building a house but every room is a different Disney movie | Disney Dreamlight Valley

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today we're going to build a house but every room is going to be a different Disney movie oh did you forget to mention the game whoops that's the most important part because today's video is brought to you by Disney Dream Life Valley thank you so much for real we have been meeting to decorate our house for forever and this gives us a really good excuse I didn't even need an excuse don't look at this right now we're gonna we're gonna fix this this will be at the end this is a renovation project but this is the first room we're gonna be doing I'm thinking kitchen dining combo would it be too easy to ask the wheel just for Ratatouille you could try please give us a gratitude [Music] yeah I would in fact be too easy you can wear it with frozen I think we can work with frozen I know we could just go full ice castle in here but I want to go more like Arendelle aesthetic it's like Castle Tavern I think it works we're gonna have to go Corner Kitchen over there because we got a lot of doors to work around we can move some of them down too but yeah I think this is nice this is so cute those cabinets are perfect agreed except we have a small problem it's too cute no maybe if we don't have a cute enough fridge nothing matches oh gosh they all look so modern maybe we don't even need a fridge in this kitchen like we have Elsa she'll keep everything cold she doesn't have anything better to do isn't there a fridge in the new furniture customization thingy oh yeah it's part of the new update Touch of Magic stuff that you used to be able to only use on clothing is now available on certain items as well including this fridge wait it comes with like texture stuff isn't this awesome honestly this is so cool what's the second Swatch though no way you can color the handles separately this is gonna change things for me I'm gonna go wood grain and then I want to match like the darker color back here then for handles maybe we try to go with this similar gold shade ooh shiny blinding you okay welcome back you probably didn't notice that we were gone but Connie has been working so I saw this cute snowflake design that was on the side of the cabinets and I wanted to do something like that on the fridge so I added these motifs through a couple of these like gradients on so it looks more weathered and yeah that's it said so simply like it didn't just take you the better part of an hour to do who's timing when you're having fun editing us editing us is timing that is fitting in so nicely he's Awakening something in me should I be expecting a full Furniture line from you soon you're joking but you should be scared you're probably at an island here to fill out the space and I like doing the table actually it looks very rustic we have to have the Cabbage a bit higher than I would like so that the pots don't clip into the counters like that but come on that is very worth it I gave him stools at the Iowa and they can get up to those cabinets easy get taller were there any places for us to put clutter on top of the stove no did that stop us it will never stop us we just grabbed this little shelf it's from Ratatouille and it just pops right on top did the same thing with the bugs over here on top of the fridge and stop won't stop still so empty you gotta find a dining table to fill up some of this space maybe like an L-shaped this one is literally called long dining table we need the longer dining table chairs will help maybe some ice Thrones oh maybe a bit too formal if you want a more casual dining experience so glad we get to use the Frozen windows they're just so pretty and look at the little snowy trees oh look a reindeer looks fun that is definitely a mousse pretty sure it's reindeer for today it's reindeer it's kind of a perfect place for a storage chest up here which is really nice for playability glad we got a chest and a stove in this room because if you're coming into your house you're either cooking or you need a place to throw all your pocket junk so you can go out and get more pocket jumps exactly that's our Frozen kitchen and dining done it's definitely Frozen but it is also just how we would have decorated in the first place like Whimsical Cottage will we ever change now and why would you when it looks this good and let's see what's behind door number one in the bedroom Tangled we have cute stuff for this almost maybe too much cute stuff you don't even have to debate the wallpaper on this one it's obvious are you speechless it's so pretty our painted floors too much with this no Rapunzel's had like 18 years in this room probably everything's gonna be painted like super bright and colorful I actually think we have a few beds under the Tangled filter but only one of them's got a canopy the other thing I know we have to use is the hanging chair it's so cute we should use two why not three why not hold room you'd only rotate objects by 90 degrees in this game which you can do by clicking the right Mouse button but this is why Corners are great because you can kind of cheat them so they look like they're at more of an angle I can't wait for the eventual update when we'll be able to caddy Corner everything I mean the game is adding new stuff all the time I think this will definitely be an update they do eventually she needs a painting Corner she's definitely had to move on to canvases this room is covered we saw the ceiling left give her time let her cook we can add in some freshly done paintings too like a lot on the wall it's hard to look at what if we move them to the floor that way it looks like she just finished painting them she's gonna move them somewhere else eventually yes I like that it is so cute I think layering stuff just makes it feel more lived in I say we keep these Vibes going we add some more layers you like layers we'll put more layers since that's technically a wall piece we can use this ceiling one in front of it and the game won't even get mad at us oh that is good look at those are like all her little paints and crafting supplies gonna add a big old wardrobe over here so our girl can store her clothes or an unconscious Flint real purpose this cute little seating area fit here I desperately want to but I also want to add in this tree fireplace and I'm scared We're not gonna have the walk around room oh no do not make me choose between two cute things I can't do that maybe it'll be fine nope we do have this fireplace instead even though it does have a little less Whimsy I do like that it has this cooking pot though because she sings about cooking and when Will My Life Begin oh that's great we should do that for a ton of the decor in here actually she talks about books handle making and playing guitar we don't have a chess set but we do have Checkers oh I could just see her in Pascal playing here you might have to sit on the barrel though he might not be able to sit in the chair to move he's just hanging on the rope and a move that goes against everything we stand for in decorating we have not added a single plant in here audible gas and this cannot stand we can find one nobody panic is the Golden Flower too much I think it's genius I don't even know we had that I didn't either and the last but certainly not least thing we have to add are the lanterns oh I could see myself living here I can see you live in here too we basically added everything in here I guess except a frying pan oh oh well that's out in the kitchen let's add a bathroom down here Frozen and Tangled maybe we'll just do an all princess house so close we don't have any dedicated Monsters Inc walls or flooring looking at you Scrooge that duck is holding out on us Mike and Talia are a couple of Bachelors so I think we just go really Industrial in here and maybe just a bit run down at least we have the perfect shower tub combo look at the doors I love monsters I love monsters thanks so much the problem is every room I'm like we should take a break and go watch that movie this video actually takes us 12 hours but seven of those are spent strictly watching the films yeah that's what we're cutting out of the edit fruit I love the aesthetic concept of fuzzy accessories on toilets like look at your little cute outfit how fun why do I feel like there's a butt coming but you're thinking about how gross they're gonna be they have to be that being said I am going to add a rug I mean might as well double down I like the idea that Sully stuck all these like little motivational Post-it notes on here to like pep talk himself before work but he didn't realize they're like all out of Mike's eye line this one probably covers them up perfectly before you guys start we have not gotten any curtains I blame the duck we would have added them in here probably like 50 50 chance yeah easy let's add a little laundry I think we only have washers oh who knows the difference Monster clothes are strictly air dry everything shrinks this plant is just the best and it's got teeth okay I didn't consider that a bonus but okay should we turn it mouths out the flowers the part they don't want to look at me yeah that's the not interesting part leaning into the monsters you bachelor pad thing I think we throw in some cans and the dart board you can chew that perfectly from the toilet let me pop this little plush up on the dryer like it's just been clean now I just see them shooting the darts over his head I think we've got the space to fit a locker over here oh nice we need storage for two monsters and a baby it actually has storage in it like it has open slots oh real storage yeah we need as much of that as we can get you do not want to see our storage room don't break up the storage room oh right the storage room that we definitely do not have no everything is perfectly above board I'm really pleasantly surprised with how this one turned out yeah now let's go watch the movie no no we have many more rooms there's two quick movies and then one more room all right one movie let's spin for the next bedroom Lilo and Stitch oh Stitch might be my favorite villager oh yeah I mean for sure or Wally don't make us use we can use these really pretty any Windows you know I think that some people probably don't like that the window placement inside doesn't affect the exterior but I kind of love it you would like it because it means we can add as many windows as you want we're never gonna add as many windows as I want I like this wallpaper it might be a little much around the whole room okay well maybe we just do a feature wall behind the bed right the bed right so choices aren't really doing it for me we always have the rock do we sometimes you just gotta do it yourself do you watch me if I could use this on every item I would it is just so fun I think I want to make like a woven bed frame cute and I want the colors to be red and white like lilo's dress so it doesn't like go over the blanket no if you do it really carefully you can color these pieces separately that is so smart of them oh I love it I want to use this white flower but I also want it to be a pattern so I'm going to click the cube here and I'm going to click these dots out up here that makes it a pattern across the entire bed what and there you go can't you crushed it thank you now that we've got lilo's bed covered where's that little blue boy gonna sleep oh I can make another bed you put that Mouse down you are obsessed let's just give him a little hammock it's blue perfect John loves a hammock if given the choice I would be a hammock girl he did say it was a little radio too yeah he can blur Elvis whenever he wants I am just going to place this book down and we are not going to talk about it because if we do I will cry he just wants a family no do not start I love that little wagon I think it's like they just went on a beach trip so we're gonna add like a shell and then her camera so she can take photos of all the tourists you know that wall is actually pretty blank up there we could like put up some pictures like she had printed some of hers out yep yep went to put the cute lion king rug down and it covers the whole room fine if I have to make another one I must no one's asking you to oh it should be such a pain thank you for sacrificing woe is me and the gift of my arms should we do the pattern tool again twice but I only want the top and the bottom to show I'm taking this rectangle shape and I'm just gonna pattern it then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit the cut tool and this erases all the motifs that are underneath it I'm gonna do that a lot obsessed with the borders that you added but they look a little like thick like painted on I wish you could see some of the texture through it I I actually can do that no you can't yes I can watch me I'm gonna grab one of these gradient shapes at the bottom and then change the color to match the rug then I'm going to place that to where you can see a little bit of the texture on there then go to the cut tool and that makes it where it just appears on the motif only I feel like you are like a witch in here I'm having the time of my life well I was ready to say that you had wasted your time but instead you made the most adorable jute rug I've ever seen I love how it breaks up the space right yes it looks perfect I feel like in a future update they'll have it so that you can like have a gallery and share your designs with other people online so they can download it into their game that would be so fun I can't wait that's gonna be bad for me All I'm gonna do is make things this is a pretty cute kids room is that dresser turned backwards just one moment now this is a pretty cute kids room with every dresser turned exactly the right way as they always happen we're moving up to the second floor this could be a living room space since we didn't fit it downstairs we need something big and it's oh no Beauty the Beast give them context for that we do not hate Beauty and the Beast we just wanted the last room to be a study and we really had our hearts set on Beauty and the Beast I'm not willing to give that up me either yeah okay oh I mean yeah let's add this let's add the desk in here we're just gonna add the study in here and that room will be something awesome we have something pretty for the wallpaper the prettiest vibe in here is just books we have a lot of cute bookshelves I'm leaning towards this one because it goes floor to ceiling oh yeah and we have two of them so that should be good I don't think you understand the vibe in here is books I'll go to the dock we're back from Scrooge's shop and we now have five bookshelves it has to be more than enough move this door into the corner so that this whole wall can be bookshelves I like it but I would love it instead if we put a fireplace in the middle tuna gas my books oh but it's so cozy this could be the lounging Reading area with like couches and chairs and more books books books yes I know books and this can be the study section you think we need more books I didn't say that I'm going to the duck better there could be more okay okay how are we feeling about using the giant windows in here oh really good look at the lights oh just flooding in it's a dream so I just put a clock in this corner what if I also put a Candlestick and then it's cogsworth and Lumia exactly like all the Roses we've actually managed to fit in here too like this one on the harp the lamp there's even one on the pillow if they would give us one in a base we would have put it in here oh no question more plants the merrier give us more plants let's hang up the dusty chandelier since the castle was like a bit neglected oh we can add this damaged picture on the wall here too like it's the beast's portrait oh that's perfect the door that leads to nothing yeah this this door that is definitely not here nobody pay attention to that door I knew I was gonna like this room now I was right Bella's our girl so I'm not surprised at all I really can't wait till they put her in the valley oh me either so now we gotta deal with this room great we can do another bathroom bedroom bedrooms are more fun twist my arm let's do another bedroom oh in conto I know the bed we can use I thought it was a really fast I'm very excited you're gonna be thrilled mirabelle's bed is literally my favorite one that we have look at all those textures I love the art style in this game I do too especially when you're in like play mode it just all looks so detailed and cute these floors these walls I think once we added some windows it'll look a little bit better yeah yeah you're right you're right you're right some shutter Windows would match Casita more but the big arch Windows got good personality I guess you wouldn't be able to see it from the inside anyway yeah no that's fair shutters are normally an outdoor adventure if you can't find a side table that works out next to your bed the cabinets actually look really cute and they function the exact same you can also use upper cabinets on the floor I don't think they have spots for placements but you could do some really cool things with that oh like a whole wall of cabinets yeah you can do a whole built-ins thing Mirabelle is our DIY girly so she gets her own sewing station I actually heard her and Minnie talking about that in the valley the other day oh here it's hot guys out there yeah the tea is hot out in the valley they have just like such pretty lights in this game I know they're also flickery and cute everything I'm putting on this wall just feels like it's like a less cute version of the thing right next to it feeling very tall thing here tall thing here tall thing here needs something lower but these do not look right at all I can't believe I'm the one suggesting this but is there one that we can customize is there one we can customize oh my gosh there is yeah were you hiding this from me I'm the one that suggested it this Encanto chair that we already have is my complete inspiration so I want it to be yellow but I want these drawer fronts to pop out too so I'm going to make it all wicker that's the process trust the process one second I'm gonna change the handles to Wood make this yellow now I'm just covering up these legs and that's kind of it I never doubted you for a second I was thinking about adding a little rap Motif on the side from Bruno and what if we put a plant like over here so that it's like we don't talk about Bruno that's I love incorporating in the other family members like that me too the default door isn't bad in here but if you want to change it out just grab up your door and then you can either hit X or your scroll wheel and then you get options I love how this came together me too I mean it is the room with the most plants so it has to be the best that is the rule that just leaves the outside oh why did we leave the most giant area for last that's a huge mistake all right let's spin this baby hopefully simple Cottage core look thing and then we're done oh and Ratatouille really wheel where was this for the kitchen the wheel ones a little French inspired Town that's what the wheel is going to get I don't know if we should trust the wheel at least we've got some buildings we can work with we've obviously got the restaurant and Remy's house we've also got Scrooge's place which would look pretty good here I'm really happy to see you getting into the spirit I'm resigned any layout I'm doing is making our house just look really weird and small you can change the color can't hurt it's the same thing as swapping Outdoors you just grab up your house and then you could use the replace hotkeys which is either your middle Mouse button or X and then you have a little bit of choice that color is better but it didn't make it bigger I'm just gonna have to disguise it you mean hide it yeah turn you and put you over there I have put it smack dab in the middle hiding in plain sight smart I'm gonna grab this fencing and make the front entrance grander it will also give me the opportunity for a place to add the greatest camouflage trees that's actually brilliant because if we can't add height to the house we can do it with the Landscaping if you want your trees to match take the exact same type of tree and just place a bunch of them because it'll give you a couple different variations of heights and you can mix and match them to create what you want now to really mesh it all together we're gonna go grab a path to attach all the buildings oh we've got some new ones that have borders oh yes yes yes yes yes yes oh we can definitely use that I'm gonna run this all around town except for this like little middle part what's gonna go there something special like what I haven't gotten there it's really special that's so special let me put in the last puzzle piece you want to do the last one yeah again wow look what I did all right I can find something for in here I found it such a good idea care well get ready for me to add some benches and flowers well that was better than I'd hoped good job finally getting my due credit for my whole project that I did entirely by myself I don't think that that went exactly she had some tables out here like it's outdoor dining for the restaurant oh very on theme I like it let's run with the outdoor eating like Market Vibes concept and grab a bunch of booths let's go steal Kristoff it's not stealing it's just moving that is fun I'm gonna go craft up another Booth to go over here maybe one that has like balloons or something oh yeah I really like that about outside there's a ton of craftable options that you can use yeah like I'm gonna make this doll here but then I also made some of these Gates as well this area is yeah it is we could lean into more of the food stuff for Remy and we could do like maybe like an outdoor picnic area or something well that Delights the imagination I'm using this path which is like a leaf stream path with borders I love how the Border just makes it look like little planter boxes got any more boobs up your sleeve we can go Coco and and should oh I love what you did with the dirt pathing underneath the blanket gives it a little Dimension right yeah every angle of this is looking so good until oof that's not great got a bit of a hole over there got one more big Booth fall out of Booth well time to end it the Valley's done maybe just keep it angled from the front I can find something that'll work okay or I can find something great with string lines that's honestly like your Sixth Sense my superpower is string lights what you gonna put under there I don't know more benches probably if you want to sit in our Valley you have options I think that's this challenge done this isn't at all what I was expecting we would do out here but I love it too I'm really happy with how it came out I'm really thrilled with the whole build actually even though we added 3 three beds and just one bath into that house we honestly could add like way more because you can have like 20 floors are you joking yeah with like four rooms on each floor no well if you guys like this maybe we'll stream some of them especially because the new furniture customization update is out right now Khan has like 50 more dressers she wants to make so uh that'll be fun for everyone you're under selling I've got at least a hundred if you do make anything cool you should post on your social because if you add the hashtag dreamlike Creations to your post Gameloft is re-sharing all their favorite ones and if you haven't played Disney Dream Live value yet you can go ahead and use the link in our description to grab the founders Pack Edition we obviously really like this game and we bet you would too only a little bit thanks for watching Everybody bye fine we'll show you our storage room as a bonus for credit crew it's a bit of a fixer-upper but look at that raccoon perfect no notes [Music] thank you
Channel: CarynandConnieGaming
Views: 772,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let’s build, ddlv challenge, challenge, disney dreamlight valley, ddlv, carynandconnie, Caryn and connie, family friendly, build challenge, dreamlight valley build, disney, how to build, ddlv tips, ddlv tricks, speed build, random room, disney home, different rooms, different disney character, disney princess, frozen, elsa, anna, rapunzel, tangled, monsters inc, beauty and the beast, belle, encanto, mirabel, ratatouille, dreamlight valley tour, hacks, stitch, how to touch of magic tool
Id: zUhMP7PvQuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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