First Impressions of ANTARCTICA! (our 7th continent)

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we are in a belt in Antarctica with the family where Karen Nate we've been traveling full-time for the last four years and after visiting a hundred countries and six of the world's seven continents two days ago we boarded the ship in ushuaia and experienced a surprisingly peaceful journey across the Drake Passage to finally reach our seventh continent of Antarctica so we just got word that because we made such good time across the Drake we are actually going to get to step foot on land for the first time tonight it wasn't supposed to be until tomorrow but it's only 7 p.m. here in Antarctica the Sun doesn't set to like 10 or 11 these days so we're going out you're walking like how it makes you're a pregnant person to walk affecting the boat [Music] my wife [Music] we've just stepped foot on our first Antarctic rocks on Robert island bear penguins their sails and whale bones that is the jawbone of a whale we're only here for an hour there's an hour board that we got movie here so it would be a budget ppppp he is literally using a rock like a pillow they're very aware that we're here but they don't seem to care whatsoever he's so funny they're so awkward on land but then the students big hit in the water they're so graceful and they just roll around like like it feels so good they're having so much fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that was the fastest hour of my entire life Wow is the only way I can think of it it's a good thing we have several days but good morning everyone at seven o'clock on Tuesday the 18th of February and we hit a sailing and I'm extremely calm entrance to the Weddell Sea got some fantastic icebergs on the horizon some large populous as well as Giants good morning from the Antarctic Islands that is one thing I never thought I would say we've spent the last two days cruising across the Drake Passage so this is our first morning waking up with land in sight and I've set my alarm much earlier than usual so I can just spend an hour before breakfast staring out the window and watching this unfamiliar world go by [Music] it's incredible our ship is just enter the Weddell Sea and we are surrounded by huge icebergs what a way to start the morning [Music] sweating we are about to get off the ship for three hours and it is so intimidating trying to decide what to wear in Antarctica so I've pretty much put on my entire suitcase [Music] [Music] our first stop of the day is that a place called Paulette Island which is famous for its dark history there was a ship in 1903 called the Antarctic it was actually crushed in the ice right off the shore of this island but the reason we're here today is because a colony of Adelie penguins lives on this island and they are so cute so all the penguins that are left on this island are young penguins and they're going through a process called fledging right now which is where they're losing their fluffy baby feathers and gaining their adult feathers but it's really funny because they're at this this weird in-between stage where they still have some of their buzzy feathers left and so some of them have Mohawks or afros and they're all super uncoordinated we're basically witnessing these penguins in their awkward teenage years [Music] so after the Antarctic wrecked 20 men survived the entire winter in this little Starbound behind me absolutely insane now it's just a playground for the Penguins [Music] so we are currently attempting to make our way down a mountain that is full of slippery penguin poop every year over a hundred thousand penguins come and nest on this island and so it's kind of like the ground has just been covered in this this pinkish gray cream cheese like substance surrounded by porta-potties slightly fishy urine there's an entire flock of penguins sprinting towards us right now [Music] [Music] trying to take his little penguin suit back to our room as possible we jumped in the zodiacs to head back to the ship but while circling around the icebergs we witnessed something very unexpected oh my god that was crazy we were watching a giant leopard seal jump up on the ice to try to eat a penguin oh this is crazy and they're just out of his reach but he's trying every way that he can to jump up and grab up I feel like leaps up and then it just slides back down [Music] this is not something you get to see really look trying to see the peen way I felt like I was living in a National Geographic TV show we are currently cruising through the Antarctic sound and we just come up on the biggest iceberg that we've seen yet it's like the size of a small island if you told me that was land I would believe honestly at for some reason this is what I had pictured in my head of what all of Antarctica look like I figured when you got to the continent it was just gonna be these huge white walls of ice I did not expect these these big brown mountains jutting up out of the ocean no matter how many mornings we wake up on this ship waking up looking out the window and seeing something like this we'll never get old Wow this place is incredible we've been up for 30 minutes we woke up right next to an iceberg I went downstairs to breakfast couldn't even finish my breakfast because now there's a family of humpback wells which we are boat and the iceberg I've never seen a will do something like this normally I just feel like they're there and then they're gone because they're diving down and doing all that these are just like floating on top hanging out blowing so incredible the fact that I'm out in the freezing cold before I finish my coffee that's a lot awesome why do wait so last night our ship made its way back to the entrance of the Weddell Sea and this morning we are about to jump on the zodiacs and go cruising through this massive sea ice in hopes of spotting a few more wells just seeing those first two up close to the boat gave me a whole new appreciation for just how massive they are I can't imagine sitting side-by-side with one of those in our in our tiny zodiac we're now in the water with the whales they're having their breakfast there's a whole family I cannot believe my eyes we're so cool this is incredible I can't we just like giant to help him out of the water first [Music] [Music] in a while that noises that they made now especial it's kind of near you and something the size of the school bus goes underwater just 50 meters away from your boat because it feels like it any second [Music] they're just showing off this is incredible it's like they're dancing points [Music] actually cry no I don't know that's a cold wet they're so beautiful it doesn't even seem real they had the entire southern ocean and they chose to spend an hour just hanging out with us showing off that you just there's no way to appreciate the size of those beautiful animals through the camera the only way to do it is to be right up next to a in a boat that's half their size we pulled back to give them space and they're like chasing alongside of their boats just hanging out we have just purposely run aground on a piece of sea ice so there's nothing but water both frozen and solid between here and the bottom of the ocean that is 1,200 feet below so I feel like this has broken off of something at some point which means oh what a warning seriously if we turn the boat around and drove back to Argentina right now it was totally worth coming yes I bet that was the most magical Oh your cheek is so cold it's crazy how mental cold is because while we were watching the wells I didn't think about it for a single second as soon as they were gone I was like oh my fingers aren't so bad oh that was the best put on so much cause those are heavy my toe bone and he found this little group that was pumped up on top of this iceberg oh not not a Scylla not as still it's just a piece of an iceberg that's how it's going to get hit a spot innate a real live knate knate knate knate knate you know what I'd really have the urge to do right now like I need to do this a case this world still say go the Vegas no enjoy yeah yeah that's the CEO angel [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,647,471
Rating: 4.9541254 out of 5
Keywords: antarctica, antarctica travel, antarctica cruise, cruise vlog, cruise, cruise travel vlog, antarctica vlog, antarctica travel vlog, drake passage, antarctica travel video, antarctica travel guide, antarctica tour, antarctica life, antarctica cruise tour, antarctica cruise vlog, cruise ship, drake passage crossing, antarctica wildlife, antarctica animals, humpback whale, paulet island, robert island, weddell sea, antarctica sound, travel, travel vlog, polar latitudes
Id: NRYjGVHt8_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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