We TESTED 28 Different Ways to Make CRISPY Hash Browns - Hashbrowns for Beginners 101

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hey guys welcome to Flat toop King hey this has to be potato number 42 we're trying to perfect homemade hash browns on The Griddle if you guys want to see our mess ups and our Perfections and how we actually decided to do it here we go crispy hash browns from fresh real no BS potatoes we have been down this Rabbit Hole a lot not only have we done crispy hash browns on the griddle we did three different varieties then we did crispy hash BRS on The Griddle five different varieties because so many people requested that we do dehydrated we did that and had uh fantastic results through all the years of cooking on The Griddle I have actually never preferred a fresh grad hash round on The Griddle today I still don't think that changes but I do think that we can create a fantastic product to help you get over the edge we see the comments all the time matter of fact it was just posted in the Facebook group that we offer the grle group on Facebook Facebook how to create better hash browns from scratch and it really comes down to this we've probably been over by now 50 potatoes bags individuals you name it we have done everything from how often do you strain them the size of the potato do you uh rinse them do you not rinse them do you squeeze them do you not squeeze them do you brown them do you not brown them what oils to use and we didn't film none of that some some we we did and we're going to show you through the video some we didn't cuz we just flat out knew that that was just not the right way to go but we had to go down that hole just to double check our opinions what it's come down to is basically my wife has an opinion and I have an opinion which means one thing there's no right or wrong way it's basically a personal preference So today we're going to show you how to make fantastic hash browns probably going to show you a couple ways not to do it and then we're going to show you the common tools needed to perfect your crispy homemade hash browns our first recommendation that we can give you is the actual equipment to grate your potatoes there's really about two different options you can have a machine or you can have the hand grater we actually prefer the hand grater while we were hand grating the potatoes we found that the machine texture was just a little bit too fine and when you're putting that in the hash browns it didn't necessarily want us to go back for more the texture was off and that's what crispy hash browns is all about the crispy exterior texture along with that fluffy texture on the inside so to get started we're going to do everything in single portions this is a small potato honestly I'm not anal about peeling I don't get every single thing off not a big deal the large side of your box greater and you're going to have to apply some pressure applying pressure allows your chunks to be just as the M of course you can't go as large as you want but it gives you the max effort if you're only going lightly then your potato becomes small then you venture off in that machine style and that's something that we both didn't prefer recommendation number two we're going to have two different products on the GLE at the same time because ultimately she liked one and I liked one every other product that we put on the gdle we both looked at each other and said we need to do more testing what we came to find was we both agreed that although she liked it a certain way and I liked it a certain way it was so similar that we agreed that that good enough for us number two we're going to only rinse this one time we're just going to cover enough water up to the top of the potatoes let it sit for about a minute and then drain it the starch left over is actually what keeps the potato together you think about corn starch you think about potato starch it's the same idea does it really matter if your potatoes are super washed which is basically very clear water after the washing process or if it's just barely washed and you have a little bit of starch left over you see the cloudiness of the potatoes and the oxidation and the Browning make sure that water is all over it and then just drain it number three on the list is how we dry them we actually prefer a tea towel over paper towels and there's actually one thing to mention I did not find in my testing that ringing the potatoes out was was the best thing I found like ringing them out made them gummy I did not like that at all that's a personal preference we prefer just a tea towel spread them out extremely thin and then we just fold the tea towel up and that absorbs the moisture so this is a clean tea towel and just fold it up just like this the towel absorbs the moisture for you and you can actually sit this in the refri refrigerator if you needed to for a few hours mine didn't mine never turned brown or anything as long as they're like that all right we're going to do the potato exact the same way the only difference is you're going to follow me inside the kitchen and then we're going to rinse it completely clear I want you to see the difference in the water first rinse see the color of the water how cloudy it is you're rinsing that starch off so there's one a little less cloudy see the bubbles that's from your starch as well just moving the potatoes around just a little bit you see how much clear the water is way less bubbles so that's completely clear if you want to so now that we have our two test ones which these are going to be the final product we're going to put these in the refrigerator I'm going to go ahead and Grate maybe three potatoes worth because I want to show you some mistakes these potatoes are going to be um peeled great ated rinse all the way through 100% rinse all the way through three times and then we can show you the mistakes while our griddle is heating up I just want to mention this through our process of testing I also tested just about all the oils that I typically use everything from Tallow to ghee to butter and from avocado oil or peanut oil this is not a health sermon whatever oil you decide to use that's fine I found that there's really no significant change in the hash browns besides butter butter seemed to be if you want to put one portion down I thought it was fine but if you're rotating the whole griddle out and using multiple I found like the butter on The Griddle would eventually burn um so if you're doing a lot of hash browns I'd kind of stay away from butter you can add butter to it we've done that before so this is not a health thing so when you say seeds oil suck or you should use Tallow or what that's not what this is about crispy hash browns whatever oil you decide to use is up to you so this right here is going to be our mistake pile you can see that the potatoes are extremely individualized no starch left over very dry so that's going to be what we're going to be working with the first thing up that I want to show you and I'm not going to show you the whole cooking process is too low of temp on The Griddle we have a temperature Grill chart so you're seeing right there it's about 275 it even says it right here hash browns and potatoes 375 to 425 one trick to that is how your griddle operates I would prefer you to go up a little bit higher maybe to 400 to 425 because once you put the hasp BRS on there that your potatoes you're going to drop the griddle temp just like deep frying if your Target's 350 and you add something in there it's going to lower the oil so if you hit 375 when your temp supposed to be 350 when the oil drops you don't have that large of a drop when you're trying to find that sweet Zone to fry in same thing with the griddle right so that's what we're going to show you so we're going to show you 300ish little pull of oil the next mistake I'm going to show you see the difference in zone cooking how this was about 300 and this is 430 a hair hot but it's going to be fine if you overshoot your tents on The Griddle the easiest way to take care of it if I can find my dough scraper just a touch of water and I'm not talking about a lot just a little bit where you're going to be frying cool that temperature down little goes along ways and look at the difference already 400° that's why I was telling you that when you add your potatoes you want to take some of that heat away little bit of oil the next mistake is going to be too much potatoes okay here is my solution regardless of what spatula you have you only have X amount of inches to work with we all have that problem when we're talking about omelets it's the same idea sometimes you see these large omelets and they flip them they kind of rip on the edge is because their spatula is not supporting the whole thing anytime I make an omelette that's kind of like my guide okay see that line right there I do it quite often you guys just don't see it that's how large I want my egg to be when I flip it okay so that way it fits firmly on the spatula same thing with hash browns I know you want a bunch of hash browns but I'd much rather you have two batches of hash browns this size than the one large size hash brown that's what I'm going to show you right here see the size of the spatula little bit oil down on this side last but not least one of the [Music] most common problems flipping too early not having the patience working right here so we're talking about two loow aemp our griddle on low we put it down on there about 325° The Griddle climbed to barely 378 somewhere through there so I'm going show you what it looks like see the light color you got to remember when you're frying a potato especially a fresh potato it's all about heat if you notice there's not enough heat to really fry this even though you're in the 350 to 375 Zone once you hit that temperature and add the hash brown it really zaps the temperature away you guys saw that when I added the water so you can imagine this griddle is probably Hing around 300 for a long period of time as it started climbing as your potatoes cook your griddle will climb but you're talking about Wasted Time versus what your hash browns are on there then you actually overcook your hash browns to try to get them crispy you notice how there's Browning around the hash browns that's a tail to sign the problem is since this one's called flipping too early remember this one's too low of a temp and this one had a higher temp but you're in a rush and you want to flip it and this is what happens same thing right these two are basically the same category and that's the result you're not allowing that potato to fry it's not ready if I'm going to show you how to do it right we need to take a little bit more time and when I flip it you're going to notice that some of it's not going to flip because of the size of the spatula one mistake that we're not going to demonstrate but we found in our testing this is a personal opinion we found that doming and weights did not help it actually hindered because once you put a weight on there you would lift the weight up and be full of moisture the moisture has no place to escape not all domes have a vent okay let me show you these three this has a vent for the moisture to escape so does my trigger the Weber does not have a vent so once again you're trapping all that moisture in there that condensation comes up creates moisture and now you're steaming your hash round versus crispy if you look here all this moisture is coming up and that's what you want you're trying to get that moisture to escape so you can fry your hash brown let me show you the honest truth about flat top grilling temperatures 370° when we put this down we're hitting about 410 so I know everybody wants a gun I understand that but although you might think you're cooking at 425 375 450 that's why I try to stay away from as much as possible cuz honestly you're nowhere near and this is a direct result we're only at 350 375 for the potatoes cuz it zaps so much heat now granted I've only got it on a low but if not your griddle is going to climb so what I'm going to do now this is the one that's too large okay you bring your spatula in that's not what I wanted to do but it gets you the idea too many hash browns yeah too many hash browns too big a pile A lot of times it hangs over the edge and you see a lot of that left over okay see if we can actually do this the right way either way the point is too much hash browns with not the size of your spatula can result in you breaking your hash browns I actually don't care if my hash browns are broke not at all it doesn't bother me but I know it bothers some so there's your three common problems that I think when people comment they're asking for how to keep your as BRS together too low of temperature and you're flipping them too early all right this is the triple washed I really don't know else to say it completely dried out this is going to the right side of the griddle since I'm always right and I'm right-handed I like the triple wash this is about 420 the one thing I think we both agreed on through all the testing was say more oil was not always better what do I mean by that we actually found that some of the potatoes were too greasy you had too much oil that absorb a ton of oil and the next thing you know it's a cross between crispy and oily and we didn't necessarily like that these are the first potatoes after about 50 potatoes we've had that's turned on us I even said in the video none of the potatoes turned on us and look at the difference I have no idea why now granted this was not rinsed as much maybe has something to do with the chemicals and the potatoes when they the starch they could I don't know but we had other ones that we didn't rinse I'm done testing potatoes I'm not going back and figure out why they Brown and why they didn't I'm potatoed out this when it comes for pre preference I kind of feel like the perfect hash round in my opinion is almost like the idea of a Smash Burger you make on The Griddle okay you take the Smash Burger you smash it down what your you're looking for is that myard reaction on the bottom once you flip it your Burgers cook so much through probably 80% through the way that you really don't have a lot of time to keep it on the griddle to get that other side myard reaction okay once you flip it you typically add cheese you stack it it's very it's very fast pace although it takes a long time to get these potatoes crispy you'll notice that you're going to cook it for a lot longer on one side then you will the other if that other side continues to cook as long I feel like it's just a ton of grease and then it creates the the greasy effect of the hash browns which is something we do not prefer so my idea for a great hash brown personal opinion is almost the idea of a Smash Burger let it cook a long ways on the first side you can see the moisture escaping that's all that Steam from the potatoes and when you flip it you don't have to worry about re oiling and stuff like that because that's not your presentation side it eliminates a lot of the oil that goes into the potatoes and I think it gives a better product one little trick I've been doing is just sliding the potatoes over just a little bit to pick up the heat from the next part of The Griddle right cuz if that side of the griddle if this part of the griddle right here has reduced a lot of heat this side has not you can pick up a lot of heat by going back and forth so this is the one with a lot more starch in it nice and crispy this is the one that's been washed three times also nice and crispy yep like I said she liked the one with a starch I like the one that was rinsed completely it's just a mouth fill um but ultimately you see the kind of result that we're getting this to me is perfect hash browns I like them crispy now if you don't like them as crispy as we do obviously you flip them earlier you know we're just talking about what we like keeping the size of the spatula helps from the mini potatoes that we did this is exactly what we found out that when you don't richin your potato as much the starch actually AIDS in Browning which makes sense this is no different than the results that we found there's that light medium brown right there and really it's just a texture difference like I said I didn't cook the bottom too long because then they just get greasy same result that we found so anytime we try to do a test we try to replicate the the goods and the bads this was replicated exactly the same way you want to take a bite yep there's not much difference but I still prefer the H the triple washed and I do the um this was our pile of mistakes that we so that's triple washed same thing that we found the potatoes on the outside are extremely crispy that's good I didn't cook the other side near as long and I didn't add more grease to the um to the uh griddle either I just flipped them naturally very briefly washed one time does your answer still hold true yep I still prefer these that's crazy you still prefer those the question is do you still prefer these over the hash BS that we typically do out the refrigerator section or dehydrated no or you don't either no I still the refrigerated bagged Simply Potatoes is my winner the bagged ref the texture it's convenience and honestly I like it better I think the texture holds up more um which one do you like better out of these two or just in general no out of all the different potato options the refrigerated Simply Fresh I like dehydrated uh have to make dehydrated again but I think dehydrated dehydrated is your favorite dehydrated potatoes yeah one tip if you guys get frozen hash browns out of the bag Tha those out completely the night before don't put them on your griddle Frozen you're going to zap the heat Away by the time your heat build you got just got to Mush take the frozen hash browns I know they say you could put them in a skillet or on a griddle I would recommend not doing it I would just take out the portions break it up a little bit and thaw out the back completely that when you come out here you have like basically refrigerated style has Browns but that's my so even through what 50 something potatoes now we have made I've eaten a ton of carbs in the last week I don't even want to eat another bite but the point is is my everything stood true today today was the day um I still do not prefer them although they are great I just like other things better regardless of what you say chemically wise or convenience wise or price-wise it's just a personal preference if you guys are interested hit that join button down below to members trip program we thank each and every one of you for taking time for doing so awesome also don't forget on the flatop king.com you can print out this for free griddle temperature chart thanks for watching don't forget to thanks for watching don't forget to press that subscribe button P the notification Buton share with your friends house Browns 101 hopefully you learn something no I can't do it
Channel: The Flat Top King
Views: 300,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade crispy hashbrowns, crispy hashbrowns on the griddle, hash browns on the griddle, how to make crispy hash browns, griddle cooking for beginners, flat top king, flat top grill hashbrowns, hash brown recipe, crispy hashbrowns, hash browns, how to make hash browns on a flat top grill, how to make hash browns on a griddle, restaurant style hash browns, crispy hash browns on the blackstone griddle, dinner hash browns, homemade crispy hash browns, crispy hash browns at home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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