You Find A Shiny Pokemon, You Restart Your Game

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we've raised the shiny odds and pokemon fire red to one in one hundred whenever any of us finds a shiny pokemon we have to restart our game the first person to beat brock and then make it back down to professor oak wins jon what starter are you picking you know i'm gonna go with squirtle first all right i'm going bulbasaur so i win wait no i i named the squirtle frog and no longer is it part squirrel well i named my bulbasaur frog leaf wait melody is a speed button no you cannot use the speed up button it's on the slow tech speed my grandma speaks faster than this hey how far ahead you are i did not get any shinies though how am i far ahead of you i got 69 xp oh i lost the rival battle bozo last time we did one of these the i'm pretty sure i found a shiny starter immediately so as long as that isn't the case we're all good does that mean there's a chance i can get a shiny the first grass dude there's just you can get a shiny anywhere big guy no are you kidding me the one piece of grass i made through the whole welcome to the challenge oh come on are you kidding me time to reset shut up okay just let me go find a shiny so i can reset my game and cry i came up with a master plan jack you're not ready for it on my shirt shiny charmander in my game not shiny charmander i've tricked the game i've taken the shiny they can't give me a shiny i'll name the charmander shiny please reggie from nintendo make his charmander shiny because that would be very funny but everyone will like and subscribe thank you reggie from nintendo that's how you do it i've gone through all the starters at this point i just need to settle on what everyone expected the the frog i am the man of the frogs i will be one with the frog and the frog will not be shiny oh please doug bowser and ash ketchum it's not shiny don't you dare [Music] i know it's better than constantly restarting our games having some incredible snacks from the sponsor of today's video tokyo tree and sakuraka tokyo tree is a monthly japanese snack subscription box that includes up to 20 of the latest most exclusive limited edition and seasonal flavor japanese snacks available that much and if you're looking for the most traditional and authentic artisan snacks japan offers you can check out the sakarako box sakurako helps in partnering with local japanese snack makers to continue to share japanese culture and traditions that have been passed down for over 100 years this month's tokyo treat theme is snack in shibuya and includes an incredibly helpful cultural guide booklet to explain everything you get in your box the caramel popcorn soda was the last thing i expected to see and it was really fun to try overall though i do think the pudding kitkats were my favorite snack in this month's box this month's sakaraco theme was a taste of hokkaido and i absolutely loved the snacks in this box the milk bell castella were delicious and the four season soup bowl is really pretty and right now you guys can use code pokemon seven for five dollars off your first tokyo treat or sakaraka box using the links on screen and in the description make sure you order by may 31st so you can receive this month's box because i'm about to go to walmart and buy a bb gun aren't migratory right you're asking the wrong guy man is a pigeon a migratory bird killed me i can't even beat the rival you can shoot pidgeys in real life all right be right back [Music] oh my god i shot my eye out what's the what's the the pink pokemon uh the pink pink fish is that in this game no no that's that's not not a mole mole oh i don't remember the name love disc disc welcome to the team frog three hey i don't wanna say that uh i'm on the the road to victory city but uh i've made like five seconds to the game without a shiny and that's like what color is rattata shiny turquoise color's turquoise is there a way to make it through this without touching the grass you make it through a lot of days without touching grass oh my god okay bro dude i am going to lose against this level six weedle i am in hell wait level six weedle where'd you get that from did you already deliver the parcel a long time ago how are you going so much faster than me i don't have to can i fight the rival right now i think i've got to go take the parcel back wait i don't even think i don't think i have to go fight him over there what am i doing leech seed oh my god i think we got that that early hi wait you actually took bulbasaur stop stealing my mojo i will always steal your mojo jojo and two i've already messed up with the two other starters there's like three options what do you want me to do go back to charm what happens if the the pokemon that brock has are shiny do i reset then too oh absolutely you get really sad and you tuck your tail and run oh i got leech seed that's early you're stealing my flow that's what i said i didn't hear you i was too busy winning you're not even winning i'm almost out of radiant forest i can taste this john it's not a marathon it's it's a it's no it's not a it's not no the no no no that's the first cocoon i've even seen it's not a sprint it's a pokey athlon john and i will win just then no a shiny kakuta oh that's karma i'm striking fear into the hearts of cocunas everywhere i'm naming my bulbasaur i eat bugs bugs will never be shiny again i'm calling it right now the first speck of grass that you step into shiny pidgey wow i beat the starter for the first time this is it this is what i've worked all these years for bro i got healy's banned from my elementary school let's hear the story i need it no you were right the first uh hey nurse joy yeah i haven't found any shinies yet i have spoken shinies accidentally into existence but now i've spoken them so much into existence the charmander can't be shiny because i've stolen the shiny charmander in the game on the shirt and in the nickname i needed the trifecta so this one can't be what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard lord of pokemon make his charmander a shiny and everyone will click the like button and subscribe you wouldn't do this to me why is squirtle he would do it to me what is happening what is this you gotta click subscribe jack i'm a husk of a man i they they said uh do a video with purplecliff again no uh he finds all of the shinies no no no john this is where he went wrong i'm the one who doesn't have any shinies so i've i've stumbled into the the belly of the beast i found the one challenge you can win is that what you're telling me i've never won a challenge on your channel ever this is the best opportunity that i have i'm just gonna name my starter elle the game already thinks i've lost they think i i must have reset there can't be a shiny i need to stop speaking hey how how's i'm heading the viridian forest and not one single shiny has popped up yet right that's good oh my god why did i even say it why did i frog five wait for it wait is this a shiny bulbasaur frog six i swear my bulbasaur is named elle i'm gonna go to the optional rival battle i'm gonna get absolutely eviscerated by him and then the game will know i'm taking l after l they can't give someone taking else a shiny they can't give a loser a shiny you are wildly insanely depressed rival purple cliff don't you do it okay the pidgey is not shiny i see it as pidgey to beat me up before the other pokemon is shining you named your rival after me yeah pee-pee cliff oh i named mine gary cause i don't care about me yeah she'll be shiny don't you do it oh my god this stupid pidgey it's always pidgey there i'm back i found a shiny oh i was so sulking but i brought back my good friend mr cowboy mcnugget what is cowboy mcnugget wait a minute should i get a funko pop of cowboy mcnugget i might order some chicken nuggets now because i'm hungry my plan has been successful wait no i'm back at my mom's house wait now i can give the parcel back wait i'm a genius you slow down i'm buying chicken nuggets oh they've got spicy nuggets oh no had i already delivered oak's parcel i just ordered 120 spicy nuggets you know what i'm gonna speak something into existence the next time that old dumb man teaches you how to catch a pokemon he's going to catch a shiny and ruin your life if this video gets 69 000 likes i get to go on an olive garden date with john's mom you can't go on an olive garden date with everyone's mom my mom needs to be taken to a nicer restaurant the olive garden has infinite breadsticks yeah just because you want to gobble down a bunch of breadsticks doesn't mean hey yo i have a level six uh pokemon named l going against the level nine weedle as i try to leave meridian forest i'm worried i've messed up somewhere down the line i'm against this dude i swear if he has a shiny rattata john i'm i'm it's not even a rattata it's a weed wait does he throw out a rattata i don't know you're saying a lot of words aren't you a pokey tuber you're supposed to have every ounce of pokemon knowledge in the universe well no that's why i brought you on because you have all the pokemon knowledge stored in your dynomax brain yeah that's what they call me bro the human pokey oh come on there's a caterpie and it's gold all right well as you do that i'm gonna beat brock up frog number eight jack i only know tackle leech seed and growl what what am i doing uh use growl does a lot of damage jack there's a legitimate chance you're gonna be able to catch up to me at this point because my team is so bad that it's going to take me multiple minutes to beat this gym a little longer than a few minutes later one of the more embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me is we had dance dance revolution now i was all in on it and i played it too much and i had to get a brace for like three days from too much dance dance revolution i played so much wee bowling and i went to sleep and my neck nodded to my shoulder so i had to walk around like this for a solid like six days i'm too focused on us playing games that require us to do anything physical our bodies breaking and at that moment i beat onyx and brock dude we are just too too much of gamers for our bodies to handle jack i'm not saying i'm holding you a false sense of security with random tomfoolery and silly stories but i'm about to win did you beat brock i got the running shoes big guy you still have to go back to professor oh shiny shiny if there's a shiny i'll reset my game right now didn't happen i'm naming this weedle shiny it's not shiny but having it in existence is gonna make jon's next weedle shiny i just got into a a trainer battle and if his pokemon ends up being shiny if this isn't shiny i think i lose chatter p please [Music] what the heck i can win this i can win this oh my god what do i name bulbasaur this is a big question frog nine wait what are you at i'm at frog number eight right now yeah no i'm gonna leapfrog over you and get to nine this is terrifying dude every single step i take it's like uh the anxiety is growing within me oh no shiny starter all right i'm on i'm on top of the world i'm back i don't need to go lose to a rival or do any shenanigans i just need to put my gonna say put my gamer cap on i don't want to put my gamer cap on that sounds horrible i have a gamer cap john should i put it on women want me fish fear me oh but hey editor just make it say shinies fear me now i swear if there's a single shiny in this grass afterwards i'm gonna take my finger and i'm gonna punch it through the screen to poke your eye out frog number eight you can't just say that the frog number eight i meant frog number nine sean that's what you named your pokemon right no i named mine 10. oh brock come here oh don't use that voice i don't like that john the difference between you and me i actually went and caught pokemon for my team yeah why'd you do that because i'm gonna win rock here i oh do i have to battle his friends no there's no way there's no way the catching tutorial it's a bug it's a plane it's superman it's a shiny bug i i i it wait a minute my chicken nuggets are here wait no this is my only moment pause don't don't continue dino dino nuggets he's not gonna have a shiny i'm gonna keep going it's gonna be great i didn't actually think he bought chicken nuggets this is one my my one moment my one chance for glory no no no we put my mcnuggets in like a popcorn bowl let's go okay what are you picking your starter pokemon right now uh-huh wait did you continue obviously my chicken nuggets get me chicken nuggets you share with the class or i continue you pick one are you caught up to me oh that caught up to you where are you i can't tell you that's classified information oh no okay i have to actually focus now god dang it the moment of truth redemption is named old man okay you're at the catching tutorial now i know you give too much information sometimes johnny i also had so much time to come up with a better line this nugget is half size i'm catching up and i can only make the same mistake so many times dude listen i'm still fighting the guy before brock he has a level 11 sand true weedle's never gonna be shiny again i told you punched one in the jejunum and the rest runs scared hey siri what's a jejunum is the second part of the small intestine in humans and most higher vertebrates including mammals reptiles and birds yeah i didn't listen to any of that okay bro this sandshrew cannot die slower john please get a shiny i don't like this you can avoid that trainer that's what i did when i beat brock oh john there was a reason to beat that trainer it just gave me vine whip oh wait no no no no that's actually bad you can actually walk on this sand i thought you couldn't walk on this have you ever been to a beach the final trainer did not have a shiny jacket i've got vine whip i literally beat you i need an anti-stress nugget come on no no the final tile no but crit i crit geodude i one shot it this is it this is it john how much special defense does onyx have 27 no no i almost one-shot it no brock is done all i have to do is get down to to the town right okay you could still find a shiny oh no i have to go through viridian forest again but the trainer has two pokemon oh you fought the optional yeah because i need to get vine whoops like oh no you don't give me who gives me my running shoes i'm gonna catch up to you oh it's gotta be this guy yes i learned vine whip yes okay it was worth it there's the running shoes i'm at level 11. i'm one shot in a gym later okay you know what i john i can't get the running shoes i don't know where they are i just got to go back no shiny geodude i'm running back running back as long as brock doesn't have a shiny i have a chance were you lying to me can you not actually get running shoes no shiny onyx dude come on one shot of the onyx i'm going into viridian forest shut up bro please please no why in the first grass man time to get the running shoes you beat brock already uh-huh i've been asked to deliver this to you pm7 received the fortnite shoes no pokemon oh let's go let's go let's go john i'm gonna beat you i just need to not find a shining i'm gonna run past you i'm almost out of meridian forest i don't i just gotta run it's gotta run but i'm so close i've never been this close that's what she said there's only five pieces of grass that i have to walk through and i win no i'm i'm no i'm catching up i'm catching up come on i'm so scared i'm so scared please oh no go left go left oh my god i went through so much grass wait wait do i have to go through that no i don't have to go where are you i'm so close i'm so close i mean the last point left or right left or right left right calling left i don't know i'm going right then come on no pokemon yes no no no no no i don't have running shoes where's oak is he in the lab no i'm so close i'm spamming the a button yes i didn't know i just walked through the door let's go i guess you really are good at not catching shinies
Channel: PM7
Views: 1,348,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pm7, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, purplecliffe, pokemen7 and purplecliffe, pm7 and purplecliffe, shiny pokemon, pokemon shiny, shiny hunting, pokemon race, pokemon shiny race, pokemon challenge, pokemon competition, shiny pokemon challenge, new pokemon challenge, shiny starter pokemon, shiny hunting race, you find a shiny pokemon you lose, you find a shiny pokemon you restart your game, pm7 shiny, pokemen7 shiny, shiny pokemon fail, shiny fail, purplecliffe shiny, shiny
Id: vgP-0B5JdPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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