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[Music] you [Music] tragedies are commonplace all kinds of diseases people are slipping away economies down people can't get enough pay but as for me all i can say is thank you lord for all you've done for me and if you feel the same way go ahead and drop it in the chat right now what is one thing that god has done for you this week we in the middle of the week in the middle of the day and if you are like me there's been all kinds of things going on but we can still focus on the fact that god is good all the time and all the time god is good you're tuned into the bible study here at eastern star church this is our noonday bible study my name is pastor jay and i'm so excited that you decided to tune in with us today wherever you from wherever you're watching this from go ahead and drop it in the chat right now let us know where you watch it from we're so excited that you are here with us even in the virtual space and i'm excited to share god's word with you today but before we dive into any of that let us go to god in a word of prayer gracious god our father we're so grateful for who you are to us thank you so much for how you continue to bless us how you continue to protect cover us look after us even in the pandemic we can find something to be grateful for and so god we say thank you thank you for all that you've done for us and not just what you've done but for who you are and so we've come today in the middle of the day in the middle of the week to say thank you and to hear a word from you so god i pray that you will open up our hearts and our minds so that we can receive what it is you have for us to receive at a time such as this we love you so much in jesus name that we pray amen amen now we have a song that we want to share it's called i am healed and if you have been healed or if you know somebody who's been healed why don't you just give god praise even now that we are healed in jesus name [Music] got a story to tell about some things that i've been through but i'm here oh i'm i'm here had to wrestle all night long wondering what went wrong but i'm here [Music] oh [Music] free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got a story to tell oh [Music] but i'm here oh i'm here [Music] he says [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] may have some scars [Music] i'm still here [Applause] i am here [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is circumstances [Music] circumstances [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i [Music] [Applause] am here [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] ah [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] i am here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with his stripes i am healed we are healed and we can praise god for the healing power the blessing power the giving power the protective transformative power of jesus christ if you're tuning in wherever you're tuning in from i need for you to drop in the comment section we said it earlier what is one thing that god has done for you this week i know we in the middle of the week we're in the middle of the day in the middle of the week you have stopped all that you've done to come and hear a word from the lord but i just want us to take some time to just be grateful for what god has done we're still in a pandemic people are still losing our lives getting sick economic um issues family issues all that's going on but we can still stay focused on the good that god is doing so what is one thing that god has done for you this week all right dd great in the amen corner what's going on what they talking about in the amen corner man are they in here today or what are they in here we're lighting up and people coming on and logging in and sending up hearts and likes and share ask them to share and tag somebody yeah join the amen corner join the amen corner even now and even as we continue in our series of sermons this month that we've entitled we the church today um i want to focus on again mark 5. we've been in mark 5 the past three weeks here during our noon day bible study and we've been focusing on we the church here at eastern star church started over a hundred years ago in somebody's house and they didn't wait on the church building before they began to tap into what god was doing in that faith community but they did it right at home and so we want to kind of explore this idea of we the church so throughout this month of september we've had people fall out to church okay we've had church in the tombs we've had church we had bedside baptist church all right um and we've had church in the streets and so today we'll be in mark chapter five yet again and we'll begin reading at verse number 21 and we're going to entitle this message church for everybody all right it'll make sense after we read along today mark chapter 5 is where we'll be at and we'll begin reading at verse number 21. i have the new revive standard version of mark chapter 5 verse 21. it says when jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side a great crowd gathered around him and he was by the sea the one of the leaders of the synagogue named jairus came and when he saw him fell at his feet and begged him repeatedly my little daughter is at the point of death come and lay your hands on her so that she may be well and live so he went with him jesus with jairus and a large crowd followed him and pressed in on him now we're going to skip verse 25 through 34 we dealt with that last week but when you drop down to verse number 35 it says while he was still speaking while jesus was still speaking to that woman some people came from the leader's house to say your daughter is dead why trouble the teacher any further but overhearing what they said jesus said to the synagogue leader do not fear only believe he allowed no one to follow him except peter james and john the brother of james and when they came to the house of the synagogue leader he saw a commotion people weeping and wailing loudly when he entered he said to them why do you make commotion and weep the child is not dead but sleeping and when and they laughed at him then he put them all outside and took the child's father and mother and those who were with him and went in where the child was he took her by the hand and said to her talithia com which means little girl get up and immediately there's that word immediately again immediately the girl got up and began to walk about she was 12 years of age at this they were overcome with amazement he strictly ordered them that no one should know of this and told them to give her something to eat man all right so we have jesus okay in the beginning of this story jesus actually in the beginning of mark 5 which we did a couple weeks ago he heals a demon-possessed man then from there he hops in a boat goes across to the sea and he meets a man by the name of jairus a ruler of the synagogue as he's walking with jairus he runs into a woman heals that woman which we dealt with last week then at the end of the story jesus heals a young girl or raises jairus daughter from the dead and so today again we'll deal with this concept of church for everybody church for everybody jairus the ruler of the synagogue has found jesus after he has healed this man that was possessed with evil spirits and the bible says in verse 21 that jesus there was a great crowd that was gathered around him and he was by the sea i love the fact that you know we've been dealing with how jesus has been making impact on people's lives outside of the building outside of the establishment outside of the institution of the faith community of that day here in mark even in chapter three and mark as well whenever jesus was speaking it wasn't just what he said but it was where he said it and sometimes he will find himself preaching on the beach by the sea this is where he could get an opportunity to speak to a multiplicity of people a multiplicity of cultures here he's by the sea and there's a ruler of the synagogue named jay iris and jairus comes as the ruler of the synagogue i mean as a ruler the synagogue he's the leader in that community you know he has prestige he has power he got a little money he's got connections um he's got a job as a ruler of the synagogue but even with all of that the ruler of the synagogue had problems at the house he had problems at his home he had a sick daughter at home even as the ruler of the synagogue even as the leader in that community even as one who had prestige and power and connections he still had problems at home but what i loved most about jairus is that when he had problems in his home he understood where to go to the bible says that he ran to see a man named jesus and he falls at his feet falling at a feet falling at the feet of jesus really is a sign of worshiping jesus it's a sign of honoring jesus it is a sign of praising jesus even in a situation where he's got a sick daughter at the house i love it he is i'm sure he's worried i mean he's worried about his sick daughter i'm sure his wife is worried so he got a sick daughter at the house he's got a worried wife at the house he's the ruler of the synagogue that comes with all kind of precious but even in the midst of all that he found time to worship jesus despite of his worries and i know we in the midst of a pandemic in the midst of a worried season right we got a lot of things that we are worried about but we steal the church and you and i have to find those moments in our life even if it's not in the building he's worshiping jesus at the beach he comes and falls down at his feet and he worships jesus despite of his worries and that is something that we all should learn as followers as believers as christians of those who believe in jesus you know we know that we are growing and maturing in our faith when we can worship despite of our worries see when we were immature in our faith we would come to church and if something was going on in our life we wouldn't say man we wouldn't say hello to our neighbor we couldn't sing along with the choir why because we worry we got a sick child at home we got a worried spouse at the crib we got issues going on in our job and so we allow the worries that we experience to interfere with our worship but here jay iris understands that despite of my worries jesus is still worthy to be praised that's why you know the old folks say god is good all the time and all the time god is good because even in bad situations we still serve a good god who's worthy of our praise i spent too much time on that point of worrying over worshiping over our worries but i wanted to spend some time on the fact that jairus is the ruler of the synagogue he's the ruler of the synagogue all right he has position in the faith community he has position in the faith building he has position and title but he still has problems at his house but here is a man who understood that my first ministry is at home what good is it for me to be the ruler of the synagogue the leader of the community if i can't even leave my own home and so jairus i like to say because we don't know where he came from right like we don't know if he left the house you know and found jesus we don't know if he left work early okay we don't know if he left responsibilities at the job we don't even know if he had pto to even take a day off but he said you know what i ain't worried about none of that i got a sick daughter at the house and i have to find jesus because jesus is the one who can heal my daughter and you know what this man is rule of the synagogue he probably had all he probably tried all kinds of stuff he got all kind of connections but he understood that in order for me to be my best in my job as a leader in the synagogue as a leader in the community as leading people in this faith walk i got to make sure everything is good at the crib so he finds jesus and worships over his worries how you like that dede is that is that a good little intro is that that's a great intro you got a lot of amen uh in the chat as well sister eileen watson says my god is my everything sister nicole stafford said basically letting you know that she's glad you stayed right there about worship over word she said because we need to hear it she also added to that we always have to take our problems to the lord in prayer and then sister ellington she said uh no matter what god i trust you my mama and that's good news because even in our worries we can still find time to worship um and this because again he's not just a leader in a community he's a husband he's a father and in the christian faith we in as far as the scriptures the scriptures point to the fact that we got to take care of our home our home before we try to take care of god's home we got to take care of our house before we try to invest energy and invest our time and our money into god's house god says what are you doing at home because if you ain't if you ain't handling business at home it don't matter what you're doing over here and so i i there's this is bible study okay so i brought some scripture with me to prove my point okay so dede i want you to go sister dede go to first timothy chapter five verse eight and i'm gonna go to first peter chapter three verse seven okay so when you go to first timothy chapter five verse eight and i'm gonna go to first peter chapter three verse seven you got it i got it artists read amen i'm ready listen it's in the bible it says and whoever does not provide for relatives and especially for family members has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever my god the last part read that last part what does it say my mind said and especially for family members has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever wow oh my my my it's in there it's right there i mean it's there at first timothy he says you're worse than an unbeliever now this upcoming sunday we're going to deal with jesus and uh sort of deal with jesus and this debate that he has with the pharisees and the pharisees were getting on jesus because he was breaking tradition and he was challenging rules and he was doing things differently as a millennial he got all these other young millennial fishermen following behind them and the old heads and the pharisees wasn't really fooling with jesus like that because of how his approach to ministry was and so jesus in a public discourse okay this was no sermon this was a conversation in a debate that he was having with the pharisees he calls them he says that y'all are hypocrites and he uses an example he says for example he says you got a mama and a daddy who is asking okay they're asking for support asking for help and you know jesus jesus talked to the pharisees you know that moses says honor your mother and father but when your parents ask you for help you say no mom i can't help you i gotta go to the temple to make a sacrifice i gotta go to worship god i gotta go to make a sacrifice at the temple and you neglect your family to make a sacrifice to god he says you are he says you are breaking god's law to uphold tradition because jesus says you got to take care of your home for this is what the scriptures say you got to take care of your home first and and and even as we are in this i got to give a shout out to my wife right now we talk about taking care of home first yeah i got to give a shout out to my wife her birthday was monday our anniversary is today okay three years in the game i'm still trying to learn how to be a husband and so i'm trying to figure out how come all of my prayers aren't being answered i mean i'm praying to god i'm like god i'm asking for prayers about school about money about church about all this stuff how come my prayers are being answered then the lord said son turn to first peter chapter three verse seven i said all right i'm gonna go he says husbands is it this scripture husbands in the same way show consideration for your wives in your life together paying honor to the woman as the weaker sex since they too are also heirs of the gracious gift of life so that nothing may hinder your prayers it's in there it's in there and we as leaders as ministers as pastors even as the body of christ um we got to make sure that we keep our home as a priority and this is what jay iris does i feel like this is one of the themes that we've been dealing with throughout this month right like this whole idea of making sure that we take care of home peter before he started changing the world with jesus right he asked jesus to go and heal his mother-in-law at the house we got to make sure that before we try to change the world can we at least bring healing and change to our home and so jairus goes and says jesus i got a sick daughter at the house can you come he'll can you come heal her and jesus says sure of course you know i'll come healer and they'll begin to walk and then the bible says that there was a crowd that pressed in on jesus and in that crowd as we talked about last week there was a woman who was there who pushed through the crowd touched the hem of jesus garment and the text insinuates that jesus stops let's stop right here what you got going on over there sister d in the chat uh well first of all they're showing you and uh janelle sister janelle happy birthday and happy anniversary love but then i love this sister winnie reed walker said make it make sense amen and then sister manny warfield said teach the word pastor jay dr townsend said there it is right there doc what you said and then sister ellie richardson said my mind so you got you got some help in the chat today so yeah we appreciate the a-band corner always you know a preacher always appreciates the amen corner and and and here in the text of course we got a family man in jairus who says i'm gonna put my family over my communal responsibilities because my home is my first priority and and we as the church god we have to i guess uh push back on that culture especially in the black church where we have husbands and wives who spend more time in developing the church house in their own home top all right and we at eastern star church we know what it's like to build buildings right we build three buildings for our own selves as an eastern star church we planted three other churches they build buildings now we're building homes and a youth center we build apartments and businesses we know what it's like to build buildings and god is saying the same energy that you're using to build that building make your makes take that same energy at home and to build your your your family and your in your home life and so that's what jairus does but the problem was as he's walking with jesus jesus stops so he he's agreed to heal his daughter yeah all right he's agreed to heal his daughter in verse number 24. then by the time you get to verse 25 it shifts the narrative to a woman who's looking for healing herself after 12 years and then from verse 24 when jesus agrees then when you get to verse 30 the bible says immediately there's that word again that's mark's favorite word jesus stops in the crowd it says who touched me now we dealt with the woman last week her healing we thank god that jesus stops for a woman he's walking with a man stops for a woman right he's walking with a man of high class that's the ruler of the synagogue stops for a woman who's nameless don't even we don't even know her name we we we he's walking with a man uh who has a family here this woman is perhaps single we don't know we have any indication of her of her family situation all we know is she's an outcast she is poor she is sick she is declared unclean by her faith community but in spite of all that jesus stops i love it because this this teaches us the fact that sometimes we have to be self-aware of the fact that we just need to stop some time jesus wasn't so busy that he didn't spend some time just stopping right i mean we use this term immediately throughout mark i told you over 40 times this word immediately it's a sense of urgency but even though he had a sense of urgency when it comes to advancing the kingdom he still stopped for a woman i just want to stop right here to thank god that if jesus can stop for a woman in first century palestine surely jesus can stop for us i know this woman was a reject this woman was outcast this woman was unclean and there have been moments in my life i've had some unclean moments but i thank god that if jesus can stop for a woman surely jesus can stop for me surely jesus can could come and see about my issues and my home and so jesus stops that's the good news that jesus stopped for the woman thank you lord the bad news is that jairus has found himself waiting on god yeah and have you ever been there before my god have you ever found yourself waiting on god have you ever been in the in between stages of life where in in the verse 24 of your life god says it's to happen it shall come to pass i'm giving you this promise but then as you're coming out of your verse 24 trying to get to your healing there's a stoppage there's a pause and jairus founds himself waiting in the in between stages of life where he's literally waiting on jesus to fulfill the promise that he made to him jesus said in verse 24 i'm gonna come here i'm gonna heal your daughter let's go and on the way to the healing jairus found himself in the in between stages of life you ain't got to say amen i mean i've been there before too late we've all been there in between where god has promised you something and you're waiting on it to happen and you're in the in between sages that's where the children of israel found themselves right yeah after god had delivered them out of the hand of pharaoh that miraculous exit through the red sea and and on their way from their deliverance to the promised land they got stuck in the wilderness they were in the in between waiting on god complaining god please take us back to the slavery days we were much better off then complaining to their leader why did you even bring us out of here take us back they didn't know how to handle the in-between stage to the point where they died in the wilderness teach why because they didn't know how to handle the in-between what about david king david anointed as the the next king of israel after god fire saul but saul still had position even though he ain't had a power that's a whole another sermon called the romans and david finds the anointing he gets anointed while he wasn't even invited to his own party and still got anointed and after he got anointed in verse in chapter 16 of of first samuel notice the next thing that he did he didn't go to the palace to to try on his new crown and get fitted for his robe and to make sure that the throne was right no he went back to the pastor and in the in between of him being anointed to his appointment he had to deal with a giant he had to deal with hating brothers he had a deal with an employer that was trying to kill him he had he was running all over the place in caves high now acting crazy that was his in-between stage and every now and again god wants to see how do we handle the in-between how do we handle the the stage between the promise and the manifestation of the promise and jay iris was in a sticky situation he was in a position where he was literally waiting on god to come and fulfill the promise that god made for him yeah and the problem was as he was waiting on god his situation gone from bad to worse to the point where he got some bad news from the house and they said listen brother ruler brother leader your daughter is no longer sick your daughter is dead and now jairus has to decide whether he should give up on god or keep walking with god all because of the waiting room he had to experience i'm gonna take a sip of water before we get to this next one uh do we have any well what they what they talk my name is dude we do it made me think of the thought of um the waiting rooms of life and that the um in between time it can be a mean time you hear me and sister gina nelson asked her amen with taking care of home first yes priority number one uh let's see minister hank mosley says house ain't a home amen and then uh sister rayne mn says use that same energy when you were talking about the man and the woman and how jesus came to uh bless both of them right and then we also have uh let's see sister catherine dilworth po said say it louder for the people in the back row pastor [Laughter] so we got the amends popping off today you got some help sir yeah i feel my help coming thank god and jay iris eventually found his help but he had to deal with the waiting room now notice what happens he got people coming from his crib like yo leave the teacher alone that's the first problem leave the teacher alone yeah because evidently they thought that the teacher and jesus couldn't handle a dead daughter leave the teacher alone but i love what jesus jesus does here in in mark chapter 5 because as they as they come in verse 35 as jesus is still dealing with this woman i mean the woman got healed the woman was able to tell her testimony yeah and the people said your daughter is dead why trouble the teacher any further verse 36 says but overhearing what they said jesus said to the leader of the synagogue here it is do not fear only believe yeah y'all see that that's what it said in my bible i highlighted it because i need it i need to see that sometimes do not fear only believe you're in the waiting room yeah do not fear you're waiting on god doing not fear you're being patient on the promises of god do not fear i know your situation has gone from bad to worse but do not fear only believe yes and verse 36 it says but overhearing some scholars say that that that word overhearing in the greek some translate it to but ignoring what they said okay man i wish i had a where's my oh he says ignoring ignoring what they said jesus told him do not be afraid only believe there are certain people that we got to ignore especially people who try to limit jesus to just a teacher they say listen i know i know that you believe that jesus can handle sickness but do you think that he can deal with death jesus says do not be afraid only believe and i believe that jairus had plenty to go off of when it comes to his belief in his faith i know he was waiting i know he was waiting on god i know he was being patient but even as he was waiting for those few verses he had enough to go off of to believe that jesus can deal with his problem even though it went from bad to worse because even as you and i are waiting on god we can still be watchful for the move of god we can still be open to the word of god yeah we can still view what god is doing even in the waiting rooms of life even if it ain't for us even if god is moving in the life of other people we can still praise god over the fact that if i'm waiting on the promises of god and i see that god is fulfilling promises in the life of other people i can shout even in a waiting room because of what god has done in the life of somebody else and if god has done it for them god can do it for me because god is in the do it for me no wait guys for me business that's it okay god is in the neighborhood somewhere he's in the neighborhood yeah he's coming around down your street around the corner he is he he sent me his e.t.a huh yeah estimated time of variety the god of gps come on here's what i want to get to here's what i want to get to because this is very important he is waiting on jesus as jesus is healing this this woman and jairus have plenty to go off of because of the fact that jesus has healed this woman so jairus daughter is 12 years old this woman has been sick for 12 years jesus stops with jairus so that jairus can see god moving even while he was waiting some of us are so impatient with god so impatient in the waiting room that we can't see god moving because we're saying god you promised me god you brought me thus far you won't leave me god you said that you were gonna do it and god says just be patient with me i'm trying to show you something if if jairus was impatient he would have never seen this woman get her healing and he would have never had anything to go off of when his daughter died that jesus could heal but the very fact that jesus says believe shows me shows us that jay iris had plenty to go off of because when jesus stopped for this woman we don't hear nothing from jairus we don't hear we don't hear utter we don't hear interruption yeah we don't hear like jesus hurry up my daughter's sick jesus i left work to come see you like we don't hear none of that but he stayed patiently and waited and when he waited on jesus he saw that this woman was able to find her healing and if jesus can deal with a 12 year old disease how much more can jesus deal with a 12 year old daughter and he was willing to embrace the weight preached and experienced what god was doing in the life of somebody else so as you're waiting on god to move in your life praise god that somebody else got the promotion praise god that somebody else got married praise god as somebody else birthed the child praise god that somebody else brought their new home praise god that somebody else is on vacation amen i'm praising god with you as i'm waiting on my own i can experience what god can do because i'm seeing god do it in the life of somebody else amen he was willing to see god move yes in that situation not only did he see god move but he heard god speak don't be afraid just believe yeah ignore what those folk are talking about and just believe that's it and when jairus evidently because the the story continues he kept walking with jesus and by the time you get to verse number 37 the bible says that jesus uh told everybody just y'all y'all stay right here and i'm gonna just bring my boys with me i ain't gonna bring all my boys i'm gonna bring a few of them peter john and john and he brings of course jay iris but here's what here's what jesus is is trying to teach us in this is that whenever you and i are going deeper with god and walking towards what god is doing every now and again the crowd will dwindle down every now and again god will begin to make cuts every now and again god will have to remove you from certain crowds especially the crowds that's telling you not to mess with jesus yeah hey i don't want no homies in my crew that's telling me not to mess with jesus i mean i mean the the least you got to do the least you got to be to hang with me is somebody who believes in jesus i mean i mean you i mean you can't be unequally yoked with unbeliever that's not just not in marriage that's in friendship with any relationship that's right and jesus says i'm gonna have to dwindle your crowd because i'm about to show you something that not everybody is fit to see you got to go through that friend list and just start in real life and on facebook just start cutting that's that's good professor jay um sister katrina owens says thank you as i am in between but the same god who covered walked and delivered me from the valley of the shadow of death to give me purpose in my pain is and will deliver again she said hashtag faith over fear that's it that's what jesus told him faith over fear do you have enough faith to conquer the fear listen to harris i know your situation has gone from bad to worse but i've shown you that i can heal i've showed you that i can deliver and set free and so jairus keeps walking but here's what i want to show you people to god here's what i want to show you in verse number 21 the text says a great crowd gathered around jesus in verse 24 it says and a large crowd followed him and pressed in on him yo jesus was a lo he was a celebrity everywhere he went was a large crowd yeah but every now and again jesus says that i know everybody ain't here because they want to get more of me they're here just to see what i can do for them and so notice what he does by the time you get to verse number 37 we've seen a large crowd in verse 21 we've seen a large crowd in verse 24 but by the time you get to verse 37 he's only got three other people with him and then when they get to the leader of the house when they get to the house of the leader of the city god the bible says jesus saw commotion yeah and they and they say why y'all in here crying this girl ain't dead this girl sleep and they started laughing at him and then notice what jesus does again he puts people out he put people out of somebody else's house because when you invite jesus into your home you got to you got to give up control jesus now has control and if jesus has control not everybody can stay in here you jesus you have power to put out anybody you want to put out in my home i love jesus man he's so dope baby like he's just he's really he just ruthless rhythm like yeah you know like he didn't he didn't pray for the people he didn't invite the people to church he didn't say i'ma give you another chance i promise you she's not there she sleep he said no i'm putting you out because oh here oh it's good make it plain because i have to raise a child and i can't just raise my child around anybody there's certain people i gotta put out so he dwindles the crowd all the way down all those people that was around him he wanted it down oh to jay iris come on to j.r his wife yeah to a few preachers and jesus that's it and he goes into the house and he and the text says that he had to cut some people in order to heal his daughter listen now i'm not the most athletic person okay i know what it's like to be cut okay i've tried out for teams a lot in my life and so i know what it's like to be cut because evidently the coaches says man i've only got a few people that can make up my team and you don't fit the priority you're you're not qualified to make the team and so i got to cut you i know it's going to hurt you but it is going to hurt me but it's for the betterment of the team i got to cut you make it plain and so some of us some of us need some tryouts in our life we we need to try out some friends and creatures we've tried out some relationships we've gone on dates and all of that and at the end of every tryout yeah i don't care if it's a one tryout or three days worth however long it is at the end of it there's a list of people who made it and if your name ain't on the list i'm sorry but you can't i mean you can't be a part of the team you don't have access to the locker room no more you don't have access to the coach no more you ain't got access to the gym no more i am cutting you because i want my team to be successful and just like that y'all in in our lives there are some people that we have to cut there's some there's there's there's a new ministry now that we're in the digital space called the block ministry and every now and again you got to block some people in your life in order for you to experience the power of jesus and that's what jesus does right i mean it's almost like what happened in judges chapter seven we ain't got time to read it but i want you to go back and read it today you go back and read judges chapter seven you see a man named gideon that that god called randomly and he said i want you to go and battle the enemy and so gideon he prepared he caught all the people that he knew they could fight bro had 30 000 people jesus god said no that's too many he do to the down to twenty thousand god said no there's still too many then god did it all the way down to 300 and it was gideon and 300 people that were able to fight and get the victory because god made some cuts on his team who was god trying to cut on your team because god is trying to take you from faith to faith from glory to glory to one victory to the next and there are certain players oh my god there's certain players on the team that need to be cut before god can take you to the next level and that's what jesus does and the text says that jesus goes into the house okay and grabs hold of the daughter touches the daughter he gets in touch with the daughter and tells the daughter little girl get up man i wish i had some time to really deal with that because it's like jesus we tried this before like we've we tried to get our our girl to get up all she does is stay in her room okay all she does is stay in her bed oh she's sick she's depressed she's dead there's no life in her there's no dreams in there there's no hope in her there's no desire to be better she's dead talk sir and jesus enters the room of this child as she walks up to the bed that represents her death her demise her destruction but jesus walks up and says girl get up and the little girl gets up yes and the bible says in verse 42 immediately there's that word again she begins to walk about she was 12 years of age wow and then in verse 43 it says jesus told him he strictly ordered them that no one should know of this and told them to give her something to eat now i was about to call this message children's church from home but that's for like a youth sunday or something like that i don't know but here's what i hear here's the good news like there was no youth sunday there was no women's day that's good there was no man's day that's good in the same narrative in the same story in the same moment jesus was able to handle everybody's issues and this is what we as the body of christ must be able to accomplish even as we are seeking to do ministry in a new space in a new way it's the same ministry but i got to deliver it in a way that can touch everybody not just the millennials but the singer saints not just the the gen x but the gen z man all these letters we got to be able to reach everybody from a to z and that's what the church does it's a church for everybody that's what jesus does and he tells here's what i love about it though he tells the parents of the little girl give her something to eat but before i dive into that really quick notice what notice what these parents do because they are trying to raise a dead girl in their home and in their attempt of trying to raise a child in their home they collaborated with jesus and some preachers yeah it was a collective effort to help raise this child witness because the church can't say it's all on the parents and the parents can't say it's all on the church or it's all on the school or it's all on the mentors and no it's a collective effort it's a collaboration y'all they literally had jesus in there it was jesus the parents and the preachers yeah and they literally jumped this girl to raise her up okay they literally triple teamed this girl so that she can have the power to raise up again and this is what we need in a time such as this it's a year and a half our children have been disconnected uh from their way of life and it's affected them on different levels and we as parents we as preachers we as the church as the village have to do a good job of coming alongside each other and collaborating on raising our children so that they can walk into their destiny and jesus says here's how you keep this child alive he says it right there in verse 43 give her something to eat yeah okay another thing i really love this i really love this part before i get into the food piece is that no one should know about this it's family business that there's some things that god does you know in our families that nobody else is going to know about there are certain things that god has done in my family that china ain't going to hear about but i can praise god even and private over what god did in my private life for my family and jesus says here it is here is how you keep this girl alive give her something to eat we gotta go back to work give her something to eat why because this girl needs some substance to stay alive yeah this girl needs something internally that will keep her alive that will keep her energized that will keep her inspired she's 12 years old she's too young to not have anything of substance in her and so jesus challenges the parents to give her something to eat and this is what i want to challenge not just the parents but the community yeah the church let's give our children something i'm just talking about food physical food yes they need some substance they need some something spiritual here it is they need something on the inside of them that can keep them alive so that god can do the miraculous in their life because the church is for everybody we see jesus dealing with a man who's possessed with a demon and it's all in the same chapter then he deals with a father and a husband then he deals with a woman who's been rejected and outcasted then he deals with a little girl everybody he deals with a man of high class yes he deals with a woman of low class and he deals with a girl of no class why because jesus is for everybody and we as the body of christ must express that same mission amen amen amen let's close in in the a man corner what we got what we got going over there so over here we have sister bridget townsend she said god who do you want on my team she said lord jesus this is good and then we have sister conley edward she said midday manna thanks for feeding me in this wilderness needed this on today my mama praise god let's close in a word of prayer dear heavenly father we're so grateful for the power of your word thank you for the power of community that even when we can't come together we can still gather together and experience your power your spirit and your love thank you for the praise and worship that have gone forth that reminded us that we are healed that despite of our scars in spite of our pain you've healed us and we're grateful for that thank you for the power of your word that we could find regardless of how old we are regardless of the background we come from regardless of the experiences that we've had we all can find what we need in jesus christ and god i pray that you will help us to be the church that can express that that when people come from all ages from all genders from all backgrounds when they come to experience you they could find your love here as the body of christ god forgive us when we put our work life or the church life or our community life over what's going on in our homes and god we pray that you will empower us give us a spirit to be the spouses that we need the parents that we need the grandparents the aunties the uncles that we need to come alongside our children to double team triple team them uh to collaborate in order to raise them up and give them something of substance so they can walk into their destiny thank you so much for the miracles that you continue to show in our lives thank you so much for the healing that you do thank you so much for even while we're in the waiting rooms of life we can still experience your spirit and your power even through the lives of other people a matter of fact god we praise god not for what you've done for us during this time in this pandemic well we praise god for what you have done in the life of other people god thank you for how you continue to make a way thank you for having a team to lead and love it is in jesus name we pray amen amen all right now it is time for the offering but before we do that the offering i want to extend the invitation to discipleship okay there may be somebody who's tuning in right now and you need jesus you need a church home you need a place where you could grow and develop as a child of god even at home you can worship from home we talked about it this past sunday bedtime baptist you can experience the power of jesus christ wherever you are and so if you need jesus if you need a church home why don't you email us right now at membership eastern startchurch.org we've got some people awaiting your email to show you how you cannot just be a member of a church but how you can be a christian a believer one who believes in jesus christ as easy as abc admit that you need god believe that jesus died on the cross that god raided him from the dead and confess the hope in christ you are saved amen so go ahead and email us right now membership at eastern starchurch.org now it's time for the offering praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord amen amen we're going to give as the lord has prospered us to give amen and so there are three ways that you can give here at the eastern star church as we seek to be a mobile ministry you can give you can text to give four five seven seven seven and enter esc in the message field or you can give through the you know the mailing system cash check coins eastern star church 5750 east 30th street indianapolis indiana 462 a or you can give online at eastern startchurch.org click the give tab there on that website or you can give all three ways and the lord will continue to open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing thank you so much for your generosity you're giving your support to this ministry uh um the bible says to give your tithe into the storehouse um and but we are grateful that you are being obedient through the eastern star church as we seek to advance god's kingdom on this earth let's give a shout out to our pastor and our lady sharon as they're on sabbatical wherever they are in the mountains with god okay we pray that while we're at the bottom of the mountain that we can't be on our best behavior we don't want to be like aaron okay down here just worshiping idols we want to wait patiently on our pastor to come back as he hears uh god speaking to him amen and then of course um i got to give a shout out to my mama because our birthday is coming up in september this sunday okay so shout out to you mama i know you're watching thank you happy happy birthday uh for your support and your prayers over through the years and we praise god for you as our first lady here at the eastern star church amen amen send up the hearts y'all send them up send them up also we want to remind you that we are in the midst of a 5k challenge if you haven't you know joined the challenge yet it's okay all right put your shoes on go outside and walk it out get your 5k on we got a 5k challenge you can find a group on facebook right now we got a bunch of people in that group just encouraging each other to get active stay active and healthy all right as we continue to walk with jesus we got to make sure that we treat our body as a temple right right and of course uh this month begins our upper room speaker series okay next thursday i believe next thursday september 23rd we got dr dominique robinson coming through the zoom room okay amazing uh coming through the zoom room she is uh the founder of i homiletic and so she's gonna come and talk about what that means for the body of christ as we seek to do church differently okay um so we wanna make sure that you join us online on that night september 23rd is going to be so much fun um it's going to be very inspiring and encouraging okay so make sure you register for that yes make sure you jump on the social media pages for eastern star church facebook and our instagram page and you'll be able to find the link there to register for next thursday it'll be up um i think tonight or tomorrow so just check there and you'll be able to register for the upper we praise god for the upper room the upper room baptist church and we praise god for noonday baptist church thank you so much for tuning in today um before we get out of here i want to leave you with the benediction may the lord god be with you may the lord's face shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the lord turn his countenance towards you and grant you peace and i pray that regardless of people talking crazy in your life you make some cuts and keep walking with jesus and i pray that this will happen today tomorrow and forevermore in jesus name amen amen god bless you see you all sunday all right love you family you
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 685
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ESC, Bible Study, Noonday, Indianapolis Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 9sec (3609 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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