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we are gonna be doing the Polar Plunge [Music] the water jumping into we are Karen Nate we've been traveling the world full time for the last four years and last week we embarked on our biggest adventure yet a two-week cruise to our seventh continent of Antarctica this trip has been filled with stunningly beautiful views thousands of adorable penguin majestic humpback whales a leopard seal on the hunt and we even spent the night camping outside in the snow over the last week we have shown you the highlights of our Antarctic cruise but what we really want to do in this video is give you a feeling of what it's like to spend a day on board a cruise ship here in Antarctica the ships that make their way down here range anywhere from tiny cell boats to giant cruise ships and this ship that we're on can hold about a hundred people basically what I'm trying to say is that all of the cruises that come down here are obviously going to be a little bit different but this should give you an idea of what it's like on what would be considered a small ship cruise good morning everyone is 7:30 on Sunday the 23rd of February and we're here just entering the tower channel with a beautiful landscape of Antarctica surrounding us just let you know that we do have quite windy conditions outside it's 25 to 30 knots of wind we're coming into the Aurora channel and heading towards dunker island that we can see ahead of us and when we get there we'll see what the conditions are it's 1 degree centigrade outside so chilly windy breezy morning here in Antarctica but it's incredibly beautiful as well purposes starting up in half an hour at 8 o'clock we'll see you there after a quick breakfast it's time to get ready for our first excursion it is about 1 degree celcius outside with 25-knot winds so we are gonna show you how we get dressed when we go in Antarctica starting with our thermal air will build from the bottom to the top we both wear two pairs of socks then one that goes directly on our foot and then a thicker one on the outside firm or warm then I wear a pair of lines leggings on top of my wolf thermals because I'm really bad at being cold Wow carrot doubles up on the base layers I go directly for the waterproof pants which are required because there could be a lot of spray when you're going out in the zodiac both usually sweating by the time this is finished after the pants I move on to my second base layer which is just slightly thicker than my thermals and then once again I put on quite a bit more than 8 does I have to wool sweaters and then a third really fuzzy sweater just I don't think I appreciate it how many more clothes you wear than I do is that all you wear for real yeah supposed to be one of the colder days today so this is like the maximum amount of layers that were wearing I don't have anything else this is everything next we each have one of these police buffs so they work as like a scarf to hold all of our heat in but more on the boats being able to cover our face and our ears with it makes a huge difference this is how I see Kara most of the time I can't you just have to tell if she's happy based on guys this is all of the base layers and we move on to the more serious stuff we both have a heavy down jacket this is when things really start to get hot well then we both have these waterproof and windproof parkas that they gave us who where is our outer layer these are super legit at this point we're almost finished just a hat gloves once again care where's the big warm things and I just wear these thin little gloves because otherwise I can't operate the camera I have these big fluffy fingers so my fingers are always cold by the time I get back but that's worth it oh yeah well my thing do more things these are self inflating life vest we fall in the water apparently these explode and keep us afloat these are required to get the zodiac the very last thing a super hefty waterproof fits and that's not it now we have to go outside immediately before we overheat one thing about travelling in Antarctica is that you have to be flexible the conditions here are dynamic they're always changing so every morning we get a vague schedule of what we hope to do but things could always change kind of like this morning we were supposed to land on Danko Island but when we got there the wind was up to 35 knots there was no way they could safely deploy the zodiac so now we're sailing somewhere beautiful in search of a sheltered Harbor where hopefully we'll be able to get a short not sure if you can hear that but now we're on to Plan C we just got to the bay that we are planning on entering for shelter but it's completely filled with ice so we can't get in so now we're going in search of another Island they know about where hopefully the conditions are better but whatever it doesn't matter this is no matter what you're doing every day in Antarctica is incredible this - great excuse to enjoy another cup of coffee [Music] okay okay massive change of plans the weather has gotten a lot better but no excursion this morning as you can tell I'm dressed slightly differently we are going to be doing the Polar Plunge my art is literally beating out of my chest I just want to get all my body different dress I can't believe I'm doing this I've already come just just look at what's surrounding us right now the water are jumping into well you're pretty much surrounded by glaciers on all sides I don't know I've heard this is supposed to help this feels so wrong normally we're blended up with all of our layers as we walk down these stairs and now that a bathroom Oh the best part is it on the boat all week that's much colder now it's your turn okay [Music] biggest brain freeze wait I know even cold now it almost feels warm to stand outside it's funny how that happens [Music] all right we just took a super hot shower and got warmed up it is about 12:30 and we're gonna head downstairs for lunch so lunch is always served buffet-style we've got a very nice salad bar sandwiches garlic bread pastas dodo dessert cheese plate fresh fruit soup and what is this awesome little down wow that looks good yeah we are tempting not to pack on me what we've named polar pounds because we have three giant meals day and there's not a lot of its flight so I try to have a salad for lunch okay hmm after logic we typically cruise for a couple hours to our next destination so I always get a hot coffee and just enjoy the views all the way but we have learned to never get too far from our camera or warm jacket because you never know you're gonna see outside just like yesterday they just came over the announcements and so that there are killer whales outside of our shoes I can't get my clothes on fast enough or cuz they're the one thing we haven't seen yet easy that's how I came here for just a hump at Oh amazing [Music] Oh Oh that's fun a game said hello another left panic though Jack everyone was like half dressed but you don't want to get me out of bed super quick name I was tell you there or just all right and now it's time to put all of our warm clothes back on well time to head out for afternoon excursion so this afternoon we were supposed to be going ashore at a place called Nico island but kind of like this morning's excursion this afternoon's is up in the air as well the weather's a lot better so we're definitely getting in the zodiacs but there is a ton of ice so we're not sure if we're actually going to be able to make the landing but we are getting off the show and not in our bathing suits the piece of the sanitation so we don't take any bacteria onto land assuming that we have the opportunity to step [Music] they're just hanging out on top of the water [Music] we've made a spontaneous landing on this rocket so due to the ice we were unable to make it to our planned landing spot but we have managed to step foot on the continent today this might have been the best day to film the day in the life video since everything's gotten a little messed up we've had 12 it skirted so far and nine of the 12 have gone as planned so normally we're either climbing a mountain hanging out with a ton of penguins watching wells touring a research base stuff like that but today we've got about 50 metres of rock to play with and a couple penguins but we have learned that this is the last time that we'll be stepping on the continent of Antarctica the rest of the time we'll just be bouncing around to the islands so we're soaking in this little piece of rock heading back to the ship I hope you enjoyed the kind of spontaneous landing place that I don't know to discuss I talked exactly that was back of the dinner starts every night at 7:30 it's a little fancier it's for horses you order up a menu and tonight I'm going to start with the deep-fried crispy calamari for my soup I'll go at the maple roasted pumpkin and ginger and then for the main course the grilled salmon and I'll finish it all off with the baked New York style cheesecake hence the reason we're gaining the full of pounds as you can see there was a lot of activity today but [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and that completes a day in our life on board a cruise ship in Antarctica except for the Polar Plunge that is a once-in-a-lifetime thing also if you've never made it to the bloopers portion of our vlogs before today will be a great day to start because I think my favorite blooper that has ever occurred happened today in this room don't pop this [Music] [Music] hey are you tower things I've ever done is supposed to be like jump out spin a circle we're gonna have all our clothes back Otto's gonna be a cool transition but all right let's try that alright alright and now it's time to put all of our warm clothes back on also yes they did the Polar Plunge twice each one for video and one for photo so hope you appreciate the photos it specially video I'm kidding they didn't even have to make me go at the same time I was so worked up that I wanted to go a second time isn't that crazy Darko will make you do crazy things okay hey [Applause] [Applause] [Music] click Antarctica packing tip it's very important that you invest in really high-quality waterproof detection for expensive camera here or you can just save your oh we're so excited Brian get on the blog I'm in the vlog those Ben oh this is our present video to you and here here you are over here kayaking Erika how do you stop the recording how do you stop recording [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 4,536,253
Rating: 4.8727655 out of 5
Keywords: antarctica, antarctica cruise, cruise ship, antarctic cruise vlog, antarctica cruise vlog, cruise vlog, polar plunge, polar plunge antarctica, kara and nate, kara and nate cruise, kara and nate vlog, travel, travel vlog
Id: 6RUfOU_Dqw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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