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well well well guys welcome back Wow it's it's kind of been a wild welcome to doki-doki exit music now it's a dilky mod yes I'm sure you guys are probably aware of that but as you can see by the you know the thumbnail and the title it seemed kind of interesting and it kind of struck it strike me as something that might be worth playing alright I don't know really anything about this mod whatsoever other than it's about not ski for the most part she seems to be the main focus I mean she's really big good for you not ski but before we get started guys I want to address something and it's about the dopey mods ok I've gotten so many emails you guys don't even know how many emails I've gotten for people to request like for me to play their dopey mods I just came back from Anime Expo recently and what I got the most when people met me they you know they would tell me that hey I love your videos I really liked watching your Doki videos and I realize like man how much of a big impact the jokey jokey literature Club had on my channel and of course we're playing other things now and I am trying to move on from it but you know I really like the game so I thought you know let's just try to play this this is actually a demo and he just seemed interesting so if it's not I really honestly don't know by the way links to the creative will you know be down below I'll be sure to link up you guys to try it I don't know if we'll finish the entire thing it shouldn't be too long but yeah so many you guys said that you like the game and it really did mean a lot to me it's like any it doesn't matter what you know anything that you guys like for me it really does mean it means a lot to me so what I'm trying to say but what I wanted to say is if I'm not playing you're my don't take it personally I can't play all the muds alright I just play I'm just playing you know I'm trying to keep my channel alive and I'm just playing whatever seems kind of interesting to me at the time it may be another game and maybe this so I'm just kind of taking it as it goes it's not personal all right want to say so why now let's just give this a try let's load it up our new game your game this good old scrap pipe and if you don't like Doki don't worry I have plenty of other videos it's the day of the festival of all days I expected this to be the one where I'd be walking to school with Sai Ori beside Yuri isn't answering her phone I consider going to her house to wake her up it's not a big deal to at least wait for her or help her wake up even the simple gesture of walking her to school makes her really happy I also I also didn't mention that it's blue blue guys besides I told her yesterday that things would be the same as they always have been that's all she needs and what I wants to give her to heck with that I'll go get her I grabbed the cupcakes not see and I made yesterday make my way to say Oh Rhys I reached out URIs house and knock on the door I don't expect the answer says she's not picking up her phone either like yesterday I opened the door I let myself in she really is a heavy sleeper no no we really are getting into this now okay I've been spoiled slightly I think she'll be alive I swallow I can't believe I ended up doing this after all waking her up in her own house isn't that more like something a boyfriend would do in any case it just feels right outside side room I knock on the door yeah yeah we know we know wake up dummy there's no response alright we might have to remind the sense of this to YouTube my last video where I talked about Doki Doki they did not like it so I'm just saying we probably can't show it oh she's alive hey screw up I saw every stands at the foot of her bed and a long rope oh no it's tied to oh no and the shock of the moment I released my grip on the cupcakes what the f what the Freak it's not what it like heck it's not what it looks like I'm sorry scrub pie I can't believe this sorry already wouldn't do something like this Jesus sorry I should have known it was this bad sorry already drops the news to the floor so I already why haven't you talked to anyone about this I don't want to waste people's time I mean I mean I'm it's not like a fence to the crater but we kind of done this in mods that's one of the reason to that I stopped playing a lot of Doki mods is the fact that like you know a lot of them overlap with the same topics and it's kind of like telling the same story over again again it's nothing personal I know it's you know it's a huge part of the game but you know I'm just gonna kind of skip over this part you guys know the story that's been told okay so to summarize it guys basically we're taking sy already to get help because for obvious reasons like we've done this in mods before so I was trying to tell you guys so we caught her you know but obviously you know luckily before she did it and she's gonna survive thank God but we're taking it to the hospital to get some help which is probably a great thing to do I'm sitting down in the waiting room outside of the doctor's office patiently waiting for salary to return I'm anxious my phone buzzes quietly I remember that today was supposed to be the day of the festival the tent is from our the Texas from Monaco that go by thing so we skip the festival in order to you know help save Scioto which is you know it's what a friend does where are you I have to reply I'm busy really screw up why please don't tell me you've got cold feet about the poems or something it's a bit more serious than that what's going on I don't know if I can tell you right now but it's serious okay you gotta believe me fine just hurry up and bring Saori with you I look up at the door through the small window I could see saw you worried breaking down in her chair heading rest head resting on the doctors desk I feel terrible knowing that I let her reach such a point due to my own negligence behind me the door leads from the entrance to the waiting room swings open at a couple of nurses walked by but my phone buzzes again in my handed I turned my attention back to it it's just me and Yuri here ding it's why wait wait wait why wait where's Natsuki I don't know please get here quick and bring security okay it's a personal issue I can't promise anything but I'll try to get to the festival before it's over okay so I'm not really sure in the in this mod like if if if Monica is evil or not maybe I mean perhaps she is I have absolutely no idea though okay III also wonder why it's called exit music like I like exit music like when you exit is this supposed to be like dramatic I don't know that's the only thing I can think of a couple of minutes of idle waiting pass before I get another message from her forget it everyone's here already and they're waiting we have to cancel I returned the phone in my pocket running my hands through my hair why now I feel terrible for Saori the fact that she's in such pain right now and how oblivious I was to all of it but on the other hand I also feel like I put Monica and Yuri on the spot in front of all of our classmates Monica and URI that reminds me something that Monica told me where is not ski so that's what we're getting to the the the the the bare bones of this mod where does she water shot ski suddenly the door to the waiting room opens again and another nurse walks by however she's accompanied by someone familiar no what do they do to you nurse key are you okay she quickly turns back and runs the way she came exiting the hospital and tears I jump out of my seat to speak to her but I noticed the nurse staring at me suspiciously I take a seat once more and anxious about how not ski about how oh my god I gotta take this in oh we are I'm taking the roller now give me their names oh what's her name I don't care what's their names I take you see once more anxious and now but not skis well-being as well as SCI Yuri excuse me what happened to her she explains how not ski wandered into the hospital bloody and bruised looking for help poor not ski then she then consciously asked if I had anything to do with not skis injuries Christ no cut I don't even know what's going on I had to bring my friend here she tried to I stopped myself I doubts all you were you would want me to talk about her struggle so openly not now anyway well listen it's serious okay that's all I could tell you it's just serious you just gotta believe me I bite my lip as the nurse continues on her way my phone buzzes again are you sure you don't know where decide you were Janoski yard I already told you I don't know I can't tell her about not ski either chances are it's her own personal issue and she deal with it in her own way well a little does he know that it's probably Monica's fault still maybe I should text her it doesn't matter anyway we had two counts our performance people are complaining about the cupcakes not being here at all God the cupcakes the ones that I dropped URIs gone for some fresh air all the way well you know what that means so God Jesus I'm sorry okay my hands are tied here I can't do anything to help right now Kate whatever of when she hits you with the K you know that she's very disapoint thanks a lot scrub pie now I've really pretty key made Monica mad because I couldn't bring myself to tell her what happened I decided to text Natsuki quickly about what I just saw well personally if I was in that situation I'd be like well you know you don't know exactly how serious this is so I'm not gonna be worried you know obviously it's unfortunate but it's like we got some more important matters in a festival ready now a couple of minutes passed with no response the message doesn't even Marcus it's not even marked as read so we text not ski the office door swings open in sight you ready emerges scruff why are you okay not really I'm just stressed out how about you I don't really want to talk about it are you sure because I'm here for you I can just scruff like please can we just drop this I just don't want to make a big deal out of it especially in front of the other Club members I stand up sorry I don't think you understand how big of a deal this really is you nearly you nearly I can't say it YouTube don't want me to say it I'm being dead serious I think you should go home and rest for a couple of days okay I guess I'll have to write diary looked out a small bout of almost nervous laughter it's a good idea at least you know that you know what but what about the festival I hesitate I don't want to sell you ready to feel like it's her fault that the performance was canceled but it is but yeah I get it I totally get it I decided to start with nah Sookie's absence well not ski didn't actually show up either Monica had to cancel the performance unfortunately you did it you didn't tell her did you about I didn't unless you want to tell her about it yourself she won't know okay sorry nods I think I'll tell her so she knows why why her plans for the festival remote were ruined I can't I can tell what she's gonna say it wasn't your fault sorry none of this is saya ragazze my hand tightly rending it rending rending it and a vice-like grip you can talk to her if you really wants you heck she probably even give a better advice than me maybe did you tell my parents I sigh I did yeah I'm sorry though I felt like I had to and thanks I was scared I have to tell them myself sorry glances downwards to the pristine floor I love you scrub bye oh yeah that's right this is kind of kind of connected to what she did that I forgot about the real story for a second every time one of the doki's drops oh I love you it's never good afterwards we know that from Yuri especially I despite her condition I can't lie to her it wouldn't be it would be unfair to her and have her you know hopes disrupted like that I keep my mouth shut a minute or sub passes it's awkward anyway we should get going there's no point going to school now why what time is it it's about midday we missed the festival and if we turn up now Monica's just gonna get mad at us come on I'll take you home we can talk some more there she gently nods following my lead we exit the hospital or ride a bus back to her house I decide to stay beside you in her house just to make sure she's feeling better we have at least a few hours together but we spend that time talking and watching shows together her mother arrives first thanking me for letting her know of what happened I tell her it's no problem she tells me that saris father's on his way and that I'm free to leave if I whine after I'm sure she's safe I leave her with her mother and head home entering the kitchen I flick on the light and start to make myself a sandwich cutting up a tomato however I start to wonder about Natsuki I remember the time I spent with her our little scuffle scuffle over the cupcakes icing but that bruise her nosebleed what the heck happened to her and who in the right mind would do that to her I mean yeah I feel like we should be a little more concerned about Natsuki I mean not ski possible reasons for injuries begin to circulate inside my head maybe she just fell over she could have gotten into a fight with another classmates of ours right or maybe no Shirley 9 maybe I'm just overreacting to the situation it's been a rough day after all but something she told me while we were reading manga together sticks in my head I don't even know what my dad would do if he found this I shiver at the thought it's the only real reason I can come up with were Nazis terrible injuries I also noticed that while I was distracted I accidentally cut my finger open while slicing the tomato holy crap you're surrounded oh crap I wrap my finger in a paper towel letting the few drops of blood soaked into it throwing the paper towel in the trash I think back to not ski I decided that I'll ask her about her father next time I see her even if she assures me that I'm wrong at least I'll know I hope I eat my sandwich and head upstairs to my room I collapses to my bed exhausted from the stress that the day had brought me I dressed him to unconsciousness within minutes two days later we weren't to sleep for two days Marie oh hi skrelp I I back the literature Club craning my neck I look around the club room it's empty Yuri and I are the only people here I'd leave the classroom door open expecting the other as their members to arrive shortly hey Yuri I sit down next we're unpacking my stationery kit as she did with her own listen I know that Monica canceled the club yesterday and I didn't get a chance to talk to you so I just wanted to say that I'm sorry she had to let our little presentations go don't worry about it scrub by Monica told me that it wasn't your fault she that you couldn't come she said it was something serious yeah it was a bit of an emergency I just had to play down this situation in case here he doesn't know the full story I don't want to have worried her after all are you all right me I'm fine don't worry about me it was someone else someone close I see well I hope everything works out for you well and your friends I hope so too URI a moment passes of complete silence URIs sat down in her desk still reading the glass is still empty aside from us so uh URI she jumps in her chair a little bit yes you haven't seen Monica today have you I'm afraid not scruff why she's been in a mood since the festival unfortunately not that I mean to be rude about it I just didn't it just meant a lot to her after all I know it did that was why I wanted to speak to her maybe if I explained my site URI and I were absent that she might forgive me well the both of us but I promised that I wouldn't say anything to Monica has she has Monica said anything about me since the festival not really I mean she did complain about the three you know the three of you were gone I was kind of thankful that we got to cancel that's Rome Monica's plans though I never do such a thing intentionally I know you wouldn't URI don't worry I can tell you too good of a person to be so mean besides you have no reason to want to be two to sabotage her like that right can't you refocus for a moment lost for words no no it's just that I don't even know if I should be telling you this well I overheard Monica telling about you inside URI to one of her friends I wasn't a shopping though what did she say I heard her mentioned the only good reason to cancel on her festival was if somebody died what Monica wouldn't say something like that right she's a sweetheart besides not only not only is it egocentric it's insensitive even if she didn't know about saiyr II it felt like she was it was too close to reality wow that's harsh reality okay guys I doubt she meant it though what I mean to say is that she was in no position to say that I understand that she was frustrated about it but there's never a good reason to say such horrible things about Yuri's words get caught in her throat and she traces that combines of her book I turned to see Monica standing in the doorway giving EURion attends Claire she doesn't she doesn't dare to meet Monica's gaze instead of concentrating on the portrait of mark of I wish I could do the same I swallow she Hudson starts talking where sigh area not ski she stares at URI intently Monica's presents intimidates me I don't know Monica I haven't seen them she gives me a acidic scare her emerald eyes piercing my confident my facade decided to tell her about the hospital are you sure I yeah alright then how come you weren't at the festival scruff I I had a family emergency at this point I'm practically lying to her face he keeps out URI secret safe until she feels comfortable confiding in Monica then again I've known sorry for so long she's pretty much a part of my chosen family at this point she's like a sister to me that's why she's depressed so it's more stretching the truth and it is lying to her well that's what I tell myself it anyway right Monica's not having any of this even if she doesn't know what's actually going on she must know I'm lying but for sorries sake I have to keep you know God I've got a light Monica's demeanor suddenly changes that she looks at the two of us with a wry smile on her face okay you two since we're the only ones here I've decided that we're going to have to cancel today's meeting hopefully there won't be any more emergencies over absences tomorrow yeah well you made them can we talk about that for a second Monica messes with the files gets mad about it that's all you could leave now URI looks up from her book guiltily impacts up silently dropping the portrait of Markov and her stationerity kid into her bag she scurries out of the classroom without a word Monica turns her attention to me expecting me to pack up I know how to pick up my bad ex my back exiting into the hallway without another word walking through the school stormed the hallways they reached the door into the courtyard but stopping placing my head on my palm I forget my own stationery how many 80 kids I returned to the club from I returned to the club room hastily to find my leather pencil case opened as I swipe into my bag my pin is missing that pin the pain of being okay I forgot my pin right here though a quick glance around I concluded I must have lost it earlier we charged at the courtyard at Court Court nard that's what I just said I notice Yuri she's moving hurriedly clutching her bag tightly against her chest and wiping her face with her sleeve Yuri she doesn't notice me at first so I jog up to catch catch her Yuri what's wrong oh hi it's nothing really really now yeah I'm on the right really I don't believe her her my eyes meet yours for a brief moment before she looks away I can do something terrible happen in a few minutes that we were separated but what could have brought her to this date I take hold of her shoulder trying to slow her down as so she could face me she jumps but complies that she comes to a halt at school as NS school's entrance Yuri whatever is on your mind you can tell me I am your friend after all it's not much it was it was just something that Monica said Monica what could she have said well if you don't mind me asking what did she say I I don't really feel comfortable talking about it if you're okay with that Monica must have said something really hurtful it's fine really I understand well if you're sure about that you always you're always welcome to talk to me though I guess it'd be nice if you walked with me maybe we can talk on the way sorry isn't here and I've got some time to kill besides I feel like I can't refuse not watch you so emotional yeah okay I'm sure she'd be nice or it'd be nice following Yuri I take the opposite turn from my usual walk home sooner enough I found myself in a part of our town that I really visit the walk between us is mostly silent Yuri occasionally sniffles wiping a wiping at her face what the heck did Monica say to her I decided to make some light conversation something about Rani might be nice she does take comfort in talking about subject she's passionate about after all so scrub by how do you like writing poems she must have read my mind well I usually like to listen to music wallet right even if it's just quiet playing softly in the background you know what I mean really most of the time I just feel like I can only write in silence it leaves me at my it leaves me at one with my mind and lets me express my inner thoughts though sometimes I do like listening to a soft piano check don't the lyrics alter the way you write well yeah but I guess that's what I'm looking for most of the time anyway I like for the mood of the music to affect the way I write really well that's just something I especially passionate about then I can write in just about any condition yeah that actually sounds like an effective technique I'll be sure to try it out at this point you ready seems to have perked up her eyes right I decided to continue the conversation as I still don't know how much longer I'll take a it'll take to reach her house I notice I know he likes to hum a little tune to herself while she writes I wonder when Oskie does not ski I've been trying to contact her since I saw her in the hospital but she hasn't responded what is happening she hasn't showed up for school at all this week either God what could have happened was it really in her father I don't want to believe it but the pieces fit together her absence I mean I'm hoping it kind of like it's not so obvious cuz like obviously the obvious obviously the obvious obvious thing guys is it's it's you know her dad which we already know what she said about him but most of all the effing bruises I bite my lip as I feel breathing growing heavy and my blood reaching a boiling point if I find out he laid a finger on her I will I'll so I'll be honest I don't disrespect her or anything your easy words do you rub my train of thought nuts keys phones are just a little too simple for my liking or if she's talking about she doesn't like her I suppose they like a certain edge i spaced out again yeah speaking of not ski however I think we just passed her house then wait wait what which one you really like send me a little surprised by my urgency regardless she points out the house to me it's that house if I recall correctly right thanks for that why do you need to know I don't really want to worry about Rory Yuri about not ski well I guess I just wanted to write oh that's awkward the rest of the journey is made in silence I worried that year you got the wrong impression but there's not much I can do eventually we arrived signaling her wave goodbye you know script why you're quite different and when no one's around when it's just two of us all she's still oh my god she's so happy listen I'd love to stay and talk I really would but I oh it's fine III get it you have places to be her head darts towards the direction of not Sookie's house for a moment it's fine I've got some writing to do anyway she turns and starts to walk to the door no please don't get the wrong idea Yuri oh not really it's fine script but I could take a hint I'll see you tomorrow she was crying oh no before I can finish my explanation she's already entered her house I felt terrible knowing that Yuri probably bring a plate herself from my rejection but I believe quickly regardless there's no obligation to be with her I don't have any obligation to beat these girls okay except Nazca you know I can make an exception as I turned the corner and approached now skeez house my attention is directed directed upwards on the second floor balcony a large heavily built man leaned against the railing smoking a cigarette is that her dad Jesus Christ he's on the phone and I can't help but overhear his conversation the man mutters something about having business to attend to but promises to be wherever the caller wants within the hour my stomach syncs business if he means what I think he does backtracking URIs route I make my way back to the school then to my house from that fumbling with my keys i unlock the door I enter my bedroom heartedly and get changed out of my uniform into some dark clothing oh we're gonna do some little sneaky snake stop oh it's nighttime while the editing that's pretty cool a short jog brings you back to our house and I take a seat with NH bus stop on the street opposite of her stalking out her father I ponder over what if he's already gone perhaps and I missed him leaving or perhaps he's still dealing with business after a few minutes however I'm proven wrong by the sound of an engine revving up and a new expensive-looking performance car emerging from the driveway of Nazis house it speeds away around the corner within seconds and once I'm certain that it's gone I move over to not sqeeze house and ring the doorbell I wait nothing I press down on it again once more no answer growing over an anxious growing ever anxious I knock on the door heavily aggressively banging my ballad faith I don't know if some of these words my ballad faces to the door a moment of silence then from a second-floor window I see a curtain pull back a flash of pink and just as quickly it's replaced once more I watch it intensely waiting for any sign of movement until I hear the sound of the door chain being unhinged and the devil turning my heart is ready to jump out of his chest I don't know what I'll be greeted by but I waited nervously screw up i what the heck are you doing here it's not ski thank God now ski Oh think I can rest what I'm so worried about you not ski all right Steve do I look genuinely worried guys what happened to your bruises what bruises crap I I don't know what you're talking about her she's playing dumb ever even though I saw her what could have happened to her for her to be so devoted to keeping a secret before I can reply she grabs him by the collar of my shirt he makes me into the for a pretty sure that's how you say that never really knew hey how do you how do you know I live it's not now it's not the time for that has she been shrieking better question is where have you been I haven't been feeling very good for the past three days no need no need to be so mean about it does she expect me to believe I believe her after what I saw now ski I know something's wrong I saw you at the hospital remember oh that is she giggles that was nothing don't worry about it about that okay there's much worse to be worried about what do you mean come with me I could do with another glass anyway she's 18 but that's still wait in Japan I think it's 20 well I think when I went there is said it with the drinking it was ages 20 okay I may have had a sip okay I I really don't I really don't drink like I really don't drink a lot at all like it was like exception wanted to try it okay stop judging me as she moves she begins erratically wobbling as though she's having trouble walking she holds tight her into my arm for support I can actually have to know now I really do need to know yes I'm a weed she stumbles in nearly trips I catch her wrapping my arm around her chest and pulling her up right thanks it's not it's not like her normally if I grabbed her for whatever reason she freaked out and call me gross or something of this sort but he or she didn't even flinch or stating about it something feels off I released my grip on her reluctantly as she's still staggering her way along I assisted moving her up the stairs making sure she doesn't fall in knock his balls off back onto the steps we finally reached up the stairs and not see guides me to her room her room is a mess her floor is littered with small ripped up pieces of paper picking one up I recognize one of the protagonists of parfait girls oh no not the mind good no your dad ripped off the manga the cover is heavily laminated cardstock and is ripped in two there was no way nah ski was able to tear that in half herself not only that but she had no reason to either but I can think of someone who does there's a large bottle of red wine capped open lying on the side of her bed only a small drip escapes staining her bedsheet with crimson there can't be much left of it I know she'd been drinking I could tell from the moment she opened the door nah ski you haven't drunk all of that yourself right she looks flustered of course I have you dummy that's a bit much isn't it well that doesn't matter I haven't even finished anyway she retrieves the bottle from the bed I reached a hand out of a ticket from her Natsuki no it's mine she holds her bottle just out of reach he tries to push me away she's too weak however I simply move her arm aside come on that's enough skrelp I please I need this something about the way she said that sent a pang of dread through my body before I reached my arm out to stop her a second time the remainder of the bottle contents are gone looking at her bedside drawer I see not skis phone its overturned so I can see her case the case is literally glittery and pink this hick right this this how do you hick I can't do it drink is nice cup i scrub knots you could talk to me I know something is going on with your dad okay this is not a laughing matter I'm just sorry I was laughing at myself please I just want to help but I can't if you won't tell me what's going on this is all to help I need she collapses onto her bed and giggles I haven't felt this so this happy and so long I only grow more uneasy hearing that if this is the length if this is the link she has to go through in order to escape her demon just how bad is the demon she's trying to escape from as Natsuki begins to store her grips on the wine bottle falters and it rolls off the bed onto the floor to my surprise it doesn't in chatter instead it rolls under her bed shaking in my head I bent down to pick up the bottle that rolled under the bed and reaching my hand underneath the bed I could fill a wine bottle artist a wine bottle and something else what that I pull both from underneath the bed placing the wine bottle on her bedside drawer next to knots keys phone I take a look at what I've recovered it's a white container and made of plastic wait this isn't right this was a bottom or pills looking for a description I inhale sharply as I realized that these are morphine tablets I turned to look at not skis fast asleep fast asleep as I worried oh my god I just I desperately checked the label in the back for a date of prescription to two days ago she's trying to overdose and I she sweat runs down my phone with Emmet gave me chills not a lie I mean I see sweat runs down my forehead as I begin to panic running my hands through my hair she stops snoring I finally shake Natsuki seemingly lifeless body oh gosh I can't even read please do not ski please wake up I grabbed her hand it's climbing in a much cooler than it should be I put my ear next to her mouth to check to see if she's breathing thankfully she is but it's faint I take her by the shoulders to pull her into a sitting position I crouched down next to her supporting her not ski I contemplate calling an ambulance running that it'll draw too much attention to her house I don't care what happens as long as she lives I reach into my pocket and my phone isn't here either I'd reached out to her bed besides the table gripping nazi's phone tightly I bring it to my face and press down the power button the screen lights up but from the but from behind a shadow display I try to make an emergency call but the screen is unresponsive to my touch oh guy she's like opening her eyes what the heck dropping my phone I pulled nos key and close to me hoping and praying that she wakes up I began to sob Tara terrified from my life are for her life but not scape against the coffin radically I'm Symington asleep at panic and relieved she opens her eyes and unsteadily rises to her feet with my assistance not he please tell me you're okay i I she fall silent oh well of course they had to use that you know my nose is assaulted by the mixed scent of violin - splashes on the floor in front of me check god dang this is pretty intense I realized that she got something on my arm it steams well at least I would have gotten the deadly mixture out of her body but she's still in trouble now she turns to me half conscious pleading scruffa help me she stumbles back landing in a sitting position on her bed I don't want to die look at me okay you won't hear me you hear me I won't let you die Nastya listen to me okay I'll be right back she nods weakly barely aware of her surroundings I need to find her something to eat hopefully could have you know should absorb what's left with the alcohol bolting down the stairs I reached the kitchen within seconds I swing open every cupboard I see along with the refrigerator nothing not even a slice of bread when did why don't you want to eat exiting the kitchen I look around the house hurting back to not ski I check up on her she's as Kel as ever but she's conscious at least she really raises her head to look at me hey you not ski I need you to pay attention to me okay just whatever you do don't go to sleep okay please she tries him mutter something but it son eligible I have no choice but to leave her again I've searched you're just terrier she's like a feather I've searched everywhere in the house besides her father's bedroom as I approached the door I noticed that it's locked I ran the door multiple times before the frame gives away whoa I tumble onto the floor now littered with splinters I rise to my feet and flick the light on as I searched the room for anything that could possibly aid Natsuki something catches my eye a few bags of various restaurants from various restaurants around town I showed them open to find nothing but empty takeout containers I returned in otsuki's room we have to go now okay I helped her do a few trapping her arm over my shoulder holding her hand in place she'll make it I'll make sure of it where are we going somewhere safe we make our way down the stairs like keep an auskey on her feet though it's proving to be more difficult as she fades in and out of consciousness starvation and mixed with alcohol and painkillers now and that's now I could it's clearly taking a toll on her but she isn't dead we make it to the front door within time feeling like he lost luxury I shut it behind us moving through the porch I can feel nasty tears sucked through my shirt we reached the gate and I set her down while I open it I scooped Natsuki off the grass and closed the gate behind us hold the knots keep close I move as fast as I can down the street just imagine Oh God that's going to be a like honestly it'd be so freakin crazy to go through that as they approached the glow of the streetlights I began to feel relieved I loosen my grip on not ski can you walk yes I think I set her down for a moment her knees buckle again I wrap her arm around me and mine around her let's go okay I end up supporting her entire way through the town there is nobody about to call me for looking suspicious I'm almost glad that she had a small figure it certainly makes it so much easier to that's why she's so small her father's been leading her malnourished and living on and living on fast food Jesus Christ finally I recognize the familiar view of my house but if she was living all fast food wouldn't she be fat when I gotta talk about it I see I said nah ski down on my footstep on the porch reading I fumble with my keys for a moment finally unable to lock the door I help nah ski through she's safe from her father at least I bring her to the kitchen and sit her down with on one of the chairs scrub pot hey why did you help me how did you know where I don't worry about all that now let's just get settled in let's just get you settled in for the night I'm worried it'd all be longer than I'm worried that it'll be longer than one night I have a spare bedroom my house she'll be able to sleep there I searched through my pantry and my fridge for something that she may like I decide to make some toast and chicken noodle soup is that chicken noodle I haven't has had it so long her words break my heart how long you give her some freaky thing how long is she look like this I watch the clock is not skiiis it's late now that the immediate panic is over I realized that the poor Natsuki is still drenched in her own stomach acid not ski I'm going to need you to get changed what not here silly I mean you can get change in the spare bedroom but I don't have any of my clothes you have to borrow some of mine okay but only because I have to well here it comes there soon dairy ways nasty seems to be in a better shape after her mill she stands up of her own accord to return a bullets at the kitchen counter she most slowly but deliberately despite the stink of bile clogging up my nose I'm relatively calm - all right so everything's kind of getting better come on I'll show you where my room is Natsuki Tim malik applies wrapping her arms around me but this time it hurts i inhale sharply are you okay scrub by my shoulders in pain the adrenaline of the situation is settled oh yeah that's right we rammed through a door yeah that would do it when Natsuki dad when asked his dad to returns to the house yeah I'm alright don't worry about me let's get you cleaned up there's a shower in the guest room that you can use we reached the guest room located across the hall from my own bedroom i'm mocchi towards the edge of my bed here sit down for just a moment I'll be back with something comfy for you she sets down I rush into my bedroom pick me out one of the great tops in a pair of jeans when I bring the back to her room she's struggling to take off her socks I place her fresh clothes on the bed and kneeled down to help her take them off she opens her mouth like she wants to say something but reluctantly lets me not skis been through so much today she is next to no strength left thanks scrub pie I can take it from here are you sure I really don't all the blood on my body rushes to my face she's going to have a shower was I about to indirectly tell her I wanted to help I never Minds mine you take your time I decided that now isn't the best time to question ask you about her family and says she just she just needs the soothing shout she just needs a shoot she just needs a shower god I can't read maybe that will take her mind off to tonight's Vince even if only for a few moments those few moments would do her a lot of good as I stand actually with the room now let's keep grips rest my wrist gently scrub lightweight I wanted to thank you again I don't don't mention it okay I'm just glad I got there in time knots he stares me in the eyes me too how did you know where I was I walked home with URI she was having a bad day so I went with her she pointed out your place and ever since I saw you at the hospital you haven't left my mind that's why I decided to to even go I tried calling you god knows how many times but she never answered I cast my mind back to not skis wreck of a phone I guess I know why I saw every one of your calls I couldn't answer because of the stupid screen all I wanted to do was hear your voice I couldn't I just wanted to go back to the club and sit with you under under the window to read more together because when we do it's the only time I really feel safe well not anymore of course her parfait girls manga was torn apart I leave Natsuki to shower after getting changed myself I said on the edge of my bed gripping the volume of perfect girls that I bought from myself on the weekend the water stops running the water stops running and I hear the the door being opened and closed I wait a few moments before knocking on the door Natsuki I have something else for you she's got my clothes huh a scrap I nasty opens the door looking healthy again she's out of her dirty clothes and is now wearing my shirt along with their own pants the top doesn't fare very well though this shirts massive on me I could get you a smaller top of mine if you oh you don't need to screw up I are you sure yeah I present the manga to her I saw what happened your copy of our fake girls back so I just thought I'd drop mine own and I thought I just gave you mine so you could read it if you want Natsuki gives me a weak but sincere smile she reaches out to grab the manga I left you instead of pulling the manga from my hands as I expected she grabs my wrist and tries to sit me down on the bed next to her but only for you read it together oh so romantic that's the least I can do first having to deal with Saori God how crappy must her home life have been for her to want to escape it like that well I can guess considering the complete lack of food in her house and her face when I saw her in the hospital hey screw pie what you were just kind of stood there for a second spacing out god you're worse inside you worry sometimes you know how's she know I'm sorry okay it's fine I was only teasing dummy I I know that I shouldn't blame her she doesn't know about Sayuri's condition as far as I should I know she hasn't seen her in the hospital either regardless that hurt me more than it should've I moved to the I remember to the duvet to the side the I moved the duvet he's always as I call that to the side to sit down next an auskey she pulls the covers over the two of us and we sat up draped over our laps we decided to start the volume over again you're so warm oh my god I can't take guys we're now shoulder to shoulder now ski can you see it okay not really this is so romantic oh oh we got a picture that's pretty cool I love it when they do original arts in the end and the mods I love it so much like obvious I'd know like it's kind of taken from something else but it's fine I'll take you I'll take you guys much better my left arm is awkwardly dormant between us I slide it under the pillow and around her there we go we continue to read oh she fell asleep it's okay it's okay I lay there motionless I drink through this moment ever since I really got to know not ski I hate that I had to come due to her circumstances but regardless I run my fingers through this her silky pink hair I brush her bangs to the side she looked so peaceful in her sleep this feeling I feel a lump in my throat just the sight of her is enough to make my heart pound I don't recognize this my chest is heavy it feels like we're there's a weight on my ribs it's hard to breathe this this is the happiest moment of my life as I dropped the manga to the side of the bed not even reading anymore I drift off to sleep when you drop the anime that's when you know you're in love I'm jerked away by the sound of crying confused I opened my eyes had turned to look at Natsuki she's clutching the sleeve of my shirt holding me tighter than before she's sobbing into my shirt ferociously Nastya are you I realized she's still asleep sighing I lament over not skis nightmares I almost certain that she's related to that it's related to her family but I give her a nudge to wake her up and she seemingly begins to stir I tried to calm her not ski it's just a dream you're okay you're safe she opens her eyes that that was more than a dream I watched my dad kill you oh I watched him torture you for saving me he kept telling me that this was my punishment for leaving skrelp why you shouldn't have helped me this was wrong this is wrong why screw up I why did you have to get involved I can't let you do this not ski do you want to know the real reason I showed up at your house they missed you I missed waiting with you I missed reading your poems and after the hospital I knew something happened I had to make sure you were okay I was worried sick for days I felt I had to I'll do anything to assure your safety I gladly be tortured if it meant that you would be happy hitties in Natsuki do you understand me I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe if my words right now are proving I meant it maybe this will i rise to my feet and walk to my room I flicked my light on a rifle through my bag ha there it is Oh you I don't know what's happened to where you've been all I could think about is bruises on your skin the blood on your nose dripped onto your clothes oh my god why would we write this the site I guess I guess we were like inspired to write it right because all we can think about I get it the site the site that broke my mind for that moment I was frozen in time I saw you broken abused I knew from there on I would save you day turned to night you won my mind I've been sick with worry if I'm going to do something I need to hurry text after text call after call the girl I cared about most is the one I couldn't save after all I returned to the bed Natsuki turns to face me I hand her my poem oh she's crying scoop I I not to be loose from her bed and it embraces me tightly this is so freaking romantic though after a few minutes she eases her grip I do I do as well resting my hands on her waist hurts hanky from my neck now she lifts herself up to a up unto her tiptoes and picks me on the cheek I want to go back to sleep but I I want you to stay with me I nod wordlessly Natsuki gently escorts me to the bed we drift through the void of unconsciousness again together that's all for now aha well guys honestly that was better than I expected it to be um you know it's not exactly completely new to us but at the same time it told it in such a way that which I felt it was really good I thought I think that was a good mind I mean guys what do you think uh I'm not no scrub of the day today okay I'm so sorry guys check my other video it's today and you know you may have been scrubbed the day okay I'm sorry it's been too long okay so I'm gonna have to stop this but guys all right don't forget to check out the mutts down below guys are the creator of the mod down below I didn't get the exact name oh it's by Oliver alright so thanks Oliver it was really awesome I really enjoyed it and if you guys enjoyed this and you want me to play more I would definitely like to play more when it does come out I just think the writing was really really good I mean I don't know I'm biased I guess it was about not ski so yeah anyway guys leaving like if you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe and hit that sub bell so you don't miss out on any more videos guys I'm BJ Mike and I'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 1,035,276
Rating: 4.9480758 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, doki doki, natsuki dad bijuu mike, bijuu mike, ddlc, ddlc natsuki, natsuki mod, natsuki, NATSUKI NEEDS OUR HELP, doki doki exit music, doki doki literature club, doki mods, doki doki mods, doki doki bijuu mike, bijuu mike doki doki, bijuu mike natsuki, best doki doki mods, best doki doki mod, doki mod, doki, best doki mods, bijuu mike doki doki lit club, ddlc mods bijuu mike, we must save natsuki
Id: _h4nuYLWKqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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