The Biggest Betrayal We've Ever Faced

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[Music] [Music] boys welcome back to steak and eggs episode 27 sure 26 or seven I think 26 27 they're all they're all blurring together man but uh still it is still hot I am not happy about that like it is actually so insane like I get in my car I don't park my car in a drive in a you know the garage or anything so like I'm getting in my car and I'm getting [ __ ] cooked yup like I'm talking about it's 130 degrees in that car it's insane I almost got into an accident today because it was so hot I was leaving my street and generally I drop I don't know if I should be admitting this on camera but I will anyways generally I drive using one finger for a little bit what does that look like like I'm driving and I have my thumb on the Wheel never never hit anybody never been in a car accident and for legal reasons that's a joke I never do that anyways so the wheel is spinning around and I go to put my hand on it as I'm making a big turn the wheel is like a thousand degrees Yeah and my body by instinct which is like don't [ __ ] touch that it's then my wheel re-shifted back to the left and then I grabbed that [ __ ] yeah pulled that and uh it feels like I have blisters on my hand but I don't it is bad it's so brutal like I'll every day I will wake up and look at the seven day forecast and it's always the same 100 yes it's 100 degrees and it's not gonna change and it's like the highest chance of rain in the next seven days is six percent yeah I felt like one of those old-time people because like like the rain came down the other day and I was like oh thank God thank God for rain Bro [ __ ] it is miserable like absolutely I I am just I I'm I don't want to leave the house yeah I mean that's not really anything new but like I mean especially now right yeah it's just so crazy I mean like I've I like my idea of a perfect day is I get up whenever it's dark you know because I just I don't even want to have to it's there are two things I hate when it's hot and when it's really bright and it's both of them right now can't stand it drives me crazy sucks to be in Texas it does we might be miserable because of the heat but uh I heard xucc's miserable for a different reason y'all been keeping up with the drama or no I will be totally honest with you yeah I haven't kept up with it really hardly at all I saw a little bit of stuff about it and in general like there's like two types of drama in my opinion there's like interesting drama that like allows you to have a conversation about a larger idea yeah and then there's personal drama there's personal issues and I think the xqc stuff is mainly like just personal issues right okay I haven't heard of anything I haven't followed it super closely but I would say 90 of what I know is getting little tidbits from Nick and Miss because they're on Reddit all day oh my God should I even try to explain it say it try it so from what I know poke and X were fighting because poke kicked xqc out and xqc was saying you're mad at me because you're jealous of our other friend and poke was like no I'm not and then poke's girlfriend got involved and they were all screaming at each other about living together and then xqc's recent X got involved and they were all arguing about that and then xqc's recent X was like by the way he cheated on me with his other ex that he's in court with and he was like yeah I did that okay all right and then his ex that he's in court with was having like a like a dance party on stream as all this was happening and uh apparently there's another court case I don't I don't know that's that's like the summary I think where where does the law draw between like actual drama and just like what is what is the court case uh I think that there's the court case I mean I haven't really talked about this a lot but it's like I don't know if you know basically Adept is suing xqc to some extent because uh or or saying that they were married so she can get more money from him right okay like that's basically claiming that they were calm well married okay because like you don't have a marriage but you're technically married because you like live together yeah you lived together for over a year so was the consensus that X is getting like [ __ ] over no I think he's probably gonna win his case yeah he's getting [ __ ] over but he'll win right okay where it's like he this shouldn't have even been a question it shouldn't have happened at all but yeah he'll probably win okay it's just nuts it's just funny checking like the owner's group chat and seeing like Nick and miss being or not Nick and miss Nick and tips being like it's still bad I'm going back to bed oh no man like you sucks yeah I mean I I saw that same post that you did it was like the synopsis of it on Twitter right the summary and it was like two massive Discord like blocks of text of just like everything that had happened and it's just so crazy to me that people get that invested about like you know these like personal interactions I guess I mean I I can understand it to an extent but it's like man that's a lot yeah I mean there there definitely is a lot of involvement in people wanting to uh I guess Feast upon the parasource relations between them and their streamer oh yeah I check my twitch DMS for the first time like ever really yeah just just to see what's going on there it was kind of like on accident because I was doing a giveaway on my stream and I was like looking for their information and then I saw this like this these like multiple tons of people just saying like this message after message after message like I'm responding to them when I haven't said anything oh yeah that happens to a lot of people yeah like they typed to me like I'm reading their message on stream and responding yeah and one of them was like Hey I just want to say you and your roommate laroe are like really good for each other yeah and like you guys like you shouldn't you know I know you won't ever publicly admit that you guys are dating right right of course but like just know that I support you guys and then I'm really proud and I'm like thanks yeah I didn't say anything it's actually like well I don't know if this is exactly what you're talking about but this has happened to me as well as like a bunch of other streamers I've talked to is people that watch your stream and believe that you're speaking specifically to them like even if it's something like you play a certain song like say it's like a love song they'll think it's like sending a message to them is that what you're talking about or is it like nothing crazy yeah wait I'm sure you've had a couple oh yeah yeah I'll have people that do that I usually have the uh never respond uh that that's that's what I do is that if somebody acts that way towards me I just never respond to them oh yeah it's like obviously not like no response yeah but it's like the no response that they're like I've seen people like get angry they're like why aren't you like acknowledging me oh yeah what the [ __ ] okay I had someone recently asked like how often I check my emails and DMs like literally never smart well I actually have someone that reads my emails for me I never see my emails I even have someone that like checks my DMs sometimes for me to like look for anything that might be like a problem but yeah I don't I don't like check my own DMS they're mostly normal but they like seem like like they've seen like my jams where I'm like you wanna play league no I don't I don't mean like my Discord Dance I mean like like my Instagram DMS or something okay that's that cool somebody checks my email but nothing nothing anything more than that [ __ ] that yeah I mean some of the people that like it's like that's just what happens right is like if you're watching somebody for like six hours a day especially if it's like a mentally ill person you know it's easy for them to go and like start to assume that you know there's something going on there yeah and so I think like the xqc drama is just like another example of how that is just easy very easy for that to happen yeah like I don't think it's an issue when people are watching and it's like it's like entertaining or like they want to interject their opinion I just think it's weird when they start talking like they know the xqc or like they know they know what actions exactly [ __ ] that and now a word from our sponsors listen uh Jay uh it's kind of hard to say this but I do feel like I've been a bit rude and like mean so I did want to really kind of bike a pump wait is that is that they didn't know money why is why is he asking you for a picture wait are you all like boys like do you know each other what is this all right well anyway guys hi it's me asmine gold your favorite online TV man did you know the cash up our sponsor today is the number one finance app on the App Store pretty crazy but it's really no surprise considering that provides users with easy tools to help their 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manager a dollar to write the deck smart it's infinite money yes nine dollars per day I don't even have to see it yeah they don't have to see anything which is why uh the reason my brother's up is because SD Peach is retiring for making lewd content guys really wow okay Ms has to be in shambles because that was uh his first uh that was his first true love I mean it was just a lot of what also thumbnails yeah a lot of thumbnails and uh you know she's still making content though right like she's still streaming or she's yeah yeah she's been streaming and stuff but uh retiring from lewd content I uh you know it takes a big person to say that uh I mean you gotta understand and I'm sure you guys know this they make a lot of money yeah like if you make it on these sites you were making a lot of money I've heard some of these girls making like three mil a month off of this [ __ ] I don't know how much they're making like every stupid making but like right right it is absurd like I even have like some of my old friends from like high school who are like you know they're not really doing too hot in the real world so they making only fans and that's like their backup plan and they sell their only fans to their friends yeah have y'all have you heard anything like that I haven't heard of anything like that that's kind of weird but like yeah well I know some people from high school who did that and really they got upset when they when people that also went to school with us bought theirs what oh my God that's so weird yeah I feel like that's weird oh my God is it it's definitely yeah I mean it's weird it's like especially whenever it's like that weird I I don't even know where to begin with that kind of stuff that's just [ __ ] nuts oh my God but yeah I think that it's not a surprise I mean obviously you do that kind of stuff for a lot of years and it's like I I bet like you know why do they have somebody else rating their stuff well it's because it's just so I think it's probably very emotionally draining to have like people constantly trying to talk to you in that way all the time oh yeah of course oh yeah no doubt especially if like the the girls who try to go live on Twitch and have a normal stream and they do that stuff on the side and then like it gets drawn in I can totally understand because like it was like oh I'm gonna bring it up I'm so sorry it's like when I played gungeon impact yeah I was making a lot of money okay but having that brought be brought up every single time I'm trying to do anything else was the war so I cannot imagine how some of these girls and even guys must feel uh doing that type of stuff on the side but uh it is also I mean what you're saying about like some people making like millions of dollars is true but the average person also does not really make a lot of money there like oh yeah I I think this is the wrong number but I remember saying a while ago that the average income of a person that opens and only fans account is like 100 a month or something that's a lot of money I mean if you're trying to make it you're living you knows yeah that's true and that that's a bit of a problem I mean 100 is like a good amount to make I guess yeah I mean if it's free money then that's great but like you know if you're doing it all the time I think that's kind of a problem I've been I've been coming a lot more in touch but what is this oh it's 180 yeah it'll be fair that is good well that's that's median so you're talking about people that make millions a month and the average is 180. yeah so most people so if that's median yeah well median means that so it also says average at the top average is also 180. well if they if they're using median usually means that like if you have a thousand people the the number that's the median is 500 yeah so like it doesn't matter like where how big or whoa that number is it can be like every number is like super low except for the last three numbers and the median number is going to be low but like yeah it's like the average then it's going to be you know add all of them together and divide by how many you added together I've I've been becoming a lot more in touch with like the people because I've been going out a lot outside of my house and uh talking to the talking to the folk that populate good old Austin Texas right and I'm getting back in touch with uh how it was to to be a human and uh I did a magic the Gathering tournament that I won oh wow congrats what can I say yeah uh and the tournament fee was sixty dollars holy [ __ ] okay so if you had the same reaction they had well that's for like the prize pool right or is it like to the shop uh to the shop okay yeah so like everybody pays sixty dollars each kid three packs and then if you win if you win your pod you get two more packs right that's pretty much how it goes and to me I I don't like thinking about money I know what it's like not having any money so now I just try to not think about money I try not to think and it's probably gonna [ __ ] me over in the end I just try to be like you know what I want to do this activity I will spend this much for that activity and then I will forget about how much it cost because it was a good time and memories are very important to me right uh and I did it but then all these people were like freaking the [ __ ] out over sixty dollars and then I'm like oh yeah what do you mean like other people at the tournament yeah the shop we're like outraged I mean sixty dollars to enter like a casual tournament is kind of I missed the draft right yeah I mean that's way too much for for a draft Yeah well it's it's Commander Masters and each pack is twenty dollars oh well then it's fine yeah yeah I mean if it's twenty dollars for a pack and the tournament is three packs then exactly how are you gonna get mad like yeah I get mad at Wizards at the coast selling tax I guess dude have you seen the viewership on Magic the Gathering on YouTube no it's like still good like people are still watching like I was shocked I thought it was like a niche thing but like apparently it's like it's pretty big like people uploading videos like quarter million views 300 000 views I think it is Niche but it's like with in the niche there's a lot of nerds yeah yeah I think that's what it is that's why I I'll say it guys I think we should bring back Magic the Gathering on Twitch really yeah I feel like there's got to be a way remember the Hearthstone meta who's the best oh my God I don't even I never watched twitch back then like what was that even like I heard there was just a lot of drama and it's like the game was super kind of it's like you know how you said like you play like World of Warcraft or honkai because it's like just chatting with gameplay in the background that was the Hearthstone meta yeah there it is okay partial was the best though yeah that was before just trying existed too so yeah for sure that's what you would have to do that was back when if you weren't playing a game people would get mad at you oh my god well that yeah I I have my interest on Twitch has been going down over and over again I don't really [ __ ] like the IRL [ __ ] I don't really care uh but like the Hearthstone matter I'm a big gameplay Watcher I don't really watch any of that stuff but uh yeah the first one about it was the best really first of all the game was incredible but uh yeah there was drama over view botting people oh yeah I remember that yeah tons of view box thoughts people backstabbing each other in DMS chat trying to get forcing a girlfriend going to random cam girls and saying hey have you seen force and you should check him out he's pretty cute yeah and then he brings them on the stream there were cam girls playing Hearthstone completely bent over with their ass towards the camera trying to lure force and oh my God and you can still find vods of this [ __ ] you can go on Russian Facebook it's called don't go there you get a virus you can find these old vods of these cam girls playing Hearthstone oh my God it was the greatest metal bro that's nuts yeah I mean I didn't even know it was that wild I had no idea oh yeah like twitch I think back then was like way more insane I feel like it's become like much more like relaxed and sanitized over the years yeah definitely I I think every there's there's uh twitch has their bombshell uh categories yeah for sure uh I haven't heard anything going on in the wow Community besides you uh yeah there hasn't been anything going on it's like the game is just kind of I don't know I mean it is what it is at this point right and so people are you know just kind of accepting of it or they move on and play something else there's not like that same level of like because like the reason why Wow is like kind of always popular kind of on Twitch is that like it's been around for so long that like so many streamers that are like big streamers will like occasionally inject viewers into the like the economy of wow viewership because there's just like everybody has probably played wow like you look at a lot of big streamers nine out of ten of them have probably played well oh for sure yeah yeah I think uh I think every stream category has its villain like you're the villain of wow yeah for sure yeah t1's the villain of League yeah um for sure he's then what doc was the villain maybe maybe the people that don't play or watch The League yeah but he's like he's like the bad guy uh I'm the bad guy of ganshen um there's I think there's a villain of Cs go as well uh but I mean every somebody has the one guy for each category that is just and then the player base is mine the [ __ ] worst nobody likes this guy or they're they're it's maybe people like them but they're just like super polarizing and like half of people like them and half of people I think I think reynad was the villain of Hearthstone I don't even know how this happened but like everybody was like getting mad at reynad or like didn't like reynad playing Hearthstone I don't remember even like what that was or why he was mad yeah I think that people would just come into His chat and get him mad and he would get mad and then so they just kept doing it so rain ad pretty much would point out all the flaws of the game people didn't like that he got upset I think he tried to make his own card game I believe he had failed bizarre yeah I think it failed I have no idea okay could be wrong if you don't know then it probably did yeah that's probably true yeah that's rough but uh yeah oh and also speaking of something completely unrelated on Twitch categories uh Boulder's game three past its uh player base count of all time yeah it is nuts so basically Baldur's Gate 3 comes out and like I expected this game I didn't expect it to be this popular like it was honestly insane so the game capped out last weekend on Sunday at over 800 000 it was like 815 000 17 000 people then this week it went all the way up to 875 000. yep like I cannot think of a game like there were been like breakout games like vampire survivors and like a few other games where it's like their viewership goes up uh after they release because like more people are like learning about them but I feel like Baldur's Gate was like already a pretty well-known game that everybody was like yeah this is I know what the game this is and a lot of people are still coming in and playing it which is like astonishing yeah I don't know how people I don't know how so many people played Boulder's Gate because this is a game that I played when I was like sick six and like because I played Boulder's Gate Shadows of bomb number two or shadowslam and uh you know characters like Jan Jansen and Emma and Minx and boo really stuck out to me there was this other weird [ __ ] but it took like a 20-year Gap I was never expecting to have the Resurgence that it did but I'm assuming what I'm playing now must have been with Mike because my brothers loved it must have been what my brothers felt when they were teenagers playing this game at the same time because the game is absolutely incredible yeah I'm playing the [ __ ] out of it oh wow okay it is so good you have it no I played the Early Access of it like three years ago I forgot yeah yeah there's there's tons of different modes there's another there's even a mode where like I think it's called Dark Temptation sorry if I get that wrong we're like you succumb to like the evil and uh you you kind of in case you guys know you start off a worm is put inside your brain yeah it gives you like these weird powers that you can give into it's not really that good to give in to them but they let you like read people's minds and force them to do want this is kind of like a whole playthrough where you give into that every single time and uh the first thing that really happened was you know in the regular game you go you play and you know you you maybe fight some goblins maybe you have sex with a bear who knows uh and the dark Temptation I just went to a camp and I was talking this chick super nice you know and I'm my character was being very friendly and I got her to come be you know be my buddy and then I go to sleep with the chick and then I wake up and my face is covered in blood and I'm eating this girl okay yeah and like nice her intestines are just like everywhere and the village is just like oh tacky now why did you go and do that oh here we go did they try to like execute you or something no they were just like oh man yep guess that happened it is literally a game where you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want really that's shocking y'all both haven't played it I played it but just for like three hours or something no you should it's really good because the twitch integration is also sick yeah because like your chat can vote for what you for what they want you to do this response yeah yep maybe I should try that I mean like I I've wanted to go through and play it with like a group of people but it's just like organizing people and like planning all that stuff out it's like oh my God all right but yeah I do definitely need to play it and try it out because it does seem really interesting like people say it's not a good stream game but I could see in a way where it would be so I think I think it's going to be like Dark Souls where like every streamer should play it at least once on stream right it's like that good and like all the playthroughs are so Dynamic where your choices actually matter which like I love you know I played a lot of Mass Effect incredible game Fable incredible game Baldur's Gate same Dynamic the more good [ __ ] you do the better you are the more badge you do the worse you are I love that [ __ ] it actually feels real you actually feel alive in the game yeah I hear people that spend like 40 hours 70 hours in act one yeah which is nice yeah I can't believe that I think that like really it was so funny for me to hear people talking about Baldur's Gate because people are using a term called feature complete and it's like I remember hearing that term used in the gaming like 15 years ago but games have been so dog [ __ ] for so long that I actually forgot what the term was what does that mean future complete I've never heard of that that means that like the game gets released yeah exactly and so it means the game gets released and there's nothing wrong with it they don't have to go back and fix it yeah there's not actually finished exactly yeah I've never all the systems are actually developed on release there doesn't need to be an apology from the company or you know like seven different [ __ ] patches and you know a developer live stream or something like that explaining why they weren't able to release a game you know but yeah it's I'm not surprised at all I do want to talk about another segue to Blue protocols Dev live stream oh yeah but I want to stay with Baldur's Gate because I am wondering what what is stopping off from playing do you have like other [ __ ] to do I just I I've been busy like I mean that's just it I've been like doing other stuff and whenever I have time I will go and I'll play it it's a big time commitment what are you doing on these days I re well I mean obviously like watching videos right I mean of course and uh then besides that what else am I doing uh I would say a lot of like I was I'm trying to finish Final Fantasy 16. oh [ __ ] yeah oh yeah yeah dude I haven't seen I don't think because now I go to sleep at 10 p.m right and I wake up at 7 00 a.m so I haven't seen your streaming forever yeah which sucks I haven't seen you stream either I mean forever it feels feels bad I only really see you when I wake up before like 2 p.m which is rare yeah but are you enjoying Final Fantasy 16 oh yeah yeah it's a very great game like I mean I I like it a lot like I'm like literally one stream away from finishing the game but I thought I was also one stream away from finishing the game yesterday and the day before so like I'm not sure but yeah I mean it's like I I think it's great I mean there are obviously like people were like super critical of it because it was like such a big departure from like the other Final Fantasy games but I think it's it's good like it's a fundamentally good game now is it the greatest game that's ever been gamed probably not but it's good yeah I mean I I think it's got to be up there yeah surely it's got to be up there yeah I think it'll be a contender for game of the year I definitely think so oh let's think Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gates of the Kingdom star field and it's going to be I don't think I don't think I don't think that's a chance I can see it being nominated yeah for sure there's no I don't think there's any way I think Baldur's Gate could win I I think the chances of tears at the Kingdom like I'm pretty sure tears of the Kingdom might win you think so yeah there's a lot of people that like Legend is helping there is well I mean yeah yeah it's probably yes and no right I mean because I I would expect probably I don't see Baldur's Gate winning but maybe it will I mean I feel like especially for how popular it's been and like how much of a breakout success it's been I think it probably deserves the win I will say if genjen impact wins mobile game of the year over okay I will break my [ __ ] monitor really that's exemptions player based numbers like nowadays do you know uh no I have no idea I am going to be playing again I'm gonna play it it's gonna be good I am gonna try my hardest to have fun when was the last time that you played gentian impact on stream 10 months wow yep so this is a big return yep oh man I'm very excited I'm actually very excited Are You Gonna Roll for any characters no there's no point the first two characters that come out I'll say they look like [ __ ] [ __ ] have you seen them bro they look like is it is it the one with the long coat or is it the the circus the circus people oh lynnae and Lynette oh the girl oh my God yeah but yeah I'm not a fan yeah I'm good uh yeah I think they look absolutely horrible I feel like genshin's first like 20 characters all were so iconic and recognizable but after that it's like you're adding in like how many of there are how many of them are there there's like like of 890 characters in the internet there's probably like it's probably getting past like 60. yeah like even the designs though like if they dropped like Eula or who town now I feel like it'd be the same like people would know them and recognize them but a lot of their new characters just don't really stand out to me yeah no I understand gray I mean there are some cool ones uh you know sampa from Hawkeye Style real yeah they have like a more Macho version of him he's being voiced by Joe Tara 68 genshen characters imagine that oh my God 68 characters and you won't be talking to a single one of them in the main story Quest because you got to talk to the NPC oh the four stars are like you wouldn't remember them anyway yeah yeah nobody is it's the five stars but I'm gonna try it completely away I'm gonna go back I'm gonna play it I'm gonna explore I'm gonna read all the story and I'm gonna hopefully enjoy it and then call it I really don't want to get mad do you know anything about the story of against an impact oh oh okay okay okay so you've kept up with that you know everything yeah I got caught up today on everything that I missed wow which was summarized in about an eight minute video okay so but also apparently apparently the last story Quest was 24 weeks ago what the [ __ ] yes I don't know what they've been doing for 24 weeks well they've been making Hong Kong yeah exactly you're right man like I love that game I feel like genshin's story started pretty strong like I was really enjoying it when I first played it yeah I think it was good but it is what it is I'm actually very excited to go back and play I hope I have fun because if I do then I have two games to play now instead of just one which I'll be stuck about and uh yeah I I think I think it would make a lot of people happy if I if I uh we felt the magic that I first felt when I played that game and I'm actually on ironically I'm pretty optimistic really I think next time when we talk I think I will say how much I enjoyed it I think that you probably will because like you're not like the the same thing happened to me with wow is like I would always play WoW all the time and only play WoW and then as soon as I started playing other games I could come back and play WoW and not mauled out about the fact that oh my God this game isn't holding my attention for 80 hours a week yep yeah so I think like as long as you can play it and have like a healthy relationship without trying to make it your main game I think that's really what the issue is there's a lot of people try to make you know one game their main game and then it's like either the developers make the game full of like [ __ ] that's not fun to do in order to like succeed at that or they uh just you know have the players get mad yeah I feel like as long as people I want to go and do the main story questions exploration and then I'm not gonna do the mini games I'm not gonna do the Mickey Mouse [ __ ] I'ma just see what the developers have to offer and then bow out come back every six weeks and enjoy it yeah and then I'm hoping hoping people will [ __ ] get off me yeah I'm hoping nobody comes at me and says if check Town plays my game tonight I'm gonna [ __ ] lose it guys I'm hoping everybody just leaves me the [ __ ] alone I want to do my own thing I will most likely do you know some type of event to bring some content creators together but hopefully no drama I don't want drama I just want to be happy and I want to enjoy my games like I've always wanted I feel like there hasn't been as much drama with genshin impact like it's like there was that voice actor thing but that was about it right there's there's no more drama against that Community there's just crimes really oh yeah yeah I forgot about that was that last no that was two weeks ago we talked about that yeah there's even more stuff now what happened oh so uh so holy reverse feeling good I don't think it's that good uh so they had written in their contracts that they're going to use the whole universe they're going to use AI to kind of replace the voice actors that have already been voicing the game yeah and they're just going to use AI data to replicate it and then you know they don't have to work for them anymore because well we have your voicemail so you can leave so are they still paying them uh why do they pay them yeah that's true because it's their voice yeah I mean I'm thinking a royalty program should be set up but a VA came out and released that info to everyone and uh we're gonna see where that goes but uh that is not good at all yeah I don't think that's a good look I think that kind of stuff is just gonna happen no matter what no I I agree yeah it's the same thing as like a lot of these companies right I mean like yeah obviously like U.S companies might not do it but the truth is that I think that why do people want to use Ai and why do they want to use like machine learning algorithms and stuff it's because it allows them to make more content faster and ultimately the consumer I don't think really cares about the ethics of these things because like people buy smartphones that are made with like third board labor and stuff so like how is how is buying a smartphone that's being made with third world labor or you know buying clothes that are made with third dwarf labor how is this in any way like I think any reasonable person would say that that's a lot worse than like AI voice actors right like it's just a million times probably is going to become pretty common I actually saw this thing on Twitter last night where it was these artists talking about so apparently there was this this kid like I think he was like 17 or something working on an animation project and he used AI voices to voice his project and he said the description like oh like I don't really know any voice actors I don't have money to like hire them so yeah I used AI voices and a lot of people were like upset and attacking him for that oh yeah but it's like his own personal project you know well people just don't like it period they feel like it's an invasion of like you know their autonomy or something like that or it's they're they're having something taken away from them yeah yeah I mean it also probably doesn't feel good knowing just how easily humans are being like they're replaceable yeah you know you say I think uh I did something similar to this where people wanted to use my voice and I think I just needed to say like maybe about 400 words and then once I said those 400 words the monster TTS thing maybe I will say nothing wait why I don't know if I'm underneath NDA or not okay anyways wait what because of this the scripts have you done that no but I know about it oh okay well I won't say anything but uh you just read some words and then they capture your voice very quickly dude you're making it sound like it's something bad so they they have this like custom script that like they own and you're not supposed to share it yeah we can talk about that there's a script yeah okay yeah we're just not supposed to share the script oh okay I just want to make sure that I I wasn't sure if I was allowed to say that or not cool sure I mean of course that makes sense yeah that that's yeah and like just because like the script covers every vocal inflection or anything like that right yeah they made it themselves so they just don't want people stealing it yeah this is Monster TTS they do like AI custom voices for uh twitch TTS the thing is though is that my AI voice sounds really fruity wait what is what is this couple people are implying on connecting dots that aren't necessarily there which boy I don't think I'm making much of a lead but I'll humor you let's pretend they're not using vo work for AI yet if you sign away rights like these contracts require they still can Kyle McCully later claims that even if sober isn't using voice reward for AI just yet they can still do so in the future he simply wants voice actors to be cautious and try to protect their rights when signing contracts oh yeah so what he's saying is hoyo verse never said that they're going to but a lot of these contracts give them the legal rights to do So eventually yeah they retain the right to do it even if they aren't doing it right now yeah 100 but they've already done that for another game they have called um I think it's called tears of famous uh it's another game they run uh it's like it's like a boy it's like a husband simulator that's why nobody else has heard of it uh but yeah my AI voice sounds really [ __ ] fruity and I'm wondering do I like sound like that no no because it freaks me out because I hear it all day and I'm like do I sound like that and my chat says yeah you sound like that's you that's you that's you and it's freaking me out because then sometimes I'll talk and I'll sound a little bit zesty and then I'm just like what is happening uh Frick dude it's so frustrating you feel like your actual voice is getting closer to the AI one now that you're here yeah yes it's so bad man but I'm also kind of glad because I've heard uh you know other people's voices be like one for one yeah I'm kind of glad that my [ __ ] isn't one for one because otherwise I don't want them to make me say some weird [ __ ] bro I'm good well I have uh my editors literally like if I don't read something they will just have the AI version of me read it and just put the video up yeah or something like that or just like have me say something stupid what the [ __ ] yeah it's pretty funny [ __ ] yeah I think it's going to become more and more popular right because like you know at the end of the day if you can make something like way faster than somebody else and like you can make way more content people are going to want to play the content yeah and like that's just what it's going to end up with so like I I know that there's like a lot of like there's like the rider strike voice actors who are getting worried about this I think it's going to become even more popular and uh especially as soon as like other like countries like places that are like outside of the US culture uh start doing it like Leo versus kind of like not the same yeah I mean I don't I don't really agree with the ethics of it but uh I mean corporations are gonna do whatever the [ __ ] they want they makes them the most profit with the least amount of money spent and now monsters my name is as long as I can remember I loved making toys I've always done things a little bit differently but I think that's what makes my craft so special I've never known fame or Fortune more money or success yet nevertheless my passion is as strong as ever and now I can sense that my luck he's about to I did Ah that's Pinocchio what did I tell you about sneaking up on me I'm sorry Dan I just love you so much okay yes uh I need to get back to work thank you so much for creating me Dan I'm just so happy to be alive [Music] that boy was my biggest mistake play is a way cooler version of Pinocchio in lies of p a Souls like reimagining of his beloved childhood Tale [Music] destiny on a lighter note I would like to talk about one of the coolest things happening in anime history right now what's that and that is gear five is now an animated for One Piece oh which is cool because generally for other shows their power-ups make sense right this one makes no [ __ ] sense what is it like okay so like for example I'm talking about like Naruto like you know and Naruto uh Sasuke will get like a upgrade to his Sharingan okay or instead of his sharing gone being able to like see the flow of chakra and control his enemies like he'll get a new one where it's like now he can actually make people experience complete hallucinations that they don't know reality from you know actuality and like re-experience their most tormented moments that's by [ __ ] looking at them or instead of the sun god being a blue ball now it's a blue ball with like spikes and people like lose their mind over right right yeah gear five is one of the coolest things I think I've ever seen and this is gonna be I'm not a one-piece fanatic you all know that I I think it is pretty good I think I think it's pretty good uh but but gear five no joke gives Luffy the power of anything he can think he can do a long time ago right did that not like ruin because I feel like a lot of times when characters become too op it becomes less interesting um uh so it's a mixed reception I think it's cool as [ __ ] uh because we're getting near the end of one piece like whether people would want to admit it or not like it's going to end very soon he has yeah he has two obstacles to overcome four rep which is Shanks and Blackbeard other than that the story's getting to an end guys uh which is really weird to say because I've been I've been watching one piece since I was when did it start that's a damn good question I think I probably started hearing about it around middle school because I did own the first volume of the released manga I don't know if I got that late and then I also got really back into it again during Thriller bark but let's see one piece one piece yeah I'm actually curious because I feel like it's just been around for so long October 20th 1999. oh my God yep guys that was that was more than 20 years ago that is insane and the fact that that's I mean I remember the stories or like the times where I would like you know my buddies would cosplay monkey but I was like more of a Naruto guy back then and then you know I I took my buddy's laptop that way I could watch what's going on in our Long Park and like back then I Thought Monkey D Luffy doing like the ax kick on our long skull was like Peak fiction and then there's gear two gear two versus like uh the cp5 and then there's gear three also versus cp5 and then gear 4 versus doflamingo gear 5 versus kaido and kaido has been like this looming entity since like probably the first 20 of the show and in case you guys don't know kaido is a guy where he's so powerful he tried to kill himself when he couldn't do it okay because he he was literally trying to die but he was too strong that he couldn't even kill himself right which is crazy to think about yeah the Hulk did the same thing but did he actually yeah no it was like a plot device that is coolest yeah yeah and Hulk surely came out before one piece right I would assume so yeah okay yeah it definitely did yeah before it was like the 60s or 70s or something like that so pretty much what happens is that kaido is like [ __ ] jacked super strong and nobody can kill him at all like invulnerable and then Luffy's like okay what if I just do whatever the [ __ ] I want and it goes from this super serious because everybody's been so serious obviously one piece has always been a little bit goofy right uh but this literally gave him the ability to make everything around him rubber so he made it a rubber world right and you know Bam Bam from Flintstones where he goes like bam bam bam bam yeah yeah yeah so Luffy was bam bamming uh this guy and it also they changed the entire animation style from like normal one piece two Warner Bros whenever he goes gear five okay so it changes everything and like you know when like somebody gets punched in uh cartoon and their eyes fly out of their skull yeah yeah that's what happens when he fights now so he's literally become a cartoon character and the internet is very divided I think it's cool as [ __ ] really as long as we don't get to like true Tune Force which is in case you guys know it's like a power scaling uh thing that a lot of the anime Theory Crafters talk about for you know who can beat who in a fight where there's characters like Popeye and first for example uh who wins in a fight uh Aquaman or SpongeBob I would say Aquaman SpongeBob wins no because because there was an episode where SpongeBob leaves his TV show yeah and unravels the universe via a thread and the amount of strength it would take SpongeBob to carry a strand of the universe would be the equivalent of 170 meta tons of TNT so like [ __ ] like that right so there was okay there was a fight where it was saitama versus pop yeah here we go SpongeBob destroys the universe look at that okay dude Goku is trembling he just bro what the [ __ ] he just broke space and time he is carrying it himself there's Pat okay so oh no Patrick no stop oh my God he's so stupid yeah so there was a fight between Popeye the Sailor Man versus saitama which saitama is pretty much known as the strongest character in anime but Popeye wins because there's an episode where he comes out of the TV is that about Popeye like the old cartoon right yeah spinach okay good he comes out of the TV beats up the writer and says Ah make me win this fight make me win this fight and then goes back into the TV show that whoops the guy's ass right so it's like there's Popeye who's a cheater Deadpool's another huge cheater and now I guess Monkey D Luffy uh is now a Tune Force abuser okay so Tune Force is like whenever things just go so out of control that you just can't even scale them at this point nuts okay yep like apparently Luffy has light speed now so we can go back in time I don't [ __ ] know I think you can do whatever the [ __ ] he wants he just does anything he wants anything goes Anything Can Happen yeah I do feel like you run into the problem where it's like it's no longer interesting because you know that the outcome is going to be the same but like I don't know if it's really there yet or not I don't know I'm not sure I still found Naruto compelling because I was just like he wants to become the Hokage yeah he still has goals I guess Luffy does that's probably how it stays interesting yeah because the other thing is that even though Luffy has that power with his gum gum fruit Blackbeard has the ability to take people's Powers okay so it might just be fine so like what happens after Luffy kills Blackbeard well he unites the world so that's it yeah yeah and he uh he avenges the thing that happened caused by Blackbeard which I won't say okay uh and then he gets the one piece which I will just go ahead and yeah I'm just gonna go ahead and say it because I know what the one piece is I was told okay it's the ability to connect all the confidence and make the world one piece again how do you know that I've I've done a lot of research I mean but couldn't he just do that with the gear five if he can imagine anything yeah so why would he need one piece it's because because the one piece yeah for the one piece is on the moon okay it was on it's on the moon how's it gonna get oh can he just imagine himself on the moon go get it that's what he should do yeah I mean because I feel like this is a pretty easy solution right I think though let me tell you why it's not simple no because Luffy is stupid okay and the thing is he can only do what he thinks he ain't gonna think of that and he's just never gonna even think okay yeah because I mean let's be real he was inside of a snake's belly and the sky Pia Arc for like 40 episodes thinking it was a cave when it was just a snake shout outs to moist criticals because that drove his ass insane as well he's just stupid he's [ __ ] stupid he's a [ __ ] idiot absolutely idiotic all right I guess the Nia makes a little a little bit more sense I can't tell you how happy I was being able to tell you guys about that I've been thinking about I've been geeking about gear five all week bro it is so cool I've told myself I was gonna watch One Piece for so long and I just have never gotten around to it there's like there's done that as well it's just too much it's like I don't think y'all should I really don't think y'all should really why it's just too much you guys are too busy like you guys are productive I mean you run companies you play you play well I was not gonna play itself guys it's true yeah what actually does now you've got bonding that's true yeah everybody's botting in the game now it's actually insane how much how bad bonding has gotten in the game so like people have a bot farm for them or something it's like they can be a stream where they're just watching the Bots like literally fly hacking up into the air like past the trees and then walking over and then going into the dungeon and it's just like the most blatant cheating that just nothing ever happens they don't get banned for that I mean not really Amanda's one of this I think the only thing that I've done and wow that can be considered cheating is one I bought so much gold it's [ __ ] ridiculous yeah like I've bought an absurd amount of gold probably at least three thousand dollars worth of gold did you ever get in trouble nope never once my point you would get in trouble for that but not cheating like well you can't control for both of them but you don't that's the thing it's not that you can't get in trouble it's that you don't get in trouble and then what's it's I think it's Strat home and then I glitched my way down to other places all those dead bodies oh no that's not a big deal that's not cheating no no about this no there's like a hidden Zone in wow that's like wasn't supposed to be released carers and crypts and like in this Zone that you can glitch yourself into there's like this area where there's like a bunch of these dead people like hanging from chains like with their flesh running oh my God if that so is there no Creepy Pasta about that there's there's gotta be yeah there is okay oh yeah like that that is Peak Creepypasta materials oh yeah the other really cool thing which is probably the moment where I truly realized wow was my favorite game because I thought it had devs that truly cared because it was such a Sentimental thing I'm sure you remember this there was uh there was this part that you could glitch yourself underneath Orgrimmar which is the main city for like the Orcs And then you could fly up this rock and then in this Top of the Rock there was like a memorial for one of the employees who passed away do you remember that yeah that was so cool like that was so yeah I mean like there are a lot of cool things in the game and it's been 15 years yeah but yeah I mean like it's just it's still funny as [ __ ] for me to see what see people like just still fly hacking and cheating and stuff like that and there's just nothing being done about it that's crazy nobody gives a [ __ ] if you cheat on stream and you're playing League or valorin or any Riot game they they will come for you and ban your entire account yeah like I remember uh Mo Yasuo a while ago he let his sister use one of his Challenger accounts to play a bot game so it wasn't even like ruining anyone else's game or anything like she was playing against bots his entire account for account sharing wow you're kidding no this actually happened like Perma Perma it wasn't yes the account was gone what the [ __ ] I mean this was a while ago too so I don't know if they'd still do that now but yeah they they take it very seriously or they did I don't know about no but [Music] didn't he go to kick no that was uh those sapnap Oh I thought they both did I think yeah I thought yeah I haven't heard that name in forever yeah apparently he's like gambling over there or something like that I don't know like I read a threat about it yeah I mean I saw the sapnap thing holy [ __ ] people were mad about that oh my God surprising at all so it's like it's the Minecraft Community they get mad about anything I mean this is what you get yeah yeah I'm sure sapnap knew how his community was going to react but he was probably like I just want to retire but I'm surprised that kick did kick think that his viewers would be like okay we're gonna go to kick now and watch other gambling streams like did they think that I think it doesn't really matter if like the majority of them don't because the small enough amount of them or a big enough amount of them will right it's like you're just playing by numbers I don't I don't think so or maybe they thought that's what would happen have you watched sapnap on kick at all [ __ ] no he had like one to two k viewers that's more than I after his fresh signing on Kick yeah that's about what I'd expect like I thought no I thought he'd have at least like his viewers would be like you know like hate watching or something they didn't even want to go over how much viewers is usually get I don't know really like I don't know I don't even know who the guy is I mean he was one of those people that was getting like 30k he's like a dream friend guy uh he was like part of that same Community uh he was he was dream was playing with him for his first kickstream oh wow and he only had 2K viewers yeah oh my God like Minecraft Like It Minecraft is the game that comes and goes right it's like you know people are like really really into Minecraft and then over time people lose interest with it then they'll come back and it's like every time people come back and like gain interest and then there's like a new fresh set of people that are like the new like popular personalities of mine I mean he's still a popular personality and like some other people from like like quackity still gets like 20 30k viewers but he he kind of has his own thing now yeah and then like tubbo still gets like five to tenk viewers yeah sapnap was averaging around 8K viewers on Twitch and then I think that's fair I think yeah I think that's fair you know I wouldn't expect too much more than that but for just 2K I will say uh hot take I think Minecraft is a dog [ __ ] game really wow uh it is just absolutely Beyond terrible people who play that should have a mental illness uh it is only playable if it's modded modded Minecraft is amazing vanilla Minecraft I don't know how the [ __ ] anybody I don't think it's ever been good just base my graphs I make sure maybe yeah what do the mods even do I have no idea everything it's gear five gear five if you can do whatever the [ __ ] you okay okay I mean there's sex mods uh I've seen that yep level up RPG mods classmates I mean every popular Minecraft YouTuber is either doing mods or they're doing vanilla but it's there's like a storytelling component right so it's not like people are just watching the base game oh okay thank God yeah yeah because I've watched a decent amount of Minecraft contests it's always modded special game modes or if they're doing vanilla it's like with a group of friends but there's like a storytelling narrative compared to it see that's cool yeah like I don't know I don't know a single person who still plays vanilla Minecraft and enjoys it maybe there's obviously they're out there but like if you if you would just take a chance on modded Minecraft it is so amazing when people have been able to do with that game I don't know why Mojang is doing the least for their game uh and the community yeah 100 yeah yeah everyone's already going well why would they need to do anything else it's like one million I'm in the game the best thing about Minecraft is the content makes itself yep you know you have the community making new mods you have like people figuring out new things and interactions and so you don't have to do [ __ ] yeah but there was a bounce SMP server that I played on for a little bit with other people like rubber Ross and like a whole bunch of YouTubers any YouTuber you know that they were on it and uh you could do anything there was like a pet collecting there was class collecting there was race selection like oh my God it was so cool he plays mushroom people who could like you know eat the ground you could play as demons who could like fly and shoot Fireballs bro that game is so goddamn good I just wish Mojang would do more with it and it really makes me upset but they don't have to episode is what it is I mean I don't know I feel like there's a lot of games like that that they have a lot of potential and then like they just don't really get realized by the developer and like the only thing that's okay about that is that mods are able to realize that potential I went on a rant for about two hours yeah where I rarely ever get truly angry but I even got Furious because there's just so many games where it seems like the devs just don't play their [ __ ] game and I don't get why that is so popular these days like the defense of Minecraft a lot of people just want like a base vanilla game like it's a Sandbox game yeah so I don't think a lot of people want it to be overloaded with stuff but then it's like if if they are the kind of person who wants like all this technical stuff then they can easily access that yeah well there's a big thing going on in the gotcha world where uh there's the gungeon team and there's the Hawkeye team it was actually confirmed by an interview that the Genji team and Hawkeye team are different teams and all the change that Genji players have wanted Hawkeye staro has been getting I mean uh increased resin um more endgame-esque uh attributes being added uh a energy uh Reservoir to where when you don't play enough you still collect all that energy but it's 60 right so you can overcap that way people who don't play too much come back and they have infinite energy they can spend essentially yep they're adding that soon uh in 1.3 wow oh God thank you [ __ ] god incredible incredible changes and I genuine the reason why I want to go back and play against me because I want to be able to relate to these people because I actually genuinely feel bad for them because like they they don't do [ __ ] for this game bro they don't do [ __ ] it is wild I feel so bad for Genji players because like they just don't get anything but it's not just like I mean I feel like I mean what's another game where it feels like the devs are so goddamn out of touch with their players and there's there's a Blizzard game OverWatch yeah Diablo 4 recently released a video where they had two people that worked on the dev team playing the game oh no big mistake oh no it was some of the worst gameplay I've ever seen in my entire life they had no idea what they were doing they were talking about random stuff and it just I think it was probably the it might be in the top five worst decisions they've made for Diablo 4 which is really bad wait what do they what did they do what was the choice well like I mean the choice was to put out the video right yeah put out the video like why put this out there it's like how do you how do you put something out there like that and not have any sort of understanding of like what people are gonna do and it's like also I think it's like kind of irresponsible in a way for like the pr team and everything because like they put like there's these two girls that were like uh playing the game and it's like now you're putting them in front of everybody and making them look stupid it's like they're nobody looked at it and like looked at it honestly nobody was like what are people gonna say whenever they see two people that are failing in World tier one at level 50. right how the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] is that how do you well I mean like I've said before that if you watch developers play a video game it explains why most of the problems in the game exist Jesus Christ did you see the blue protocol Dev live stream oh god oh no oh you saw it I did I saw it did you react to it companies more companies hire people that are obsessed with the game like that's something that Riot does that I don't think people know is a lot of people that work on League of Legends are people that were highly low in League of Legends like their balance team a lot of it's people that were High ELO like like I remember even like one of the rioters there suggested that like I apply for it and like I've never been like super highly like challenger but they're like yeah you probably could really that's cool as [ __ ] I remember that yeah like a lot of their um balance team is people that used to be high low streamers but kind of like dipped and like fell off the face of twitch do you know they just work there now do you know what blue protocol is the the MMO yeah yeah uh they they released a new devil live stream where they were showcasing their new character which I believe is called the Lancer it was using a lance yeah Lancer and uh the they there's more there's more because this is it gets really bad uh first of all they added in the gotcha system they're going to be confirming that the Cosmetics you have to roll for them which is by the way the worst thing ever I believe it's three dollars and fifty cents a spin uh there's no pity uh the other members it's been so Temple is like 35 bucks that's exactly what I said uh yep and uh there's a Pity system but it's not for the guaranteed item it's for like a guaranteed like high Rarity item yeah I know that's at 110. so that is a 385 dollars to guarantee yourself a rare item to be fair all these things are cosmetic which is of course it's not it's an MMO right yeah yeah it's not that bad it's not like you know you get like a new weapon or something like that you have to get that but like it is still pretty cheesy yeah because the items that you get if you fail a spinner like shitty match that nobody wants which feels rough no one's again I am still going to play this [ __ ] out of the game but one thing I I am I am so less hyped for it I am so afraid of it because they released a character demo for the Lancer could be a different name uh we're I'm not even kidding you it was just 10 minutes of raw footage with the devs keyboards clicking in the background not explaining anything of just like random gameplay yeah and then they did a q a segment afterwards where players were like so what can the Lancer do and their response was hey [ __ ] I don't know so it's got a lance yeah yeah they're gonna like poke [ __ ] and uh basically weren't you saying you were hoping this was gonna be like the weeb game yep I was I've been I've been hoping that for about four years now well I mean Japan's beta testing it for us so good for them that's the way I see it yep and uh the players are already pissed oh people are Furious about it they're so mad so yeah I mean I'm not sure what's gonna happen with that game but like yeah things are not looking good at all yeah I'm glad that it just released over in Japan though right because like now like I mean lost ARP and it really came out in Korea originally was garbage too and then they made it better and then by the time it came out in the west like you know you were playing like a bit of a better version of the game you know what I'm gonna say I'm gonna say that I don't think I was ready to say until I just talked about this I literally I don't give a [ __ ] if there's a new good game I actually don't care yeah I truly don't give a [ __ ] well I am happy with just playing My Little mobile games and I'm good because I have honkai and I saw you react to it you saw the future yeah is that almost Zone zero oh yeah yeah that's the new Hoya verse game and uh oh the Persona like one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dude you haven't even you haven't used the best part which is a story uh-huh story looks incredible really I just assumed it was good something that no other oh your first game does which is they actually gave characters face animations when they talk so they're not just like oh my God we're dying by a dragon they're actually like yeah holy [ __ ] we're dying to a dragon it's so nice like I cannot wait what's the release date on this looking like uh early early 2024 is projection I'm excited oh wait that's soon yep yeah come out like less than a year ago uh honkai star rail came out um maybe about 14 weeks ago really wasn't weeks yeah it really was not long ago 14 weeks ago I can't be wrong well 1.0 comes out then one point one came out 1.2 came out east of those are 12 uh oh so 16 weeks sorry 16 weeks is that true yeah I think so yep oh my God and I really spent 3K on it dude you spent way more than that no I I no no I did no I tracked my transactions I spent 3K I mean like okay 3K this month or like no total no there's no way because like you got no I don't believe that because like you had you have seal you have uh blade at ease well I mean yeah you have blade at E6 like light cone 5 you probably have Kafka the same thing right I didn't do her like cone okay not yet I would bet so much money you spent more than 3K I literally tracked my transcripts or you're the luckiest [ __ ] on the planet we suggest that the trial of Amarillo let's see if you are truthful about your gotcha spending I literally looked it up I spent 1200 on Kafka I spent over 1K on blade as well and then the rest is for zela yeah I spent zero dollars yeah so you only wailed for two characters yeah wow yeah I guess actually you know that makes sense yeah how much have you spent you think well I don't I have I actually have no idea probably more than that yeah no I mean like it was a [ __ ] right that's right and so like yeah because I have oh it's it's bad like I have the seal is like uh maxed out completely and then I have genuine and I think he's missing one light cone and then like everything else is maxed out so he's like super imposed four and not five oh I don't even have zela's light cone so oh that's also part of why I haven't yeah I've got that and then like I think after him luocha came out I believe no silver wolf oh I didn't really get silver wolf I got like one or two of that and then I stopped and then I got uocha maxed out and then blade and then Kafka well you you guys are going to get ready for those wallets yeah there was a absolute like the great likening happened the other day really oh my God good oh so good so good first of all fuschwan and then a bit of lunae are gonna break the goddamn game yeah okay they are going to be busted especially in biblical and then we have topaz and jingliu and then there was something leaked I am going to say a league uh raid in May which is the Raiden Shogun was late to be coming to honkai Star rail as well I like that they do that wait wait what so they they do it where like they'll take characters from other uh hoyo versus games like for example like uh yay from genshin is from another Hong Kong yeah so they'll like make versions of them and other games like well is it from Hong Kong the other Hong Kong I think well I thought welt was like a one for one yes whereas like yeah hamako was in both games I think seal and brawny are also in both games yeah and uh Natasha is also Raven from Hong Kong yeah uh but yeah right in right in May's version is coming and she looks [ __ ] incredible oh my God like incredible and the leak is over but yeah it looks really good like it looks really really good and 1.3 is also gonna be incredible I can't wait it makes me so happy they are doing every I've never played a game especially a Gods game where it actually feels like everything I've wanted is coming to the game I never thought I would actually get hard into gotcha like people were saying like they were calling me like new lakari and new tech tone I mean that clip that you had was pretty [ __ ] unhinged I mean I was I was just having fun like it's it's not like that serious yeah people were saying like spitting in a gotcha game is the same as showing slots to children on I was like what the hell man first of all I think this is true for all of us less than one percent of my viewers are under the age of 18 but I mean even so like if a kid look here's the thing here's why it's not here's why that's not true right another thing is when a streamer is a gambling streamer and they're spinning slots and they win big it's like glorified when me and Tech tone are well techno doesn't even spend money but when we're spinning gotcha on stream no one is being like wow you guys are so cool I want to be like you no there are people unhinged no I I gotta I gotta I did a ten pull and I got two yellows in the ten pole and everybody was like wow how do you do it like how do you how do you do it bro like there's got to be something going on and it's like I don't know if they're trolling or not I think probably I think probably 80 or they're already into godship yeah I I will say that's so funny I don't I don't wear on my account anymore I love my viewers love doing that um I have a I'm not even getting you a 100 success rate on anything where Kafka related I won every single 50 50 in a row and then I did a light combo and I also got that so I won nine 50 50s in a row for my viewers it was [ __ ] awesome like he was sick that is wow okay yeah that's just that's oh yeah I also was getting lucky on my cockapoles I won her 50 54 times in a row when I was getting 36. she's the story Quest yeah I did that literally never [ __ ] happens to me like I'm usually so unlucky in gotcha games yeah the only time I lost the 50 50 was whenever I had the two of them and so I got like the character that I lost it to and I got Kafka I saw the next one and it's like so I basically won the 50 50 anyway dude I'm pissed y'all are doing these polls and I'm not online man it blows because I love reacting to Alpine yeah I'm going live at like [ __ ] five in the morning doing spins on the shitty game yeah absolutely [ __ ] dude that was such good content oh yeah it's it's so good and like watching people actually especially I think that's probably more entertaining to watch people lose no it definitely is yeah I will say dude I I couldn't believe this when I did my Kafka polls this is I've never had this before I had 30 000 viewers I was born with coffee yeah I heard about that really yep oh my God and nobody rated me no one rated I know and I was that was one of the funnest dreams of my life because everybody about getting your ass look I did a poll it was like 95 of people did not want me to win the 50 and I was getting so I was I was like crying just to keep going yep yeah and uh yeah if you win it I won and I got completely naked on stream I saw that yep and it was uh it was worth it because I was I'm not even kidding a lot of people thought I was acting and there was obviously I was playing up a lot of it but uh I mean I'm not kidding you I was so stressed out like I like fainted like I like they did like twice being a free-to-play player and rolling in those kinds of games has to suck no actually the first gotcha game I ever played was fake Grand order and that has like probably the worst rates of any game I've ever played oh it does I saved for a character first Hassan for six months and didn't get him oh that hurts so [ __ ] bad it like actually hurt it made me so depressed I'm so sorry you had to deal with that I don't know Fate has pity or maybe at least it doesn't yeah that's not surprising because for for like a lot of streamers and I've been through this where it's like if you're a whale and you don't get the character you're like [ __ ] I have to spend more money and that already feels awful enough but then if you're free to play it's like if I don't get them get them ever yeah and it gives you this sense of urgency and panic and it is horrifying because I knew if I didn't win that poll I was never seeing my favorite character on my account ever yeah I'm fate just kind of like vanished like I remember there was a time where fate was more profitable of a franchise than Pokemon is that [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] fake Grand order you mean or there's like fate as a whole series yeah because of all the merch that they sell in Asia holy [ __ ] I had no idea and also because of the mobile game and now a word from our sponsors if you haven't heard the news starforge systems is now shipping to Europe we've made two awesome limited edition PCS so far the mac and also the Neo Oni and we have another amazing limited edition PC releasing this week and a little bit of a Hint it is out of this world so we now have an even wider array of available products so you can find one that matches you exactly for what you're looking for every PC you buy comes with a full two-year parts and labor warranty and you don't have to pay extra for it at all oh also completely random note they all [ __ ] with Mr Beast at all [Music] it's pretty nice I mean it cured blindness you know I love I like I watch every one of his videos he's like dude I am a huge Mr Beast fan I think he's so funny I just have to bring this up again like an [ __ ] me and Mr Beast [ __ ] whoop doublelifts ass and Lane in a league that's right you met Mr Beast yeah we played on the same league team it was like a charity thing that he hosted we played bot lane together and we [ __ ] rolled double lift damn and then double upset said that I was Na's Last Hope and I was like he's being mean but you know what I'll take it I'll just pretend like he's being nice yeah oh no man the [ __ ] yeah I played uh Mr Beast and Pog champs for and then he donated me a thousand dollars and I couldn't focus because it was like so much [ __ ] money for me back then and then I just he just rolled me in chess uh dude I love that guy regardless he released a video that actually made me cry on stream the other day like maybe tear up emotionally because um I don't know I'm jumping over T-Series yeah yeah yeah so for anybody who doesn't know T-Series was like this giant I believe it was an Indian uh music video company uh and you know PewDiePie said they were buying their views to be the most subscriber YouTube channel because that was PewDiePie and uh Mr Beast actually started blowing up because he was PewDiePie's biggest Advocate where he would go and like cover billboard after billboard of like support PewDiePie support PewDiePie go subscribe to his channel and he got into 100 million Subs yeah it was a [ __ ] awesome moment that was one of my favorite moments of the internet but uh for his most recent video at the end uh him and Pewdiepie meet for the first time in real life and it was such a oh my God yep yeah I've seen the like I mean it's so weird to think like how long that's been going on too because like PewDiePie's been making content for like what 12 years it's like he's just so much different than he was like whenever he was uh you know first starting out and I think it's really cool to see like the whole Evolution happen and everything like that oh surely it's been long I wonder if he's gonna come back and like make content more regularly like maybe in a couple of years I wouldn't be surprised if he did you know it's like I could imagine getting pretty bored you know you were exactly right 12 years yeah that is insane because the first thing I watched at 11. obviously we all we all probably watches when we're younger we probably watches Amnesia play through I never watched anything really I didn't either the only thing I watched on YouTube was like World of Warcraft music videos or not music videos but like montages of like people killing people in PvP yeah and then uh that's pretty much actually about it was like Swifty one shot of theme yeah you watch the theme [ __ ] oh yeah and uh Elite touring Chieftain oh yeah yeah those are the it was PewDiePie Smosh damn I watched smash a lot Smosh was good man they're doing [ __ ] again now too yeah I've heard about that yeah yes masha's the right Throne channel it's it's I watched one of their videos it was pretty good it was pretty good uh yeah you guys see Mr Beast is getting sued though yeah for Beast Burger yeah and that have either of y'all had the Mr Beast Burger I've had a couple what I've learned is the quality varies a lot 100 okay yep what was the worst one you've had like what was it like just like dry gross well I mean the one that I had I had the most critical burger with you okay that was the best one I've ever had every other experience are really good it depends on what restaurant is making them because some of them were really good like they were they were juicy like the patties were good the bread was good and some of them are like it's like just gross like I don't really think this lawsuit's real I think this is just a build up to one of his newest videos you know like I committed tax fraud to 100 restaurants yeah right it has to give me one of a million dollars yeah I think he's fine shift contract is it because he said like he didn't want to do it anymore and they were like you have to keep doing it because we haven't made disparaging comments about the food because the quality wasn't up to par which is like the thing is I do I don't think that he's breaking the law there because and this is my understanding is that I don't think you can make somebody sign an NDA or a non-disparagement that covers things that are illegal and it is illegal to undercook ground meat because of the way that like uh basically it's more okay to have like rare steaks than ground meat because of the way that like the residue or some sort of like [ __ ] on the steak is right because you're still cooking the outside of it and uh you know you're actually not supposed to cook ground beef at all like rare in any in any way or like not it's not that you're not supposed to but you're not supposed to do it commercially and uh you know just as a default so if they're doing something that doesn't follow through with like what the guidelines of like FDA is which is like people posting screenshots like how is him calling that out against the law if they're breaking the law doesn't seem like an issue for Jimmy at all yeah well well yeah and it's like well the company is responsible for the quality of the product right like even though they like because it's like it's like Mr Beast works with a company and then a company works with a kitchen right yeah but the company is still responsible for the outcome of the kitchen of course so if he says that the company is doing a bad job and they're actually doing a bad job and they're not meeting like you know dietary standards or FDA standards then I don't see that being a problem yeah yeah I'm 100 I'm born I don't think anybody would disagree with that at all yeah I just feel like this would be another situation where Mr Beast is coming under Fire for some [ __ ] that he should really come on I feel like he's now like because he's like really popular he's like the kind of person that people [ __ ] on just because he's popular yeah I mean I think it's starting I think that's starting to happen yeah I agree I genuinely believe and this is I'm not capping at all when I says I genuinely believe that Mr Beast will be our president in the next 40 years 40. yep aren't they said four yeah that would be thick that'd be crazy yeah I mean I maybe I mean who the [ __ ] knows like uh that'd be a good YouTube video for sure I became the president for four years did you see AI Mr Beast yeah I did yeah fully AI Mr Beast no yeah this person has uh downloaded all of uh Jimmy's metadata that would be a sick thumbnail we talked to AI Mr Beast yeah imagine that as a guest yeah AI Mr Beast yeah and he like put himself on the moon he was gonna spend the next 100 years on the moon without oxygen yeah yeah looks sick but uh yeah Mr BC is a lot of [ __ ] for doing nothing so Mr Beast you ever want to come on the podcast yeah feel free to reach out let us know yeah you have your people talk to our people yeah I I feel like yeah that's definitely true like I think it started it all started with the blindness video and I don't know what it was but it's like you know like back in the day I read the Bible and I'm like there's no way they hated Jesus right there's no way because like he's out here curing people helping everybody out it's like why would they put him up on the cross but then you listen to Mr Beast and he cures a thousand people of blindness and everybody's getting mad and I'm like you know what I bet it did happen I mean I'm actually I have a great question for y'all yeah and maybe you have an answer maybe you don't what is the time where you knew what you were doing was good for someone or something and it was just taking the worst possible way ever and you were called a horrible person has ever happened yes yes I I would love to hear this I don't know let's just share the sexual okay let me think about if I can phrase it so uh there was a time that Amazon game studios DMC Aid a video a YouTube video that was about new world and it was showing an exploit on new world and I went and I made a video about it and I said that you know they're trying to shut down people talking about the game this is like a massive uh you know like weird like slippery slope that's gonna happen people are gonna start getting dmca for being critical about games that's like now if the companies are going to restrict what type of content you can do with the games you know now it's like you're never gonna know whether you're getting a truthful review or not because people aren't going to go certain places right so like I'm like this is like a 17 minute uninterrupted [ __ ] rant about this and it was like all under the pretense that this was done intentionally right well I had somebody reach out from Amazon and tell me like actually uh there was an ad on the video like a you know a YouTube ad that was put on the video for buying new world gold and they had tried to remove that but they accidentally removed the video instead it was a stupid mistake but it was not intentional and it's not indicative of like a grand designed shutdown descent right so whenever I learned that I took the original video down and then I put up a video in place of it and I said Hey listen uh you know it turns out it's not true and the guy you know that he got the strike removed and everything was fine so uh and then everybody went out and they got really mad at me they said oh so I guess the check cleared oh okay good yeah so Jeff Jeff hate you is that right oh no oh okay yeah sure like I thought you were a real one I guess now you're just a [ __ ] sellout oh yeah people were [ __ ] furious about this do they have anything names for you I'll say what do they have any nicknames for you I mean sellout gold like I mean that's a good one oh yeah that was a classic wow one and uh yeah so then I make the video explaining it and then I I read the comments and like obviously like everybody's like Furious that I took down the original video because it's like the reason why is that like everybody had already gotten mad at Amazon so like no people don't like to change their mind like it doesn't matter what it is if they think something and then new if new information is is presented it's fake fake no that didn't happen yeah it's a conspiracy it's fake it's like ah yeah but still you know it's still and so nobody likes to have to have their nobody likes to realize that they're wrong and so people just aren't wrong anyway let me let me finish what happens oh yes okay so then I make a second video addressing the criticisms and of course like you know it's just you know that was a [ __ ] mistake because then everybody is like no you're no you're not going to convince us that you know your Amazon censorship is uh is is moral you're a bad person and this is why 1984 is going to happen you know and it's like 1984. it's like a book about how like a government censors everybody right basically and uh so basically like this happened and I was trying to do a good thing because like in my mind I don't know how many times I've seen like news sites that have put out a you know a story that's untrue and then the story gets like so much traction everybody's talking about it but then the retraction comes out that corrects the story and it gets like 1 100th of the traction oh yeah so it's like everybody still believes the original story because the website leaves the original story up to get viewership and everything right so I was like well I don't want to do that I want to be a force for positive change and not just spread misinformation on purpose yeah so I'm going to remove the video that I that now is misinformation and uh or incomplete information I cannot believe you guys here for that oh I got Mega [ __ ] for it you know because I think I actually caught one of that so you probably did get a lot oh yeah people are really upset did you still you still get a super episode two today no because that is I mean like okay good there's like so many drama things that happen with me and like the different stupid things that happen nothing really matters because there's always on to the next thing uh well what about you I mean you want to share the story you don't have to if you don't want to I don't know if you guys have ever had this experience because I know you both have also been friends with a lot of content creators and this is for people like that I don't even really like interact with anymore it's not anyone that I'm currently friends with but this has happened multiple times we're a content creator will make a bad choice right that like affects Their audience in a negative way yeah there's been multiple times where like I saw this happening to like my friend or whatever I'd be like hey I don't think you should do this and they'd be like I'm gonna do it anyway it's like okay that's fine that's your choice yeah but then because you are in proximity of this content creator Their audience for some reason will blame the people around them and like it's just weird I mean it's not like their whole audience but just like I see this happen all the time where people are like a parasocial viewer of a streamer and instead of being like okay this person messed up they will be like okay who are they friends with their friend must have told them to do this role is responsible for why my friend's life is being ruined yep yep they're absolutely awful absolutely awful I I don't think I've told this story on the uh the the podcast before maybe I have there's this other content created from archives um that's uh I'm not even kidding you I I DM them uh you know all the time and they're like hey you might help me out with my Channel all this stuff uh good really appreciate some help and I'm like okay you should try this this and this you want your channel to grow this if you need some help with your YouTube message or contact your partner manager yeah nothing but good things okay nothing but good things and uh if you think that I'm lying about those DMS well wait to the end of my story this is the best part uh so then I had drama with another content creator who quit YouTube because I said John Lee was good okay and they said no it's bad all right okay and then in the comments of that video they were in there saying classic Tech tone harassing another CC yeah he messaged me for months he was gaslighting me in my DMs and belittling me absolutely horrible human being that comment got like 2 000 votes and a heart from the Creator being like Oh yes dude look at that another bad example of tecton uh creation just attracts the mentally ill yeah I mean this podcast is no exception I'm not trying to be a hypocrite but hey that's all good that's all good uh so then I just go ahead and post the DMs okay and all this you can find is public information ever you can see this whole thing online uh and in my DMs it was literally me being literally the human embodiment of a incred and I'm not I'm not stroking my own dick here the human embodiment of wow this guy is incredible yeah okay this is all on YouTube look up techtone techtone DMS well YouTube then the person puts out a public apology on their Community page and it's still up and it says maybe I don't know what gaslighting means I'm like there's no way yeah and uh the community post gets like 100 utmost nobody sees it but everybody saw like the video being like you got Tech don't frequent gaslighting and I'm just like all right dude so I try to help you out no joke like over a year and then you say I was gaslighting you what the [ __ ] did you think that it meant yeah that was a trip but that was just my experience it makes sense I mean like I I'm pretty sure that like everybody uses the word gaslighting and nobody knows what it means it's like it's one of those new words that's like everybody just oh my God says it I said the same thing um this is also crazy I had a TTS about how this other person was talking about being gaslit and then I said gaslighting that's like another one of those words where everybody uses it and nobody knows what it means yep and then they said so are you saying that my gas lighting isn't real and I'm like no I feel the same way about it where I'm like I don't I don't even like I feel like people just apply to everything but then when that actually happened to me where someone did something that like bothered me and I talked about and they were like I never did that I was like is this is this what I think it is well the good news is this episode actually never happened yeah yeah because it's over before you even know it you never saw this guys yeah it's just like men in black but if this wasn't enough for you today there's a patreon episode being released as well but you can go there and subscribe we get two extra episodes a month over on the old patreon and you get these wacky little uh posters wait read the review too oh yeah I'll do that right now review while we're starting these here at postcards which look very cute they have baby no money in it it's like baby NOS Bibi NOS oh wait what the hell is this good stuff by sewn dorms them I always get stiff in the loins when I see a new stake in eggs episode drop all right man okay love the content keep it up that's on Apple podcast and then our YouTube comments which thank you guys for liking comment and subscribing and most importantly commenting really a person hitting the bell for all notifications this is one of the coolest and weirdest collabs at the same time incredible guests to baby no money uh thank God Tech don't thank God technone's beard is back great episode and uh I can't stop looking at asman's dirty ass socks being placed on the coffee table it's crazy that reminds me of a I reacted to a video of okay you made a video I react and do it you re-reacted to the video and then I re-reacted to that and both of us were wearing the same shirts it was insane that makes sense uh but that was the episode boys I hope you enjoyed episode 27. thank you all for watching and we'll see you on the next episode thank you boys see y'all later peace [Music] it makes me realize all we need is you and me light shines from your eyes it brightens and the cloudy day [Music] I find your life my way AirHeads extremes rainbow Berry flavor they're just rainbow strips I love these oh god oh the smell oh anytime either you come over I literally have about a hundred packages of these in my room what's going on asthma I bought a pack of these at the gas station and I hate the whole thing right really fast and I took a [ __ ] later on it was rainbow colored it was different colors and I had a [ __ ] pan I was so afraid I said oh my God am I dying like what does it look like if it's like the color of like five different colors and they basically said they're like all right you know this is a place to talk to a lawyer to have a have them draft up a will and I said oh my God this is awful and I'm like laying down and I'm remembering oh yeah but it tastes so good right it has been oh yeah they're great you did die it's time to it's time to wake up thank God it's been 20 years yeah thank God so I think these are really good like any of these like sour like there's like gummy candy that has like sour stuff on it I mean there's like 50 different versions of these yeah let's be honest guys they're all the same yeah this is the best you know because they're thin strips like it just feels good when you bite into it it's rainbow yeah so do you like peel the strips off no I I don't I just like that it's a thin strip like it just feels good to eat like a lot of other sour candy it's like the gummies like they're kind of thick or there's like a sour punch like the straws I do like the straws too but yeah it just depends I think this is good I don't think it's bingeable though I think it's topped here but it's a little bit too sour for me maybe I'm just a [ __ ] too sour oh it's not that sour yeah it's pretty sour for me for my power my next turn okay but these are uh these are grapes I would give these a tier minimum I think it's like a or BC or somewhere around there yeah something I would say us or eight here like so shall we slam that an egg yeah I think it seems like an answer I think it's damn good
Channel: Steak and Eggs Podcast
Views: 201,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, emiru, tectone, steak & eggs podcast, steak and eggs, steak and eggs podcast
Id: KbJE2fzUdf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 5sec (5465 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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