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welcome to Bordeaux today is a very exciting day because we are playing uh and I say this unbiased ly uh my favorite tabletop game I've ever played and it just so happens to have been created by a good friend of mine Ivan bad Norman from geek and sundry yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna make a game that's really really nice of you because the very first time I played it was when we were on king of the Nerds and I fell in love with it because you literally get to create yourself in a zombie apocalypse yes we've all taken personality tests and basically what they've all said is we're dead I don't know I'm gonna be fine we were playing outbreak undead second edition this is my starter kit right um tell us about this game what are we doing tonight so outbreak and dead is a zombie survival simulation RPG which the key word being simulation this game kind of differentiates itself from other zombie RPGs because it tries to lean on realism the zombie apocalypse is not a walk in the park you know waiting dead in the park i watch a lot of the zombie stuff that we've come to enjoy it really centers around people trying to maintain a post-apocalyptic world with zombies is kind of its backdrop and this is a very much a similar way without break on dead you can do mad max you can do like 28 days later you can do Romero's on we actually did a epic undead deep space we did dbj on this channel a long time ago yeah we did so we did like sci-fi with like mutated infected opponents and stuff in it we got I got stretched whenever we never saw the outcome of that oh hey I mean welcome is obviously I put him down hey Chris the games pretty simple in its base mechanics but it has a whole list of crunchy little extras that you can add in depending on how realistic you want your survival experience to be yeah we've decided that we want it to be as hard as possible since we're so equipped to be in zombie upon oh great now keep in mind like this is a full-fledged tabletop RPG game yeah so this episode is going to spend over a few episodes so strap in cuz we're seeing if we can survive the zombie apocalypse you're gonna see if you can survive smoshgames winter apocalypse lose my winter games go winter winter winter games a bunch apocalypse is coming now I love you hippie slogan for this game is your zombie plan will fail yeah your zombie survived so well whatever we think are poppin he's my zombie yeah we have all said our zombie plan is to go to Wesen I guess I should have a really good plan all plans fail because they never been tested so Wes it's time to test your plan okay uh opens good one really quick because we did the personality test do we want to see who like what is your highest stacked higher highest stat was my empathy it was a 36 that was my lowest stat funny what these numbers compare to is is um 22 ish is pretty average the idea being that if these guys have amnesia and they were trying to succeed on an empathy role they would have to roll under of 36 on a 100 sided die now hundreds odds are against it odds are against this but 100 sided die is just do 2d tens that make a hundred a 39 in grappling pretty good you are scrap money is actually a 56 in hold that's right I can stand still Wow he cannot do it engine yeah yeah sure joven has a 56 and laziness I got a 53 in lung gun fire arms like I said hey my Survival Plan right well because even as we talked about when we're making your character you what gave me a pretty comprehensive list of all of the competition shooting you used I'm killing my guy and that's what happens guys practical experience matters which is really really cool my strengths are pretty good I have uh two years lacrosse and ten years lying about my stats and RPGs feel like after he will prepare let's jump into the scenario now we've not heard this situation before throwing us into it I'm throwing into it it's completely free how we do and and the good news is is that I got familiar the last couple nights with what happens when you guys like I don't like the way you said familiar the glory that I'll present you today will be part of essentially you guys being in a cabin in Big Bear and that's kind of where our story begins is the picture now okay normally I would go around in an RPG show and say hey introduce your characters but you guys are playing you I'm joking joven who I'm Gor log our guys you are in the middle of a two tiered cabin out in the wondrous winter wonderland of the Big Bear yeah so alliteration it's thank you you're sitting on the lake side of Big Bear if you're familiar with the town at all and just for the people out there may not be feeling with California's geography it's easily call it 30 to 40 miles out of from the nearest civilization and it's down a large amount of elevation because Big Bear is often used as a luxury retreat and a ski resort literally above the clouds above the clouds um so it's a very isolated establishment but it is also a pretty well fresh tell my character called in sick and did not go to Winter Games I survived uh you got a call from Matt rocks and either get in the bus or you're fired I've got enough on so you drove up to Big Bear with everybody and um yo we're on a bus your scenario no you were way past the wall well I mean what I'm saying is we don't have individual cars to drive nope you took a but we do have a loss our scenario starts with you for relaxing after a long night of shooting winter games so this is the evening of Dave okay baby poor so weak he just had a sriracha no no snow cone luckily I ate approximately 157 tums so you're still recovering some of your sriracha snow cone yes sitting amongst a fire and everyone decided to go out to the casino that's up in Big Bear 1603 totally knew about that yes you for accurately decided to stay home either a because you didn't want to blow money on a California casino or to Sorachi snow cone what are you doing honey relax why never my long night Fire Emblem awakening awakening my D s right I think myself and Jim and we're having a hearthstone duel yep going back where hearthstone yeah right I'm watching hearthstone duel telling people what to do things and they're telling me to go away great welcome back see driving the horse - yeah [ __ ] pursue your constant area starts with you guys alone inside of the cabin and as you're dueling out dealing damage album you're disconnected the Wi-Fi goes out okay so in the middle of your I blame Wes first of all I was going to win no no my family so you see but you see the lit pop up being like connection lost attempting to reconnect attempting to reconnect and eventually you tie him out well first I check the battery on my phone let's see well thanks did pretty good I believe I have very poor signal up here for the record yes a sense he blames me we tell Wes to go fits in Wes go fix the Internet okay I'm gonna go up and I'm gonna check the router okay I unplug it plug it back in unplug plug it back in and the light for connection just keep thinking it does actually in fact the there is the solid light for internet so it goes through its check and it blinks through and that internet light isn't coming on hmm should have gone to the casino damnit Time Warner Cable yeah yeah good I tell Jovan did to go find Matt rub and complain about the Internet you want to call Matt I try to call Matt see when they're coming back okay so you hop on the phone you were surprised to hear that as soon as you dial the number it goes straight to a recorded message dude I'm sorry all circuits are currently busy try your call again later I don't like this game I'm freaking out man yeah I mean wait wait wait wait I hold I go check and see if there's any pizza left okay there is definitely pizza left yes like I'm already winning yeah because this is important I take my cheese pills and then I have some pizza that's very I thought this is a real to life RPG you did not bring your channel I have them I have them on a big shoot in fact I will open my backpack that is right over there that is full of cheese pills sir yes okay good work so I'm actually going to make a proxy card for you sir just go you actually because this is a medical thing then I probably shouldn't tell you about my thyroid condition these are important things for my asthma oh well I already knew that because you let that one out so I also have a medical condition if I don't take pills every three hours I become more awesome and stronger whole pizza and pills is the name of the game roll session are the lights on yeah boy we got electricity get power okay powers up hi everyone make a spot listen check oh yeah what does that mean that means you're gonna look at your spot listen my spot listen is 31:44 for me 2011 so I that's your target number you're attempting to roll under that night let's let's kind of go in order here you need to get below what 27 you can all roll the same time and tell me hold up your fingers on how many degrees of success you got zero I haven't agrees of success it's bad every ten under the target number so you've everybody's more is you know I'm under for or under so I'm I'm know so if you're less than ten under it's just zero degrees of success and to be clear this is success this is failure yes yeah so I'm I'm under but not by a lot okay so while you three are arguing about the inner so hanky you here um bleating bleating bleating Oh bleating like a goat is is there a window nearby quickly check outside in the kitchen it is it is loud um and it is frantic oh wow and it sounds like it's an animal cry absolutely it's an animal cries all right well then I I call these guys over my guy shut the hell up and listen to this bleeding out here there's a lot of frantic bleeding there like believe we do you need a band-aid I don't know no bleating Oh bleeped teen with a TS like the sound was a goat it's like the Taylor Swift oh thank you for the explanation yeah they ever work with wonder child Ridge rap my mouth is full of pieces so it suddenly cuts out okay did you guys hear that bleating yeah it's probably uh it's probably like Shane or Matt Rob trying to like scare us or something your approach they're probably just messing with us no you were swallowing up hips like yeah yeah thank you for not talking about I've answered it it's probably just a couple animal so I'm not worried about it I mean there's no way I'm going out to check other people it is dark and there's a scaled and mold it might have rabies or something I am NOT checking it is winter and most likely of the big creatures are hibernating - check check my phone - try to dial Matt robbed again mmm I'm sorry all circuits are currently busy please try your call again later so the phones aren't gonna work guys cool I walk away from the window grab another slice of pizza and try to calm myself down I continue eating pizza and playing PS you uh start to hear the sounds of sirens coming up from the main road you guys are about two blocks away from the main road and you hear as several fire engines I'm sorry the fire paramedics like the smaller 90s and EMTs thank you red and white lights of sirens kind of bathe all light across the room as it makes its pass across the Main Street I go to the second floor to look out a window to see that you get a better view mm-hmm you looking at them to nice going you go up there yeah as you go up to the second level and look out through your porch to kind of gaze around and see what happens you notice well first you hear the sound of tires squealing you next see as the EMT starts to put on its ebrake sand you watch a smoke comes up from the side of its wheels as it screeches and basically fishtails into the next intersection that's about a block away from where you're not and that's when you notice a car right into its front grille and literally like crumbles on the side of it and you watch as a person flies out through the fog did you see that I mean my first reaction nine-one-one you keep I'm a good Samaritan but I'm not the kind of spin around in the middle of the night to a crashed car and a fire and a man bleeding on the road you do see as other people lights are turning on and you do see a few people starting to wander their way out from how do you see that that's an ambulance right there there's nothing I can do that he can't do I'm just watch it from here yeah but the paramedics could be hurt I searched for a flashlight actually make a search check because let's see if you find other useful things beyond the flashlight to add to your resource catalog inside your cabin one one zero success yes I write 1 over 32 so through so um do me a favor whether you roll the 1 yeah yeah what reading this rule 2 1 yeah 3 degrees of success yeah well I'm sure people just figuring this game out that is that's like the best control that's the best you're the best thing you can do yeah so with three degrees of success I'm willing to reveal up to three what we call it the cold tears okay sub of items that will be in this resource catalog okay that is your cabin carbon smoke windows game cabin mm-hmm that is the song about how did you know our song um this is what you have initially and it is a well-stocked cabin so if we'd like you we can continue to do this but this is just in that beautiful 15 seconds that it took for you to get down and start looking around for this stuff this is the things that you notice that you could purchase from and you essentially have a small piercing weapon small piercing weapon still I can catch a knife or something exactly hey Wes did you find that flashlight uh yeah I found the flashlight I also got a couple other things guys I actually found two flashlights guys and I found a first-aid kit so I don't know maybe this the EMTs truck was destroyed we should take this over there so he doesn't have that stuff though sorry he's just perky nobody when purchased it's available in the house okay he is able to purchase it by purchasing it he takes it with him okay what do you purchase it with you purchase it uh by essentially some like survival points oh that's a very important thing guys I'm starting you off with survival points because you're in a well-stocked cabin in the midst of winter games I'm actually going to start you off with 100 survival points oh cool granted that is only available to you in the winters game cabin you individually hmm I'll have three but you're welcome to use oh absolutely together um there may be a theme around this uh and I start with five hazard five risk my apologies get your game terms right game maker yes so you have some survival points you essentially by purchasing this those will cost one each by purchasing it you will essentially take one off of that 100 okay uh so I'll grab both the flashlights like this so this would go down to 98 mm-hmm I'll probably put on the heavy coat oh do we not start with our whatever closer you guys are in your pajamas as far as I'm yeah I'm probably not going along yeah all right well if we're going outside to check on these EMTs then went outside all right he's going outside he's going outside yeah take one of you guys with me you want to put on a heavy coat - I would like to get dressed in normal clothing and also put on a heavy coat okay great so those will be both for you now the heavy coats will be actually very valuable in the winter gear we're gonna bump it up to five so I take ten so so we were at 98 so we're down to 88 all right yeah there could be a dead guy I want to see that I'll go with you very noble of you yeah I'll go - but only if I mean I got to find my coat and flashlight well we have two flashlights right now yo give me one of them flashlights okay I am gonna purchase and I'm gonna grab them the knife grab the knife just in case okay yeah so you can take that that will cost you five that will cost you five so that it takes another 10 you haven't you gonna take gave it I gave him oh no that sounds dumb on the inside it's too cold outside here any other like blunt objects for instance in our last winter games cabin there was a shovel and a bunch of shovels a bad there is no reason for you to need it yet lasercorn and I are standing by the door and go like come on so hinky let's go that's very actually clean and more realistic would have been lasercorn just leaving without ya like that's the thing idea yeah as you walk out to the intersection you start to notice a small crowd of people are starting to formulate around this like it's a very bad crash you can yoruba some distance from it it's you're about a hundred fifty feet away so you can kind of see this group of people can turn around a lot of them are super concerned a lot of them are on their phones kind of doing what you were doing earlier like really but what's the deal with that they're all talking one woman is crying being consoled by someone and presumably her her husband and you can see the body okay that flew out of the car who out of the corner it is mangled - disfigured as it lays in the pavement in fact you can see the long red street uh of presumably the trail that it left as its uh everybody make will checks real checks will yes actually I'm joven yet since you're not gazing upon the gore of this body at the moment I'm pretty blind you're not subject to this you were blind to the danger at the moment yeah I'm gonna find research failure at West and start to bomb it clearly see we're like bones are shattered in that he is in it extremely just figured pose sums it was not good it was all pretty much giving you a difficulty dice okay for the rest of this situation you're gonna hold on to so just keep one of these black dice okay you continue to roll things it will add to your to my okay yeah you ain't feeling so hot sir uh you to your great lasercorn okay so I'm still eating pizza like oh my son run sohinki your your I would I would assume actually that maybe there was a bit of an alarm in your voice upon seeing it for the first time yeah but no nothing more nothing less cool I tap someone on the shoulder and see if they know what happened what it why'd they crashed and like you see an older gentleman who goatee mustache with some sandy blonde hair looks like he came up to ski for the weekend younger um I don't know man I just uh I heard tires squealing and and I came out and they were literally just crunched into each other I've seen some bad wrecks man but that's how did they how did that even happen yeah his Road you're dead you know it's like that part of paramedics okay yeah kind of wipe my mouth off a little bit okay guys we needed I'm like shilling are you sure you're good to approach I'm good there's bad Pizza I swear uh and I'm fine so I go around to check it's got a weak stomach guy so with them like a little girl so I'm like alright let's go check let's go around and look in see if the EMTs are ok ok so um you pop the back I was gonna say we just go around the funds shines light it's on the right on the right on the driver trip as you come around with the flashlight you can see the the cold wintry night the humidity makes the beam of light kind of seem like a sabre as it comes out in the midst of and you've got one of those stranger things like oh yeah with like the the front nozzle on it because that's what I would imagine would be inside of a cabin so as you're kind of like waving it with a giant D cell batteries inside of it it's piercing through the midst of the windshield and you can see the airbags have been deployed and they're both seem to be just be face-first inside of the airbags at the moment okay but you don't see any real gore or any blood any movement or any movement and I think to necessarily suggest that well that they're they're not anything there's nothing to suggest that they're alive and there's nothing to suggest that they're dead okay Wes go and open the back and see if anyone is in the back I don't think I can get to it man the car is smashed up right against these doors no it's on the side and it actually collided in the front sorry because I painted this photo of which it basically squealed like it did it did a fishtail with the front forward and then the car would okay right into the front so both of the hoods are like smash Smet the engines are basically touching oh yeah I don't I don't know necessarily Wes if anyone's in there those engines could blow at any minute we got a check and see anyone's in the Hat I don't know my years and lastly my experience is the last body if there's somebody in the back they probably weren't properly secured they could have smashed into something I I'd rather somebody else looked like lasercorn he seemed okay upon hearing sohinki say those engines could blow at any minute I start taking steps back alright still eating pizza but I want to be out of black eye I choose take steps backwards but I egg Wes on to check I you start to actually see some people upon watching you three kind of like deliberating you watch as one the men and older gentleman and his 60s means he owns one of the caps larger [ __ ] thank you that was a lot more what are you standing around for you dicks there's somebody heard inside of there well he starts walking up and he opens the side door as uh trying to get the person out while his his buddy continues to go around the back and pops the back open hedge around so I can see what's in the back yeah you as you look appear inside of the back you can see a person in a gurney who has an M a rapid-response monitor on him and you can hear the EKG beep beep and he looks up and you can hear him groaning oh and it's a it's definitely a man who looks like he's in a full ski guard it seems to have had his had a lot of his winter gear cut and then splayed open is there an ENT in the back with him there is an EMT in the back with him unfortunately he is painted against the side of the wall because in the impact he was thrown against the side of one of the walls and it's not an immense amount of gore but you do see a large red impact to where it clearly hit his head badly on the side of the van and he is laying unconscious because we were mad at it I'm like hey someone helped this guy back here he hit his head he watches the older gentleman and his buddy start pulling people out of the EMT and you see as the man comes up and gets Ghostman on the gurney he's like sir are you okay sorry you alright you heard it all and the guy who is again a young CEO says I'm gonna goddamn EMS and he looks and goes they have every part of me strapped down for God's sakes just let me sit up and he watches he's okay he starts like kind of undoing a lot of the Gurney's that presumably saved his life he gets up without a lot of trouble I want to ask him yeah why you in the ambulance about what happened I was honest I was on a ski trail and uh you know I got I got lost off the side of it and I was up there for eight hours after it closed they had to helicopter me out frostbite oh wow the I saw some terrible things out there I've been meaning to come in and talk to the to the district about it here in town but then out of nowhere and suddenly you start to hear more moaning sounding like people hurt inside of the midst of the man in the valley mt the older gentleman pulling the EMTs out are starting to kind of get them out and away from the van not falling any protocol at all about not moving bodies right right and yanking that was exactly what I was gonna say he's not he's not being clean ups like whoa they could have broken bones you need to like relax the cars are about to could possibly explode or something or catch yeah I know I just want me had heard I heard him say something about the the car being being being all troubling and stuff he watch as he continues to pull him out of the area and get them farther and farther away from the van we saw I saw that there was a first-aid kit in the cabin yes I say uh we get we have a first aid kit in our cabin should I bring that with anything help he watches the older gentleman goes Sonny you dumb mm-hmm it's an ambulance that's a good boy as he kind of finishes his statement you know there's tons of medical supplies you watch as the EMT who was sitting on the floor his eyes opened wide out of nowhere it he grabs the back of his head and use him into his mouth and takes a giant bite out of the side of his neck and he screams as loud as he possibly can and see at this point I know what's going on and I yell zombie did someone get him did I hear what L know you heard the scream you just heard sohinki yelling zombie huh what I own I say yeah I go and pull the guy who's been bitten away from the paramedic and fix us back you guys are about to get screwed Oh accent warm y-yeah with your hot cocoa yep okay great I'm essentially just drawing the intersection here okay Hey and then this is the car which for the record even though nobody asked it was kind of a sedan crashed into the EMT vehicle like this and the paramedics are basically laying out the people here and then there's the gentleman in the gurney in the back and then you've got the gentleman who's leaning over who just got bit and in a terrible way so to be clear the one that bit him was the guy that smashed his head in the back or one of the guys from the front where's my front okay so would you like to place where you're gonna be so we can kind of guess which way is the cabin cabin is this way I was closer to the cabin peeking in thinking into the subway and I just pulled the guy away from right and that's right down at the situation we're basically gonna grapple real quick okay but in the meantime due to have any intents at the moment yeah I'm gonna run I just saw a dude get bit I want to run back towards the guy yeah I'm gonna also make my way back towards you okay great so you guys are both gonna leave me got it what roll it up I shouldn't be pulling through Brown yeah you did well I've failed a lot six six degrees of Leary's of failure and plus so five degrees is the worst chicken okay what happens is is that you grab the guy and you pull out of his bird you can you're surprised at the strength of which this EMT is holding on to this gentleman with tenacity and as you pull him you can you see skin being hold hard it's gonna throw up again just like uh just like cottage cheese how did she like string cheese cheese is real extra corn drums the one that you can watch is that stringy piece of skin pulling off if you screamed and you see an arterial splurt catch you right in the face all right it blinded you you let go of him as you stumble back prone trying to wipe with blood out of your eye yeah Wes get back to the house you idiots I decided to go see Frank you decided I'm going to bed okay are you I hate Joe do gamma by Owens board I started running as soon as I saw the bite again I guess I heard so Hickey saw what happened he started yelling yelling it's a zombie and then as long as I yelled that started running back toward the house legit question are you just assuming that it's zombies because you're playing this game or if we're ever in a situation where you see another man I'll stop it I saw a man take a chunk out of another man's neck that woke up from what looked like a deadly accident I would probably yells out okay I am weighing the spawn game is an accurate thing so I hear sohinki yelling and stop and I I also start yelling at Weston's like what get back over here we go back and are you gonna become yours now well yeah I am I thought I stopped to see if he could move on his own yeah um so could major corn you do watch and so uh I'm back here oh hi grant I said so I think he's like sweet oh um you do watch as essentially from here you you see Wes Lully on his well what what do you do it Wes so my first instinct would be to wipe my face on the coat and scramble as far away as I could like pedal back so yeah I would well if I had gotten knocked over I would have scrambled and a gun to my feet and my first instinct probably would have been to pull up okay so pull out your knife no God this is nice so you do watch as the gentleman who was on the floor let's let's follow it okay so if we're being real about how I would do it I would get to a very safe distance but I would definitely linger to watch the situation swing key I would love for you to make a spotless check page so you watch kind of as you're pulling the way you start watching blood from your eyes because it's in there you can kind of see things through a red lens at the wheels a bit as you're pulling things through and really you watch as this the guy who bit him and you pulled him away who made him prone essentially you watch the paramedic after sitting up and doing the bite you watch as he very deftly oops like oops oops and why is he very deftly pushes himself up and kicks his legs up underneath him that running zombies and sorry dives down on top of him and to start to ripping his face at this point I scream holy [ __ ] and I start sprinting toward I scramble toward sohinki and lasercorn yes yeah okay yeah and three degrees of failure on the listen great you see also the paramedic right next to him suddenly like in a single move like a sleepwalker just sit up and then hold it did the Undertaker move and then he gets up and starts running OH at this point go see what's happening I'm running for the house yeah I know I think all three of us spring toward the house and I'm just yelling lock the door lock the door okay endurance checks both of you Oh God you have already went yellow running do I need an endurance dress you do I mean I could have made it back to that remember of vomiting you or getting a difficulty dice oh yeah okay so Achilles endurance checks so who's scared I'm scared uh so this guy sits up and you can watch as one of them is just on the gentleman face first completely occupied four degrees of success yeah oh my god I roll the four all right I have one what he stood reason failure okay so you start to run with lasercorn and sohinki in front of you and you're keeping your essentially just keeping pace with him you're not gaining distance okay he's about ten feet behind you okay this time is going to tackle the zombie and as your bolte operatic you're running you're far enough ahead that you basically start making it to where the cabin is the interesting thing I when I heard the yelling I decided to go from upstairs to downstairs to go to the front open the door to do yelling joven if you can hear me open the door the sun's Ovid dies we all dive into the room out of it is there anything special about four degrees of success for the endurance check I will take three survival points off or give them give you three survival points for it cool yesterday I was kind of dead and done but you as you start to kind of run through the street and what's your blood still kind of leaking down your shirt as a paramedic is just ten feet behind you as he's running and you can hear sounds coming now this is the way no human should be making this is the last time I invite you over to GM for us who gives us running zombies yes man that's whack my return you women we have no idea what's going yeah except for me who would just as soon as Omni natural right and at the same time am I gonna go with four very seasoned gamers would I go and give them a situation which is a classic scenario I'm gonna challenge your brains no it's your abilities I don't to my hot cocoa and watch the world burn around me the Wes you were you are keeping pace on this thing but you're running as fast as you can but as you turn around you were surprised that this thing is on you and it is I'm gonna dive as it uh as it as it something with uh with what seems to be no apparent injury or anything in fact look it looks like it's doing like an Hussein bolt kind of like you both by the way have made it to the cabin so we waiting in the doorway kind of thing and you tell me all right yeah I think I think we see Wes coming and we're waiting with the door open like yes I read the downstairs look yeah I sprint toward the door and as I'm getting closer I dive through the door and yell slant alright um why don't you broken me is sweet hahahaha meet athletics triage i'll take a dodj on this what about jump leap god jump leaps way sexier let's do that yeah oh yeah oh yeah queasy a queasy tummy time leap through that doorway yikes usually their dictionary yeah Oh cuz of the die but he has parkour experience I'm just rolling really poorly David you had what you had a Crayola check more degrees for any keys I was thinking about how this is gonna resolve and I just thought of it well the survival movie action movie in your mind is that you're gonna run for this door and you're gonna leap through there and slam the door right on you but there is this terrible thing called physics and unfortunately what happened is that you're getting close and you dive your velocity moving forward wasn't as fast as when you were running and as a result you kind of came up presenting your feet in a way that the creature grabbed you by both of your legs as you came up into your running leap stopping your momentum completely as you fall in the door jam go onto the face feel it against your nose take one now we can't even close the door damage dice damage said yeah for probably a broken nose yeah so you're gonna get a bloody nose from that and please mark one on your damage threshold at the moment okay as you as you like basically do this leap up this creature grabs you stopping your momentum and you both slam down one of his door jam both of you prone in the midst of the door jamb of the cabin so how far is he into the door he's halfway through the door got it space by the way not much more than back he had his knife out he ran he does Rove with his knife at thank you so good every made him roll damage for his busted up nose I'm not gonna make him impale himself as you as you collide to a floor the the force of watching them the wooden floor come up to you so fast definitely makes you open your hand and you watch as your knife kind of spins and a funds which one is good at stabbing how I have a +2 it piercing uh when he when the zombie lands how was the zombie looking right now very important where they first he's basically holding on to him by his legs with both of his hands so if this is the door jamb of the cabin five-foot door jamb the creature is definitely out all the way out other than its hands basically yeah and his hands are his hands are already there cuz West's feet or else alright uh instinctively this is what I would do I we saw he hit his face I yelled lasercorn pull them in I step outside and kick the intruder in the head kick Amanda yeah the side of that that's exactly how that would work yeah alright so that's good that's your intent how about you lasercorn uh I winged my flashlight at the thing instinctively I okay realistically my intent would be to grab the door and prepare to shut it so I'm I got inside right so I'm over here so I'm holding a flashlight I see this thing it's like yeah I can see its head right some I wish like this is you said no for me getting into the big old Sony flashlight there I could we love it it was a risk I'm going to happen I'm holding onto the door waiting for him to get safely inside so I can normally what that would be is that would be a whole check so what I'm gonna ask you to doing joven you're you're kicking in the face and you're obviously grappling with the thing yeah so I'm gonna have you grapple you basically do little brawl laser pouring you're doing a throw yeah you know what I throw is that good I just realize oh no wait anyone until death roll your speed dice oh look at 91 that's pleasurable oh my god damn it I'm doing bro my ball already I rolled a 42 so okay 42 one degree oh oh rollin real well over here yeah wait what's the max either way people I'm noticing all my roles on running away or waiting patiently so it's okay we actually cancel out because I got five degrees of failure - okay so we have fun however with your throw action of that I you I just love it that big move done that's what it'll be heavy flash like there's a thing grabbing what awesome you put so much baseball throwing momentum onto this it just went straight down basically you threw it so hard that it sort of going forward and out it just went straight down and hit less on the back oh no more damage man get more one more damage wait lay someone go anyone all right that's the end of this week's episode of board EF without break undead we aren't done yet be sure to join in next week to see who will die or who will get us killed thanks so much for watching remember this is part one of this story next week things are going to get even crazier you aren't going to want to miss it speaking of missing it if you miss the first time we played this game on this channel check over here where we fight zombies in space and to the right we got a video just for you click it
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 948,896
Rating: 4.9526105 out of 5
Keywords: zombie game, board game, walking dead, zombie board game, Watch It Played, Board Games, jovenshire, outbreak, atomic mari, tabletop games, zombie game watch it played, zombie tabletop, smosh, smosh games, board Af
Id: N6ekFH2LU4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2017
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