we date all girls at once... | Doki Doki New END! | Doki Doki Literature Club

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Monika: I wonder if we're ever going to smash scrubpi: WHAT? WHATTT? what?? (that will become a meme im shure) *dodododododododo ba ba ba ba BRRRAAAA AA* Scrubpi *whispering* Hey, it's free- 5k likes Well well wel Salad Squad! I think you know what this means! We're going to continue to save all the girls. 'Cus all the Girls are the best. Except for you. (Monika) SO AS ALWAYS GUYS ( assuming genders) I THINK YOU KNOW THE DRILL! If you missed last episode; cliiicckkk the "I" that's gonna come on the corner of the screen And if it doesn't please let me know down in the comments, and if you know I don't update it Just simply go back if you would want to. I-If that is what you chose to do. You are your own free person. Welcome back. I love you guys. Let's continue on! We just saved Natsuki last episode and it was QUITE a shocker That's why you guys gotta go check it. (out) Okay, so guess what Natsuki's gonna live with us It's like woAH! This is like a anime, right? *Scrubpi LAUGH/COUGH <3* (UUUM are u ok) DUMMY! Scrubpai: Well, I don't have anything against that... Scrubpi: Y'know, you can come live with me Natsuki Scrubpai: I should contact my parents at least. Bijuu: Wha- WHO ARE THEY????? Scrubpai: When was the last time I've seen my parents? Since I was born? What do their faces look like aga- Scrubpi: How do we not know their faces? Scrubpai: I call my parents to let them know the chaos that has occurred. They have no issue with Natuki staying over. We have some extra rooms we can all use as well. Natsuki: I'M READY! Scrubpai: Natsuki appears two pieces of luggage with her. She's only got a little clothes. He's only got a little clothes and a few little pigs. You know she's not bringing food We know that much I can help. I help carry the I'm sorry. That was too far I help carry the luggage of Natsuki and walk back home. I receive a call my phone Monica I Be good you too. Bye. She's even where she's not here She's got a butt in Monaco quickly hangs up, and she's psyched, and she's psychic or something more like psychotic how the heck We walked back to the house at least it's already nights. We get inside I showed Natsuki the guest room and get her a new set of sheets I let her know my parents room has a shower and rest room if she wants privacy. I wish her good night You head to my room ouch love hurts. I take out a knife in the baton. Oh god Don't what are you do with that knife and lock it to my desk for now? I tossed my shredded clothes into the laundry now. I now I know how a ninja turtle feels what the heck I painfully put on some pajamas and carefully laid to bed. It's not to break any stitches relief over fills my soul Finally I didn't mess this up. We did something for a for a change I Saved them. I saved them all now comes the hard part how long can I keep this up exhausted. I fall though I fell asleep rather than easily through it though in pain good nights. Oh yes I mean, I sigh I hear a knock on my door. I turned the light on my room come in No No it breaks my heart No, II can't really give you a hug okay. You don't have to say anything. We're just getting just hug it out. Okay? I can't sleep alone too much happened to me today. Can I rescue with you? I'm okay with it It's been a long day, but don't touch my stitches you're more than welcome to rest with me Go ahead and just get changed Thanks. Oh Now let's keep receipts to leave my room and come back a few minutes later I'm back all she has is a caption with clothes. You don't even have pajamas. Okay. Let's head to bed normally I would be up for something else, but my stitches and blood loss. Tell me otherwise Hey where you getting solu thoughts right now? How dare you not ski is Queen She's the queen don't worry. If you try anything funny. You'll be singing soprano Yikes, I flip over in the cover of my bed come on in don't worry. You're not alone anymore. You're with me now Thanks stupid nasty lady's next to me. I turned off the light in the room and try to get some sleep. Good night Good night, scrub pie sweet dreams. I Already start filling a tight grip on to me. I sigh. It's gonna be a long night She's like a little she's like she's a small like you just don't even know she's there I? Have another dream I remember Monica. I remember the room. I remember something else I hear a voice I'm sorry you have to remember But you need in order to save them you need to do this for them for us We need to save them together God. We need to know what's gonna happen already I am ready to buy alarm of course we awaken we get little glimpses Pieces, but we don't see the real thing my head reels from the surge of memories I feel like I've lived in multiple lives and have forgotten. It's all now That's cuz you have I tried to see not to cling onto my side. She looks so cute to wake up I gently poke her cheek not now dad. I'm sleeping she punches me well half asleep. Oh god wake up already Uh, what are you doing in my bed? It's my bed Buddy that didn't you're the one who wanted to sleep in my bed last night Oh, yeah, I kind of forgot my bad nasty. Percy's to get out of my bed I get a tell from the laundry room. I use my pick use my parents washroom. Okay. Don't worry I won't peep well. If you did I wouldn't my own Oh Nuts key, I know we're supposed to be family friendly am I the only one that thinks this I'm not falling for that She'll likely break my stitches and then some come on. Just go already. Oh, we'll be late for school. Okay I'm going sheesh. Tell me so this is why you should have let that kid stay together all right parents watch your kids Nasty heads out of my room. I go to the restroom carefully shower and head back to my room. I get dressed and head downstairs Yes, ditches. Don't you like cover em up and stuff. That's gay already started by cookie breakfast I mean I know I had staples I mean I had some Surgery on my ankle and that sucks to take a I had to take baths like I couldn't even take a shower She hasn't noticed me yet. What's cooking good lucky. I don't scare me like that Yeah, yeah That kind of talk scares the crap out of her and ask you almost drop So she's making is it omelet is that an element? I spy just sit already dummy This is the least I can do for you as you wish I sit down at the kitchen table I could use my left arm that well anyways how considerate of her? Thanks Natsuki Natsuki place is down an omelet for each of us with orange juice and toast all that sounds good, right I? Made it you mean it I've received a the omelet. It's worn with fluffy the insides have mushroom spinach tomatoes and sausage inside Take out the tomatoes, and we're good ok. This is delicious. Not ski. Thank you. Well not skis at a loss for words Just wait till you see what will be ready for dinner. Oh my god. I mean come on she knows how to cook like amazing I Can't wait But you proceed to finish our breakfast and head outside to pick up sy or e we wait a few minutes already isn't out yet I'm going to check on Saori wait you hear not ski ok sure I go inside sideways house don't you dare don't you dare? I know I don't you dare do this I look around I check no one is down snow no no no no no don't you do this I'm not gonna go through this again Come in. Oh, she said come in good. Good. Good. Good. Sy already good morning. Good morning say already I was worried about you. I give Sally a big hug. Oh you caught me by surprise Well, are you ready to go? Yes? Yes, let's go to school? Ok wife the music change. Oh what? What I gently hold tight you were sanded we walk outside. Why is she crying? That's cool, though It's it's a new arts not gonna lie that seems a little out of place Because she was crying. It was sad, and she didn't seem sad but baby. I'm just misreading the situation I mean you guys know about my schooldays episodes that I'm just really bad with this whole relationship thing I actually don't know how I'm still married to be honest oh Yeah I forgot to tell you not ski staying at my place for the time being she's what? You had a girl's sleepover your house, and it wasn't me for shame. It's because of her dad he went total psycho You know how that goes I am sorry already a breakfast bar bribery won't work on me. She munches on the bar She can't resist the food. I hand her a second bar is she much is on that too It wasn't his it wasn't his idea site URI was mine. Okay. I have nowhere else to go I only feel safe a screw-up is near me now. Well since you put it that way all the loud weights It's like you two slept together. It's not like you do slept together or anything yeah That's my face right now neither nasty, or I say a word we continue to walk to school Yeah, I think we've all been in that sort of situation one time or another Class is still boring of course. Yeah classes are over. It's time to go clubbing I don't say it like that so lame And when I wit clip and when I mean clubbing I mean the literature club of course I walk it style to the literature club hey ladies. How's it going hello everyone? Hi scrap I did Monica's gonna kill us she knows Are you free to talk for it a little bit in your room sure anything for you screw up? I will be right back everyone I hid out with Monica We walked down the class halls again this time. I hold Monica's hand Monica stops me here We are oh god scared the crap out of me welcome back. It's kind of nice having you come back here scorpy I miss the times we used to talk in here. I wonder if were ever gonna smash What? What what? What did she just say Let me smash Monica I'm say I'm just kidding. I don't say that okay I Don't say that. I can't believe I seriously cannot believe it But I don't think any game consoles with that game exists here sadly um you know you know if you guys wanna You know make a mod No, I I'm still straight ace not responding. This is what bothers me so much. He does not respond geez crazy thing cuz it happening Like that's just a normal thing. It's not at all Monica. I had some questions I think you might be the best person who can answer them for me. I'll do anything for you screw up. I ask away I've started to remember things What is this they ask Monica Maude are the Monica after story Maude like like watching my friends die? Constantly around me again and again all the other dreams were having I remember always coming to Sayuri's house when it was too late I'm sorry about that. I remember holding your he's had that she was dying in the classroom She didn't die until him the next day, and there was nothing I could do again. That was me my bad You know how that goes I remember never a saving Oski from her abusive father Yeah, sorry again, and I remember not being able to save you Monica having you stuck in this prison I couldn't do anything about it, but now I can I'm finally helping everyone I should feel relieved, but instead this tension is just building inside of me But what I really need to ask you is. What do you know about the books? Oh the bus the books? What books the book Yuri had the one that she gave me the portrait of Markov? Sadly, I don't I don't know much about them when I try to find anything about them in this world they don't exist and don't Even try reading them once you read the book enough times you will go insane believe me I've seen it happen to Yuri quite a few times originally I thought it was due to the messing around with things But I was wrong I myself won't risk touching it luckily when the game resets all the craziness goes away for the others I always remember the books are bad news. Nothing good will come from them I Really think that's a cool thing about this my like that really breaks some depth and makes you wonder like is it the portrait of? Markov that really makes Deary crazy I mean for all we know that could actually be it because She told us the summary of the book and what's going on, and it's a freaky crazy book by the way And that's in the real game. That's not even just a mod Then why do I remember something else? Why why do I think we don't belong here what you realize that - I'm only starting to remember that recently as well being locked Up in a room the pain and the screaming the endless screaming. That's all I can remember just bad memories I thought I was the only one crazy enough to think that way I feel like as being here as a mistake for all of Us but it's better that we're here before right are they we were here before right you already You already know where we are now right scrub pie. Yes screw up. I help me remember We're trapped in a game we need to find a way out and somehow those books are linked to something we once were Have you ever heard the third eye Monica Yuri talked about it to me when we were reading the book with me Or what she was reading the book with me. I only heard Yuri Talk about it when one of her poems most likely this third eye could be a link to what has been trying to tear everything Apart when she spoke about it to me It was about people getting a less for blood and going mad But I think there's something more to it if I find anything new I will tell you right away But it has to be here like I said something else is watching. It's trying to undo everything you would screw up I have done. I have faith in you screw up. I don't let me down Monica stairs directly through me again Oh, yeah, okay, come on. Let's talk to each other Monica come on talk to me here You know now that I think about it This is the only time when a girl comes out of your screen would be a good thing in a way Although if it really happened I'd still probably just die like faint and die and probably like Kick my monitor but like You know the alternative would be the ring and no one wants that I know who she's looking for and it's not me It's you which is me, but it way is to beat you or is you me? I'm so confused We have to do this our job isn't done yet? Thanks, Monica, and thank you scrub PI for helping me try to remember who I am or start to remember you know I love you scrub pi. I will do anything for you. We had out of Monica's room I Walked back to the club room with Monica hand in hand of course She wants a smash. I just can't get over that took long enough I would have read the next chapter up, but part baked goats. I want to continue reading l hazard mascota well I want to discuss poetry with him. Let's go Pisces you were the favorite I'm just gonna step back on this one the girls start to bicker in arguing who wants to spend time with me first I sighed loudly So how you do that with this all with all this attention I feel like I should be the club mascot what did you say? Wait wait. Why are you saying that Monica nothing nothing? Why don't you just do that rock-paper-scissors thing like you did before that's a good idea You're totally not worthless after all Oh Nazi slaps me on the back of my left shoulder you're hard How did you forget about the stitches suddenly? I'm feeling dizzy oh Okay, okay Crap sorry are you okay sänger? He comes running into the bad club room The nurse's office is closed today due to the nurse being sick ironic right that is very ironic Is it just me or is the music messed up right now? I heard a glimpse of it While he's awake now, so that's a good sign tonight blackouts. I didn't realize how much the fight messed me up It looks like it. I might be bleeding could someone help me check Sure, I still early take off my blazer as my arm is hurting again I am but my shirt and take it off from the left side. I feel the girls penetrating stares at me I feel kind of weird doing this in a room full of girls But I've got no choice like I'm gonna den of lions ready to be fast feasted upon You ready checks on my arm my shoulder there. It looks like there's some blood seeping from your bandage Do you happen to have any spare bandages? Yeah? I have some from the hospital my bag I'll get it sighted regards my bag and brings it over. Oh look at all these girls pampering me It's just like a dream come true You know URI carefully unwrapped the bandage from my Armas shoulders Then looking horror URI looks in amazement all they see they see what we look like wow it's so deep come on Gary Can you calm it down right now for a second it simmer down? Like your poems writes, okay, Yuri calm down Yuri carefully cleans my room She clades my wounds with antiseptic there doesn't look to be any broken stitches anywhere. You're lucky URI stranger He rubs my arm and back with their fingers. Oh god. You know what I'm reminded of right now. I'm reminded this video no, I Don't understand Stop touching my words Okay, I know it looks really awkward, but like I don't know in the movie It's a funny part because he's like clearly mortally bori did he keeps touching he's like please for the love of God stop touching my boobs That's what your he's doing the obviously Kung Pao is one of my all-time favorite movies so funny The other girls look at Yuri hey, let me do that. I'm the one that caused this to him. I'm his responsibility I thought the girls weren't supposed to know that Nastya carefully wraps the bandages on my left arm his shoulder and tapes them firmly into place. That's better. Thanks Everyone come to think of it. I got a better idea who's up for some ice cream my treats Really, yes, really, but first. I'd like to change it to something more casual. I could say let's do this How about we all meet at my place in a little bit, and we'll go out together. It's like her. It's like he's us I swear this guy's a little hustler, okay? He's a little pincher There's a nice ice-cream shop not that far for me since you said it's your treat How can we refuse I'm holding you up - I'm holding you up - this scrub pie I haven't had some good ice cream in a while this will be great. I wonder if they'll have coffee flavored ice cream They're Monica you know my stuff. I actually love coffee flavored ice cream and frozen yogurt It's like one of my favorites. My wall is going crazy. Cuz you guys know my coffee obsession right I love coffee My walls gonna cry, but oh well. I can't refuse them girdles I button up my shirt and carefully put on my blazer all right Let's go, then we could continue our Club meeting their club meeting there Yeah, is that what I said, I'm sorry I suck at reading we all head out, and we'll meet at my place Not skiing, sorry walk home with me nice, so nice. This is a nice day. I'm Eddie - my house - change click I'll meet you back at your place got it Which reminds me not ski? Yes, carpi here you go. I give Nazca a set of the house keys Oh We're giving her the keys she's got a key to my house Ha ha it would be a good idea for you to have them Thank you scrub pie nasty, and I entered the house she got a key to my place, but she's not my real girlfriend Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't resist I know I'm lame, but I just couldn't resist that I Changed it to something more casual ready alright. Let's head outside. I think the girls are waiting It looks like everyone's already here sigh Yuri Yuri and Monica wait our wedding in France It's great. Everyone's here again. We see Monica in her casual clothes She looks so happy ready to go Monica is jittery like she needs a coffee fix Yeah, I guess that's one way I could definitely relate to Monica we all head out to the ice-cream shop together I looked at the side of the ice-cream shop. It looks it shows Stone Cold Steve Wait where my seed bat Stone Cold Steve zai scream? I've seen that as similar before it's I can't remember, but it was the funniest crap It's a you know little parody of Stone Cold Steve Austin. It's stone cold ice cream Do you guys like stone cold or digging now? It's not called stone cold. It's called cold stone dang it What an interesting name we all had inside? Ice cream yay the girls start to look around oh Is so nice you? Said anything rights yes. I said anything okay nasty points to a poster on the ball her hand is shaking with excitement It's a Sunday that literally is the size of two of my head's combined that looks nice not scale I'll take one of those as well dear God. Those are probably all like 20 bucks each Our wallets really gonna be screaming It's covered in almonds chocolate syrup camera bell five different flavors of ice cream whipped cream and a cherry on top well I wanted to start with one of those two what have we done? Start out if you insist what would you like Monica she points it at various coffee based dishes and drinks? I'll take them all oh, okay sure I mean you guys could be a little respectful foot you know towards my money But sure any drinks sure I look at the venue myself I think I'll get up myself a sundae with some pecan Sandie and a coffee on the side I went to the waitress. I watched the waitress who was already taking my order already the ticket wait. Who's this? What's this? Do you guys know what that is tell me are you ready? I just want to go back to sleep I mean how can I help you? The waitress looks like she's exhausted I look in the corner of the room it shows a plaque from my employees are for employees of the month They are they are all of her so you must have work hard from being the employment a month, huh? I'm the one I'm the only employee the manager is a lazy slob and won't hire anyone else. Oh I see I'll take three specials whatever a coffee pastries you got in much a gelato two large coffees and three milkshakes dear God are we fat? Don't forget the popsicle We've made a grave mistake. This is how we know we've messed up anything else. She really looks tired That's it for now, and it's funny cuz where she's gonna make like so much crap right now. Here's your total wowzers I mean here you go. I paid the price for love. I'll break everything out to you once. It's ready You can either sit inside or outside. Thanks. Let's go sit outside the weather is nice We can enjoy it while we're eating we all hide outside. We find a table in sits here. You go, sir Enjoy our waitress arrives with the dessert and drinks and quickly leaves. Let's eat. Oh my god That's so cool. Every obviously there's a difference, but I still think it's cool that they're doing original arts like that's awesome I love it great job mmm so good. I'm dum dum yum Mmm coffee really do you have to say coffee like that make you a little reference right there the girls all happily eats We discuss poems stories and news we had a wonderful time Thanks again. Scrub pies for such a wonderful idea we need to do this again sometime Yeah, sure as soon as I freaking eyes get my savings again. Well. I'll be heading out now bye Monica's zooms on outs We thank you for the desert scrub You're welcome. URI by the way yes, you've got to tell me where do you buy those awesome knife SATs? They're uh? They're a cut above the rest. I wanna get some for the house. I will tell you another time gotta go fast whoo She's hiding something I knew my puns were bad, but I didn't think it would scare her away Let's head back. I walked back with not ski and saiary. I hold hands with him then they go oh, baby Seriously, we destroy a playboy now. I'm so close to both of them. I feel like the citrus smushed smushed Oreo The day ends on a wonderful note with a girl in each arm. We are back in front of the house. Hey, Sayuri Hey scrap, I would you want to stay over for dinner tonight? Sire his eyes light up? I thought you would never ask I guess I'm having the two lava girls to eat for dinner. Oh whoa What are you to rephrase that? Just spit on my monitor, I guess I'm having two lovely girls to eat for dinner. No no that's how it's said okay I just wanted to check I mean for dinner tonight We head outside It smells really nice at the house We go to the kitchen to see what not skis up to surprise she opens up a crock pot lid Mmmnot I love crock pots are so easy like if you're not good at cooking He was one of those like you just leave it there and sure does smell good. So this was the nice so this was I can't talk So this was the surprise you were talking mom God it stopped spitting What could candles so this was the surprise you were talking about? I'm I'm surprised you had enough time to get this ready in for the morning well I had to chop up everything quick before you came down, then you just said it and forget it It is the crock pots and then what you're done. You clean it up with it with the scrub scrub daddy Yeah, actually use them and but actually we're great not sponsored should be but not it looks like a pot roast smells good I set the table so I every get some drinks from the fridge it places them on the table coming through Nasty cherries the crock pot over the table it starts pouring servings for each of us Sounds good right now. Let's dig it. We all sit and eat delicious So yummy like I said before nasty You'll make someone a great say it one more time dummy and you'll be talking three pitches higher. Okay, sorry I mean, what do we think this relationship is we're holding hands. We're like I think we have we kissed I think we've kissed. I mean we're living together if this is not a boyfriend a girlfriend He worth character a straight-up stupid, okay. She's stupid You know you don't buy these girls like oh You're you don't spend your whole life savings on these girls for the steek and ice cream if you're not boyfriend a girlfriend, okay I mean, this is a this is basically a harem at this point. Okay guys I'm sorry, but I really have to go somewhere right now and plus you know it's kind of going 27 minutes We're gonna stop this here, but I I just look forward to what's gonna happen I'm not gonna say next episode's gonna be the last episode Because as far as I know it's still going but another less I had a good laugh And I really really enjoy this mod Hope you guys aren't doing it as well and guys leave a like if you enjoyed this I got a go, but today scrub of the day is Animate psycho congratulations you scrub of the day. Oh you thought. It was me the salad but no it's me deal That was really funny last episode like I said, I'm really enjoying this mod And I know a lot you guys are damn really means a lot to me if you want to be scrubbing the day all you Gotta do is show some support on the channel by you know doing things like leaving likes on this video Leave a comments follow me on Twitter showing that that salad support salad squad, thank you so much. Love you. All's okay alright Let's sprinkle some croutons there, and we'll call it a date. All right bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 1,256,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, Doki Doki New END, ddlc mods, ddlc, doki doki mods, doki doki, Doki Doki Literature Club: Monika After Story, Doki Doki Literature Club Secrets, doki doki literature club, doki doki literature club secrets, doki, bijuu mike doki, doki doki mod, doki doki literature mod, doki doki secret end, ddlc secrets, doki doki literature club mod, The main character becomes self aware, doki doki a brand new day, ddlc main character, bijuu, we date all girls at once
Id: Fj2Wu_uayPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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