WHY.. WHY DID YOU MAKE ME PLAY THIS GAME | Doki Doki Literature Club

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I slide my desk until it's up against Yuri's hold my book agonising yeah there we go lots excitement wait look like slush [Music] okay guys we don't have a lot of time all right mrs. hall's is gone insane if you want it's Xbox slice that like button okay and let me know what's the most hectic game I played this year mrs. ball put it down yo mrs. Claus actually snap today but a holly jolly litmus must continue yeah okay Doki Doki oh there I'm sorry pokey pokey now I can't eat this all right let me get let me stop being ethnic and get serious real quick all right y'all have blown my comments up with this game I don't know what this game is or why yaki recommended but hundreds of comments Cory you have got to play don't you don't be literature club played on anime games so do I look like J from the Cub Scouts playing persona episode 96 I don't know what this is but we're gonna give it a shot hey I don't know who was talking right now I see an annoying girl running toward me from the distance leaving her arm in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself that girl is sigh Orie my neighbor and good friend since we were children you know the kind of friend you'd never see yourself making today but it just kind of works out because you've known each other for so long we used to walk to school together on days like this but starting her own high school we would oversleep more and more frequently and I will get tired of wait waiting up but if she's gonna chase our after me like this I almost feel better off running away however I just sigh an idol in front of the crosswalk and let's I Ori catch up to me [Music] I overslept again but I caught you this time maybe but I only decided to stop to wait for you you say that like you were thinking about ignoring me that's mean Kenshin well if people stare at you for acting weird and I don't want them to think we're a couple or something fine time but you did wait for me after all I guess you don't have it in you to be mean if you even want to whatever you say sorry you cross the street together and make our way to school as we draw near the streets become increasingly speckled with other students making their daily commute by the way Kenshin have you decided on joining a club yet a club I told you already I'm not really interested in joining any clubs I haven't been looking either and that's not true you told me you would join a club this year did I I'm sure it's possible that I did in one of our many conversations where I dismissively go along with whatever she's going on about sorry likes to worry a little too much about me when I'm perfectly content just getting by on the average while spending my free time on games and anime facts uh-huh I was talking about how I'm worried that you wouldn't learn how to socialize or have any skills before College your happiness really is important to me you know and I know you're happy now but I die at the thought of you becoming a NEET in a few years because you're not used to the real world and it's freaking hot like let me get comfortable real quick cuz there's probably a lot of reading do trust me right don't make me keep worrying about you alright alright I'll look at a few clubs if it makes you happy no promises though we're at least promise me you'll try a little so I just said suck it yeah I guess I'll promise you that yay why do I let myself get lectured by such a carefree girl more than that I'm surprised I even let myself relent to her I guess seeing her worry so much about me makes me want to ease her mind at least a little bit even if she does exaggerate everything inside her head the school day is his ordinary as ever and it's over before I know it after I pack up my things I stare blankly at the wall looking for an ounce of motivation clubs sorry oh he wants me to check out some clubs I guess I have no choice but to start with the anime club fun fact in high school I was in the anime club no sorry sorry must have come into the classroom while I was spacing out I look around and realized that I'm the only one left in the classroom I thought I'd catch you coming out of the classroom but I saw you just sitting here in space and out so I came in honestly you're even worse than me sometimes I'm impressed you don't need to wait for me if it's gonna make you late to your own Club well I thought you might need some encouragement so I thought you know know what well that you could come to my club Saori yeah there is no way I'm going to your club and Nene sorry or is the vice-president of the literature club not that I was ever aware that she had any interest in literature in fact I'm 99% sure that she only did it because she thought it would be fun to help start a new club since she was the first one to know since she was the first one to show interest after the one who proposed a club she inherited the title vice president that said my interest in literature is guaranteed to be even less yeah I'm going to the anime club come on please why do you care so much anyway well I kind of told the club yesterday that I would bring in a new member and Natsuki made cupcakes and everything Oh cocaine ooh don't make promises you can't keep I can't tell us I Ori is really that much of an airhead or she's so cunning as I have planned all this out I let out alongside fine I'll stop by for a cupcake okay let's go you know actually I I do get sucked into stuff like this big smile and a big butt I'd do anything she tells me to do thus today marks the day I sold my soul for a cupcake I dejectedly followed salary across the school and upstairs a section of the school I rarely visit being generous generally used for third year classes and activities sorry full of energy swings open the classroom door everyone the new member is here I told you don't call me a new member yeah I glanced are on the classroom okay welcome to the literature club it's a pleasure meeting you Saori always says nice things about you seriously you brought a boy way to kill the atmosphere ah Kenshin what a surprise what I'm gonna take the one on the right know some about her we don't know about welcome to the club all words escape me in this situation this club is full of incredibly cute girls really looking at if you want to say something say it sorry not to keep hmm the girl with the sour attitude whose name is apparently not to ki is for one I don't recognize her small figure makes me think she's probably a first-year she is also the one who made cupcakes according to saw Yuri you can just ignore her when she gets Moody sorry says that quietly into my ear then turns back toward the other girls anyway this is not Sachi full of always full of energy and this is Yuri the smartest in the club see it's just some about smart girls man look she got purple hair I don't know a purple shirt it was meant to be don't say things like that Yuri who appears comparably more mature and timid seems to have a horrid tuxie timid I like I go for girls like that seems to have a hard time keeping up with girls like Saori and Natsuki ah well it's nice to meet both of you and it sounds like you already know Monika is that right that's right it's great to see you again Kenshin I don't know you Monica or Monica we do know each other well we rarely talk but we were in the same class last year Monica was probably the most popular girl in class smart beautiful athletic basically completely out of my league so having her smile at me so genuinely feels a little you - Mika come sit down kitchen you made a room or we made room just for you at the table so you can sit next to me or Monica I'll get the cupcakes hey I made them I'll get them sorry I got a little too excited then how you I make some tea as well the girls have a few desk arranged to form a table i Sri mentioned it's been widened so that there is one space next to Monika in one space Nexus I Ori Natsuki and Yuri walk over to the corner of the room where Natsuki grabs a rap tray and Yuri Britt opens the closet still feeling awkward I take a seat Nexus I Ori not ski proudly marches back to the table train Han okay you ready Dada whoa not ski lifts the foil off the tray to reveal a dozen white fluffy cupcakes decorated to look like little cats the whiskers are drawn with icing and little pieces of chocolate were used to make ears so I had no idea you were so good at baking Natsuki yeah well yeah just hurry and take one sorry grass the first then mo nica I follow it's delicious Oh II see this sari talks with her mouthful and already has managed to get icing on her face I turned the cupcake around in my fingers looking for the best angle to take a bite Natsuki is quiet I can't help but notice her sneaking glances in my direction is she waiting for me to take a bite I finally bite down the icing is sweet and full of life this is really good Thank You Natsuki why are you thanking me it's not like I haven't I heard this somewhere before baked it for you or anything yeah I thought you techno getting [ __ ] diary sit well maybe but not for you you do be de alright alright I give up or not skis wear it logic and dismissed the conversation Yuri returns to the table carrying a tea set she carefully places a teacup in front of each of us before setting down the tea pot next to the cupcake tray you keep a whole tea set in this classroom don't worry the teachers gave us permission after all doesn't a hot cup of tea help you enjoy a good book like kool-aid better don't let yourself get intimidated urease is trying to impress you yeah that's not Oh insulted URI looks away I met that you know I believe you hey I just feel like I'm in high school what is happening to me well tea and reading might not be a pastime for me but I at least enjoyed tea I'm glad URI faintly smiles to herself in relief more Tico raises an eyebrow then smiles at me so what made you consider the literature Club I was afraid of this question something tells me I shouldn't tell morning could that I was practically dragged here by sori well I haven't join any clubs yet in sorry it seemed really happy here so that's okay don't be embarrassed we'll make sure you feel right at home okay as president of the literature Club it's my duty to make the club fun and exciting for everyone Monika I'm surprised how come you decided to start your own Club you could probably be a board member for any of the major clubs were you a leader of the debate club last year well you know to be honest I can't stand all that politics around the major clubs it feels like nothing but arguing about the budget and publicity and how to prepare for events I'd much rather take something I personally enjoy and make something special out of it and if it encourages others to get into literature then I'm fulfilling that dream Monika really is a great leader URI is also not in an agreement then I'm surprised there aren't any more people in the club yet it must be hard to start a new club you could put it that way not many people are very interested in putting out all the effort to start something brand new especially when it's something that doesn't grab your attention like literature you have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile but it makes school events like the festival that much more important I'm confident that we can all really grow this club before we graduate right everyone yeah we'll do our best you know it everyone enthusiastically in Greece such different girls all interested in the same goal Monica must have worked really hard just to find these three maybe that's why they were all so delighted by the idea of a new member joining though I still don't really know if I can keep up with their level and enthusiasm about literature so of Kenshin what kinds of things do you like to read well uh considering how little I've read these past few years I don't really have a good way of answering that manga I mutter quietly to myself half joking nuts Keys head suddenly perks up it looks like she wants to say something but she keeps quiet not much of a reader I guess well that contains what am i saying I spoke without thinking after seeing Yuri sad smile anyway what about you Yuri well let's see Yuri traces the rim of her teacup with their finger my favourites are usually novel set bill deep and complex fantasy worlds the level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me and telling a good story in such a foreign world is equally impressive Yuri goes on clearly passionate about her reading she seemed so reserved in 10 min since the moment I walked in but it's obvious by the way her eyes light up that she finds her comfort in the world of books not people but you know I like a lot of things stories with deep psychological elements usually immerse me as well isn't it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop Yuri back at it again with that vocabulary anyway I've been reading a lot of horror lately ah I read a horror book once I desperately grasped something I can relate to at the minimal level at this rate Yuri might as well be having a conversation with the rock really I wouldn't have expected that Yuri for someone as gentle as you I guess you could say that but if the storm makes me think or takes me to another world then I really can't put it down surreal war is often very successful that change in the way you look at the world if only for a brief moment oh I hate [ __ ] oh my said well I just nuts Keys eyes dart over to me for a split second never mind that's right you usually like to write about cute things don't you nuts key what what gives you that idea you left a piece of scrap paper behind last Club meeting it looked like you were working on a poem called don't tell you that loud it kept that back fine your cupcakes your poems everything you do is just as cute as you are so I already set those up behind husky and puts her hands on her shoulders I have that cow not ski you write your own poems well I guess sometimes why do you care I think that's impressive why don't you share them sometime no nuts key adverts her about her eyes you wouldn't like them ah not a very confident writer yet I understand how not ski feels sharing that level of writing takes more than just confidence the truest form of writing is writing to oneself you must be willing to open up to your readers exposing your vulnerabilities and showing even the deepest reaches of your heart do you have reading experience to URI maybe if you share some of your work you can send a an example and help Natsuki feel comfortable enough to share hers I guess it's the same for URI oh I wanted to read everyone's poems we all sit in silence for a moment okay I have an idea everyone hmm not skiing Yuri look quizzically at Monika let's all go home and write a poem of our own then next time we meet we'll all share them with each other that way everyone is even hmm yeah let's do it Plus now that we have a new member I think will help us all get a little more comfortable with each other and strengthen the bond of the club isn't that right kitchen modica smiles warmly at me once again hold on there's one problem and what's it now that we're back to the original topic of me joining a club I bluntly come forth with what's been on my mind the entire time I never said I would join this club Saori may have convinced me to stop by but I never made any decision I still have other clubs to look at and I lose my train of thought all four girls stare back at me with dejected eyes but I'm sorry I thought huh Kenshin bro look at this I'm defenseless against these girls how am I supposed to make a clear-headed decision when it's like this that is if writing poems is the price I need to pay in order to spend every day with these beautiful girls alright okay I've decided then I will join the literature club one by one the girls eyes light up yes sorry wraps her arms round me jumping up and down hey hey you really did scare me for a moment if you really just came for the cupcakes how to be super beef that makes it official welcome to the literature Club uh-huh things I guess okay everyone I think with that we can officially end today's meeting on a good note everyone remember today says tonight's assignment write a poem to bring to the next meeting so we can all share Monica looks over at me once more Kenshin I look forward to seeing how you express yourself yeah can I really impress the class star Monica with my mediocre writing skills I already feel the anxiety welling up inside me meanwhile the girls continue to chit chat is URI and nuts he clean up their food hey kitchen since we're already here do you want to walk home together that's right say Orion and I never walked home together anymore because she's always stayed after school for clubs sure might as well yay with that the two of us depart the classroom and make our way home the whole way my mind wanders back and forth between the four girls sigh Orie Natsuki URI and of course Monica will I really be able or would I really be happy spending every day after school in a literature Club perhaps I'll have the chance to grow closer to one of these girls I'll just need to make the most of my circumstances and I'm sure good fortune will find me and I guess that starts with writing a poem tonight Hey yeah cuz my name is Cobra Kenshin suck uh sit up and listen spittin bars everyday every-night sucka I need my nightlight because it's dark outside sucka its monsters outside it's time to write up home peek words you think your favorite club member will like something good might happen with whoever likes your poem the most so um obviously for this playthrough we try to get URI and I think she would like poor stuff like massacre faster [Music] broken oh okay let's see secret of Tears freak okay intellectual nibble fear what vivacious marriage dark whoa what tragedy agonizing yeah there we go lots excitement wait who likes lust [Music] let's go anxiety yup scars no dangit vacation eternity depression think it's something wrong with the one on the left bro dark words like emo words grief no she'll like that infernal horror obviously suicide gosh oh my goodness Yuri heart misery I sort of picked cage dang it meager melody Harvey Miss Fortune the one on the left roll I'm trying to not pick her let's go judgment yep okay Doki Doki Oh death what captive let's go [Music] disaster okay it was like it looked like it was a tie between URI and uh I think I don't know who's the one on the left I know the middle one was Natsuki had a game kitchen glad to see you didn't run away on us and I don't worry this might be a little strange for me but I at least keep my word well I'm back at literature club I was the last one to come in so everyone else is already hanging out thanks for keeping your promise kitchen I hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you making you dive headfirst in a literature club when you're not accustomed to it oh come on like he deserves any slack so I already told me you didn't even want to join any clubs this year and last year too I don't know if you plan to just come here and hang out or what but if you don't take us seriously you won't see the end of it netsky You certainly have a big mouth for someone who keeps her manga collection in the club room Oh nuts key find yourself stuck between San Monica and manga manga is literature swiftly defeated nasty plots back into her seat don't worry guys yes I or II with the red bow she is it's so dark crap about her she like death suicide whole bunch of dark weird stuff kitchen always gives his best as long as he's having fun he helps me with busy work without me even asking like cooking cleaning my room how dependable sorry that's because your room is so messy is distracting and you almost set your house on fire once is that so you two are really good friends aren't you I might be a little jealous ah you're you yeah that is baby you say don't work how come your kitchen can become good friend soon maybe a little more um Saori hmm as usual sorry already seems oblivious to the word situation she just put me into Oh Yuri even brought me brought you something today you know wait sorry me um not really don't be shy it's really nothing what is it never mind Saori made it sound like a big deal when it's really not Oh what do I do huh I'm sorry Yuri I wasn't thinking I guess that means it's up to me to rescue this situation hey don't worry about it baby first first of all I wasn't expecting anything in the first place so any nice sister from you it's a pleasant surprise it'll make me happy no matter what is that so yeah I won't make a big deal if you don't want it to be alright well here Yuri reaches into our bag and pulls out a book I didn't want you to feel left out so I picked out a book that I thought you might enjoy it's a short read so it should keep your attention even if you don't usually read we could you know discuss it if you wanted discuss how is this girl accidentally being so cute she even picked out a book she thinks I'll like this despite me not reading much Yuri thank you I'll definitely read this I enthusiastically take the book Shu well you can read it at your own pace I look forward to hearing what you think now that everyone settle in I expected more Nika to kick off some schedule of activities for the club but that doesn't seem to be the case so Yuri and Monica are having a cheery conversation in the corner Yuri's faces already buried in a book I can't help but notice her intense expression like she was waiting for this chance meanwhile nuts key is rummaging around in the closet I'm really curious to talk to URI a little bit more but at the same time I don't feel bad for distracting her from reading I catch a glimpse of the cover of the book of her book it looks like the same book that she lent to me more than that she seems to be on the very first few pages ah crap I think she noticed me looking at her she sneaks another glance at me in our eyes meet for a split second it's like the game knows that I'm in love with this woman but that only makes her hide her face deeper in the her book sorry I was just face announced soon as it I muttered this sensing I made her uncomfortable oh it's fine I was if I was focused then I probably wouldn't have noticed in the first place but I'm just rereading a bit of things so that's the book you gave me right I wanted to reread some of it never any particular reason just curious how come you have two copies of the same book well when I stopped at the bookstore yesterday that's not what I meant I mean I just happen to buy two of them ah I see there's something fairly obvious here that URI isn't telling me but I decided to let it go I'll definitely start reading it soon and plus a year once it starts to pick up you might have a hard time putting it down it's a very engaging and relatable story is that so what's it about anyway well Yuriy closes the book it scans her eyes over the back the book is titled portrait of Markov there's an ominous looking eye symbol on the front cover Illuminati all right I just wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally give anything away basically it's about this girl in high school who moves in with her long-lost younger sister but as soon as she does so her life gets really strange she gets targeted by these people who escaped from a human experiment prison and while her life is in danger she needs to desperately choose who to trust no matter what she does she ends up destroying most of her relationships and her life starts to fall apart that's kind of that's kind of dark as an agent you remain a Selleck who's gonna be a nice story so that dark turn came from nowhere haha Yuri gently giggles all of a sudden are you not a fan of that sort of thing attention no it's not that I mean I could definitely enjoy those kind of stories so don't worry I hope so yeah I totally forgot that Yuri's it is into those things she's so shy and reclusive on the outside but her mind seems to be completely different it's just that those think those kind of stories they challenge you to look at life from a new strange person oh my gosh I'm starting to spit everywhere hold on guy okay when horrible things happen not just because someone wants to be evil but because they have their own goals or their own philosophy that they believe in then suddenly when you thought you related to the protagonist they're made out to be the naive one for letting their one side and morals and affair with the villains plans I'm rambling aren't I not again I'm sorry hey don't apologize I have a lost interest or anything well I guess it's all right then but I feel like I should let you know that I have this problem when I let things like books and writing fill my thoughts I kind of forget to pay attention to other people so I'm sorry if I end up saying something strange and please stop me if I start talking too much that's I really don't think you need to worry that just means you're passionate about reading the least I could do is listen it's a literature club after all well that's true in fact I might as well get started reading reading it right you don't have to but what are you saying just a moment ago you said you were looking forward to it Rose it just stopped the stock kitchen stop let me just get the book I quickly retrieve the book that I have put into my bag all right it's fine if I sit here right I slip into the seat next to Yuri's oh yeah are you sure you seem a little apprehensive that's I'm sorry it's so cute right now oh yeah it's not that I don't want you to it's just something I'm not very used to that is reading in company with someone I see well just let me just tell me if I end up distracting you or anything all right I don't know if y'all notice but I am big heavy it's a romance anime all right I don't know what it is I open the book and start the prologue I soon understand what URI means about reading and company it's as if I can feel her presence over my shoulder as I read it's not a particularly bad thing maybe a little distracting what the feeling is somewhat comforting URI is in the corner of my eye I realized that she's not actually looking at her own book I glanced over it looks like she's reading from my book instead sorry I was just Yuri you really apologized a lot don't you I do I don't need to sorry I mean here this should work right I slide my desk until it's up against Yuri's I suppose so Yuri timidly closes her own copy once we each lean in a little bit our shoulders are almost touching it feels like my left arm is in the way so instead I use my right hand to open the book ah I guess that makes it kind of difficult to turn the page here Yuri takes her left arm and holds the left side of the book of the book between her thumb and forefinger ah I do the same with my right arm on the right side of the book that way I turn a page and Yuri slides it under her thumb after Flitz on her side but in holding it like this were huddled even closer together than before it's kindly it's actually kind of distracting me he says if I can feel the warmth of Yuri's face and she's in the corner of my vision are you ready to turn the page ah sorry I think I got a little bit distracted for a second I glanced over at Yuri's face again in our eyes meet I don't know how I'll be able to keep up with her ah that's okay you're not as used to reading right I don't mind being patient if it takes you a bit longer it's probably the least I can do since you've been so patient with me yeah thanks we continue reading Yuri no longer asks me if I'm ready to turn the page instead I just assumed that she finishes the page before me so I turn it by my own volition we continue the first chapter in silence even so turning each page almost feels as if as feels like an intimate exchange my thumb gently letting go of the page letting it flutter over to her side as she catches it under her own thumb hey Yuri this might be a silly thought but the main character kind of reminds me of you a little bit you think so how does she well I guess she's more blunt in a lot of ways but she also second-guesses all the things that she says and does like she's afraid she'll do something wrong it's not like I can see inside your head or anything but they're kind of reminiscent of some of your mannerisms I see Yuri remained silent for a moment but Kenshin that's probably a terrible thing to have in common with her uh that's one piercing that you think that wait I didn't mean it in a bad way or anything sorry I really don't know I really didn't know you were so self-conscious about that sort of thing Oh tail like you're talking too much man I want to be talking at all I just let my I guess I meant that it's kind of cute huh what are you saying all of a sudden okay everyone I think it's time we shared today's poems with each other we might not have enough time if we wait too long ah Yuri exhales Bart spared from finishing your thought is that all right Harry you kind of look down I'm sorry if you haven't been looking forward to this ah it's not it's fine your releases her hand from the book causing it to close on top of my thumb all right I guess I'll do some more reading tonight or would you prefer I only read it with you um I guess I don't have too much of a preference either way hmm in that case I'll read a little more tonight it'll be more fun to read with you after it picks up a bit you know that's good reasoning in that case feel free to finish the first two chapters in your own time all right I stand up I make a mental note of where I left off in the book then slip it back into my bag by the way did you remember to write a poem last night yeah my real life my relaxation ends I can't believe I agreed to do something so embarrassing I couldn't really find much inspiration since I've never really done this before well not that everyone's ready why don't you find someone to share with I can't wait sorry Orie and Monique enthusiastically pull out their poems sorry Oasis on the wrinkled sheet of loose-leaf torn from a spiral notebook on the other hand morning Co wrote hers in a composition notebook I can already see morning cuz pristine handwriting from where I said not skiing URI reluctantly comply as well reaching into their bags I do the same myself alright who should I show my poem to first uh you already know alright babycakes URI the chosen one URI seems the most experienced so I should start with her I could trust her opinion to be fear as URI reads the poem I noticed her eyes lighten exceptional huh what was that did I say that out loud URI first covers her mouth but then ends up covering her whole face she's gonna hate me um you really didn't do anything wrong Irie yeah that's I guess you're right what am I getting so nervous for URI takes a breath so what kind of frightening experience do you have your use of imagery and metaphors indicate you've written a lot of poetry before really wow that's a huge compliment coming from you this is actually my first time really huh Yuri stares at me blankly then looks at my poem again well I know that I just meant um Yuri trails off unable to fund any excuse she traces her finger along the words in the poem as if breaking it down more thoroughly yeah okay this is the reason I was able to tell it's just that there are specific writing habits that are usually typical of new writers and haven't been through that myself I kind of learn to pick up on it I think the most noticeable thing I recognize any new writers is that they try to make their style very deliberate in other words they tend to pick up pick a writing style separate from the topic matter and they form fit the two together the end result is that they both but their end result is that both style and the expressiveness are weakened when ciri finds her train of thought it's as if her demeanor totally changes her stammering is completely gone and she sounds like an expert of course that's not something you can be blamed for there are many different skills and techniques are going on writing even a simple boom not just finding them and building them but getting them to work together is probably the most challenging part it might take you some time but it all comes with practice practice and learning by example and trying new things I also hope that everyone else in the club gives you valuable feedback masky can be a little biased though bias how um well nevermind I shouldn't be talking about people like that sorry it's fine I'm not sure if Yuri is apologizing to herself to me or to not Sookie do you mind if I read your poem now please do I'd love to share my thought process behind it Yuri smells really as if that's a rare opportunity for her which itself is kind of funny after all isn't this supposed to be literature club okay it's called a ghost under the light the tendrils of my hair illuminate beneath the amber glow bathing it must be this one the last remaining streetlight to have withstood the test of time the yes yet to be replaced by the sickening blue green hue of the future I bathe calm breathing air of the present but living in the past the light flickers I flick her back okay I I'm sorry to have such terrible handwriting what I wasn't thinking that at all but it took you a long time to read uh well I just don't read script very often I actually think your handwriting is very pretty huh that's a relief also I like the poem even though it's short it was very descriptive or really descriptive it wasn't too short I usually write longer pause not at all I'm really glad you like it I'll be honest since it's our first time sharing I wanted to share something a little more mild something easy to digest I suppose are you a negotiate okay actually the story isn't about a ghost at all Kenshin Braille II I must have totally missed the point well I suppose you did only glanced over it after all but remember that poets often expressed their of their own thoughts and feelings and experiences in their work they usually do more than simply tell a story or paint a picture in that in this case perhaps the subject of the poem is only being symbolically compared to a ghost lingering in her last remaining place of comfort unable to let go of the past and seemed to be left with nothing that's a lot more song than putting it that way I hadn't even thought of that that's impressive it's nothing really yours was impressive too so nah if anything I could probably learn a thing or two from you you think so yeah of course you know I was really nervous about doing all this but in the end I enjoyed it I'm gonna keep doing my best for you can't you owe me you owe me ah me too what should I show my poem to next say that took a long time we are sorry not skiing moneka let's go for the club president next high tension having a good time so far oh yeah good glad to hear it by the way since you're new and everything if you ever have any suggestions for the club like new activities or things we can do better I'm always listening don't be afraid to bring things up okay alright I'll keep that in mind of course I'll be afraid to breathe of course I'll be afraid to bring things up I'm much better off just going with the flow until I'm more settled in anyway I want to show you a poem with me it's kind of embarrassing but I guess I have to haha don't worry Qing Qing we're all little embarrassed today yeah but that's the sort of barrier that will learn to get passing yeah that's true a hand Mo'Nique up my poem hmm great job pinching I was going to say Oh in my head while reading it it's really metaphorical not sure why but I didn't expect you to go for something so deep I guess I underestimated you it's easiest for me to keep everyone's expectations low that way it always counts when I put in some effort huh that's not very fair well I guess it worked anyway you know that Yuri likes this kind of writing right writing that's full of imagery and symbolism oh yes I do know that when like sorry who likes using simple and barrack words to describe happiness and sadness you relaxing the readers I love to derive their own meaning out of it it's very challenging to write like that effectively both allowing people to get something out of it just by feel or letting them deeply analyze all of the nuances it could take years of practice which I'm assuming Giri has had at this point I never really asked them I'm sure I have nowhere near her lovely yet don't worry so much about that you do your own thing just keep exploring and learn by trying new things I'm sure but I'm sure I'll end up trying different things a lot it could take a while before I feel comfortable doing this that's okay I'd love to see you try new things that's the best way to find the kind of style that suits you everyone else might be a little biased toward their own kinds of styles but I'll always help you find what suits you the most so don't force yourself to write the way everyone else wants you to write it's not like you have to write about impressing them or anything anyway do you want to read my poem nah don't worry it's I'm not very good you sound pretty confident for someone who claims not to be very good well that's because I have to sound confident that doesn't mean I always feel that way you know I see well let's read a thing okay hold in the wall it couldn't have been me see the direction the spackle protrudes a noisy neighbor in a rebrand I'll never know I wasn't home at Piron site for a clue no I can't see a real line like a film left out of the Sun but it's too late my retinas already scorched with the permanent copy of the meaningless image it's just a little hole it wasn't too bright it was too deep stretching forever into everything a whole of infinite choices I realize now that I wasn't looking in I was looking out as he on the other side was looking in oh my gosh this was like a murder or something it couldn't have been me see the direction of spackle protrudes a neighbor boyfriend I'd never know I wasn't home I wasn't looking in I was looking out as he was looking in so there was a neighbor in her there was a murder in her house and somebody was looking in so what do you think hmm it's very freeform if that's what you call it sorry I'm not really the right person that has your feedback that's okay yeah that kind of style is gotten pretty popular nowadays that is a lot of poems have been putting emphasis on the timing between words and lines when performed out loud it could be really powerful what was the inspiration behind this one ah well I'm not sure if I know how to put it I guess you could say that I had some kind of epiphany recently it's been influencing my poems a bit and epiphany yeah something like that I'm kind of nervous to talk about deep stuff like that because it's kind of coming on strongly maybe after everyone is better friends with each other anyway here's Monica's writing tip of the day sometimes when you're writing a poem or a story your break is too fixated on it the specific point if you try so hard to make it fit perfect then you'll never make any progress just force yourself to get something down on the paper and tidy it up later another way to think about it is this if you keep your pin in the same spot for too long you just get a big dark puddle of ink so move your hand and go with the flow that's my advice for the day thanks for listening ring roll like each one of these circles is ten minutes long aren't you guys we're gonna end it here if you want more this game let me know down in the comments you know spam that like button of course obviously there's some big junk that's gonna be popping off later so yeah we'll pick it up from here hopefully you guys enjoy it I'm so freaking lightheaded from reading it's crazy hopefully guys enjoy my straight that like button subscribe today to join us and write and that's so next time of Resident Assistants [Music]
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 2,928,842
Rating: 4.9615588 out of 5
Keywords: doki doki literature club, doki, literature, club, lets, play, playthrough, scary, anime, gameplay, game, part 1, trick, why, did, you, make, me, this, jumpscare, horror, yuri, romance, natsuki, monika, sayori, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, ck, funny, hilarious, moments, reaction
Id: Lw-9MdtJh7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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