10 Randomized Starter POKEMON... Then We FIGHT!

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hello everyone and welcome in to another challenge versus video my name is chill and play i'm over here in randomized pokemon sword and shield with quick gg how's it going buddy i'm trying to get into the uh grass over here but hop's telling me i can't do it till i get a starter so let's get this video going heck yeah buddy well guys you heard me correctly we are here on completely randomized pokemon sword and shield games which means all the pokemon will be randomized including these starter pokemon now even though they look like their original forms once we take one of these pokemon we'll find out what it actually is and it's going to have a randomized ability and randomized moveset according to type for this video me and quick gg have four different randomized files of pokemon sword each having three starters all we're going to be doing is taking a look at the randomized starter and checking its move set ability and deciding if you want to keep it on the team or skip it we will be taking a look at 10 randomized starters total and like i said you can have a team of six so once we get six pokemon we won't be able to take any more but we do have skips available to use if we get pokemon we don't like once it's all said and done we will gather the teams together put them in pokemon showdown and fight it out buddy boy are you ready for the madness i'm almost ready but there's madness right now with this whole squad following leon like i don't i don't get why everyone loves this guy but but i guess we're gonna follow him too let's go all right buddy hopefully they're not up to anything nefarious let's pick some starters all right guys let's go we got our first set of three randomized starters right here i'm excited team i'm excited this is our first set of randomized starters for sword and shield let's go ahead and take sable and check out see what it's gonna be oh wow fully evolved sobble decent nice dude an italian is actually a pretty good water type really fast uh let's go ahead and check out his moves okay team italian our first randomized starter here ooh holding a ppmax that that doesn't matter for this video we got contrary make stat changes the opposite of the effect oh that could be really good please lick rain dance floor cannon and spikes oh this user unleashes a strong beam the attack recoil harshly lowers the user's special attack no way oh my god guys with our ability that means we're actually going to harshly raise our special attack which is oh this is really good this is actually i mean that is our only special move which is unfortunate but that is really good team we got to take that on the squad we got to plus we got spikes to set up if we want to this is a weird pokemon but we're going to take it just because of that floor cannon it might be really good with the ability contrary all right intelligent welcome to the team that's our first member already all right team time for the second starter score bunny let's go ahead and see what it is for the squad all right we started it off decent let's see if we can get another good one audino ah not too excited about that not too excited about that let's go ahead and check it out i probably will end up skipping this though okay team audino here not too excited about this one let's check it out though it's got iron fist to power punching moves and it doesn't look like we have any we got thunder shock heat crash very wind and tail slap uh i will skip this guys not a very good pokemon and not even that good of moves either so we'll use our first skip here on audino uh let's keep moving third starter on the first file come on grookie what are you gonna be a little buddy gonna be something strong uh look at you adorable hopefully you are actually beefy underneath that disguise let's see that is not beefy that's actually probably i don't know that's better than a grookie but not too strong yeah that's not what we were looking for team oof probably gonna skip this as well okay guys axu here not too happy with that either but we got honey gathered that's bad uh water gun clangerous soul what hex and tickle what the heck tickle come on dude that what is this come on axe you langura's soul raises all stats by using some hp that is actually really weird and interesting but we can't make use that on an xu so we will be skipping it goodbye buddy that is our second skip down the drain already okay team we're here with our second randomized sword file we got three new starters this time let's start on the left let's start with grookie this time hopefully it'll be something decent we only have one pokemon so far we've already used two skips so you only got two skips left come on baby be a big one what swoobat gosh dang it dude what is what are these choices what are these choices okay team here's our swoobat ugh this pokemon is not too good it's fast and that's about it got flame body which oh that could be useful let's see thunder shock hurricane heel pulse and focus punch dang dang all right guys i know this sounds crazy i know this sounds crazy hmm do we want to take this on the team for that burn potential flame body is pretty good dude and we got hurricane which is really good flying move ah this is tough this is tough i don't want to waste all my skips but you know you know what we're going to go crazy we're going to get risky we're actually going to take the swoop out on the team i know i know i know it sounds weird but i want to save my skips dude i feel like we need to and this thing has i mean special attack is its best attack so at least as hurricane for the stab it might confuse and we got flame body which could be useful guys it could be useful we'll take it on the team and we'll just keep looking let's go let's go two pokemon down we still have two skips all right my first set of starters uh you know what my first ever starter i chose was grooky so let's go ahead and see what this will become yeah the grass type groukie that's what we're choosing first come on grooky let's be a good member we got six members to add come on let's go oh okay okay i actually like that a lot magmar magmar's pretty interesting okay let's see what the magmar has got for us it's got water veil it's covered in water which prevents pokemon from getting a burn we're a fire type so that's kind of pointless uh let's see we've got absorb we've got flail we've got shell trap and we've got skill swap this is weird oh this is so weird okay okay well i decided actually guys i'm not gonna be using this magmar uh it's it's only got shell trap which is such a weird it's such a weird move i don't know if i want to deal with that kind of thing i am faster so it would pop off but i mean if i got knocked out before it goes off then i mean it's kind of a wasted turn wasted move yeah i'm not too crazy about the magmar sorry there grooky uh another try in the next life yeah let's see what else we can get all right we started with grookie and already got a skip let's go ahead and just move along the line score bunny you're next let's go ahead and find out score bunny can you be a legend i would love to have a legend on the team right away because i feel like chilling was yelling so much that he's oh okay grim snarl uh you know what this is a really weird pokemon i gotta look up the stats i think it's okay but it usually has a really strange move set all right so grim snarl is a dark and fairy type yes it is okay let's see uh what it has it's got curious medicine as its ability when the pokemon enters a battle it scatters medicine from its shell which removes all stat changes from allies uh that's kind of i guess useful for dude doubles battles but this isn't gonna be doubles battle i don't know how the good that'll be let's see we've got ember we've got flare blitz we've got hone claws and mimic oh my what is this dude what is this all right well that's not the best move set either guys it really isn't but grim snow's got a good attack and maybe a fire move would be good change up you know a good change up on grim snarl um we're just going to keep it i don't want to waste another skip we already used one so we're going to take grim snarl as our first uh pokemon i guess flare blitz will be the only thing we really do maybe home claws to scare them off i don't know but we'll take it because it's it's fully evolved and uh it's decent all right so so far we've only got one decent one from this first group of starters so that means our last one is gonna be great right that means the last one's gonna be a legend right maybe just a great one with a good move set at least right sable you could do it you could do it sobble you look happy you look like a hoot hootch you look like something i really don't want to take saba why why oh man great uh probably gonna skip this thing uh let's see what it has though all right let's see uh let's see what you got for us hoot hoot nice uh seeds very useless okay we've got pastel veil protects pokemon and ally from being poisoned uh that's that's i guess cool for from poison types yeah that's nice uh we got pound we've got splash we've got willow wisp and sacred sword ah man that is not great i honestly okay since we have three more skips we're gonna skip this i'm not even gonna waste my time looking we're skipping it get out of here hoots don't even want you even with that willow wisp all right here we go with round two of the starters grookie you know you let me down last time with a magmar that had terrible moves you know all of you guys had really bad moves so i need all you guys to step it up a little bit okay you know what squirt bunny we took you last time so let's see you be good again all right yeah yeah scratch your belly got the fiery passion well let me see let me see a hot pokemon let me see a good one come on oh my god all right that's not what i wanted to see score bunny not what i wanted let's look at its moves that's a possible skip oh we're getting babies this is looking rough all right nina ran i'm not a fan of this but let's see what you have okay it's got inner focus so it can't get flinched it's got thundershock shell side arm thousand arrows and in prison an actual decent move set you know what since we've already used two skips i really like thousand arrows and shell sidearm i think those are both pretty good moves um plus that stab which is gonna be good oh man this is actually a terrible decision i feel like but i feel like if i if i take this knit iran and i don't have to use any more skips then our team should be pretty decent but if i do skip this and i get something worse coming up oh i don't know if i want you know what i love its moves guys but we're we're skipping this i i can't i can't i can't deal with it skipping nidoran it's another baby we have to get rid of and goodbye nidoran skip number three done oof okay score bunny what are you gonna be today for chill and play squad we need some beef now we we saved our skips in case it gets bad but we need some beef come on there we go absol that's decent that's definitely decent we'll take that that's a decent dark type really fast good physical attacker as well all right absol please have the moves we need come on come on come on filter oh that's really good that's really good reduces the special or reduces the power from super effective attacks taken that's really good we got ember oh encore slash and lash out there we go we got lash out which is really good um if the user stats were lowered during this turn the power is doubled that's heavy and slash is pretty good encore might help us uh that's a decent pokemon we'll take that on the team with that we'll definitely take that on the team welcome in that is three pokemon on the squad so far we got two skips left all right we need three more pokemon and we got two skips so let's check out this randomized sabble all right sable okay luxio not not a lux ray but not that bad not that bad i mean it's decent it's decent we'll check it out see if it's cheesy alright team i only have two skips but i'm probably gonna have to use one right here we got luxio which i looked it up it's actually worse than uh the woobat or the swoobat so yeah probably gonna be using a skip here but we got a steel worker to power up steel type moves we got pound bubble beam shockwave water shuriken yeah those yeah this isn't gonna do team we're skipping this we're skipping this right now goodbye one skip remaining all right guys we have three more starters here oh we only have one skip left and we need three team members let's get some beefies please let's get some beefies score bunny that's who we're checking first let's go let's check it right now right now come on come on big one big one big one oh yes oh yes i've never even seen this dude i've never even seen this it looks like a big dragon and then a little drag i don't know what the heck's going on with this pokemon but it i think it's strong i think it's strong by looking at it that's awesome fist bump score bunny oh yeah okay team i looked up this pokemon it's actually not as good as i thought it was but it is decent and gosh dang it it's got hustle which makes it freaking bad oh my god this pokemon's a physical attacker so that hurts us heavy got poison sting breaking swipe leaf blade and play nice actually really decent moves guys we're gonna have to take this on the team dude i'm not using a skip on this i can't i literally have one skip left and we need three pokemon we're going to take it we're taking this on a team welcome in buddy it's better than alexio it's better than luxio all right welcome to the team hopefully maybe hustle maybe we'll just get lucky and we'll just hit really hard maybe maybe we'll see we'll see okay here we go sable what are you gonna be for me we need some more beefies come on come on let's go we ain't got time for no weak ones we ain't got time for no weak ones there it is hatareen that's actually really really good okay very psychic we will take that for sure okay team we got a hatterine here which i'm actually decently happy to see it's got the ability magician pokemon steals yeah held item oh that would have been cool but no held items uh thundershock again what is that like the third time fourth time sludge uh magic powder rage powder oh well it's not that good guys it's not that good but i don't want to skip it it's fully evolved you know what i'm saying it could be worse we're going to keep that on chill and play squad and that means we got two more randomized pokemon to look at one is gonna be on the team and one is going to be skipped let's go check it out dude this is our fifth team member let's go find our sixth you gotta be tough buddy look at your happy little face come on you gotta be a tough one i don't wanna have to skip you and load up another file actually we're gonna load it up and see what it is no matter what but let's see if this is the final member come on grooty be big yo decent decent okay another psychic type metang oh man this is gonna be tough guys if this doesn't have a decent move set we're gonna have to skip it probably and it's gonna get scary because we might get stuck with a baby oh my god oh my god oh poor score bunny don't worry leon's gonna take care of you buddy okay guys everybody's got choices if you watched this channel before you know that everybody's got choices and we got some tough ones to make team we got a metang here with sand rush not the best ability pound aeroblast thunder wave and iron tail ah man that is not too good that is not too good so i'm gonna go crazy guys i'm gonna go crazy and use my final skip which means we're locked into the 10th random starter which we're about to load up right now guys what is it going to be what is it going to be let's get some guesses in the live chat right now if you're watching this live let's go load it up let's go let's go we're skipping the metang no more skips we're locking in the final choice okay team we got a big choice to make we are on our fourth randomized file of pokemon sword we got three new starters here all randomized this is our final choice we are locked into this pokemon guys this is our 10th choice we got no more skips what are we going to do sable score bunny or grooky what is it going to be team oh i got to go with my gut here and i'm going with the middle fire starter you know i'm charmander gang let's get it score bunny come on you got to do us right pal one more good member one more good memory that's all we need our team isn't amazing but we can we can do our best yo yes yes that's awesome that's awesome team oh yes haters are gonna say it's fake but fist bumps score money fist bump some awesome team we love to see that we needed it heavy heavy pop what are you doing right now we guys we made a good decision to go crazy and lock in the final choice because we got a freaking tornado let's check it out and see what it's got it's got the ability rough skin which is very nice damages the enemy pokemon upon contact we like it come on decent moves water gun uh what fly jungle healing and double kick you know what that's a really good one oh my goodness restoring hp and healing any status condition wow yup you know what this is good enough for me we're taking it on the squad buddy that's the final member i'm gonna go put this team together and take it to showdown i'll see you guys over there all right i've got a single skip remaining and i have five more pokemon to add on to the team this is uh looking really dangerous it's looking really dangerous i'm just gonna let whatever happens happens grooky i'm sorry for earlier i'm sorry about it i hope you know even if you're just a grookie here i'll appreciate you cause i've got barely any skips left just treat me right please please okay okay instead of roar dude this thing looks tough i i i'd have never even used one of these okay okay i'm excited to see what that has that looks really interesting i believe it's uh the gen seven starter litten fully evolved all right so we're probably not going to skip the incineroar i don't know what it has okay it actually has charcoal that's funny uh let's see we've got motor drive so boost speeds that if hit by electro type move instead of taking damage which is cool because we are a fire dart type so electric is totally neutral to us that's kind of cool if he uses some kind of thunderbolt or thunder spam we could just swap in that'd be a nice surprise we've got thunder shock we've got rock polish we've got blast burn and fishes rend this is this is so interesting this is so interesting oh my god wait a second vicious red if i attack first i do double the power plus i got rock polish this is insane this is an insane incendiary yeah we're definitely taking that not wasting our last skip on this welcome aboard buddy all right sable well you know what our team's looking okay right now we've got one skip left sable please don't make it be you please don't make it be you at least make it be squirm bunny come on not the water type okay a far-fetched oh a gallerian farfetch'd i don't know how strong this really is i feel like it's not amazing but if the moveset and uh ability is okay i might actually take it because it's a normal fighting type actually it's just a normal type i was totally wrong about that all right farfetch'd you got to do me right please please it's got the ability dancer so if pokemon uses a dance move it could dance it can use a dance move following it regardless of its speed that is a lot of nonsense to me i don't have i don't know what that means i really don't uh let's go it's got water gun it's got brick break actually brick break is decent charge and acid i actually might take this and not waste my skip on this because it's got brick break that's a stab move and if he puts any screens up that will actually be really good for us too water gun's not great charge isn't good either or acid but you know what brick break is decent let's take the farfetch'd we're doing it we're doing it we're taking it look at it dude it's carrying a big stick we got this okay okay okay guys you guys are giving me three team members and we'll also skip three of you guys so uh you know what today we're gonna start with sabal sable don't make me waste this last skip we have one more skip don't make me use it right now i got three members i need let's see oh no oh my god oh it's sick get away from me get away from me okay a cup chew is not something we're interested in but uh let's see what it's got i don't know if we're gonna be taking this this pokemon's got the ability rattled dark ghost and bug type moves scare the pokemon and boost its spec it speeds that up i don't know i feel about that we got leech life we got toxic we got triple axel and autonomize yeah we're wasting yeah we're using our last skip on this we're using our last skip on this i don't want a sick bear on my team get away i don't care if it's quirky by nature i want it out of my team goodbye kept you now we got to take the next three pokemon we pick so that's gonna be fun okay sabil you let me down uh you let me down grooky grooky looks so happy dude i love this guy he's honestly my favorite starter out of the three just like he's the cutest rookie come on be something great you little adorable ball of love oh kung fu i clicked through it so fast we got a cub foo okay this little kubfu i mean he's adorable he looks a little grumpy honestly um i'm not sure i'm not sure how good this guy even is all right at least it has the ability steam engine uh boost speed if drastically hit by a fire or water type move which you never know if that's gonna happen so that could be kind of cool uh speed's always good and this pokemon's actually got some decent stats so you know it's about as good as farfetch'd maybe it's got moves ember twister vital throw and simple beam i don't god that's a weird move set really weird move set also we're a physical attacker and vital throw goes last that's kind of weird but hey we take a little fighter like that we got two small fighters on the team i just realized that's hilarious kubfu welcome aboard teammate number four we got two more to get okay teammate number five uh score bunny i'm sorry for hating on you so much like that was just a joke you know that was the joke right yeah you're smiling you're laughing like you know that was a joke so treat me treat me right here give me something decent please squirrel bunny what what wait what did you become a demise adele mize is on the party dude what uh okay this is an this is a ghost anchor i don't even know what kind of pokemon this is it looks decent though it looks scary i like it it's going to terrify chill and play thank you for that square bunny let's see what you got let's see what you got on that one though all right delmais teammate number five now let's see what you okay it's actually a ghost grass type that surprised me a little bit it's got guts okay it's got guts that's nice and a big attack stat okay so if we get status it improves our attack stat which could be good we've got lick we've got darkest lariat which is kind of terrifying and that's a physical move that's good we got pedal dance i don't know about that and snore okay weird weird weird move set but you know what we take it because it's scary look it's only got one eye but that's all it needs to see ya all it needs is a little peek all right and this is it the last starter we pick and honestly it's been good guys you know some of you treated me right but grookie rookie hasn't done me well all game so i think uh grooky let's go one more time let's do it buddy the last chance buddy the last chance i can't skip it whatever it is give me something great pal something great a tapu lily i'm all about it i don't know what that is but i'm all about it it looks cool all right so this is the last pokemon and uh it looks decent it looks pretty decent to me tapu lately a psychic fairy type it's got the ability sand rush so it boosts my speed in a sandstorm that would be maybe that could that could happen we'll see that'd be nice we've got lick we've got d fog we've got vine whip and fairy lock that is a garbage moveset that is a very bad oh man this is uh not good uh unless we're i don't know how i don't know what we're gonna do with this we're just gonna scare him with this maybe maybe just vine whip and lick away uh that's gonna be interesting tapu lele the last member of the team let's go ahead and uh let's get this fight going i'm excited hey guys chill and play here before we get into this fight if you guys are enjoying the randomized sword and shield content make sure you subscribe to the channel today a lot of you guys are not subscribing to the channel and it really does help me a lot if you guys hit that button and also drop a like on the video if you are enjoying it and please let us know in the comments guys what randomized video you want to see next with sword and shield now that we have the ability to randomize this game really excited to see what you guys come up with and we would love to put it into a video anyways let's get back to the fight all right team we're back with our randomized starter teams uh i did the best i could i think i mean i think i got the best team i could have gotten out of my options how did you get buddy i think i got the best one i could have gotten out of my options but i just didn't have the best options you know yeah i wish the options were better nothing nothing legendary i could say maybe maybe i don't even know you like that always be like that if you guys are enjoying these randomized sword and shield videos uh don't forget to check out quick gg's channel as well for more videos like this and uh we got a playlist full of challenge versus in the description for both those links if you want to check those out guys let's go i'm clicking the accept let's get it let's get it let's get it yeah wow that team is kind of terrifying a team that's a little scary that's a little scary buddy um all right all right what am i gonna do oh man oh i guess i got choices to make huh oh yeah everybody's got them everybody's got those yeah uh okay i've made my choice now it's time for you to make your choice i'm gonna do uh i'm gonna do me do the best you can buddy grimm oh it's looking grim for you pal oh it's looking grim for me looking grim for me buddy oh no no no no no no no let me see if i can just oh no no no no no no no no i thought you're gonna swap it out you got the flare blitz buddy but i got the flare body buddy i got the flare a body buddy okay well if that means that it does it does let me see something then this means this oh wow really flair oh no sir oh interesting interesting and you're taking damage from what else oh the recoil the recoil okay are you ready to see what this is buddy this is about to blow your mind this is about to blow your mind literally you're going to get you're going to go oh what's going to happen [Music] oh yeah you signed your death warrant buddy you signed your death warrant did i really i'm boosted i'm boosted you're not going to believe what i am you're not going to believe yeah yeah are you sure about that pal you're not going to believe what i am dude what are you what are you i'm stuck and that is a thing that exists that is a thing that exists oh yeah pal oh yeah i didn't you don't know it i didn't think a thing like that could exist contrary to special contrary to popular belief buddy yeah it exists yeah i'm i'm blown away i'm blown away i'm blown away not over yet you know i wouldn't say it's over yet but it's pretty close it might be pretty close to over you know what's going on right now buddy you're going to just you only just go ahead and tell you what's going on what's going on right now because it shouldn't be it shouldn't be going on what's happening go ahead and click buttons while i you said what happened what's happening what's happening okay i got contrary buddy this floor cannon is super strong it's super strong and it's supposed to lower my special by two so it raises my special broken completely completely broken oh my god the second lucky one though we take it yeah i don't have oh i'm out of cannons no i'm out of cannons um i guess i could just do this really quick can i just yeah yeah yeah yeah rain it up rain it okay oh thunder show no no do i gotta shut up do i go i'm just trying to clean you up buddy i'll shut up i got a shot dude i got a shot that's a g no i got a shot it's raining there's no way what do you have on that shot at this no you don't you don't because i got this thunder is terrarian i know that's just tornadoes thorarian um and i got this and you're right not that you're not that fast so this this this is gonna hurt oh let's try this let's try this rock polish whoa stop i got stuff i got plans i got plans and if it works i'll be amazed stop but this shouldn't rough skin rough skin take them down that's going to help me that's going to help me that's going to skin is so rough bro it is buddy touch it try it find out find out let's get into too rough intellion [Music] i don't even see what else your team could do because italians oh that is so wait what else do you have what else do you have that skin is so rough oh you're done for you can't you can't out speed this right oh buddy can you yeah of course i can no stop it stop it no way no way dude what is that what is that no way oh you're not gonna want him i don't think i don't think i can one hit i don't think i can one hit that especially not to five seven five shot against you buddy and that that was a bad move by me lol if you guys enjoyed that video that was a weird one quick gg that was a weird fight uh make sure you guys check out the playlist for more in the description and uh we'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 590,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Randomized Starter POKEMON... Then We FIGHT!, QuickGG, Quickg, Quick, Chilln play, Chilln, Chillns, Chilln pokemon, CHilling play, chillin play, Quik gg, GG, PokemonVS, Pokemon Then We FIGHT, Pokemon Challenge, Pokemon VS Challenge, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield VS, 30 minutes to catch a team in the isle of armor, pokemon egg hatching, Pokemon FIGHT, pokemon battle, Pokemon sword, pokemon competitive battle, random starter pokemon, randomized sword and shield
Id: 7im2dNkfXL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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