Think Again

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] say i love you jesus i love you jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome to eastern star church on behalf of our senior pastor pastor jeffrey a johnson senior this is the church where jesus is exalted and the word is explained i'm reverend rob brown and i wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that we're located in fishers indiana in indianapolis indiana for those of you watching us via facebook or youtube please share this with your friends and families in the comments sections below i want to welcome you to wednesday in the word let us prepare our minds and hearts as we get ready to pray dear heavenly father we thank you for your grace and mercy we thank you for your unconditional love we thank you for sending your son jesus christ to die on the cross for our sins now lord we come to you asking for forgiveness from omission and commission lord for sit for things we've done intentionally and for things that we've done that was not pleasing to you unintentionally lord now lord we pray that you just bless our our pastor as he brings forth the word um so that someone might come and ask what must i do to be saved lord we also pray for those families who have suffered from the pandemic lord we pray lord that you just cover them and watch over them we pray for those families who are dealing with the severe weather in the south lord we pray that you watch over them and cover them lord now lord as he we get ready to prepare our hearts and minds for your word lord we pray bring a sense of peace as your words go forth he's the glory and the honor in jesus name amen let's prepare our hearts and minds as we get ready to listen to our music ministry [Music] jesus [Music] tell me [Music] my friends may say [Music] oh come is [Music] tell me [Music] says [Music] [Music] no [Music] the lord is with me he's got his angers kept around whenever i'm scared and [Music] nervous i shall fear no evil shall follow me i have no reason to be here [Music] the lord is the strength of my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have no reason to speak i have no reason to fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah to the lamb indeed god is a god that watches over us takes care of us provides for us and he indeed is worthy to be praised i'm so glad y'all streaming with us here today at eastern star church and this is actually a special time this is a minister janae downes and janae uh is getting her a license to preach today praise the lord for that she united with our church back when she was in college and uh and of course she continued to grow and develop as a child a gift of preaching and we know to call the preachers to call to prepare and so janae uh even right now is at christian theological seminary working on her masters of divinity she's been on staff at our church for the past four years and she's done so well that we've added more responsibility to her so now she's the director of family life and connections here at eastern star church and i praise god for the anointing that he's placed on her life to preach and to teach the word of god and so we're going to now offer this certificate of license this is to certify janae downes as one who has given evidence of a calling by god into ministry as minister of the gospel and is licensed to function in ministry as the opportunity may be presented and to exercise the god-given gifts in the ministry by eastern star church of indianapolis indiana pastor jeffrey a johnson senior senior pastor god bless you congratulations and i praise god for your ministry looking forward to seeing all the difference you're going to make in the kingdom praise the lord god bless you all right it's time for us to get into the word of god and today we're going to be in isaiah chapter 55 isaiah chapter 55 let us pray lord we bless you honor you praise you and glorify you thank you for your mercy your grace your goodness your kindness thank you for salvation for jesus the holy spirit the church the church the gifts of the spirit and lord we praise you for the comfort that you offer to give us the strength we need to make it every day in this world and now to god you know what each of us are up against what we're going through and lord i just take your people and put them in your hands and i pray in the name of jesus christ that everything that they need is going to come to pass i pray that your preached word is going to make a difference souls are going to be saved lives changed a different maid i'm believing victory right now in jesus name amen amen now last week we were in isaiah 55 and we're back in isaiah 55 today because i want to finish up what we started and what we were talking about and the context of this is the the prophet isaiah is ministering to the hebrew people after the babylonian captivity after that 70 years of oppression and suppression and depression and injustice and separation from family and some of them were beginning to think god has forsaken us that god doesn't care why would god let this these injustices happen to us and this oppression happened and now isaiah is seeking to get them straight in regard to god's love and care and concern and what god is doing in their life so here in isaiah chapter 55 i'm going to begin reading at verse 8. this is from the new international version isaiah chapter 55 verse 8 for my faults are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the lord as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts i want to talk about think again for all of you who feel like god has forsaken us with all this depression and suppression and all of this injustice that god has forsaken us all these problems and pains that god has turned his back on us i want you to think again i believe it was ralph emerson waldow who was the first one to come up with this phrase he said sow a thought reap a word saw a word reap in action so an action reaper habit saw a habit reap a character saw a character reap a destiny and ralph emerson waldow was trying to explain to you and i how important the thought life is that what we think then leads to what we say and what we say leads to how we act and how we act then develops habit and that habit dictates character and that character leads to a destiny but it all goes back to the way we think and if we'll be honest some of our thoughts have not been right we've had these faulty thoughts in life and i want to encourage us by the power of god's holy spirit to think again jesus understood the importance of this jesus said what a man thinks in his heart so is he what a woman thinks in her heart so is she what we think determines who we are and then the apostle paul he was seeking to get the believers at rome to think again and he said you need to be transformed there needs to be a drastic fundamental change in your life and he said that this transformation comes by the renewing of your mind and then the apostle paul was writing to the believers at corinth and he was talking about the spiritual warfare that they're in and that you and i are and we're in spiritual warfare and he says but the weapons that we use are not carnal the weapons that we use are not whirling but they are mighty they are powerful to the pulling down of strongholds to the demolishing of strongholds what are strongholds strongholds or fortresses strongholds or barriers strongholds are are walls that even as we seek to preach and to teach god's word and to help people to understand the importance of salvation and the right relationship with jesus in their life through the death burial and the resurrection of the lord offering that salvation to get right with god but yet there's a stronghold there is a fortress a barrier a wall that stands between the things of god and the mind of humanity so while we're preaching and teaching and sharing our faith and witnessing there's a wall that stands between that witness that word of god and and the the mind of humanity paul calls it a stronghold but the weapons that we use are powerful to the pulling down of those strongholds so that god's word can get to people's minds so that they can rethink so that they can think again and start lining their thoughts up with the ways of god and he talks about in in verse seven he was talking about how uh our ways are wicked and the way and the faults of humanity are evil well the way the reason why our ways are evil because our thoughts are evil and if we can get our thoughts right then our ways would be right too many of us who even claim to be christians and the child of god we act so much like the world until you can't distinguish the saint from the center there ought to be a distinction jesus said come out from among them jesus said be separate from them there ought to be a distinction between those of us who are christians and those who are non-christian those of us who are saints and those who are sinners they ought to be a distinction but yo the reason why we speak like the world and we act like the world and we have the same habits of the world and we have the same character of the world and we're going the same direction of the world is because our thought process is off we got to rethink this it was in february uh 2021 in the nba there was a a home game for the oklahoma city thunder and then there was an away game for the atlanta hawks and so atlanta shows up for the game and oklahoma city is there and atlanta comes out with their red uniforms on and the home team okc they come out with their orange uniforms on and they begin to play the game and the game is sloppy and missteps and bad passes and turnovers and come to find out the issue was that they looked so much alike that folk couldn't even tell their own teammates oklahoma's the home team was in orange the away team even though they're the opposition they were in red but they looked so much alike that there were mishaps and missteps and turnovers and bad execution and so at halftime the officials came and said that oklahoma city has to change their uniform y'all look too much like the opposition and if this is going to work right you got to change how you look you can't look like the opposition you're going against jesus said come out from among them too many of us we we speak like the world we act like the world we got the habits of the world we dress like the world we we do everything like the world we have the character of the world and the lord is saying it's time to make a change not changing uniforms changing our thinking to think again to rethink of how we are dealing with god and how we're dealing with life well pastor what does that look like well i we need to rethink sovereignty we need to rethink the ways of god the text says in isaiah 55 8 and 9 god says my thoughts are not your thoughts my ways are not your ways so when we start talking about god is off his game or god is not who i thought he was or there is no god because if there was a god he'd be doing things this way no that's your way that's not god's way his ways are not our way god is sovereign and we need to rethink the sovereignty of god here's what sovereignty means fundamentally sovereignty means this that god gets to do whatever he wants to do whenever he gets ready with whomever he please anytime he feels like it and he doesn't have to get our input or permission he's sovereign and we need to understand that when we start seeking to understand god we got to rethink his sovereignty some of us man we our issue with god is with people saying things like well if there were god and if god was love and his god was powerful then we wouldn't be going through this and god wouldn't let this happen and god no that's how you think but your thoughts are not his thoughts well the way you know i would do it if i were god no that's how your way is that's not god's way and and and sometimes y'all i listen to either it's either the ignorance of humanity or the arrogance of humanity to think we can think with god it might be ignorance and ignorance doesn't mean you stupid ignorance doesn't mean that somebody's dumb or unintelligent ignorance the base word is ignore we have ignored the revelation of god we've ignored the word of god we've ignored the spirit of god we've ignored the prophets of god and because we've ignored them now we think we can think with god that's ignorance and for some of us it's not ignorance it's arrogance to think we're so smart we're so intelligent we're so insightful we're so woke we have so many degrees that i can think with god that if god were this god would be doing it the way i would do it no that's your arrogance pride and pride comes before destruction yo when we start talking about what god ought to be doing and how god ought to be acting man here here's what one preacher said one preacher said that when we start thinking we can think with god and talk with god he said no matter how many degrees we have how smart we are how intelligent we are the best is going to be is baby talk his his thinking is different from ours his ways are higher than ours as the heavens are from the earth so no matter where i went to school or how much i know is baby talk trying to think with god and talk with god at his level uh blake bortles used to play quarterback for the jacksonville jaguars and and they went through a stretch that they didn't do so well and blake blake bortles was the starting quarterback and and some of the fans of jacksonville were criticizing the play calling and so they were saying these are the wrong plays that they shouldn't be calling these plays and one of the reporters asked then quarterback blake bortles of the jacksonville jaguars what do you think about fans saying y'all calling the wrong plays that y'all don't need to be calling those play here's what blake bortles said he said talking to fans about playing quarterback in the nfl who have never played quarterback in the nfl it's like a kindergartner talking to a college student watch what he says he says that here's the nfl quarterback saying talking to somebody who has never played quarterback in the nfl it's like a college student trying to explain their dissertation to a kindergarten well if that be the case with nfl and a quarterback imagine us trying to think with and talk with god about what he's doing or not doing his ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts we need to rethink the sovereignty of god people running around saying well how can there be the existence of evil and suffering and god is a god of love and power because if god loved us and had the power we wouldn't be going through the evil and the suffering so here is their take that either god loves us and doesn't have the power to do anything about our situation or god has the power to do something about our situation but god doesn't love us no you need to think again you're leaving something out you're leaving out of sovereignty god does love us god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son he demonstrated his love that while we were yet sinners christ died god does love us and god has the power to change our situation that's because we know that because he raised jesus from the dead and jesus said all power in heaven and earth is in my hand he loves us and he has the power to change him but what you've left out is he can do whatever he wants to do whenever he gets ready with whomever he please with no input from you or me and he doesn't need our permission because he is sovereign but thank god his sovereignty includes the fact that god is omniscient god knows all faith god sees angels you don't see god sees the wind and the where god sees the then and the there you're trapped in the right now but god is able to operate even in the not yet and in his sovereignty it includes the fact he's working all things together for our good that what folk do against us god uses it for us i want us to understand his thoughts are not our thoughts we need to think again and as we think again let's rethink about storms storms that's the work of god that god is not sending storms or sanctioning storms because he doesn't care about us think again god is using storms to work out his purpose in our lives god god never lets you and i go through something just to go through something he's always up to something he's always working something and sometimes he uses storms to get that right that's why in in verse in verse 10 it says as the rain and as the snow comes you got these rain storms and these snow storms that come and then right after that it starts talking about budding and it starts talking about blossoming and it starts talking about growing let's rethink the storm maybe it's not god forsaken us maybe it's not the fact that god doesn't care maybe it's not the that god doesn't love us maybe it's god seeking to get us to grow but the way he's got to get us to grow is sending the rain and the snow y'all in the book of malachi says if you bring the tithe and the offering god will open the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing you don't have room enough to receive it pour you out a blessing you don't have room enough to receive what does that blessing look like it's rain he opens the floodgates of heaven and pours out rain because the promise are to farmers farmers who have worked hard on this earth and cleared their field and plowed their field and sold their seed these farmers have worked hard and they've given god a tenth of their increase that tithe and god says i'm gonna open the windows of heaven and pour you out of blood i'm gonna pour out rain not sprinkle i'm going to send rainstorms and when the storm i send from heaven touches your hard work on earth you're going to have such growth you're going to have such crop and a harvest you won't have room enough to receive it all maybe we need to rethink storms it's god using them to work on our behalf the rainstorm and the snow i got i got intrigued by something i read i read about these uh artists who do snow sculptures and matter of fact they have these international competitions of snow sculptures that after a snow storm these people run outside and begin to shape and farm snow they use their creativity their energy their ingenuity and they're able to make snow sculptures they're beautiful and they have an international competition and y'all when snow storm comes for these artists they don't stay inside complaining they go outside in the storm and they go outside not complaining but creating and if these artists know how to take a snowstorm and create something that is wonderful and beautiful how much more shall i heavenly father take the storms in your life and in mind and you to shape us and to make us and to make us something beautiful and something awesome maybe we need to rethink storm no wonder our grandparents they used to sing about i thank god for my mountain and i thank god for my valley i thank god for all he's brought me through if i never had a problem i wouldn't know god could solve him i wouldn't know what faith in his word could do through it all i learned to trust in jesus through it all i learned to trust in god through it all i learned to depend on his word maybe we need to rethink storms not that god has forsaken us not that god has left us but god is going to use that to shape us and make us into something we could not have been had it not been for the storm that we had to go through yeah we need to think again you know no rethink scripture rethink scripture yeah our thoughts are not his thoughts our ways are not his thoughts so if we're going to understand the thoughts of god and the ways of god we got to get into the word of god let me read it to you this is isaiah 55 verse 11. this is this is what the word of god said god says so is my word that goes out from my mouth it is not it will not return to me empty but will accomplish what i desire and achieve the purpose for which i sent it we need to rethink scripture that's the word of god jesus said that the scripture is the word that comes from the mouth of god it's a trick of the enemy to make you think something wrong with the bible to make you think that's not god's word no no no the issue is not the bible the issue is the enemy trying to push our buttons to get us to reject that word because when we reject because the only way we're going to learn about god is he's going to have to reveal it himself to us because his thoughts are not our thoughts his ways are not our way so whatever we're trying to think independent of his word we're going to miss it because his thoughts are not our thoughts so how do i know the thoughts of god he gives us his word but if you're rejecting miss out on who he is there are people talking about well you know i believe in jesus as savior i just i just don't believe in the scripture that's how you know jesus is savior because the scriptures reveal that unto us and we got to be careful about rejecting god's word got people running around talking about something wrong with the bible something wrong with the scripture i don't i don't believe in the bible no there's nothing wrong with the bible there's something wrong with how people interpret the bible and it's something wrong with how people understand the bible and it's something wrong when people take the bible out of context and people take the bible and twist the truth but ain't nothing wrong with the bible i learned years ago when i'm reading something in scripture and it's something i have an issue with man the problem is not with the scripture the problem is with my thinking so i gotta learn how to re-think it and some of us have set under some theology that was not in context in the scripture and now you think something wrong with the bible no something was wrong with the one trying to interpret it and some of us are listening to people who are not even christians don't they don't they know nothing about hebrew that the old testament was written in they know nothing about greek that the new testament was written in they don't know the difference between an exegete and an icij they don't know the difference between hermeneutics and homiletics they don't know anything about the context that the original writer was writing in and when they wrote it who they wrote it to and what was and now they're going to tell you what the bible means or doesn't mean no that the issue is not with the bible the issue is with our thinking and don't let people mess with your thinking that now you're turning your back on scripture you gotta rethink your theology uh in the in the in the new testament there are a group of people that are called pharisees and another group called sadducees and sometimes we like to we like to use those interchangeably you can't use interchangeably pharisees and sadducees you know those are two different religious groups two different religious denominations y'all they both claim that they knew jehovah but their theology was so different and you can't use them interchangeably because their theology's different and they hated each other the pharisees hated the sadducees the sadducees hated the pharisees they were enemies and the only reason they came together was because they hated jesus more than they hated each other so they stopped being enemies long enough to come together to attack jesus and one of the issues with the sadducees is that they did not believe in the resurrection of the dead that's why they wanted to get rid of jesus said we got to get rid of jesus because the sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection of the dead and then here's jesus raising jairus daughter from the dead then he raised that that young man in name from the dead during the funeral possession then he raised lazarus from the dead who'd been dead for four days the sadducees was mad at jesus how you keep raising people from dead our theology says there is no resurrection of the dead here's what it says they wanted to kill jesus and lazarus now why you want to kill elijah because we don't believe in the resurrection of the dead you were dead and you're walking all around bethany and walking around jerusalem you mess with no why instead of trying to kill jesus instead of trying to kill lazarus why don't you rethink your theology and some of us right now we rather attack people than rethink our some people run around talking about uh christianity's not real and jesus is not real and the bible's not real he is real i know it because i've received jesus as my personal savior i believe he died on the cross i believe god raised jesus from the dead it changed my life i'm not what i used to be god has transformed me it's a new birth and it has impacted my life my family my community all of that my marriage my parenting all that's been impacted because of christianity but you rather attack me rather than rethink your theology people want to talk about well i don't believe in the bible that's why i'm tired i ain't got time because you know the bible is this about no the bible's real and tithing works if you bring the tithe god opens the window to heaven pour you out a blessing you ain't room enough to receive it there are plenty of us that can testify we give 10 of our income and our increase and an offering and god has poured into our lives no we rather attack the church and attack the clergy and attack the kingdom of god and attack christianity rather than rethink our theology y'all and go back rethink scripture it's the word of god it's a lamp to our feet it's a light to our pathway and then finally and i'm rushing to the end this is the reason i came back to isaiah 55 so i can get back in verse 12. i want us to rethink celebration i'm running out of time again i want us to rethink celebration the worship of god the praise of god listen to what verse 12 says you will go out in joy and be led forth in peace the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands oh hallelujah once you start uh rethinking the sovereignty of god that god can do whatever he wants to do but it always works out for our good and you start rethinking storms god is using that to work all things together for your good to create in your life something that couldn't have been there had you not gone through the storm and rethinking scripture maybe i need to get the proper context and interpretation rather than rejecting the bible i need to reject these messed up interpretations of the bible and when you get that straight man there ought to be assault you ought to be praising god it starts off with that invitation to the water of god to the life of god eternal life and the spirit of god and when that holy spirit comes into your life because of your faith in jesus and you have eternal life man you ought to be giving god praise honor and glory we're preaching what about the rain in verse 10 and the snow in verse 10. yo you can praise god not just because of the absence of the storm but in the presence of a storm well pastor i do praise god and i worship god i just don't i just do it in my own way that's why you need to embrace scripture because nowhere in scripture did it say to praise god in your own way he tells us how to praise god he says that you're going to have uh joy and peace that you're going to burst in the song that you're going to clap your hand he tells us how to praise him and we need to go back and rethink celebration god how do you want me to worship you god how do you want me to praise you what does that look like in my life you said you're going to have joy and peace really you're talking about the right interpretation out of the out of the hebrew language that a better interpretation is a better translation is you're going to shout for joy it's not that you're just going to have joy you're going to shout for your you already got joy you already got the fruit of the spirit that psalm that says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning y'all a better translation is weeping may endure for the night a shout of joy comes in the morning joy ain't coming in the morning you already got joy when you believe in the death the bell the resurrection of jesus his holy spirit moves inside of you now you have the fruit of the spirit the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace you already got joy what's missing is the shout for joy and god says when you're really praising me properly and worshipping me properly is when you shout for joy in the face of the rain in the face of the snow in the face of the storm in the face of the oppression in the face of the injustice that's in the face of what babylon did at corrupt government but you still ought to shout for joy i praise god in my own way no he said make a joyful noise unto the lord and we need to shout for joy and then he said we also need to sing and i know some of us talk about well you know pastor i love praise and worship god but i don't sing because i don't have a good voice y'all i don't have a good voice either and i still sing not because a good voice no i have a bad voice but i got great victories and and even if you got uh even if you don't have a good voice but you got good victories you ought to still be singing praise unto god god said come before my presence with singing i don't sing because i got a good voice the truth is i have not and i don't sing because i've had voice lessons the truth is i've never had voices i sing because i'm happy and i sing because i'm free his eye is on the sparrow and i know he watches me i sing despite the storms that i have in my life and he said and clap your hands because yo the worship and the praise of god is is is verbal and visible it's verbal because i'm singing and shouting is visible because i'm clapping my hand now everybody know i'm giving god prayer i'm clapping despite i'm in a crisis i'm clapping despite i'm in chaos i'm clapping despite a bunch of confusion is going on because god is still worthy to be praised even though the world is bad god is still good even though the world is bad god is still working things together for my god and god said i want you to shout for joy i want you to sing and i want you to clap your hands and that's in the face of the rain and the snow i'ma close it like this i'm just trying to get you to think again line your thoughts up with god's thoughts line your ways up with god's ways and the only way to do that is embrace that word and learn it now you know what god's thoughts and his ways are you find it in his word i'll close it like this um charis levert plays for the indiana pacers and really he just got picked up in a trade because james harden out in houston said i don't want to play for houston no more and so uh he demanded the trade james harden only wanted to play in brooklyn because he wanted to play with kevin durant and kyrie and so uh and so they they made the trade but james harden makes so much money that they couldn't make it work without bringing another team so they brought in two other teams one of those teams were the indiana pacers so the pacers sent victor oladipo to houston and then brooklyn sent karis levert 26 years old sent him to the indiana pacers it carries the vert said that when he first got traded to the pacers he said he was disappointed because he wanted to play with durant like everybody else he wanted to play with kyrie like everybody else he was disappointed he wanted to be in brooklyn not indianapolis he wanted to be on the east coast not in the midwest but they traded and what's he going to do he's still on that rookie contract so he comes to the indiana pacers and they run a physical on him and when they run that physical they find a mass on his kidney come to find out it's cancer so they rush an appointment get him set for his surgery he gets his surgery and they're able to get it all out matter of fact he's back on the court already and as he's back on the court he's playing because they were able to get that cancer out of his body because they discovered it early and here's what keres levert said he said even though i was disappointed and didn't want the trade to happen he said it was the trade that saved my life what i'm trying to show you as we rethink storms that sometimes y'all god makes moves in our lives that disappoint us but it's that disappointment that's going to lead to our deliverance and now here is charis vert matter of fact last night he they played pacers played against philly karis laverg dropped 24 points and a bunch of assists did a bunch of uh rebounds and steals over the past i don't know eight or ten games he's averaging 27.6 rebounds five he playing he's playing well they beat the best team in the east philly last night and they interviewed charis levert after the game and when they interviewed charis levert after the game they said man you've been playing so well the last 10 games and y'all shut down philly they only scored 32 in the second half how are you getting all these what are you doing here's what cares the verse said he said first and foremost i need to tell you that god is good i didn't tell you all his testimony his father died when he was a sophomore in high school his father at 46 had a heart attack at home with karis and his little brother in the house and then when charis was in college he broke his foot his junior year and had to miss out on the last two years and delayed getting into the nba and then dropped in the draft and all these issues were happening in his life and now he had cancer he had to go through surgery but when they put that mic in front of his face charis levert said first and foremost let me tell you that god is good i want to testify myself i've been to hell and back myself i have some issues myself but i want to tell y'all first and foremost god is good the world is bad but god is good this government is jacked up but god is good racism is bad but god is good this world is messy but god is good first and foremost the god i serve is good and if you can't believe that it's because you need to think again i got to close this message but one of my classmates was paul jones and paul jones went to bishop college we were there freshman at the same time one of the most gifted preachers i've ever heard in my life paul jones and then after he left bishop college he went back to pastor in houston in his hometown had one of the fastest growing churches in houston texas and then he not only could he preach and teach and pastor but he could sing he was such a great singer that now he put together this recording that would go across the world and my classmate paul jones when he put that recording that would go across the world he said i've had some good days but i've had some heels to climb i've had some lonely days and some sleepless nights but when i look around and i think things over all of my good days outweigh my bad days and i won't complain because god's been good to me more than this world or you could ever be so i'll just say thank you lord and i won't complain rather than spending all of our lives complaining why don't we think again maybe god is up to something maybe god is working something maybe god is doing something in your life because he don't think like you and he don't act like you but if you think again maybe god will reveal to you the very thing that he's doing that couldn't happen had you not gone through what you're going through think again matter of fact those of you who've never accepted jesus as your personal savior i want to give you an opportunity to rethink that you need to be saved you need to be a christian you need to be a child of god that god does love you god loves you so much that if you were the only sinner on this earth jesus still would have come and died because he loves you that much and god does have the power he raised jesus from the dead if you can believe that in your heart confess that with your mouth you can be saved i'ma have you confess that right now i'm going to pray out loud i want you to pray out loud with me you've never invited christ into your life this is the chance to do it right now the moment you believe in this prayer as you confess the lord that's when you'll be saved come on follow me in prayer father i come right now i'm sorry for my sins please forgive me of my sins i believe jesus died on the cross i believe you raised jesus from the dead i received jesus by faith please fill me with your holy spirit in jesus name amen amen praise the lord welcome to the family of god you are a child of god because god's word said it i praise god for you accepting christ as your savior now go ahead and email us here at the church at eastern star church and let us know the decision you made email us at membership let us know you made that decision so we can help you to continue that walk with the lord and those of you who already saved you already a christian but your thoughts kind of went awry and so your destiny start taking another turn but now you're ready to rethink this and recommit to christ and the church and the word then go ahead and email us here at eastern store church membership at and let us help you with that discipleship walk with god praise the lord praise god again i thank god that you have streamed with us today i pray that you take that word hide it in your heart so that you can change your thinking and change your words and your actions and your habits and your character and that'll end up changing your destiny all because of your thinking all right it is time for the offering it is time for us to give god said bring the tithe and the offering and when you do that he said i'll open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you won't have room enough to receive it rather than attacking clergy and attacking the church in the kingdom of god won't you rethink your theology won't you try i'm gonna try god i'm gonna trust god and then watch what god does god is a god that's to do what he said he's going to open the will of the heaven ain't going to sprinkle the blessing out he's going to pour one out and you ain't going to have room enough to receive it so if you want to participate in the offering on today we give you three options to do that one is you can text to give text 4577 with esc and your amount in the message field or you can mail it here to eastern star church 5750 east 30th street indianapolis indiana 46218 or you can go to our website to give there's a little tab there forgive click on that go ahead and give that tithe and that offering and then stand back and watch god work let's ask god's blessings upon our gifts today lord we thank you for your sovereignty thank you for how you make the right moves in our life at the right time thank you for the rain and the snow thank you for everything that happens because we know you're working that for our good forgive us when we didn't line our thoughts and ways up with you but now we embrace your word and we want to get that right exegete that right exposition that right narrative the right understanding of your word that interpretation so that we can line our lives up with how you want us to live and lord thank you for taking those storms and working them out and and revealing things that we would not have known and creating things that we would not have had have we not gone through the storms we bless you we praise you we celebrate you we shout we sing we clap because you're worthy dear god now receive these gifts as we give them in your name to further your kingdom on this earth and i pray that those who are giving that you'll give back to them good measures press down shaken together and run it over and i believe it done in jesus name amen amen praise the lord again thank you for uh being with us today with wednesday and worship and the word and i pray that you get back in that word and start reading it and embracing it and rethinking it from the proper perspective let's get our thoughts right let's get our minds right let's let's let's demolish these strongholds so that god's will word and way can get in through us all right let me go ahead and offer this benediction to you may god bless you and keep you may god have his face to smile upon you and be gracious unto you may god turn his countenance towards you and grant you peace and i pray he'll do that today and forevermore in jesus name amen you
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 1,442
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ESC, Bible Study, Noonday, Indianapolis Church
Id: UNv2-nYHFw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 30sec (3390 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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