First To Catch Every Starter Pokemon Wins

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first person to catch every starter pokemon in the grand underground winds three two one go that was so sudden i didn't even have a chance to get my bearing oh god i ran into graveler no i see you there's a pokeball above your head there's so much action here because every pokemon is aggressive ah you say that and then hound doom runs me down i was going to laugh at the torkle for being so slow oh my god in the first room no ted lasso i know you can do it to believe who'd you name ted lasso my glade that feels random catching things is you know lassoing thing like this torchic i just caught with the quick ball let's go just get out of the fire room man i don't want to see your platinum hat ever again they're just jealous of my platinum dresses my little buddy my little friend my little pal my little guy 12 seconds later oh my god come on it broke out immediately of the quick ball and he is double edged i can't even fall swipe him you can fall swiping you just gotta get lucky i forgot to teach false swipe to my false swipe pokemon that's also a bug with a mustache which is not doing great in the lava pools is that your playthrough cricket oh absolutely when i should toss the pokemon you were kind enough to get me onto my team i just got the most despicable thing in the world i i don't know if you want it halcya are you fine with that welcome to the squad pialga i still have an unknown that says subscribe if i bring this thing in and catch the cyndaquil first try everyone watching is gonna subscribe it's guaranteed oh i'm looking for water only i could go to my secret base nearby and put down a bunch of water statues but we have banned statues yes first try with the cyndaquil if you're enjoying a why not leave a subscription i would make me happy well i mean fortunately for you i um i'm not getting a water starter oh wait i just i spoke too soon what have you caught any of the starters yet it caught cyndaquil no i meant like in general before we started recording i don't think so i've got all of them but charmander before which means i can use repeat balls what is happening i caught the toenail with a quick ball too let's go this is my video this is unacceptable i'm staring a camel in his face and he he's saying really mean things about cricketoon's facial hair aren't you supposed to be going to a water box you know what maybe he said mean things about your facial hair people have been nice about the beard oh my god there's no way a bulbasaur this is going so well this is awesome oh bulbasaur knows double edge bulbasaur no oh no go towards the light go towards the light oh god you're kidding me victory is so close bummer quick capture oh my frogs let's go i have a frog starter on my shirt why why have you done this why uh did you get the catching charm the who's a what's up hi john hi john this is so disrespectful come on we're playing tag and i'm winning so mikey how many starters have you caught oh hey that's turquoise i didn't even see him don't you dare answer that question i know it's like a really good move but it is kind of amusing to me that leaf storm is such a powerful move because it's just throwing leaves can leaves do that much cutting i mean have you seen the anime razor leaf a leaf can slice through anything speaking of that this video is sponsored by kamikoto kumikoto pairs steal source from japanese mills with traditional japanese techniques to create incredible kitchen knives and each kamikoto knife is individually inspected making them so confident in their knives that each one comes with its very own lifetime guarantee and you know what they should be confident while some grass pokemon are incredibly lame and their leaves couldn't actually cut through anything gummy cotton knives are the complete opposite in every way each knife comes in a beautiful heavy duty ashwood box making it the perfect thing to give as a gift to someone else or yourself because you know what you deserve but it's not all about how the box or the knives look these things are the real deal they're exactly what we've been looking for in our kitchen unlike other kitchen knives these things feel incredible in my hands and they were perfect last sunday cutting chicken wings for the football game and even earlier today as we were cutting up vegetables for dinner everyone who's seen that i have kamikoto knives has started to believe that i'm actually learning what i'm doing in the kitchen and i don't blame them several chefs working at michelin star restaurants use them so if i'm using them i must know my stuff right now kamikoto is running a huge sale and if you use my code pokemon 7 you can save an extra 50 off your order the link to use is in the description below tur twig caught oh god it's a mill tank but i have to catch it i don't have it in my decks yet capture boom as mikey catches his favorite pokemon all of you guys let me know what your favorite starter pokemon is sausage nipples oh it broke out of the crit capture oh i hate your sausage nipples i hate them so much i didn't even need to edit it in this video hello mr frog can you bless me with kindness and joy and holiday spirit i caught the miltank thank god i am wearing a starter pokemon shirt that is a frog it is a water frog i have caught a water frog in the water cave i have not found a water starter i'm going to leave the cave i'm guaranteed now to find a starter pokemon i will catch it in the first pokeball and then i will be moving to the grass cave where bulbasaur will hear my froggy cries rivets and then spawn immediately thoughts i'm double or nothing for what uh triple or nothing oh you can't find the thing that you're tying that okay yeah sure triple or nothing triple or nothing how would the mechanics of false swipe work if pokemon was real like how do you attack someone but like ensure that you don't knock them out the other false swipe move is called hold back let's go come here little boy in a quick capture oh john you might want to go get that charm things are going very well over here did you kill the squirtle no i wouldn't you know i'm gonna follow you that's what i need to do i'm gonna follow you to the ends of the earth wait for us stupid face damn it he ran me into a pokemon ha ha squirtle you're making me look like a fool in my own videos when we were setting this video up i ran into the fireplace for the first time and found two charmanders in the same room one thing you could try is going to the big chamber on the far left because it's a water and grass chamber in one go go go go go go go oh my god this is going so well why are you letting him be happy world his life is good enough already what is this this is my first charmainer i haven't caught one oh it's a turquoise i accidentally ran into it i did i wasn't even paying attention all right well i'm gonna activate the diglett party yes finally someone pretends they like me all right bring me a shiny water start preferably mudkip or piplup as those are the ones i need do you think i get good luck or bad luck if i uh slaughter chad probably badly it just bounced and outsped me this could not be going more poorly for me first is the worst second is the best and third place is the one that actually won the video how would you possibly get third well that's an excuse that i can't argue with earthquake is a little sprout on its head it's the beginning of a glorious tree that will grow this victory of mine it's a little sprout right now and it will grow it will grow big and strong mikey and it will tower over your tree tower over my hey munchlax that's rare uh not particularly cool i'll catch this bulbasaur i think i'm gonna come join you in the fun big cave i may have to go get that catching jar what did you fail i don't like the word fail and i didn't i'm just struggling to find them or to catch them could yes just answer both questions quickly you know the log on the left side of this room yes the one that's like leaning in from the water out of the water is it just me or like do you wish you could run by and like kick jump off of it and then keep going oh my god yes okay good i wanted to make sure yes and pimples understands the arts of jumping off of logs ultra ball ultra happiness hypothetically if there was a a sad soul where would they go to get a certain catching charm hypothetically they were listening right now oh yeah so i would recommend they take a vacation um to the resort between sunny shore and pastoria i can't stare at your goofy face anymore i'm gonna go get the charm hey the john guys entered the underground what is the question mark to the right that's a desert you won't find any starters there oh that's not helpful at all have you not filled out your underground map is there a way to answer that where i don't look foolish trinko i feel pretty foolish right now false swiping even though it knows endeavor this is uh playing with grass you know when i went on that fun streak where i won a lot and everyone was so stoked on me and the masses were definitely not cheering for my downfall there's the qrik capture the more pokemon you have in your pokedex the higher the chances why cindy quill why oh you already have cinder coils you're finding no repeats how do i have a double already i'm repeating yes torchic ignore the third cyndaquil i will never speak his name again from now on he will be what will he be buttface that's that's all i got that's i couldn't i another turquoise look john i am getting repeats i can no longer hear you all that i know is torchic supremacy i caught it with my first quick ball it is my new friend there's another trico see john i'm getting repeats yeah ever since you said that you you got repeats it's like you were able to magically magic them there with your magic hands can someone tell camera just to be a little bit less thick so i don't have to keep running into them liquid two c's yes charmander okay oh he's getting on a hot streak literally remember how you told me to get the the catching charge i mean it just increases your chance of getting crit captured so if you don't get a crit capture it's the same as normal if i don't catch it on this pokeball we're through as friends what no oh my god no wait please stop we fit them so much yeah they're i caught it okay thank god i have had at least one starter in like the last six or seven resets of this room and like 90 percent have been trico or turquoise i don't know what's going on dark magic and soon it will make me the demon king that escalated quickly out of curiosity what's your national pokedex set call it or scene uh caught is 24. what mine's 217. it's my playthrough team it's no wonder i'm getting way more quick captures than you i have ten times as many pokemon cards i feel like this is your uh ultimate power play to convince the world that you are dirty dan but i'm dirty dan can i be pinhead larry you are absolutely ben larry are you oh i just ran into chikorita by accident i'm not watching spongebob with you anymore oh no wait what if we ever watched spongebob together we were gonna do you only have one more starter i mean mudkip and i need chimchar and i don't think i can count my starter inferno you certainly cannot how many do you have my management has advised me not to answer that question i mean the thing is is that it gets harder for me to find them the more i catch it took me a long time to find chikorita i see someone stupid little dot running i got a nice dog mikey i didn't tell you but i ran all the way to the oh the double place and i found chikorita my friend my pal my friend my pal my friend pal korea's just so lame i've never said anything bad about chikorita there is no proof on the internet chicorita you are a pair i will be punting you directly to the moon i've never said anything negative about it mudkip yes wait wait is that your final one it's my second to last one all i have left is chimchar i am passing you the john michael luck just here take it i don't want it no no wait no it's been so nasty today see you you're john now and i'm going by my middle name i am now michael okay i am michael and i will find pokemon i do both mudkip and trico have to know endeavour draco i am michael it is me it is eyes fine i got plenty of leaves how's it feel john feels good because i caught the mud kick and my trico broke out immediately i'm off to the volcano to find the last starter i need it'd be a huge bummer if this challenge makes it so it can't spawn the starter you picked what starter did you pick uh yes the perfect starter could you call me michael for a second okay michael it worked you owe me your channel all right let's hold on on to the phones the horses oh crap i don't think i have a horse how do i only have one water pokemon if i lose because of squirtle oh oh that torkle just clapped my cheeks i thought you won no i'm i'm still fighting this torque hole this is for all the marbles mikey if you don't win this you lose your crown as hot as pokey tuber there i set it up that's not a crown i can lose ryan reynolds could become a pokemon youtuber in which case i would lose it i immerse myself completely within the world of pokemon i gotta say volcano room not my favorite very little room to maneuver i am constantly getting caught on rocks oh yeah i ran into so many cameras in there it's not even funny it's a good thing i'm a master of escape but are you a master of disguise well obviously john i'm the leader of team sky you know what i uh i have no cup honey i'm home what i really thought yelling that as i ran into the only water room would give me a water star maybe you giving away your palchia which is a water type i gave away i'm a benevolent god i gave away my pal kiana a handsome man come on aren't you just a benevolent dude mudkip man that's what they call me finally mikey i know you're trembling in your boots i'm not panicking shut up i am in last you taste victory i take your candy bar i eat your candy bar these cameras keep getting in my way i'm almost there mikey come on i'm finding all the fire ones in here except chimchan maybe your infernape doesn't want you to catch a chimchar maybe it wants to be the only chimchar for you well we could just count my infernape oh a total dial yes oh my god i could actually do this camera camera you feeling the heat of that room huh i hate how clever that trash talk was yes caught it there we go i'm so close if i didn't kill that squirtle oh my god i'm leaving a chimchar away can you imagine if i actually came back again yes come here buddy i just gotta catch you i'm begging you do anything run away slap him in the face oh perfectly poetic it ends on a critical capture i still haven't got the critical capture no i was the first to catch all 12 starters
Channel: PM7
Views: 2,035,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7 plays, pokemen7, mandjtv, mandjtv plays, pokemen7 and mandjtv, pokemen7 vs mandjtv, pokemon challenge, pokemon race, pokemon competition, new pokemon challenge, pokemon vs challenge, mandjtv vs pokemen7, starter pokemon, starter pokemon race, every starter pokemon, first to catch, first to catch wins, first to catch every starter pokemon wins, pokemon brilliant diamond shining pearl, pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, grand underground, starter
Id: yL1JbEOBy-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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