JUST NATSUKI | Doki Doki Natsuki After Story Mod

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did someone say that's key I mean no reason no reason at all but on a completely different note guys unrelated to what I was just saying welcome to just not ski welcome to just not ski I don't know what I was gonna say I don't know where I'm going with this oh my god okay well this is a great start already it's been so long I feel like since I've heard this blessed music actually that's not true at all I am yeah we good this is how you're supposed to be there Oh guys this is just like the good old days isn't it I feel like a lot of you guys have been showing me or telling me about the just not ski mine after all you know when we were playing the jet ski in the Jess Monica mods I was really asking and hoping that it just not to you mod would ever be out I don't really know anything about this so I'm really just jumping in this blind guys on my doki-doki mike stirs please leave a like in the comments and we'll have a good time okay so let's do it scrub pie is coming back what if we're really gonna start off like this guys I will link the Creator down below and also the you know the the my the website there's actually a website for it I'll be sure to link it though but I did not get the creator's name all right it's festival time wow you got here before me I thought it was for huh the text is moving on it's no that's never a good sign that's gross don't worry I got it removed character URI oh is that what she said okay yeah yeah yeah that's right after that so this takes place when URI basically dies I am almost done let me just grab a cupcake real quick wow wow Natsuki grabbing a cut kit a cupcake right after she just saw URIs freaking body up by the off-chance that you don't know what doki-doki literature club is you might want to check out my playlist you know just saying because after hearing something like that I can totally see how this would be weird to a newcomer you need okey dokey get your head on straight okay watch the playlist seriously these are the best did you make them I just had to have one since this is the last time I'll be able to you know before they stop existing and everything but anyway I shouldn't keep stealing Monica's lines anymore give me a sec oh my god well that was quite the intro oh my god hey you there hello oh my god this art may be changed all day oh well I kind of mad I'm a little mad fact that why is there a logo on it why you have to do that it's good art but why do you have a phone come on I can't you just credit them in the description or something okay we'll try to ignore the watermark I wish I knew the story behind that but other than that it's pretty good art okay I got it I knew I could oh hi scrub hi oh hi mark I'm sorry I had to I just stupid gone see I blame you I really do blame you you got me brainwashed with that crap man sorry about the abrupt crash I'm not experienced with Cody wait well neither was Monica right it's curved like your real name I mean a lot of people named themselves senpai one even named a self scrub pie wait now that was me I think you're a little confused here or is that you Peter oh my god how does she know how does she know go back under here I don't want I'm not doing this how does she know I'm be literally being stalked by Natsuki I can I can tell you with a thousand percent certainty that I did not know this was in the game either that or not ski stratum actually took over my computer clever name but things scrub by is really embarrassing can I just call you player no I want to be the truth beat you mic sir okay okay oh thank you so much creator it means a lot every time someone makes the game with like with me in mind oh my god it just really meets it makes me feel like that I really left a mark on on the doki's yeah the doki's III I want to thank the Creator I can't I can't find your name anywhere but yeah thank you okay III again guys I will link the website down below where you can download this yourself and really mess around it seems really cool so far okay I got those I don't know okay let's get let's do this okay okay scrub PI oh yeah I wanted to tell you there's a smaller youtuber who covers mods like this one whenever you make a video he loses views oh how do you think I feel and he's like I feel like it's other youtubers his name is Ronald maquon punch so if y'all scrubs could go visit this channel that would be great I'm pretty sure I've seen this channel well I I typed it his name and all I'm getting his Ronald McDonald stuff is it Ronald McDonald Ronald is that you I always knew that clown was a weebs you that's why I pick McDonald's sponsored no no it's not it's not sponsored okay although I will say it pretty kid you know I think the first person that was sponsored me before McDonald's would probably be Arby's because they literally tweet out anime stuff all the time shoutout to Arby's I just I just I'm going to say that I appreciate you okay that's all I'm saying McDonald does yet to get on that weed crap okay they really do Oh spoilers oh my god no spoilers no okay all right I have actually seen I've seen this channel before okay they've been really um basically playing every dokey mod in existence as far as I know which is you know not that far off for me what does that mean I just seen this but what does it do but yeah I all make them down below to you okay is this you I don't know maybe you're the creator um check it out okay guys if you if you really really want to see someone like make some more Doki mods and I as far as I know they don't even have a voice on there so if you just like looking at him you can look at him okay guys didn't if you see the cool mutts let me know like this one obviously but anyway where was it he sorry about what happened with Monica and Yuri whatever was I is that what you meant Monica was going to hurt me but I mean it sound like I would kill anyone That's not me oh yeah I wanted to ask are you a boy or a girl well obviously You Know Who I am already why are you asking oh dang it must be broken maybe it would be fixed one day it's your name I found it on your computer come on is it this thing straight up actually looked at my files right I'm not even joking alright that's why i bleeped it out guys are Jhansi bleep it out it actually freaky got on my files that's weird I don't think I yes man is that still broken uh-uh I would ask Monica for help but I can't because you killed her did you actually kill her Natsuki you want you to know okay it's supposed to say you wants to know why I hacked the files huh yeah I do I feel like that's an invasion of privacy okay just because I like you doesn't mean that you can just do that okay well you can hack a little bit well that's it I wanted to the pool it knows my files god no I feel like I'm naked oh and don't try to delete my file I have backups oh man so so so far if when it comes to all the mods she's the most self-aware so it's not winter when she says that she goes into my history she really means it alright this has been very interesting you know I never liked making poems but why not give it a shot oh crap okay well it's just like the Natsuki thing are the the URI thing sorry I got not ski on the brain well does it matter no it doesn't jeez everything just broken well either way I think it would be good I was still able to write one I hope just from reading the two words I'm sorry are two letters which is not a letter it's actually a number there's a three I just that three especially when I got to the three it really brought tears to my eyes I'm gonna guess if this is some kind of code that people well I'm not gonna bleed type in these these these keys if that's what you want out of me Natsuki oh my god I'm so tired well whatever oh yeah I just remembered if you press talk you can say things to me I got this code for Monica actually okay oh wow so this is okay we know what to expect it's not like it's that big of a surprise to have this kind of stuff oh but uh hi Natsuki I'm a mime no I can't you can't see it but I'm like trying to put my hand up against the wall yeah I can't this doesn't work okay we're just gonna move along oh she's talking out you know before I met you had a crush on an anime part turf okay so there's obviously some some spelling errors and I feel like that that's very normal when it comes to these mods but this is a little much okay just get someone to help you I'm sure I mean there's a lot of lovely people I'm sure in the comments section here they would love to help you don't laugh her stop well anyway he was so cute so she's saying she had a crush on an anime character uh uh you know sometimes I cook you know sometimes I look good too sometimes just sometimes though but now I have you with scruff my plea was I say please come up okay all right I don't know what she was gonna say whoa the heck sorry don't know what happened there must be some old code okay well let's talk okay do you miss that URI do you like memes I you guys know that's another thing that's really special to the channel's the Doki means you know you've kind of noticed that we stopped doing them because like literally it's you got to stop eventually all right I if you guys don't know this or you couldn't tell I'm try not to be a Doki channel I'm trying not to be a Baldy channel I'll try not to be a yandere simulator channel I'm trying to just to make cool videos that people enjoy that's what I'm trying to do okay and you know it's hard it's hard it's crap it's really really hard but I'm trying and I hope that a lot of you guys see that and I hope you appreciate it it would mean the world to me if you went and checked out some other videos that you wouldn't normally check out because you know it'd still be it's still me doing the videos just sayin okay there's nothing wrong with like innocent okie dokie okay I love it too but I just can't play it everyday but what are we doing again oh yeah the memes do you like beans means really screw up I uh well I don't know a lot about them but they seem to have a very stay seem to be very stupid nowadays a lot of them are really dark - do you like him yes well if you like them maybe I'll give them and it'll look cool I thought she's gonna get mad at me okay um um okay it's asked you weren't a favorite among gays even though I feel like we already know that yeah I don't remember the actual name of the manga in the show or in the game but it was like that that princess won right I had to do with baking yeah yeah my favorite geez where do I begin I mean my hero academia is pretty cool boy bully really I love that it's not my favorite but I love it too it's like it's the show that everyone likes guys did you know boy did you know that Aki bento guys did you know the occupants Oh made me a custom and everyone else that bought it by the way a custom scrub my hero academia sticker isn't that amazing okay I just fell like just in case you guys didn't see my last occupant so I will link it I where I unbox this very very cool okay I mean you know like you know it did you see it I mean I just gotta represent okay yeah it's gonna have to be parfait if that's the name of it okay I was just gonna remember I'm sure you guessed that one though yeah that's what I was gonna say well here's the here's a good question how did you become self-aware that's a great place to start I feel I'm not actually sure I always thought it was because Monica accidentally made that way maybe that way but now I'm not super sure maybe the bond maker just made me this way maybe I'll never know okay all right so we can talk went places and music what's music jokey don't keep out like does that mean Oh guys I actually just recently started using Spotify I know I'm really late I know that a lot of people use Spotify and I just realize how amazing it is and I totally downloaded this guy's we could like should I break it up I should bring it up off it I just love that that's frickin awesome yes you guys want to know what kind of music I listen to you I don't know here's here's the ears a preview you guys probably don't give a crap oh you hit yeah just about every My Chemical Romance song in existence oh there it is guys like it you thought it was lying okay I literally just found this I was looking up a bunch of soundtracks and Spotify and it was to my surprise that I say oh and also this is like the only songs that I could play without getting copyright strike I I literally have this bow pick in my car yesterday and I was like man that really brings back even though it hasn't been that long since we've done something you know d DLC content but it's just it's still listen to this music makes P its it's very nostalgic for me even though has been that long so guys I would never forget my roots my donkey roots okay well what's just not ski oh okay well that's obviously just Monaco I see what they're doing there oh so we could go to places with her how cool is that return to the room apart the mall of the beach okay I already got spoiled about the beach a little bit so maybe we'll do that for next episode I feel like we can make a few episodes on this okay Who am I kidding I'm gonna make an episode every day twice a day I'm just kidding no I'm not gonna do that but we'll make we'll make another episode let's go to the room oh you're already here idiot how dare you you're don't call me ibaka okay yeah about the watermark I'm just guessing that you probably they probably made a deal where you like you can have you can have their art but they had to use that that's just what I'm guessing hopefully they let you take that off because it makes it look kind of bad but I know I get it I get it it's probably not your fault I can't help but miss I or II you know okay she wanted to talk she wanted to chime in okay I mean she didn't deserve it I really don't even know how to feel about Monica I don't know okay I'm sorry about that I hoped you figure it out one day okay let's go see we're gonna save the beach for a special occasion all right we're gonna special occasion let's go to the park cuz why not alright then I mean this is this is Jeff rate I mean we've never had a how to adjust adjust the mod just blank mod like you know to actually teleport places here it is I love parks oh so we're just we're just here oh it even has specific Oh has specific talking things oh okay well Park is this well I'm not sure the game doesn't specify I guess it doesn't matter so much I just say someone somewhere are somewhere in Tokyo not someone in Tokyo okay what's the building in the back I don't know it's just the background that's it don't look into it I'm sorry I can't stop I have to what do you like to do here when me and my family would come here we would usually just have picnic what do you mean with me and my family come here you don't know this park is you're not making sense just not ski my friends and I play tag oh you know what guys okay and I feel like I have to address this and if there's any place to address this it's right here and right freaking now okay I get all these comments all you're saying you're saying not ski wrong it's not Suki no it's not not Suki why because I can tell you a person a person that lives in Japan does not say Natsuki they say not ski okay and they know how to speak Japanese so I'm gonna assume the thing know what they're talking about in here I'm also give a shout-out to a youtuber that deserves it and I'd really love this this name thing I've been giving these comments you guys think I don't see these comments I see them all right I see all the comments I can't reply to all of them but I see them shout out to my boy abroad in Japan if you guys once you if you guys love Japan I mean there's a good chance if you like Doki Doki then you'd probably like Japan check out abroad in Japan okay he has some of the most amazing funniest videos on Japan like seriously his style his humor everything about it's really good and just like he has a knack for doing this and it's just it's just absolutely hilarious I know probably a lot of you guys are familiar with this channel Minoo where I'm going with this he has a friend who is a guy which I don't think that makes a difference I think not ski will not be literally right though is it not you've literally just like the Japanese name that can kind of go to like whatever I'm gonna look that up we're going on a tangent I know but I feel like this is important to address okay yeah we have our a not ski is a common Japanese given name while a unisex name it is more commonly used by women so it can be used by boys and that's why Chris from abroad in Japan his friend is his name is Matthew Amy is a boy he clubs other people to like the anime Matt everyone knows the anime man but watching he's gonna say his name right now you guys are gonna hear it and you're gonna shut up no skew annoyed quickly became close friends here that guys be sure to check this out seriously this guy's like I love this channel so much I really would like to meet meet Chris one day well I'm gonna be on this I mean what am I kidding I want to meet them both like I would like to meet them both one day god I can't talk so are we done with that can we can we can we move on with the how to say not ski okay I don't care Matt Pat says Natsuki it doesn't mean that it's right well I'm not saying it's exactly wrong either but I just get mad at the people that say that I've synced it wrong okay I don't care if you want to say Natsuki or whatever but just don't say I'm saying rocks I'm not my friends and I just play tag that's right we're at a park by the way guys did you expect anything more I don't know no wait all right there's an action what does the action do go for a walk and play catch let's play catch a game of cats you'll ride Natsuki runs to the far side of the park hey god oh my god what is she doing is she's putting a ball in there a ball Oh BJ written successfully Monica characters deleted successfully you're easily successful weren't they already deleted she read them okay here we go Natsuki throws the ball catch I reached to catch the ball i standing gets to run to catch you oh my God why is there a difference run to catch it I run towards the ball this is just like the room no guys just fit everywhere it's just like the room when they run in the park but I tripped over something and fall over oh no scrub pie hahaha get out nice job with caching well anyway that was fun how dare you make fun of my catchy Oh weird can play catch again alright I ever do a good gesture right just the right of a ball every time okay we're gonna stand the catch at this time I reached my hands out to catch the ball it lands way too far away from me nice job with caching okay so if we don't catch it either way we're just doomed to lose I don't think that's very fair okay it's go for a walk oh it sounds fine okay we begin walking down the path we go over the bridge on the river I love this the birds are so nice to hear what do you think I love it it's only choice I have awesome that was fun okay alright alright it's return to the boots to the room heading back then alright whoa that was weird yeah that sure was weird today's to scrub pop yeah 20 mine I flip the notification so hard I broke both my legs and my neighbor had exploded into cats sounds like someone's had a rough day huh guys at this point I know that it kind of seems like when if you do dare subscribe that you might get very hurt I swear it's not like that it's just that the fans I shouldn't say fans but I should say the scrubs the beautiful scrubs salad family I call us a family because that's what we really are as a family we really have I mean you guys have such dedication that you really just like you drop anything in and you don't even care about your safety you just one to the phone you look like you know what it's at but it's happening and guys I mean how many phones am I responsible for being broken because you guys click the like button so hard that you literally just went through your phone and shattered your screen I mean that's probably countless but you know guys I just thank you so much for for just going through all this trouble that you guys always go through if you want to be scrubbed of the day if you or anyone you know wants to be scrubbed of the day be sure to hit that like button guys I hit the Bell so you don't miss out on any notifications okay it's a little belt it's a it's it's great just go ahead and touch it it'll thank you hey also why you're here feel free to watch some more videos that are probably over here instead over there yeah yeah watching more videos guys thank you so much hope you enjoyed this if you guys want another episode let me know down in the comments as well alright thanks everyone for watching and yeah you come again yeah yeah you that is literally the word is we're gonna say I've ever said uh yeah we're just gonna stop this
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 1,709,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, doki doki, doki doki bijuu, natuski, natuski after story, natuski mod, natuski ddlc, ddlc, doki doki literature club, doki doki literature club mods, doki doki literature club mods bijuu mike, ddlc mods bijuu mike, bijuu mike, just, just natuski, just natuski mod, doki, doki mods, doki mod, monika, monika after story, natuski becomes self aware, doki doki natuski, doki doki natuski after story
Id: zH1AA2I_Jpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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