One river, two dumpsites. A mudlarking and exploration adventure.

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good morning afternoon evening or night whenever you're watching this welcome today i'm heading back to a dump site that i visited before to pick up a few things that i couldn't carry out last time and from there i will move on and see if i can find another riverside dump site which according to certain vague maps might be about three quarters of a mile further upstream it's a mid-autumn day and the sky is a flat gray which isn't the best for showing off quite how beautiful this west yorkshire woodland can be if you've watched my previous video here then perhaps you'll remember the dabbled sunlight playing in the water from that one and this one looks a little tariq that said there will still be some natural beauty and hopefully some good old things to find [Music] we're starting out on the beach we're acquainted by some of the local mudlocks and it's well searched but there's no harm in having a look as we wander recent rains may have lifted the river over the beach and though it's unlikely i'm the first person like on the beach since then it's just about possible first bit of blue and white with vibrant color and good for crafting projects autumnal lethal does somewhat get in the way of spotting small things i don't mind though for today i searched for an entire dump site evidence therefore mudla having a scratch round in the low pressure spot behind a big rock and that is evidence that this beach has been searched since the river last rose so let's move on i think these slabs of rough cut grit stone were once part of weir channeling water into a mill pond or if it's really old into a mill run which would power a water wheel i'd guess that it's the softness of the shale stone under it that's allowed the river to lift and carry off most of it a little tip of blue and white flat enough for what i'm collecting bits and pieces for for rocks today are much slippier than the last time i came this way and the river's higher server going is slower [Applause] so here we are at the first dump site of a day and this one i would not have found if not for bottle diggers making a mess does that mean i shouldn't be critical nah not when lead and plastics are getting into the river as a result anyway there's a thing i found last time which somebody kindly identified for me as the taillight of her 32 ford but also wisely said is too far gone to restore unless i can think of a craft used for it before i leave this site i will leave it again this plastic water bottle will come home with me and get putting the recycling and this thing nice vintage switch sadly quite broken but there's brass inside and i will take it for that right let's see if i can find all the things that i left last time both reluctantly and in one case willingly and anything nice that i didn't spot nice little amber brown bottle but i do have quite a few of these already if i remember right just over here is one of the things that i'm here for yeah i didn't know exactly what it was last time and left it because i didn't know what chemical contents i'd be dealing with but now i do know and it won't be me who's dealing with the contents a viewer requested that i pick it up for him to restore and that's not really something i would usually agree to do because most of the places i visit aren't worth revisiting soon after without something changing in between like a flood but i was already planning on coming back here anyway and he's local going to pick it up and give me pictures of it once it's restored and he has an almost complete crate of him from a railway signal box i'm interested to see how well he can restore something that looks stained green by algae and a bit corroded at the top with a thick plug of tar inside which i guess would have to be removed so i shall take it little glass black faceted bead it's actually hollow very light that makes me wonder how it was made blow molded is my guess happy with that this is where i left a big crumpled sheet of copper which was too big for any of the free bags i had with me it is not where i left it but it is still here considerably placed in a prominent spot by local mudlark amanda bell who is a friend i've never met but i will meet her one day when it's safe looks like amanda has left a few other things that she thinks i might like and for this bottle at least she is right what a lovely art deco design and in uranium glass too if it was intact i think perhaps amanda would have taken it but uh yes i think it would just about be possible to craft a repair not a restoration but perhaps are full in its way you'll see the little bottle is a maybe maybe not and the millipede is a sweet little scavenger bug this variety is herbivorous and has far fewer than a thousand feet that its name suggests in this pile here there was a very large and quite pretty in a brutalist sort of way bleach bottle cannot see it on the top or sticking out it is quite possible it's been taken not likely by amanda who prefers smaller things but if no one else knew about this site there wouldn't be these bottled digger holes i think it's gone so i shall move on there was also a big industrial paper a here too that's gone hopefully to an upcycler we'll make something interesting with it i haven't so far figured out exactly how far this dump site extends there's still jars and bottles poking out so at least a bit further [Applause] drainage channel probably late 19th early 20th century given for brickwork and so unrelated to the mills might be the end of the dump site or that might be very rusty wire fence which i'm sure isn't actually hurting the tree but that thought has always crossed my mind when i see achieve this physically enveloped an immovable piece of metal and the land beyond lies much more naturally so end of the site webster and sons brewers halifax um not quite a nice enough bottle to justify the very hard work it would be to clean up rust stains and all i will however take bottle stopper which is a small thing almost like a counter measuring the success of a mod locking expedition as well as it being kind of fun to be the first person in 70 plus years to take the stopper out nice collar but a bit scratched up and plain this looks interesting headless horseman or glaze so leadless sadly rather than headless or legless or scratch fat reverse it i am happy that it's ledless but it's just how i prefer my glazes after all a poison bottle well a disinfectant bottle but nevertheless has poisonous embossed across the top part and the ridges but it's a screw top and one i have found a few times already so i think i will actually take it maybe a few poison polls today another one i didn't find anything like this until this year and now it's a bit like for an invasive species slowly taking over the territory of all the native poison bottles there was another poison bottle around here somewhere ah right in front of me but was hiding beneath a leaf poison not to be taken taking it don't really fancy taking this looks too i don't wish from harm either they're more a part of this place than i am so gently scrape them off i'm at the bottom edge of a spoil pile now looking for metal copper and brass and a first for me something i haven't found before i think it's a clip from either suspenders braces or a corset not sure which but i'll take it and this coil of copper wire which really won't have much copper left in it i am collecting verdigris to one day try refining it back into copper probably a watch strap no sign of a watch light bulb looks like that tree might have stopped some interesting things from escaping into the river like that of toganova decahedron jar hiding amongst boots and this aluminum cable which depending on how long it actually is might be something i take it's an armature wire okay secure footing first don't put the camera away because this is definitely a two-handed job turns out it's rather longer than i expected it to be and although i usually carry them this is one of the rare outings but i haven't bought a pair of wire snippers my old ones being blunted by much use and my new one's just not put in my bag yet so i'm going to weave it back into the trees so it doesn't get swept away and hopefully i'll have snippers with me when i come back this way in the spring probably wow almost an onion bottle in shape but certainly not in nature it's a bars and not a particularly old one i don't think there's anything much i'd like to do with it so i shall place it carefully in the spot it's not going to get trodden on so i know which manufacturer made this bottle but for some reason it's a name i can never actually remember justin long mixture well this is a new one on me syrup or linseed and licorice that sounds like a deeply unpleasant combination and i am an adventurous chef those are definitely not flavors i would be happy to have sitting together on my taste buds that one's more to my taste liquefuta which in its more common form is a garlic flavored cough mixture and garlic is something i do like second to last of the big bottle dicker duck pits and this associated spoil pile is big and which if i remember rightly has a lineup of bottles including some poisons yep and over here there's a collapse or minor landslide it doesn't look like it's revealed anything interesting and there's a lot of images hanging around it anything of interest over this way this fat bottle looks like maybe a magnesia huh yep dinner foods quite a nice bottle but one i already have so i'll leave it for the next locker who might not have one every time i come out locking my taste in bottles is subtly different last time i was here none of these really appealed to me let's see if today one or more of them do there's two poisons both clear glass this one has glass disease which is an inherent instability in the glass formulation but allows deterioration to happen in this case some ugly mottling with just a hint of beautiful iridescence this one clear how it is i kind of like it it will look good if i can clean it well enough and put some led lights inside it and that i think is it for this pit [Applause] they still haven't found an intact one of these well lots of intact marmalade jars but none with even relatively plain branding printed on it just embossed branding on the bottom usually heartbeats i think a beautifully printed one would count as a bucket list fine for me along with an intact cut bottle intact torpedo bottle intact onion bottle and anything man-made that's really really old this hill for instance has neolithic sights up on the tops although it's technically possible that i might find something but old down there for rivers and streams flow it's very unlikely a bit of copper mesh nice color but no do let me know if you see anything wonderful that i'm missing so now that is something i don't remember seeing and it's curious mirrored bottle with a spike at the bottom i think it's for vacuum chamber from a vacuum flask although how it came to be outside of the outside casings i can't imagine hall's wine tonic sounds quality i'm sure it was thoroughly enjoyed by whoever drank it masons okay and this is kind of cute little copper planter with floral decorative band around the intact remains we'll take it found another never seen one before and now two in one day this is the way and it's broken making me more sure than before but it was a vacuum flask not going to take it the little tiny bottles though hundreds of them i have i'm sure i can find room for one more though two more three and that i think is this site done with for today time to try and find another this is a little side quest i could see what looks to be man-made things falling down into the river system on the other side of the river and as i get closer it's become apparent but it's not another dump site or at least if it is it's a very small unofficial one but my best guess is that it's a collapsed shed both possibilities would account for the asbestos but only the collapsed forgotten mold shed is easily forgivable sadly nothing much i can do about it beyond reporting it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're quite away now beyond the first dump site and starting to see a higher concentration of things from hopefully the second mostly broken glass and pottery shirts the same sort of ages for last lot late 1800s to 1950s with a few bits of possibly much older dough rising bowls mixed in so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] must be getting close to the second site now there's a lot in the water like ring one bit of electrical wire probably the only bit i'll take from this stock but would be interesting to come here in waders with a glass-bottomed bucket to see if any treasures are hiding in the depths of this pool the pandemic hasn't been good for my fitness i'm getting a bit tired already if the dump site turns out to be a good one i might not be able to carry everything i want for a mile and a half back to the car [Applause] so basically copper a piece of yoke from an old cathode ray television a nice few ounces of scrap for my forge what did my subconscious see that made me stop here ah a little bit of copper wire sometimes my subconscious does do some quite surprising things charlotte in nice condition apart from being broken huh that's what part of a cup celebrating the noble art of barefoot feudalism i think it's something like that a pretty good find now how am i going to get past this sometimes when you're down there at the water's edge paths just slightly up the hillside are completely hidden i only found this path because i tried walking through a holly bush and found it on the other side anyway i will keep an eye on the river and head back down to it if i spot anything interesting or any likely looking beach [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] haven't ever seen iv trailing quite so far as this before it's almost as if it's striving for the river afraid i can't really tell you much about that bridge without revealing exactly where i am and i can't do that without leading some bottleneckers to exactly where i'm going which is a shame because that bridge is part of a fascinating history worthy of its own video one day one day when i've explored the site thoroughly and run low on things left to find intriguing lump of rust copper or brass pipe heading into it and it seems like that pipe or another one twists around this handle coming out there in the ring so i'm guessing it was once a gas hob perhaps off a camping stove is that a good guess the pipe the spirals around it is throwing doubt on that but what else could it be ideas anyone i think i'm going to take it and see if i can knock all electrolysis most of the rust off it maybe we'll see i think that there is the start of the second dump site no obvious bottle digger holes yet but little sparkles of glass on the hillside and unfortunately rubbish approaching the river so let's go very carefully this looks like a sort of valley that will have a lot of wild garlic in the springtime might be worthy of a foraging walk then first things first the plastic the enamelware plate isn't really very bad for the environment so it can stay and now let's climb up and see what can be seen well not much so far but this is the very edge of the site so i'm reasonably sure there'll be much more that's a sweet little bottle beautiful color so in the back it goes the things are spread out at this edge of the site and appear to have rolled down this slope can't see any bottle digger holes at the top so i'm guessing the harder the site is further this way alert bro zobby bridge no one i found before big crack along the shoulder of it though so i'll leave it gorgeous color shame it's missing a bit let's see james simpson a common name on the bottles hereabouts had a business brewing and bottling ale and mineral water died in 1923. nice-ish jar and a teaspoons medicine bottle this is something i've not seen before and probably quite horrible for some people but it is interesting to me a bottle about half full with mud and collected rain water and hundreds of eggs laid upside down on the glass above water i am curious to know which creature might one day hatch from those eggs they look a bit like fly eggs but it's midway through autumn invest frost's coming soon sub optimal for most insects the reason why i'm climbing up this deep slope is because few people do so for finds a sparse and there's unlikely to be an incredible bounty at the top but it's quite likely that i might be the first picker of a few nice things up here but up there if i can get to it yeah i like that and i can from here easily go a bit further beautifully rich aqua colored long tonic bottle an equally beautiful color just a plain bottle which i still like and this one broken neck unfortunately sorry if the camera work is a little wobbly i'm concentrating on not sliding down almost every bottle in this site has wonderful vibrant colour i wonder if that's just a coincidence or if anything in this environment reacts with anything in the glass to bring out the colour a mini cut bottle i like the small ones and i haven't tried yet but perhaps the glass is thinner on them and easier to cut than the large ones doesn't actually look like it from the base oh well cut the top off make a candle inside just need to get some scents and perhaps some coloring for the wax i've got no not what i thought it was got to wonder on a hillside like this how deep does the rubbish layer go there's only a few things on the surface is this part of a site that's only skin deep perhaps i will come with a ground probe i do have a sight in mind for trying out a ground probe and i have permission it's not technically a dump site but the landowners did find a lot of bottles there and it's an interesting place some pine cones a whole plate of pine cones and the bottle is very plain an unusual shape certainly but not something i want i came back to the riverside because the heart of this site is quite a tangle of fallen trees and this way at least is easy to navigate to gauge the scale of things bit of copper wire fair-sized sheet of brass not sure what it would have been the lid of something perhaps i think i've seen similar mating plastic anyway big awkward bit of scrap getting the bag do shout out if you see anything there is a lot to see probably too much i doubt i'm going to explore this site fully today just don't have much energy left but what i've seen so far is amply convincing me to make a return visit here just there is a stream that runs down through the diggings but there would certainly be things to find but today i think i'm contentless walking the riverside edge perhaps climbing up a bit if i see a roof that's gentler we'll see i see brass the coin no the handle for a very rusted lid not really worth the effort to extricate a small bit of brass it is appealing though as saucepan lid handles go part of the wheel of an old press or mango i do keep finding these and every time i think maybe next time i'll take it do something creative with it but not today i don't think i've ever been at a dump site where the topple trees have been so numerous and such large old established trees i wonder if any actually fell while someone was digging amongst the roots this looks like i could wander up and see the layer of land ceramic disc broken off of something bigger a spool perhaps that up lovely thing but i have many if i include this in what i intend to make one day namely a bird bath and bird feeding station tiled in pottery pieces will it be an ugly eclectic mess james of the mud locking channel find and create made a bathroom floor tiled in blue and white pottery pieces and it looks marvelous maybe i should restrict my color palette too sweet little bottle that i have so many of another cod bottle another james simpson and this one doesn't seem to have a crack across the shoulders so i'm inclined to take it there's something brass down there that i shall get too but first i spotted some more brass up here wonderful colours i am going to have to use some of these verdegree coloured sheets of copper and brass in some craft work it's just too pretty to melt down yay it does appear to be in really good condition i'll take it and this bit of blue and white and my goodness this dumb site just goes all the way up it might be worthy of several more videos right let's head back down collect that brass thing which i think looks like a small boiler or fuel tank maybe off an old bike interesting rose decoration on each end a few extra holes that don't look like corrosion any ideas anyone it is going to be tough to clean up but i'll take it and i'd certainly like to know what it is before i decide what to do with it restore it or scrap it it's not really got decorative piece appeal to me anyway might be the last find of the day i'm tired of real jar roundup time and gracious that second dump site has a lot of potential i think i barely scratched the surface of it that'll teach me to let my fitness dwindle away it really hasn't been all that appealing to go out walking when i have to put a glove on to open every gate and a mask every time there's potential for another walker to get within three metres of me and i do need to walk since i can't swim until the pandemic ends ten or more miles three or more times a week is what i really need to do to manage for mile long river walks when i attempt them particularly with climbing up hillsides to find things and then carrying them all back down so i'm sorry that i wasn't able to film the whole site next time i will do my best to do better i am thankful to have friends like amanda bell who left this art deco bottle out for me on top of what she knew i was heading back to the side to collect i think i might be able to construct a prosthetic shoulder for it making a silicon mold from the inside of the other shoulder to do so i still need to get it a bit cleaner first but i do hope to give it a go just to see if i can my pile of flat pottery pieces grows and i'm going to start taking them out laying them down and seeing what works together for a pleasing effect don't know if it's going to result in any videos yet we'll see just one bottle stopper for my collection i hope i find some glass ones when i go back to that second site the vibrancy of glassware is better than any other dump site i've been to and speaking of that i got some wonderful bottles i'm probably going to end up giving most of them away but there are a few here that i definitely want to keep particularly this poison and this tiniest of poveral jars don't like bother all but i do like this still not 100 certain what this thing was but it's going to be fun trying to carefully hit it with a hammer to find out i'm always happy to find brass and copper and happier still when there's quite a range like for his in this roundup so off camera or edit it out for various reasons i found a brass button a lot more wire including a pile of unstripped wires sitting behind me in a box what i think is the remains of a tin whistle which may have been plated in tin once but is mostly brass and mostly corroded away a lot of copper sheeting with some very nice verdigris patina on which if you've got any suggestions for craft projects i might do with them then that would be welcome the most i've got so far is using some of it to patch a weighing scale pan i found last year which i'd then encase in resin and have as a rather unique fruit bowl i am not sure what this was it's got five deliberate holes in it plus a few corrosion ones if you know then please do say or by all means hazard a guess finally for the fines versus the wet cell battery which i picked up because i thought for seeing something like that restored by someone competent would be pretty cool and billy the kind gentleman who wanted to restore it has done a great job he replaced the terminal post repaired for carbon plate replaced the pitch then to the ceramic and then he matched it with a jar both fortunately and unfortunately it doesn't quite match his railway signal box batteries because he says it's about 20 years older than them dating from around 1910 it's been interesting and a good learning experience talking with him and seeing photos of his progress and collection that's for fines and for thank you's follow as ever a huge thank you to everyone who's donated through kofi it makes a huge difference and makes some of my goals feel achievable thank you too to everyone who's liked commented shared or even just watched my videos some kind people have bought some things from my amazon wishlist and since the last video all but three of them have arrived and cleared my puzzle quarantine i'm so looking forward to and that's no longer necessary the few items that haven't cleared that hurdle will certainly appear in the next video deborah van houser very kindly bought this led lit magnifying glasses set with five different lens options and that's going to be a great help when i'm trying to craft very small components of bigger projects she also bought me a very nice set of tweezers which will be used similarly for small scale crafting thank you so much deborah this is very generous and very much appreciated rosalind phillipson wished me an early happy christmas with the gift of a decent sized memory card for the canon m50 it came with a 32 gigabyte one which is only about 25 minutes of filming thank you so much rosalind and a very happy christmas to you too eddie karpinski bought this set of small but mighty tungsten carbide rotary burrs which i want for wood carving thanks so much eddie these are going to be very useful sadly i don't know who it was who kindly bought this protective eye shield for me but it's going to be invaluable and i'm very grateful so thank you whoever you are this sheet of perspex also came without any identifier of who it was who kindly bought it its intended uses for making the walls for silicon molds and i'm looking forward to using it so thank you so much i do hope you've enjoyed this video if you have and if you'd like to then any way you choose to show appreciation is very much appreciated the options are leaving a like a comment sharing the video subscribing there's the option but never an obligation to buy me a hypothetical coffee food coffee or something off my amazon wishlist which propels me faster towards some of the videos that i would like to make thank you all very much for watching and for now goodbye
Channel: Tom Burleigh
Views: 21,520
Rating: 4.9524093 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, Mud larking, River Walking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunting, Rivers, Scrap Metal, Adventure, Trash Art, Found, Finding, Beach combing, Beachcombing, Pottery Shards, Pottery Sherds, River Glass, Sea glass, Mills, Weirs, Beach, Vintage Bottles, Yorkshire, ASMR, A.S.M.R.., West Yorkshire, Bottle dump, Bottle digger, bottle digging, Trash Picking, Riverwalking, Urbex, Dump, Antique Bottles, Rurex, Scrap copper
Id: DNfbYVcoSgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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