Ep. 8: Jessica Bieri - In the Aisles w/ Derek Bieri

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a few out of time machine where would you go where would I go where would you go right now time machine boom step in I don't understand like where or like what time period time where time where where are you Landing okay like about a teleporting machine or a time machine I think they're the same no because it's a science device that goes there's like lightning and then you're here welcome to India Isles presented by O'Reilly Auto Parts I'm your unreliable host Derek Berry today is the one you've all been asking for a very special guest the one and only Jessica my wife hello am I in trouble can we just start there is everything good I don't know we'll see see how this goes okay she has a very busy schedule I'm excited to have her here thanks for taking like eight minutes your day you don't get a minute longer so you better get this over with quick rate off to a ravaging start here so obviously we've been together for 22 years now good job all right Mark that off what oh okay she we're gonna get to this she's got a list of questions for me you got to stick around for that it's gonna get interesting so a lot of the common questions we get you know on vice grip garages you know they love seeing you on the show they want to know more about you you're kind of this mysterious figure that comes in and out you obviously know something about Automotive but we've never explained why or how or even a lot of your past so maybe we'll kind of okay start getting into that but first I have to ask you a store that you've been to with me many many times what is your favorite aisle oh my gosh probably the spray paint aisle honestly is that aisle six I believe sure [Laughter] we do spend a lot of time in that aisle yeah I mean you can get engine rebuild kits you get hose clamps there's a lot of stuff in there sandpaper or whatever else I agree that's a pretty pretty decent aisle we use it for a lot of stuff so I have to ask because you're never quite honest with me you're too nice you kind of dance around it okay what is your least favorite Revival that I've done meaning what is the least favorite car either on this property or other properties that's a really good question that it's painful it's a really cool body style I never even knew that one existed but I would have to say probably I don't know if I have like this is good news you don't have like a one there's not one that's the Ford Escape okay see that would definitely be it okay but I wouldn't really call that like that was a message that's not a Revival yeah that was like we had to get home so I mean would I rather have ubered like eight hours probably but it was pretty terrible you got it after I wiped it down with like three jugs of those pole wipes and air fresheners and well the fact that you stopped to get stuff to clean it out before you even pick the boys and me up in it she says a lot because you never care I mean well because I figured you would say no I am taking a taxi are Taxi's still a thing I don't I don't know yes maybe okay I mean I guess let's see what Uber is let me ask you this then what is your favorite Revival of all so we've a lot of people don't know this so going way back and we're going to kind of get into some of that we've known each other since grade school I think people call it Middle School sixth grade is when we met okay I've owned 300 plus cars probably 350 something like that what is your favorite car that I've ever owned since life it's one that you got rid of oh no that's what I was afraid no I have like a favorite that we one that you got rid of the 67 Camaro really yeah I thought you were gonna say the Suburban I do love that one but that Camaro was pretty it was pretty awesome it was pretty neat well it was a really base 67 Camaro but guy hopped up a 327 had four Elevens in it caves it jumped Coke Cannon Walmart parking lot very good it was really neat but I think now like in the fleet it's versatile I love it well not really anymore I mean it's okay look Fellers it's got a leak I'm gonna get to it I just I haven't had time all right I know you're gonna bring that up you brought up AC not me okay I got it right on here fix cat Farm crew cab I'm gonna end up at the list to do I have a feeling all right let's go way way back okay what did you think when you first met me you really want to go there yes well it is no secret I mean we've talked about this before so obviously a lot of people know we met sixth grade and you were just the loud funny give me attention guy that I did not like doesn't translate into what I do today at all not at all Impressions were nope yeah I think you literally told me hard pass yeah several times yeah well I mean there is a handful of things I liked which was like I was football weightlifting wrestling fast cars and this girl named Jessica that hated me pretty much so that's awesome well look at us now though I mean here we are that's true yeah yeah okay a very very common question and we get this all the time whether we're traveling at events doing lives in the comments on vice grip garage YouTube what is your role in vice grip garage oh my gosh I mean how do you how do you summarize it I call you the CEO is that that's reflective yeah I think so I guess mostly like just scheduling and doing my best to manage everything that you have going on and kind of behind the scenes of making sure you're prepared for everything leading up to events and shows that you're doing or revivals anything kind of my job to make sure you're good to go there so to add on to that I can I could just say because you know I'm man enough I don't know if that's the right terminology but anyhows that I literally would not know where to go or what to do or where I'm supposed to be unless you literally handed me a piece of paper and said here's the stuff that you're supposed to be doing today and tomorrow and the next day and don't forget this and that and everything else now it never was like that in the beginning because a lot of people don't know this but you were a full-time teacher yep uh you had a career before that but wilst vice grip garage was starting you had a full-time job I had a full-time job so we were working non-stop and then I would film in the evenings late nights weekends plus try to run the business and everything else but the company got to a point that I was basically not sleeping yep and pulling my hair out where you just was like okay enough's enough I need to step in and help I'm going to quit my teaching job which I know is that was hard it was hard for you to do because you love the kids and everybody that you worked with but you now in a sense have a full-time job in the company I do all the wrenching and everything else but there's a lot that you do so much yeah email scheduling yeah a lot of people don't see all that but definitely it's it's a lot but I mean is it enjoyable what's your what's your favorite part I think merchandise merchandise weirdly enough yeah um no I guess scheduling too I like to do that just because I can kind of pick and choose like you know where we're gonna be when we're gonna be there and plan different things around that so I mean I guess ultimately I like all of it that's good yeah so my daily drivers all right well they're questionable usually I said let's go out to eat and you're like no not that one Derek I'm like we'll take and you're like that's not always true I enjoy taking some of those well what I'm saying what I'm getting is they're rough yeah yeah a lot of people don't like I legitimately Drive the hoopties that you see on the channel that's what that's what I enjoy that's what I drive you also kind of have it's newer but maybe not so reliable what is your daily driver and what do you call it ah it is a 2007 Escalade I call it the Jess Gallade and uh it is a hoopty in every sense of the word it has everything wrong with it anytime so we fix the thing it just has something else wrong with it the next day so your dashboard looks like Main Street on New York it's just like I literally carry the code scanner in in horror so I can we've done a lot of work today right oh I know uh front end transfer case transfer cases and uh it's still spark lasers O2 sensor is constantly an issue charcoal box it's well you got 100 how many miles you got on it it just rolled over to 140. so for an 07 that's really not terrible I think you're finally getting into the need to do maintenance range I'm getting into the I need a new vehicle range anyway what's the next question here what is your favorite part of working in the automotive world so I think Automotive world like holy encompassed so the YouTube The Creator side just being a participant at events to traveling like what what is your favorite I mean I think there's perks tell every piece of that like traveling obviously we get to see places that we haven't seen before or go back to places that we love that we you know aren't at very often meeting people is super fun um it just like seeing new vehicles and learning about new vehicles is it's really cool so I just think that there's so many different insides to it that make it interesting and keep it fun that it's all enjoyable really it's kind of funny because I grew up in rural extreme Northwestern North Dakota I could throw a rock and hit can at it basically yeah so going to town which is where this term came from was a huge deal for us which is really just Piggly weekly and hard for Hank yeah and I was or a uh world of whip oh yeah the world of whips there were great but we never we never traveled except for wrestling wrestling camps football and you kind of grew up the same I mean you got great parents but there was never really any reason like a lot of your family was close so you never went to New York or Florida or California or Texas no I never ever went on a family vacation not ever so when we started actually not even when we were dating because we were so young but I suppose before we had the kids we started traveling a little bit a little bit Yeah but now we're so blessed that we get to go yes all over the place and it's work but it's not because we enjoy it so much right yeah my favorite part is just meeting people people it's really really neat the people that that we come across it's really cool so normally this is where we'd go into a part of the segment called help me understand which is where we would answer you know technical questions or give folks advice of where to go with their projects or maybe they've hit a roadblock or they just want to show off their rig but I heard that you're making a change to the script since you're the CEO of this whole thing here yep so what do we what's going on what are we doing here this is a segment something called break my heart all right okay so I have some questions questions for me yep but you already answered one without knowing you're gonna be asked this it was technically it was how long have we been married but I was also gonna spin it and say but also how long have we been together July 19th 2008 14 years did you practice that did you know this was coming I'm just an amazing husband what can I say okay okay yeah this is not good all right all right this is my favorite one on here I'm gonna start start with a bang what is my go-to Starbucks order can I think about it you I mean I've had him I've heard it but it's so long time it's so long it is impossible okay triple venti yamasaki mocha iced frappe extra whip that's three shots that part's right so it's pretty close you got venti and triple right what does venti mean like Hood louvers it's like they're big drink actually they do have a larger one in a venti but they don't why don't they just say big they have tall but that's actually their smallest one how am I supposed to know that well you just say venti it's just part of the order you know what I'm saying like that's a that's not a fair question yeah it is all right because like I would know it let's do the next one I got the next one okay well this one's so easy what's my favorite color naughty it's definitely not purple oh I hate purple that is definitely my least favorite color ever pink yeah it's pink bang we need a bang sound we get a bang sound there it is my favorite food wait how many do I have to get wrong for me to break your heart oh that's a good question hold on let me see how many we have is it like a percentage do I have to pass there's nine and you significantly like messed up the dress I thought it was pretty close questions you got that one we'll put a star next to that and that was right so I'm our I'm literally 66 right now is what we're saying yes [Music] like on an island last thing that's gonna happen like no like I'm like in general yeah Mexican food okay yeah okay there we go nailed it all right I don't think you can get this one right I kind of thought they need to be trickier what is my favorite TV show this is difficult because when do we have time for TV I know that's why it's like a trick question this is like when people ask me what is your favorite YouTube show I don't watch YouTube I know [Music] we don't really have a show right now and say what is our favorite show I said well I would hope that it would be your favorite show I don't know some sort of drama with drama show with guys and girls I have no idea what is it I don't know that was a trick question [Laughter] puts me wrong I was just gonna say you guessed anything that was like good I was gonna say like Breaking Bad but that was like that was a really good show I did like that one I almost got an RV out of that deal but that's true this one you should know this because we eat this like all the time my favorite ice cream flavor mint chocolate chip good job you're doing pretty pretty good I'm still failing technically math magicianally I need one more to get like a B plus if I am walking into a pizza parlor and I order myself Pizza what am I getting cheese cheese cheese with extra cheese fair but am I dipping it in anything Ranch okay yeah you're not doing too bad I nailed it all right this is it gonna get harder this is a good one this isn't really like a question you can get wrong but it's still a good question when did you know that I was the one Dakota Middle School hair flip third floor I mean that's when it was like there was like music in my head and it was like slow motion I don't accept that because it was like we weren't even dating in middle school so I would say I can't remember what the vehicle was we went to Little Caesars because they had the five dollar pieces oh my gosh yes what I think it was the blue Ghost the old foreign yeah we went to lunch one day A Little Caesars and I was like this chick is all right you know so going to Little Caesars to get a five dollar Pizza magical in an old floor pickup and a six cylinder Ford pickup that ran on three cylinders well you're easy to please do you remember what we did to that truck oh my gosh we had a lot of fun in that truck we would jump it off of everything repeatedly we took it sold this truck I had we would go into the Black Hills of South Dakota many many miles from human life basically we would find these roads that we could get air and we would just jump this truck until I was almost out of gas and then figure out how to get back to town anyhow took it in for an oil change and the mechanic guy at that time was like this truck looks like it's been on a demolition derby like someone's been jumping it violently and I was like I don't know what you're talking about this definitely hasn't been jumped do you know what I remember about that um it was you and Chad and Jen and me we would allegedly skip class in high school after like a big snowstorm do you remember we would take it to I can't remember which parking lot it was but they'd have that huge like amount of scooped up Snow and we would just hit that repeatedly it was in our high school parking lot I don't think it was our highest ours though I thought it was like the Stevens High School parking lot I have a Polaroid okay maybe I'm wearing the hood with the truck like this in our parking lot yeah that was fun I mean yeah I can I guess I was fun that was I could see why you chose me good job good yeah one more okay I didn't come up with this question somebody else came up with this but I like it what do you have planned for our anniversary I can't tell you that means you don't have anything planned top secret nope it means you have nothing I don't even know what our anniversary is you just said it at the beginning of this I don't know I'll figure it out like two days before okay I believe that for dang sure well yeah I'm trying to count like because we kind of agreed we're not going to do anything until like our 50s yeah we and we're just so busy all the time that we really don't do like on our birthdays we're like hey good job we made another year ready to go work yep on my birthday we were traveling I think nope but I can give you a pass don't forget cake guys it is the most important I had cards though you did have two cards it was a Thanksgiving card where you scratched off Thanksgiving and wrote birthday that's real by the way that's real that's the only one but find it pilot I mean you know it's a thought that counts it was the thought that counts you know I've been doing that though since since I have known you yes you'd always give me the dumbest cards and then just like the same inside of the car inside of the card meant more than like the turkey on the front but it's like why not just write it on a piece of piece of paper it comes folded nicely in the thing I can't do that fold a piece I don't know how to do origami okay you never folded like notes and you passed them in high school no do you remember those like it's like that's like my back just like the mullet I don't have a bullet ish I have a aerodynamic shaped haircut that's perfect for third gen Camaros and g-bodies so a mullet [Applause] all right well those are my questions you did pretty good did I pass I'll pass you I get to eat tonight get rid of that list it scares me well you did good what is your favorite driving music old classic rock classic rock absolutely okay you know we got to be honest with listeners every now and then and neither one of us say anything to each other you'll jump in my truck or I'll jump in your car and there's like 80s hip-hop oh yeah like Warren G oh yeah that's not yeah okay I'm just throwing it out there yep regulators [Music] okay what's your favorite working music let's do this two ways is it is the music different like because you keep a very nice house I must say thank you and Will's doing that you're also like packaging merchandise and getting ready for shows and tables and tops and covers and chairs and seats and arranging everything that's one facet but then you also have working in the shop because even when you're not in the episode you're actually in the background like yeah ordering stuff receiving stuff organizing stuff cleaning sweeping vacuuming always cleaning yes so is there two different kinds of music or is it the same I I almost am embarrassed to admit this but I mean you know I love Halsey always a snobby yes you know for both for like in the shop and stuff yeah like okay going all right what is your earliest memory of working on a car yourself well that would be my first car 1991 Geo Prism Casper recipes it was called Casper should I tell the you finished them should I tell the well it was leading into like after you destroyed it I improved it first so by The Who Derek this is a true story borrowed my car when him and his buddy were going to Las Vegas and we were 16 17 years old I was so you were like future let's be real but went to Vegas what does that mean it means I'm younger than you okay whatever anyways my car was returned to me on a flatbed trailer because he raced it on the Salt Flats okay well and it wasn't working anymore okay it was more exciting than the way that you just said it we got third place okay I think this was this was like when okay we're on like Fast and the Furious like 29 now I think something like that definitely yeah this was like after one came out so like you would come out of Walmart and there's 48 cars just hitting a rev limiter and all of a sudden people are like spray painting karate punches on the doors and there's like wood Wings PVC snorkels well we were out in a small town I think it was called Pahrump Nevada and that is there's like a salt flatish area out there that they were having these street races so my friend Chad and I wanted to show up and just because we're goofballs have fun whatever we took the hood off of this four-door Geo Prizm bone stock I mean this thing was slower than an electric wheelchair or anything I think I paid like put a transmission in it for you actually after that we went to Walmart and bought some bright yellow wire them you know like Snappy plastic stuff if we wire loomed the entire engine bay and then pulled into the car show with all these other like turbo eclipses and Nissan GT blah blah blahs and the Yip yaps and whatever and everyone's like What's Done in the car we're like oh it's all internal you know engine high performance stuff true story it was like a 12 wide drag race or something we were the third fastest car there in a stock Geo Metro geoprism or geoprism excuse me in it but we I might have overreacted it it was blowing oil off the valve cover I mean I'm pretty sure you took it like off jumps or something the way that it came back well I mean we also off-roaded it the next day yeah and then we got into a big gulp fight in the car yeah I remember my headliner was so sticky with soda and my dad was so mad at me because when he found out I let you take it he lectured me over and over on how that car was going to come back to me and I'm like Derek would not do that and then we got the call that it was at your mom's house on a trailer and I needed my dad to go get it I definitely did do that yeah yeah good job so yeah going into fixing what car did we fix I think that was the first one I helped work on was fixing that after that whole debacle but over the years because I was into a I got really heavy into off-roading and four-wheel drive stuff because we were in the Black Hills yeah all the time when we were bigger kids in school yeah and so you helped put lift kits on and tires and we went off-roading a lot and we somehow put 38s on a truck with no lift remember the orange truck we just cut the fender yeah yep I do remember that that was a lot of fun highly recommended nope okay let's move on to ASAP laters I'm going to throw out some questions to you you can't think you just got to blurt it out whatever it is hopefully it's super embarrassing okay favorite car movie holiday night wasn't fast enough I mean you got to be that was pretty fast it was pretty fast actually Will Ferrell he's my guy okay go to beverage while working well you're kind of vague on beer is there a special flavor Nick Ultra I'm pretty boring that's mainly water but I'll give you a pass I'm gonna stay hydrated okay hell's first got it vehicle you'd never own even if it was given to you minivan okay ever she is okay okay this is if we're driving down the interstate and a person in a minivan is doing nothing wrong she will run you off the road that is not true I am into a violent snap he's like how could that person on a minivan nope I just don't I don't know I think it's just like childhood trauma you did grow up in a like or no burnt burgundy wood panels wood panel with peeling clear coat Caravan yes so that's probably I just can't do it no no offense that's really nice today I don't care they have a lot of features the seats fold into the floor I don't care you can all sheetrock could but I don't care 12 my trailer system nine cameras what do you need that for they Park themselves well I probably do need help with parking I'm terrible at parking you you I don't know how I parked cricket true story I know exactly what you're gonna say last night at dinner took friend's dinner last night and I technically suffering she swings in pretty hot because Jessica only drives one way and it's full throttle so I had the window down with my head hanging out because I'm car sick she swings into this parking lot and she goes oh it's terrible I need to repart because I'm not in my spot correctly I'm like good job that's great way to be a outstanding citizen so she backs up and reparks I get out I'm in the middle of the other parking spot well okay to be fair there was like three cars in the parking lot total so it wasn't like other people needed to park but you read it you repart I was straight though it's not straight between the lines right I want to eat tonight so I'm going to say yes you were very straight good job okay what is your dream car it's gonna be a truck is it something I own well no not specifically that it can't be a truck I would say 68 Chevy C10 Stepside what if it's a 74. I really you like the 68 to 72 I love that one that look okay I'll have to try to find one yes what color anything patina I thought you were going to say silver with orange stripes I like that but I like that's like two two you know that'd be like paint job and like here's a question does patina change from a female's perspective to a male like when I look at if I say that truck has patina do you see it the same way or is it not enough for too much or is it too junky or like are we on the same wavelength I mean I think I like if I were to the Grand National behind us if I were to say to me that's not patina That's Just Junk that's junk okay there's nothing really the independence if I were to say that's patina have like 60 hours in the paint on that I mean when I think when I think there's something in here that I should paint yeah kinda I'm thinking more like you like the sun like Longmire yeah truck we had like that kind of patina traditional sunburned or it was original paint but now it's just primary metal okay I just love that look so much I was always curious because I just think that sometimes people look at patina differently maybe that's a good question what makes potatoes I think it is different than or differently than we do yeah I don't know ugliest vehicle ever made in the world PT Cruisers really awful I think I think I've heard that a lot they're terrible like they don't make them now right I mean they're thank God they don't right it was like Dodges attempt to make a Chevy panel van do you remember the game we made up for PT Cruisers PT losers no PT Cruiser Boozer when we were driving we would do that yes I remember okay it's all coming back I thought it would your fist is so little it goes straight to the Bone you could not do that anymore that'd be great okay 15 bucks American not Canada okay what is your go-to road trip snacks you can't go a penny over um I know it's a smart water yep dark chocolate one more cheddar cheese chips a little cheddar sour cream chips what else and the Pillsbury double chocolate soft mini cookies so I mean you're on a really good diet is what you're saying always okay I love the jump is that less than 15 probably I mean yeah I'm a cheap date okay well unless you go to the movies these days can you believe how much that is I know it's like popcorn is like never fresh well you know because you have the money and you pay oh yeah so when we go to the theaters how much is it for our family of five tickets snacks we won't even count the fuel together oh yeah probably 150 bucks at least which is why we don't wow seriously because it's like that's like nine dinners at Applebee's yes it's really expensive it's getting out of here it's pretty crazy I wish you're probably the same because well here's here's something we can talk about for a minute but I think I know what you're gonna say I'm going Way Off Script here so just hang on if you were to be and think about this because there's there's a difference between born and living in okay if you were to be born in a certain era okay what would that be 50s 60s I'm pretty close I think 50s to 70s maybe because things were just simple yeah I'd say it's a tough era but I would be born in the 40s early 40s because growing up in the 50s for me similar to you 50s and maturing into the 60s would be then when you're in the 70s when you have a career think of all like the the Cuda and the Camaro and the Chevelle but you have to look at it in a different perspective because like people who grew up then like they didn't realize how cool those things were it was just like a new car this is very true also just how simple it was you just maybe if you looked at it as like knowing like somehow being born in that era but knowing the knowledge that we know about it now somehow then that'd be really cool because then you'd know everything that they have is so so neat compared to like what we have now and just way better if you had a time machine where would you go where would I go where would you go right now time machine boom step in I don't understand like where or like what time period time where time where where are you Landing what's going to ask me like about a teleporting machine or a time machine I think they're the same no because it's a science device that goes there's like lightning and then you're here in space and time I don't know it's a tough one it is tough you know what I think what happened maybe I'm wrong I'm just throwing this innocent kind of getting a little personal but I think you would be a very young Jessica and you would probably be at your grandma's house just planned yeah maybe I had an amazing grandmother making pudding some cookies eating dirt in the backyard yeah planting flowers sounds like Grandma's house all right I'm just trying to redeem myself from earlier yeah okay I gotta I got one last question for you that's a doozy now I'm gonna just throw myself under the bus here all right how do you handle living with four children all male great question I'm throwing myself I love how you call yourself a child because yes to throw you under the bus you are probably the messiest out of the four of you honestly yeah things to do in places to be um you know I mean it's just life you know you don't you don't get a handbook you just have to figure out life as it comes at you and I just feel like we've traveled so much from the time the Twins were little right for your job then because we would travel with you just when you would travel for work so we've always traveled we've always had that kind of lifestyle and it's just progressed as as we've gotten older and now it's actually a lot more fun just because the kids are older and they're more into it and more Hands-On so I don't know I just isn't it take it as it comes it's wild how fast it's gone we're getting ready to go to a uh event of sorts and our 10 year old is wanting to compete in a burnout competition yes isn't that wild it's I can remember like when they were so little and hoping you know never pushing them but hoping that they would someone have some kind of an interest in in this and now you can ask for a more identical version of yourself I mean he's so you it's it's pretty funny a lot of fun very blessed you know I think I'm going to do the right thing and end this now I don't feel like I'm in a lot of trouble yet I could right size this pretty quickly gentlemen you got to quit when you're ahead so thank you Jessica for joining us appreciate it very much hopefully you got some behind the scenes or additional information got all your questions answered that's going to do it for in the aisles presented by O'Reilly Auto Parts stay tuned the next one's going to be a lot of fun thank you so much [Music] [Music]
Channel: O'Reilly Auto Parts
Views: 915,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: O'Reilly, O Reilly, Oreilly, Oriley, O'Riley, O'Reily, OReily, car brakes, car battery, car batteries, automotive batteries, car parts, car diy, automotive parts
Id: 5xpycV1C-oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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