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today we're playing superfight and it's kinda like cards against humanity' you guys like that one a lot and this is like a superhero version so the way it works is one person's the ref and they pull a hero guy from the top of the deck and everyone else tries to beat him and he decides who would win in a fight wait wait wait is it one two three four five six and for the punishment ah they're going to be one winner and the other six people four of them will draw cards and play out as a double-date they will enact their cards and then the fifth person shall be the waiter and the sixth person shall be the super villain trying to ruin their double date it doesn't really make sense to us either but it does make job ever yeah as a twist of the game once we lay down our guys that want to fight then we have to pass a card on to the person next to us to try to mess up their guy yes yeah bank job and legs himself three times yeah I'm going to draw your first opponent everyone all right so you have the men in black carrying way too many grocery bags and they just drank five energy drink same time that way no one has chance to respond everyone 3 2 1 lay it down BAM I wear it with Anthony I'm a naked clown who's 6 feet tall no one I am a psychic armed with an orgasm yeah you are I'm a Westboro Baptist that you bees from the mouth oh I am baby Jesus who's this blinding light from my hair I am a ninja that throws used hypodermic needle oh and I'm a turtle that throws OH as the ref el now to say left so everyone passed one black card and left to try to screw up the other person scared oh yeah so now I am a naked six foot tall clown has socially nice I am a psychic I'm with an orgasm ray I just can't stop Westboro Baptist that shoots bees from the mouth whose parents are brother and sister I'm baby Jesus shooting blading like put my hands on one of those electric scooters for old people baby Jesus on a rascal scooter I'm a [ __ ] throws hypodermic needles and I'm drunk oh I'm a turtle that throws homeless people but I've just dropped with less corn you go around this way dude your case alright you carrying grocery bags you know how almost people feel about grocery bags we're gonna mad the people they're gonna go crazy he just dropped acid but it'll throw them everywhere he'll get you they'll go after the homeless bad but the shopping bags for them I think you had him you're on acid yeah all right okay so I'm a ninja yes I'm drunk but then again I'm a ninja I've trained years I could train any time ninjas always did sake it doesn't matter I'm throwing hypodermic needles those are way better than ninja stars if you get hit with any of them you're screwed you're drunk you're gonna accidentally hit yourself how you been your enemy how much all right now gentlemen baby Jesus I'm a baby Jesus I have magical powers that no one even knows about right now and I can't control them so I could be like a super nova it could be a giant flood nobody's not really have mercy you planning yeah you're lighting lighting I don't have a bunch of well guess what Betsy all on Spooner oh you can't see how I run you over all right Mari you just had a bunch of energy dreams let me see applause sugar inside your mouth I shoot bees from my mouth Oh your body please guys sugar they like pollen up Eisel go screw myself so means you controlling the person bees are gonna sting you because they're checking carbon dioxide what's up I'm a psycho with a nice freakin I'm fine with the orgasm right you're gonna [ __ ] all sobbing but with joy from the torture that is happening to your jint alias all I gotta say is what is the most scary thing the world clowns now imagine one that six feet tall and naked ha ha ha leave the house and a social anxiety yeah it's stuck in the eye that's all right I have to eliminate baby Jesus right off the bat because they're repeating the flashing light I don't know if you see them in a black together the only one that could really do real damage to me is the ninja with the drill Oh Doc Holliday is pretty accurate when you're drunk so one point fatality I am a spider that can take the form of toiletry and I'm made of rubber I'm rubber you're glue no one will ever defeat great - oh okay so I'm a kamikaze that just did a mountain blow I'm distracted by shiny things Velociraptor ejaculates fire but I can't see you oh wow midday I'm Madonna armed with a portal guns that I'm only six inches tall hahaha I have Nickelback wearing high heels riding a broomstick I'm a Middle Eastern female she's placing their nipples I am a dragon that can create a holler myself but I'm believing oh all right so I'm a kamikaze just been around a blow I'm going crazy you know it doesn't matter if I'm distracted by shiny things because you know sometimes a rubber shiny and he's my tail it doesn't matter if I don't hit him because I'm gonna hit something and I'm gonna explode yeah you're gonna kill someone I don't know about my spider I'm a velociraptor I'm fast and I'm smart and he's actually fire I can't say this but I don't need to see I don't you be like this and then spinning around in circles just to fire everybody I'm gonna get you please never do and see I felt kind of like you're gonna burn yourself yes Mari Madonna has a portal gun she will come into your toiletry whatever hell for six days she's sickly just old but how big is a spider like way smaller than a turn wedding good Donna does not die she will never wash all the head dirt with a pointy as nipples the world has another heavy palynology night tiny portal gun I don't think it operated it doesn't say tiny quarter oh let's see all your play is really cool but nothing wins a fight light crippling music and hilarity Nickelback wearing high heels riding a broomstick will murder a rubber spider it will just melt under the awesome that is Nickelback how do you write who is most afraid of spiders most likely women so we got a Middle Eastern female who's scared of this fighter and she's got laser nipples it doesn't matter she's got tiny bird legs she will use her laser nipples to get eliminate that spider mycolic sad clowns with knives being able to shoot glasses the lady has glasses on she never shows her nipples fifties Middle East ragged manic but he's just barking hot fire all over that spider Plus every type of spider thinks oh I got that dragon I got a pin right there nope that's a hologram so you get up behind you but he might be in the but he might be too busy being in the bathroom I think the only thing although your arguments wrong the reason this wins is because his music is so bad that this player will actually kill it fatality I am the Hulk armed with the white guilt Bray and I can walk through solid objects oh yeah lasercorn you take it I'm a whale leeches opponent's health when touch but it's also really clumsy I mean female Deschutes laughing yes but I have a white female armed with the roofie ray my hands are covered in butter what I'm an Irish female armed with an STD launcher but my ass I'm a dominatrix but must mate with the components before killing them then wearing a racing potato sack I am Sherlock Holmes who can summon an army of African children and I'm a tween lasercorn I plead your case all right in Avengers uh issue 154 we saw that Aquaman was able to immobilize the Holt with a whale by having the whale land on top of it he's going to get immobilized he's gonna get all his help bleach when he gets touched he's dead yeah but how does the whale actually get on home she jump one Oh he jumps out of the water green eyes the whales not going to get on the Hokkaido don't fact-check like oh all right the whale might try to jump on a buddy super clumsy meanwhile we have a sexy hunting people oh she was laughing at all that Hulk down he's not gonna be so hokey just in good for dinner I know she's just bricks that's gonna come praise for saying that she's scared all doesn't like to shoot sooner to mess up on the skin a white male armed to the roofie ray I'm gonna shoot the Hulk and he's going to be super high and you won't be able to do it runs loose on your head a man why he covered in butter but Larry Maddie well you know being an Irish female hold fire hard when an STD ray I think I'll be very effective with giving Hulk's balls all herpes like a gerbil in my ass for myself benefit I'm winning cuz that's exciting I will my nature which means that she is going to just take the Hulk in just make him your slave and then she must mate with you before killing that'll make an angry way more powerful oh wait the whole kid's gonna love it he needs somebody just strap it down it doesn't matter oh container stack is coming off potato sack coming up you have it out show it homes maybe a queen but as we've read in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes which is actually books than um but he can summon an army of African children who have you've seen those commercials two o'clock good morning they're adorable they just look at you all kind of like pop help me yeah what should be like oh look nothing's more annoying than the tweet he'll just get a yard or the white guilt free alright so um guys I don't know if you realize this but he's armed with the white guilt rent which renders of you and you and you Milo no your skin all useless dominatrix wins oh no making people guilty you Oh God my kilt it's unbearable hey Hulk why don't you pick on someone your own size I came in oh yeah jørgen is so good Oh God enough cook so much with that guy alright guys the first people you'll be fighting against the feminists who had Tourette's and his arm with a loop fire hose I have a Middle Eastern male covered in spikes and I'm fetishes I am a nudist growth axes is wearing assless chaps we get what I have a chef subdued ha I am an Asian female heart Russ three stories tall words I'm an alien by the tongue that can stretch and move in bill I am B predator 100 of me armed with one that's pretty great I am one of those really expensive sex dolls wearing a jetpack here yo okay there's certain countries in the Middle East that aren't really known for their women's rights so he clearly hates feminists he's covered in spikes your Lube doesn't even matter cuz really use the spikes and he's a foot fetishist that's just you just gonna use that to really creepy out and then just stab you repeatedly in the head the spikes and his hatred for women first of all I've completely taken to Iggy out of the fight because three stories tall wearing skis clomping around on skis there's no way she's getting anyway my guy on the other hand is a nudist who's gonna just take that loop and be like oh yes I love it rub it all over his body keep coming and he's throwing axes at you he's wearing a sash it's gonna be even sexier I have an Asian female whose results may be she's wearing skis but she's gonna be able to sneak into the ranks of the feminists and be able to become friends and then crush them how could he sneak when you're doing Mary Stewart no no that's leaking everywhere hey shut up nothing about physically sneaking I'm talking about being like oh I'm a strong female that you love that all right this menu what feminists can turn down something that had a tongue that can move and stretch it will it may be a dealing and it may be able to be six feet tall I think six inches tall that's exactly what are you saying oh thank you oh hi Emma nice work okay they can't turn this down I'm pretty sure that's why there are feminists also feminists can also be guys guys like and that's going on like aliens but what about the alien predator 100 of them second of all predator 100 got some fun with one cup each we don't have what with their predator you best believe I have when I hear one good one cup I like how this turned into alien vs. predator cuz every feminist was one because every month or so because it's made of cheese but I will say that movie has no effect on sex dolls I love it they love it it technically does have an effect on sex dollars almost as if it is necessary with this ex dumped it's awesome who will Joe the Jews will vidiians Middle Eastern man covered in spikes who also happens to be a foot fetishes this one's nudists burros axes in this for some reason wearing assless chaps thus negating his nuta status so hickeys Asian female who has three stories tall and wearing skis Anthony 6-inch tall alien with a sloppy tongue which is 100 predators each armed with one cub for Marty's really expensive sex doll wearing a jet pack made of cheese find out and catch the rest of Superboy in next week's episode of game bang that outro is epic I know you're wondering what happens next week in game bang well while you're waiting to go back to last week's episode was played just dance and you watch us get our groove on to some kids songs and then also this week's mari was easily the best mari craft ever go watch what we all enter the death dome
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 3,759,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super fight, cards, card game, gaming, jovenshire, lasercorn, sohinki, atomic mari, mari, gameplay, smosh game bang, game bang, ian, anthony, punishment, challenge, versus, rage, anger, flitz
Id: gRnn7YS-a54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Fri May 09 2014
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