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hey good morning guys welcome back to tour north cafe i always say good morning but what if you watch this in the afternoon it's not really morning and you know some people are like wait a sec it's not morning dude hey this week we made hash brown omelets i've already got this one half eight let me tell you they are delicious you guys want to know how to make these come along i'll show you i learned how to make this oh boy so i was probably 15 14 or 15 and i used to work at a local cafe or a local restaurant and i used to dishwash there i used to ride my bike into town and dishwash well one day the they were short-handed one of the cooks that called in i was over there dishwashing and they said hey janna what's your up so guess what i literally stood in front of this flat top grill made these all morning long over and over and over again so i got pretty good at it i made probably a million of them not really but a lot of them it's very simple hash browns i like veggies and peppers in mine the meat any type of meat bacon sausage we like ham in ours we just got some butter for the saute in this stuff and for the hash browns i got about five eggs here there is no perfect recipe to this same with the cheese the cheese is however you guys want to go about it we like the craft singles the cheap the cheap cheese makes great omelets i just don't know how to say it any better than that because it does and i think it's better but a lot of people i get a little bit of grief a lot of people like to use good quality cheese and that's just fine on a burger i'm all about it but on a hashbrown omelette gotta have the craft singles gotta it's a must anyhow uh without holding anything else up let's get to cooking first step let's get some butter down quite a bit of butter actually because we're going to be really rocking this stuff [Music] lots of butter lots of butter get that all melted up here i like cooking my hash browns on around medium heat so medium heat that's what i start my hash browns out with and go ahead and toss your hash browns and all that butter kind of just like last weekend except a whole lot fancier hash browns should be good tell you if you're running a blackstone you're going to go through a lot of paper towels and i just mix the hash browns up real good all that powder incorporated in with those half browns key to cooking hash browns butter and patience when i'm making the hash brown omelets i like to make it pretty thin pretty thin layer of hash crowns because you got to incorporate your eggs into the hash brown mix and if they're too thick it's you're going to have a hard time cooking them i like to make these nice and square to make them in a little bit more manageable pieces [Music] okay something just like that guys nice and square now just let them sit there let up be patient let them brown up before you add the egg the hash brown's got to be 95 cooked i'd say so i'm gonna throw a little bit more butter down and saute those veggies give the veggies a salt tight oh yeah oh yeah [Music] oh man i cannot wait till they make some elevators you guys it smells so good i like to season my hash browns at this point and i'm going to use mad seasoning make a difference this stuff is so good follow him on tick tock he makes a killer outdoor cooking videos over campfires and he's pretty cool dude throw my hand down get that rocking and rolling [Music] looking good i like getting i like getting a little can you guys see that little brown on my ham little fizzle on the ham a little sizzle so i'm gonna take some b-roll of feeling nice and golden brown the edges are starting to get that's how you know you're going to start to get close on the hash browns okay guys i think we're ready to add the egg my hash browns are pretty much 100 done like 95 done i'm gonna add some egg all i'm gonna do is scramble it up real good and dump her on just like so okay that work the egg into the hash brown just like that and i'm to add my cheese there's so much heat going on in those hash browns that that egg is going to cook through from underneath especially once you fold over the hash brown it's going to cook inside there a lot of people go a little too long at this point because they're concerned about the egg not being done because it looks runny at this point but once you fold it all together it's going to get nice and cooked because of how hot the hash browns your ham everything that you're adding inside of it so you'll be all set you're going to put a little sprinkle of ham all the way across oh man does that look good hey keep keep it going let's add some of these nice saute veggies [Music] how's that look guys how does that look guys [Music] nice and chopped all i got to do is fold them over boom there's one boom there's two done deal what do you guys think of all that that is a situation right there elijah's hot sauce the stuff is so good this stuff is the roasted pepper and i like that i got off i got the kid and the kit comes with pineapple mango reaper sauce ghost pepper sauce and regret i don't know if i ever tried the regret but i might get brave enough to try this ghost pepper sauce and that pineapple one definitely gonna be trying that all right let's add a little bit of this hot sauce give her a shot [Music] this is probably gonna be hot cheers that one's hot wow i should probably be more patient wow wow is that good guys i hope you guys use this recipe i bet your family will love it um i know our family loves it this would be a great uh camping recipe or uh super bowl morning make these bad boys get ready for the super bowl this would be a perfect way to cook or a perfect breakfast
Channel: True North Cafe
Views: 3,602,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u_kdZy6-5qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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