We SPRAY PAINTED My Jeep Wrangler! Impressive Results For CHEAP!

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the Jeep hangler is back now that it runs drives we've flat toed it successfully it's done everything we've wanted it to do but we need to do something to bring it back around into a going to town rig and the looks Department even though the side splashes are really sweet I can't find any wind pants to match so those are going to go you're going to delete those today I think right yeah definitely and then we've got the typical 80s peeling clear coat now you could fix that with the scrip garage wipe on clear coat and be done but what if you can't afford that or what if you don't want it well you could just spray it with an actual spray gun and get a really really good result but what if you don't have a spray gun and what if you don't have a big compressor to do that well I'm going to show you guys how to get good results just out using spray bomb rattle cans here and we're going to rebuild this thing and make it shine like a diamond and then you can give us the final stamp of going to town how's that sounds good to me all right let's dig in all [Music] righty so we'll get you in here closer and show you the kind of the trouble areas here I'm not worried about the whole rig if the whole rig looks like this I'd probably just leave it to be honest cuz you know me shiny things scare me but the rest of it got a pretty good Sheen but when you're Wheeling around in this thing you're looking down this dull faded Hood with all this peeling clear coat and it's just getting under my left thumbnail you know what I mean so we're going to try to fix that today now like I say there are some options out there you could do the vgg wipe on clear coat get a good result you could actually go mix up some paint and use a spray gun but we're going to do something just DIY quick and dirty just a few dollars try to get some Sheen back on all of this and we're not going to paint the whole rigs you guys can do this in the driveway on a Saturday we're going to use some Body Lines here and try to do some strategies around here to make it just good enough a nice 36.4 footer basically and then we're also going to remove the decals try to polish underneath of these buff everything up clean the Plastics and try to make this thing look really nice and about a half day work what do you got going on over there I'm trying to find my heat gun I think it's in the gray one over here at the Broken Wheel pretty sure with the eight tracks on top of it Bentley used it last I don't know where he put it oh yeah his projects so anyway uh I'll get you in here closer show you the problem areas and we got to start with disassembly thanks to ag1 for sponsoring today's video ag1 is a science-driven formulation of 75 essential vitamins minerals and Whole Food Source ingredients that support your brain gut and immune system managing your stress and cognition is essential to your overall health fortunately a lot of products fall short of that Mark but ag1 does not I myself have seen an increase in 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thanks to ag1 for sponsoring today's video so you guys guys have already seen this but we haven't really looked close but here you can see the clear coat or the edge of it and I'm not even sure if this is supposed to be clear it's just that faded because you can see the line here but we're going to try to take care of all of that so the goal is basically to spray up to the seam we'll probably come down to here and then we've got an issue up here too so we might spray this down to here so Jessica's got to get these stickers off so we can get in here and sand this I got to get these things whatever they're supposed to do off it looks like uh just some screws here there's probably some screws behind oh okay yeah we got some screws behind there so we'll get the fender flares off and I might take the hood off as well just to make it easier and faster to sand I want to try to knock this out pretty quick no idea oh there's nothing under there I guess that's supposed to help with looks somehow we might have to knock that off as well assuming the screws under there so let me get some Ru Rivers out and we'll start with this assembly I think we're going to have to take all these do dabs off this little thing that thing see if we can get those off too so like I was saying to your face we did uh flat tow this down to an event and now we used it to be bop back and forth from the campground to the event and it worked out great it ran pretty darn good I got excellent fuel mileage um trying to think of any issues we had the only one I could think of is I lost a PIN to the hitch system had to go down to the Ace Hardware you know it's the it's the helpful place get that resolved and it's seeming to run a little better the more we drive it of course cuz I don't know how long it's SAT but the more we put fresh fuel in it get some miles under the belt it keeps chugging right along so I'm going to lose all these cute little caps that go on here aren't I you are are okay Jessica's still digging for the heat gun our kids like to come in here and do projects and then never put anything back you know how that goes okay I should get a paint cup or something that's a pretty good idea actually be nice to do a little Rust Check Behind These anyway I'm too lazy to bend over and look underneath NE so this will help just got to finish getting these concrete screws out almost there there we go hey that looks clean actually it does it does it really does oh got some bubble Ed we'll fix that little bubble Ed there okay how's the guy run this oh just one one bolt screw thing I guess I kind of like the look without the little flare but you know I I think Jessica's taking over this Jeep if I'm being honest she kind of likes it okay off so this is what we're looking at here we got just a sco a bubbling there little bit here but we're going to get after it just in time and then we can clean this up so this doesn't turn any this is just fake like plastic junk but nonetheless we'll clean that up and then this will be our line right here where we paint okay kind of and we're using that crease because it reflects light differently and it might help us blend paint that's not exactly the same you know because for some reason Chrysler has 37 different blacks in 1988 so like Dereck was saying I'm going to get rid of these decals on here kind of gives off like a 80s MTV Vibe and I'm not really digging that right now um basically we're just trying to get the shine to come through and make it all kind of blend together and these just aren't cutting it anymore so I'm going to start the front here I know Derrick has to get sanding so I'm going to get going here so he can get started with what he needs to do and work my way to the back and then over to the other side hopefully they come off easily and you don't have to get the old razier blot out I'm usually pretty surprised at how easily these things do come off this one's a Florida rig though they've been sunbaked W give her a shot look at Vanishing paint though those came off so so easy oh that's true wow what's it doing how is it it's 5 Seconds calm down okay not a lot of rust under these Fender glares this is good I guess typically you would use like a razor blade or something to kind of peel it off but I'm going to try to see if I can just use my fingernail here to get it going not warm enough yet you done yet are you done yet no [Music] oh that should be pretty good oh yeah I feel it's pretty soft now so this might just come right off oh yeah oh nice so now I think if you heat ooh that's what I was worried about that will come right off though I have some Citrus cleaner I might maybe heat it as you kind of yeah pull if we can get around those little probably not I pull if I keep pulling it it comes off though do you see that oh yeah weird kind of got to keep going and not stop okay so that's not so bad then nice except we just ripped off some paint that's going to look so much better that's right I got a sound there anyway okay this panel is getting paint and this panel is getting paint here on over I'm not painting so okay just going like shine her up yeah we'll just I'll get the buffer and we'll just try to buff what is the rust situation is it pretty bad there there isn't any the handle and around the wind window which is a good point we're going to address that at a different time cuz I got to take the glass out okay [Music] [Music] [Music] peeling this one off here and as you can see it took off a lot more paint than you wanted it to what' you do I mean I don't know okay well yeah bottom of the door is just chipped up and it grabbed it I'll try to blend it in I guess do my best but you'll be able to figure it out I know I have faith in you well from a 30-footer it will be all right hopefully none of these will do that well I'm nervous now because this one if it's chipped well you can see right here it's going to it's definitely going to take paint with pull it this way yeah try it like this one you can go that way just this one you can go that way just try to pull it opposite of the chip paint maybe but it'll look good well got the hood set up here got these little hook things off and I'm going to be running 180 grit sandpaper on the da today and uh if we have to put any primer or sealer down should get covered with this hopefully I don't really have any other sandpaper discs left we've been using them up just going to focus on smoothing The Edge out where the base clear and clear coat come together I might accidentally get down to metal in some places but I'm going to try to limit that because wherever we get metal Shing we got to use a DTM primer or a sealer and then we got to sand over top of that basically the center of the hood and this body line right here around the middle that's where a guy or a gal's eyes are going to hook in especially when you're driving the rig too trying to keep it on the road when you do get a a millisecond to look down the actual hood we want that to be smooth and shiny if we can so I'm going to get the sanding on this throw some earplugs in it's going to be a long day of listening to that tired old air compressor just rip it I got to move that thing outside now that we're kind of moved in here or I need to get one of those fancy worm style compressors but they're so expensive I don't I think we'll just move this one outside [Music] well guys got her sanded down real quick like again we're not doing anything spectacular here we're not even Bodywork this we're just trying to get it shiny is so it matches Dent here not going to fix it Dent there not going to fix it Dent here not going to fix it we're not going to go down that slippery slope so now I'm going to go ahead and just wipe this down clean it up real good and uh we're going to lay just a primer over it and then sand over that because we got a kajillion pin holes in this base coat and I don't want to spend the time sanding it down to Bare Metal but we want to make sure that those don't pop through by the time we get to the uh clear so this little sprayer thing is just the vice grip Garage wax and grease remover but I mean whatever you want to use Earth ghost juice pick it up any hardware store I never really use these sprayer things until I worked with Kevin a little bit there and then I realized how much you can actually save in product by using a sprayer cuz I used to just either dump it on the hood or dump it in my rag but you use a lot of it if that's the case this was n bucks just going to clean it up look at it once again and then we'll throw some cheap primer on this Jessica's doing really good on the stickers she's taking off the fender flare on the Drinker side rear working on that side unfortunately we did lose some more paint on the passenger side door too yeah not as much I joked with Jessica we should just paint the whole rig and then she reminded me you don't have time because literally 7:30 in the morning tomorrow we're filming a road worthy rescues right here in this stall so I have half of a day to spiff this Jeep up if we have to revisit it and spray the rear year later or something we'll just have to take her as she comes you know what I mean boy the patina side of me says that looks pretty cool like that let's just clear it and be done now I think Jessica would like to pick the kids up at school in this and not be embarrassed so we better keep going guys got to wipe down pretty good not perfect is what she is any who you can see here we got gray primer underneath with this base clear paint system they had gone so that's all I'm going to use is just some gray primer right off the shelf from uh I just got it out of Riley but whatever we're just going to primer this up so we can try to sand smooth all these different layers we've got going on I've got metal popping through in a few areas here we want to make sure we get that covered up nice and good and then once that starts tacking up I might come in with some different color spray paint and just kind of lay a guide coat and then we're just I got a Cheesy little foam block we're just going to block this smooth mostly this middle section again just because that's where our eyes are going to be you know hooking in when we're looking at this thing me and wilst Jessica's over here wiping down the truck she's trying to get all the dirt and grime off so I can come back and buff this without grinding in swirl marks so just going to kind of go around the edges here first and then I'll kind of lay it in on the bare metal first because we want to build that up and then I'll just do a light coat over everything pretty much this is a high Build primer so that'll give us the ability to sand on it there we go let this first coat sit and flash off we'll come back and do a light coat over everything all right we're going for heavy coat here well not heavy medium medium wet coat I don't words professional words coverage we're going forover coverage we're using the same color primer to have a better shot at one of the 93 colors of black that I ended up choosing actually matches anything on the Jeep here ohoh getting low oh we got a mosquito in it just some Stripes I'll have to get my other can fill those in Jessica's over here trying to get all the dog hair out of the rig this has dried up pretty good now I'm just adding a color coat on here or a guide coat just us this with black misting it on now when we sand this we'll know exactly where we've been and where we have't this primer isn't fancy and doesn't change colors or none of that stuff okay I got my rinky dinky little foam block thing this is 320 grit now we're just going to come out here and block this thing up just taking the top off basically wherever this black paint is and just making sure we get the entire surface we got a pretty good rounded hood here that's going to reflect a lot of light and we want to make sure it's as smooth as possible I was kind of digging on it with the da and you can get little Ripples and things underneath of it we want to make sure we get all that smoothed up yeah she coming around this is actually plugging up pretty good might might hit it with 180 first then come back with the 320 guys got her sanded pretty good I really don't want to go much further than that we're going to just start getting through it again in some places got to clean it again we get right onto the base coat and uh I don't know how much coverage I'm going to get out of the cans that I have but we'll see if we can get two nice coats on here not including just going around the perimeter of course kind of do the same exact thing I did with the primer go around the edges and then uh start filling in from there Jessica's really going to town cleaning she's finally winning against all that dog hair you guys uh haul your pets around bleep bloop it down there you haul your dog or your cat or your ankle biter or whatever seems like dogs keep getting smaller and smaller I don't think I see him as often as a guy used to riding and rigs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] first coat down looks terrible perfect these spray cans are not impressing me whatsoever I had to tilt it up like this to even get it to come out obviously you can see the zebras has a very narrow pattern and then the nozzle started blowing up on me and I switched cans and it's just dropping huge Globs of paint left right and middle on this thing so now we got to let this flash off I'll hit it with another coat and then we're going to have to sand these big paint blotches where that's just going to show up in the clear but it is once again all zebra colored black sweet so while that's looking terrible over there drying I'm going to go ahead and start over here I just went and got some mineral spirits and tried to clean a lot of this like tree sap and oil and stuff off I got to hit it again cuz some of this I can get with my nail and I don't want to clog up my sandpaper but any who we're going to knock this down and I'm trying to decide I might run a tap line here then like down here or something we'll blend it in instead of trying to tackle all of this because I think I can polish this out just fine and then that'll reduce how much we've got to paint and do all that then we'll try to blend in that clear line but most likely there'll just be a solid line right here so let me get some tape I'm going to run a tape line and then we'll start sanding I think this I can just yep pop out and I think we'll go ahead and I don't know what to do here I guess we kind of got to go over the front figure out how we're going to set that up [Music] [Applause] [Music] trying to feather this Edge I mean we're still going to see it when we're done but if we can make it a little bit more goodish more better up upper sure but again we're not going for perfect here just better than what it is and obviously it's not great you know what I mean a little bit of surface rust here I can treat while we're at it that'll be good prevention is the key to things happening when you don't do prevent you well I went ahead and sanded this again and tried to spray it again and the other can did the same exact thing all over this it's going to have to work time to hit it with some clear we're just going to use some basic uh whatever this is clear coat it's a two-part you just knock this in like this Bo and then just shake it up and then this will be the clear coat so we'll just same thing two to three heavy coats see what it looks like Chad the great showed it up to help with the Pontiac tomorrow but I also talked to him in the taping because that's what I always have him do cuz I I really don't like doing it but uh I started doing the sandings on this as you know and then he's going to come in and just kind of make sure we don't Nick up all this we have a fine line here and then he's got the cowl taped off as well because we're just just going to scuff that up and shoot it so it almost kind of is no it's not going to match the hood at all or the fenders but at least it won't be that to that is what I'm saying kind of already edged it out and we're just going to start just like with the base coat on the sides and I'm assuming these cans are going to do the same thing as the other ones when we try to paint the tops but we'll give it a shot once you get past a certain angle you don't get enough product and then it starts building up on the can kind of getting there goal is to get this on thick enough that if we needed to wet sound which we shouldn't but if we needed to we're wanted to wet hand we got enough product to where we can get in here and just grind on this you know what I mean like a popcorn kernel and the back mower this dig on it grab the wet Edge over here about 50% overlap which is not moving us along very fast but just trying to focus on coverage more than anything right now there's a lot of dirt and dust flying in here but it is what it is we're just doing a rattle can reboot build hey this can made it across now my fear is I might have to switch to a whole another new can just to be able to do that again because the contents are getting less and less in this one right be awfully wasteful but if it keeps it from sputtering and dropping a bunch of material down might be worth it okay first coat down that was actually almost the whole can striped like a [Music] zebra well we've got her coated down now it's just got to sit here and soak in the dust that we're grinding off over there basically but it's all black and it's all going to have the same amount of clear coat I've got a couple beard hairs stuck in it and the dents that we didn't fix are really starting to poke through but we're going to let her sit do the thing uh I got to run to town get some more supplies I'm out of that clear I only got two cans and when I get back this will be flashed off we'll put one more medium wet coat on it and then hopefully tonight we can come out and start polishing this thing just going to run some like mirror glaze or um I can't remember what they call it quick stuff sealant stuff I I'll show you when I find it final coat of clear is down on the hood we'll let that uh bake in I don't know let it sit a while until we start touching on it Chad's over here prepping and cleaning that's uh how it looks before and this is after the cleaner he's got her taped off real good here so we'll just come in and sprit some color and uh we're going to do the same process so just two coats of base two coats of clear up over this cowl and then hopefully you know once we pull this tape we won't be able to tell too much the difference right here there's going to be that line we talked about earlier but in the grand scheme of things I don't think it's that big of a deal started polishing just to see you can see these lines where the the gra Graphics were all down the side here back here they are going to come off over here looks really nice it's got a lot of shine Sheen to it all those lines come off this has been at least this door has been painted before it's hard to see but it looks like it was brushed on in person only the door though Chad made a good point cuz he knows the Jeep thing he's got one the reason these get so beat up on the bottom is when they get taken off the rig and set on the ground they get chipped up so we'll do a final inspection here make sure we don't have any big bumpy Parts uh in this before we start spraying paint nice thing is if we make a mistake it's just a cheap little can it's not a big deal well we got our Santa 400 now we're just throwing on the earth ghost juice doing a final wipe down here trying not to kick up well we did but we're trying not to kick up too much dirt and dust CU It's Just landing in the hood over there but is what it is hoping that these scratch marks get hidden it's 400 should be okay but we got after after it quite a bit we're chasing all these little pits and it's a never ending job so at some point you just got to say it's good enough you know what I mean so wipe this down and I might get some plastic out just to run up over here not worried about any of this cuz the fender flar is going on there probably run a little chunk of plastic here on both sides and then we'll let it rip not worried about any of this getting any overspray on it cuz that would probably be an improvement let's be honest well I think this is good enough we're just going to work within the confines here got the glass done anyway so we don't have to scrape that off but we'll start laying down the base coat here and the Magic's going to be trying to blend this line I may not even try to blend it at all we kind of see what it looks like when we get done but we get the base coat ripping I got I think one can left so I'm going to have to be very deliberate in how I lay this on mostly obviously over the primer spots but this should look better than it did no matter how bad we do it's going to look better than it did okay so I have like one fifth of a can here and then one other can so I'm going to kind of do the the first initial coat with this and then we'll come over with the other one and re layer in you know it's kind of tough you want to do a good job but you can't do too good of a job because then it doesn't match the rest of the vehicle in a sense so you got to pick your poison just a real light coat I like call this vent on the cow looks like a heater vent out of a trailer house it's a Jeep thing don't worry about it oh we got pretty much nothing left come on by golly we might get her h that's it spant first coat down looking pretty good I don't see anything sticking out too sore thankfully we didn't have to do any body work whatsoever the rust over here treated that really quick I think it should be fine it'll sit still for a couple years anyway this is going to be a big eye catcher this part right here but that's looking nice let this flash off hit it with another medium wet coat let that flash and then we're right back to clear again and then uh I guess reassembly then we'll think about doing some polishing at that point I'm going to say boy we should have just done these doors quick because that'll be ance or hopefully by the time we're done where did I just put the clear coat oh it's over here time for Clear got the captain side fender down start rolling on this side got a few Rock chips in here we might could have dug out a little bit but again we're Towing the line we get a little too nice and we're going to be this whole thing is going to be stripped down by midnight and this is supposed to be a couple hour projects so we got to hurry up oh I got to pull the hinges out for the hood spray them separately otherwise those are going to look horrendous compared to the rest of [Music] thism sure looking pretty good I think this is it for clear we're right down to the end of it this a little bit left okay first heavy coat clear done the black Maybe Might sort of could match guess we'll find out let that sit for a minute I should pull out some plywood or something get it up on the saw horse get the hinges out oh cardboard cardboard would be better so I could put the uh Hardware in it we got to spray those up there's some latchy things which uh Chad was saying is for when you fold the windshield down I don't know I thought maybe you'd strap a kayak to it or something and the actual hood latch things need spray painted I don't know there's a bunch of stuff that we got to set out and just fog down real quick I'll probably just use a single stage you know engine enamel or something for that stuff keep it simple guy crank this stuff out of the cboard I don't know it's fish eyeing and acting all sorts of crazy but at least it's a little bit shiny is not not really but it's better than what it was second coat of clear is down now we just got to sit back and let it dry hope that all these bugs floating around in here it's awfully humid and the bugs are just terrible right now but hope that they stay out of it at least till this tacks up a little bit that's looking good I think it'll match the rest of the truck I guess we'll well time will tell once we pull this tape but not bad right out of the rattle can we can always polish that up a little bit too but I don't know that we're really going to need to to be honest now we sit and stare at it for a little bit definitely don't think we're going to be able to finish this tonight it's really tacky it's getting really cool in the shop actually but we're pulling some tape off I couldn't wait and now we can see the blacks right here everything's looking good there's the line on the fender where the tape was I think we'll be able to work with that just fine so I'm going to let this sit overnight and then in the morning I'm actually going to move it to Bay two because I've got to do work here tomorrow and then tomorrow night we'll come back and uh finish reassembly on this so essentially that's going to do it for tonight we'll see you again tomorrow night after a 12:14 is hour day we'll get the Jeep uh all put back together finish polishing this side try to blend in some of these lines and man it's already looking so much better well we're back but it is definitely not the next day now fast forward it's about a week week in a day Futures now kind of a funny story to that see I floated that clear on here heavy put her on nice and good and the plan was to come out super early and have Chad help me reassemble everything while he's here and putting the clear on that heavy wouldn't have to do any cutting or buffing or anything like that just be done but Caprice that little devil where are you where'd you go she's always hiding just had two kittens I'll update you a little later and we're going to get her fixed but anyway she had to do quality control assessment and that little stinker walked down this Fender over the cow and down this Fender wilst wet and not only did she walk but she did this why oh I wish she spoke English so we could talk about this so anyway I just quickly I had to get on a plane to fly out of town to do a Revival I just quickly fixed it Rec cleared it great packed the trash bag stuff got ready to go peek my head in again guess what she did it again same exact so I just well Boop we'll pin that up anyways I came back and uh hit this with some uh I have I think it's fast correcting cream and did best I could there's still a little bit of paw printage in there but it looks great it looks really good here's the thing is this show quality Pebble Beach SE car show no we never had that intention can you drive to the partk store swing into The Tavern and get home without anyone knowing that you spray painted this thing absolutely look at this Hood right here this thing looks incredible I had a couple June bugs dead upside down in this thing just just pluck them out no big deal we don't want this perfect it's not going to match the rest of the Jeep then and then these fenders turned out fantastic even though we got some Katy prints in here and there the cow looks great and this line from the fender top of the fender to the side of the fender what line shouldn't even say line it's not even there and we are under some very intense light in the shop right now like bright bright so when this gets out into the natural sunlight it's really going to settle down everything's going to blend in perfectly it's going to look great so I think what I'm going to do right now is call on Bradley or Jessica or whoever is around to help is get this hood back on get the hinges on all the latches uh we can get this side front fender flare on get all this stuff bolted back up I got this side polished out I saved the other side to show you what we got to do to get all of that sticker residue and the lines from where the old sticker was it doesn't take a lot it's just the right compound and the right pad and we can blend all of that stuff in make it shiny and then Bango we got an all black Jeep I snagged up bantley he's in the other Barn getting my lawnmower running mhm all right ready yep yeah I think the needle stuck on that that junky ethanol gas yeah that lawnmower is like $100 I know it was a cheapest one I could find I think that'll work I mean I mean I don't know what process yeah and then I could just lay the hinges on thank you y how's it look for being spray panted that actually looks really nice thank you buddy did you see Capri's Kitty prints you got to look really close little stanker all right thanks dude high five yep have fun thank you yeah just take the carb off clean the needle and seat and all right ready to rock so personally I think it looks much much better all black and again I'm going to come back some other time when I have some free time and I'll spray the doors and I think we can get them to match up just the same but bleep bloop it down below did you like the graphics do we got to put some 80s Graphics back on this thing maybe just not pink and blue or just leave it blacked out like this also been thinking about do we put yellow headlights in this the Holly brights these are really really dim iy can't see nothing any who as far as the hardware goes I don't want to do nothing special so I just threw them up here on this jungle website box and hit them with some cheap uh you know Rustoleum or whatever it was got spider webs and this will be good enough and the hardware is not going to be perfect and yada yada but again we don't want want this to look like we were trying to make it perfect in fact those blacks don't even match at all because you know what I mean it would just look too goofy so that should work just fine let me get them bolted on get the little latch of dabad dubers bolted on get this bolted on and then we'll move on to getting this stuff corrected here getting these lines out see that get all that Blended in maybe not that little spot right there but you know what I mean Derek's keep you say tip number 997 when you are disassembling a vehicle and you want to keep all of the hardware which 99% of us do unless you're going to buy all new which good luck with that and cost is not on your side either you need to put all that stuff somewhere instead of on the floor which I normally do but I've learned just getting these cheap paint cups which I'm always using you can actually just use your old one there's paint in it this one had a bunch of clear in it but anyway I wrote Jeep thing on the front throw all your Hardware in this boom now you can keep everything in one spot you're not going to lose it well allegedly knock these in quick I got one I'm going to have to figure out what thread this is and just put a nut on the back side but I'm going to get all these started first and then we'll flip it up and smash it against the windshield as designed you know and then uh get out of here BG and then uh just hold a nut on it and squeeze it in that way I'm getting tired of picking the music so I'll let you guys pick we got some work to do do what do you want to hear okay I don't know if what I I don't know what haunted banjo music is okay next yeah we've done that quite a bit oh there you go synth wave 80s synth wave okay if that's what you want Michael I guess it is an 80s Jeep let's get into it here we go [Music] okay well we got the passenger side doled up over there looks great now we got to finish out this side here and a couple things we've got some dollar paint up through here we got to address and then obviously these sticker lines where that residue kind of is hanging in there and I think if we just spot polish this it's going to be good enough don't got to go crazy because again I got to paint these doors anyway at some point no that'll never happen so what I'm doing here is using a microfiber uh pad and then this is the Griot's fast correcting cream which is probably my favorite one to have and if you're using a different brand or system um this is kind of a medium correcting if that makes sense it's not like heavy severe and it's not like a light show car polish it's like you know middle-ish so grab yourself some middle-ish Polish and I'll just show you how quickly we can just take this stuff off here and I'm going to I'm going to move around quite a bit just so we could start blending this in but try to concentrate your product right on this stuff you don't want to make it super hot again because it's just going to get sticky and tacky and gum up your pads [Music] okay that's just a couple minutes on it there we go completely gone so I didn't touch it here or here so you can kind of see where these lines were dipping in but it really doesn't take much to really bring this paint back around which is great so I'm just going to continue this on obviously I got to do this down here too so we can get that flare back in here get all this cleaned up got this stuff back here and then we'll go ahead and snag them flares on again and I think that's it marker light we're finished well we disassembled this Jeep spray painted her up with some rattle cans got her polished reassembled back together and man this thing looks absolutely fantastic talk about a dirt cheap transformation which just a little bit of you know elbow grease or whatever this is I need placed let's wait till tomorrow morning we'll Jam this thing back outside see what it looks like in the natural daylight have some fun with the thing and we'll go from there maybe we'll no definitely going to wait on the doors but we'll see you guys in the morning [Music] well it ain't perfect Fellers and fets but I think it's a certified going the town rig not bad for spray paint I'll eventually get to the doors when I got some free time maybe the tailgate but the wife and I are just going to enjoy it for now it gets great fuel mileage it's good for toling into town and back and such and of course pulling it behind Ro motor home it's just uh saved us a ton of money on those rentals that's about it for the Jeep and let you guys got some other stuff you want to see with this rig bleep bloop it down there below otherwise hey we're just going to enjoy it thanks for watching vice grip garage and stay tuned we'll see you again very very soon [Music] he
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,086,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, jeep, yj, ty, wrangler, budget, diu, diy, cheap, spray paint, rattlec an, rattle can, turbo can, how to, paint at home, how to paint
Id: 66lQwsoJHFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 5sec (3485 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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