How to make an omelette on the griddle for beginners

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well you just got your new flat top grill for christmas and one of the first things you want to make is something breakfast on the flat top but you want to impress the family right you want to make an omelet how to make an omelet i get all kinds of comments online about how easy i make it look it comes from experience i can tell you that thousands of mistakes but i can tell you one thing from the navy you learn very quick when there's 3 000 people lined up there's one thing they want an omelette let's get started all right so we're going to break this down in its purest form it might sound easy to some but for others it's going to be a struggle and i've seen it and i think we've got a really good solution all right so this is what the omelette should look like maybe if everything goes accordingly some simple ingredients i've already pre-made and pre-sauteed our vegetables because anything you put in the omelet up to this point is completely up to you so i didn't think you guys need to see me do that that's one two we got our eggs all different types of cheeses we got american cheese shredded cheese and my wife likes goat cheese okay the best the three tips i'm gonna give you to make an omelette perfect every single time the number one is the amount of eggs you use on the grill at the same time i personally believe that a three egg omelet is perfect it's just a little bit more egg than the two egg omelet but it allows you to fold in the sides you guys are gonna see that roll it over bada bing bada boom right that's one the second thing is temperature on your griddle we talk all the time about understanding whether the heat's coming up or the heat's coming down if you're cooking for a big breakfast you've got a lot of stuff going on you would never want to put your eggs down one on a dirty griddle you'd want to clean it and start over fresh or two when your temperature is too hot i do not like brown eggs i like them soft i like them light and creamy so the second thing is temperature the third thing spatulas i swear by these things we've got a link in the description below i know you guys just got your new flat top and you're thinking now i've got to buy something else look these bad boys they don't have the 90 degree angle i've mentioned it several times before it's got the rounded edges which allows you to use it on your griddle a lot more often and they're flexible okay they've got a lot of that's hot i knew it would be they've got a lot of bend in them okay that allows you to get underneath and flip the omelet okay so let's start over with a basic just a very basic omelette okay we're just going to do a cheese omelette for my daughter we're going to do two eggs because i'm going to show you why a two egg and a three egg omelet is completely different if you guys have not gotten a flat top grill thermometer yet a lot of people recommend them i'm right in the middle about it i try to i try to teach you a different method i don't want you to be reliant completely on that i think there's other things that can visualize it and the number one thing i use is butter who doesn't like butter and eggs right see how our butter is nice and foamy it's not browning okay that's what we're looking for if our griddle was too hot this would foam up immediately and be brown and you would brown your butter and that's how you know it's too hot okay so the first things first two egg omelet allow your egg it doesn't matter if it runs okay i'm actually fine with it it just thins it out a little bit and that's cooking the cooking process allow your eggs to cook before you rush the process see how we're getting dry around the edges okay that's what you want okay you don't want it completely dry because i'm going to show you a trick later a little cheese there she likes a lot of cheese so we're gonna give it to her okay just like that now here's the number four method which i didn't mention earlier but it's very important your omelette should never be bigger than your spatula if it's bigger than a spatula then it's extremely hard to maneuver okay so that's why we fold in the edges it keeps the ingredients in okay but it also allows your spatula see how much we're working with there tell them how big that is honey all right that's about 12 inches that's what she says solo look you fold in it keeps the ingredients in but also it allows you to maneuver your eggs without having spillage over one side of the other and if you do it your eggs are not done completely just move it out of the way and the heat is going to build up and will continue to cook your eggs through there okay so that's a two egg omelet okay not a lot of ingredients in there so you see how you might be able to struggle the more ingredients you put in there that looks super easy like i could probably do that now we're going for the mother lode this is gonna be the misses yeah i like everything but the kitchen sink in my omelette and i think sometimes she likes that hey just curious for the people that cook a lot or heck even the people that don't i was thinking when i was doing this what about a italian omelet now hear me out i said no i vetoed that right away i'm just curious you got some good salami some good uh prosciutto some good mozzarella maybe a broken downs type of marinara to where it's not just marinara like tomatoes garlic basil something like that i don't know if you guys are interested if you guys know of something cool like that just comment below i think it'd be awesome to make i'm i'm actually on board i just gotta get her on board all right so that almost done so we're gonna take it off okay just like that come over here now listen if you're brand new to the flat top community and you start your bacon and sausage on the flat top grill because you're seasoning it or you want to cook that first you got to take time to scrape it off these eggs will stick to your sausage proteins or your bacon proteins okay three egg omelet okay got some butter down i pour on this side because my griddle runs this way and since i'm right-handed i like to pour up and down if you pour this way it's hard to fold because then all of a sudden you're folding over here okay all right a little salt and pep for the for the misses see how the outside's already getting done that's a telltale sign a little shredded cheese we're going to finish off the goat cheese for [Music] if you haven't had goat cheese it just it makes it super creamy gives it like a little bit of a tang feta does too she likes fat in it too all right and like she said she likes it all onion ham see how once you start adding ingredients you lose a lot of space on a two egg omelet even if you think two eggs is too much fine only half of it and refrigerate the rest i have for the next day or share it that's what i do yeah it's a lot easier to make a bigger omelet and ask for forgiveness through the eggs and another way then to make a smaller omelet and then it becomes very hard to do on the flat top okay so we got green peppers onions sausage we got everything we got sausage mushrooms tomatoes we got it all okay just like that [Music] here's a tick tripping a tick you got it you gotta want to get under it okay don't baby it around you want to get under it okay look at that member jammer [Music] if you want to get fancy like this you can always put a couple more vegetables on the side and that's what we did i just kept some of the vegetables out on the side and then put them on top so we know which omelet was which especially if you're making multiple of them okay all right guys there you go hey simple ways to make omelettes on the flat top grill uh remember those three easy steps plus that one tip at the end i'm just going to cut it right in half so you guys can just take a sneak peek all that goodness [Music] let's see what we got here hey guys thanks for watching don't forget to press subscribe button pound the notification button share it with your friends peace
Channel: The Flat Top King
Views: 234,936
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Keywords: how to make an omelette for beginners, how to make an omelette on the blackstone griddle, griddle omelette for beginners, flat top king, how to make an omelette on the griddle, how to make egg omelette on the griddle, camp chef griddle omelette, loaded omelette on the griddle, omelette on flat top grill, omelette on the griddle, how to make an omelette on the griddle for beginners, how to make an omelette on a flat top grill, Flat top grill omelette for beginners, easy omelette
Id: pQ1BWQ736GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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