WE SLEPT OUTSIDE IN ANTARCTICA! (camping in the snow)

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[Music] [Music] we're Karen Nate we've been traveling full-time for over four years and after reaching our goal of visiting 100 countries we travel to the bottom of the world to step foot on our seventh continent of Antarctica we've spent the last week cruising around the Antarctic Peninsula leaving the ship each day to explore this incredible place but each night retreating back to the safety of our warm ship tonight we are going to be giving up our big fluffy comfy white warm bed and our warm room that we've had set to 25 degrees every single day for a bivy bag placed on the snowy antarctic ground where we're going to be spending the night and below freezing temperatures we're checking out I mean the opportunity to be camping out out there let's go I feel like a kid today well you're about to disembark the ship and we will not be back until tomorrow morning one of us is a lot more excited about this than the other I think this is gonna be the best night of my life no turning back now [Music] [Music] I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to camp somewhere this beautiful may be the most beautiful place I've ever been and I get to spend the night sleeping here under the Antarctic sky we're using you in the fresh air and the stench of sill poop but it's all in the adventure Oh for the night I can't believe we're doing this first stuff we have to make ourselves a flat spot to sleep tonight [Music] hey I think it's great so tonight we're sleeping in a thing called Vivi's we're soon to one of us have ever slept in before it's pretty much like a a windproof waterproof cocoon we're kind of like if uh if a sleeping bag and a rain jacket had a baby this is our home for the night not a tent all right step one lay down the power and they've also given us these discreet turquoise turquoise bags inside there is a how they call these sleep sack which is basically like a pillowcase for your body maybe pillowcase sleep you Meg and last but not least your sleeping pad so you don't have to sleep directly on top of the snow I didn't even know we got one of those we're camping a luxury tonight then they can be doing this this is a little invention I didn't know existed this we got catch air in it theoretically so much better than those inflatable beds you know talking about those couches that they make it look so easy to blow up all the commercials and then when you try it real life you're just running around in circles I get it oh that is the hefty sleeping bag rated down to 15 below and I think it's gonna get just below freezing tonight we should stay plenty on sleeping pad sleeping bag sleeping sack goes inside bag for a little extra warmth and cleanliness and now all of this goes inside the bivi bag which looks quite a bit fun and that is home for the night pretty good see I'm really impressed with their skills Nate you ready to do mine now if you're willing to do this with me I will gladly set up your mini [Music] complete next up probably the most interesting bathroom torrid we've ever done or I might need to say toilet tour starting with the door lock whenever you go use the bathroom you put the shovel down and when you're done you put the shovel back up and then people don't want get on it hopefully we don't have to go in the middle of the night it's quite the hike to get there these are the toilets it's actually pretty amazing that we have toilets in the middle of nowhere in Antarctica and actually pretty fancy so I haven't used one yet but I've been told that this is how you do it let's see look there are so many people just right there that can totally see me I don't think we have the location of the toilet and mine open as if this wasn't funny enough we get a really dumb question alright how do you open the toilet oh you gotta force it you just gotta like success okay Cara you may continue what I was saying you open the lid very important next step is you open the can step 3 you sit on the potty and you use it and then after you're done you put the toilet paper in the trash can and then in order to flush and then use this button flush and then somebody has a really terrible job of taking the toilet back to the ship tomorrow you shut this thing and that about wraps it up you just enjoy the most beautiful view from a toilet you've ever seen I don't have to use the restroom but I kind of want to just for the experience you and and all your friends watching you stand in front of a movie plane it right are you great to get dark oh yeah also as you're making your way back from the bathroom you have to watch out for these giant holes for two reasons number one you could break an ankle and number two the holes are created by seal poop so this is poop on the snow and then it melts well it's a big hole like this and they get bigger there's there's another one this one that was like like two feet deep baby so gotta watch out for those so it turns out that we are not camping alone tonight we have been joined by one two three four huge Weddell seals and this one lonely penguin it's just passed out on top of it sir oh that was a huge chunk of ice falling off his head glacier literally 500 meters Martin do you want one of those Saints to cuddle up next to you tonight not really can you imagine wake up and he's just like flopping beside you very happy I talked you into it to be fair I didn't have to do too much convincing this isn't it this is nice so I I just feel like there's no way we are going to be able to do this place justice with the camera but we're gonna try this is gonna feel a little strange but just take a second to enjoy this with us I don't think it gets any better even though this goes against all of my natural instincts sleeping bags are supposed to work better if you're only in your thermals so even though we're in the middle of Antarctica and the snow where's jaqen Valley we're stripping down to our long underwear cause there are so many layers it's very tight sliding it to the ocean this is great it is dead 20 we have a wake-up call [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning Bobbo far we did it feels much colder out here now [Music] [Music] my knee Arne obviously good yeah [Music] [Music] right getting out of sleeping bag it's definitely better our smart [Music] our rescue boat has arrived did it I was never born but I was never cold I never got called I felt great this Raptor Micah came on at Austin turned a little bit but the only time I actually woke up was it 2:30 when I looked at my watch because it was snowing on my face they got sleep face exposed I was like oh my gosh but then I just pulled my baby up overhead and I could just hear it the snow hitting is and I was so happy that I woke up and got to just like experiencing I was never mad when I woke up because it was just a reminder of what we were doing that's best an unforgettable night I can't stop smiling we're in two very different camps here we can't let's get it really just oh that was just ice in the eyeball rocks it somebody know like some snow should be packed on the side to to weigh it down that's either gonna be a good idea or my back is gonna be what tonight I'm thinking maybe don't put snow on mine I don't want to be wet I think the baby should have laid down first and how are getting putting snow on top first rule to surviving in the Arctic if you sweat you die read that look somewhere so dramatic just keep your arms down again I did not want to have to do this kara had a much better view [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 2,324,018
Rating: 4.9347563 out of 5
Keywords: antarctica, antarctica vlog, antarctica cruise, antarctica cruise review, antarctice travel, antarctica trip, travel vlog, camping in antarctica, antarctica travel guide, antarctica travel vlog, antarctica travel video, antarctica travel tips, antarctica travel documentary, antarctica 2020, cruise vlog, antarctic peninsula
Id: PA9fmEe8nJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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