How to make crispy restaurant hash browns | easy hash browns

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good morning everybody hope all as well I'm back here with you with another video this is another breakfast related video you could consider it a supplement to my omelet video but today what I'm going to show you how to make and some of you probably already know how to do this and have different ways of doing this but I just want to show you how I do it and what I'm gonna do is show you how to make crispy restaurant style hash browns for one so without further delay here we go alright so let's start out with the ingredients they have we're gonna use today so to get started on the hashbrowns obviously you need a potato I've got smaller a smaller bag of russet potato so I'm taking out two potatoes just in case you'll need a cutting board you're gonna need 1/3 cup about 1/3 cup of vegetable oil and you can use other oils if you want I like to use vegetable oil with hashbrowns because it's got a high smoke point so the oil won't burn even that hot temperatures in the pan or in the skillet what you're going to need to get the crispy hash browns again we're gonna have some salt and pepper we're not going to add any of that until the end this is something I like to use and you'll see how it works but this is just a little Tupperware it's rectangular shaped and you'll see how that comes into play here with the potatoes you're gonna need a box grater or some type of cheese grater this is what I'm gonna use to grate the potatoes and you're going to need a bowl of cold water we're gonna put the potato in there after they're shredded and then you're gonna need a strainer of some sort so I got this strainer we'll go over here the pan that I'm going to use today is stainless steel 8-inch pan with a cover that fits tight you want the cover to fit tight it's going to avoid splatter but it it's gonna help make the potatoes really tasty and create the needed steam in there to get these done right and then obviously something to flip the hashbrowns with so I've got a metal it looks like a fish flipper but you can use plastic or wood or any kind of flipper you got there spatula all right so let's go on to the next step I also forgot to mention that you're gonna need a potato peeler obviously to peel the potatoes a dish cloth or a cheesecloth this is a fairly large one that's pretty thick and then also some paper towels okay now I'm ready to go onto the next step all right so right now I have these two small peeled potatoes and what I'm gonna do to create my hashbrowns is I'm going to start shredding them and the cheese grater on the cutting board and as they come out through the bottom I'm gonna start to put them in the cold water [Music] alright so while those potatoes are sitting in the cold water you can start the heat getting into the pan so I'm gonna take the stainless steel skillet and I'm going to turn the heat up to about medium-high it's between 6 & 8 on my gas stove and before you add anything to that just like the omelette you're gonna let it get hot it's important that the pan get really hot before yet oil before you add potatoes and I start straining the potatoes you want to get all of that starchy water out of there press it down do all that starchy juicy water out of there so we're left with nothing but cold potatoes fine let's just write there okay that pan is getting pretty hot I'm going to take about half of this third so half of this I'm gonna dump that in let that get hot and while that is heating up I'm just going to turn that heat down just a little bit while I show you the next process here and what we're gonna do right now you can see is we're gonna get these potatoes nice and dry so I'm gonna shake these out in the sink and then I'm gonna put them all over this cloth get the exposure down there a little bit spray them out we want all the moisture or as much as possible out of those potatoes so we're gonna flip it um around you what I'm gonna do now is this trick that I taught myself but what I do is I take this little Tupperware thingy rectangular shape Tupperware and I put a serving of potatoes right in there i smash it down don't fill it all the way up make about a serving of potatoes smash it down now what I do is I take the rest of that oil the half of the third board in there now you need a lot of oil to make your hashbrowns crispy but don't worry we're gonna get rid of some of the excess oil at the end I'm gonna push those down in there kind of get that oil cover all those potatoes now that pan is hot but it's not smoking and if you really don't want it to smoke you don't want burnt oil and obviously don't want burnt potatoes but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take these potatoes now and I'm going to dump them right into the oil make sure you kind of dump them away from you so you don't get burnt all right now they're in there I'm gonna just press down a little bit gonna lift this up show you what they look like now this is really important and set this down you want to get your cover and plop it right on there nice and tight and you want to set a timer for five minutes whatever you do don't try to check the potatoes don't flip them you wait the full five minutes all right so I'll be back in about five minutes all right it's been five minutes I haven't lifted the cover but I can hear some sizzling going on there I think these hash browns are ready to flip remove the cover carefully you didn't see nice and crispy on the edges I'm gonna carefully get my spatula underneath there and flip them away from me oops I'm gonna put them to the side nice and crispy so now on this side I'm not going to go the full five minutes and I'm not gonna put the cover on I'm gonna go about two and a half three minutes all right so I am ready to take the hashbrowns out of the pan and get them prepared to eat so I'll come around here with the pan what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna slide these out coming out all in one pieces which I really like let them drip in the pan just a little bit there and I'm gonna put them on one half of this folded paper towel that I've got walk this back over to the stove you're not all right don't know if you can see me but these hash browns are nice and golden-brown they are crispy the oil is starting to soak into the paper towel they're really hot I'm gonna turn this paper towel over and I'm going to just soak up a little bit more of the oil then we're gonna flip it over see that side got pretty crispy too but not too done and I'm just gonna plop them right there on my plate I'm gonna dispose of this paper towel zoom in nice and close for you there so you can see them nice and crispy you
Channel: Jim Cummings
Views: 202,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to cook hash browns, crispy hash browns, restaurant hash browns, diner style hash browns, how to make hash browns, easy hash browns, hash browns at home, breakfast hash browns, crispy hashbrowns, easy hashbrowns, hash browns for breakfast
Id: TX_GeLjEOfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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