Each Room is a Different WOOHOO in The Sims 4 // Using Every Woohoo Item in The Sims 4

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is Valentine's Day today and I was like what are we gonna do for this we gotta do something right and then it dawned on me we're gonna build a house for wahooing in The Sims 4. so I have compiled every item in The Sims 4 used for wahooing we're gonna put every single one of these items into a house somehow for reference I'm using this website here this is Eurogamer I can link it down below if you're curious but it has all of the ways to Wahoo on here all the way up to high school years and we're gonna notice that some of these are locations like the ferris wheel in high school years for example or the waterfall in Island living so obviously we're not gonna include those kinds of things it's just going to be items like the shower or the bush we're gonna build here in tertosa this is the world that comes with the Sims 4 my wedding stories I thought it was fitting and I actually think since we have a lot of like outdoor items here we're gonna start with the exterior I basically want to map out all of these big items all also whoever lives here is going to be really talented we're gonna have like the rocket ship making thing and the animal shed over here they're gonna be full of plenty of skills and I guess like as I place the items I'll like tell you what is going on so like this is the animal shed woohoo and this over here your Sims can build like a big rocket ship they literally go to space and do it of course we also have the tent woohoo and I think I'm gonna stop there for now I'm just gonna go ahead and build a little fence around my animal shed obviously if we want to have animals we're just gonna have like a little enclosure here and then maybe coming from there I'll build a pathway this is gonna be like pretty focused on Landscaping back here and I was debating on making this just like a hotel or like a getaway sort of thing but I thought it would be a lot more cute if it was an actual couple that we were building for and they're just like really in love I guess I'm gonna use some more terrain paint for my pathway here but I'm thinking about opening up debug and using the stones that I like to use for the other Pathways so we're doing baby dot show hidden objects and bb.show live edit objects then down here in the search bar you guys will probably see me do this so many times but you're gonna search up Stone and the ones that we want to use are right here the flat Garden Path Stones I like to play around with different sizes for these sometimes I'll size them up sometimes I won't basically just trying to make it look like a natural like Stone pathway I'm starting to add Landscaping over here you can already see it kind of come together a little bit and I think our primary color for landscaping today is gonna be pink because obviously Valentine's Day and I'm using these pretty like wildflowers around I want it to look sort of like meadowy so so far this area is looking like that and then for coming over here I'm gonna continue with the pathway but I was thinking about building out a shed right here and putting another one of the items in there so I'm just gonna take my room tool build a little box like that and what could we put in here of the remaining items we have this one here the sauna I can make it so that this is gonna fit in here here we'll just like pull this back a little bit get like a really simple roof on there I'm probably gonna try and like match the shed so I'm just gonna curve it out a little we're gonna get our roof paint on there we're gonna get our trim and maybe for my siding I can use Seasons here keeping with the theme I think it would be really cute if we did like a pink door and if we did that maybe I could do two so it's like a double door there I think I'm gonna go crazy with like the plants on this house so I'm gonna use those there but I'm also gonna go in and grab the ones from cottage living like these and I'm gonna put them around probably the entire house so that's gonna be part of our sauna woohoo we'll do the interior of that once we're finished here I'm also gonna grab the dumpster in my opinion the grossest Wahoo in The Sims 4. we're gonna put that back here I feel like that just kind of like makes sense and of course we're gonna make it Pink there's even a little crown on there and since we've got the hot spring let's bring it back here so we've got all these items now we have to try and make this look good actually wait we also have one more we have the observatory oh my gosh like I said we're gonna have a lot going on out here is that it for outdoor items oh we have the bush the bush has to go over there and then these are all going to be interior I think I'm even gonna do like some sort of hot tub room oh and another weird twist to this build we've got a coffin so there's gonna be a vampire in here somewhere I don't know all right introducing the love backyard The Love yard we'll work on it so over here we have the observatory the path leading back to the animal shed and our tent back there you can do a little backyard camping oh we should do a fire pit oh my God it just keeps expanding we'll do it later okay we've got our sauna shed right here which we're gonna do next leading back here we've got our rocket ship making area and we've got our love Bush right there right next to the hot spring so plenty of outdoor activities out here the people that live here are definitely gonna love the outdoors and let's work on the sauna shed so in here all I've really done is added this wallpaper here from my wedding stories along with a stone from Journey to Batu and I deleted the sauna because I want to go ahead and get the wood one so these come with the Sims 4 spa day I really personally like this one the best I feel like bringing these inside too like making it very Lush and we want to keep it romantic the whole theme Here is gonna have to remain romantic I also think I want to add in some of these lanterns but also with the ones from The Oasis Courtyard kit these ones here are so pretty and I kind of forget about them sometimes but I love how they look especially in that gold Swatch maybe we'll also put some candles over here we should get some towels we'll just kind of like put them on the end shelf there like that I'm gonna use these Vines here around the windows and then I think what we're also gonna do as like the Final Touch in here is add some flower petals I think we're gonna see these a lot today so we've got a couple options here we've got these ones here from City living we can kind of just like make a little pattern in here with these but then we also have the ones for my wedding stories which also act as like an aisle I'm gonna shrink them and just put them right in there like leading up to the sauna and look how pretty this turned out I want to bring this kind of aesthetic like into the house it's very woodsy yet pretty and like love focused I love the Petals on the ground I think they look so cute and yeah I hope your Sims don't end up trying to get married in here although it would be kind of cute at the same time alright so I think our backyard is pretty much complete for now we should probably start building the actual house so I don't want this to be too big but I do know that I want to make like a greenhouse style room with like really open windows for the hot tub so I'm just gonna stick that right in there make sure that that's gonna fit into that room and then we can kind of like work away from that so I'm gonna do like another shape here maybe just like a couple more rectangles just bringing it like that I'm gonna raise it up this shell looks kind of basic right now but I think it's gonna turn out let's add the roofing and then and that is kind of like The Telltale sign for me that we're on the right track so I'm gonna take the gabled roof I'm gonna stick it on there and we're just gonna go like rectangle by rectangle for now so we're gonna pull that all the way across and then I'm gonna copy and paste that and bring it over to this one and we're just gonna adjust so that it fits right on top of that little like rectangle portion I might raise the angles here slightly so I'm just gonna bring that up and then I'm gonna copy and paste the same Roofing piece over to this side and then for these two pieces here I think we're gonna change it up and use a hip roof so I'm just gonna place that in there and pull that all the way over probably just covering this part here and I have to raise it up by a couple ticks since I did that with the other ones so we're just gonna try and match the angles but then is one final little extra thing here I want to go in with my room tool again and I'm gonna build it like right in between here because I want to add another Roofing feature this can function up here is like the attic or just like a small hidden room or something but I'm gonna put another Roofing piece on there and we're just gonna bring that all the way down and then for the final roof piece we're going to go in with a half-hipped roof I'm just gonna place that on there pull it all the way across and hide the other part in there roof paint I'm probably gonna match the shed that we did so I'm going to use the same one all over the house and then for this side I think I'm gonna do just like a base game Metal so there's going to be a little bit of different roof paint on that side we're gonna do a brown trim and then I'm tempting to use like the same kind of siding that I used back there so the shed will just be like a mini version of the house but then obviously we'll go in and add some like different colors in there too so I'm gonna put this pretty much all over the house for now this is gonna be our base but then also from Seasons I think I want to use this like brick here and I'm gonna put that on just some of the bump outs and then as the final little part here I'm gonna use this one and that's kind of like a half and half version and for our foundation paint I'm gonna use the same one from Seasons we're gonna use the same fence that we used in the back there to make a little patio so just bringing that out little bit here that's going to be our entry area and I think next we should start to work on Windows and Doors since our house is so Seasons focused I think what I want to use is obviously the same windows so I'm gonna go in and try and match this and I used to really dislike this like orangey toned wood but now it's like kind of growing on me a little bit in the every tiny home is a different budget video that I did recently I used a lot of that orangey tone and ever since then I've just been wanting to use it more and more so I think I'm gonna lean into that for the exterior today for the windows over here I'm also going to be using the ones from laundry day I think just because I know from that build that they come in the same orangey color so we're just gonna put these all around and then for my door I'm gonna go in and grab some columns in that same like orangey tone I'm gonna put them at the front we're gonna use some Seasons spandrels right here and then I'm just gonna build a wall here so I can put my door on the inside of that we're just gonna use that base game one and I feel like that looks kind of cool and there's already been a lot of landscaping in this video so I'm gonna do the Landscaping really quick and then we can go inside all right so this is what our house turned out like so far I used a lot of those wildflowers around I think they look so cute I added these trees over here just to kind of like fill up that space there up here I added a really cute seating area the log furniture is from outdoor Retreat and over to this side I did like a similar kind of thing here too so you can come out and sit there the water is over there so it's really cute and romantic and then coming to the back here even if you don't want to use this as like a woohoo house there is so much to do here like so many activities for your Sims to do I did also build a back porch area so your Sims can like easily get back here and look at it in the back there's like this little cute cabin like nestled in I love this all right now we need to do the interior and I was sort of just shoved everything in here and these are still really big items and some of them don't really make sense like this this pod bed and the coffin are not beds that I would pick for this and the photo booth just like why I'm gonna take everything out of here again just so that I can work here but I wanted to show you without all of this stuff hanging out in my yard I'm thinking about what to do with this Like Money Vault and I'm thinking putting it in a basement makes the most sense so I'm taking my basement tool here and what we're gonna do is just build a room probably like this big and if you're ever building basements in The Sims 4 and you come out and you see your Landscaping is kind of ruined and you have this raised area what you have to do is page down to the basement click anywhere on the room and take hold of this middle thing and pull it down just like a little bit basically just until you don't see anything raising up anymore when I first started building in The Sims this used to bother me so much but there you go I'm gonna take some stairs and I think I'm gonna put that like right here and I think the placement makes sense there we've got our back door there front door here and then down here what I wanted to do was make the money room like a secret so I'm gonna bring this forward a little bit I was thinking in this area we could maybe do like a wine cellar and then I'll build another room over to this side and this is where we're gonna hide our Money Vault I'm just gonna grab it and make sure that it actually fits in here I don't want it to be like too big we basically just have to fit the Vault so like that and then I want to put a secret door leading in there we've got this one here from base game I'm gonna probably just put that right here facing this way so you can just see like the bookshelf and then down here we can just use some like older looking wood some like basementy looking wallpaper like maybe like that we're gonna use some of the barrels here from my wedding Stories the idea obviously being that we're housing a whole bunch of wine back here we also have like wine fridges from dine out we can maybe do a couple of those back here we'll just like place them like that and from base game I know we have sort of like a little barrel keg thing like this here so I want to use that and stop back them on top of each other I'm going to place one here and then using control 9 on my keyboard I'm just gonna raise them up above literally just so they look like they're stacked on top of each other and I'm gonna repeat that until we've filled up this wall all right so down here we've got our basement we've got all of our kegs stacked on top of each other they look kind of ridiculous but then I also found these here from Journey to bed too they're like these like Brew kegs I added some pipes on the wall from like City living and the industrial Loft kit our Wine Cellar over there just some like boxes and stuff under the stairs you know old basement things no one would suspect that the random bookshelf is hiding the Money Vault I'm not really gonna put anything in that room because it's kind of like pointless but there we go that is our old looking basement Money Vault included I want to go upstairs and work on that hot tub room so all I've really done so far is add in some flooring we're gonna add a door here and for my wallpaper in here I want to keep with like the older like cabin kind of feel so I'm gonna go with this small paper from Jungle Adventure we can play with a little bit of different lighting in here too so maybe I'll use some like journey to Batu light just like hanging them there like that and for this room we can maybe put some like towels in here I think I should make the bathroom nice and close like maybe we'll put it right there we could maybe even hang some robes like right here by the door I could use this tree stump here to put our towels on it so just kind of like have them over there like that and what else can I put in here for like the Love Theme we could also from outdoor Retreat use these really cute hearts which actually fit our theme like perfectly if we had one item that were revolving this entire build around it's those hearts right there I've added some curtains going around with some of the mounts there too and we're gonna add some fairy lights in here as well just to pull it all together should we add the flower petals in here why not we'll just do like a few of them right there and maybe also going around the hot tub oh my God I can't stop okay but there we go we've got our hot tub room another way for wahooing the The Sims 4. now that we've got those rooms out of the way I feel like I should start to make maybe like a normal room like you know a bathroom so let's do a bathroom right here I'm just gonna section this part off we're gonna have to move that door over a little bit which is still fine over here I'm just gonna have to adjust like the robes and in the bathroom we can knock out another one which is going to be at the shower I just gotta pick this shower when I was placing the items but I think we could actually use it we'll just have to do a toilet right beside it our toilet paper there some curtains or something to hide this I was thinking maybe using some blinds and then on the other side we can still fit our sink which I'm gonna use this one here also from Seasons probably with the matching mirror too wait I think we also have a toilet from here too it's very Seasons heavy build I'm liking the blue in here I feel like that might be a color that we can bring into like the living room and stuff beside here I was hoping we had room for like a plant so I'm gonna put that one there from the industrial Loft kit we could even put some towels right here like below the window and maybe we could put picture up in here too oh actually that one fits really good okay we're gonna put this in here or maybe that can go over here there's a little more space on that side and okay bathroom looking cute we've got one of our Wahoo options in here I like the blue and orange with that like orangey wood happening let's bring that into the living room so maybe we can find like a blue wallpaper even like that could work from Jungle Adventure I'm gonna try that for now I've also put this plant over here from the industrial Loft kit and before I do the living room I need to kind of think ahead here I need to have three bedrooms total in this house so I'm wondering can I squeeze two bedrooms back here as long as we can fit some beds in here we're good we've got the sleeping pod which is so tiny already like what the heck I don't know how that's gonna work that looks like a single bed to me but you know what not questioning it and then we also have to be able to fit a double bed oh no we have the closet too okay double bed and the sleeping pod fit just fine this closet is huge we could literally build like a little extension onto the house for the closet then I have have like this bunk bed outside I'm gonna use this wallpaper here we're gonna bring through the foundation and everything and I'm just gonna add a tiny little Roofing piece in real life this would be absolutely ridiculous to do an add-on just for a closet but something tells me this family will not be stopped when it comes to that so we'll just add a little bit of landscaping over here and it's like it was meant to be that way the entire time and then for the final bed we still have the coffin to figure out what I'm gonna do is place a ladder right here because we have our attic bedroom I'm gonna have to manipulate that Roofing a little bit so that it's not peeking into our house and we'll have to adjust a little bit accordingly but now we can do a coffin vampire attic room kind of like that and then it's gonna be like this weird creepy attic secret maybe they're vampires but they're hiding it it's a lot of outdoor activities though so these are all gonna have to be partaken at night okay now that we've got that sorted out let's do the living room and the kitchen and dining that's all going to be open concept here and I feel like the industrial Loft kiss stuff could look really cute in here so I think I'm gonna place that over here we're gonna put our TV up on that wall maybe just like that we'll do a fireplace if we can just making it nice and cozy with that one there from Snowy Escape we'll also do a chair right beside it and I feel like I should also be adding romance things so I know from spa day we've got the incense holder here and this can give off an emotional Aura so I'm gonna place that right there on the fireplace same as the VIP bucket I think I'm gonna put that right there right by the door when you walk in and maybe we can also get some of those cute Valentine's Day cards like these right here they have little hearts on them this couple loves love anything else for Valentine's Day that we could put up we do have some of these really cute heart like Garland pieces but I feel like I'm gonna save that for the bedroom I'm gonna put that in here just so I don't forget about it because I want to make the bedroom like super Valentine's Day friendly it's really gonna bug me that those cards there don't match but you know what it's fine it's all in the Name of Love I also added some curtains and this is what our living room is looking like so far we still have to turn around and do the kitchen which I'm thinking is gonna go right here so I'm gonna put my fridge right beside that window there I'm gonna delete the curtains so they're not hanging over my counters we're gonna put I'm doing rustic counters there from the Country Kitchen kit or would these look better from base game like these industrial counters maybe I do want to break up a little bit of like all these wood tones here like maybe just like that we don't have a whole lot of room for clutter on here so I'm just adding some stuff like above the fridge I could maybe also see like a chalkboard leaning on here maybe we use like that one and then we still have room over here for a dining table and of course it has to be for two I was thinking about maybe using this like blue one here and then we could put a rug underneath it like maybe something like that but I feel like I need a bigger rug like this one here we can set the table with some candles maybe like these here from my wedding stories okay so we have our kitchen and dining over here nice and cozy our trash can and I put over by the back door there too and we have three bedrooms left to go we've got our regular double bed bedroom our sleeping pod bedroom and our weird vampire bedroom I want to start off with this one here because I really want to focus on like putting all of those Garland pieces so I'm gonna delete that bed and we're gonna change the wallpaper in here maybe to like pink oh my gosh I just realized we still have the photo both too what are we gonna do about the photo booth problem I'm gonna deal with in a minute but let's just finish off our bedroom over here I'm gonna use these pretty curtains here from vintage glamor I want the bed to be pink or red maybe a pink bed with like this red rug underneath we're gonna put some high school years and tables right beside the bed we're definitely overusing these flower petals but this is the time to use it okay so we're just gonna put them all the way to the bed I guess maybe on this wall we can do the jungle Adventure mirror and I think I'm gonna put these on some of the other walls too so we've got our lighting all figured out I added some candles beside the bed I'm gonna put this up here from my wedding stories maybe I'll put like two I don't want to put anything blocking over here to like the closet maybe we could put like a speaker in here like over in the corner oh we also have the heart shelf okay I think I'm gonna put that over there and this is gonna be it bedroom number one this is like definitely more love focused like not as cottagey as the rest of the house maybe this is like a honeymoon suite or something I don't know and of course we've got our closet over there another Wahoo location I need to do the Pod room over here which maybe we can do this one red with our curtains in there like that I could do maybe like another rug in here like we could do this rug here from the industrial Loft kit but I also want to do I know there's some like chairs with hearts on them from high school years oh they're right here they come in the blue Swatch is there any other ones with hearts on it not just the blue okay we have to do it though at least having like one chair in the corner or two we can do like a little seating area we still have a lot of room in here from this we can maybe put a plant in the corner the mirrors like up above there and maybe some like beads would be cute too we could do like some of these above the door this feels like a guest room I don't know who's staying here as the freaking guest we do need a dresser in here still though so maybe I'll delete this stuff move the door over a little bit and we can fit this one over in the corner and it has that like minty color that the chairs have so not as much going on in here we've got our furniture on this side with our pod bed definitely giving guest room or maybe just a room they don't use as often I might add some fairy lights over here just to pull it all together and this is our sleeping pod room this house is so weird but like what did you expect honestly I have one more room in this house before I figure out where to put the photo booth and that's gonna be the upstairs secret vampire room Secret in quotation marks as there's literally a ladder leading up to it but maybe in here we can put some spider webs we can put some of the wall decor to make it look old it's really creepy up here like giving a creepy attic a whole new but maybe we can put some candlesticks behind here so it's still sort of romantic we can still put some flowers here for my wedding stories vampires need romance too it looks creepy I don't like it I don't like it up here but there it is that's gonna be our secret not so secret vampire Lair yet another woohoo location and let's figure out where to put the photo booth I think the only solution here is to add it on to the basement so what I'm doing is just making this Archway leading to the back here I'm gonna take my photo booth and we're gonna put it down there and maybe this was like a feature at their wedding oh my God it's huge weddings with photo booths are really fun so I'm just gonna put that back there honestly adds to the creepy Vibe but there's a lot of unanswered questions here that to be honest I don't think I want the answer to but this is what our woohoo house turned out like in The Sims 4 with every woohoo item available in this house somehow this is tricky there's a lot of really weird items that you have to like work around to make this work but we managed to fill the lot we've managed to add every single one here if there is anything missing um let me know because like I said I was just going off of that list and I think I got everything oh my God the love of the outdoors it's so it's so good but there we go if you guys like the video don't forget to like comment and subscribe and if you have any video ideas you want to see me do it leave a comment down below and I'll check that out thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you in the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Syd Mac ♡
Views: 723,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims 4 challenge, sims 4 challenges, sims 4 build challenges, sims 4 build challenge, sydney macoretta, sims 4 builds, sims builds, sims 4 house building, syd mac, sydmac, the sims 4, the sims, sims 4 youtube, sims 4 youtubers, simulation games, simulation gaming, sims 4 build, house building, sims 4 house, sims 4 woohoo, woohoo sims 4, every woohoo sims 4, every woohoo item sims 4, each room is a different, every room is a different, each room is a sims 4
Id: hTPPr6Nnc_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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