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in this video arpus and I are teaming up against backpro Jack and back bro Adam to catch every single type of Pokemon but it can only be legendaries three two one go and we gotta move let's get it I went as legendary siren okay Adam I'm putting you in charge of the first nine types of legendaries there's normal fire water grass electric ice fighting poison ground flying psychic bug Rock ghost dark dragon steel fairy can you can you recite them back to me water fire poisoned gas fairy Le'Veon Bell uh Charizard and Godzilla close enough all right bro the race is on we got there's a dark ride right here all right I'm knocking off dark okay oh dark I just found I I I got a gallerian mulch race is that darker flying first I don't even know no no there's a Zygarde over here but they're running towards it are they gonna catch it they're just running past it you gotta get it first bro come on get it first this is for sure legendary this big look at snake thingy no Adam got it oh my God gosh dang it dude okay perfect so we need to catch one of each different type of legendary Pokemon if you guys weren't keeping track there are 18 different types of Pokemon so we have a lot of legendaries that we're gonna have to capture today oh okay anything that looks like massive and God like I'm just gonna catch and then I'm gonna figure it out later if it's actually legendary okay my strategy is I just caught this uh this mulch race and it is dark by the way but I'm gonna wait I can't fly on it are you kidding me oh that would have been so smart I gotta do that oh wow there's a Mewtwo there's a Mewtwo there's a Mewtwo nice okay cool no dude Jack's Gonna Get It Go Harpers go here Brian right maybe they already have a psychic type but I am 100 he should have just caught this there we go we're catching me too baby I got it nice dude cool cool cool everything looks pretty cool and awesome to be honest oh no I should have got building blocks I just fell in a hole I fell in a hole you fell in a hole it's a deep hole okay Adam Adam I got the rock Pokemon I got a Regirock can you get a rope and get me out of here um no I just got I I got a restaurant uh that's a dragon It's gotta be I think it's fire it's a q rep that's that's a dragon type let's go let's go all right we already got what like four we have four yeah but it's gonna get harder and harder as we go because we have to we're at the fight specific Pokemon Adam I think I found another one over here it's a Cresselia oh my gosh you're on a roll Kid I know man I'm over here there look at this guy you go capture that thing it looks like a Vortex over here oh my gosh I think it's huge is that a Rayquaza I have no idea it might be an alternatus I've never seen that before but go capture it oh eternity is that poison or Dragon I'm gonna catch it either way because Poison's gonna be hard to do oh Adam I found an ice Pokemon Reggie ice I'm going for it printed come here you little weasel oh what's up dirt boy he shot me no I got my bow I got my bow I'm gonna kill him come here armpits Adam take him out oh I'm sniping him I'm sniping him three I'm gonna die he's literally gonna kill me you're killing him disrespect you like that bro get out of here orifice okay he stole that giant looking snake thing are you kidding me yeah he just got it I was spreading over there why did you let him do it Adam I told you to capture it I for sure see Legendary flying right now I'm going for it and there's one right in front of me I think it's a Groudon oh a Groudon yeah okay that'll be I'm pretty sure fire type I I just got a Zekrom and I got a girl done let's go I don't know what a Zekrom is okay we're gonna have to double check these later on if you guys know of any of the legendaries that we're capturing comment their names down below comment your favorite legendary from today's video flying's gonna be hard I think because um I want to say only tornadoes you're right it's the only primary flying type I don't know how we're supposed to find a tornadoes like that God I think found another one akiram oh I'm gonna double check but yeah this I think is going to be our Steel type yeah that guy's pretty cool I don't think it's a legendary but he might as well capture it Adam I got another one raiku no I can't capture it it's a boss no for real get that that because it's a boss a boss Pokemon for those of you guys that don't know they they can't be captured you can only fight them oh my gosh you see that thing in the sky next to me I gotta get that it just got stuck in the wall oh here's my chance whoa that's the one that I was talking about we can't capture it I'm capturing this flying dude I even know it's probably a dragon oh I found a heat transformed behind is that fire we need fire I feel like it should be fired it is fire yeah you can cross that off the list yes let's go it is nice okay I'm doing that Adam I got big news yeah what's up what's up I got our electric Pokemon let's go that means I'm pretty sure we have six different types right now who'd you get is that this oh Deoxys is over here oh Zapdos no no I got regular oh nice I got a Deoxys over here but I think this is also psychic we don't necessarily need psychic anymore the way I just found a Mesa biome oh that's good saying that biome it's good by him oh raiku there's electric oh let's go that's big I don't think there's that many electric Pokemon stay in the ball here we go okay we got electric type nice okay so the only types we need now are normal water grass fighting ground flying bug Rock ghost and fairy that is a lot wait wait wait wait wait wait here's virusian this should be grass because cabalium is steel yeah there oh Specter let's go there's ghosts oh let's go that's ghost that's huge bro that is so huge let's go baby there's another one right next to you just capture it why not it's not letting me I'm trying it's mine oh wait oh oh it's yours it's mine oh God okay that's embarrassing yeah let's just walk away from that one I'm just gonna move on yeah okay let's just keep going for more Adam I got an amazing strategy do you want to hear the game plan yes okay the game plan track them down kill them I think we had two separate game plans in mind oh yeah steal the Pokemon I like that gay plan as well hey what is this Adam I might have one a Keldeo this might be a legendary I'm pretty sure it is it's literally a Pony is wait is that a type is pony a type no what no it's either water or fighting I'm not really sure what the best strategy here is actually like I don't really know how to do anything differently than what I'm currently doing I know we kind of just got to bank on finding an Arceus or something I'm just gonna go kill Adam I think oh there's a mute we already have psychic yeah just go kill Adam should be fine hi Adam oh oh this siren's got a sword bye Adam he's coming in to kill you I gotta hit it for more great she's coming in die kill him at him please kill him please he's killing me oh my gosh I'm going he's got a sword die ah get up yeah let's go no I'm dead I'm dead he lost everything I didn't realize keep inventories at all let's go oh yeah we have his bow now wait there's a wretching gigas right over here that's normal yes oh that was the perfect assassination let's go perfect timing let's go buddy there we go Reggie gigas oh Adam I think I got another one uh ursifu I think this is a fighting type but we already had a fighting type there's a bird Adam there's a bird I see a bird I see a legendary oh my gosh corbinite it's a trident what it's called a trinid dark it's like a rock but it's like with sand behind it oh yeah but Tyranitar is not even a legendary oh wait what I have 34 but we still need water fighting ground flying bug Rock fairy okay well the list is narrowing so that's not oh I found a 30 years let's go no way okay that is so clutch that is that's like one of the hardest ones yes sir all right we got six more to go only six oh wait we're tearing through this let's go only six more to go we need Reggie Rock that would be very clutch a water type maybe I should go in the ocean and look for Kyogre oh wait yeah yeah I'm right by one I'm right by one maybe just go swim for a little bit and see if coyote responds what about us yeah yeah that's a legendary you did it all right I'm grabbing that going uh Zapdos I'm just gonna I'm gonna capture the Zapdos but it's not gonna matter because I'm pretty sure we already have the regileki which is electricity we got the electric chicken now though does it dance good dance I could dance give me a beat what's up wait that's a Fiona wait wait does that count yeah that counts wait please be a manaphy I think that's a feeling though your way we're counting it I dude I saw its silhouette barely where is it now is it in the water all right it's right here Fiona you can barely see it I just caught it let's go dude let's go that's big down to five then okay that's huge that is so huge I cannot believe I saw that in there by the way I'm never wait that's a galerian Zapdos that's a fighting type right oh I think it is yeah it actually it definitely is let's go please Zapdos come on yes it's fighting let's go dude let's go somewhere you have four left then that's it uh Brown flying bug and rock that's it we can do this we can do this Adam what's your strategy for finding these Pokemon I haven't figured out like a like a solid strategy yet have you ever seen Finding Nemo yeah Nemo gets found just keep swimming so I I never stop moving forward that's my strategy and so far it's not been working I have done nothing for the team okay so every single strategy is not working yeah I'll move for two on strategies I might just cry that's that's not a strategy and then they feel bad for you you can't you can't don't cry don't cry it's not time nor the place and they might feel bad for me and then give me legendaries do I also have to cry yeah no no freaking way that's actually a Regirock oh let's go that's just easy bro I put it down I'm shooting with a bow and see if he like he's moonwalking he's moonwalking I think I feel like bugs shouldn't be that hard either I'm surprised we even found one of those bugs you know what I'm going to spawn I'm not too far from Spawn right now oh Jirachi don't need that of course uh is Riley a legendary not a legendary that was a good try that was a good tribe you almost also got his name right gigolif gigolith I think I caught one of those yeah I uh I have a gig list so maybe ah I think I think it could be stop catching my Pokemon dude we still need a fairy we still need a dark Pokemon we still need I think a bug legendary I don't even know a bug legendary I found another legendary a kobalian oh that sounds cool all right we got our Steel type Pokemon Adam oh my gosh it's gonna take forever legendaries are so flipping rare or Moltres fire type do we have a fire type yet I don't know if we do but we do now Adam we do now do we have a zation no get it see what it is it's pink and it's got a white star in the middle that's that seems like fairy to me let's go that is huge I don't know what other legendaries are ground types yeah I think it's Zygarde oh yes it's here groudon's here let's go dude you're going crazy come on man Thomas Santa Rosa what are you doing Adam you might have to poison yourself yeah I think you're gonna have to poison yourself I have to poison myself am I the poison legendary we're trying to capture it honestly it could help if you poison yourself in real life then maybe the legendary will think that you're worthy and then they'll come to you and then we'll I'll be I'll be hiding in like a bush right like maybe maybe 50 blocks away as soon as it comes out eats you I'll come out and I'll capture it I can just do it in the game why does it have to be in real life I'm pretty sure that it has to be like an actual sacrifice no it does not so what I'm getting from this conversation is that it's a it's like a hard no eggs okay it's a hard no I am back at spawn just waiting for things to spawn whoa oh that's a whale or never mind no that's actually Adam's mom wait is Shaman sky form hold on oh that's an interesting question if it's I mean it's literally sky form It's gotta be flying first right it's grass flying no no way bro that is so brutal this could have been the that would have been insane I know I I was told I totally forgot that's even flying type Adam are really struggling right now to find a couple of these types I know I'm trying to find the bug one if we can get the poison type we might be in in like good shape honestly we might be able to get back and call and say that we won oh my gosh I definitely got a legendary I don't know what it's called though I'm moving in okay good good you see it it's like big and beefy Reggie gas do we need that oh Reggie gigas yeah grab it see what it is check it out this one is for sure normal does that even count oh normal yeah no we need that let's go nice work Adam this ghastly looks so cool there's some kind of texture on it Adam we don't we don't need the gasly we need we need legendaries but oh I got them anyways and they look flipping sick I don't regret it let's see what Jack's up to he's trying to catch a Halloween Charizard what is he doing whoa Alex flying around me on some giant legendary Pokemon oh yeah yeah I'll kill him I punched him in the air we're having a dog fight should I come help do you need backup I don't know if you really can but you can try back up always goes to Adam he's got it he's got it he's got a big he's got a big one oh he's running now he's running away he doesn't want the sauce get me out of here I haven't seen a tornadoes in ages keep your eye out who's talking right now who is that who just joined call keep your eye out oh my God he sounds so hot and Australian and mystical whoa is that did someone else destroying the call I'm so confused who Could That Be come on everybody it's the hamster dance baby sorry I'm going crazy I'm also going crazy I I feel like I don't I'm like ready to give up oh my gosh dinosaur okay thank you getting my ball get there done the dinosaur is not yeah not even worth the master ball at this point do we have a good jump a what is for sure not a legendary I just made up that name yeah no don't okay I'm sure that we do not need it I'm down to 19 master balls so if I run out I'm gone for good I can track you down and I could throw my master balls right in your face I got you oh heck yeah oh yeah let's go what'd you get what'd you get what'd you get that's a good that's a good sound that's a good sound I got my twin I got my twin yeah flexion boy you got that bus full you got that buzz swell yes sir double check it though please just don't it better be bugged if it's not bug I'm not I'm not playing this if it's not it is it is bug okay okay thank god let's go dude let's go which means we only need one left which is flying one more yeah flying let's get it Adam Adam the Ghost Pokemon probably aren't spawning because it's not night time ghosts only come out at night you're like a god at this game just make it night time I did it oh my God wait you actually did it whoa it just flipped in night time what the heck what was that that is kind of spooky bro why is it so dark now I'm scared bro oh my God so Adam you got any ghost stories blade one night there was a man with only one Pokeball left he got surrounded by five grilled Chomps it was nasty brutal he only had one and he threw the Pokeball at the one and he captured it okay and then now he he had a good jump and he used that kind of Chomp and killed the other four maybe it's like sudden death dude maybe they're on their last Pokemon too and they're like all right it's time do they just turn they turned the sun off they deleted the sun it's kind of scary bro should we go into the call with them be like [Music] sure but he was sad because the original color jump was actually Chucky and Chucky turned around and smacked him in the face and he's and he got a slight bruise that we cleared up in the morning Adam I think it's working the ghost I can I can hear the ghost it's me it was me the whole time no guys no Adam I told you ghosts weren't real oh you guys still need a ghost so you're psych it doesn't need to be night time for a ghost to come out no she already have a like two spec triers and I found a Giratina that didn't even catch yeah he's just he's just built different okay bro I'm Gonna Leave call now how did they find the Ghost type I'm not sure I don't even know what to look for I swear dude they did some sort of ritual and they summoned it in for sure they did I can't find any Pokemon I'm flying around out here and everywhere that I look it's just more and more green stuff all right I'm keeping it up bro I got I got the I got faith the team morale is high we're closing this out okay I'm getting tired but I'm not gonna lie like I'm gonna ready for a nap all right please this is a giant open desert if I'm gonna see it spawn it's gonna spawn here come on baby God there are legendaries here there's two groudons that's good luck Hannah kibalian and a Tornadus are you serious are you trolling or no I'm sorry I'm no I'm not trying I'm not trolling I'm not trying it's right here it's running away from me it's running I'm I gotta shoot with the bow and arrow I gotta shoot it with the ball you need to catchy that's that's the last thing that we need please just catch it dude I caught it I caught it I caught it so we're good we did it yes we did it we did it it's all done let's go [Music] hey boy boys hello do you want your books foreign we already found one of our own where I didn't find it arpist found it so I don't know but let's go
Channel: Sirud
Views: 216,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pixelmon, minecraft pixelmon episode 1, minecraft pixelmon ep 1, minecraft pixelmon server, pixelmon server, new pixelmon server, pixelmon, pixelmon mod, pixelmon download, pixelmon update, kid friendly, no swearing, pixelmon episode 1, episode 1, pixelmon season 1 episode 1, pixelmon smp episode 1, 100 days, 100 days survived, 100 days minecraft, 100, days, I spent 100 days, pokemon, pokemon in minecraft
Id: ApOCafy1aho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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