THAILAND CAPSULE HOTEL (sleeping in the Bangkok airport)

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I just want to buy a capsule bed and put it in my house. I don't know why it's so hard to purchase one.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Katanawolf 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
we're Karen Nate we've been traveling full-time for the last four years pursuing our goal of visiting 100 countries we spent the last week in Myanmar cruising up the Irrawaddy River with 36 of our newest friends but today it's time to say goodbye to this beautiful country [Music] alright we're heading to the airport to start our journey to our 97th country of Bangladesh [Music] [Applause] even though Mandalay where we currently are in Dhaka where we're going are not that far apart it's still gonna be a pretty long journey and that's because the cheapest flight included an overnight layover in Bangkok [Music] normally we try to avoid sleeping in airports because it could be a pretty miserable experience however we are actually super excited about tonight's layover we have flown to the Bangkok Airport so many times but I had no clue that there was a capsule hotel located in the bottom of the airport so apparently everyone who flies on bangkok airways gets access to their lounge so it's about how you would expect very crowded but they have free popcorn coffee and a month's time not winning [Music] the merciful upon us members and all passengers on both YPG saving one for about four so when I hope Airport passengers are living on the domestic or international flight with become a discotheque oppressed all right we have made to Bangkok it is currently 945 our plane doesn't leave till tomorrow morning at 1055 so our 13 hour layover start sound unfortunately the capsule hotel is not actually located inside of security so you do technically have to enter the country go through customs and then find the basement basement our beds are just right here it's not like a hotel they've just set him in the middle of the floor but it looks like the future take him so we've been assigned a locker and a capsule kara entered a four-digit pin code for both of us so we'll use that code to access both of them this is way bigger than all right I just got a room tour from the super sweet lady and it took about five seconds let me show you around first impressions this bed is actually really soft I feel like I'm in a spaceship it's so like white and futuristic and there are mood lights that's the first thing I'm gonna play with this is my control panel all these buttons I have no idea what does what yet but oh it's bright it's getting brighter ambient light yeah pink sure this is a fan air fan that says ahh I like the noise I kind of drowned out some of the airport sounds this place isn't exactly soundproof like I pictured it pain we have some USBs a fast and slow reading right sleep mode like that it is 20 degrees Celsius in here at 10:40 looks like I can up the temperature and I think that's it for the control panel we also have some amenities we have to capsule hotel stay fresh little whites mmm so we don't have a shower in here so this is how I will freshen up for a bit tonight actually smells really lovely a bottle of water total paper and earplugs this is a nice touch earplugs is highly recommended to significantly increase the quality of your sleep the walls of this place aren't exactly I think yeah yeah - very nice pillows and a big this bed is huge we easily could have both slept on one I don't know if that's what you're supposed to do if you're booking a line you're technically not allowed to sleep two people in here but you could totally get away with it just have one person come check in and get the capsule and another person can just sneak in they go at 50 bucks I'll be very dishonest but it's totally do why don't you have enough room for your stuff there's also Wi-Fi here so safe and that about wraps up my room tour I'm excited to be so rested for Joey all right I feel like every move in this place is so loud you're so I know someone's sleeping right under us right beside us and I think I'm writing your next door well it looks the same I think the reason that we're so excited to be staying here is we finally have the opportunity to redeem staying in a capsule hotel this is not our first time in staying he's the first time we ever stayed in a capsule hotel was our first week of full-time travel back in 2016 in Japan it was the first who went to the wrong one it ended up being like I don't put this just like borderline creepy we were separated on different gender for so Kara had to go sleep by herself with no lock on the door everyone was smoking inside it was just like box sleeping in a box filled with smoke smell it the pillows were like this big and they were made out of beans it was and the mattress was like an inch thick and then there's concrete underneath oh so bad it was just dark and cringy everywhere I think tonight it will be a little better and we were so like fresh to travel that everything we were just wide-eyed the whole what is this they fall asleep there everything's confusing and dough queuing yes especially when you're new at travel we got back on the horse this will be better it's a miracle we're still traveling okay quick bathroom tour much quicker than usual because it's just the airport bathroom there's one interesting thing it's like a communal toilet paper there's no toilet paper in any of the stalls it together toilet paper before which I didn't do whoops have I mentioned but this is so much better than sleeping on the floor or on the couch in the lounge at the airport it's pretty amazing that we have this giant comfy bed in the Bangkok Airport basement all right these bets are so big and they just right next door I'm thinking about going into his council you would think since we're always together I'd be happy to have a break [Music] you know a subpoena it's warm in here I don't know two people's body heat yeah one little square yeah come on I didn't really think about the body heat thing Nate's really not fun to be around when he's hot get in here [Music] I feel like a bedroom but there's so much space it's a queen-size bed it means idealist right we're calling it a night good morning very bright in the spaceship this morning I tried to get your coffee the belltech card Oh actually slept great would you recommend the capsule yeah I don't think it's as soft and I thought it was this mattress pretty firm but alright the only check out instructions the way he did it don't take my sandals as you may expect there were no breakfast options or shower facilities at the capsule hotel but we do have access to allows where both memory [Music] that's been and last but not least not a bad breakfast dim sum ice cream and gothy and it's all great this this is one thing we never sell out not bad Singapore Airlines unfortunately there was no shower in the same for a lot slouch but we did have ice cream I think there's another one just like right around the corner [Music] all right we are going to end this video here and in the next one we are continuing our journey to our 97th country of Bangladesh this is what happens every time we stop for a few seconds so if you enjoyed this video and you want to follow along with the next one it really helps us out if you hit subscribe it's actually kind of hard to drink coffee while you're getting massaged morning here let me show you around great start I call this a wipey bath I do this way more often than I should escalator II things that are down and then there and then they go down again feels so weird [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 6,164,457
Rating: 4.90412 out of 5
Keywords: capsule hotel, suvarnabhumi airport, capsule hotel tokyo, capsule hotel tour, suvarnabhumi airport 2019, capsule hotel thailand, capsule hotel asia, bkk, bangkok airport, bangkok thailand, capsule hotel vlog, sleeping in airports, sleep box, capsule hotel review, travel, avgeeks, travel vlog, japan, capsule hotel japan
Id: pps8hh5Aq-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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