We boarded a cruise to ANTARCTICA (FULL SHIP TOUR)

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Thanks for posting this. As usual the video is very well done, informative and entertaining.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tblue1 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
our own private balcony I think we'd be excited about whatever we're doing right now but the fact that it's Antarctica in our seven continent so surreal I feel so grateful [Music] we're Karen Nate we've been traveling the world full-time for over four years so far this incredible journey has taken us to six of the world's seven continents now that we've reached our goal of visiting a hundred countries we're beginning the adventure of a lifetime to reach our seventh and final continent of Antarctica three days ago we left our hometown of Nashville Tennessee and after a long time on airplanes a short stop in the capital city of Argentina and then another short flight we made it to you shwah also known as the southernmost city in the world you can see the town of you shwah the mountains the Beagle Channel and most importantly our home for the next two weeks is out there one of those seriously Nate and I never have trouble sleeping especially in big fluffy hotel beds but we could not go to sleep last night because we were just filled with excitement and nervous energy excitement because we're finally boarding the trip today and nervous because some of the roughest seas in the world lie ahead [Music] so even though we've already been traveling for the last few days today is the official start of the expedition we are about to make our way to the ship that we will be calling home for the next two weeks we passed our coronavirus tests we're allowed to get on the ship so it's actually happening we just a quick secondary screening to make sure we don't have the words or won't speak out but we have made it to the port and apparently this is summer in your wire there's one two three four potentially five boats here that are going to Antarctica you have this one this one there's there's one back there this one so this is the boat that we're gonna be over the next two weeks it's also the smallest boat she's a beaut which feels a little scary right now as we're about to embark to Antarctica but I think it's gonna be a good thing because it means less people on the boat less people on excursions yes thank you yes I always get really nervous and we're about to see the place that we're going to live for a long period of time this is our cabin oh my gosh it's huge and our own private balcony oh this is nuts okay now let me give you a proper room tour our room is on the top deck and that's because we've booked very last-minute and the only thing available was one of the few penthouse suites on the ship well you two are not sad about so let me show you around this is our big beautiful bedroom with privacy curtains very shortly we will be having our abundant ship the drill so all crew involved in the passenger drill if you could please proceed to your muster stations sorry in this corner we this little vanity area with a big closet and hairdryer love that over here bathroom tour typical bathroom sink with running water a toilet shower it's prising Liebig for a ship shower oh nice little minute ease pretty out of it full bathroom door which is always a good thing Oh huge closet is a real cruise love these things so two weeks is a long time for us to be in one place so I'm actually gonna unpack my stuff and use this closet which is a huge deal last but not least this is our living room most important being in here of course is the espresso machine and everyone on the ship got these really cool parka and these giant waterproof boots so I feel like if we forgot something if all we wore wear clothes on her back these I think this means that I have to would like to us the whole muscle just to them us the station it's only a dream for it you would die the life jacket is equipped with the whistle alight oh she doesn't have to use one of these we completed the safety briefing we completed the emergency drill and we have officially departed for Antarctica these mountains are the last sight of an inhabited continent that we are gonna see for the next two weeks now give me the good stuff take motion sickness I don't think all right hope that works I think we should have taken that a little earlier theoretically the water should be pretty smooth for the next few hours because we're going to be sailing through the beagle channel it won't be till later tonight that we reach the Drake Passage where things could get interesting however is huge I first spotted wildlife well we're about thirty minutes in and we should be where your waterproof jacket so yet its are you getting so cold everybody there's weather just feels right I've never been so excited to be so cold well after we set sail we enjoyed a delicious dinner and now it is already 10 p.m. I think it cares jammy medicine is kicking in so we're gonna call it an early night but we're supposed to exit the Beagle Channel sometime around midnight we're already feeling the boat rocking a little bit but I expect when we wake up in the morning that it will be a lot more noticeable that's pretty nice I think it's robbing me to sleep like I feel fine we've heard we're supposed to have better than average condition somewhere around 4 meter swells which sounds huge anywhere else but apparently for the Drake that's pretty great pretty tame can't wait to see oh that's ok ok tomorrow officially starts our Drake crossing the part of this trip that I was most nervous about but also kind of like weirdly excited to just get to experience let's see in the morning good morning everyone it's a quarter to eight on Sunday the 16th of February and we're here sailing in the Drake Passage extremely calm Drake Passage but we do have some rolling of the ship due to residual swells so do take care you get up this morning on hand for the ship on hand for yourself it's of course for all the main port scales which means that we've got a moderate breeze probably got two meters wells its way morning seven degrees centigrade breakfast is starting up in fifteen minutes time we'll see that Gold is really good morning from the Drake Passage we woke up this morning with no land in sight in in any direction they say the swells are about two metres this morning which and the camera doesn't look like much but it's enough to make you feel very uncoordinated there's been several times already where I've got to take a step in either either the ground is closer or further away than I expected there's a little bit of rain this morning but other than that it is an absolutely beautiful first day now we've been saying the Drake like you should know what we're talking about but honestly I didn't know what it was until I started researching this trip so I thought I'd take just a second to tell you exactly what it is and why it's a little daunting to Travellers the Drake is the body of water that sits between the tip of South America and the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula wow that is a big bird it is almost 600 miles long and it's the convergence of the Atlantic the Pacific and the southern ocean so it's a place for all of those currents meet and when they do meet it has the potential to become a washing machine we shouldn't see land again for 48 hours which means we have a lot of time at sea so there are some talks going on today about the wildlife that we're gonna see instead of but we're gonna use our free time to show you around the rest of the ship starting with the top deck this is the sixth floor where our room is who still give you an eclipse this floor is mostly cabins separates variants [Music] this is the sundeck I don't think I'm gonna be doing any sunbathing on this trip it looks like they have all the kind so DX yeah [Music] is without door Marta that's not being used and an outdoor seating area which is all rubbed up for obvious reasons the rest of the fifth floor is mostly cabin except for the very end so this is the bridge where the captain is and they told us yesterday that the sign is red to leave them alone but if it's green thing you can go inside and it's green this feels so wrong you have a coffee maker in there yeah that's one of the critical equipment yes working all the time oh yeah like I get to see taking those so fast yeah yeah thank you for having us alright and on the fourth floor there is the club which has a bar but most importantly free coffee tea and cookies 24 hours a day there's also a library well which has computers and Lux books there's no one in here reading I just feel like I need to whisper because I'm in the library also the fourth floor has the only deck that wraps all the way around when they tell them you want some exercise then 10 laps around the Eagles mile we're going all the way that's you now you got and third floor is where we boarded the ship yesterday so there's a little reception area the room behind me is my home which is where we have all three things and there's a top going on and there right now I bought it for third floors and I let's head down to the second and final floor of torque front of the ship has a small hospital which hopefully we won't ever see our thanks just in case all of the hallways are lined with these which is kind of an awkward transition to the restaurant where legends about starts this is our third meal on the ship and so far everything has been delicious the restaurant is open City so you can sit wherever you want there are some two-person tables there are some big recruit tables we decided to save ourselves since we're making this video but it makes Prince King Cole there all right we saw the whole afternoon ahead of us we are going to attend a few of the talks and we will pick this back up as soon as something interesting happens just hopefully sooner rather than later we are 38 hours into the Drake Passage and we have just spotted our first iceberg I was not expecting it to be so close it's like glue that is crazy Wow oh it's chilly out here gotten a lot more like Antarctica it looks like we are heading straight towards it right now which makes me a little comfortable the wind is legitimately painful like I have a headache from where I don't have a hat on now only are we seeing our first iceberg but we just saw a whale what do you call when they boil oh wait so without my hands but it was totally worth it no I swelling right now to get though why what an incredible start did you joke it's like the first iceberg popped up on the horizon out of nowhere and then all of a sudden there's a well swimming perfectly in frame right in front of it although I do feel like the people that work on the boat are probably laughing they're like you're gonna see 10 million icebergs this week and everybody's like there it is the first one as soon as we walked outside there's literally just of penguins swimming through the water everything is happening so quickly but after thirty nine and a half hours we have spotted land for the first time we made incredible time across the Drake Passage it was supposed to take 48 hours but we were just cruising past the Shetland Islands which is our first glimpse of Antarctica [Music] the door so we just got word that because we made such good time across the Drake we are actually going to get to step foot on land for the first time tonight it wasn't supposed to be till tomorrow but it's only 7 p.m. here in Antarctica the Sun doesn't set to like 10 or 11 these days so we're going out Cara's trying to get a little editing done but she's also taking motion sickness medicine did the Dramamine get the best of you I'm gonna make a rule that you can't do that before 8 a.m. right now we allow you love tea on cake love Nia opportunity lovely so so so tiny and really happy water for good food this is our living room nice important thing in here this is our living room like what kind of animal it's the focus ok take the couch I am so excited that's what I always think and believe but then I was like oh it's just because it's been a month since we've done anything my face is just hiding how styling it's not like this ok are the hold still [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 2,729,328
Rating: 4.8959804 out of 5
Keywords: antarctica vlog, antarctica life, antarctica cruise, antarctica tour, cruise ship, drake passage, antarctica cruise ship, antarctica travel, antarctica trip, antarctica (continent), antarctic cruise, antarctica cruise vlog, antarctica cruise tour, antarctica travel vlog, luxury cruises 2020, antarctic expedition ship, luxury cruise ship vlog, luxury cruise vlog, luxury cruise ship cabins, luxury cruise ship tour, luxury cruise ship, polar latitudes
Id: ojMukKCv-Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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