Ep. 9: Steve Dulcich - In the Aisles w/ Derek Bieri

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[Music] is it a segment or is it part of a segment well you can't use this redundant to say part of the segment because I guess it it would be part of the segment yeah it yeah actually I apologize I ipoke yeah you're go carry on we're doing a different thing than what we were doing welcome back back to in the Isles presented by O'Reilly Auto Parts I am your unreliable host Derek beer today I have a huge show but first a reminder please if you're not subscribed and new to the show go ahead and hit that Bell and other stuff for Riley outo parts and vice grip garage so you don't miss any cool content like this right here this show is going to be amazing I have the one and only dolit here oh man what a buildup Derek well I'm overwhelmed well I appreciate you doing this uh there was some confusion we said we're ready to do the podcast and you're like now and I was like right now right now yeah I mean I was I was just crawling under the car back here in the background wrenching on it and the next thing you know we're uh chatting here we are we should we should explain this so you were literally just putting brakes on Vanishing paint like 3 minutes ago this is a car that I bought years and years ago actually before you owned it and later on David fryberger who Co co-hosts a couple of shows with me but I paid 300 bucks for it and parked it out back and I wasn't going to do anything with it and you've done a lot I've got to talk to fryberger because the markup was steep telling you from $300 but no it does it feel weird to be working on your old car now in in vice grip barage in Tennessee and it's traveled across the country essentially and now we're doing I think I can say this six-speed swapp in this yeah that's going to be just amazing to try that out yeah good yeah but no I mean it's to me it's it I moved on I have a lot of other cars and David enjoyed it we did a lot of work on it to get it running and driving and then now look at the upgrades you're doing the sixspeed and handling and breaking performance so it doesn't make you sad you don't have any animosity either oh no okay good I was going to ask take you outside but you could check this out if you're interested in watching this episode with do and Road really rescue is season 2 uh I don't know the correlation between this and that and there because is the interwebs but it's just figure it out I guess is what I'm saying I've got to ask you Steve right away okay what is your favorite a in a rally Auto Parts this is a rhetorical question you throw me a curveball about the performance section okay all right they have a whole dedicated performance section and that's a that's where you go to have fun it's pretty good yeah did you know this they have a lot of the edel Brock stuff on the Shelf but you can get Holly stuff didn't we get a holly for the uh cornet we did yeah yeah was a Holly carburetor you can actually get even the sniper kits right really yes wow Master kits everything yep it's like speed local Speed Shop which is pretty good I have to say it's not bad at all well the other thing is you know if you want something they can usually get you what you want this order it in like some pretty specialized speed equipment so it is kind of like having a neighborhood Speed Shop in a way yeah you for sure did you know that the O rewards move to text notification now no you don't have to dig through your emails and print stuff and do all that it literally just goes ding hey you got 30 bucks or 15 bucks or whatever you hold your phone up and they scan it and you got a discount it works really well for a lazy guy like me oh man I I never even opened my email so that'd be useless that was my problem is I have Stacks and stacks of them but I don't know how to bring my whole computer into the store to say here I have rewards in here so somewhere yeah yeah a good point way way easier so we're talking about my current project vanish of paint let's talk about your current project what's going on with the dolage farm oh man I've got all kinds of projects like way more than I can handle believe it or not but I mean right now what I'm doing I bought it well actually I didn't buy it I got a free 74 Charger from a buddy of mine every panel of the car was is all smashed up cuz it was in a yard and I think you know caress saw moving cars around and stuff it just got all bashed but you talking whiskey dance or just like just residency dance like just was scrubbed into and bumped into and yeah scrubbed into they're it's pretty bad I got all fiberglass front end for it and deck lid wow now I've got to find two doors so basically replacing the whole car but the current thing I'm doing is I'm building a it's a small block car so I'm building a turbo motor for it so that's oh that's right that's on my hot plate that's a you're going to do a small block turbo right yeah it's stroke to 408 from 360 and um it's going to be pretty high performance I hope well where can they catch this are you doing it on your YouTube channel are you doing it on engine Masters or garage or where do this happening well that's still up in the air it was it's planed for a roadkill garage EP garage awesome that'll be pretty cool I'm interested in seeing a lot about now you said you have a lot of projects yes I really don't know the scope I know that you have a lot of automobiles do you even know like I have an issue even knowing where my projects are physically oh do you do you how many do you have well I I I really don't know I mean this is that's the answer I Wasing yeah I I don't and but they're all on the property I've got two large buildings where I keep them parked you know and protected and I've got one recent purchase that's in Vegas that I've got to go pick up as soon as I can find a time nice yeah see Jessica it's okay not to know the number of cars all right you thank you for supporting this well yeah I mean this is like a sport group isn't it you could you could just validate all the things you're doing wrong by inviting me over there you go yeah all right we're going right through this list man this is awesome Crossing stuff off just got started so you've been wrenching with me this is the second time we've wrenched on an episode of Road really rescue and you're learning as everyone else here knows I have a very weird music playlist from like it goes from like Christmas music to Jazz to outdoor Ambiance to rock metal what is your music like what's in your shop well I I usually played '90s rock mostly where sometimes I'll go to Classic Rock Radio because I don't have a device with a whole bunch of music on it I just play the radio old school and just let it ride but well you're talking FM like frequency modulation yeah okay that's how I do that's how I roll man you know the FM served me well and I'm sticking with it so I saw a picture I can't remember where I saw it okay but you had like 52 speakers in a cab with an amplifier on top or something you you went all out on these on the system what was that well I've got some really large speakers I mean they're two 15in woofers and they're about that tall and they weigh like 200 lb yeah they're a little tough to move around but I have them in the shop and um a gigantic amp that's all the guy needs really so like when you're when you're local radio station advertisements are playing you can hear it from the dosage farm from like 6 miles away oh yeah my whole idea I I my goal with the whole stereo deal and I built up in steps is was I wanted something that could blow the roof off the shop if I if I wasn't careful and I think I'm I'm right there I still has a roof but well 4 Ohms or 8 ohms I think it's 8 ohms Jensen or Pioneer on the uh it's a pile amp you got a pile yeah wow but I'm saying Jensen or Pioneer in general if you had to choose oh oh I see what you mean oo that's a tough choice actually man they're pretty close the Jensen I have to say just just for Nostalgia purposes yeah I think you're right isn't it funny how the magnets on Old speakers are like this and now car audio today they're like ginormous you think they're bigger oh yeah well the Jensen Tri axles had the 20 o magnet you know that was that was rock and roll this is this is where we needed to go okay so do you believe that different Woods in the cabinets some say like mahogany and and Cherry have a different Ambiance than like Pine or or particle Oh I thought you were talking about car audio when you were talking Jensen versus Pioneer I might have been I thought you were but now I'm back in home now we're back to home yeah pineer mahogany I mean that the obvious choice there is Mahogany's matter with you you're just giving me these softball questions first which aisle and now Pine or mahogany I mean is there even a choice well I didn't know if you were like an oak guy you know I mean Oak's probably pretty good yeah yeah all right everyone wants to know including myself what was your first car uh 71 Charger RT with 440 Magnum how does this happen I mean you ask people today they're like oh I had a Toyota Celica or a 84 Ford Aerostar you know well I had already been driving for years before I bought a car when I was 16 but uh I was driving through town and I didn't even know what a 71 RT Charger look like like but it has um like these big louvers on the hood and has Shark gills on the doors I was like I was just a kind of a kid really and I I said man that thing looks just like a freaking shark so it was 2,300 bucks which was a lot of money back then and uh it had 77,000 miles on it which my brother was absolutely trying to talk me out of it he was like I I'll give you 77,000 reasons why you shouldn't buy that damn car but I still have it you know that's cool you still how many miles does it have today you think oh goodness knows I you rolled it over probably a couple times yeah I always whenever I rebuilt I this is the third full rebuild on the car and uh I'll usually reset the odometer back to zero when I'm doing a full recondition so thing number three is full car fraud just straight up out reset the odometer well it only goes to 100K so yeah I'm just teasing you yeah I do the same thing because then you know in your build like I'm this far into my rebuild now yeah not only that but I mean fresh motor you know go through the transmission it's like you're starting over you want to know how long it's been in there exactly until it blows up exactly then you rinse and repeat so we were talking about Vanishing paint I can't remember when it was last night or the night before and I said how did you get that car and you started with well I was in Switzerland for or Sweden or somewhere no I was in New Zealand for a few years New Zealand somebody broke into my shop and like they took a toolbox and they took a fender off my Challenger yeah so there's a fellow there only knew one guy that had a challenger that knew that I had parts for a challenger and uh so I hit him up and he he swore up and down that he didn't do it so I said well okay well why don't you just sell me your car then yeah and he said okay man how much you give me for it and I said I'll give you 500 bucks and he said what are you trying to do me a favor and I go no I'll give you 300 bucks for it and he said sold so we talked himself down you know I guess I was being too generous at first man that's a deal what a deal so you've we don't have to get into what what you used to do for work but obviously you've TR traveled you've been uh out of the country you've done all these things so how did you end up on TV roadkill garage you've been on roadkill you've done engine Masters you've done the whole host of all the holiday shows and everything like we won last year actually oh yeah that's right the H special yeah yeah how did that H like what did you knock down a door did you send a resume I no one thing led to another so I was a magazine journalist for a really really long time and I started out with a cold call to a mopart magazine out of Saddlebrook New Jersey and he said okay you know show me what you got and I wrote a big story on uh disc brake swapping I think it was a Cuda so almost the same thing that I'm still doing so you know he liked it and then I was writing for him and then uh moved on to other magazines was the editor of engine Masters I became the tech editor for Mopar Muscle which is it was another Mopar magazine so I I I just came up on the journalism side and uh out of the blue I was talking to my daughter and she was like a I don't know maybe around 10 or so mhm and you know she was like the movie Frozen so I was watching Frozen with her I guess when that came out and then uh I said you know you know what I'm going to do Emily and she said like no Daddy what are you going to do I said I think I'm going to become a a show TV host and he did and I did absolutely nothing to make that happen but all by itself and she's like really Daddy I'm like yeah yeah that's what I'm going to do and then just all by itself it just kind of unfolded so but when she asked you're like oh yeah I worked really hard to get that no I just follow the steps I just tell her I it just happened by itself but actually what happened was uh one my co-host on several on a few shows like engine Masters and roadkill garage and even roadkill when I do that he uh he was also from a publishing background we were pretty pretty tight buddies you know but he left the company to start some Venture and you know he called me one night and he says dich I'm like yeah frer what's going on I'm depressed you're depressed yeah I'm depressed I said well maybe I can make you feel better and he says really how and I said I've got a 68 Dodge Dart oh give it to you and he like oh yeah that that that would help that helped yeah he felt better and and then he never picked it up it was like sitting I I kept it parked in one spot for him for two years and our pads crossed at a engine building competition event that I I used to run it was called the engine Masters Challenge and he was there like we worked together doing event coverage for for the magazine and their web websites and stuff like that and I said hey David how come you you still haven't picked up your Dart goes the dart you you you still have I yeah I've been keeping it for you it's been two years you know he goes oh man I'm going to have to go get it and I was like oh not so fast because I I'm not going to let you have it now and he I was all confused like what do you what do you mean you know why'd you bring it up then I said well because I like darts and you like Plymouth Dusters so think I'm going to keep the dart and give you a duster instead okay so that was it did that become the crop duster yes oh nice yeah so that's how he ended up with that car which is kind of a a well-known build yeah that turned out really nice the weird thing was okay that that was kind of an odd story but my phone rings like couple two three months later and he said hey doul I'm like yeah he goes I want to do a roadkill at your place and do a rescue on the Duster you know had no motor no transmission and he goes and I want you to be in it and I said you want me to be in it you're the guy that always tells me I suck on camera and I'm no good and then uh he goes nah you'll be fine and so we shot the show and it was on YouTube at the time and the comments a lot of people were like hey they liked me for some reason you know the doll that's when the dolled started and that the rest is history we started doing a couple of shows but that episode 40 of roadkill the first episode with the crop duster we put a 440 in it that was my very first appearance on okay anything so it just happened by itself wow that's awesome yeah now we know how the doich started all the details yeah what it makes sense I mean people including myself gravitate towards your your character and Charisma and positivity and it's a lot of fun working with you I like that man and the knowledge I'm humbled now you could pick up a bolt and go that's OEM bolt and this goes to the such and such and I'm I I was getting ready to throw it away but you're like no save this I like the factory bolts yeah yeah I do too I'm I'm learning that they're much better they're good yeah yeah okay yeah this is a question that I just need to know because I like asking people just out of curiosity what is your all-time favorite engine in the universe oh boy well the go-to engine to make big Power is the big block Chevy I there's no getting around that because Parts availability and what you can do my sentimental favorite is a Chrysler big block that's what I was thinking it was going to be yeah but you know but I see your point though I mean the stroker kits and cranks and pistons blocks and block yeah and racing cylinder heads you can make 1,000 plus horsepower all day on a and build a 600 something cubic in in engine with the 440 you know 500 in is pretty much the maximum and uh you can you know occasionally there's aftermarket blocks available but they're very very pricey compared to Chevy stuff sure yeah that makes sense M the doich shouts out Chevrolet wow you know I I get called a GM guy a lot obviously I I do have quite a bit of GM but they're so much easier to work on in my opinion they're just simple and everything is interchangeable you know what I mean yeah they're pretty good that way I I like Chevys too I mean I've got two vets yeah and but I also have Mopar studa Bakers and Fords and this and that um I I think every brand has a few trinkets that you go wow this is really smart this was a great idea I wish we could figure out how to put it all together you know I mean and make one object out of it yeah like a like a super hybrid motor yeah like take all your favorite attributes and just go write it down pretty good concept man I think I've got my million dooll idea already and we're only halfway through this thing right yeah so I want to talk to you about road trips I've done some pretty long road trips you could you did a really long road trip in this you went from California all the way to Nebraska Nebraska yeah what's your longest road trip uh well you know that might have been it okay yeah so you haven't done a coast to coast yet not quite Coast to Coast no would you want to do one is that something that's like in your in the dolage future well probably if I can find time in the right car well I'm building a NASCAR 73 Charger Like Richard Petty used to drive in to day it was an actual authentic car and um like to take that on a cross country drive that would be wild the thing will be really fast it be super Loud and Incredibly uncomfortable right with no I ities whatsoever yeah so it's perfect right so it was like it was like our however many days we spent in Nas Carlo right yes but you know despite my knees being in my chin the whole time that was actually pretty fun well except when the whole steering like B joint or something let go and that so so D sketchy I can't steer yeah oh okay okay or when I forgot to put the pins in the hood in the hood oh I forgot about that that's right I'm like uh you're good to pull over Steve's here with his hair just majestically flowing going I got it and just continued the drive for well I had to find a a piece of shoulder that would the thing is when when an incident like that occurs you don't want to panic right you got to stay calm yeah you stay calm you you you just deal with it I feel like you might have known that could happen and that's that's why the air cleaner hole was cut in Hood cuz we were both just kind of leaning into the center looking out the air cleaner hole just cruising down the inter it was just like a port hole on a submarine you know like with that you can navigate any highway right this is true yeah this is very true we're going to move on to a part of this seg is it a segment or is it part of a segment well you can't use this redundant to say part of a segment because we're I guess it would be part of the segment yeah it yeah actually I apologize I ipoke yeah no you're go carry on we're doing a different thing than what we were doing where people write in it's a it's what we call help me understand okay so we got we got a pile of them here I really want to help and they're pretty heavy Mopar really yeah wow so I'll read these off we're going to try to help some people out they're having issues they want suggestions things are broke this one's overheating I mean we've got oh we got a Mustang we've got all sorts of stuff in here let's see if we can help some folks out and at the end of this you get to choose who you want to win a $50 gift card to Ay Auto Parts wow yeah that's pretty good that's they can do some stuff yeah so Jeremy C says he's building an 88 w150 oh okay she's got the old 318 but he wants to convert it to a carbonator and put a nice cam in it what would you recommend for a cam shaft to wake it up that's a good question you don't really want to go overboard with the 318 because it's got small ports and it just it it can't eat a lot of Cam and have results so right and it could snowball cuz then you're talking you're going to need headers and then you're going to need intake and carb if you're going to feed it you know but they want performance so I would say you pick your poison as far as brand but stick to something in around the 216 at 50 range on the intake okay with uh maybe another 6° of exhaust duration and that'll put you somewhere in the neighborhood of 450 lift which will work okay on that 318 right yeah stock Springs probably even at that point you have to be careful on that particular deal cuz it's a truck motor and a lot of them had exhaust valve rotators and see they'll hit right into the top of the guide with a high lift cam so you have to probably oh i' bet you good money that you'd have to uh swap out the retainers on the exhaust side so at that point you might as well put some good Springs on it right the doich has spoken make sure you get Springs lifters yeah yeah okay that's the Cam Kit basically there you go nice you a Pontiac fan oh I've got a bonnaville nice yeah I've got a 67 Bondville station wagon oh it's a wagon even wagon yeah did those have the uh the um death seat in the back the back of course the the way back yeah yeah those are awesome I feel like that was the Pinnacle of parenting when you could just throw Goldfish crackers and juice boxes yeah like way back be quiet it's like feeding the pigeons basically right well that's cool I didn't know you had a Pontiac yeah I love that thing I I actually freshened up the motor and everything put back together used to drive it to Vegas and back wow well that's good cuz Steven W has a Pontiac really he's got a 77 Pontiac fire look at this thing it's snazzy oh man I know wow that's got the smooky and the Bandit front end it does 77 it's got a 400 in it he believes the heads are from a 70 it has an aluminium radiator he's put a couple thermostats in it new water pump new dual electric fans but it runs 220 to 230 degrees on the highway and once she gets up there she don't want to come down oh no that's too hot for my life it's too hot he's flushed it he he says he's out of ideas help help well he's already got the aluminum radiator I'm curious about those electric fans because they may not be up to the capacity I yeah you probably want 3500 4,000 CFM on 400 I've run 3,000 CFM as a auxiliary fan with a mechanical fan oh my goodness yeah check your fan CFM and then you've going to really hunt down you know what's your timing too much timing too little timing you can start making some heat you know or another thing that can make you run hot is restricted exhaust oh here we go yeah yeah that's a good point it probably has manifolds because no one wants to put headers on a Pontiac 400 well see that that Firebird is the model with the catalytic converter in it so you know that could be getting plugged up and pluged and you could be running as a result of that there you go check your cfms check your time and check your exhaust good luck beautiful bird it is looks cool man maybe I shouldn't have given him such good advice I tried tried to buy it off them need another bar bird engine shot I'll buy it cheap that's what DOL is saying yeah um Christopher B he's got a 75f 350 the old 460 in a C6 okay all right he broke a bolt off in the thermostat house in UA then he went to a bolt Gap intake RPM air gap and after that he had a wiring issue wasn't running Sunny replaced the wiring harness with with a Painless wiring harness replaced the distributor in the ignition system the truck runs fantastic in park or neutral but when in gear it has a really bad stumble off the idle I can drive it as long as I ease into her otherwise it pops bangs crackles backfires m h oh well we're going to have to offer some good advice here yeah well you want to look at your timing curve you know make sure that the advanced mechanisms working that if it's failed it's going to cost you right the acceleration and then the carburetor if it goes dead lean when you step on the gas it's going to Buck and cough and uh do everything except accelerate so I agree with you because if you swap the intake he's pulled the distributor he's replaced the distributor oh he has replaced that already check your timing though you might be way lean or way Advanced excuse me or [ __ ] yeah if it and then go either way if you're not right where you want to be it's just as bad what about bad accelerator pump yeah you're not getting a pump shot off the line it's going to go Lan and boom that's easy to check what kind of carburetor did he have did he say doesn't say well you can just take off the air cleaner most of the time and there'll be a couple of nozzles right on top that shoot gasoline as you work the throttle linkage so you can you can see if you get immediate pump shot as soon as you move the throttle I think that's I think that's where he's got to go check your check your accelerator pump and your timing it's going to be one both or the other yeah or mix it could be just a cascading Confluence of of maladies just ping on top of each other messing them up right I feel I feel for him because he's obviously been into the thing so you start scratching your head you know yeah good luck there good luck Christopher well we I think those were pretty good pointers you put out there yeah Hugh P he has a completely stock 1967 Mustang 289 oh good it's got a stock auto light 2100 carbaret oh that's sub Barrel yeah yeah he can't get her to idle below 1,000 without dying it cold starts at 1,000 RPM when warm it goes up to 1,00 I've adjusted about everything I can adjust on the carb check for vacuum leaks there are none timing is perfect should I just leave it it does run smooth and great just idles High help it idles high is his problem that he can't get it to idle lower yeah I think his his is throttle shafts either the throttle shafts are leaking and worn yeah or his fast idle screw is too high because it changes from 1100 to 1,000 after the choke kicks off and I wonder if that screw it could be a misadjusted uh fast idle fast idle screw so you're adjusting your base idle screw but it's not on the blade anymore you got to back out the fast sadle screw yeah but those Auto lights the they were common to have the shafts Waller out on them and they suck air through the sight of your carburetor so it's so even though you think you have no vacuum leak you really do you do yeah hit that with some brake cleaner right on the side there the brake cleaner is a very good vacuum leaker finder it is yeah and then if that doesn't work sell it to me cheap it looks sharp that that's a nice Mustang yeah good luck Hugh I think you can get that figured out if not drive it enjoy it RPM yeah be fine oh here's one you're going to like Steve oh really Greg D he's got a 79 big block Mopar powered motor home okay all right yeah it's stubborn to start but will eventually start and idle but no matter what it will die when I put it in the drive it has a new edel Brock 1406 what is that a 650 that's 600 600 yeah 625 600 or something like that all right yeah it's got new uh lightning staffs lightning hoses distributor can this be bad timing or is it the transmission huge fans help me it's not the transmission no but it could be like U it could be timing related I mean does he have the vacuum advaned can hooked up to manifold vacuum and then when he puts it in gear the vacuum drops and the timing dump out of it at the same time I've seen that before yeah that's an interesting one well and it doesn't mention what his Idol is at because if it's if he's idling at a th for example and you slam it in the drive it could just fall on its face it does that some that's that's true because there's a lot of load if it's an automatic in the motor home because you've got a big tight torque converter in that right right they are ready to pull right off idle mhm so maybe try to bring your idle down I mean that should idle around 700 shouldn't it 440 probably around in there 700 yeah I think that's that would be good uh but yeah I would definitely check your timing check what your idle your curb idle is at and I would start there looks like you've pretty much done a whole what do people call them a tuneup yeah I call them mantenan what do you call it mantenance mantenance well like M oh mantenance yeah maintenance sounds like uh but like I did some mantenance yeah oh okay I'm going to have to pick up on you don't mind if I borrow that once that's you can have that one okay do we want to do a Chevrolet do we want to do another Dodge let's try a Chevrolet okay here we go Memphis what a cool name Memphis H says I love watching the content both you guys put out it's been a huge help getting my old Chevy his first car at 18 by the way oh ni going reliably now it's running great I'm wondering how I can get get a bit more grunt out of her on a budget it's got a 283 oh well that's that there's one easy answer for that is you put the 350 in there but you know that might be out of your out of his price range but you know your basic hot riding tricks it it it'll never it'll never let you down you know right that's that's a good motor but I mean Motors are air pumps I don't know that you'd want to spend the money on heads on a 283 that seems no but you could start off with a nice set of headers and free flowing exhaust that that'll pick it up quite a bit and a little cam like because the stalkers are are they're very very small in terms of duration and lift you I'm not saying put a race cam in there but something yeah even even something that would people would consider a toe cam or an RV cam yeah a little more lift out of it see if you could find some ho35 heads I found them for 100 bucks 50 bucks yeah and you can bump the compression up a little bit they got bigger uh bigger flow and then uh little cam maybe put on a carburetor on that thing cuz you got to Fore Barrel swap that puppy immediately you know I think so you got the one thing you got to be careful on swapping heads is pay attention to that chamber volume there that small displacement four or five CC's difference is can cost you a point of compression ratio oh yeah write that down and after all of that work you can get another 9 horsepower well I've seen some I I have to say to be fair I I've seen some pretty hard running 283s back in the day I love 283s they're probably one of the smoothest running Chevrolet V8s out there yeah I honestly they they're love them pretty cute and adorable that good old two 283 but yeah 350 swap would probably be your best budget move right I think you can sometimes find a good used engine that someone's upgraded from his 350 to maybe some kind of stroker engine or a different performance Eng you can pick up engines cheap sometimes you can yeah absolutely okay 79 Dodge d150 with a 360 and a toolbox ah wow that's a utility bed that's pretty handy and rack W Lumber pretty good too it was his Papa's truck uhhuh he went to work in from 1980 all the way to 2000s thing runs great but it's all over the road and it gets worse at higher speeds you saw on the wheel he's from mayonnaise to mustard in this thing ditch to ditch danger well you know it's it's a pretty old truck 1980 and right now that's a 43y old truck if I did the ciphering right wow that was fast fast yeah you don't count on your fingers or I did it was just below the table the only one but it's probably just Plum wore out on the whole suspension yeah it looks like he's saying well he pred the joints he said front but he's saying should I just go to a suspension kit is there something that he should go performance-wise that would tighten that thing up well I don't know if he means a suspension kit like a rebuild kit that has all the bushings and ball joints and tie rod ends and all that I don't know do those exist well you know what it it's time for me to actually offer some good advice here okay okay you got to get yourself somebody to help you and get in there and work the wheel while you're underneath checking what's loose right it could be everything it could be the steering box itself is very loose rag joint steering yeah uh Center if the center Link's moving faster than the tie rods you know look for things doing this yeah that or this that unnecessary motion yeah I mean yeah you mentioned center link on my Dodge pickup which is the 74 it had that much play in the center link right so you get a quarter turn of the steering wheel is just moving the center link but nothing else knows you're turning the steering wheel no right exactly so it's one of these things it's not communicating to the rest of the system so you have to do that their own inspection to really get to the bottom of it well that's pretty good advice doich I think we'd help some people out here now this is the ones we chose thank you everyone for submitting all of your questions but we don't have a ton of time to go through all of them out of the folks here who gets that gift card well my heart goes out to the guy with the two barrel auto light on the Mustang when yeah he really could unless he's just a purist and wants to completely stalk for historical reasons you know a nice little four barrel carburetor like like the one that we put on your your 318 cornet yeah it it just pepped it up there you go and that would that would probably fix his uh bad idle problem boom Hue P you get a $50 gift card to a Raleigh auto parts that's awesome it's like Christmas coming early you get that you get that carburetor on sale by 50 bucks the gift card he's got craigers and Cooper cobras yeah those are good I feel like we could be friends with this guy yeah it's pretty good car all right what else is on the Steve front we got a couple minutes left what's big what's next what are you doing what's next well I think I mentioned my NASCAR charger already yeah that's pretty exciting well I I would say a Jeep you want to do a Jeep well I've got a 52 uh cj3 a okay and uh it came with the small block Chevy they said was a 350 I believe them it has a m fourspeed for uh that's a GM transmission you're probably be aware of I mean it has an overdrive and the axles are stock and you know it's it's the body is all rusted out so I want my very first vehicle I ever rebuilt was a 46 Jeep uh I did a frame up on it when I I've got a picture of me at like 12 years I think I was 12 and my brother was 10 and we took it to the bare frame and you know took us like a few years we put it all all together that was my first project so I was going to ask you the next question I was going to ask was did fry burger and Payway get you into Jeep so obviously you were do you were I was Jeeping way before those guys you know before they even had their license like I said I there was there was actually one really cool one before we rebuilt it where we're just a couple of punk kidss in this Jeep you know mugging for camera it was just a a really cool photo and I think one of my brothers swiped it so I don't know where it went but I want to recreate I want to relive my childhood and regress back to that little kid with his with his 1940s Jeep that's cool yeah I I have not I've I think I've only ever built one or two Jeeps ever it's not that I don't like them it's just they're just not in a lure for me I I see old 50s junker cars and that's what makes me excited more so cars are super cool the only thing is they're hard to get parts for they are yeah and the brake systems are really fun yeah you can get mechanical Parts but like body and trim and you know all that kind of restoration stuff is pretty scarce for Less popular models speaking of scarce unpopular hard to get and just technically difficult to work on yes you mentioned that your kind of uh uh secret flavor is like British cars well yeah I mean I do like British cars I've got a TR6 a TR7 which are both triumphs I'm glad you said that cuz I was like is that a Mazda or what are we talking about yeah British Triumph what else do I have this British oh I've got a Sunbeam this I know yeah that is cool so how does an 8 foot n guy get into British cars uh you know I just um limber what am I going to say Throw Your Knees over your shoulder and just hang on and yeah I I daily drove a mg 65 MG [ __ ] for for several years when I lived overseas and the top of the windshield's at your belly button so you're just catching bugs all the way up no you just have to you have to do the gangster slouching there and oh okay yeah all right yeah but I F I did kind of twist my knee KN in that thing like after I had a chronic like clickity clacky knee but then it when I got rid of the mg I I was cured so that's why your whole leg is curved is from daily driving an mg tting it into the C might that might had something to do with it okay yeah I'll keep that in mind see this is why I don't own MGS I just can't you're a wies man I can't fit into a lot of things very well at all yeah all right saage I think we're ready to wrap this thing up we've got a lot of work to do on this yet we do we got one more day we've got seats and carpet and harness bar and fin the hydraulic clutch oh the clutch we haven't even mounted that cooling system drive shaft oh see there's things to do thank you guys for tuning in for this episode in the aisles presented by Al Auto Parts doich it was awesome thank you so much appreciate it and I don't know what else to say words okay let's get to [Music] work
Channel: O'Reilly Auto Parts
Views: 186,252
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Keywords: O'Reilly, O Reilly, Oreilly, Oriley, O'Riley, O'Reily, OReily, car brakes, car battery, car batteries, automotive batteries, car parts, car diy, automotive parts
Id: uQLKpXieRcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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