we tried building a base game treehouse in The Sims 4

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so we recently just did our first ever Tick Tock live and we wanted to build a base game house in The Sims the base game is now free but we didn't just want to build any old house we wanted something with Quincy so that's when we came up with the idea of tree house here we are picking maybe one of the most important parts to build the tree of the tree house we wanted something you'd be able to actually see the house but it still could like Nestle cozy into the branches yeah so like this Elm worked perfect I think it's a note I thought it was an elm well this tree was perfect for what we were looking for now we just need to actually get a house up there yeah probably good idea so what you're going to want to do is build a room and then copy that room and pop it on the second floor delete that first room and then you have this free-floating movable structure that you can pop anywhere including a tree we need to decide what even the style of the outside was going to be then we added this turret and that led into this like tutery Cottage core kind of vibe which like we probably would have done anyway yeah and then I started messing around with the roof which is always the fun part I knew it needed a lot of Curves and cute like gably things or else it was going to look super flat to curve the roof like I'm doing all you have to do is just grab those little circle icon thingies by the arrows and then just stretch them up until you like it then carrot out of this little porch which I liked so much I demanded she make into a giant wraparound porch instead because I didn't have to do it since I wasn't holding the mouse yay these are my favorite kind of builds where I don't have to do anything except bossy around and then it just happens okay now I'm onto your game this is probably a good chance to apologize for the video quality as we said this was our first ever Tick Tock live and we had just planned to like record The Tick Tock live stream itself and to see if everything sounded and looked good and we're only gonna build for like 30 minutes however instead the only thing that recorded was the backup of the backup of just the gameplay and we've built for over three hours this is everything went exactly according to plan it could be tricky if you're only using base game because you only have certain wall and roof swatch inches and you're going for like a certain style but then we found this thatch and it looks perfect and then I added these columns to hold up the porch and they would not fit so I just made them fit by using toasted Maxi's tool mod and just scooching them underneath that little overhang I wanted that strapping you wanted that so bad I wanted it so bad and it looked really good like up on the gables but it was looking hot on the rest of the house and I didn't know how we were gonna place the windows on it so we just threw stucco on that match and we started to add support beams down the bottom then I looked at them closer and I said well if we put those on the outside what if we put them all over the outside this took it to a whole other level I love how the beams look they look like little tree trunks and it really fits the theme they also don't even clip inside so it was like meant to be and to get the turbo turbot turbot and to get the turret even more personality we threw some Stone on there and then it was just doors and window time I particularly love the little circle one that we added so cute and we found windows with shutters that actually fit who saw that coming not me is this really scratching that childhood dream of yours to live exclusively among the trees how dare you tell them about that and yes where we grew up is like right against the woods basically inside of the woods and my favorite movie growing up was FernGully so we spent a lot of our time in there and the worst part was sometimes you had to come back from being in the woods and I would prefer to just stay out there in fact the boys next door built a tree fort with a rope swing and I was so jealous that's right I remember that they wouldn't even let us up there it was like a classic like no girls allowed situation but now it's our turn and we're gonna let anyone into our tree house yeah as a matter of fact it's gonna be up on the gallery when this goes live at this point something felt like it was missing and it became very obvious that that thing was a fence at this height a railing is not only just for looks but to prevent catastrophe the thing that really made it come together for me though is when you added the platform trim yeah and the color end up matching the railing like perfectly which if you've ever played The Sims you know is like quite a Triumph because none of the wood swatches ever seem to match as you can see we're now adding in a flooring and I really like this base game one because it has like a ton of knots and like nails and character to it it fits really well yeah it doesn't feel like just a basic floor yeah and here's the part you've probably all been asking how are you gonna get up there well this ladder which we spit in infuriating long amount of time trying to get centered on the front and it's just one tile and the door is two tiles where is it supposed to go yeah it was never gonna work so we just ended up putting on the side but I actually really like it over there I'm fine with it yeah that's what I want it all along this is the what we planned and now it's time to move to the inside for layout there were only like a few ways to do it we really wanted the bed to be in the back and so then it left this perfect little four tile bathroom in there like it was meant to be there yeah you struggled with the place for the kitchen I think the turret like blinded us with how cute it was we wanted something to go over there these cabinets were never gonna fit on the curb no matter how bad we want them to and we've wanted them many times to go and it does not work so then this wall seemed like the next best bet but it had its challenges as well because the window is there and we wanted the sink to go under the window you gotta you're doing your dishes you can look outside all the trees Sims team this is a PSA we are speaking directly to you right now I think I speak for us all when I say when are you gonna let us put a sink in the middle of two cabinets win so we move the cabinets around and flipped the fridge but that left this horrible gap which we were gonna have to figure out something to do with later and we just ignored for our own sanity so after some uppers and some little open shelves we realized we forgot a stove which is kind of important who needs a stove we thought about just giving its own room uh then maybe just thinking the kitchen bigger on the other wall but eventually we landed on just adding it where that extra counter was and since that left us with no counter which you know you have to have in The Sims we added in this island in the middle which we're kind of perfectly because it gave us this unexpected places yeah we were never gonna fit a dining but this works we gave the rooms a privacy then immediately took it away but this Arch was too cute so we had to have it and then we just couldn't ignore that Gap any longer it was so bad we threw in a bunch of options in there until we remembered that we needed a trash can uh which just tucked in perfectly yeah and then we just like used the aprons to cover that extra space played around with some options for the bathroom door thought we could save some space by putting it in the bedroom yeah it was a little tricky yeah we changed this later and we made it way better so stay tuned that's a secret the plan for in here was to do the classic shower sink toilet combo but then we saw this bathtub and it just screamed tree house it's made of the trees even though we did consider a toilet with a view for a brief second we eventually moved it back to its rightful place it still works punctually your sim can just use the sink of the kitchen they need something up on the walls we've added this green then I tried something else and chat was Furious so we added it back but I love it so it was the right choice out yeah yeah it added some much needed color that the space needed yeah finally decided that the turret was going to be perfect for the living room area I really love this little couch because it has a blanket already on it which is great because you can't actually add pillows or blankets to couches my turn for a PSA this is not okay I dream of layers put them in the couch ended up in this spot but it left this massive blank space on the wall and I felt like it was staring at me we tried to fit the bathroom door on this side instead but it didn't seem to fit on the wall right and it was just looking weird so we needed a new plan obviously your first thought bookcase and we wanted that werewolf one uh but it's not base game which is really upsetting after looking at our real choices we almost settled on this massive guy but it just felt like this shoe didn't fit and then someone in chat said the magic words bookcase door but bookcase store this made everything fall into place we had so much fun streaming this build it was so great to get everybody's opinion and made the build look way better because everyone came up with a lot of ideas I don't think we ever would have thought up absolutely not so if you want to join us for the next one we stream on both Tick Tock and twitch same name on both Karen and Connie follow us on both of those pages so that you don't miss it we'll see you there why is that a threat you can come if you want but we'll see you the entryway was kind of tough well yeah because we wanted the coat rack but when you put it by the door it's too crowded but when you put it by the corner then it's too blank what are you supposed to do I often struggle with creating entryways because you do want it to be walkable but I also want things in there but then we added this standing mirror which I'm actually in love with and one of the best items in the base game is definitely the shoe rack it's like this perfect item to fill any weird awkward space where nothing else will actually fit under the bed is the secret place for extra space in a tiny build we wanted to use any other desk than Mega desk which I seem to put in every single base game build that we do but sometimes honestly you just can't fight a good thing I think most players have certain swatches and items in the base game catalog that are your like go-to never fail items so I don't feel too bad but we were trying to stretch ourselves it's like this empty little corner which we thought a dresser would fill out nicely unfortunately most dressers in this game are made for Giants but luckily you can size down objects by pressing the left bracket key on PC and also dressers are still functional even when they're sized down so there's no downside oh did you mean to make that uh it just happened oh get out of here this wardrobe and mirror combo worked great oh not that mirror though I don't know this smear we realized that this Archway may be a little too open concept so for extra privacy we added this curtain which makes for the cutest picture when you look through the arch and then we needed to add in all the little odds and ends in the bathroom AKA stuff as many plants in there as we can okay so Chad said that this curtain looks kind of 90s Are we crazy this is kind of a Vibe it's a Vibe right it's a Vibe let us know who you think is right we like adding stuff that feels like a little bit older if for some reason it makes the space feel more lived in or maybe we just like ugly things yeah I don't know this is where the plot really kicked in we decided that this little tree house was actually like a writer's Retreat this author comes up here to like clear their mind and be surrounded by as many books and plants as possible honestly same that's the dream clutters without a doubt our favorite part of building I don't know all the small little things just like since my brain is like so happy all the serotonin is just firing yeah it's honestly like a bit of a problem because like when do you stop we get asked a lot which mods that we use and I'll tell you the one I cannot live without and that is Twisted Mexi's tool mod else because we love clutter so much we want to place it exactly where we wanted to and I'm gonna add tons of like layering this mod lets you precisely put anything anywhere you want it's particularly helpful for when you like size down a dresser or a table and it's like does that weird floaty thing and then you can slot it exactly where you want to put it the other modram Twisted Mexi that we use all the time is better build by which is in incredibly helpful if you are debug fiends like we are basically among other things that helps organize debug by naming everything and it also allows you to duplicate items in there which is a lifesaver also if you don't know what debug is it's the secret section of the items in the catalog that you can get to by typing in bb.show hidden objects and BB dot show live edit objects in your cheats bar you're welcome this is going to be problematic for you I'm sorry honestly yeah you know what this is an apology I thought we're just gonna do nice sweet simple little sunflower theme but then I saw the boy he's sees you when you're sleeping he knows when you're awake that's right Jerry might haunt this build but we love him he hunts up like in a good way in a cute way we needed to now fill in some spots in the living room and I even thought about adding in this back door because chat had mentioned it at one point but it just did not fit no matter what I tried I tried removing a beam I tried freaking doing smaller doors well that's like the point of a wraparound porch is that you can access it from the outside at any angle so you don't really need it yeah yeah so there's a reason yeah there's reasons it's just it's not that we didn't build it right the leaf picture had to go in here it literally is the theme it's also like your favorite picture it's my favorite picture in base game one of my favorite pictures in the whole of Sims and then that other Blank Spot was just asking for like a big plant yeah and it helps disguise the bookshelf so it doesn't look like it's a door now it looks more like a bookshelf true true we went ahead and added in a couple of states treatment lights into the build one in the bathroom and then another over the kitchen island area we always add a bunch of pot lights whenever we're first doing the build but we don't want to be able to see them what we do is after the build is over we click on the lights and then we size them down as far as they go and then you can barely see them we love the look of open shelves we add them in almost every build but we always leave them to last and then it just feels so overwhelming to try to decorate them at the end right but these ones actually came together pretty quickly which is great and then the last uncolored space is that like little TV area so you know all you got to do books and plants books and plants books and plants bugs and plants you may notice that we'd like to add in a TV and a computer into most of our builds and that's because they are almost essential gameplay items they really help your sim level up those skills faster and also improve their mood and sure this TV may not be the latest to greatest thing out there but it still gets the job done and it fits under the window which was actually the main goal and also this little butterfly picture because we need just like one other thing we haven't been dreaming of adding a little painting space out here which sounded way too precious to pass up yeah and it was also a really good opportunity to add like another skill building item into the build what's the first thing you'd paint up here how do you think that the person who lives here got that flower card up here I mean how did they get any of the furniture up here oh ropes it's got to be ropes can you imagine trying to get that bridge up here no no there's no way that would be absolutely miserable you know it's probably like an Ikea Fritz you get it in pieces and then you can like assemble it yourself I can't believe that this little artist table is base game I can't either it's like I love it so much we knew we wanted at least a couple of benches out here and they were really cute around the turret but they were like way too crowded also so we just simplified it down we just put one at the front and one at the side then of course we need to add more plants so we added in this Little Flower Box I love a flower box lastly we went ahead and we added a few posts to the bottom because weirdly enough it was not looking the stabilist up there now we're gonna take you on a tour out of speed build mode so you guys don't have any more motion sickness and you can actually look at the build and we have a surprise so we had like a Time Landscaping like too much time time was the problem I was like let's just add a couple more trees and then like 30 minutes later here we are and you know what I don't regret a thing I really don't it looks really good I can't believe we were able to get this style of house to look this great especially without cottage living yeah I really didn't think it was possible but it looks and it's also like really fun to test yourself and see like what cool things you could actually build without a like single pack I don't want to do it all the time but but it's fun a couple of times it's fun I think the floor plan actually turned out way better than expected and also this was like our easiest play test ever which is kind of shocking yeah normally we have to add like a ton of things or move stuff around but not this one it worked perfect the first test all of the spaces in here are pretty tight and cozy but that really kind of fits with the whole idea of like it being a tree house with like these weird wacky angles and small spaces I like it I do too so you may be rightfully concerned that the tree Clips directly into the house but actually when you play it disappears so it works really fine this is officially up on the gallery now and since it's base game it's totally free so you can go download it right now if you got this far give this video a like and go ahead and go down in the comments and tell us what you want to see next see ya bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: CarynandConnieGaming
Views: 897,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims, sims 4, the sims 4, sims build, sims 4 build, sims 4 build challenge, base game, no packs, tiny home, cottage core, sims hacks, sims tricks, sims tips, tree house
Id: dWfmoA5CVww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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