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hello everyone welcome back to another pokemon versus challenge just me quick gg in ultra moon today with chill and play what's up big dog yo big dog i'm waking up my cat is on my bed he gave me an awakening what the i was just taking a nap and i don't even know whose cat this is actually this isn't my cat where am i oh anyways that was weird uh dude what's going on with you that was weird that does sound really weird buddy i'm in front of my house checking my mail and uh that's my house yeah it looks like mailbox is empty well if you've never seen a pokemon versus challenge before what means show play do is go into a pokemon game gather up a team of pokemon with a twist involved and at the end we fight it out for this challenge we've randomized all the wild pokemon out here in ultramoon we've randomized their abilities and we randomized their moves according to their type and they're all going to be shiny as well me and chill play are going gonna have 30 minutes to go around catching all these pokemon we're gonna use master balls to catch whatever we want and when we're all done we're gonna choose our best team and fight it out with the shiny squad you ready for this challenge chillin play i am ready big dog i got my swag hat on and uh i think i'm just cooler than you and i'm ready to catch cooler shinies wow well i got the swaggiest swag hat on buddy the red one no no no i got the schoolboy q special i got the schoolboy q special oh yikes man of the year all right let's do this all right the timer's moving i am two we're gonna start off over here at route one get that easy catch probably try to go in a loop around the island we got this whole first island area okay we got a a car a coffin a pink coffin guys i don't even know if i want this honestly it's kind of well you know what let's see what we can do maybe it's got a good ability maybe it'll be decent but honestly this pokemon is kind of weird it's just really beefy doesn't have great attacking stats all right this thing's got the ability liquid voice all sound based move become water type moves that's actually really weird there it's got explosion ice hammer fury carter and bug buzz that's so odd ice hammer is kind of a big move there i don't know kind of a decent uh coffin there weird and 30 minutes start let's get it big dogs welcome to ultra sun and moon team we have not done a challenge here yet on this generation so i'm excited let's see what we got for a first encounter cadabra not even that shiny looking that's not something i'm gonna bother catching honestly i'm gonna run away from that not too thrilled about a cadabra okay well that's an awkward start but uh let's just keep it moving that cadaver was not that shiny looking but i'm excited i hope i see some interesting shinies here totodile cool but not good not good for a battle against the quick gg we will run away from that one too it's all right guys this is gonna be a really chillax challenge i believe we have master balls at our disposal so i mean catching things is gonna be difficult it's all about finding what you need and what you want oh my god my game was just bugging out what is this oh cherries okay that's three garbage encounters three in a row that means the next one's gonna be a legend legendary shiny sweet sweet bless me up if i'm not mistaken this game has like the most pokemon out of all games i think it has all of gen seven uh gen one through gen seven and oh there we go genesect looking nice and red i see you trying to copy after uh caesar are you genesect is actually a really decent pokemon um let's go ahead and chuck a ball where is it master ball and chuck it that's our first catch guys for 28 minutes 20 seconds left that's not so bad finally something decent is genesect a legendary i think it's a mythical i don't really know actually i don't really know it's definitely one of the best bugs you can have i think all right let's go over our genesect really quickly we don't want to spend too much time doing this uh it's got heat crash spider web quiver dance oh and brian that is so good and light metal for the ability what does that even do half's the pokemon's weight weird you know what that's a really good genesect with with the quiver dance we're gonna use that for sure let's find something else decent right here next to it come on something else decent please no an ammonite i don't want this thing bro it's purple not my favorite color dude where am i going i have no way i don't know my way around this island okay we're still on route one what else can we find what else can we find oh sharp the blue bisharp yes please dude he looks like a power ranger i love this i love this a lot okay bisharp joined the team please have the good moves a night slash and a smart steel strike that's all i ask that's all i ask maybe an extreme speed all right bisharp with beat up metal claw darkest lyrics nice and insurance oh my goodness that's actually decent there it's got the ability solid rock what does that do reduces the power of super effective attacks taken weird that's actually not bad at all there bye sharp probably gonna be using that let's grab ourselves another encounter here before we move on to the next area hopefully something good no way another starter first form starter at least give me the full blown at least give me the fully grown all right maybe this is the baby junior route let's just uh if we see one more baby junior we're leaving like there's got to be something else oh wow delmas yo shiny delmas is sick another red pokemon for the team lol that is nice a grass ghost physical attacker i believe so let's hope for some good moves like maybe leaf blade phantom force would be nice shadow sneak would even be pretty sick because it's kind of slow that's his only downside but a good pokemon otherwise del mar's our second catch guys already 26 minutes 50 seconds we rolling and my genesect is leveling up dude that looks so cool look at that registered i really like the pokedex in this game the way they did it okay let's have a look at our dell mize that is really nice that is a good catch on the team it's got reckless for the ability okay crush claw solar blade me and look and revelation dance that is weird i don't know if i like that too much solar blade is two turns crushed claw is pretty good but meh i don't know about that guys i don't know about that may not end up using that one honestly okay we're at the route one outskirts now so a different area technically what are we gonna see down here a typhlosion bro i can't even tell the difference between shiny typhlosion and regular like i don't see a difference is it like slightly more red is that what i'm seeing is it like just a slight shade of red i think that's what it is all right typhlosion that should be decent a fully vault fire type is still good okay typhlosion with accelerok decent dragon tail okay hyper voice and clanging scales really really weird there typhlosion it's also got competitive which uh boosts this special attack stat sharply when it's stat is lowered oh my goodness wait a second so if we use clangerous scales our special attack goes up massively that's kind of huge there all right typhlosion we only have one really good pokemon so far we need some uh some really beefy blessings survive wow the amount of starters we're seeing is actually kind of weird i mean there's three starters for every game so there's like 21 different starters at this point gen 7 um so i mean yeah i guess it's i guess there's a good fair amount you could run into floridis what are you what is a floorages oh my god i just looked this up this is a huge pokemon dude this is a very strong fairy uh we're gonna catch it we're gonna definitely catch that i almost just ran away from it like instinctively it didn't sound strong but i knew it looked kind of strong didn't look it up dude that has 552 base stat with a ton of special defense and a decent special attack too so if this has some good moves like draining kiss or something oh it could be really good okay flora just what are you gonna have for us please have what we need moonblast or something contrary it's got psychic dazzling gleam low sweep and blaze kick contrary for the ability is kind of weird uh it could be beneficial if he tries to like cheese us but i don't know that's pretty good though i think i would use that it's not bad at all we're chilling though dude we got 24 minutes we are absolutely chilling hopefully we can see some legendaries uh or some mega forms i'm not really sure if you can find the megas with the randomizer i don't really know i guess we're gonna find out together dude this game is so beautiful man like look at these flowers in the trees like it's just well done honestly all right what do you got for me over here oh my god my game lagged a road on not uh not amazing it's no forum road on so i'm not gonna really waste any time with it another red shiny though by the way i guess there's a bunch of red shinies i didn't realize it i got a few decent catches already i'm actually pretty happy with this but we could use a legendary maybe a mega i know there's megas in this game we have to oh dark cry star cry it's like a navy blue now is it navy blue dude i'm colorblind i can't tell what like what the shinies the difference is between these shiny pokemon all right darkrai is definitely a catch we already have a dark type so we don't really need it dark cry is insanely fast it's got good attack might have to take it dude we're getting all these levels up it's wasting time every time we catch exp share op all right darkrai has got squash detect brutal swing and freeze dry bro what are you it's actually not amazing and it's also got filter reduces the power of super effective attacks taken hey just like bishark that's weird really not the best starcraft for us guys i don't know if i'm gonna keep that probably taking bishop over that dark ride really okay what are we having here a pangoro a tough panda i mean we gotta catch it it looks tough let's just see what it has we still got plenty of time left we got another 23 minutes to catch pokemon gonna probably change the area soon though okay shiny pangoro here with faint attack mega drain torment mega kick not amazing fighting dark type we don't need it and it's got no guard which makes all the attacks hit okay that's weird not a fan of pangoro really let's get one more encounter i feel like there's another legend out here chilling come on where you at buddy one more decent one please no hippopotamus bro that's shiny i can't even tell the difference literally can't tell the difference between that being shiny and not running away okay well that was a bad call we did we stayed too long all right another encounter oh my look at this verb yo let's go i love haunch crow dude look at him he's so pink i want him right now join the team buddy you're mine that's a dark flying type really good attacker fast healthy all-around good pokemon let's hope for some drill peck and we're chilling at that point we can get that that i mean i can't complain oh yeah what a majestic bird dude this is the first time i've seen it shiny too i realizing it caught me off guard dude but i like it okay haunch crow big boss verb it's got fake tears bounce focus energy and crunch that's pretty good not amazing but that's pretty good it's got the ability aerial eight that is what is that make it flying type normal moves yeah okay well we don't have any but that would have been cool all right all right that's a burb that's a burb for sure give me one more decent can i get one more decent from over here before i go to the next area no that is a good sign to leave that is time to go walk away is this thing fully evolved i think it actually is i don't want anything to do with it it looks very weak it looks like i could just hit it with a fly swatter and i'm done okay the schoolyard actually we can go into here there's some grass back here i guess they forgot to mow this area so there's wild pokemon tormenting the children but that's okay because we can catch them we have ultra balls for this oh let's lit leo what dude this looks like a freaking baby i've never seen this pokemon ever before by the way okay we're not catching it either all right something else not a cat i'm not a cat person give me a big dog if you're gonna give me a dog give me arcana get me a big one manafee yo wow they got her with a nice teal a nice teal manafee definitely have to catch that op water type a nice legendary for the squad we really needed it all it needs is like surf and we're set just like a surf that's all you want that's all i want i'm not asking for much all right manafee with vine whip disable grass knot and prismatic laser what it's got early bird of disability so it wakes up early dude what i might use prismatically i don't know maybe we'll take it if we have to but that's not good that's actually a bad memory really bad what else we seeing out here a raichu yo it's nice and orange a nice cantonian raichu we take those i'm catching that for sure because it's an og just like me right you join the team please okay raichu with thunder decent leech life zing zap and zap cannon whoa kind of weird and it's also got the ability steel worker what does that do powers up steel type moves which we don't have any so that's useless but all right not the worst not the worst ratchet we've seen i'm gonna walk over here to the trainer school and go see if there's any legends sleeping in the grass over here it's it's definitely possible all the noobs over here all these little jimmies over here you see these little jimmies they don't have the master balls they can't catch the legends so the legends know they can just come chill over here and just sleep in the grass so that's where we come in we come through and we swoop him up oh look at it almost star lord helix itself out here chilling not incredible honestly not incredible but not that bad we'll throw it we'll throw it we'll go ahead and grab it it could be amazing i'm imagining and hoping for shell smash rock blast waterfall you you know you know the drill all right another pink shiny for the team we like to see it let's check out it's a move set and ability and see what it's got dancer so that's a weird one we got sandstorm waterfall okay water pulse and ancient power not bad that's really good that's possibly on the team that's for sure not bad at all okay so there are legends sleeping over here we're gonna do one more school yard catch and then we're gone all right last one let's see what it can be something decent no whisper why honestly i can't tell half these shiny pokemon i swear like this thing this looks totally normal to me you guys it's just me maybe it's just me we're out of here though that's cool after i saw that whismur i couldn't stay there anymore we're moving gotta go somewhere else call me a lunatic guys but i'm going back to route one i feel like i missed a mega mewtwo out here i just feel like it there's a mega mewtwo y sitting out here in the bushes i know it is come on i missed it no swalat i mean it is a bv poison type it's pretty beefy we're gonna catch it maybe it's got sludge bomb and it can be good maybe right so a lot with drill run gunk shot venom drench cross chop and it's got the ability overgrow which powers up grass type moves that's not really good for us but it does have gunk shot that's kind of big really weird there drill run i don't know maybe we'll use them actually if we have to that's pretty strong moves honestly anything else any more actual anymore like kyogre's or something whoa drampa grandpa interesting kind of a not amazing pokemon honestly i will catch it i think just because it's not like horrible ah it's really slow though a lot of hp normal dragon which is weird we'll catch it just in case it's busted what if it has crazy moves we'll never know we gotta go ahead and grab it besides we got 17 minutes 58 seconds we are actually chilling like we've got a lot of pokemon the goal is to get ourselves as many options as possible and create a team that's going to dominate honestly at that point all right grandpa drampa what do you have big dog let's see wow magnet pool for the ability interesting dragon hammer okay rapid spin razor win and roar of time not even that bad but i don't know if i'll use that i don't know we'll just have it for now we'll think about it we'll choose our team at the end once we've kind of see what we got to work with all right let's see what we got next up here no no kitties you don't even look shiny big dog you don't even look shiny or excuse me small cat you don't even look shiny all right i'm just about done here let's change locations best of all they got their own little grass patch for us to come through and grab ourselves another team member let's see we got maddie cham no thank you kind of a cool shiny though not gonna lie i actually like that a lot medi-chan without huge power though or you know pure power i think it is actually i can't remember which one he has but without it it's just a bad pokemon it's just not good here we go bless us up what do you got for us okay grotto it's a mid-stage evolution i'm not gonna yeah i'm not gonna bother the the the full uh if evolution is escaping me the the name of the full level can't even talk whoa look at this guy dude that guy looks crazy clawitzer looks like a freaking actual lobster right now i'm gonna catch it it's not amazing it's another water type but you know it's not a horrible pokemon if it's got good special moves it could actually be really good plus the shiny is kind of nasty i like it all right clawwitzer what do you got for us solid rock for the ability it's kind of cool whoa water shuriken water pulse moon blast and odor sleuth not bad at all not amazing but not bad at all what could consider that that is a choice that is a choice to be made you know what they say about choices everybody's got em rampardos let's go baby that could be really nice if we're blessed up with what we need that could be really nice drizzle no ruined he's ruined running away from it that's bad he's already susceptible to water we can't we can't have him drizzling out there on the field okay last try last try i know there's a mega here dude i haven't seen a single mega yet you're telling me there's not one on route one come on empoli on yo this guy looks fresh i like the look of him all right napoleon the shiny empoleon a steel water type that we don't really need we don't need steel but we could use something that has surf please napoleon have it oh yeah it's got water spout water pulse sparkling iria and pin missile dude that's big it's also got the ability poison heal which won't work because we're steel types so we can't be poisoned uh weird dude for the gls i'm doing one more route one encounter let's go let's go where's the mega something mega please caterpity a yellow caterpie bro i'm out of here okay half of our time is up and i'm in the city now we're gonna go into this grass patch right here all right on the city streets let's see what we can get what kind of pokemon are rocking in the city no bugs the city's full of bugs and pests but joltik i'm skipping i'm running fast away from that running fast run away right what else we got out here something else come on don't be a bug be a little bug i'm sick of him oh esper i'm running away from that too i can't deal with this right now esper's a little baby psychic type i don't want that what else do we got come on something mega please a swellow yes wow that is so shiny i love seeing a pokemon where you could tell that it's shiny like a swellow look at this orange what's going on there all right swellow with wing attack slack off chatter and roost two healing moves what wink attacks okay chatter is actually good for the confusion actually chatter op and it's got rain dish pokemon gradually regains hp in the rain really weird they're swallow it's flying like a savage i like that uh maybe we'll join the team give me another rampardos with no drizzle yeah no way you got me like that no way you got me like that hidden ability right now hidden ability drizzle rip well guys that is a runaway again probably leaving this area now i'll do one more encounter here if we get another drizzling freaking rampardos i'm dipping don't test me rampardos medicham even worse all right all right we're gone we're gone we're gone what if it does have huge power though right what if it does have huge power i'm just gonna catch it dude this is the third time i've seen this pokemon i feel like it's trying to tell me something we got the balls to do it and we got 12 minutes and 50 seconds left we're risking it medi-chan welcome to the team probably won't use you but hey maybe we'll have exactly what we need well i forgot to check it summary so i guess we'll never know that is a big fail on my end actually you know what let's look at madi-chan real quick you know what i'm gonna be crazy something's telling me i gotta look got the ability lightning rod which actually isn't that bad heart stamp flying press dynamic punches strike not terrible but it's smedy cham so yeah chatter is kind of broken right now so that could be good for us all right something else can it be be a mega please i'm waiting for a mega a single one vault beat i'm running away i can't deal with this running away from full beat no bugs dude no bugs what did i say no bugs all right we're trying a different grass patch let's see if it gives us the same pokemon we're still in the city so it might a really canth okay a water rock type we don't really need a water rock type but we're gonna throw a pokeball for it no legendaries and no megas yet can you guys believe this children play if he's getting legends i am done for this is rough this is rough right really camp with power gem dive ancient power and money water it's not much of a special attacker it's got uh simple so stat changes on this are doubled which if we hit ancient power with the simple guys that would be just completely busted that would be insane but i doubt that'll happen maybe we'll use it maybe we won't we'll see anything else in this grass something else different come on for the team give it to me mega time mega mega mega time kangaskhan not mega are you serious oh wow bro oh wow a shiny con i'm still going to catch it because it's all right for a normal type i just wish it was mega that would be so much better but let's see what it can do for us kangaskhan with heal order paris song body slam and giga impact that's kind of tough i don't know if we're gonna use it or not but interesting it's also got beast boost which boosts its most proficient stat each time it knocks out a pokemon which could be amazing actually we'll see we'll see kangaskhan might actually join the team for that all right well we tried we tried midi channel lovers how many medium lovers are there actually like medicham is one of those pokemon that you're like oh yeah that exists i forgot that's about it oh i'm getting attacked by a squirrel what is this oh an aegis slash wait a minute that's not shiny that is not shiny but that is not my problem i would like to catch that that is mine why isn't it shiny maybe i don't know maybe it's not a wild encounter because it ran up to me like that maybe the randomizer thinks i don't know i have no idea somebody probably has the technical know-how below in the comment section but i do not possess it moon guys beam oh i wish we could learn that but no we're not going to learn new moves i don't think that's i think that's against the challenge the spirit of the challenge to learn some new moves 10 minutes 48 seconds left let's go baby slash on the team let's see what he has for us though anger point for the ability that's crazy um overheat thrash and brick break not terrible not i mean kind of weird but not terrible our team is gonna be weird guys it's got a bunch of just random randomness going on right now semi-poor okay another water type yikes tell me what i didn't need without telling me what i didn't need right but i'm gonna go ahead and catch it it's waving at me it looks happy i i would be happy to see a really good pokemon so we'll see we'll see if we can uh we can make it happen 10 minutes remaining guys just like that already 20 minutes gone down the drain i mean we've caught a bunch of stuff we definitely have choices but we don't have a single like op yet we really don't another anger point are you kidding me skull dragon breath shadow punch gear grind what is with these pokemon dude these are so random i mean i know it's randomized but like i don't know dude all right moving to a new zone route two all those routes before route two what is this what was that what just happened some of these ran up mr mime dude something in the bush just came at me was mr mime did we catch it i think it was meant to be we're gonna catch it okay mr mime a terrifying creature with psi shock heart stamp bullet seed and ally switch really weird it's also got battle armor so it's protected from critical hits interesting scishow is a pretty good move but yeah we'll see all right mime you're really creepy there let's see if we can get random encounters out here i think that mr mime attacked me that was kind of weird what are you running into now a celebi yes yes i needed this i needed this so bad please be good please have good psychic moves please sell me please please good grass and psychic is all i need with you bro be a nice clutch team member for us really alright celebi with double kick icicle crash x scissor and egg bomb what what are you it's got the ability wonder skin makes status moves more likely to miss weird i mean kind of weird but really really weird actually you don't expect this from celebi which makes it kind of interesting uh we'll see if we take it or not this is so weird now give me the freaking kyogre and say nothing or give me a rayquaza and don't argue about it do what not what i wanted to see desolate land do what even worse you can't even use your water moves i'm dipping don't tell me we're gonna actually not have a crazy team all these master balls all this time all these shinies what are you doing rememberade you are not in water you should not be here buddy why do i feel the pressure now all of a sudden why do i all the sudden feel the pressure all of a sudden i feel like we we we need some options feeling the heat now i'm feeling the heat oh and i'm getting chased by this is it another aegis slash worse it's a mulga and it is shiny so why was aj slash not shiny no way i should catch this imoga right no way it's the secret op right what if it is i'm catching it i don't know why i'm catching a molga but i feel like i've done weirder things we're taking it and just because we catch it doesn't mean we have to use it i'm trying to expand my options here everybody's leveling up everybody's leveling up all right and mulga cute little guy um get out of my face we're not naming you let's just see if you're strong little buddy you need to be strong tinted lens that's actually okay calm mind crunch no you don't have the moves you need calm mind could have actually been nasty if you just had like thunderbolt or something you blew it amulga you blew it charizard me there we go there we go he does not look shiny but he is a tornado and we don't argue about that we just throw the ball we don't complain we just throw it and we hope he's good he will be good he will have motor drive i want motor drive drill peck acrobatics extreme speed and bulk up that's what i want that's the exact moveset i want i think you can actually learn all those moves but this is a randomizer so i don't know what i'm gonna get okay tornadoes what do you have for me my good fellow innards out okay parabolic charge is actually nice hurricane is risky pedal dance and chatter that's nice that's really good it's really good we're keeping it we've only got five and a half minutes left oh my goodness five and a half minutes not a single mega pokemon not a single mega bell dome get away from me it made you look straight up like a usb port bruh i'm running fast no i threw a master ball oh my what what what what'd i just do that miss clicks all right let's let's not do that again let's see what we can do all right omega please hello honey are you serious i don't want you i really don't want you we only got four and a half minutes left i'm running away get me out of here seriously no ultra beasts no giratina no no arceus no nothing what's going on celibi again no i gotta go somewhere else i gotta run all right let's go to the beach each let's go get away guys i think over here down here there's a cave there's a cave down here i know i know of i did some market research before starting this game there's a cave here which means cave pokemon cave dwellers i think yes yes yes yes what do we got out here oh godra oh that's a cool shiny bro that is a really cool shiny for goodra airlock okay that's that's an alright ability whatever master balling going out dude is this the cave of wonders bro the cave of wonders that was a great catch it's got spatial rend shore up outrage and extreme speed oh my it is beautiful it's got airlock and stability that's a that's a great catch that's a great catch that's 100 on the team guys dude if we have one of those drizzle rampardoses we could literally have 100 accuracy hurricane no way i should do something that crazy right no way i don't know if it's worth it that seems really risky okay okay i need something new something good vulpix no that is not it that is not it a nine tails maybe but a volt picks no a lot of babies out here today not happy about it honestly okay more choices to be had more choices to be had sligoo it's all right stay calm five minutes and 10 seconds we're fine we're fine i mean we've got this we've got this blanket you to stay right here and oh digimon he kind of looks kind of cool now this pokemon is literally one of my least favorites ever honestly i'll be real with you guys if you watch the channel for any length of time you know that judy gone a very very bad dragon in terms of dragons but we will take it because we need choices and he still could be great we don't we don't know we don't know could have huge power for us if he just wants to be a maniac i won't mind okay let's check a summary dreddy gone it's got arena trap that's nice that's really nice dragon hammer aeroblast razor leaf twister oh uh it's not terrible it's not amazing i don't know if we'll use it although arena traps kind of nice what else do we got in here what else do we got we got two minutes left here at least get like three more catches just don't dupes me no chat no oh buddy no i don't want to see you you got a really cool shiny form but i don't want to see you buddy ring away something else please no i didn't mean to leave the cave stop stop quick gg you're too quick bro you're too quick walking out that door okay something else something decent oh it's auroric with the purple hair and the blue claws okay i asked him all this thing dude it looks like a rock star just have those hard hitting moves buddy big big moves that's all we need okay his work has painful bunker brutal swing embargo and ominous win not good actually and it's got the ability heat proof uh so it's resist fire okay well what do we have here cemetery okay let's find ourselves uh some type of good ghost right here dust collapse me happy you don't look shiny either big dog you do not look shiny to me at all dark aura again why do all these little cuties have dark aura i don't get it holy i just looked at the clock 3 minutes and 40 seconds we gotta go catch it minute catch it now we're staying right here for all the rest of the game oh no no no no no we're staying right here for the rest of the challenge guys because we don't have time to roam anymore this is so bad oh no oh no i literally should have known get me out of here please please please two minutes and 30 seconds i wonder if i can even make it to another grass patch before the time runs out i doubt it i'm just gonna do it right here i'm just gonna do this right here oh no no no no no baby face okay okay misty surge get it all out go ahead go ahead waste all my time two minutes left guys we're not looking good we're not we're not looking good at all actually i need one more beefy to add one more beefy dad please okay electro's not bad not amazing but i'll add it it's fast it's cheesy potentially let's just throw the ball at it not who i had in mind but you know what electrode hasn't been in a video in a long time i think does anyone remember the last time you saw an electrode in our videos i really can't i can't remember i think i may have called a voltorb and i don't even remember i didn't even check his moves but you know what we don't have time to look anyway all right that's it that's it we got one more pokemon coming out i think let's do this let's do this don't give me a duplicate right now do not do that do not do that to me do not do that to me oh a big electric type just what we need that's huge electrifier might not be a mega but it's it's mega to me honestly you're a mega pokemon to me buddy i can't believe we didn't run into a single mega evolution this whole run that's crazy is it crazy did children play run into any i don't know you got nine eight seconds left bro yeah we're not gonna be able to catch it that's it this is definitely the last boat going with all this stuff going on the screen and that's the timer all right let's see what electivire has for us it's got matt block nuzzle volt tackle infusion bolt giant giant also got magma armor which prevents pokemon from being frozen perfect that's fine with me okay so i'm gonna go over uh my pokemon add up a team together and uh then we're gonna do a recap we got a minute and 25 seconds we really don't have time we just don't couple more encounters no no no no duplications no duplications couple more encounters come on chill and play squad channel your energy 48 seconds we're really going down like this we're really going down like this team no way why are you duplicating us why what did i do to you 33 seconds i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it 23 seconds there we go oh oh he's got some leafs he's a he's a pink monkey with leafs we got to catch him psychic normal type of rangaroo kind of weird let's throw the ball there we go we threw it before the timer ran out 10 seconds left guys that's our final catch for sure we're out of time oh god we didn't see that many legends dude i'm sad but we did the best we could and uh yeah we got ourselves a a rangaroo let's go ahead and look at it before we do our recap okay rangaroo what do you have for the team you got serene grace oh brian present spirit shackle and oh oh vote on geyser this is pretty nice unfortunately nothing that we can use serene grace with that sucks but that's still pretty nice that's still pretty nice all right guys that is the final catch i'm gonna go ahead and get the team together and see who's gonna be the final squad we'll recap it again all right for the recap starting off with bisharp who's got solid rock as his ability reduces super effective attacks it's got beat up middle claw darkest lyric assurance then we got goodra who's got airlock eliminates the effects of weather it's got spatial rend shore up outrage and extreme speed and we have napoleon who's got the ability poison heal which won't really work because we'll get poison it's got water spout water pulse sparkling area hand missile kind of weird but still watery then we got typhlosion who's got competitive which boosts the special attack sharply when stats are lowered all right it's got accelerok dragontail hypervoice and clanging scales which lowers our defense which makes me think this should work with competitive i'm not sure uh we're gonna find out which is gonna make this guy a lot better then we have electavire who's got magma armor protected from being frozen it's got matt block nuzzle volt tackle and fusion bolt big hits then we got celebi with wonder skin which makes status moves more likely to miss which is cool it's got double kick icicle crash x scissor and egg bomb kind of just a weird guy there but it's a legendary so we have to take it yeah that's the squad it was pretty beefy no megas sadly but i think uh i think we're gonna have a good shot here all right team we're back we've got our squad here chosen it was tough we had a lot of weirdos on the team guys a lot of weirdos but this is the squad we ended up going with we've got alma star here with dancer for the ability sandstorm waterfall water pulse ancient power so we're gonna try to boost that up with ancient power maybe be nice um we got heat crash spider web quiver dance brian on genesect light metal which light metal actually makes heat crash kind of useless because it lowers our weight which is what heat crash is based off of but i still think quiver dancing and then going for the brines will be really good because that'll be double power if we do get them to half hp or less so yeah we got brian again present spirit shackle photon geyser on a rangaroo um with serene grace for the ability not too much to use with that ability but still good pokemon then we got floor just was psychic dazzling gleam low sweep blaze kick and the ability contrary so two good special attacking moves there that's pretty good um tornadoes with parabolic charge hurricane petal dance and chatter and then we got innards out for the ability there and then finally we got hans grow with fake tears bounce focus energy crunch and the ability aerolate so yeah kind of weak to uh electricity but really didn't have any choices to uh negate that so we're gonna have to deal with it i think we can do just fine though guys let me know in the comments who you guys think's gonna win and uh let's jump into this all right chill play the challenge is over the teams have been made and we're about to fight any any final words uh well i thought i was gonna catch a lot more buddy i felt really confident at the beginning because we had 30 minutes in master balls but i just couldn't find what i needed yeah i feel that i feel that well let's look at these teams i mean i did okay i did okay oh all right well you did okay all right you did really okay too wow okay so these are good teams let's do this huh buddy let's see what happens do bit scary it's a little bit scary it's a little bit scary that's a nice team buddy i mean my team's not fast that's a nice start with this oh oh what a start what a star an amistar i saw a little ammonite by the way i like his little purpley self you know what i'm saying most people do actually i don't i prefer blue but oh oh really oh oh really i don't know what to do against you but it's like that oh it's like that kick him in the knees kick him in the knee i'm already slow i'm already slow though i'm already slow bro i know but i'm still gonna kick you in the knees where the sun don't shine big dog kick him in the toes not the toes sparkling oreos oh no yeah yeah sparkling sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do you know well how much would this have done anyway oh really oh really yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i was hoping you would have low swept me honestly that's fine i see it's fine now for you i'm going to make sure i don't miss okay okay x scissors my face okay okay yup yup well buddy if you enjoyed that video really make sure you subscribe yeah that's a scary one make sure you subscribe buddy it's not over yet actually yeah it is it is over yeah yeah you're doing that thank you thank you for the opportunity no no no no no no nobody oh yeah buddy oh yeah buddy no no no no no buddy buddy oh yeah yeah what you what'd you think was gonna happen i told you it was over that was gonna happen i didn't think that was gonna happen i'm red buddy look how red i am i'm angry okay i'm infuriated buddy i'm gonna do what i gotta do do it do it do it do it do it it's fine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's fine that's fine by me going up i'm going up lad now we're gonna go for you no that's a that's a decent hit it's a decent let me just do that to you no let me just knuckle that speed yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ah wow you're fast thank you yeah but you're paralyzed so fast buddy that's insane how fast that is that's actually insane how fast you are even though you're gary scary larry is what they call me scary larry buddy not to be confused with scary gary scary gary was my father i gotta do this i gotta do this then bring him back what is this gonna be back what are you gonna do [Music] paralyzer okay for this oh i resisted heavily buddy i resisted heavily if you enjoyed that video oh really what's up era oh parabolic buddy oh i'm diabolic and parabolic oh wow that is actually kind of scary it's a legendary hunk but i'm gonna have to show you fear it's the only one i ever saw i'm gonna have to show you what fear really is big dog okay show me no shout out like that show me mr chatterbox oh yes oh yeah oh yeah yeah you like that did you like that heal me metabolic charge that did not do much to me thinking what was i thinking oh my god oh my oh my i need some love here oh my stomach oh my oh my star let's do this i need some love here bring it boost me no that felt pretty good how though how though literally how punch it no i'm tanky though you are tanky you are actually really all you have on that give me another boost while you're at it don't you dare oh give me another boost while you're at it while you're at it give me one more boost oh yeah that's enough time for one more boost oh okay huge okay good okay good but now what wholesome oh no way okay oh oh my oh my yeah that's me oma you know they call me lord helix don't you don't you i don't know i didn't know why because i am i am he he is me oh no lord he clicks oh no i'll give me a crit and make it a booster give me a crit make it a booster give me the crit make it the booster give me the crit and make it got it i need all my stats buffed no shot yes you need to die i have many shells we have many shots here you need to die now oh that's dead yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy crunchy okay well well buddy yikes well buddy [Music] well buddy i'm going to have to see how much this is the best i can the best those scales clanged going up oh it didn't work though didn't work buddy and i'm about to get this pera and your deep is down buddy no it didn't work though buddy this is going to be i've got competitive bro and i thought that would literally give me that oh and oh no and no too much this stuff sell a rock you're already faster than me but that's okay that's okay oh no this is bad oh this is good this is bad is it crunchy time buddy is it crunchy times that's bad sure enough we short up i don't like that wow i don't like that at all oh my oh my oh my wow i don't like that at all what's happening like that what's happening here what's happening here that's what's gonna happen i'm about to blast you i'm about to blast you i'm about to blast you i'm about to blast you do what you got to do when you got to do it oh time hold on geyser oh oh that did not enough that did not enough big dog uh oh uh oh oh well if you guys enjoyed that video remember when that was said yeah i remember photon geyser the geyser of the photons it looks cool i'll tell you that well night night buddy spirit shacks what does that mean i'm not going anywhere well buddy if you guys enjoyed it no way oh i don't understand that move so i don't know if i could do something amazing but that's the gigi gg buddy if you guys enjoyed that definitely hit the like button subscribe if you want to see more and check out the playlist for a lot of other versus challenges with me and show and play did you buddy
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 151,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9pMF-gkPCeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 10sec (2350 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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