Crispy Hash browns on the flat top grill - Part 2 (5 different kinds) Frozen, Refrigerated, or Fresh

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[Music] the ultimate hash brown video we've got a fantastic video out there already we put it on our camp chef we did fresh frozen or refrigerated everybody kept saying what about dehydrated well it took us a while to find the dehydrated we finally found them we snuck it into a breakfast video that one does very well so today it's all about the hash brown baby five of them you ready if there's other ones out there i don't know about them refrigerated we got the dehydrated kind my frozen patties we launched those the other day we're going back with the fresh i'm gonna hand grate those soak them in some water because of you guys you said don't drain them with a paper towel the paper towel rips drain them with a tea towel fantastic idea for every single one of you that said that i will be doing that today and last but not least the frozen has shredded hash browns you guys ready boo let's go all right first things first we are doing everything today on the pit boss it is preheating i'll show you real quick it's been pre-washed the great side and just go at it this is why i don't do fresh hash browns it's such a dang mess all right i'm gonna go soak these in water rinse them out and then we're gonna bring them back out with a tea towel and i'll show you how much moisture is in there all right so we don't get confused i went ahead and strained the dehydrated hash browns i just prepared them uh per the package instructions it's like a one to one ratio on that brand these are the fresh hash browns i've rinsed under cold water to try to get as much starch off as possible just give you guys an idea just you want these as dry as possible see all that liquid that's what you want out that's when i ripped my paper towels and like hey use a tea towel i'm like man i don't know why i didn't think of that all right those definitely feel pretty dry right there that could that could be the secret to fresh hash browns i don't know maybe not we're gummy because i didn't get them as dry as i could be those feel pretty dry all right we got all our hashbrowns staged i've been preheating on low just like my camp chef this pit boss can get hot on low hot on low it's already over 400 it should be shooting around four so we're in the 500 range 430 over here this is my cold spot and over here you're shooting in the 500s okay it's been on low the whole time so just because it's on low doesn't mean it's going to be about 350 degrees we can live with 500 all right the one thing i tell you about hash hashbrowns it does not matter if it's a non-stick ceramic coated surface if it's the black stone if it's the camp chef it does not matter use more oil and more butter than what you would think okay it takes a lot of oil to get these things crispy all right first things first we know these jokers take a long time they're not really special and dear to my heart but the other day my kids love them so those are the frozen yep all right right now i'm just mixing it up let it gather all that butter and oil and go ahead and form them out to the resting place you want them thin and not too thick all right if your flat top super hot one way to adjust the temperature to stop your butter from browning is go ahead and add in your high heat oil we use avocado oil grapeseed oil is a great combination something like that okay so a combination of butter oil and just make your so are those the fresh potato yes so frozen fresh refrigerated [Music] all right right here is the refrigerator i think i misspoke earlier i don't know if we can edit that out that's just what happens if you get so excited about making dang hash browns i guess just try to make each of them even as possible all right just to recap really really quick you guys see the frozen ones there this right here was the frozen frozen this was the fresh grated this is refrigerated and this is the dehydrated go ahead and salt them whatever salt you like personally i'm a seasoned salt fan when it comes to hash browns looks like we're feeding an army today honey looks like i need a bigger griddle getting close see how the edges are getting crispy once you start filling that crust set up you'll feel it right away it moves as a whole unit see that how the whole thing moves i'm going to turn my knobs up to about medium now that all that cold and frozen has taken the heat from the flat top i'm going to adjust that heat accordingly i won't keep it on medium the whole time but you want to be able to get that heat back into it all right i'm learning the griddle just like you would be when you first start off i've noticed that the front part of the griddle is a lot cooler so i bring out my fancy dancing brand new uh meat press just to help it out a little bit can you link that in the description because i know people were asking what kind do you use it is it's linked in there i'm just going to oil the tops of them because remember you're flipping them all right patience patience when it comes to hashbrowns flip the hash browns when they're ready don't flip them before they're not ready right don't rush it allow that crispiness to set up you see how much moisture is escaping right now and you can start seeing telltale signs how your hash browns are getting crispy around the edges see how much brown they are around the edges that's a good sign okay so these were the frozen i think aura ida okay that looks pretty good to me right this is the fresh come on honey pick up that's the fresh [Applause] this is the we're going to come back to this this is refrigerated this was on longer last tip i wanted to give you because once they're flipped once it really doesn't matter don't worry about creating the perfect hash brown where you flip it and all stays together trust me once you get on the plate you get your family around it does not matter so don't worry about the pressure of getting the hash brown flipped in one swoop now when i say that i'm still competitive i still want this to flip in one swoop but it ain't breaking my spirit all right this one to me is not done i think this one's close to being done so i'm going to cheat a little bit these broke apart these are the dehydrated ones let's see if we get that what can you get out of my way you're filming right don't wonder i can't flip them let me have some breathing room over here i can't flip left-handed all right put it back in its patty comment below tell me how bad of a cook i am i get it all the time no matter how good it comes out look you're never going to know it put it back in its form pat it out and you're good to go okay this one is not ready i guess i go and flip it and show you what i'm talking about when i say don't flip it unless it's ready so let's see if i can go right down the middle see how there's no color on the bottom but there's color on top how much lighter color that is i had that suspicion because i think the the flat top this is a naturally cool spot right there so we're just going to form it back up and then what we're going to do move this up higher and move this up higher as well okay all right coming back over here i can tell this is a really good one this is the refrigerated oh yeah now we like our hash browns crispy oh yeah oh yeah yeah no salt pass rounds for me no sir all right i'm gonna take them off and see which one we like better so just to recap this is the frozen take those frozen patties off for the kids oh yeah they like them all right this is the fresh last time my wife liked the fresh and i like the refrigerated okay this is it refrigerated got enough room yeah this is my favorites right here oh you got some over easy eggs some good old valentina hot sauce matt you already know brother i ain't letting that go to waste all right i'll let it rest for a second so this is what i'm gonna do we knew that this was a cold spot i'm gonna keep the flat top on now i'm just gonna move them over [Applause] now it makes me angry now wants me to you know i got that competitive edge i'm not getting beat by house browns today so we're going to get these the way they should be looking all right i'm adjusting my shoulders you know this is serious now here we go no i got it i got it don't tell nobody there we go that's what i'm looking for that's what i expected over here but obviously that's a cold spot it's not a big deal it's just something to get used to same thing with right here now this is too big for the spatula at least give myself a fighting chance oh yeah see how it's more even the color is because we got them off that cold spot oh i love those hashbrowns they're my favorite it might look like a mess but we're talking about the staple of hash browns they're all golden brown now it's time for the taste test the ultimate taste test now there's no confusion we've got all five of them together which one do we like let's see if we can have the same answer today as we did when we made that video first up the kids favorite i don't think it's in the same category all right this is the frozen frozen now last time she last time she liked them last time i didn't completely different texture way better this time than what it was last way better could be because they're thinner this was fresh oh that's what it was you like the fresh and i didn't we both didn't like the frozen you like the fresh and i like refrigerated i still don't like the fresh they're refrigerated i don't want they're all good and now they're dehydrated the ones that won't stay together on you yeah but look at them now they still want to decide together on the fort is there really that much of a difference i like that i like the texture of the refrigerated like it bites back to like there's some oomph to it right but it's got all the crispiness involved then the dehydrated are very close to it but the the thinness of the actual potato is a little bit thinner so you don't get that same one when you're talking about the frozen these are better this time than what they were last time they're not as gummy so they had a lot more christmas to them as far as the the fresh i'm still not a big fan of fresh potatoes when it comes to hash browns i would much rather have all the other ones now that's a personal preference i'm gonna tell you what does matter cooking hash browns on your flat top grill regardless what flat top grill you've got now that's what i'm talking about hey comment below let us know what your favorite hashbrown is don't forget to press that subscribe button pound the notification button share it with your friends peace that's like a week's worth of carbs
Channel: The Flat Top King
Views: 186,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crispy hash browns on the flat top grill, hash browns on a flat top grill, how to make hash browns on a flat top grill, hash browns on pitboss ultimate griddle, how to cook hash browns on a flat top grill, how to cook hash browns on the pitboss griddle, pitboss ultimate griddle hash browns, how to make hash browns on a griddle, how to make hash browns on the camp chef griddle, breakfast hash browns on a griddle, flat top king, pit boss, crispy hash browns on the blackstone griddle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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