I can yeah of course I can do that what the [ __ ] yeah of course I say well dude congrats to anybody who gets the patreon and wins these uh postc their little signatures on back there actually you know what you guys oh my God your handwriting has gotten better since we started mine yep no it has not I just did it differently I'm really proud proud of you asmond asmon okay all right guys thank you all very much for watching we really very much appreciate it check out the patreon check out everything else make sure to like the video comment and subscribe thank you all very much for watching and we will see you all next week until the next one peace then and at me there a little glamour that I can see the sparkle in your eyes it makes me realize all we need is you and me a light shines from your eyes it brightens and a cloudy day and I find your speaking of things that aren't a thing is chiropracting real or is it not real so I've heard it's not real I feel that it's real I feel like it's got to be I feel like it's you know what maybe it's real if you believe it's real I've heard it's it is pseudo science my Placebo is very strong apparently I was under the Apparently I thought I was drunk when I was sober and I'm very good at like if I believe something enough it like I can feel it but like chiropracting for me I've never told I've never been told by more people that chiropracting doesn't work on anybody when it I feel like it worked for me cuz I could barely even stand up straight well if it worked for you then it worked for I mean Placebo is so strong it can like literally like make people feel better from illness I it depends on what it is I watched an experiment where they they had a machine that did literally nothing but like vibrate and they would hook it up to people and they had two different test groups one was like this machine is going to cause you pain and nobody was like I feel pain they're all like this is doing nothing yeah and then when they hooked up the machine to people and said this is going to make you feel really good they were like wow that's amazing that was like n out of 10 I would pay like $200 for that really buy one of those machines I can I can show it to you it's on Netflix oh that's so weird yeah they were like this is amazing I feel so amazing right now and it was literally just a machine that did nothing but the machine was vibrating but like they couldn't even feel anything
Channel: Steak and Eggs Podcast
Views: 582,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, emiru, tectone, steak & eggs podcast, steak and eggs, steak and eggs podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 8sec (5228 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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