Dr. Lance Watson - “Walk It Out” - The Saint Paul’s Baptist Church – 09/26/2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from saint paul's baptist church here's the scoop join us sunday october 10th as we celebrate our 36th pastor and people anniversary we give praise to god for the love and leadership of our senior pastor dr lance watson and our first lady rose watson for 36 years through progress and pandemic with prayer and patience god has used them to bless us hebrews 13 7 instructs us to appreciate your pastoral leaders who gave you the word of god we invite you to join us in appreciating our senior pastor by giving a gift of 36 dollars in love and appreciation starting today throughout the month of october thank you for your support of our script program since 2012 our script program has contributed more than 167 thousand dollars toward our emergency assistance program through our community foundation as a result of your participation to join download the raise right app from your app store sign up and start purchasing script cards from your favorite retailers there are no fees but every time you purchase a script card retailers contribute to our emergency assistance program to help people in need download the raise right app today to purchase your cards directly call 804-463-2466 connect with us for one-on-one prayer or counseling at any time during our sunday morning worship experience we'd love to talk with you join us in our virtual prayer room at myspbc.info prayer room every member has a mission take the next step towards yours today don't know where to start let us help you on your journey by taking a 10-minute assessment to learn and understand your gifts for your mission develop your gifts through our online boot camp training and celebrate completed missions and find new ones lead connect and serve to build relationships within your team this is how we win when you serve take the next step towards your mission today learn more at myspbc.info myfit join us this fall at the bridge for our crash course in christianity in this series we will walk through the book of ephesians written by the apostle paul as a circular letter for young churches in asia minor ephesians covers the basics of our faith god's plans in jesus christ for humanity the essence of the gospel relationships inside the church living for christ in the world today spiritual conflict prayer and so much more join us for a crash course starting september 2nd at 11am and 7pm spread the word hashtag crash2021 thank you for your time and attention this has been the scoop hello saint paul's family my name is sharon matthews fortune and i am a licensed mental health and substance abuse therapist and private practice here in richmond i want to share with you today a little tool that you can take with you wherever you go now this tool is going to help you to regulate your emotions and manage your stress level i'm going to call it scaling a scale of 1 to 10 one being low and 10 being high now if you're the type of person who reacts to people situations and things and you're always up on 10 you are overreacting and using way too much energy you need to scale it down if you find yourself on the lower end of the scale one to two you possibly are under reacting and i guarantee you that's going to keep you up at night wondering what you should have said would have said or could have done differently so use the scale intentionally to either scale up or scale down and determine how much energy you are going to give to people situations and things and as pastor watson says your future self will thank you for it come on st paul's look at your neighbor said neighbor there will be glory come on i can't hear you say there'll be glory after this [Music] come on pop your hands hey come on bracing there will be glory there will be glory there will be victory [Music] [Music] there will be victory [Music] we'll turn it around [Applause] [Music] come on encourage your neighbor said god [Music] [Music] [Applause] so don't give up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] victory [Music] is [Music] there will be a place [Music] there will be a place [Music] it's gonna be after this [Music] there's gonna be a testimony [Music] there's is be more [Music] [Music] there's gonna be [Music] victory [Music] [Music] if you believe it make some noise for victory [Music] [Music] have this in mind among yourselves which is yours in christ jesus who though he was in the form of god did not count equality with god a thing to be grasped but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of humanity and being found in human form he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross therefore my beloved god has highly exalted him and bestowed him the name that is above every name so that at the very name of jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god good morning saint paul's baptist church everywhere i am reverend lance watson jr the aspire life stage pastor and dedicated servant to the 30-somethings in our church family i welcome you to this blessed sunday morning worship service let us pray precious and eternal god author and finisher of our faith thank you for you have promised us that where two or three are gathered in your name you are there in the midst we are grateful that you keep your word for you are the word and the creator of integrity itself lord we welcome you amongst us today and celebrate the gift of life that you have sustained in each of us as you have opened the door to salvation we ask that you continue your great works open our ears that we may hear your voice open minds that we may receive your wisdom spirits that we may know your guidance and hearts that we may receive your wonderful love we ask all this in the name held in veneration and honor above every name in the name of jesus christ we pray amen in grace and peace i greet you and i welcome you st paul's baptist church family visitors and friends my name again is reverend lance watson jr and on behalf of our chief dreamer and senior pastor dr lance watson and first lady rose watson we are excited that you've decided to join us for worship at saint paul's everywhere we are a church for people on the ground communicating the positive power of jesus christ in every generation and out of all the places out of all the pages all the websites that you could have visited virtually and attended this morning we are glad that you stopped by here listen what christ left us was community and by virtue of this marvelous gift we want to get connected to you and stay connected to you there are a number of ways that you can engage us if you're brand new you can simply go right now and text the word new n-e-w to 804-643-4769 and let us welcome you you can also connect with us using our official church app by that's compatible on every smartphone any one of them you got simply text us at myspbcapp or app at 779 and download it today i love it and i'm sure that you will too one last thing our fellowship does not have to be passively watching just sitting back and letting the video and the live stream run even if you're catching this on a monday or tuesday night and you're catching up because you missed it on sunday we want to encourage you to comment and to share on any and every platform that you may engage us and join us from greet others in the chat space post your life stage color emoji and represent your generation simply put let us know that you are with us in virtual space today as you matter to god you greatly matter to us we're looking forward to worshiping with you but we certainly cannot worship for you get ready for a word from god be blessed i'm reminded of a story in the bible a story in the bible where there was a man who sat by the wayside and he cried jesus the more he cried the more they told him to be quiet and he cried even louder i believe that he realized there's power when you call on the name of jesus we've been through a lot in this last year but still the name of jesus still has power glory to god so we've come to call on the name of jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] something happens when i call you jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus something happened [Music] she's [Music] [Music] cheers [Music] baby cheese [Music] [Music] all things got to change [Music] she's [Music] [Music] why are is fixing jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] me [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] jesus [Music] while we can trust you more and more [Music] what a joy a privilege and an honor it is to be able to share the word of god with you as you know we are in a new series of messages entitled plot twists where we're discovering the goodness of god showing up in places and spaces we did not expect today i want to invite you to travel with me to the textual territory of genesis 5 and i'd like to read in your hearing verses 21-24 let's listen together for a word from god when ena had lived 65 years he became the father of methuselah after he became the father of methuselah ena walked faithfully with god 300 years and had other sons and daughters all together ena lived a total of 365 years enough walked faithfully with god then he was no more for the lord took him the word of god for the people of god all praise be to god and i want to tag this text with the title walk it out act like you dj unk for a moment and type that in the chat space if you will walk it out the 1964 philadelphia phillies will always be known as the team that suffered one of the great collapses in sports history they let a huge division lead slip away by losing 10 games in a row at the end of the season despite the collapse the philly season had its share of memorable moments including a perfect game and a ninth-inning home run by one of their players to win the all-star game however the most remarkable moment of the entire season occurred after a game not during it clay del rimple was asked to assist a blind girl who had requested a chance to walk out onto the field dalrymple took the girl to home plate where she reached down and felt the plate then they walked to first base second base third base before ending up at home plate again while del rimpo was showing the girl around the bases he never noticed that the fans remaining in the stadium had stopped to watch him and his blind companion he assumed that the silence in the stands meant fans had gone home but when the two of them finally reached home plate the entire ballpark the people remaining erupted into an ovation del rimple was shocked by the screams and hollers and hoots and applause however when he looked up he saw thousands of fans who were joined together in a singular ovation later he told a sports illustrated reporter it was the biggest ovation i have ever received in my entire career and i got it for walking with her in a similar manner my friends the man who occupies home plate in our text today received a standing ovation as well and he got it for walking with god aena walked faithfully with god and then he was no more because god took him away the life of enoch both intrigues me and inspires me small is the chronicle that captures the details of his life experience his entire story is described depicted in detail in only 145 words 51 in the old testament and 94 in the new three passages paint the petite picture of his life journey genesis 5 hebrews 11 and jude 14. however even given the minuscule biography that we have for him we can surmise that while earthly knowledge of him was scanned eternal knowledge of him was significant and who would you like to be known by most earth or eternity dr w h griffin thomas wrote the witness of enoch is given to us as an oasis in the chapter he is one of only two men recorded about whom it was said they walked with god ina's legacy is brilliantly broadcast into the narrative of both testaments because his faith had walking papers don't miss that he walked it out many people possess a faith that has talking points but each of us could benefit from a faith that has walking papers did you get that what does it look like when we walk our faith you're asking the right questions because first it looks like devotion everybody say and type devotion the name ena means devoted or dedicated in the space of only six verses the biography is built and what a biography to behold it depicts a man whose life was marked by devotion dedication and discipline a man who met merged and moved with the eternal ena was devoted devotion i contend is the basis of confidence joy commitment enthusiasm compassion and creativity and note his devotion was discernible by his decision about direction in a walk with god it does not say god walk with ena but in a walk with god to walk with someone requires that you first decide on the issue of leadership let me say it differently who gets to decide where we're going don't miss this the direction of his walk was determined by divinity let me say it a little bit differently the prerequisite for walking with god is our consent about direction it is god's prerogative to lead it is our preference to follow let me raise it in the rhetorical is god setting your direction or are you trying to give god directions i am admittedly a dog lover maybe this will help you to see what i'm saying at one point in my life i had four dogs at one time jerry zoe rusty and milo all of them had the same challenges initially they had to be taught how to walk with me as puppies their orientation was off they followed their nose they were attracted to whatever happened that interests them in the moment and because they were oriented to the situation and not to me they would end up often tied up in their own leash please see what i'm saying they would pull and tug in the direction they wanted to go regardless of where i was trying to take them but as they grew as they matured as they spent more and more time with me they gradually learned to focus more on me than they were on their surroundings and as a result they are now at the point where they don't even require a leash because when i go they go when i stop they stop when i turn right they turn right when i say go they go when i say wait they wait and somebody can see where i'm going with this because if you're going to walk with god you have to agree to go where god is leading you amos chapter 3 verse 3 asks do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so that great preacher of yesterday g campbell morgan said walking with god means that we are going in the same direction that god is going that prolific author henry blackaby in his book suggested that our prayer should be god show me where you're working and give me the courage to join you there ina had made a decision about his direction there was no expectation on his part that god would go where he wanted and do as he willed rather he had decided to go where god wanted and do as god will scroll through the scripture with me quickly because the sequence of scripture specifies several aspects of this idea of walking with god genesis 17 1 the lord appeared to abraham and said i am god almighty walk before me and be blameless we are to walk before god not ahead of god but before god meaning in the light of god's presence god's person and god's power in our lives genesis 6 9 noah was a just man and perfect in his generation and noah walk with god we are to walk with god meaning commune with god commute with god and be consecrated by god deuteronomy 13 4 we are to walk after god which speaks of our commitment to follow as god leads go where god guides and do what god directs please grab hold of this inna's decision about direction impacted the duration of his walk with god alan ross said walking with god is a step above mere commonplace living ina's walk with god was an escalator that took him above the status quo and the mundane he was living daily on a higher level listen daily devotion is better than yearly resolution somebody got it somebody didn't that daily devotion will extend duration genesis 5 21 ena lived 65 years and begot methuselah in a walk with god after he begat methuselah 300 years did you see that if we interpret this text literally in a walk with god for 300 years that's 109 000 days that's 2 million 628 000 hours that's 157 million 680 000 minutes of faithful fellowship and constant companionship but however we interpret that literally or figuratively the text is telegraphed to teach us that the direction of his life extended the duration of his life the genealogy of genesis 5 details the delivery of ena's descendants he was 65 when his son methuselah was born methuselah as an expression of god's grace goodness and mercy lived longer than any other person and recorded in sacred text 969 years length of life cannot be determined by you and me but quality of life can did you get that that the quality of our lives is directly related to the decisions of our lives that first we make our decisions then our decisions make us and i decided to walk with god and continue to do so for years you know it is not unusual to hear about a person who commences a walk with god but it is unusual to hear about a person who continues to walk with god the older i get the more respect i have for people who can continue could i get 51 of you to just type continue because far too many people are like shooting stars they begin in a blaze of glory but soon fizzle out it's not whether you can start but can you stay because spiritual life is not a moment it's a marathon not a flash but a fight not a test of speed but a test of endurance don't fizzle before you finish his devotion was discernible by his decision about direction and his definition of definite someone asked them president abraham lincoln to appoint a day of fasting and prayer so that god might be on their side to which lincoln classically responded we don't need to bother with that god is on the right side and all we need to do is make sure we're on the right side with him i need 51 of you to type get with god on the right side as w.e daniels once wrote it is ours to walk with god and let the world walk however it will ena had defined what was definite in his life he was clear about what and in whom he believed the writer of hebrews 11 adds this detail to hina's drama he was commended as one who pleased god that's hebrews 11 5 then immediately in verse 6 we are instructed that without faith it is impossible to please god because anybody who comes to god must first believe that god exists god is personal and therefore knowable and that god rewards those who honestly seek god god is reachable and god is responsive in order for god to be pleased with the life of enoch faith and faithfulness to god's revealed way will and word were required that preacher r kent hughes wrote god is pleased with those who wholly believe what his word says is true about it ana believed that god was what and who god said god was do you ena had no written record of which we know but we do we not only have our personal experience with god but we have the affidavit of scripture the witness of tradition the testimony of the faithful across millennial all of which teach tell and testify to the truth of who god is and that god is who god says god is even though enoch did not have the word of god he had a word from god and it was to that word that he held concerning the reality of the almighty he was convinced that god was who he said he was he believed as the writer of hebrews would later proclaim that god was a rewarder of those that diligently seek god that god would make crooked places straight and rough places plain can i remind somebody listening to me now that god is everything god has revealed god's self to be and more everybody say more we know all we can comprehend but god is never limited by our comprehension we articulate all we can explain but god is never limited by our explanation scripture communicates revelation about the person of god the promises of god the presence of god the protection of god the preeminence of god the provision of god but god is greater than scripture i believe the bible but god is not bound by a book if all the written texts we possess were destroyed god would still be god and god would still be good because of who ena believed look at how ana behave because what you believe can always be determined by how you behave y'all miss that during this season of pandemic what you believe determines how you behave whose report do you believe that was the question of the prophet isaiah in isaiah 53 what and who you believe determines what and how you behave this is an issue of utmost importance because if you believe the wrong person or believe the wrong thing it can literally cost you your life is the source of your belief credible just because something is on the internet doesn't make it true somebody better hear me today just because something sounds right doesn't make it right we behave what we believe step into the new testament where jude 14 targets the time of ena as one marked by injustice inequity brutality defiance grumbling fault finding and self-serving self-interest that's new testament but rewind to the old genesis 6 comments that community have been corrupted to the extent that even their thoughts were perpetually tainted these were the moments through which ena moved the period preceding the great flood that he's described as desperate dysfunctional and deviant and yet in a threatening time what is he doing walking with god he's living right in the midst of wrong and that's the call on our lives even now in the midst of darkness we are let our light shine in the midst of distress and depression we are to let the joy of the lord be our strength in the midst of disappointment and despair we are to point people to the nail scarred hands extended across the sky in the midst of appalling silence we must lift our voices in love compassion and justice even before covet 19 there were millions of people of every color poor and barely surviving in our country before covet 19 there were 700 people dying a day 250 000 a year from poverty related maladies seven people died from vaping and we had congressional hearings and presidential briefings while 700 people were dying from poverty a day and there was not a single word uttered in our political debates there are 80 million people still without adequate health insurance according to the cdc black women over 30 are four to five times more likely to die during pregnancy and childbirth when compared to women of other nationalities and ethnicities black people are three times more likely to die from particulate air pollution two and a half times more likely to die of the covet 19 virus not because we're black but because of the systematic racism that denies health care and access and clean air and clean water and healthy living conditions we make up only 13 percent of the population but 25 of the deaths in the midst of appalling silence we must lift our voices and love compassion and justice because while we're uncertain about many things we are definite about almighty god and what does the lord require of you but to do justice love mercy and walk humbly with god that's what it looks like when we walk our faith it looks like devotion but also like desire i wish i could get a hundred and one of you now to type and testify i want to walk with god that's my desire one writer said we have mastered the art of flying but lost the art of walking with god and in the final analysis when it's all said and done there is nothing greater that could be said about any of us than that we walked with almighty god this was enos only claim to fame he did not cross an ocean nor did he part a sea he did not heal the sick raise the dead nor lead an army to victory his entire life is summarized in the sentence for 300 years he walked with god that was enos testimony and it is a testimony to which each of us should ascribe that each of us should desire and notice firstly that it is a specific testimony hebrews 11 5 in the king james version says before his translation he had this testimony the writer is very specific in his description he does not say that ina had a testimony he said ina had this testimony he is not speaking in general terms but in specific terms ena had this testimony and every person of faith has a testimony if you have ever survived a test you already have a testimony somebody should grab that that every faith walker can bear record of what god has done in their lives how the grace of god has shown up and surprised them over and over again that was the impetus behind psalm 23 when the writer testified the lord is my shepherd notice how specific that is he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for god is with me he had a testimony and every person of faith has a testimony of who you were where you were and what you were when the lord showed up in your life you can testify to how god saved you delivered you healed you fought for you protected you provided for you opened doors for you and made ways for you you can testify about how far god has brought you how much god has taught you how safe god has kept you how high god has lifted you how god has kept you and never left you you have a testimony i feel like anthony brown and group therapy asking can i get a witness just need one more witness because can't nobody tell it like me can't nobody say it like me can't nobody shout it like me you don't know the story like me because it's my testimony somebody ought to testify in the chat space somebody ought to post your holy hand somebody ought to clap your hands right where you are yet while every believer has a testimony not every believer has this testimony while every believer is able to tell them things that god has done for them not every believer is able to tell her the things that you have done for god while every believer can testify to god's faithfulness to them not every believer can tell of their faithfulness to god do you have this testimony that you love god you serve god you honor god you praise god you obey god you please god and you walk with god do you have this testimony you ought to look back and thank god you ought to look around and try god you ought to look forward and trust god i mean i had this specific testimony that was also a special testimony what is the testimony for which ena will forever be remembered here it is in simple phrase he please god end of story nothing else needs to be said because nothing else can be said how would you like to have that as the epitaph of your life to have people remember when they forget everything else that you please god of all that enoch didn't do this one thing he did do he pleased god if you set out to live right when things are going wrong you may have some friends and associates but you will definitely accrue some adversaries and enemies but don't let their issues with you become an issue for you remember the council of proverbs 16 7 that when a person's ways please the lord god makes even their enemies to be at peace with them i need not remind you that if you please god it really doesn't matter who you displease and if you don't please god it really doesn't matter who you please pleasing god should be our passion our purpose and our priority deuteronomy 5 33 teaches walk in obedience to all that the lord your god has commanded you so that this is the purpose statement you may live long prosper and prolong your days in the land god will give you to possess in the 2015 commencement address at dillard university denzel washington urged graduates to put god first and thank god constantly saying and i quote everything that i have is a gift from the grace of god i didn't always stick with god but god has always stuck with me so denzel encouraged them while you on your needs tell god thank you thank you for grace thank you for mercy thank you for understanding thank you for wisdom thank you for parents thank you for teachers thank you for your love thank you for your kindness thank you for humility thank you for peace thank you for prosperity say thank you in advance for what is already yours and then when you get up reach back and pull somebody else up what does it look like when you walk out your faith it looks like devotion it looks like desire but it also leads to distinction the life of ina was not only devoted and desirable it led to distinction throughout the entire scroll of scripture he was distinguished in a way that only one other man shared only enoch and elijah never experienced death wait what that's a plot twist don't miss it that everybody else in scripture lived and died genesis 5 is the graveyard chapter of the bible everybody lived and died except enoch verse 24 ena walked faithfully with god then he was no more for the lord took him what a distinction can i dig around those roots real quick because his was a notable translation in hebrews 11 5 it teaches by faith ina was translated get that verb that he should not see death and he was not found because the lord translated him that word translated in the greek is a musical term it literally means to transpose to a higher key where are my musicians different than a modulation which elevates the tone of a song to create excitement and interest like beyonce's four modulations in the song love on top you don't know the song but to transpose is a change in the composition itself get this that is either walk with god in harmony on one level god the eternal composer decided to transpose him to another level altogether to move him from earth to eternity from walking with god as friend with friend to walking with god face to face the phrase was not found implies that he was sought but could not be discovered think about that at one moment ina was and the next moment ina was not he was transposed transferred and transported before anybody realized what had transpired his was a notable translation to a new location hebrews 9 27 renders the verdict on all humanity people are destined to die once we die once but ina didn't he was transposed transferred and transported he was not because the lord took it this is a meaningful metaphor for every faith walker let me say it like this if you will how you live is going is how you are going to leave i've got to say it again how you live is how you're going to leave you've got to write that down let me try and illustrate it i fly delta don't hate congratulate i fly with delta i find out their schedule and adjust my schedule to it i fly with them they don't fly with me i fly with them because they have the resources and the capacity and the ability and the power to take me wherever i need to go i've been flying with delta for at least 25 years and a few years ago i received a letter from delta informing me that because of my loyalty because of our relationship because of my commitment to flying delta airlines they were elevating me to the status of diamond medallion they awarded me that status because i had been working with them and moving with them and flying with them for at least 25 years and year after year after year i had flown over a hundred thousand miles i didn't leave them for american i didn't abandon them for southwest or spirit airlines i didn't walk away from them because the fair was expensive i stuck with them even though there were delays even when there were cancellations even when we ran into storms and here's the amazing thing i discovered having diamond medallion status comes with some benefits benefits that others who don't have that status cannot enjoy there is a dedicated diamond desk to help you work through any challenges travel related that you may encounter they have a built-in system that automatically upgrades you even though you are only paying for a coach ticket to first class they have even deployed a shuttle service that meets you in the doorway of the aircraft and drives you on the tarmac in large airports if your connection appears too close to the time of your next departure all because you have an established committed loyal relationship with the airline they want to ensure that how you leave is a reflection of how you have lived can you see the connection ena walked with god enough pleased god ena had lived right so god made sure he left right he was no more for the lord took him and i'm glad to be the one to tell you now that if you live right you will leave right whenever wherever and however your time on earth expires god will be there to take you right to where you need to be you may be in trouble but you won't be always you may be in disappointment but you won't be always you may be depressed but you won't be always you may be in the wilderness but you won't be always it may be hard right now but it won't be always the road may be rough right now but it won't be always you may be catching hell tackling trouble dealing with drama fighting through difficulties struggling through heartbreak wondering about your bills but this won't always be after a while and by and by one of these days we don't know where when or how our day will come we'll have to take off time and put on eternity in the twinkling of an eye we will be transposed from ground to glory translated in a moment from sorrow to joy absent from the body but present with the lord we'll take off our cross and put on our crown we'll leave here and go there and i don't know how you feel about it but i'm gonna put on my robe and tell the story of how i made it over hey hey hey i'm gonna shout troubles over yes i'm gonna be there when the saints go marching in that's how i'm leaving but until then lord have mercy until then i'm going to keep on singing order my steps in your word dear lord leave me guide me every day send your anointing god i pray order my steps in your word until then i'll keep on preaching until then i'll keep on praying until then i'll keep on serving pushing rising holding on holding out that's how i'm living until then i'll work it out until then i'll walk it out there it is so i my prayer every day is walk with me lord walk with me while i'm on this tedious journey i want jesus what about you to walk with me hold my hand guide my feet to order my steps while i run this race because i don't want to run this race in vain walk it out even when you're crying walk it out even when you're discouraged walk it out even when your back is against the wall walk it out even when you don't see a way out because if you wait on god god will can i say it like i feel it god will make a way somehow won't he do it say yeah type yeah throw your hands up and shout hallelujah walk it out [Music] let us pray walk with us lord as we walk with you we need you to hold our hand we need you to guide our feet we need you to show us the way thank you for giving us wisdom courage and discernment as we live to your glory thank you for the example of ena who walked with you who dared to live right in a time gone wrong we pray right now for every person standing at the point of decision give them the faith to walk with you to the place of purpose and destiny you have planned for them before the world ever began and we pray this prayer in the name of the one who walked before us and showed us the way our example our lord and our savior jesus christ and everybody said hallelujah and amen i want to extend this invitation to you my friend yes to you my friend to begin walking with god god wants to take you someplace powerful positive and purposeful but god won't do it without you won't you take one step towards god if you take one step towards god god will take ten towards you and this is the moment to do it this is your time all you have to do is take whatever digital device you have access to and text the word new new w to eight zero 804-643-4769 or visit our prayer room using the information on the lower third of this screen we have an entire team of prayer warriors and counselors and ministers and deacons waiting to share the good news of the gospel with you while we rejoice in the music and pray for you to have the courage and faith to walk it out [Music] cause it's a marathon i was born sure enough to [Music] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] no matter what i'll continue to run for the rest of my life until my work is done [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody lift it up [Music] now right where you are if you know that you intend to finish strong i need you to stand up on your feet give a great god a great praise and lift your voice and say it right here god promised through every step that i've had [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody lift it up [Music] i've got to finish [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my confidence is [Music] come [Music] [Applause] is everybody [Music] come on [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] has god been good to you what an amazing rhetorical question that is because i know the answer yes god has so i want to invite you to join me in the grace of giving in a spirit of gratitude because just as love never empties the heart giving never empties the hand and it's easy to give at saint paul's all of the ways to give are posted on the lower third of this screen you can give digitally you can give online or you can give by sending your check in the mail i thank you in advance for your amazing support your faithfulness your generosity your kindness are a lighthouse of hope like the apostle paul i thank my god upon every remembrance of you i'd like to pray for you and pray for with you as you prepare now to worship god by giving your tithe and your offering you can't beat god-giving no matter how you try so let's pray together gracious god your mercies are new every day we thank you for another opportunity to experience your grace your kindness your love and your goodness we testify with our hands lifted that you are more than enough ever enough always enough you are jehovah jireh and we praise you now for how you have blessed us and kept us in it all through it all and despite it all bless these gifts and the giver as we share this act of worship we refuse to treat banks and bills better than we treat you for we declare you are our number one priority thank you for the resources but we acknowledge you as the sole source of our support thank you for who you are in the miraculous manifest marvelous magnificent name of jesus christ we pray amen let's give in gratitude and joy as we celebrate with this music [Music] the power of the lord is unbeatable [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god is great [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] can we say that one more time [Music] to the power of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today is [Music] [Applause] [Music] take it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you're an awesome god we bless your name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is [Music] right [Music] were you blessed today tell the truth tell the truth i hope you were i pray that you were i pray that god gives you the courage to walk your faith and not just talk it before you scroll away can i give you a checklist i need you to share this stream with your network of family and friends all you got to do is click on the share button on whatever media player you're watching or copy the url the link that's in your browser and share it with somebody if it blessed you it'll bless them secondly i need you to download the gps document we prepare them every single week to help you to apply these words to your life so that you might grow as a person of faith it's a message application guide designed to help you discuss the word with your family and your friends thirdly and finally i invite you to share the benediction the final and parting blessing with me the words are on the screen would you share them with me now i am because we are we are because god is you are not alone never never never come on say it like you mean it never never never never alone god is with you and so are we we love you and there ain't a thing you can do about it except pray fervently love genuinely live authentically and walk it out god bless you real good from saint paul's baptist church here's the scoop join us sunday october 10th as we celebrate our 36th pastor and people anniversary we give praise to god for the love and leadership of our senior pastor dr lance watson and our first lady rose watson for 36 years through progress and pandemic with prayer and patience god has used them to bless us hebrews 13 7 instructs us to appreciate your pastoral leaders who gave you the word of god we invite you to join us in appreciating our senior pastor by giving a gift of 36 dollars in love and appreciation starting today throughout the month of october thank you for your support of our script program since 2012 our script program has contributed more than 167 thousand dollars toward our emergency assistance program through our community foundation as a result of your participation to join download the raise right app from your app store sign up and start purchasing script cards from your favorite retailers there are no fees but every time you purchase a script card retailers contribute to our emergency assistance program to help people in need download the raise right app today to purchase your cards directly call 804-463-2466 with us for one-on-one prayer or counseling at any time during our sunday morning worship experience we'd love to talk with you join us in our virtual prayer room at myspbc.info prayer room every member has a mission take the next step towards yours today don't know where to start let us help you on your journey by taking a 10-minute assessment to learn and understand your gifts for your mission develop your gifts through our online boot camp training and celebrate completed missions and find new ones lead connect and serve to build relationships within your team this is how we win when you serve take the next step towards your mission today learn more at myspbc.info myfit join us this fall at the bridge for our crash course in christianity in this series we will walk through the book of ephesians written by the apostle paul as a circular letter for young churches in asia minor ephesians covers the basics of our faith god's plans in jesus christ for humanity the essence of the gospel relationships inside the church living for christ in the world today spiritual conflict prayer and so much more join us for a crash course starting september 2nd at 11 am and 7 pm spread the word crash 2021 thank you for your time and attention this has been the scoop thank you for watching this service from the saint paul's baptist church in richmond virginia please look through our website myspbc.org to learn more about our church about our vision and how you can support our mission to empower people to grow into the persons that god created them to be
Channel: The Saint Paul's Baptist Church
Views: 3,159
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Id: wWMbVjYx9aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 35sec (5135 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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