We Trade 9 RANDOM PEOPLE for Pokemon. Then We FIGHT!

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hello everybody and welcome in to another challenge versus video my name is chillin play and i'm here with quick gg on pokemon sword and shield what's up buddy what's going on out here with my giant whale lord this he washed ashore but luckily he can float and uh he seems to be enjoying himself he's smiling that's crazy dude you have a whale lord with you right now like literally with you uh we're with each other that's crazy bro i'm looking at this whale lord in the distance and he's he's massive like he's the size of the freaking island over here dude i don't know how you got one of those guys with you uh please don't be very disrespectful to our homies our whale lords no no no no no disrespect no disrespect well guys if you haven't seen a challenge versus video before me and quick gg go through our different pokemon games catching teams for ourselves and then we fight in pokemon showdown for today's video guys we are here in pokemon sword and shield so we're obviously going to be fighting here in the game but what we're going to be doing to gather our teams guys is we're going to be surprise trading nine times for a team so what me and quick you're gonna do if you guys don't know how surprise trades work we send out a pokemon and we get a random trade with anybody in the game who is also doing a surprise trade so it could be anything in the game honestly uh it could be a baby it could be a legend could be high level level one that we don't know we don't know anything but once we get our pokemon we will be able to level them up with rare candies and xp candies and teach them whatever moves they learn along the way and then we're gonna take it into the showdown and fight out with our team of six and since we're doing nine trades we will have three skips so uh quick gg are you ready buddy you ready to do this i am ready this buttery is trying to come at me oh it's so adorable it's so adorable let's do this though i'm about to go online let's go bye bye hey guys it's me chill and play before you watch any more of this video please make sure you guys are subscribed to the channel right now look at these stats look at these stats how many of you guys are not subscribed please help me out a lot guys subscribe today we're so very close to 100k i i can't i can't take it anymore let's go team and back to the video all right guys we have started our first surprise trade and i'm gonna try something this video i mean we've done surprise trades before but i'm gonna send off only beefy pokemon so hopefully we'll get some beefies in return a lot of people like to trade off their uh level one babies and stuff so uh hopefully you don't get any of those first we're starting it off with the nine tails here so hopefully we'll get something decent in return we got our first trade coming in let's go ahead and press the button nine tails going off to the fennec all right shout out to the finnick on call of duty war zone let's go baby and we gotta oh no knock towel oh not too great not too great guys not towels not the best honestly kind of a lacking especially for a normal flying type there's definitely better ones but uh let's go ahead and take a look at it all right guys here's our knock towel um from finnick it has insomnia which prevents it from falling asleep which i mean i it's not bad that's not that bad um we got uproar dream eater air slash and whirlwind um that's not too bad uh i don't think i'll be keeping this on the team honestly guys i'm not too i'm not too big of a fan of knocktowel so i will be going ahead and skipping this for my first skip all right team now we are looking for our second trade we still don't have any pokemon on our team um i'm sending off an electivire here very beefy very healthy hopefully we can get something decent in return you know maybe you know honestly i hope i get something like a dragonite or something crazy i would love a dragon type on the team i haven't gotten a dragon on the squad in the sword and shield videos in a while i would like to get it oh yeah oh a yamper no i don't like yamper dude oh man not too good buddy not too good i mean bolton's not too bad i guess but i'm not too big of a fan all right guys bolton here with ball fetch that might change when it evolves doesn't even have any moves this is level six wow dude i think this is a french yamper as well um do i want to keep this on the team one second one second let me think about it well guys i've looked it up in the learn the level up moves for uh bolton just aren't the best so i'm actually gonna i'm gonna get really risky i'm using another skip already dude two skips down for chill play squad this is really risky i'm probably making a big mistake but uh yeah yeah we're skipping this we're skipping this yamper okay we've listed up a trade and uh now we wait now we lord is very slow it takes a long time to catch up but you know what we give them time we give him time come on buddy come on can you get up here will you make it up oh no he's stuck oh no what do i do he's stuck oh no no no let's see if we can magically pull you across the bridge nice per what a champ what a legend first trade done let's see what comes our way let's see what comes our way goodbye sneezel going to himmelgo himmel algo what kind of name let's see where this comes from oh oh my oh my god that is oh that is awesome send over hydropie nice all right team all the way from germany we did get a mudkip uh you know it's got it's normal oh it's got yawn that's interesting uh we're gonna go ahead and evolve this after we get all our trades through but we're definitely gonna be keeping this because it evolves into swampert which is a really tough water ground type we're gonna go on the open water and play a game with the sharpitos just see uh just see if we can out speed them you know what is this flying across oh that's a course wingle but it's doing what it does trade completed let's grab this item for good luck first calcium get those bones strong okay goodbye far-fetched going all the way to fash see you later buddy fast what are you gonna give us oh i don't know what i feel about corsola uh this is corsola i don't know if it's i think it's galerian corsola it's like sad and like it's ghost or fairy let's see it is actually a ghost type it's a gallerian corsola so at least it is beefy i'm gonna need to look at its moves and when it learns and uh see what see what if i'm gonna keep it or not i'm not sure okay this corsair has cursed body which yeah that could be nice it's only got tackle and harden for now i'm gonna need to look into it really quick and see if i want to keep it uh after looking more into it guys we're gonna skip on the course i'm not too crazy about what it learns and it's not that strong and it doesn't evolve anymore so sorry sad of course the leg you're just not viable in uh in pokemon anymore sorry buddy maybe next time moving along moving along i'm singing a song and moving along fields of honor okay really just slowpoke doesn't seem very honorable dude this game's frame rate is so bad oh all right trade is next trade has completed let's see let's see we can get goodbye japanese gyarados going to jay okay jay what you got for us oh man oh i didn't want to see this either this is a blip bug not too crazy about this okay blip bug all right let's see let's let's check if we want to keep it or not i've already used one skip so uh let's let's be careful with this well guys we're actually going to keep this bug it evolves into orbeezl which is a psychic bug type i thought it was going to evolve into the bug electric type uh pokemon but it's actually going to be orbeez which is pretty decent and it learns psychic by level up so we're gonna keep this second team member uh the blipbug welcome okay guys so i'm starting a trade now the third trade we don't have a team still but uh i'm reversing the strategy sending off beefies was actually not reaping any benefits so i'm actually sending off a very small baby this time in the hopes that we will uh rig the rng here we go trade complete let's take it let's go baby give me some strong stuff toxil goodbye you're small you're weak you look pathetic come on erica don't do us dirty yo let's go baby a hone edge that is okay with me that is okay i gotta see how to evolve this thing i hope it evolves from level up i actually do not know for sure all right team here is our home edge i am gonna keep this on the team i'm not sure if the ability is gonna change it is no guard right now which is pretty cool and uh it's got sword stance but we might teach you some new moves iron head and stickers are pretty good so far but we'll see what we end up going with but we'll take this on the team as our first pokemon decent all right guys cruising on the workout sea with my shiny charizard and uh it is working sending off weak pokemon it seems to be reaping the benefits so we're just going to keep sending off uh weaklings we got a rookie looking for a trade right now here we go we got it let's take it come on chill and play squad we're sending off a rookie to garlic so let's see what garlic has for the team garlic coming through with a lapras oh yes dude oh yes that's awesome team i don't even have to look at the moves to know that this is going on the team this is definitely going on the team all right gang we got a lapras here with water absorb that is pretty cool uh the moves are lacking obviously it's level one this is a japanese lappers too that's pretty neat um we will go ahead and level this up and keep this on the team and learn some new moves along the way but that's pretty cool welcome into the team lappers let's go baby second pokemon all right squad ooh shiny spot on the ground what is this let me take it oh a bag of soft sand okay uh is that like the item soft sand i don't really know okay team we are searching in the end for a trade and we are this time sending off uh oh crud what are we sending off oh we're sitting off a goomy a little goomy so nice and weak uh but it is still a dragon hopefully it's not too strong for the algorithm because you guys know all about that algorithm shout out to the comment section here we go algorithm time we got a goomy going in and let's see if we get something decent fam we need a third pokemon on the squad let's see okay hatarine i believe is the final evolution of this and i'm okay with that that is a decent one i think that's psychic fairy we'll take a hetero and we'll go ahead and check it out i think we will keep that oh my gosh sharpedo what are you doing fam all right guys we got a level one hat henna here with the ability magic bounce i like it infusion and play nice yes we will keep this on the team as a hattering i believe if we can uh level it up from evolution but uh welcome aboard buddy all right ooh team we got something shiny here let's grab it another bag of stardust okay we are searching for a trade now sending off a wulu i can't think of i can't think of it much weaker than that but uh we got three members so far so we're looking for our fourth one right now but we only have one skip remaining guys we gotta be careful out here we gotta tread water carefully team dreading the water now oh wait a minute i have to ride my uh uh tubulars okay we got some wings oh god we got sharks we got sharks on the water charizard help charizard hell cruising cruising let's see if i can make it to the other side without getting oh we gotta trade that's what we need okay guys we're sending off a wulu to dean come on dean don't be mean dean whoa we got an onyx yikes oh man that is not ah that is not that great i don't think i'll be able to evolve that into a stelix so we probably will not keep that but we'll look at it we'll look at it all right guys we got onyx coming in with the ability sturdy um sand tubes south rock rock slot no you know what guys honestly i can't keep this onyx mainly because i can't really evolve it either i don't have the item and also i just i don't really want this pokemon not too good for me personally i'm gonna skip this is my final skip too so uh chill play squad we need some luck we need some luck get me out of here jar of honey delicious come on give me that new encounter already yo a ditto or no and another trade complete i'm on the way to look for dittos but let's go and accept this next trade see who's joining up see uh going to oban delay oh my god i'm terrible at pronouncing things but what pokemon am i getting oh the snowflake pokemon cryogenial cryonell i believe that's another language all right the cryogeneal is actually level 62 right now team uh original trainer korush shout out to you if you ever watch the video it's got levitate which makes it um i don't know if that's good or not really i guess if he brings a ground type out that's cool this thing does have ice beam though acid armor it has solar beam in the cold the sheer cold the sheer cold well this thing is honestly super specially defensive but our physical defense is kind of lackluster i'm not sure how i feel about it it's kind of weird i don't i don't know if i like this pokemon or not team i've never used it before though so we're gonna use it we're taking it onto the team it's actually got a moveset we're already gonna use we're gonna go and ask asset number one time with that thing and just honestly ice beam or sheer cold spam up because it's tanky super tank cryogonal cryonil whatever you want to be called next pokemon let's go that is our third team member all right let's go find a diglett they're everywhere supposedly right there should be like one over here i probably haven't seen yet no digletts not a single diggy boy oh okay okay we got it we got a we got a trade we got to see first all right seismitoad see you later have fun with bruno bruno what you're gonna give us though what you give us though bruno oh oh actually kind of decent a staryu a star you that's nice um well starmie's pretty good that's i might actually evolve and keep this let me check let me look at some starmie stats real quick what it learns oh my god this star you guys is level 60 right and it is so it can't learn any more moves at this rate unless it evolves into starmie and learns a move which i don't think it does but already has a pretty crazy moveset it's got cosmic power hydro pump surf and recover so we could go crazy with starmie use like one cosmic power maybe two since we're faster than most pokemon use recovery and just hydra pump his team away we might be able to do that if we can get rid of uh any grass types he might have when he begins uh we'll see we're keeping it though we're keeping it i like starmie i think stormy's really good this is gonna be a pretty crazy cheesy setup i wish we had psychic i don't know why they have hydro pump surf but no psychic uh yeah but let's keep it let's evolve it and use that on the team there starmie is our fourth teammate now we need to go ahead and be a little more picky uh with our teammates we have uh two more skips to use so let's look for some legendaries maybe we'll get surprise traded a legend somehow some way all right guys no pokemon remaining or no skips remaining i'm sorry we need three more pokemon all right all right searching for a trade now sending off an indeed you know i love my shades on this character dude i'm glad i upgraded the wardrobe guys let me know if you're digging the look got the long socks on some type of cool shirt on i don't even know let's go ahead and take this trade trading with the pro enjoy your in ddd my buddy let's see if you are a pro let's see what you're sending off to the team yo he's a pro he's a pro we got a grif feldis i da i think this is called like a vola beat no the volleyball is the baby this is like a crud i can't remember the name mandy buzz mandy buzz okay that's a dark flyer that's decent all right guys here we go we got a mandy buzz with the ability big picks we got big picks protects pokemon from defense lowering effects i like it all right we got whirlwind air slash dark pulse and nasty plot um okay this is a very tanky bird and we don't have skips anyway so we're taking this on the team guys welcome in mandybuzz okay okay we like to see it maybe we can plot up and go crazy with the air slash if we're lucky but uh we'll see i'll see you guys in a second with another uh trade all right team we're looking for another trade we need two more pokemon on the squad uh currently trading on mr mime so and it's a um an old kanto mr mime so we'll see somebody might be decently happy to see that i forgot where i got this one but uh we're sending it off to somebody look at this slowpoke dude he's just moving so slow and we got a trade complete bye bye mr mime your hands will not be missed buddy get out of my sight please honestly just a creeper and we got a magikarp dude okay okay normally i wouldn't be too happy about that but that will be a gyarados for the squad when we level it up and that's heavy power boys that's heavy power welcome in all right guys obviously our magikarp has swift swim right now but i think that'll change to intimidate and it's got no moves it's level one so uh somebody's hunting for a shiny gyarados out there but we'll take this on our squad and we'll level it up it'll learn some new moves and uh yeah we'll see what it has on the team recap let's go for one more pokemon guys that's all we need let's get it okay team i'm looking for a final trade we don't have any skips available we gotta take what we get um i'm sending off a lycan rock which is a pretty cool and strong pokemon so hopefully hopefully we'll get done decently and get a decent one in return dude can somebody be shiny hunting some crazy pokemon right now and just feed me the legend dude just feed me the legend here we go guys final surprise trader coming in for the chillin squad let's go we're sending off a lycan rock to the shepherd come on buddy treat us right treat us right and we got a trap bench yo that's amazing that is amazing dude that's what we want to see guys that is going to evolve into a very powerful flygon oh baby nice all right team this trap pinch has arena trap that'll change and no moves it's level one from japan uh we're gonna keep this and we're gonna level this up and uh team i will see you in a minute with a team recap and we'll see what the squad is really looking like see you guys soon i can't believe i haven't found any digletts yet they're supposed to be everywhere here right this must be all over the map there we go oh that's not a diglett survive that's a herb okay trade completed let's see what we get see ya gujjar you're going to alan what you going to give me all on what you're going to give me a lawn something decent oh no no no i don't need a ghost type really i mean i don't need an ice type definitely so so much cheese this is such a cheesy pokemon too snow cloak psychic draining kiss frost breath and hex oh my god it has an amazing moveset it's level 51 it has an amazing move set should we be crazy team should we be crazy and stay type themed ice and water all the way are we psychic i mean are we psycho for doing it maybe i could learn shadow ball oh man i could learn shadow ball okay frost ice breath is a frost breath is gonna be good against dragons so we don't really need draining kiss and frost breath i could learn shadow ball on this dang but is it worth it all right team we decided we're gonna take the frost less i know it's crazy i know it's crazy but i want that uh i want that move set i want that speed i want a fast team and uh frost is a good pokemon i'm scared of getting worse pokemon coming soon so let's go ahead and uh we have one more pokemon to get after this and uh let's see what it's gonna be actually we do have two skips so uh we uh we could just skip the next two possibly we'll we'll find out we'll find out maybe just legend hunt now and maybe somebody will surprise trade us like an arceus is that possible come on come on somebody surprise trade there oh my god this whale lord is just throwing me off oh is this diggly no no no i can't believe i haven't found any oh diglett we found a diglett we did it oh we did it diglett returned to his trainer oh um i feel so accomplished trade complete let's see that good karma trade give me the legendary please legendary if it's a sweet sweet we're just gonna take it oh wow oh wow oh wow close to legendary very close to legendary that begone is going to evolve into his salamance well it looks like we found the last team member already the salomons with sheer force i mean the bagon who will evolve into his elements right now it's got ember and leer but this will evolve into a flying dragon type that will carry the team hopefully we'll see we're keeping this and uh it turns out we're not gonna use our skips that's crazy we didn't get really bad pokemon this this whole time almost and uh that's awesome that's awesome again welcome to the team let's level up everyone evolve everyone and do a recap okay for the team recap we've got our starmie here with illuminate uh which isn't really good for us but it does have surf recovery causing power and i actually was able to use move tutor we decided uh after getting our pokemon we could use move tutors and i got psychic on that we got swampert here with rock slide earthquake hammer arm and hydro pump it's got the ability torrent we've got our uh orbital over here or beetle over here with swarm bug buzz confused right light screen and psychic we've got our cryogeneal over here with uh ice beam reflect solar beam and sheer cold it's also got the levitate ability still we got frost glass with snow cloak we actually got psychic willows frost breath and hex on that we kept hex because i was able to get willow wisps so that's gonna do a lot of damage if i can double uh combo that off and lastly we got our salamis with flame door fly crunch dragon claw this is the uh this is the legend on the team really and it has a moxie so if we get to knock anybody out this thing might be able to sweep up uh the entire team if we could set up for it but that is our team let's go ahead and throw it into the fight let's see who wins i'm feeling good i'm feeling pretty good all right team here we go with the final squad for chill and play team let's go we got levitate flag on with dragon dance crunch earthquake dragon claw heavy hitter there you got mandy buzz with whirlwind air slash dark pulse and nasty plot for those boost ups you know you love to see those guys we got big pecks on mandy buzz as well then we got duo blade with iron head shadow sneak sword stance sacred sword another setup beast with the ability no guard doesn't really help too much with him but it is what it is then we got lapras with ice shard confused ray freeze dry and hydro pump with the ability water absorb decent on this i almost went with rain dance on this for our gyarados but i decided to go with this moveset instead i figured it'd be a little bit more cheesy plus we don't want thunder to be 100 accuracy uh we got hatareen with psychic dazzling gleam aromatherapy and calm mind with the ability magic bounce which is awesome uh then we got gyarados of course with thrash dragon dance flail waterfall and intimidate for the ability and that is the squad guys we're looking decent uh let me know in the comments guys who you guys are feeling whether you're on chill play squad or quick gg squad for this one and uh let's get into it all right quick gg we're here with our team we're here with the teams nice shades i'm usually the one with shades on thank you buddy yeah we're looking nice we're feeling nice too looking great feeling great we're my blue get up oh you're looking at shorts and uh okay i see what you're wearing looking slick buddy you're looking slick thanks pal thanks i'm looking cool but you're looking slick and i appreciate it okay all right good to hear all right here we go interesting quite interesting very interesting for sure all right well there is no dynamaxing as anyone who watches our sword and shield videos no okay here we go that's great that's great that's great it's actually great for you why is that great that's great for you that's great for you oh okay that's a great i know that's great for me i'm dancing with them i'm dancing with them oh they're dead all day oh they're dancing but you know what what you're burnt you're burnt i am burned you're burnt i don't appreciate it at all burnt out pal you're burnt out i don't appreciate it at all buddy now dancing again dancing again we gotta get the most we can oh is that really gonna i don't know if that's gonna work in your favor at this point buddy why why why because you're about to say what the heck oh hex what the heck oh dude that did a lot that did a lot wait a minute that doesn't matter that does damage based on boosts right with uh it does more it does more with the oh yeah you know what i'm saying okay okay okay definitely does more with an oh yeah let's see if this does a lot let's see if there's a lot decent oh heck i'm dead oh don't worry i'm not even worried well that was a gyarados down the drain and the burn will finish me the burn finish is the burn gonna finish nice whisk buddy nice wisp you don't like to see it you don't like to see it at all oh yeah buddy okay what a start i was thinking about going insane for a second and going like hail or a veil you know what i mean because i have uh snow uh the evasiveness in the snow already plus double team yeah crazy but then i thought you know what we don't we don't need to have a fight like that we don't know how to fight like that we don't need it we don't need it pal we don't need them wait wait wait why did i do that that's neutral frosty no it's super effective actually it's super effective oh god i froze up ow that wasn't working that wasn't work that was a critic wow is that 100 crit oh cory of course buddy of course oh my god okay well we got it that pulse was dark though that was dark that was gross that was dark i was like doing good over here team you know doing the best for sure you're not doing the best for sure um and mandy bring it back though i don't know fast is mandy that's what i'm wondering how fast is mandy um as fast as it needs to be as fast as it's a heavy attacker right it's a heavy attacker for sure no no well no let me see i'm just curious are you looking it up right now hey it's not like you've never done this one before okay okay okay go ahead we'll wait we'll wait okay okay we're gonna do something crazy buddy we're gonna do something crazy no no no we're not gonna do that we're not gonna do that we're gonna be safe we're gonna be safe we're gonna be safe we're gonna be safe all right all right all right oh wait no no you just you just now yeah just know in darkness you just post in darkness maybe kill me i can maybe kill me come on [Music] though that hurt so badly though that hurt so badly though we take those pal yo take i did enough god you got a fast team buddy you got a very fast team yeah yeah i actually noticed my team is very quick very quick you uh somebody call you uh quick cj yeah this is the quick gg squad actually we we run it out okay guess what i got i got two hands and i got two blades duo blade let's get them buddy slice them and dice them slice them and dice them we do this it's easy for us to do this buddy we do this all the time we slice crazy i wasn't able to do what i needed to do because you didn't die right away which sucks what you got calm minds your mind pretty calm what are you going to do let's do this one time oh it's sneaky that sneaky is that enough that might be enough that might be enough yes no yes oh no okay you would beat me anyway wow that was sneaky that was sneaky buddy it was huh that looks very sneaky i got two blades buddy i got two blades you got two blades one for the dome and one for the leg all right let's go oh that's got a swampy boy i got a swampy boy oh i wish i had what i needed though we don't like that we don't what you got for me what you got for me buddy uh come back nice withdrawal sauce i got some comebacks you better send a flyer out dang it wait wait wait wait no that's neutral that's neutral around no it's how did i forget about that okay the real question is is what are you gonna do next the real question is i shouldn't have done that and now i'm going to do this wow i shouldn't have done that and now really yeah we'll see if we pay the price go okay did you water interesting yes no price was paid no price no price was paid no price was paid at all all right that's actually very scary why what you're actually very like the laptop because i have a heart i have an arm made of hammers all right you're going to sleep you're done for you're done [Music] that's four times dude i almost didn't keep it i'm sorry times that's so many times that's a lot of time to see that's one two three four times that's four whole times good fight buddy what do you have oh man i made a mistake but this mistake wasn't even made in the end i've only got a few options left you know i've only got a few options left or beetle okay okay or beetle or beetle we'll see if you can handle me let me tell you things get pretty confusing out here buddy really i was thinking things get real confusing out here dang it yeah yeah yeah yeah return the favor return the favor wow this is the slowest fight i've ever seen now oh no we're fine buddy now it's ov now it's ov now i try d now i try these t take one two dome take one to the dome that's gonna kill me yes that's gonna kill that's enough thank you oh wow oh my god punch yourself one time punch yourself one time i got big oh my god i flopped yes we needed my fence for legitimately no no no i just go i just misclicked oh i just oh oh you just oh you just oh and what's gonna happen here and i'm dead anyway okay dude no it did matter it did matter i had a priority move oh and out of pride oh man what was it i'm just curious yes of course yeah but what do we do now team what do we do now team what do you do now huh what do you do now um everybody right now has choices to make we go crazy that's what we do how do we go crazy duo blade duo blade that's a scary one for me to fight to be honest yeah let's go for this actually oh he's getting quicker oh he's sneaking just get a quick one in not enough now oh snapped out oh god he snapped out of it and that is not i'm glad i snapped out of it at least because you're in it that is not what we want to see team duo blade that's never what you want to see buddy i should have done what i should have done oh and now this is really even riskier this is really even risky what am i gonna do here now what am i gonna do here now though um i don't know what you're gonna do i know what i'm gonna do it rhymes with chill and play okay we only have a few options so let's do this let's do this everybody's got choices everybody's got them see how much it does let's just see how much it does not much surely okay that's a little bit not much not much still confused it could get bad it could be he's dancing with his swords i'm made of swords buddy i'm dancing with my ancestors yeah yeah oh my god that's terrifying i literally only have one choice i could hurt myself harder now but i literally only have one choice here how are you faster than me yes shadow's sneaky buddy it's sneaky oh you're sneaky i forgot it's a one shot oh i'm not a one but a finisher that's what i needed that's what i needed now you're done you've let me set up you've gone and let me set up dude in the wind you're you're heavy you're happy that you're happy that's scary salad man that's scary that's very scary dude what should i do skis what should i do skis oh yeah that's bad i was waiting for that one shot you didn't give me a clean shot i wasn't sure if that was gonna work that would be bad if i didn't have a hat on i got a hat on yep yep i do i do have a hat on all right team let's do it let's do a lot of damage yeah how fast is that oh he's flying oh he's flying yeah yeah yeah yeah that is a bad bad thing that is a bad it's gonna hurt you a lot whoever comes out next that is gonna hurt me it's gonna do a lot of damage if it crits it's gonna kill you for sure for sure and how tanky is that her name because she don't look that tanky oh i hope i'm a little tanky i hope i'm a little tanky i have a little bit of a chance i have a little bit of a chance what oh my oh my is this me is this me is this me is it you i'm standing up i'm standing up is it you i'm standing up crunch crunch up crunch time it's crunch time it's crunch time it's crunch time time you don't get moxie from that right moxie is so scary who's faster fl i know i got lucky and got the hidden ability on bagon okay hidden ability oh my god yeah yeah for some reason i don't think it's me i don't think it's you but if you uh better no no that's it that's so dead that's so dead gg buddy good fight buddy holy cow that is a mega salad man you just turned it on me dude you just turned it on me oh guys if you enjoyed that video make sure you hit that like button for the team and check out more videos like that in the playlist in the description and uh quick gg good fight buddy we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 616,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We Trade 9 RANDOM PEOPLE for Pokemon. Then We FIGHT!, 2 Truths 1 Lie. Then we FIGHT! Pokemon Challenge, 2 truths 1 lie pokemon, We Hatch 8 RANDOM Eggs.. Then We FIGHT! Pokemon Sword and Shield, chilln play, chillnplay, chillin play, quickgg, quick gg, pokemon challenge vs, pokemon challenge, egg breeding pokemon, pokemon shiny hunting, pokemon eggs sword and shield, how to shiny hunt, how to breed pokemon in pokemon sword and shield, how to breed pokemon, pokemon eggs battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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