Things You Missed in Doki Doki Literature Club

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[Music] did you know that there's a URI sticker in the game with a bloody mouth and unsettling human eyes well maybe it did but I wouldn't be ashamed if you missed it because it is verified that there's less than a 1% chance that you'll even see this image in the second act of the games using one of URIs preferred words will distort URI sticker at the bottom left sometimes a duplicate URI will appear below the book and sometimes you'll get this delight mer right here that's a delightful nightmare by the way now doki-doki literature club is the most jarring game I've played in a long while but you wouldn't guess that upon first glance it's actually a brilliantly written visual novel horror game disguised as an anime style dating simulator the protagonist is deliberately given very little spotlight just like any visual novel as a means of directing the players focus to the rest of the happenings in the game without spoiling too much of what goes on here in DD L see the following video aims to accomplish three things locating hidden scares explaining Easter eggs and finally going over some of the more implicit references that I don't think everyone has pieced together just yet I think D DLC has been out long enough for everyone to have an idea of what they're actually diving into but if you haven't been too exposed to any spoilers this is just a heads up this video probably will have a few so consider yourself warned us are you just going to beat the bass [Music] there's already been more than enough coverage about the secret ending commonly referred to as the games only positive ending and pretty much everyone with the YouTube channel right now has covered the insane master level decrypting skills of redditors MIT host and wor shams seven the two people responsible for decoding the character files into various images messages and of other projects that alone probably deserves to be its own video in the future but for right now let's really laser focus into the tangible content in the game there are actually tons of little scares and nuances in this game most of which you are guaranteed not to see during your first playthrough because the truth is most of these scares have statistically less than a 10 percent chance of even so much as appearing on screen for instance did you know that a post made by Monica's official Twitter account lil monix three references a poem from shel silverstein the same poet she seems to think so highly of in the game or how about the 33% chance of triggering this scare if you write a poem favor towards URI and when you decide to show it to Natsuki she hates your poem so much that her eyes just decide to explode right out of her head yeah but that wasn't in your first playthrough these small distinctions these randomly triggered disturbances in the game's graphics give each playthrough its own sense of ghoulish Ness all the way from Natsuki suddenly drawing a human mouth and shouting nonsensical words at you - multiple corrupted image files of series head invading your screen for a few seconds additionally there is a rather suggestive scene that replaces one of the posters in the far wall of the classroom during the second act now I'm censoring what the scene is just as a means of courtesy to the people that haven't played but if you've made it to the end of the first act you you know what this is but not every random occurrence in this game is that cryptic in fact most of them are extremely obvious after closing one of the poems in the second act the screen has a small chance of going completely red with blood vessels hugging the outer edges of the screen you hear a really morbid ambient sound almost like a swash liquid and the music gets noticeably quieter after a few dialogue lines in the screen will go completely click and the game will instantly return to normal closing out of the same poem can also convert your cursor to a glitched out fragment of cerise face which will also continue for a few dialogue lines and even Yuri has a few pretty intense hidden scares of her own if you advance to the scene where Yuri suddenly runs out of the room in act 2 you can skip the dialogue right before where she's supposed to reveal the scars on her arm if you try skipping this section before it happens the game will spiral out of control and go black for a split second before reviewing Yuri's face disturbingly close to the screen with whited out eyes doing this also triggers exclusive dialogue with Yuri where she talks about Monica getting increasingly weird stay here for a minute or so and Monica will begin to slowly fade into frame Yuri's dialog is cut off as though it were being hacked and the game spazzes out once again at the beginning of act 2 when Monica first introduces you to the literature Club but there's also a small chance that her character image will start to glitch out and contort violently as she enters from the left side of the screen not even the starting selection screen is a safe haven players have managed to dig up small probabilities that the screen itself will change and deliver messages to you it can do anything from flashing up a pastel filtered image of Monica accompanied with blood streaks to taking away the intro music entirely and just giving you a creepy monochromatic image of each character with blotted out eyes the warning label introducing the game can also change into something else the word disturbed can change into dismembered and sometimes a question mark can appear at the end of the warning but sometimes the warning can just change altogether and give you a completely different sentence like it was only partially your fault or it's just a game mostly there are certainly more of these but I think that's about all of the important ones plus a lot of the fright comes from finding these during your own playthrough so I'll spare you the rest of this section [Music] okay so next let's talk ester eggs doki-doki literature club has absolute mountains of references to other poems books and even mental conditions and everything in between but most of these references you'll likely never see unless you visit the wiki page or hop on reddit for some help this section in particular will be extremely heavy on spoilers so once again just as a reminder probably not the best idea to watch this if you plan on playing this so this first thing I actually thought was kind of hilarious in a sort of self congratulatory way if you have plans of playing the game a second time through try and see if you can spot all of the aesthetic differences in Monaca right at the beginning of the game as it turns out team salvato was very overt than their emphasis on Monica being the antagonist and looking at how they built the character really drives that home Monica's outfit is noticeably different for one her pink shoes and her black thigh-high socks immediately set her apart from the rest of the characters but because this is such an obvious discrepancy they don't show you this right away in fact Monica is positioned so close to you with the title screen that her legs don't even make it into the frame in addition to her being the only person that never shows her face outside of the school even the name Monica deliberately breaks the pattern of names that end with I everything about this character was designed to unsettle you even from the very beginning another thing I immediately noticed were the poems in the first act before the [ __ ] hits the fan so to speak a lot of the poems that you're shown allude to instances in the characters personal lives not Sookie's poetry reflecting experience with an abusive father is fairly self-explanatory but the one I found to be the most interesting was Yuri's the raccoon delivered to be a somewhat light-hearted tale of simply feeding a wild animal analyzing this poem actually reveals that it's an allegory an allegory for feeding a particular urge that Erie has later on evidenced by the lines the enticing beauty of my cutting knife was the symptom bread a hungry curiosity the raccoon an urge every time I brandish my cutting knife the raccoon shows me its excitement a rush of blood classic Pavlovian conditioning i sliced the bread and i feed myself again now the poem seems to have an underlying meaning behind forming and enabling destructive habits the same destructive habit that Yura demonstrates to you in acts two and three in the first act if you manage to write three poems that are all favored by yury the poem she shows you on the fourth day will change usually it would be about a beach instead the fourth poem is a sequel to her first poem ghosts under the light that uses a lot of the same wording and delivery shown in the first poem only this one seems to be more passionate driven by a sort of romantic emotion that the first poem didn't really have the repetition of the phrase my heart pounds displays her sudden affinity with love and romance even going as far as to call it a forbidden emotion it would make sense for URI to declare romance of forbidden emotion because other characters have confirmed that URIs track record isn't so hot when it comes to making friends and relationships this is also another means of ultimately foreshadowing URIs destructive obsession towards the protagonist as the game continues Monica's hole in wall poem I believe as a means of foreshadowing Monica's self-awareness the hole in the wall so to speak is the boundary she's trying to break because Monica doesn't fall in love with the protagonist of the story like the others she falls in love with the player behind the screen it's just a little hole the poem reads it wasn't too bright it wasn't too deep stretching forever into everything a whole of infinite choices I realize now that I wasn't looking in I was looking out and he on the other side was looking in this he depicted in the poem is you the player after Monica becomes self-aware she realizes she's trapped in a game without the liberty to make infinite choices like you would in real life Monica was looking out into a much larger world the world you the player lives in Monica's envy of you being able to make infinite choices and not be confined to parameters of the game where you only have whatever choices the game decides to give you another one of Monica's poems save me implies again that Monica is already well on the track to discovering her self-awareness evidenced by the lines where she recites colors red green and blue and the waveforms sine cosine and tangent now I'm sure you've heard of the RGB color scheme whenever you need to print something out or you're editing a photo or something well that's because the red green blue color system is used in computer functions where these three primary colors blend to make every other color that's possible the endless cacophony of meaningless noise is represented by the three audio waveforms sine cosine and tangent she speaks as though she's caught in a bad dream and urges the player to save her load me at the bottom seems like just a casual reminder to save and load your game which is something you will need to be doing as the game continues the alternate version of this poem later on omits some of the vowels from the poem but for the most part it is the same poem except that is when you reach the end one of the lines have been replaced with something a little more aggressive and the final line load me has been replaced with delete her yes you will Monica's talk a segment of the game which Monica basically whisks you away to a place of stagnant non-existence has loads of conversational content a lot of it is cleverly written and Monica certainly does have interesting views on a lot of topics try and spend a few minutes talking to her before you decide to move on I promise the dialogue is worth it [Music] next moving on to secret poems now there are a few more poems outside of the games characters but a lot of them are less than delightful to read only three of the eleven secret poems reveal themselves to you per playthrough and as far as I can analyse there doesn't really seem to be any pattern or behavior that reveal certain poems the selection of what you receive I'm pretty sure is completely random one of these poems reinforce what I was saying about Natsuki earlier how she fears her home life and has very specific lines in the game that reference her abusive father pretty safe to assume this poem is giving us more of that story another one I thought was interesting was one of the dream poems where an unnamed girl is having a dream I was still at my friend's house the poem reads there was also someone I didn't recognize who told a joke and everyone laughed the laughing was not part of the dream it was the noise that woke me up I wonder who that person was and how they knew to tell a joke at that time now this is a huge stretch but David Wong's John dies at the end deals with very similar philosophical happenings such as what's being demonstrated in this poem dream reality correspondence is when something happens in a dream that basically anticipates what you wake up to only in this book the example is a dream about a detonator going off and sugaring explosives just as the main character wakes up to a thunderstorm which makes you question how your brain set up the relevance of a detonator in your dream in the first place this is a common mind bending tool writers used to really psych out their readers and though there are much more examples of that outside this book David Wong was really just the first author I thought of when I saw this poem so zooming and of course probably the most enigmatic poem in the entire selection the nothing is real poem which contains a paragraphs worth of redacted text leaving only the phrase nothing is real left uncensored and whoever went into it looking for any hidden message ended up coming away empty-handed until a doctored image of the poem surfaced the brightness levels had been adjusted to reveal white text within the black censorship bars that told details involving a girl named ELISA with a really interesting condition I saw this poem first from reddit user xin v 9-1-1 a few months ago but it may have been posted earlier by another source so if you happen to see this video and this is your find then please claim it if you go to the website project libertine accom you're given a data report of a patient subject to really weird experimentation involving stuff that i may go over in another video but it is speculated that Alyssa's name is mentioned here in the report only the name is redacted as well for whatever reason and lastly browsing through the file directory and going through the game's unused files can give you some pretty interesting finds there are a couple unused facial expressions and poses that for some reason didn't make it into the final cut of the game there's a single PNG image named old the two of Natsuki turning her head from you in a very dismissive manner and two images of yuri one named y7 using an angrier expression that looked as though it would have been used towards Yuri's obsessive phase in acts two and three and another image named hisui with Yuri's eyes blotted out in a purple haze he sue he is the Japanese word for the color Jade and it's usually depicted as more of an emerald green color but here it's presumably represents the color purple which is a little odd there are also some pretty cool unfinished beta sketches you can access in the directory with an incomplete sketch of Natsuki Monica and say Ori as well as a background sketch of one of Yuri sequences that looks as though it would have been used in maybe a storyboard or something but I'm not really sure on this one this video is an aiming to cover all of the Easter eggs and references hidden in the game but only the ones that I think people had trouble finding so if there was a very obvious one in here that I didn't include it's probably because you managed to find it during your first playthrough meaning it's not really that hidden this was my first attempt at a D DLC video but seeing how most of my content has to do with war and speculation I really wanted to give this a try thanks for tuning in to the forge and as you I hope you hey lady made it already even some semester off I seen it her found what seems in force is no crime as the ocean walking in you know mouth our favor I need album sketch more of a national synonymous Gary from the in her own admission I did learn it mastering the emoji in will often
Channel: RUSTY - The Superforge
Views: 2,776,582
Rating: 4.9223351 out of 5
Keywords: ddlc decoded, ddlc delete sayori, ddlc delete monika, ddlc in a nutshell, ddlc matpat, ddlc game theory, ddlc monika jumpscare, ddlc natsuki jumpscare, monika route, sayori route, ddlc save sayori, ddlc yuri, ddlc natsuki, doki doki, ddlc memes, ddlc monika mod, ddlc just monika, sayori's death, team salvato, project libitina theory, ddlc libitina, ddlc your reality, ddlc theory, doki doki literature club just monika, ddlc all endings
Id: HxuNrcTNoxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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