Minecraft Manhunt, But We Can Go To Space...

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this is minecraft manhunt but we can go to space in this video i had our developers create a mod where you can build a spaceship and go to space to explore different planets they created five different planets and put the end portal on the final planet so i basically had to go explore each one to make it to the end and beat the game all while dev is hunting me down so this video is absolutely insane also our developers told me that they hid a custom item on each planet that will help me in some ways so make sure you guys stick around to the end to see all the crazy things in this video and if you guys enjoyed this make sure you leave a like and subscribe or else i will put dev on a spaceship and crash him into your house yeah let's go right into the video oh deb what's up oh no what oh no that was what you posted on twitter oh this skin what about it what does that mean though i i don't know you're the one that picked the skin bro you know what though actually your skin works perfectly for this twist i'm naked um look look look what over there i did an f5 no no actually you gotta look forward bro you're such an idiot i had no way to distract you there take off that astronaut suit you like you're not on space bro you can't like that you can only wear those it's based um okay come here bro oh it's a village let's go let's go of course no blacks but yeah how do you know you can't even see f3 oh what you cheater yes yes yes what the oh oh you did just shoot me i'm not even going i didn't even do that on purpose i mean you just juked the to me i'm not even gonna lie i just got my ankles destroyed oh there's no way oh my what the hell oh my god okay please please hurry hurry watch you knock me so deep you knocked me into the hole yes where are you i hate you anyways i realize i have to craft like four very specific things for me to be able to start this twist so okay specific head all right but anyways do you have any guesses of what the twist is yeah if you're wearing an astronaut suit it's probably rockets or space like i said it's not space though what possibly could it be then if it's not space i don't understand just take a guess like based off i just did bro make a good guess at least rockets then okay bro you're actually so bad at guessing oh my are you at the village why would i be at your village slay me oh nevermind you want to sleep at the village so the night time doesn't come we sleep together okay i'm down so here where are you in this village you're not actually going to attack me promise i promise if you don't attack me oh hey dev why would i oh hey man why would i attack you what do i have to gain from that's the whole purpose of the game okay oh you're bringing it in here okay okay actually don't attack me like seriously i'm ready to strike bro okay go see you can't attack me why would i i just want to i knew it i [Music] knew oh yes oh let's go all right guys i just muted myself but real quick off camera i need basically four blocks of iron one redstone block and a couple other items and i can literally start doing the twist so i just got to get that before dev gets me all right dev i just need 36 more of this item i don't remember asking oh you don't care i might just leave you here i'm sorry all i'm saying is i'm about to go on a trip yeah so it's space no then what is like that doesn't make you're an astronaut it's not space though but i'm about to go oh my god let's go iron i'm getting all the iron i need bro i'm totally not giving you a hint right now i know what it is it has to be something to do with space it's good gas it's not space though got all the iron now you need a redstone and a fire charge and i'm good and glass bro that literally sounds like a rocket what are you talking about i don't get it what you know what you're actually like almost on point it's not space though i'm about to leave i'm about to lose my mind i'm gonna be pulling up with some anti-cure armor what oh you'll find out when i find you what oh my god dude with skeletons hate these things they're so bad i don't know why they just pissed me off so much what no no this is this like this view i had what is the anti-cure armor i really want to know i guess when i pull up on you you'll see what all i need now is a piece of glass and a fire charge and i'm gone wait what you're leaving me so it's space no it's not let's go okay all the iron and dev and the red stone wait i just realized i can craft the fuel right now so it's a rocket like what but it's not space though i'm about to leave one more time okay wait all i need is glass and a fire charge and i'm going wait let me just start collecting this stuff as well from the glass fire charger okay i need that too yeah sure oh oh my god please please let's go i'm actually so excited wait let's see okay put that there this here these here this here oh yo bro i don't know what's happening like look at this thing i can't see it wait let me place it let me place it oh why does it look like that this is crazy dev i think i'm gonna wait for you by the way oh you don't have to bro okay no no no okay i'm kidding what is that oh hey what is that you have the red armor on uh this is my anti-gear armor come here oh okay yeah all right see you later oh yeah um it's not space though the twist it's not space if you don't tell me how to build one this second i'm out what why how am i supposed to compete um you're not gonna tell me you're really not gonna tell me what here the hell oh my god i have freaking low gravity i'm on the freaking moon without me by the way the twist is space yeah that's like the first thing i said in this whole video this is sick so you're still just not gonna tell me how to do this okay nice actually i do feel pretty guilty whoa there's iron blocks um okay fine fine fine i'll send the link i'll send the link to the document finally like thank you bro this is so sick there's like a dome here bro this is sick they're like growing food why do i need so much iron for this by the way dev i have no idea what's on these planets and the yeah there's more than one planet ah awesome oh there's like iron and oars and stuff what the hell is that okay um um dev i think i just killed an astronaut like i don't even know what that means okay there's definitely got to be something in here 100 there's like a big spaceship here a spaceship or a rocket same thing this little gravity is nice though oh i bet it is oh my god what is even up here there's nothing even in here what is this okay kira i'm already starting to make a start now you don't have that much time bro okay i actually got to get going bro they told me there's something to find on each planet and i can't freaking find it does that look like a problem that i have to deal with wait i haven't checked it one second okay it better be okay here we go okay i know i found it now oh what the hell is this hell does this do oh wait this is actually good of course it is let's go okay i think i found it i think i found it all right i'm off to the next one of course you are like okay so pretty much all you need is fire charge and the fuel now pretty much pretty much oh wait chill out wait what how do you have all the iron already where is my spaceship i lost it oh here we go here we go perfect let me clear my inventory first actually since i have so much time what the hell my flint and steel won't work on the moon oh i get it because like science all right dev all right man what's up what are we gonna kiss or something like i actually don't know what the next planet is so this is scary okay well let me think so from the moon wouldn't it go jupiter or is it saturn oh no isn't it uranus let me see oh i think this is jupiter so i was right yeah i think so literally now all i need is a fire charge i think literally i just gotta find out what the heck are these maybe they want okay yeah okay they attack me they attack me they attack me they attack me they attack me but why are they so laggy oh my god i just got attacked by slugs huh why is there slugs on jupiter that's what i'm saying cause like what the oh my god [Music] oh my god no what happened wait why do i have double jump wait what there's this thing it's shooting me what the bro oh i'm so confused holy i think i found like some alien guy he had a gun why wait maybe they'll drop it maybe that's a special thing okay i think i found their base wait this is mars wait this is in jupiter mars is not before jupiter you're so i was kidding before you weren't kidding yeah i was kidding man wait okay wait these guys are actually not even bad like at the game okay he looked at me sounds like the first time we met dude oh my god they're actually hard to kill shields even blocked oh they do they do i'm dead i'm dead yay yay yay these guys are actually good how did he find me oh he dropped in he dropped it okay i'm getting the heck off this planet room portal there's no way yes yes and a silk touch ax and a clock oh my god wait you got a clock yeah how is that helping you because i can tell the time now okay i'm getting the heck out of here no oh my god i have a rocket no wait where's my ship how do i make the fuel again oh no water bucket seed seed seed seed and then oh my yo okay wait how do i go up press space that's it yeah yes my rocket i found it all right i'm on the way i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming no okay i'm getting out of here this is sick okay i'm going to dev see ya how am i just going to end up on a planet it just takes me there i don't understand it literally just you'll see you'll see oh my i'm on the moon i'm on the moon this is the low gravity and everything wait now i can actually understand your vibe let's go okay well i'm about to go to the next one dev so uh what the wait it just spawned me underwater wait under water what is this that's not a planet i know of what are you talking about what the f i was just drowned thank god i had wood what the heck thank you for the warning call me an idiot but does silk touch work on a cake what the hell is that thing what the bro what is this wait you can't touch me in here okay uh can this thing chill all right time to go to the next planet time to go to the next planet okay i'm out of here i'm out of here there's like this giant fish thing okay i'm going back to the service screw this okay i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm not i'm off i'm off oh my god this thing is still chasing me is there no surface to this world what is this this plan is kind of crazy i'm not gonna lie there's like an underwater palace bro i don't know what you're talking about this is a hundred percent jupiter and this is a hundred percent where patrick star lives wait can i kill the wait it's oh my god this thing is so hard to kill why won't it oh the hitbox i found the hitbox yes i killed it oh my god okay thank you okay wait what is this castle thing well it's like seahorses hey guys what's up okay they attack me too no one likes you sorry bro there's another big fish thing all right [Music] these things don't leave me alone oh my god how do i stop them from killing me okay i think i'm good i think i'm good so you're on mars wait hold on i might be on the way to almost leaving mars now i might be trying to find my ship again there it is you might be about to leave mars you know this is actually not good why is there so many oh my god i'm going to jump it's over for me goodbye oh oh i'm getting out of here i'm getting out what is this are you under the water are you in the water world yes i see you wait what i see you i see you oh no oh you know what i'm not going down there i'm good you can have that army of seahorses down there with you these things are gonna kill me this is so bad this is actually so bad what am i supposed to find in this world i don't understand what if i find it before you oh my god wait no i think i found it i think i found it no oh i can't breathe i can't breathe no i swear if you get this first i'm gonna be so mad where is the stuff oh my god oh my god oh my god no dev yes no don't get it oh i'm blocking it off no stop that oh no no no no no no no i can't breathe oh no i'm gonna drown oh my god no yes yes you have to recraft the rocket oh my where's the helmet where's the helmet i just got such a lead what even was that it was like blue armor i have no idea water helmet the way i just risked my life for a water helmet water chest plate water lugging water boots what does this do what do they what does it do it looks cool well why do i have this now this is trash so i risked my life for nothing oh great i'm happy now okay wait at least tell me how many there are so i know they told me there was five and the stronghold is on the last world what you didn't even tell me that why else would i go on these planets i don't know to like have fun and be talking to your friend and just not i don't know okay i don't think you can place this thing under water okay hey man isn't this like saturn or something next planet time here we go all right dev see you later you're not gonna see me ever again after this oh well okay what is this what is it gonna be yo what the i just landed on this world and a freaking tree's walking towards me what is it why is it hitting me a tree i can't even block it why am i floating too bro like you're literally making no sense when you speak what is this planet oh you had so much food by the way i know that there's birds not gonna lie this one actually looks like my favorite plant what is that how do i like get down i just float oh my god i just went up in the air how do i get down i think i lost dev what there's no gravity on this world and i'm kind of in the air just stuck floating what yeah i don't know what to do i don't even know how to get down there so i could stop playing and leave please oh my god okay i can reach this island how do i like get down though oh i kind of went down a bit maybe if i like point and aim oh i flung myself down oh no how am i gonna get back up to my spaceship without overshooting it i'm assuming i have to do something with this thing hello whoa wait what what what what screw this the trees are dead i'm just lasering them that's so mean i hate this planet i don't think you understand now i just need like two more iron and then i can get out of here that's good i want to get off this planet so bad you do not understand pull me in whatever this thing is oh my god this thing is so annoying though i was not expecting this at all this is actually kind of crazy what or this friggin cave just gave me everything i needed like what so crazy oh i killed it that took so freaking long what is this what the ah no what do you do no my surprise attack how did you get here you have pearls come here come here oh my god yeah it's over bro this is so dumb i hate this no this is really bad i'm not even gonna lie to you what is that oh my god i know what it is it's a freaking grappling hook where where uh nowhere where is this where is it i don't know yes i got it wait oh okay i can go wherever i want bite me see ya i still have a few pearls but oh my oh no oh you're so annoying nah i'm not gonna lie this is kind of cool i could just no wait oh you got me it still got me oh my god the reach on this is insane [Music] that actually hurt me why is this fun bro let me i'm not gonna lie i'm getting to the next world before you let me get back to my ship no you can't i'm not allowing you oh you're all your aim is terrible oh my god this is so inaccurate there is how did yours land there mine landed up there that's so i don't know i think it's random let me in is that tree gonna block me is that tree gonna block me oh my god please please please please please yes oh my god i'm dying i'm dying get out you have to get out are you serious yeah are you serious you lost your rocket are you serious did i am i stuck now i think you're stuck am i stuck on this planet don't you dare go to my rocket where's your rocket oh yeah you're oh you're lost i'm dead you're stuck up there how do i die now i don't even have a rocket wait i actually screwed myself so hard wait you're stuck that's what you think all right let me find your ship let me just follow you and find your ship and try to stop you know if you find my ship you can't get down are you sure are you a freaking liar where's your bro my ship is over no no wait yes oh my god i'm leaving i'm out of here bro there's no way you missed that pearl i am absolutely out of here i'm stuck now right i can't leave i'm just floating wait unless you can like get your ship somehow again and break the block wait i gotta get back there just to see if i can find it still wait this is the final planet why is it so dark bro i gotta find this bro i do not like the look of this planet i can't see huh bro i'm just freaking floating like i just need to go the direction of my ship that's it what the find it oh what the um i fell in this black liquid that gave me poison and there's literally holes that just it's like red stuff down what it's literally this that's the void wait i like that what um is this a good thing i didn't make it to that planet why are there so many holes why is his face like that is it just a statue what is this oh my god why does that exist i'm getting off this planet yeah okay yep they chase you they chase you they freaking chase you wait dev shut up shut up what the why are they not moving yo what what okay they only move when you don't look at them i don't know where i'm going but i'm running oh there's my ship okay wait let me let me break the blocks this time let me get rid of the blocks i can't wait for you to make it here dev where do i even go path the heck and there's more of these things okay these aren't even that bad though okay we're good we're good oh there's a okay yeah okay this is definitely where the stronghold is gonna be this is the last planet yeah i'm about to get to the end bro i'm gonna be there though this time you know what i'm not even worried i'm gonna be there chill everyone chill bro how do you go through this without not looking at them stop looking at me stop i'm running i'm booking it i'm booking it i'm booking it i'm booking it i'm booking it where is the freaking stronghold this kind of looks like an entrance wait hold up what the heck is that thing i forgot oh i forgot you got custom items oh my god bro and it's probably the best one too since the last world awesome oh i made the four block i'm saying okay all right dev i just got the death sword five damage okay oh i thought i was worried okay i'm good bro it doesn't even kill these things fast all right i'm just gonna go to the end honestly okay i'm pretty much free from these trees i think okay i'm risking it i'm risking it i'm risking it coming up you're still in that world i totally forgot what thought what the hell is this what are those freaking things what the hell is that face yes i found it that took forever wait i'm actually scared now why am i scared all right see you buddy no oh there's a path where does the path go what is that a castle oh you found the castle oh this is a strong hole bro this grappling hook is amazing oh i don't have any blocks dev i think i found out what the water armor does by the way what yes room look at this look at this look at this ready yes no fall damage i'm here let's go i want to use the death sword on you but i don't really know what it does no you don't actually power all your grass must be fun bro it's actually so fun wait did you not get any custom items no i'll just get some pearls i guess what else can i really do oh hey cure oh you real you're so annoying guess what the sword does by the way what does it do i figured it out i figured it out oh no yes lifesteal lifesteal lifesteal really i have nothing like why is this even a thing what the you did there's a flux on me didn't you like you're just doing this to flex on me at this point and you're just gonna freaking grapple away where are you here where are you hiding all the towers i think i got him down dragon time watch this this is so you like how is that even fun this is so fun for me oh okay i forgot you're better than me though wait hold on wait wait this armor is even good i gotta sweat i thought how are you not dead how are you not dead lucky oh nice okay why is it giving me jump boost oh no wait okay you know what that was perfect what i create you four times in a row take my egg suck head ow awesome oh no how am i gonna clutch you're such an but your life still sword's not gonna help you in this situation you gotta get the dragon not me wait what the freak what oh my god the dragon launched me and i survived oh my god what is that the dragon just saved my life my life still swore did that i right clicked on it i tried to hide my shield i tried to put on my shield and it did that no way you survived that though bro the dragon flinged me it does like damage if you go closer to it nice a man you understand how hard this is to hit oh no no don't you dare [Music] oh my god you fell down i need to realize oh my god i would have been dead you're still gonna die okay wait this sword is actually good wait a minute uh why don't we uh go for round two i hate you bro i really hate you yes you got stuck will the dragon flake me again you have to be low though yeah i'm totally i'm low low man for that grappler has been saving your life oh crap yes your helmet's gone you don't have a helmet yes no way no i'm crawling [Music] do i still have the water bucket clutch effects hopefully not can this enderman i hate him yes this is my chance come here bro come here oh okay i'm going screw this why is the dragon away bro you're so annoying your grappler is literally saving your freaking life it's actually so annoying oh my god what the heck so i don't have the water helmet anymore so i think that that just got rid of everything i took fall damage so i'm making armor oh beautiful beautiful now i have to actually use my water bucket damn it bro just come here and die like we've been doing this for so long because your stupid grappler like piss off with that grappler i don't know what's happening the dragon is still not down like what oh my god you have to be low why is the dragon not coming down like why like why yes i have to like ceiling or else i'm not escaping oh no oh no don't make me death sort it yes come on come on come on you have to be like one shot there's no way that those carrots aren't giving you any regen you have to literally be one shot you're dying it's over acting like i'm not gonna fall you down here [Music] it's not space though
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 794,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute, redstone, VR
Id: XPgIaOfT9ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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